Cats eat guinea pigs. Guinea pigs and cats. Is the pig afraid of a cat

Drywall 18.04.2021

Guinea pig and other animals

When a guinea pig meets another animal on its way, the guinea pig behaves indifferently, it does not matter if this animal is larger in comparison with her or less. Guinea pigs, growing up in their own team and knowing exclusively each other, simply ignore any other animals. This lack of reaction can be fatal for the pig if it collides with another predatory animal. She absolutely defenseless with full-time acquaintances with a predator (for example, a cat). Therefore, it is on us that the responsibility for its safety falls.

Guinea pigs- the animals are defenseless, they are easily injured, so they should not be kept together with animals that could harm them.

Dog You can teach that the guinea pig should be perceived as a family member, especially if the animals got to know each other at a young age. If the dog has already lived with you for some time, it is necessary to gradually, step by step, accustom it to the company of the guinea pig. You must show the dog that the guinea pig is vulnerable, especially if the dog is large. The dog can accidentally step on or crush the pig, so try to suppress such liberties.

With rabbits guinea pigs usually get along well. Often the rabbit protects his little friend, snuggles down next to him and licks him. But it also happens that friendship does not work out. Male rabbits that are neutered in advance are in any case better suited for joint keeping with guinea pigs. Female rabbits in the struggle for ownership of the territory can, on occasion, press the guinea pig or simply drive it into a corner.

Cat treats the guinea pig primarily as a prey, it can severely injure and even kill. If animals are together from an early age, then in most cases they get along well with each other. When keeping guinea pigs on a balcony or in an aviary, you should always make sure that they are protected from cats. A cat can scare a guinea pig and cause stress with its attacks on the cage. If the distance between the rods or the size of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch the guinea pig, and this can seriously injure.

Golden hamsters- animals are solitary, and if they are aggressive Guinea pigs cannot resist them. It is better not to keep pigs with other rodents, be they mice, rats, golden or dwarf hamsters, chinchillas or squirrels. True, in this case, the guinea pigs do not become aggressive, but often suffer very deeply from the alien and unnatural partnership imposed on them.

What animals do guinea pigs get along with? was last modified: October 16th, 2014 by allpets1

Meeting another animal on its way, the guinea pig behaves indifferently, regardless of whether this animal is larger in comparison with it or less. Guinea pigs, growing up in their own team and knowing each other exclusively, simply ignore any other animals. This lack of reaction can be fatal for the pig if it encounters a predatory animal. She, like many pets, is absolutely defenseless when meeting a predator, for example, a cat, in person. Therefore, it is on us that the responsibility for its safety falls. Guinea pigs are defenseless animals, so they should not be kept with animals that could harm them.

With rabbits You cannot keep a pig and a rabbit in the same cage, and you can only walk in a place under supervision. This is due to the fact that the rabbit can beat the pig to death with strong hind legs, and the pig, in defense, can injure him, for example, knocking out his eyes with a tooth or inflicting lacerations. It is not uncommon to see in pet stores that pigs are kept in the same cage with rabbits, as a rule, this cohabitation leads to the death of the pig.

Dog You can teach that the guinea pig should be perceived as a family member, especially if the animals got to know each other at a young age. If the dog has already lived with you for some time, it is necessary to gradually, step by step, accustom it to the company of the guinea pig. Do not forget that there are dogs that have a genetically based hunting instinct, and you cannot accustom them to the fact that the pig is not a prey, no matter how hard you try. A striking example of such a breed of dachshund is how many pigs they have bitten, but still people are trying to make them friends. Usually, the dog resigns itself to the fact that in your presence it cannot taste the pig and pretends that it does not even think about hunting it, but if you lose your vigilance and the whole pig will be in its teeth, and the dog can wait for a suitable opportunity for years (there are a lot of such cases).

Cat not all cats see prey in a pig, some do not pay attention to it at all, they even allow themselves to climb on themselves, usually these are adult experienced cats. Young cats and kittens are not averse to hunting or playing with pigs and can seriously injure her and even kill her, even if not on purpose. If animals are together from an early age, then in most cases they get along well with each other. When keeping guinea pigs on a balcony or in an aviary, you should always make sure that they are protected from cats. A cat can scare a guinea pig with its attacks on the cage. If the distance between the rods or the size of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch the guinea pig with its nimble paw.

