Technology of installation of a distance frame in a double-glazed window. How is glass pane made? Calculation of material costs

Decor 28.01.2023

Insulating glass production: industry analysis, detailed action plan, equipment purchase, marketing and profit in the shortest possible time.

Most of us imagine our home as a comfortable and warm place where neither rain nor snow is a hindrance. Whether it's wind or a blizzard - all this worries us a little if we can hide behind reliable walls with high-quality sealed windows.

The last point is especially important, because, in principle, people have been able to put up walls since ancient times, but there have always been problems with windows - sometimes you can see through them, sometimes you can’t see anything, then you can hear everything a mile away. More "headache" than isolation.

However production of double-glazed windows does not stand still, and today we can state that we have achieved considerable success in this

Yes, there were times when a hole in a wall was sealed with oiled paper or a specially crafted bovine bladder. Now this is a thing of the distant past.

Modern technologies, which are used to create equipment for the production of double-glazed windows, make it possible to produce a relatively cheap, but quite high-quality product for the mass consumer.

The availability of equipment and ease of use, along with the huge demand for window replacement, have made this area a very popular business not only in Russia, but throughout the CIS.

Let's figure out how to build your own business in this area.

Insulating glass production: market analysis

The production of double-glazed windows is no longer just a business, but an industry. This is not the military industry or gas production, but it is also very important. Windows are all around us.

Conclusion - someone produced and installed these windows, and therefore made money on it.

How is the situation on the market of double-glazed windows in Russia changing?

The glass production market in Russia is growing by an average of 8% per year. The market for the production of plastic (PVC) for double-glazed windows is also growing at a similar pace.

However, in 2016, 14.6% less double-glazed windows were produced than in 2015. However, more profit was made. More than a third of all sales of double-glazed windows are in the Central District (primarily in Moscow), which is associated with the construction of the Moscow City complex and similar projects.

Russian manufacturers or foreign?

Despite the fact that many brands position themselves in Russia as foreign (“German”, for example), their production is concentrated in the Russian Federation.

The fact is that many large manufacturers of equipment for the manufacture of double-glazed windows work according to the principle. That is, together with the equipment they get the right to work under the umbrella brand of this manufacturer.

Therefore, it turns out that hundreds of small Russian manufacturers produce "foreign" products, in fact, being in Russia.

*Scheme of operation of double-glazed windows

However, working under a brand implies strict adherence to the original technology and the use of high-quality equipment for the production of double-glazed windows, which is more of a plus than a minus.

How is the market situation at the moment?

The transfer of the production of double-glazed windows to the Russian Federation from other countries has led to a serious import substitution. According to the marketing agency "ROIF Expert" in 2016, Russia provided itself by 98.7% with its own double-glazed windows. In total, over 3,000,000 m2 of products were produced during the year.

The development of the production of double-glazed windows in the Russian Federation has led to the fact that from an import-oriented country, Russia itself has become an exporter.

The largest sales markets were Kazakhstan, Belarus and Uzbekistan, which account for over 90% of the export of double-glazed windows. At the same time, imports to the Russian Federation from the EU and other countries decreased to 1-1.5% per year.

Which, however, is also quite a lot, given the huge volume of the domestic market - over 100,000 tons of foreign products per year in the amount of $ 20-25,000,000.

What development trends are expected in the future?

Consolidation of enterprises in the industry is observed against the background of increased competition between the players. This distorts the market, reducing prospects in one segment but expanding in another. First of all, this happens in orders for commercial real estate glazing.

Let's illustrate this with an example from relatively recent news: one large Smolensk company producing double-glazed windows received a loan for the development of production in the amount of 135,000,000 rubles with the support of local authorities at 9.5% per annum.

The very fact of such a loan suggests that major players are betting on market expansion. Probably due to government orders before the World Cup, the need to improve cities, as well as when working on commercial real estate (business centers and shopping and entertainment centers, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg).

All this indicates the following trends in the industry:

    Quantity is replaced by quality: The peak of installing cheap plastic windows came in the middle of the 2000s, when the old wooden windows finally became obsolete.

    Now the second wave is already underway - the replacement of already outdated plastic windows of the first generation with more modern and expensive ones.

    The production of double-glazed windows is becoming a full-fledged industrial sector: enterprises founded at the peak of the 2000s are now becoming big players, absorbing their less fortunate brethren.

