• Virtual divination online according to the Book of Changes (I Ching). “Life is harmful. They die of it. ”- George Bernard Shaw. “We live in a world where the funeral is more important than the deceased, where the wedding is more important than love, where looks are more important than the mind. We live in a packaging culture that despises

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Multiplication is always a miracle. Something like that miracle with bread and fish, which is described in the gospels. Man is similar to the Creator and Nature - he can also multiply. But this magical process has its own laws, and we'll talk about them. And now I will briefly remind the Reader why we are working with some hexagrams of the Chinese "Book of Changes" ...

As I already wrote in previous materials, the image of a hexagram (or tarot card) can be used as a “stimulus material” to tune in to a certain state and achieve the desired result.

When the authors of the film "The Secret" and the psychology of economy class propose to create a "dream image" for us by cutting out limousines, yachts, white palaces with palm trees and a stack of gold coins from the magazine "I Buy" - it all looks, to put it mildly, frivolous. Small and vulgar ...

Why do we need to meditate on a yacht, when humanity has long invented, suppose, mandalas to adjust (I repeat) ourselves to the desired future and correct the present?

Correct visualization

A correctly selected mandala, coupled with a chanting mantra, according to the religious people of the East, purifies the karma of the reader and contemplator. Does a limousine cut out of a magazine "clear karma"?

Let's think hard about this ...

In the Chinese tradition, the mandala is replaced by hieroglyphs created by the skillful brush of a calligrapher.

Trigrams and hexagrams "I Ching" are also hieroglyphs, only very ancient, primordial. Therefore, they consist only of alternating solid and open lines - the beauty of primitivism.

Today we will contemplate the hieroglyph (or rather, the hexagram) number 42, which is called Augmentation

I want to match this hexagram with a tarot card Three of Wands

The meaning of these two symbolic images is as follows:

in order to make a happy step into a new bright future, it is necessary to clear, clear a place.

You need to clear your field for good deeds and pleasant troubles. The Three of Wands is a broom of three twigs, with which you sweep out old dust and rubbish, clear a path for yourself, and then you will have a new place for new things, and this place will be clean.

Chinese Hexagram Multiplication requires actions from the one who chose it himself or from the one from whom this hexagram was formed by chance, in the process of tossing coins.

The action that is required of a person is formulated as follows: remove all secondary things! Do only what is required - for the onset of happiness and favorable changes.

This is what modern commentators-psychologists say about the Hexagram "Augmentation":

"Reducing the negative sides leads to an increase in the positive"

"The hieroglyph of active creation, not waiting"

And here's what the laconic and almost always tricky classic commentator says:

"The need to do great things"

The Hexagram "Increase" is a very lucky hexagram. When it falls out, it always means that Lady Luck has turned to face you, it means big changes, favorable circumstances, winning a job, appointment to a position, a journey to a new life.

The tarot card, the Three of Wands, is almost the same.

The hero of this card is a merchant, an entrepreneur who launched his ships into the water. Ships sent on a voyage expand the space of his power, and the weather on the map is good, and the ships are strong.

The Augmentation and the Three of Wands are very "Apollonian" symbols. They are calm themselves and promise calmness to those who "enter" their world through imagination and visualization.

If you pick up a quote from the Bible for them, then this one will do:

"And I will multiply your offspring like river sands."

This is what the Most High spoke to the forefather Abraham ...

Just first you need to pick up a "broom" to clear your way.

This is the very New Year's hexagram, in my opinion.

Successful meditation!

Elena Nazarenko, practicing personal and family consultant

(c) www.live-and-learn.ru - Internet magazine "Workshop of Success" - psychology of success for every day

Time is favorable outstanding personalities but it is fruitful for others as well. The plans will come true, the work done will be paid for. You can help others. Some business that your superiors entrust you will turn into a personal benefit for you. Someone is getting ready to make you a lucrative offer. The desire will be fulfilled with the help of a superior person. In the near future - an opportunity to unexpectedly, but significantly improve financial affairs.