Golden hamsters- animals are solitary, and in the case of their aggressiveness, guinea pigs cannot resist them. In general, it makes no sense to keep pigs with other rodents, be they mice, rats, golden or dwarf hamsters, chinchillas or squirrels. True, in this case, the guinea pigs do not become aggressive, but often suffer very deeply from the alien and unnatural partnership imposed on them.

Birds they often try to steal food from guinea pigs, and budgerigars are not averse to pecking at their ears. Larger parrots become very jealous and will also bite guinea pigs. Therefore, in principle, guinea pigs are not allowed with birds, especially with parrots, as well as with small species such as budgerigars.

Despite the widespread urbanization and the development of robotics, pets are still in demand. Besides the common cats and dogs, rodents are gaining more and more attention. These are rats, chinchillas, mice and hamsters. Large guinea pigs are especially fond of people. These are beautiful, unpretentious animals that do not require much space. Of the minuses - they live for a short time, but they are noisy, social and sociable animals. Many people wonder: Can a guinea pig and a cat coexist? We will consider this issue a little later, but for now let's talk about the basics of care.

Etymology of the name

Few people guess why the rodents were called guinea pigs. After all, they do not live in water. In fact, everything is simpler: the homeland of rodents was Guinea, therefore they were called overseas, i.e. over the sea. They are called differently in different countries. For example, in England it is "Indian little pig". It is unclear why mumps. This is probably due to the unique sounds that the pet makes. Another version connects the proportions of the body and head of the animal. In Peru, these animals are actively eaten, but in Russia they are only pets. Moreover, domesticated guinea pigs have clearly lost their attractiveness in the form of food. Therefore, they perform only a decorative function.


There is a great variety of guinea pig breeds. With short, long, curly hair. And it's not worth remembering about the coloring! In general, the size of the pet is 25 to 30 cm long. There is no tail, the ears are drooping, the muzzle is dull. Males can reach a weight of 1.5 kg, females a little less - up to 1.2. According to the structure of the coat and color, several large groups are distinguished: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. There are also sphinxes, that is, bald animals.

Cubs of guinea pigs are born in numbers from one to five pieces. Birth weight from 50 to 100 grams. The larger the droppings, the less weight. Cubs are born covered with hair, teeth and claws. They are kept with their mother for a month, then they are placed in another cage.

The sounds made by guinea pigs deserve special attention. This is a kind of whistle with which they immediately attract attention. It should be borne in mind that pets are extremely noisy, so if you are a lover of silence, these animals are not for you. But listen carefully to the sounds you make. They are different for each situation. For example, during the mating season, the male attracts the female with the sounds of "chaf".

Breed overview

The Abyssinian guinea pig and the Abyssinian cat have nothing in common except for the name. The peculiarity of this rodent subspecies is in rosettes, that is, in swirls of wool. The rosette on the nose is prized. There are colored and solid colors. Pegasus are the most common. The length of the coat should not be more than 4 cm. By the way, if you do not know if guinea pigs get along with cats in the same house, have both pets at the same time. So the animals will get used to and will treat each other well.

Another unusual breed of guinea pigs is the alpaca. Yes, there is the same breed of llamas, a similar name was given for a reason. Representatives of this group have curly and long hair. For lovers of long-haired animals there is a Sheltie. And the breed of coronet has a kind of "crown" of wool on its head.

What does a guinea pig need?

Rodent care is not that difficult. First of all, you need to buy a spacious cage. The larger it is, the better for the pet. To do this, choose a cage for large birds. It will need to be slightly redone, adding different shelves and aisles. An aquarium will do. If you're worried about your cat eating a guinea pig, cover the aquarium with a two-thirds lid. Be sure to purchase a drinking bowl, as the animal should always have access to clean water.

Cat litter, hay or tyrsa are used as bedding. Remember that the stones must be large, otherwise there is a risk of falling into Airways... Clean the pallet regularly to prevent odors. It is optimal to do this every two days. You need to completely change the soil once a week.

Guinea pig nutrition

There is a joke that a guinea pig and a cat are the perfect food chain. This is partly true. In the wild, small rodents often feed on large predators. But it doesn't always work at home. Many cats are fond of guinea pigs, mistaking them for small dogs (by the way, Yorkies also weigh 1.5 kg, why not a guinea pig?).