    However, turning them into a big business makes the small business niche free again. Newbies can use this to their advantage.

    Equipment for the production of double-glazed windows today: despite the general decline in sales, the equipment is in increasing demand, because. this area is one of the simplest but most profitable technology business options.

    Growth in the production of glass and PVC against the backdrop of a decrease in the production of double-glazed windows suggests that the business is focused not on glazing residential premises, but on working with large structures in the commercial sector.

    The reason is that almost all business centers are now lined with glass panels. Working in the field of glazing ordinary apartments, you will not die of hunger either, but you should not expect super-profits under the current market conditions.

    Production of double-glazed windows and sale of profile equipment, as well as raw materials and components for double-glazed windows, has become a branch of the economy in itself.

    There are an extremely large number of such small and medium-sized enterprises in the country, and all of them require timely deliveries.

    Russian business supplies itself: import substitution suggests that a full production cycle has been established in the Russian Federation.

    His only problem is the purchase of foreign equipment. By the way, this can also be a profitable business idea.

Summing up the market analytics section, we note that the choice of a business model strongly depends on the region: work in Moscow City and the provinces differ dramatically.

So, many place production in the same Smolensk, where the total cost of business is less (salaries, utility bills). At the same time, they intend to deliver products to the same Moscow, receiving a good profit (even taking into account logistical losses).

Double glazing - what is it?

Before proceeding to the description of the business model, it is worth studying the main technical characteristics of the product itself.

So, contrary to the general stereotype, a double-glazed window is not yet a window. In fact, this is a box that is the basis of the window. For its fastening, a frame, slopes, window sill, etc. are also needed. Only everything together turns into a single system, called a window.

We dwell on this in detail. must be aware of: the production of double-glazed windows and the production of windows as a whole are not the same.

In the first case, your buyer will be another company or a private trader who will assemble windows and install them in homes and offices.

In the second, you establish a full cycle of production and installation. Then your buyer is already the end user.

The format of the business plan depends on this choice.

What is a glass pane made of?

The simplest double-glazed window- This is a block of two glasses mounted on a special frame.

This block is hermetic or almost hermetic (there are such designs). An important component of the window in terms of noise and heat insulation is the empty space between the panes. If you add more glass, then there will be more sections in the double-glazed window.

By counting the number of voids, you can understand what type a particular window belongs to:

  1. single chamber
  2. Double chamber
  3. Three-chamber, etc.

In apartments, double-glazed windows are usually installed, and in offices - single-chamber ones. But, of course, it all depends on the needs and solvency of the customer.

At the same time, modern windows are much more complicated than just a box with two glasses.

So, the composition of the double-glazed window includes a spacer frame hollow inside, a window profile. It can be plastic or metal (usually aluminum). Its task is to hold the glass and help insulate the window.

However, it is not always completely sealed. It often has special diffuse holes. There you can also find a desiccant that absorbs moisture. For this, a molecular sieve is used.

The glass itself is also far from being as simple as it might seem. Nowadays, a special coating of its surface is almost mandatory. And both outside and inside.

The inner part of the inter-glass space is covered with a composition that absorbs moisture, and the outer part is covered with a special protective film. All this improves protection not only from weather conditions, but also from physical damage.

The finished double-glazed window is attached to the window frame, and that one - to the window opening. All gaps are filled with sealant (first with butyl, and then with polysulfide).

Moreover, the sealant itself is divided into several types and types. The choice depends on whether it will be outside or inside, how elastic and durable it is, etc.

Double-glazed windows can have a specialization: anti-vandal, energy-saving, sun protection, mirror, etc. All of them protect against weather conditions, but some are more effective, while others are less.

What is needed for the production of double-glazed windows?

Having dealt with the features of finished double-glazed windows, you can think directly about the production chain: what and who do we need for double-glazed windows?

And for this we need special units and people who will manage them.

It should be noted that modern equipment for the production of double-glazed windows is as automated as possible and does not require a large staff. Oddly enough, but the larger your enterprise, the fewer people you need (in relation to the volume of output).

So, for the production of double-glazed windows we need:

  1. Raw materials / components from which we will make double-glazed windows.
  2. People who will collect these double-glazed windows.
  3. The equipment with which they will do it.