Hexagram 42. "And". Augmentation

(Additional Information)

What will be said in this hexagram has already been partially outlined in the previous one. Decreasing the negative sides leads to an increase in the positive ones. But of course, such an increase in positive aspects is possible only if evil is opposed by the active creation of good, and not simple waiting. Therefore, in a situation of Multiplication, it is extremely important to preserve and operate that inner truthfulness that was already outlined from the previous situation. Here the situation itself presupposes that, proceeding from inner truthfulness, undertake some serious and big business leading to major changes. In this sense, the text says: Increase. It is good to have a place to perform. Favorable ford across the great river.

Much of what happens in this situation has already been outlined in the previous one. The first position, which is the successor to the entire previous situation, is especially prone to committing those great actions of which the main aphorism speaks. The production of great actions is already something necessary here. And only if there is such an activity that follows the path of increasing not only one's own merits, but also the entire environment, that favorable outcome will come true, which can be ideally conceived here. In this sense, the text says: In the beginning, a weak point. Favors the need to do great things. Primordial happiness. There will be no abuse.

The aphorism that we considered in the fifth position of the previous hexagram is here in the right place. Therefore, without repeating the explanation of the images of this aphorism, which was done above, we directly translate the aphorism itself. True, it is further complicated here by the indication of sacrifice, but it is only a development of the basic image already discussed above. The text here is as follows: Weakness in second place. You can also multiply what is lacking with an oracle turtle at the price of 10 bundles of coins. It is impossible to evade his instructions. Eternal endurance is happiness. The king must penetrate - sacrifices to the gods. Happiness.

A person can benefit not only from the help that someone else gives him. But, oddly enough, the opposition shown to a person can be directed to his benefit and to increase his merits and strengths, for in the struggle against obstacles a person can temper and strengthen his own strengths that are already inherent in him. This is the influence of the sixth position, which does not so much help and help the third as opposed to it, because in it the process of multiplication is already ending. But in the presence of the necessary inner truthfulness, with the ability to perform the necessary and right actions, it is this opposition that can lead a person to a favorable outcome. He should not hide his powers acquired on other paths. But in his activity he must have before him a certain guiding model, because here his own strength is still not enough for certain of his activities, since here the process of multiplication has not yet been brought to its maximum height. Therefore, the rather lengthy text says the following: Weak line in third place. Increase also through unfortunate events. There will be no abuse. If you yourself, possessing the truth, go the right way, if you declare this to the prince and act at his behest, then there will be no blasphemy.

Those major events and actions, which were spoken about in general, an aphorism to the entire hexagram, here can be brought to their implementation. One of the images of major actions, significant and noted in history, in ancient China was considered the transfer of the capital. Under him, the king had, of course, to reckon with the voice of his vassals, and only finding support in them, he could decide to move the capital. This is how this text is deciphered, in the images of which it is essentially said only about the undertaking of some serious business, which affects not only the actor himself, but also his entourage. In the text here we read: Weak line in fourth place. If, following the right path, you declare this to the prince, then everyone will follow you. It favors the need to move the capital by creating support for itself.

The upper trigram symbolizes the external, as well as the activity directed outside, therefore the multiplication that is meant here cannot be directed solely to its own benefit. Here, more than anywhere else, there is necessity. To direct the multiplication towards the people around them, especially towards people who are lower in any sense whatsoever. Here it is necessary, as the text says, to do good to people. But outside help would only be a distortion of this help if the one who showed mercy asked the people who received something from him about how well they felt. Such assistance would give the impression, after all, of a selfish action. If a person can refrain from this and perform great actions for others unselfishly, then, in the end, this increases his own moral qualities. In this sense, the text says here: Strong line in fifth place. Possessing the truth, you bless the hearts of people, but do not ask them about it. Primordial happiness. The possession of the truth also benefits your own virtues.

The nature of the action of this position has already been noted by us when considering the third position. This is also the provision of benefit and help to others, but this help is rendered in a peculiar way, not so much by direct augmentation of their merits, as by the provision of obstacles to their actions. However, if a person, acting from this position, strove exclusively to set obstacles, then he would not be on the right path. Sluggishness in this respect would be detrimental to himself, for those around him would be perceived not so much by his peculiar educational activity as by his severity, bordering on cruelty. Therefore, the text says here: Above is a weak point. Nothing will increase this, but, perhaps, will break it. When raising hearts, do not be inert. Otherwise, it is unhappiness.