Feeding the animal is not so difficult. It is enough to remember that they are 100% vegetarians. Half of the diet should be grass. In summer it can be fresh, in winter it can be dried, and you can also buy hay. Dandelions are given as a delicacy. 30% of the diet consists of grains, for this it is better to buy special food at a pet store.

The remainder of the diet consists of fresh vegetables. Just do not buy greenhouse ones, as they are poisoned with fertilizers. This negatively affects the guinea pigs up to death. Ideally give apples, cucumbers, carrots.

In a small amount, you can give crackers. What do guinea pigs like as a treat? Pet shops have a wide range of specialty treats for animals. Dried fruits can be given in small quantities.

The animal must have access to clean water at all times. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to it. It is useful for cubs to dissolve calcium gluconate in water. Especially in winter. This is necessary for proper bone growth.

Remember that guinea pigs should never be given food from the table! This can be deadly for your pet! Nothing boiled, fried, spicy, etc.

How and how to wash a guinea pig?

Sooner or later, any person will be faced with the question: is it necessary to wash a pet and how often should it be done? Despite its name, the guinea pig does not like water and avoids rivers and lakes in the wild. Therefore, do not try to let the animal swim in the bathtub or basin. The main danger of such entertainment is not even in the risk of drowning (all animals have an instinct to swim), but in the fact that water will be poured into their ears.

How to wash a guinea pig in this case? Remember that these animals are clean and spend a lot of time putting their fur in order. Therefore, do not try to bathe your pet often. Do this only if the coat is heavily soiled. Overuse of water treatments leads to hair loss. Try to follow a few guidelines.

Throwing your pig into a container of water is a bad idea. This will only scare the pet. Better calm it down, stroke it, gently dip it into the water. You can use a small basin or sink as a bath. Warm water should be on the paws of the animal. Also bathe one animal at a time, this will save your nerves.

For especially shy ones, pet stores sell dry shampoos. It is enough to apply the powder to the pet's fur, wait a while and gently wipe the animal with a napkin. If you need to remove a small patch of dirt, simply rub the stain with a wet towel.

Use a special shampoo for washing, as pigs have sensitive skin. Place the pet gently in a container with warm water, pat and cup with water. Then lather the animal and rinse gently. After the procedure, wipe with a towel and dry with a hair dryer.

Guinea pig and other animals in the same house

Guinea pig and cat - enemies or friends? There is no definite answer. Let's try to consider the psychology of rodents. They are the lowest in the food chain. They do not have active methods of fighting predators. Despite the sharp incisors, they use them only in intraspecific fights. But in fact, even here it rarely comes to bloody showdowns. As a rule, intimidating poses and whistles are sufficient.

With herd keeping pets, you can observe the division into groups. As a rule, a group of females is formed around one male. All other males are driven away. If you keep pets together, you can note a funny tandem. They will stick together, move everywhere together.

If you want a guinea pig and a cat to live with you, then purchase them at the same time. It is desirable that both of them are cubs. So they will get used to each other from childhood and will perceive each other as companions, and not as competitors.

The situation is more complicated if the cat is already an adult, and you decide to buy a guinea pig. For cats, rodents are natural prey, so the desire to dine is quite logical. Then put the cage in a hard-to-reach place, otherwise the cat's jumping and her raids on the guinea pig can greatly traumatize the animal psychologically.

Try not to let your guinea pig walk around the room if a cat or dog walks in. Even with a friendly attitude, large animals can play with a small animal so that it will have bone fractures. Nevertheless, a guinea pig and a cat can live in the same house.

Experienced guinea pig breeders recommend not to give up on the joint keeping of animals, as much depends on the temperament of the cat. Observe your animal carefully. Is it active? Is it mobile? Shows hunting skills? As practice shows, domestic urban cats are of little interest in rodents. Purebred cats are usually phlegmatic and spoiled.

When you buy a guinea pig, try to release it in the presence of a cat, but be careful: when trying to bite off a new pet, you will need to quickly hide the rodent. Good sign If the cat simply touches the animal with its paw - this is normal, it checks whether the new neighbor is aggressive. A dangerous sign - if it grabs the scruff and tries to drag it away. In this case, it is better to walk the guinea pig and cat separately.