Components for the production of double-glazed windows

Working on a double-glazed window resembles a children's designer - you can buy all the details, and then make up what you need from them.

The only problem is that the materials available on the market are not quite in the form in which you need them. For example, the glass is not cut the way you want, the aluminum profile is not divided into suitable segments, and the sealant is not ready for use at all.

For this, you need a staff: to cut everything correctly, according to the needs of the customer, beautifully arrange it, and transfer the finished product to the right place.

The basic set of components for the production of double-glazed windows is as follows:

  1. Building sheet glass - 200-450 rubles / m2;
  2. Spacer frame - 600-900 rubles / 100 m;
  3. Plastic corner - 20-30 rubles / 100 pcs.;
  4. Molecular sieve - approx. 70 rubles/kg;
  5. Butyl sealant in the form of a tape - 3-4 rubles / m;
  6. Sealant in the form of a mixture - 200-300 rubles / l.

Taking into account the consumption of materials, the cost of one double-glazed window can be 400 - 600 rubles. It all depends on how many sections are in the double-glazed window, what components are used - domestic or foreign, etc.

Also, the final amount is affected by how large your production is: the larger, the lower the cost of production of a single double-glazed window.

Add to this the logistics, personnel and utility costs (especially electricity and water).

Equipment for the production of double-glazed windows and the necessary personnel

The first and most important unit in the list of equipment for the production of double-glazed windows is glass cutting table. It is highly desirable that it be semi-automatic, and for large-scale production - fully automatic.

According to market players, an imported semi-automatic table will cost 25-30,000 euros.

You can buy a domestic version, but there are much fewer automatic functions in it. More production moments will depend on the operator, and this will reduce the overall speed of work and reduce the pace of production.

Plus, foreign analogues require one person at the machine, and domestic ones require at least two. But on the other hand, it is much cheaper, which means it is quite acceptable for small businesses.

In addition to this table washing machine already cut glass. This is another 20-25,000 euros. Plus, the car requires the installation of special filters - this is another 1,700-3,500 euros. At the same time, they need to be changed regularly (depending on the manufacturer).

The machine requires two operators - if one person can directly operate it, then he will need an assistant to load the glass.

However, if you intend to work in a big way, then you can buy finished automated line glass assembly. It will cost 30-35,000 euros.

Requires one operator and at least one other worker to load/unload materials. It is important that the line itself will collect and even wash double-glazed windows. That is, in total it comes out cheaper and more productive than with semi-automatic equipment - there, we recall, it came out about 45 - 60,000 euros.

Optional equipment

Similar equipment is needed for cutting and fastening the spacer strip of the inner frame of an insulating glass unit and molecular sieve. It should be two devices for 5,000 and 2,300 euros respectively. Two operators are needed to service them.

The assembled double-glazed windows must be treated with sealant, pressed and "brought to mind" by a specialist - check the assembly quality, damage, etc. This requires a special turntable with fasteners, and press.

The table can be semi-automatic or fully automatic. In the first case, it will cost 1,500 euros, and in the second - 2,800 euros. But in the second case, you can save on the press (it costs 900-1,000 euros), because. it is included in the kit.

So the money comes out almost the same.

*An example of the design of the workspace in the production of double-glazed windows

You will need extruder for applying two-component sealant or hot melt extruder. The first option is preferable, but the second is cheaper. Their cost is 25,000 and 8,500 euros, respectively. They require at least two people to operate.

An additional, but important equipment for the production of double-glazed windows is an industrial-type refrigeration compressor. Without it, the sealant on finished double-glazed windows will harden for a very long time. Especially if the average daily temperature does not fall below 25 degrees, which is important for the summer period.

If you work in cool conditions, then you can do without it, although double-glazed windows will dry for quite some time, which will delay the assembly and shipment of the finished product.

Total cost and headcount

If we translate all the amounts into rubles, then the initial investment in the purchase of equipment for setting up medium-scale production will be in the range of 2-4.5,000,000 rubles.

To maintain production, at least 5-6 workers will be required (+ 100,000 rubles per month for salary alone).

As we said, the manufacture of double-glazed windows is already a technological field of industry, which requires considerable investment and effort.

How is the production of double-glazed windows?