© Yu.K. Shchutsky. Chinese Classical Book of Changes I Ching

You should more actively develop the qualities that made your achievements possible. Consult with colleagues and friends about your future plans. Don't give them all the plans, but be sure to listen to their advice. Try to put aside secondary affairs and worries and fully concentrate on the one most important in this moment business. You have a good opportunity to improve your financial situation.

your wish

Your desire will be fulfilled, perhaps - with the help of some superior person.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 42nd hexagram → I: Increase (Increase)

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the traits of the hexagram from bottom to top

What will be said in this hexagram has already been partially outlined in the previous one. Decreasing the negative sides leads to an increase in the positive ones. But of course, such an increase in positive aspects is possible only if evil is opposed by the active creation of good, and not simple waiting. Therefore, in a situation of Multiplication, it is extremely important to preserve and operate that inner truthfulness that was already outlined from the previous situation. Here the situation itself presupposes that, proceeding from inner truthfulness, undertake some serious and big business leading to major changes. In this sense, the text says: Increase. It is good to have a place to perform. Favorable ford across the great river.

Much of what happens in this situation has already been outlined in the previous one. The first position, which is the successor to the entire previous situation, is especially prone to committing those great actions of which the main aphorism speaks. The production of great actions is already something necessary here. And only in the presence of such activity, which follows the path of increasing not only one's own merits, but also the entire environment, that favorable outcome will come true, which can be ideally conceived here. In this sense, the text says: In the beginning, a weak point. Favors the need to do great things. Primordial happiness. There will be no abuse.

The aphorism that we considered in the fifth position of the previous hexagram is here in the right place. Therefore, without repeating the explanation of the images of this aphorism, which was done above, we directly translate the aphorism itself. True, it is further complicated here by the indication of sacrifice, but it is only a development of the basic image already discussed above. The text here is as follows: Weakness in second place. You can also multiply what is lacking with an oracle turtle at the price of 10 bundles of coins. It is impossible to evade his instructions. Eternal endurance is happiness. The king must penetrate - sacrifices to the gods. Happiness.

A person can benefit not only from the help that someone else gives him. But, oddly enough, the opposition shown to a person can be directed to his benefit and to increase his merits and strengths, for in the struggle against obstacles a person can temper and strengthen his own strengths that are already inherent in him. Here the influence of the sixth position is felt, which does not so much help and help the third as opposed to it, because in it the process of multiplication already ends. But in the presence of the necessary inner truthfulness, with the ability to perform the necessary and right actions, it is this opposition that can lead a person to a favorable outcome. He should not hide his powers acquired on other paths. But in his activity he must have before him a certain guiding model, because here his own strength is still not enough for certain of his activities, since here the process of multiplication has not yet been brought to its maximum height. Therefore, a rather lengthy text says the following: Weak line in third place. Increase also through unfortunate events. There will be no abuse. If you yourself, possessing the truth, walk the right path, if you declare this to the prince and act at his behest, then there will be no blasphemy.

Those major events and actions, which were spoken about in general, an aphorism to the entire hexagram, here can be brought to their implementation. One of the images of major actions, significant and noted in history, in ancient China was considered the transfer of the capital. Under him, the king had, of course, to reckon with the voice of his vassals, and only finding support in them, he could decide to move the capital. This is how this text is deciphered, in the images of which it is essentially said only about the undertaking of some serious business, which affects not only the figure himself, but also his entourage. In the text here we read: Weak line in fourth place. If, following the right path, you declare this to the prince, then everyone will follow you. It favors the need to move the capital by creating support for itself.