Spread out orange peels or banana peels to stop your cat from jumping onto the cage table. The cat's paws will slip on the surface and it will fall to the floor. A couple of such failures - and she will stop trying to eat a neighbor. Pay special attention to the rods of the cage, as if the distance between them is more than 2.5 cm, then the cat can stick its paw there and scare the guinea pig. Another option for "scaring away" - arm yourself with a spray bottle with water. As soon as the cat gets close to the cage with the pig, spray water in its face.

It is also noted that cats only eat small rodents. For example, mice or hamsters. Therefore, the larger the guinea pig, the less likely it is to be eaten. Only the cubs will be threatened. A predator can play with them ...

Some cats mistake a guinea pig for their kitten and groom it like a cub. They drag it by the scruff, lick it, feed it, etc. But try not to leave them alone, no matter how good their relationship is.

Some breeders recommend giving the cat and the guinea pig a “fight”. This is a risky endeavor, but it can help clear things up. For example, with rats, the situation is simple: when a cat is bitten by a rodent a couple of times, it loses any interest in catching it. Therefore, the guinea pig can also bite on the paw, and the cat will lose interest in it.

It is noted that over time, the cat gets used to the unusual neighborhood and does not react to the pet. It can sleep on the cage, hiding its paws and tail as a warning. The guinea pig, in turn, also may not be afraid of the threat from a large predator.

What kind of animals are suitable for keeping together?

The ideal neighbor for guinea pigs is a parrot. Budgerigars dig in the litter, ride on the back of the animal, watch it. But the proximity with other species of rodents is undesirable, since they have different behavior, as well as competition. A good option the neighborhood is a guinea pig and a dwarf rabbit. They are almost the same size, have similar taste habits, etc.

Remember that if you keep your guinea pig alone, then you definitely need to satisfy its need for communication. This does not require much effort: take the pet in your arms, talk to him, play. Without proper attention, the animal will quickly begin to lose mood, get sick and show apathy.

When choosing a guinea pig to buy, take a close look at your future pet. It should have a shiny, soft coat with no bald spots. The skin should be free of wounds and scabs. The eyes are clear, without discharge. Look in what conditions the cubs live. The cage should be large, clean, experienced breeders show the parents of the babies. Remember that competent breeders value their name and are responsible for breeding cubs. Do not chase after cheapness, because by saving money, you risk getting a sick animal. In the best case, you will spend a large amount of money on treatment, in the worst case, the animal will die.

Whom should you choose?

What kind of pets can there be? Guinea pigs, cats, dogs, rats and many more. There are animals for allergy sufferers, hairless, with different colors and characters. It is worth putting in a little effort to find the specimen you want. The guinea pig is an ideal companion that does not require special conditions. If desired, the animal can be started with a kitten, they can become inseparable friends.

As the name implies, the long-haired guinea pig has a long coat, the length of which can reach 20 cm. Sometimes the hair even hides its muzzle. In all other respects, this is the most common, requiring a little more care for a beautiful appearance. This species of animals was bred artificially, they do not occur in nature.

Long-haired guinea pig

These animals are unpretentious in food and maintenance, with a cheerful disposition, but they are collective and cannot stand loneliness. If you don't have a lot of free time, then it is better to get a pair of guinea pigs of the same sex. Although adult males can conflict with each other, if they are together from an early age, they will be friends. In general, these good-natured animals get along well with other animals, as with rabbits or other rodents, they rarely quarrel.

Characteristics of guinea pigs:

  • Body length - up to 30 cm;
  • Weight - up to 1.8 kg;
  • Life expectancy - up to 10 years;
  • Grow up - by 10 months;
  • Color - the most varied, but dominant orange and yellow.

The long-haired guinea pig is recommended for families with small children, let the kids learn to take care of animals, so they will understand that animals are not intended for torment and killing, but for joy in the family, and not from books, but from their own experience.

Cozy pet

Rodents are quite quick-witted, quickly get used to the feeding schedule, and can respond to the nickname. If you whistle or scratch with your nails while feeding, then the animal will develop a reflex, and it will resort to this sound.

Guinea pig diet

Food standard for rodents:

  • Hay;
  • Cereal mixes;
  • Grass;
  • Vegetables;
Industrial rodent feed

Since they have incisors growing all their lives, it is imperative to give tree twigs to gnaw, or to buy a special mineral stone at any pet store.