This video will help you look at the production - and evaluate everything for yourself:

Summing up: we consider income, subtract expenses from the production of double-glazed windows

Realizing what we will work with, you can draw up a sketch, where to take into account all income and expenses:

  • As we have already mentioned, the cost of a double-glazed window is 400-600 rubles. per 1 m2, taking into account the cost of personnel and equipment. Let's take an average of 500 rubles.
  • You will sell double-glazed windows for 900 - 1,600 rubles. Let's take an average figure of 1,250 rubles.
  • It is believed that an average such enterprise should produce about 300 m 2 of products every month, otherwise it will be unprofitable.

    It turns out that at a cost of 150,000 rubles, the revenue will be about 375,000 rubles.

  • This means that your income will be about 200-250,000 rubles per month.
  • With a minimum investment of 2,000,000 rubles, the payback of a business plan for the production of double-glazed windows will occur within 1-1.5 years.

We note a very important point - all this work requires certification and permits.

Requirements for products are prescribed in GOST 24866-99, which is called "Glued double-glazed windows for construction purposes."

Production of double-glazed windows- an area in which there is nothing to do without capital and any knowledge of the industry ...

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For the manufacture of double-glazed windows for windows, it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment and properly establish the production process. But if everything is done correctly, it will be possible to get a good profit in the shortest possible time. This type of business is promising and relevant. Therefore, more and more enterprises specializing in this business are opening.

Varieties of double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window is called a translucent structure, which is installed in a special profile.

Advantages of a double-glazed window

It can be found not only in the composition of windows, but also doors, shop windows, facade systems. There are several types of double-glazed windows:

  • single-chamber - have a low cost, but do not belong to energy-efficient designs;
  • two-chamber - do not let heat through, do not fog up and do not freeze with a significant decrease in air temperature;
  • three-chamber - are characterized by increased energy efficiency;
  • with the "spy" system - equipped with mirrored glass, which limits the visibility of the inside of the building from the outside;
  • shockproof - able to withstand significant loads, therefore they are installed in offices, shops, residential buildings on the ground floor.

Necessary raw materials and materials

To organize the production of double-glazed windows for PVC windows, it is necessary to prepare some materials. First of all, it is glass in the form of sheets. Their maximum length is 3 m and weight 90 kg.

In addition to sheet glass, in order to establish the production process, it is necessary to prepare other varieties of this material - reinforced, patterned, painted, impact-resistant, etc. Also, certain fillers are present in each double-glazed window.

remote frame

The distance frame ensures the same distance between the panes.

It can be made from the following materials:

  • metal-plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • Cink Steel;
  • fiberglass.

The width of the distance frame is strictly controlled by GOST and is usually 8-36 mm. Depending on the manufacturing technology used, this element can be formed by bending and have one connecting node. It is possible to produce a spacer from 4 separate elements.


Corners are designed to connect straight frame parts. They are made from various materials - plastic, zinc, steel. The main thing is that this element ensures the stability of the double-glazed window structure in all directions.

molecular sieve

It is an absorbent material designed to absorb excess moisture. The molecular sieve significantly increases the service life of double-glazed windows installed on windows.

Materials of this type are used for primary and secondary sealing of double-glazed windows. They prevent the penetration of moisture from the environment into the structure.

decorative elements

Decorative elements give the finished product exclusivity. The aesthetic qualities of double-glazed windows are also significantly increased. Glass tinting can be applied, giving it a certain color. A popular solution is the installation of decorative frames. They can be formed in the form of a cruciform binding, recreate the shape of a circle, polygon, arch.

Production of double-glazed windows for plastic windows

Technology for the production of double-glazed windows

The production technology of double-glazed windows implies the presence of several successive stages, each of which is performed on special equipment.

Cutting canvases

A sheet of sheet glass is placed on a specially equipped cutting table. After carrying out the whole complex of preparatory work, the workpiece is cut into parts of the desired size. This technological operation can be carried out manually with a carbide cutter or automatically. In the latter case, high precision of the manufactured parts and excellent labor productivity are ensured.


The cut blanks are placed on a special inclined plane. They are cleaned by spraying with water or a special chemical composition. After washing, stains remain on the glass, which are disposed of with a piece of soft cloth. Usually cotton or suede is used. You can dry the surface using a stream of warm air.