The upper trigram symbolizes the external, as well as the activity directed outside, therefore the multiplication that is meant here cannot be directed solely to its own benefit. Here, more than anywhere else, there is necessity. To direct the multiplication to the people around them, especially to the people who are lower in any sense whatsoever. Here it is necessary, as the text says, to do good to people. But outside help would only be a distortion of that help if the one who showed mercy asked the people who received something from him about how well they felt. Such assistance would give the impression, after all, of a selfish action. If a person can refrain from this and perform great actions for others unselfishly, then, in the end, this increases his own moral qualities. In this sense, the text says here: Strong line in fifth place. Possessing the truth, you bless the hearts of people, but do not ask them about it. Primordial happiness. The possession of the truth also benefits your own virtues.

The nature of the action of this position has already been noted by us when considering the third position. This is also the provision of benefit and help to others, but this help is rendered in a peculiar way, not so much by direct augmentation of their merits, as by the provision of obstacles to their actions. However, if a person, acting from this position, strove exclusively to set obstacles, then he would not be on the right path. Sluggishness in this respect would be detrimental to himself, for those around him would be perceived not so much by his peculiar educational activity as by his severity, bordering on cruelty. Therefore, the text says here: Above is a weak point. Nothing will increase this, but, perhaps, will break it. When raising hearts, do not be inert. Otherwise, it is unhappiness.

Multiplication is always a miracle. Something like that miracle with bread and fish, which is described in the gospels. Man is similar to the Creator and Nature - he can also multiply. But this magical process has its own laws, and we'll talk about them. And now I will briefly remind the Reader why we are working with some hexagrams of the Chinese "Book of Changes" ...

As I already wrote in previous materials, the image of a hexagram (or tarot card) can be used as a “stimulus material” to tune in to a certain state and achieve the desired result.

When the authors of the film "The Secret" and the psychology of economy class propose to create a "dream image" for us by cutting out limousines, yachts, white palaces with palm trees and a stack of gold coins from the magazine "I Buy" - it all looks, to put it mildly, frivolous. Small and vulgar ...

Why do we need to meditate on a yacht, when humanity has long invented, suppose, mandalas to adjust (I repeat) ourselves to the desired future and correct the present?

Correct visualization

A correctly selected mandala, coupled with a chanting mantra, according to the religious people of the East, purifies the karma of the reader and contemplator. Does a limousine cut out of a magazine "clear karma"?

Let's think hard about this ...

In the Chinese tradition, the mandala is replaced by hieroglyphs created by the skillful brush of a calligrapher.

Trigrams and hexagrams "I Ching" are also hieroglyphs, only very ancient, primordial. Therefore, they consist only of alternating solid and open lines - the beauty of primitivism.

Today we will contemplate the hieroglyph (or rather, the hexagram) number 42, which is called


I want to compare hexagram number 42 "Multiplication" with a tarot card

Three of Wands

The meaning of these two symbolic images is as follows:

in order to make a happy step into a new bright future, it is necessary to clear, clear a place.

You need to clear your field for good deeds and pleasant troubles. The Three of Wands is a broom of three twigs, with which you sweep out old dust and rubbish, clear a path for yourself, and then you will have a new place for new things, and this place will be clean.

Chinese Hexagram Multiplication requires actions from the one who chose it himself or from the one from whom this hexagram was formed by chance, in the process of tossing coins.

The action that is required of a person is formulated as follows: remove all secondary things! Do only what is required - for the onset of happiness and favorable changes.

This is what modern commentators-psychologists say about the Hexagram "Augmentation":

"Reducing the negative sides leads to an increase in the positive"

"The hieroglyph of active creation, not waiting"

And here's what the laconic and almost always tricky classic commentator says:

"The need to do great things"

The Hexagram "Increase" is a very lucky hexagram. When it falls out, it always means that Lady Luck has turned to face you, it means big changes, favorable circumstances, winning a job, appointment to a position, a journey to a new life.

The tarot card, the Three of Wands, is almost the same.

The hero of this card is a merchant, an entrepreneur who launched his ships into the water. Ships sent on a voyage expand the space of his power, and the weather on the map is good, and the ships are strong.

The Augmentation and the Three of Wands are very "Apollonian" symbols. They are calm themselves and promise calmness to those who "enter" their world through imagination and visualization.

If you pick up a quote from the Bible for them, then this one will do:

"And I will multiply your offspring like river sands."