Don't forget to change the boiled water at room temperature every day!

If you collect herbs and fresh plants yourself, then go deeper into the forest - the animal may be poisoned by the grass collected along the road. They eat 2-3 times a day.

You can buy a long-haired guinea pig both in the nursery and by ad from breeders or just from kind people. They breed amazingly in captivity, there is no shortage.

Family of guinea pigs

The price depends on the class - pet class - from 1500 rubles, bridge class - up to 2000 rubles, and show class - up to 3000 rubles. Maintenance and feed are also inexpensive.


Although this is a fairly large animal, and the pig should spend most of the time walking around the apartment, it still needs its own corner - a cage or a spacious aquarium.

Cozy corner

  1. There is no draft in the aquarium, the rodent will not gnaw the grate and interfere with sleep, hay and dry food will not fly in all directions;
  2. There is fresh air in the cage, the guinea pig can go for a walk and return on its own, it is easier to take care of the home.

In a word - what is cheaper and easier to buy, then buy, there is no fundamental difference. Place the cage (or aquarium) in a cool place with artificial lighting, away from harsh odors and loud noises.

Rodent bathing

Water treatments are highly not recommended for long-haired guinea pigs. They are not only unnecessary for her, but also harmful to the silky coat. The pig all lives at home early, they do not need walks down the street, and they are able to take care of their cleanliness on their own.

If she has managed to roll up somewhere, and she needs a foam bath, then fill in a small bowl of water at room temperature, a level of about 3 cm.

Water procedures

Wet only the dirty area, lightly lather with baby shampoo, and rinse thoroughly, otherwise the animal will eat up the shampoo. Make sure that your head is always above the water, do not get it wet. After the bath, dry it with a towel, you can dry it with a hairdryer in a warm setting for confidence.

Hair care

In order for a guinea pig to have a coat of striking beauty, as in the photo below, it will take not very difficult, but regular care.

Pig with a gorgeous coat

It should be noted right away that this procedure is very pleasant for both the animal and the person, for you it will only be a joy. The coat is very pleasant, velvet to the touch, warm, fluffy - all this calms the nerves and drives away heavy thoughts.

First, we need:

  • Soft brush for small animals;
  • The metal brush is rougher;
  • Manicure scissors.

It is necessary to comb them daily, this will not allow mats to appear, and masses of skin, from which the fur will be even longer and more beautiful. If, nevertheless, a lump has managed to appear, then it must be carefully cut off with scissors - it is unlikely that it will be possible to untangle and comb it.

Curly guinea pig

Before starting the procedure, you can slightly moisten the fur - this will make it more obedient. After a couple of minutes, the wool will begin to shine, which is good, now you can dry it slightly with a hairdryer on a warm setting and feed the animal.

Guinea pigs feel their master, they know when they bring joy to the house, and they pay in the same way.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Long-haired guinea pig and cat

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In the section to the question Do a cat and a guinea pig get along? given by the author capable the best answer is A cat treats a guinea pig primarily as a prey, it can seriously injure it and even kill it. If animals are together from an early age, then in most cases they get along well with each other. When keeping guinea pigs on a balcony or in an aviary, you should always make sure that they are protected from cats. A cat can scare a guinea pig with its attacks on the cage. If the distance between the rods or the size of the cells allows, then the cat will try to catch the guinea pig with its nimble paw.

Answer from Caucasoid[guru]
I live with my sister ... So far no one has eaten anyone ...

Answer from Verochka[newbie]
of course, I had both a cat and a pig.

Answer from Sketch[newbie]
cats are different. Wild and loving. I got along well with a parrot and a hamster. They even played with the cat.

Answer from Ђormenta[guru]
Rather, if the cat grew up with rodents since childhood. But even in this case, you never know what to expect from a cat and at what point its hunting instinct may wake up. This is especially true for small pigs. Better not to leave them unattended. The point is that while playing, a cat can easily injure a pig.

Answer from Anna O[guru]
we have a cat lives with a chinchilla. play and live together

Before buying a guinea pig, you should think about who she will live with and be friends with. We are talking about other pets that are already old-timers in your house or are still planning to settle in the near future. To avoid conflicts and troubles, you need to know some of the features of the relationship of guinea pigs with other pets. With whom can a guinea pig coexist peacefully on the same territory, with whom, perhaps, it will be able to make friends, and with whom friendly relations are impossible under any circumstances?