To facilitate this operation, professional equipment is used. The washing machine is capable of not only cleaning the fabric, but also drying it with air.

This stage of work must be carefully monitored. The presence of even a small amount of moisture on the blanks leads to insufficient sealing of the double-glazed window. Therefore, window glass is recommended to go through several stages of drying.

Spacer preparation

In double-glazed windows, a distance frame is installed between two panes. Before installation, it goes through a preparatory stage, which includes cleaning, anti-corrosion treatment and drying. All these processes most often take place in parallel with sheet parts in a special machine.

After that, the spacer frame is cut into pieces of the desired length. Separate elements are interconnected with the help of corners and filled with absorbent. When using the "warm edge" technology, the frame is formed from a flexible material. This eliminates the presence of connections that are "cold bridges" of the double-glazed unit design.

Internal sealing of a double-glazed window

To ensure a snug fit of the distance frame to the glass, it is treated with butyl on both sides. A special sealing butyl tape can be attached.

Formation of double-glazed windows

After mounting all the sheets, the structure is sent for gluing, which is carried out on a special press.

It can be both manual and pneumatic with roller feed.

The final stage of production

The finished structure is filled from the inside with a special gas - carbon dioxide, argon, special mixtures. For complete sealing, all joints are treated with silicone or polyurethane-based sealant. After that, the finished product is packed and delivered to the final consumer.

Business Profitability

When organizing a business for the production of double-glazed windows, the following investments will be required:

  • rent of premises - 120 rubles / sq. m;
  • equipment - 3.5-4 million rubles;
  • the salary of workers - 75 thousand rubles. per month;
  • purchase of materials - 1 million rubles. per month.

In the manufacture of a month 1100 sq. m double-glazed windows as a result, you can get about 250,000 rubles. net profit. Profitability of production will be 22%.

Failure to comply with the requirements in the production of double-glazed windows entails a violation of the characteristics of the finished product, and as a result, the lack of the possibility of an engineering design solution for the project.

The manufacture of double-glazed windows is a multifaceted and complex matter, like any production process, it can be conditionally divided into several stages.

At the first stage, after processing and preparing the order for production, glass is cut according to the specified type and size at the appropriate site. In parallel with this, a distance frame of the appropriate size is being prepared. When preparing the distance frame, a molecular sieve is poured inside, which is necessary to absorb moisture from the space between the panes of the double-glazed window. Due to this, the possibility of condensation between the glasses during further operation of the product is eliminated. The appearance of condensate on the glass surface inside the double-glazed window indicates gross violations committed during its production - incomplete sealing or the absence of a desiccant.

At the second stage, the first sealing layer (butyl) is applied to the end surface of the distance frame, after its connection. In parallel with this, automatic glass washing is carried out. After these operations, the preliminary assembly of the double-glazed window is carried out: the connection of the glasses and the distance frame.

At the final stage, after preliminary assembly, the double-glazed window enters the press, in which the space between the panes can be filled with argon. The final work in the manufacture of double-glazed windows is the application of sealant to the end part of the product to give greater tightness and rigidity.

Consider a more detailed technological process for the production of double-glazed windows (Fig. 1):

1. cutting glass according to the given dimensions

2. production of a distance frame, filling the frame with silica gel (desiccant), its assembly.

3. Applying a primary seal to the spacer (butyl application)

4. assembly of double-glazed windows on automated lines

5. secondary sealing of double-glazed windows

Figure 1 - Technological process for the production of double-glazed windows


The main activity of the enterprise "Tyagunof" is the production and sale of double-glazed windows.

The objective of these marketing researches is to study the market for double-glazed windows, as well as to determine the feasibility of their production on the basis of Tyagunof LLC.

Double-glazed windows in a single sash (frame) are an alternative to double-glazed windows in twin sashes and triple-glazed windows in separate-paired sashes used in construction.

The use of double-glazed windows for glazing window openings of residential and industrial buildings leads to a significant reduction in heat loss through the glass surface. In particular, according to the estimates of the US Department of Energy, in the climatic conditions of America and Western Europe, replacing windows with conventional glazing with windows with double-glazed windows and heat-reflecting coating allows saving up to 50 liters of crude oil per year per 1 m2 of energy-efficient glazing on heating and cooling.