This is what the Most High spoke to the forefather Abraham ...

Just first you need to pick up a "broom" to clear your way.

This is the very New Year's hexagram, in my opinion.

Successful meditation!


It is good to have a place to perform.
Favorable ford across the great river.

This is a time of growth and development. Increase your participation in external affairs, invest more energy in the implementation of your plans. This is a good time to start a major project or start a new venture. Illuminate everything around, give without a trace, be like the rising sun.

Encourage people. Correct mistakes, but don't go to extremes. New energy saturates the world. Get rid of old ideas. The sky covers all that exists, the Earth gives birth to all beings. Together they multiply and sustain a myriad of things. If you realize this, then you will comprehend the essence of multiplication.


  1. The official is holding a small box, which means that people who adhere to the same principles can plan joint activities.
  2. A man pushes a wooden stroller. This means "take the opportunity."
  3. A deer and a coin are good signs related to health and work. You can act without hesitation.

Image: a screaming snow goose overcomes a strong headwind.

Symbol: the constant dripping of water can fill a river.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang

Increase. Promotes action. Auspicious time to cross the great river.

Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

First Yao.

Initial nine. The performance of great deeds is favorable. Highest Luck. There's nothing to blame.

  1. Your manager's enterprise is expanding, and he gives you the opportunity to implement a new part of it. You work hard on it and everyone benefits.
  2. Your wisdom grows with age.

Second Yao.

Six second. Someone truly increases it, and ten pairs of turtles cannot resist it. His constant perseverance brings good luck. The king presents him to the gods. Luck.

  1. You take on a social project that is sparking widespread interest. Without giving yourself a break, you push the project forward with all your might, and in the end, the results exceed your wildest expectations.
  2. You will increase your wealth.
  3. You need to sort out a difficult or confusing situation with tough steps and very quickly.

Third yao.

Six third. Unhappy events are good for you. There is nothing to blame for if you are sincere, go to the center and report to the prince in a letter with a seal.

  1. An economic depression has set in, and the modest savings that you have made can be used much more efficiently than before, because people do not have that kind of money either. With your savings, you open a business that requires a lot of labor. Thus, it is beneficial not only to you, but also to many others.
  2. You will have an unforeseen difficulty.
  3. Determination and effort will help you complete any challenge.

Fourth Yao.

Six fourth. If you go to the center and report to the prince, he will follow you. This is good for your capital transfer service.

  1. Your boss decides to relocate the business to other locations and puts you in charge. You coordinate the entire project so that no one is negligent. As a result, big changes are going well.
  2. A change of location is recommended.
  3. Favorable direction - southeast.

Fifth Yao.

Nine fifth. If you have a really good heart, you don't ask questions. Greatest luck. Kindness will be recognized as your virtue.

  1. You see a person who needs help and you feel sympathy for him. You help him get out of a predicament and never think about whether he deserves it or if he is grateful. Seeing this, people will begin to relate to you better.
  2. If you do not reduce your work intensity, you will suddenly become rich and powerful.
  3. Your design is excellent. It seems to stem from divine beings.

Sixth Yao.

Top nine. It doesn't enlarge anyone. Some even beat him. He is unstable in heart. Failure.

  1. Your friend is good at making money, but it doesn't make him any better. He even became even less attentive to people and spends his money on luxury. You see him less and less, and one day you will find out that he contacted bad people who eventually stole his money.
  2. Good circumstances don't last long.
  3. While two dogs are fighting over the bone, the third runs away with it.
  4. Pride attracts loss, and modesty brings benefits.


What will be, it is said in this hexagram, has already been partially outlined in the previous one. Subtracting negative sides leads to the multiplication of the positive. But it goes without saying that such an increase in positive sides is possible only if evil is opposed by an activecreating good, not just waiting.

Therefore, in a situation of Multiplication it is extremely important to preserve and operate that inner truthfulness, which was already outlined from the previous situation. Here is the situation itself assumes that, based on inner truthfulness, take some serious and big business leading to major changes.

In that sense says the text: Augmentation. It is good to have a place to perform. Favorable ford through the great river.

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