Guinea pig and cat

If you already have a cat at home, then it is better not to have a guinea pig in order to avoid a bloody drama. Most likely, the cat will treat the rodent like prey. Even if the cat does not manage to get the pig out of the cage, with her forays and close attention she will frighten the pig, which will cause the latter to be constantly in a state of stress. Cats are especially dangerous for baby pigs. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the pig appeared in the house where the cat has long settled, keep the cage with the pig in a room where the cat is not allowed to enter. The above applies to an adult cat.

However, it is quite easy to make friends between a predator and a rodent, if you have both a kitten and a pig at the same time - they will get used to each other from childhood, and it would not occur to a cat to consider a pig as a dinner.

Guinea pig and dog

You should not take the risk and purchase a guinea pig in a house where a hunting dog lives - a four-legged pet is a great danger for a pig. Even if at first the dog is neutral or even supportive of the overseas rodent, the pig can involuntarily provoke an attack, awakening hunting instincts in its “ great friend". If a rodent is still forced to share territory with a hunting dog, never leave them unattended in the same room, even if the pig is in a cage. The dog is able to get the pig out of the cage, or at least scare it badly.

Guinea pigs can get along with dogs of other breeds, and often make friends. The dog needs to be taught right away that the guinea pig should be treated like a family member. This can be done easily if the dog is introduced to the mumps as a puppy. Of course, the process of taming an adult dog to a beginner will take longer. In any case, the acquaintance should take place slowly and under the close supervision of the owner. At first glance, the complete indifference of pets to each other can be deceiving. Aggression on the part of the dog is possible, for example, due to jealousy, which can end up sadly for the pig. Moreover, there are cases when a rodent can bite painfully too active and annoying puppy. Therefore, in cases where the owner of the animals is not entirely sure of their mutual sympathy and friendly relations, it is best to keep pets away from each other. Also, do not forget that a large dog can inadvertently crush a tender guinea pig if no one is around.

Guinea pig and parrot

It is not a good idea to keep cells with these two absolutely opposite species in the same room, and leaving them alone in the same room on "free grazing" and in "free flight" is all the more not worth it. Large parrots, as a rule, are very jealous, on this basis they can offend a guinea pig. Small parrots are not averse to nibbling on a pig's ears, and pigs, in turn, may also not be in debt - there are cases when seemingly peaceful rodents attacked parrots, and the latter were injured.

Guinea pig and rabbit

If decorative rabbits share the territory with guinea pigs, then, as a rule, there is no reason to worry - both the guinea pig and the rabbit are safe. Moreover, often these animals may well make friends. It also happens that the rabbit protects the guinea pig, lies next to it and licks it. However, friendly relations do not always develop - female rabbits may strive to protect their "individual area", and then the guinea pig may not be well. Therefore, you need to closely monitor the behavior of pets, and if one ward begins to be irritated towards another, it is better to isolate them from each other for a while in order to avoid conflicts. The main thing is not to allow aggressive behavior between them.

Guinea pig and other rodents

Hamsters, by their very nature, do not need company and prefer loneliness, so they should not be kept with pigs. In general, it is not recommended to keep a guinea pig with such rodents as chinchillas, decorative mice, rats, squirrels and all types of hamsters - they have a different lifestyle and a different diet. If you live at home different types rodents, keep them in different cages away from each other, and even better if they live in different rooms. There are, of course, exceptions, but you should not risk trying to make friends with a pig and, for example, a chinchilla.

Guinea pig and ferret

Despite the fact that the ferret and the guinea pig are practically in the same "weight category", it is ridiculous to talk about friendship in this case. One hundred percent predator - a ferret will never be able to explain that this furry should not be touched. The ferret will always treat the guinea pig only as a prey. There is only one way out - separate housing, the ferret simply does not need to know about the existence of a guinea pig.

Summarizing the above, we note that if the company of guinea pigs alone is not enough for you, ensure absolute safety for gentle creatures, because the pigs themselves will not be able to protect themselves from other animals, especially from domestic predators.