Advantages of double-glazed windows in comparison with ordinary windows:

Less noise level;

Small loss of heat;

Less washed surfaces;

Saving heating costs;

Better box design.

In connection with the obvious benefits of using windows with double-glazed windows in 1998. the Moscow government has introduced a decree requiring the use of only energy-efficient windows in construction. As for the whole of Russia, there is SNiP II-3-79, which indicates new requirements for thermal protection of residential premises, for which only triple-glazed frames or windows with double-glazed windows are suitable.

A double-glazed window consists of two or three sheets of flat glass connected along the contour so that a hermetically closed chamber with a layer of dried air is formed between them. Some gases can be used instead of air (argon is the most widely used as thermal insulation). The width of the double-glazed window is from 12 to 36 mm, which is much less compared to conventional frames.

Considering all of the above, we can assume that the market for double-glazed windows will be quite promising among the building materials markets. The primary consumers of double-glazed windows are construction and repair companies, the final (users) are the customers of repair or construction.

The price of a double-glazed window depends on the following factors:

1. number of double-glazed chambers

2. type of glass used (plain transparent, tinted, low-emission, impact-resistant (triplex), colored, armored, etc.)

3. product dimensions

4. product shape

5. domestic / imported components (sealant, silica gel, aluminum frame, butyl glue)

6. filler used (air, argon, freon, mixture of gases, vacuum)

7. Line automation degree

8. country of origin of the line

When entering the market, the distribution network can be organized through small construction and repair companies. If you establish constant contact with construction companies at a minimum level of several windows per month each, then, subsequently, you can get a stable sales market.

This facility uses the following equipment:

Table for automatic glass cutting model Autocut-3.2 (with tilt function) SZILANK (Hungary);

Distance frame cutting machine PKM 2800 CMS (Italy);

Molecular sieve filling machine SM25 CMS (Italy);

Butyl extruder BM 7CMS (Italy);

Polysulfide extruder ТМН200 CMS (Italy);

Washing line with vertical roller press and manual assembly stand CMS GlassMachinery (Italy);

Sensor gas filler Gasfiller S-8/3 SZILANK (Hungary);

Rotary table DTM 2x2CMS (Italy);

Refrigerator for extruder TF200 CMS (Italy).

Mission of Tyagunof LLC

We strive to be the most efficient company in Russia, to produce high-quality insulating glass products that meet the needs and interests of consumers. Through the success of the Company - to the prosperity of our employees and society.

Our values:

Focus on customer needs

Innovative production policy

Competent work of a team of professionals

Social responsibility

The main competitors in Krasnoyarsk.

Okno LLC

(Founded in 1996. Production and installation of plastic windows. Doors. Double-glazed windows)

“We manufacture double-glazed windows using the most modern equipment, a glass cutting line LISEC (Austria) with computer software and a cutting accuracy of 0.1 mm, two lines for assembling double-glazed windows LISEC (Austria), OPTIFLEX (Italy) and two extruders for sealing double-glazed windows (Germany), Therefore, we guarantee high quality and long service life of insulating glass units manufactured by us.

All double-glazed windows have been tested for thermal conductivity, strength, tightness, and environmental parameters, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Structurally double-glazed windows can be:

Single chamber

Double chamber

With armoring and sun-protection film of various colors applied to the glass inside the double-glazed window

Argon filled (improves thermal performance by 25%)

With the use of heat-reflecting Czech glass. Terms of production of double-glazed windows, depending on the design, from 2 to 10 working days.

ZAO Siberian Glass Company

(founded in Krasnoyarsk in 1997)

At present, the Siberian Glass Company is a brand that unites a group of enterprises operating in the industrial glass processing market.

The structure of the group of companies includes 9 enterprises. The functions of strategic development, financial management, determination of marketing and personnel policy, coordination of the work of all enterprises of the holding are carried out by ZAO Siberian Glass Company.

Siberian Glass Company is the leader in the production of double-glazed windows on the Krasnoyarsk market of translucent structures.

The company produces insulating glass units with aluminum spacer, PVC frame and thermoplastic butyl frame using the innovative TPS technology.

Technical capabilities of production:

TPS double-glazed windows, with traditional aluminum spacer and PVC frame

Production capacity -- up to 4,500 m2 per day

Single-chamber double-glazed windows (thickness from 14 to 36 mm)

Two-chamber double-glazed windows (thickness from 24 to 60 mm)

Double-glazed windows of various geometric shapes: arch, trapezium, triangle, circle

Insulating glass units for structural glazing

Small and large formats (up to 3,500 x 2,300 mm)

Complete set of double-glazed windows with various types of glass: heat-saving, tinted, reflective, multifunctional, self-cleaning, tempered, enamelled, laminated, with decorative film

Gas filling with argon and krypton.

We plan to create a personal website, which will contain all the information that consumers are interested in about our company.

We also plan to conduct promotions, this is the distribution of flyers, which is one of the most effective and inexpensive means aimed at promoting goods.

plastic window double glazing gas filling

In this article we will talk about all the stages of manufacturing plastic windows.

It is no secret that any production begins with the purchase of materials and components. In addition, semi-finished products are needed. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of plastic windows, like any other, begins with an input control.

For all components there are corresponding. So, seals must comply with GOST 30778-2001, fittings -, and profiles used to assemble windows.

As for the storage of the material, it should be stored indoors under normal conditions. Avoid direct sunlight and do not store near heating appliances. The temperature in production shops should not be lower than +18 degrees, otherwise, at low temperatures, the processing of PVC profiles may not give the proper quality.

Stages of production of plastic windows

The whole process of manufacturing plastic windows can be divided into 11 stages.

Stage 1. At this stage, the reinforcing profile is cut. To do this, use saws for cutting steel reinforcement with abrasive cutting wheels installed on them. Alternatively, metal cutting discs can be installed. The reinforcing profile is cut at a right angle. Burrs after cutting are removed on an emery wheel.

Stage 2. At the second stage, the PVC profile is cut. It is cut with two-head or single-head miter saws. Imposts are cut at an angle of 90 degrees, taking into account the margin per side up to 6 mm, depending on the profile system. The profiles of the doors and boxes themselves are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, taking into account the allowance of up to 3 mm per side for welding.

During the cutting process, the base surfaces of the profile are pressed against the vertical stop and the table surface. Clamps are used for this. However, care must be taken to avoid deformation of the profile.

Stage 3. After the PVC profile is cut, the drainage windows are milled in the lower profile of the window unit box on a milling machine with an end mill. The diameter of the cutter should be no more than 5 mm. This can also be done manually using an electric drill with a specially sharpened drill with a diameter of 5 mm. For drainage windows, it usually does not exceed 25 mm.

Stage 4. At this stage, PVC profiles are reinforced. Reinforcing profiles are cut to length and inserted into using a special machine or manually using a hand drill.

Stage 5 After reinforcement, holes are drilled and grooves for fittings are milled on a copy-milling machine. Also, if you have a power tool and special nozzles and fixtures, this can be done manually.

Stage 6 The process of milling the ends of imposts with shaped cutters with their further assembly and installation of fittings. Before installation, silicone sealant is applied to the ends of the impost.

Stage 7. Profiles are welded on a special welding machine. The temperature of the welded knife is about 250 degrees.

Stage 8. At the eighth stage, impost and are installed. All this is done manually on the assembly table using a screwdriver or an electric drill.

Stage 9 After the impost and the stand profile, sealing profiles are installed. Installation into the groove starts from the middle of the grooves of the upper horizontal profiles of the sashes and frames. The sealant is installed as a single inseparable contour without stretching. The ends of the sealant are butt-glued with cyanoacrylate instant glue.

10 stage. Hardware hanger. For the pivoting sash, a main lock, hinges, corner switches, middle locks and an additional middle hinge clamp are installed. For the frame, mating parts of the locking mechanism and hinges are installed. For a tilt-and-turn sash, a lower hinge is installed on the sash, a main lock and corner switches. If the sash is narrow, then an average constipation is placed on it on the sash and scissors. If the sash is wide, then the lower middle lock, the middle lock on the sash and scissors. The upper and lower hinges, the strike plate of the tilt-and-turn mechanism and the strike plates of the locking mechanism along the perimeter are installed on the reciprocal frame.

11 stage. The final stage includes cutting the glazing bead and installing the double-glazed window into the profile system (as tightly as possible!). Attention! Bead cutting should be with guides. In order to avoid sagging, the sash with double-glazed windows must form a rigid structure. After the glazing beads are installed with a plastic mallet, a part of the sash is upset. The fittings are pre-adjusted at the stand, and then on site after the window is installed.