In contact with

Before we start talking about compatibility, let's say a few words about the conditions of containment. It must be remembered that cats and guinea pigs are completely different animals, and therefore need different conditions and different nutrition. So, cats are predators that eat mostly meat. Guinea pigs are rodents that need vegetation. For example, they need special branches for gnawing. But choose the right branches for your guinea pig - otherwise, trouble will happen. Likewise, you need to choose the right meat for your cat. In general, before you get these animals, you need to learn by the tooth the conditions of their maintenance: arrangement of life and feeding.

Can a cat and a guinea pig befriend?

It is almost impossible to make friends of these animals with the help of special tricks, but sometimes there are cases when the animals become friends themselves. Nevertheless, these animals fall into the category of "predator-prey". And if your cat has not yet lost its predatory habits (and he has not lost it), then write wasted: you cannot leave a cat and a guinea pig alone.

Even peaceful cats will wake up the pursuing instinct at the sight of a small rodent. Most likely, a cat that does not catch mice will not eat a guinea pig: it will just play with it and cripple it, and it can be fatal. Accordingly, rule one: never leave a cat and a guinea pig alone.

Is the pig afraid of the cat?

Yes, he's afraid. Every predator has an instinct to track prey. Every prey has an instinctive predator fear. Therefore, if you leave the mumps within the reach of the cat, then it will experience animal fear, and this will not have a positive effect on the health of an already small living animal.

Isolation rules

Isolating a cat from a guinea pig is easy. The pig is kept in a cage, which should be placed as high as possible - where the cat cannot reach. You should not count on the cage to serve as a worthy defense. Many cats are great at opening latches and getting to prey in a matter of seconds. Therefore, there must be a cage that is inaccessible to a cat.

How to walk a pig if there is a cat in the house?

The guinea pig needs to periodically knead the bones, and therefore it needs to be released to run. During this time, the cat can be sent to another room and the door closed. Do not count on the speed of your reaction, because you just may not have time to prevent the cat from killing the animal.

What animals get along with a guinea pig

A pig and a dwarf rabbit are also a good idea. Both are rodents, so they'll be on the same wavelength.

Many people have two or more pets at home. Often these are animals of the same species, such as dogs of the same or different breeds. But sometimes a somewhat exotic tandem happens, such as a guinea pig and a cat in the same house. For all pets, a peaceful atmosphere in the family is important, when they get along well with each other or, at least, are neutral towards each other. Therefore, before you simultaneously have a rodent and a cat at home, you should pay attention to some of the features of their cohabitation.

The ideal situation for a cat and a guinea pig to live together is the simultaneous acquisition of them by cubs. In this case, there is every chance that the kitten and the guinea pig will become friends, and there will be no competition between them in the future.

The ideal option is to purchase a pig and a cat at the same time.

If you decide to have a rodent, already having an adult cat at home, the main actions that should be taken in such a situation are:

  1. At first, try to put the cage with the rodent in a place inaccessible to the cat, let the guinea pig adapt to the new place.
  2. If there is no separate room, then place the cage with the rodent in a place that is difficult for the cat to reach. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the old pet will regularly scare the new guest with close attention and jumping, which will cause stress in the rodent.
  3. If the cage room is open to the cat, try not to open the guinea pig's cage once again and do not let her walk freely around the room. Even with a friendly mood, a cat can harm a small animal while actively playing with it.
  4. When buying a cage, check the distance between the bars to make sure the cat's paw won't fit between them.
  5. Give both pets the same time and attention every day to avoid giving them a reason to be jealous.
  6. Even with a friendly attitude of a representative of the feline family to a rodent, try not to leave them alone at first, since the latter are able to move very quickly across the floor, thereby arousing interest and even hunting excitement in a small predator.

If you are purchasing an adult guinea pig, chances are that the cat will not perceive it as a prey and potential toy. But leaving them alone for a long time is not worth it in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the rodent.

Important! Give each pet their own space for rest and food, which they will not have to fight for.

Can a cat eat a guinea pig?

To find out if cats eat guinea pigs, it is important to understand that each animal has its own psychological characteristics:

  • by their nature, cats are predators for which rodents are natural prey;
  • rodents occupy the lowest link in the food chain and they do not know how to fight predators, although they have rather sharp incisors. They show aggression in the form of whistling and intimidating postures in relation to representatives of their species. So males drive other males away from their group of females;
  • if the cat appeared in the house first, it means that she considers herself the mistress of the house. Anyone who appears in her domain is automatically perceived as either prey or a competitor.