Currently, glass of various types has become a truly universal material. It is used in construction and medicine, agriculture and automotive industry. Almost all branches of the national economy are somehow connected with glass and glass products.

This is what makes glass production such a promising business area. Large enterprises, as a rule, provide a wide range of glass products - from automotive to laboratory glasses. A novice entrepreneur should start small - with simple window glass, as well as baguette sheet glass.

First you need to decide what kind of raw material - "regular" or "secondary" - you will work with. "Regular" raw materials are quartz sand and various special additives for it; "secondary" is, of course, a glass battle.

By themselves, furnaces or crucibles for processing sand and recyclables do not differ fundamentally - the difference is only in the temperature settings. The choice of equipment supplier depends on the financial side of the issue: domestic production lines (for example, from Oryol OJSC "Steklomash" or Solnechnogorsk CJSC "Nakal"), of course, will cost less than imported ones (for example, from the Czech company SKLOPAN LIBEREC JSC or the Italian CIEFFE FORNI INDUSTRIALI S.R.L.). In general, the minimum costs will be about 10 million rubles.

What is the benefit of the production of finished double-glazed windows?

However, the production of sheet glass as such is much less profitable than the production of products from it. By and large, there are more than a dozen large factories producing flat glass in Russia. Their number is quite enough to saturate the market, and the cost of entry into this "club" is about $100 million - €150 million.

It is much more profitable to produce, for example, finished double-glazed windows for enterprises producing metal-plastic windows.

The production process itself is simple: glass is cut to size and washed; then a special frame is made, with the help of which 2 (sometimes 3 or more) sheets of double-glazed windows are fastened; at the third stage, the finished double-glazed window is sealed with a special substance - silicone, one-component or two-component sealant.

What do you need to open the production of double-glazed windows?

For the first stage of processing, you will need a special table for semi-automatic glass cutting - for example, Mastercut-3.2 worth € 25-29 thousand. One worker will serve it. The blanks are washed using a special glass washing machine (€20,000-25,000) equipped with a water purification filter (€1,700-3,500).

This device is served by 1-2 auxiliary workers, whose duties also include loading and unloading glass and carrying it from machine to machine.

However, for €35,000 you can also purchase a line that produces both washing and assembly of double-glazed windows, which will be serviced by one of the auxiliary workers.

Another worker will be the operator of the machines for cutting the spacer strip (the inner frame of the double-glazed windows) and filling the molecular sieve, which should be installed side by side. The cost of the first device is €5000, the second one is €2300.

And finally, the last stage - sealing will be carried out by another worker. His duties will include both the first stage (applying a layer of butyl on the side surfaces of the spacer strip) and the second (external final sealing of the inter-pane space).

Here the choice of tools is quite wide - from a manual rotary table for €1500 and a manual pneumatic press (€950) to an automatic rotary table (€2800) and a special table for assembly and sealing with pneumatic clamping (€1800). The second sealing stage is carried out with a hot melt extruder (€8500-8800) or a 2-component sealant extruder (€25000).

In addition, in the summer season or in the southern regions of the country, an industrial refrigeration compressor (freezer) may be needed to accelerate the curing of the sealant (€ 3500).

Total: equipment - from €64,950 to €107,900, 2 machine operators and 1-2 auxiliary workers (the salary of the first is at the level of 25-30 thousand rubles, the second - 15-20 thousand).

Insulating glass production: material costs

Building sheet glass with a thickness of 4 mm costs from about 190 to 430 rubles. per sq. m.

Spacer frame - from 593.13 to 890.98 per 100 m, depending on the width.

Plastic corners for connecting spacer frames - 23.81 per 100 pcs.

Molecular sieve 1-1.5 mm - 69.46 rubles. for 1 kg.

Butyl tape (3 mm) - 3.45 rubles. for 1 m.

The main component and hardener for sealant: 253.26 rubles. (hall).

Prices for finished double-glazed windows - about 930-1560 rubles / sq. m. at a cost of about 500 rubles. (average costs for the above tariffs).

The production volume of 300 double-glazed windows (sq. m) per month is quite achievable.

In this case, the net profit will be about €5,000 per month.

Videos about the production of double-glazed windows:

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