Based on these features, it can be assumed that an adult cat may initially treat a small guinea pig as a prey. Especially if the pig is still small. But much also depends on the character of the cat: how active and energetic it is, how often it shows its hunting skills. Breeders note that domestic thoroughbred felines raised in urban settings are much more lazy and phlegmatic than their street counterparts.

Try to gently introduce pets to each other by keeping them close to you or on your lap. First, let them sniff each other.

Important! If a pet is not ready to meet and shows signs of anxiety, do not force it to do so. Over time, they themselves will make it clear when they are ready to meet.

Don't worry if your pet tries to easily touch the guinea pig with its paw when you first meet it. Thus, he checks the guest, how aggressive he is. It is worth being wary if the cat tries to grab the rodent by the scruff of the neck and drag it away. Then you will have to walk both pets separately.

Thus, the cat tries to test the mumps for aggressiveness.

If he shows hunting instincts at the sight of the animal, tries to jump closer to the cage, stick his paws between the rods and catch him, you can use water to scare away. Take a spray bottle with water and, if the cat shows aggression towards the new tenant, lightly sprinkle water in his face.

Guinea pig and a cat: is friendship possible

Speaking about the joint keeping of such different animals as a guinea pig and a cat in the same house, first you need to pay special attention to the individual characteristics of the feline temperament. Peaceful coexistence is possible if the cat has a soft and calm temperament without a developed hunter instinct. Such animals calmly tolerate the company of a rodent, even allowing it to crawl on its own or, showing curiosity at first, later simply ignore it.

There are cases when a cat mistook a rodent for a kitten and showed maternal feelings for him, licking him, feeding him and carrying him by the scruff.

Such relationships are rare, more often peaceful representatives of felines, after meeting a guinea pig, quickly lose interest in it and even sleep on a rodent's cage. If the animal's hunter's instinct is highly developed, it will immediately see a potential victim in the rodent and will begin to attack it.

More often than not, cats quickly lose interest in the guinea pig.

How to make friends with a cat and a guinea pig

  • first of all, having acquired a guinea pig, isolate it from the cat and let it get comfortable. Feed the cat later and invite him to meet his new neighbor. Bring him into the room with the rodent and, talking calmly, put both on your knees. Pet your pets and observe their behavior carefully. If you are afraid of one of them, immediately interrupt the meeting and postpone another attempt at dating to the next day;
  • if the cat shows a willingness to peacefully communicate with the rodent, the first meeting will be calm. In other cases, do not rush the animals, stretching the process of their recognition of each other for days or even weeks;
  • if the pets are used to the smells and the presence of each other, and the cat calmly accepts the new neighbor, let the little animal run freely around the room. Let your mustachioed pet watch the moving animal from your lap. If, while walking a rodent, the cat pressed down and pulled its ears back, be sure to intervene and prevent an attack on the mumps;
  • assign each animal its own feeding place, you should not feed them in one place;
  • always secure the cage carefully with a secure latch. Cats are intelligent animals that can handle a simple catch or hook;
  • do not deprive the old pet of attention when a new animal appears in the same apartment with it. It is the lack of attention of the owner that most often offends the animal, it quickly calculates the culprit of the situation and often tries to eliminate him;
  • play outdoor games with the cat, let him spend energy to the maximum. Then, in his free time from games, he will calmly rest, not wasting his energy on trying to hunt for a new guest;
  • if the cat shows obvious hunting skills, do not scold or punish him. Try to distract him from the rodent, show your attitude towards him, letting the cat understand that he remains your pet;
  • no matter how friendly the cat is, you should not leave pets alone.


Thus, when wondering if a cat and a guinea pig are friends at home, it is worth paying attention to the character of the cat, which is determined at the level of genetics. So, street cats always show stronger hunting instincts in relation to smaller pets in the house. Whereas pedigree "apartment" representatives of the cat family are more passive and friendly towards other family members. An important role is also played by the individual characteristics of the cat, which the attentive owner is well aware of. It is he who must gently and carefully introduce the animal to the new pet and explain to him that the guinea pig is not his prey or toy, but the same member of the family.

If you decide to purchase a guinea pig, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the information in our articles "" and ""

Video: cats and guinea pigs

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