Fortune telling for 4 kings online on a fortune teller. Women's free online divination "On the King. Ancient divination for kings

Waterproofing 31.03.2022

The playing card layout even though it's called divination for 4 kings , in fact, with this divination for love you can find out what future awaits you with one particular man, that is, with one king. But used in divination will 4 king . This layout for love will tell you about the feelings of the chosen one, open the veil of prospects your his joint future and will give the necessary advice.

Layout technology:

Take it for divination for 4 kings, a deck of 36 playing cards, choose from it 4 kings. One king you must choose as your lover or the one you want to tell fortunes. To chooseking , you need in accordance withsuit cards . Focus on the age and hair color of the man to whomguessing .

There is a fairly general and popular recommendation about this:

    If a the male fair-haired and under 50 years old - heking of hearts suits

    If a the male dark-haired and under 50 years old - heking of clubs suits

    If a the male fair-haired and over 50 years old - heking of diamonds suits

    If a the male dark haired and over 50 years old - heking of spades suits

Having decided on suit chosen one, put the corresponding king in the middle of the table, and the restthree kings place in a row above the favoriteking . Now it just startsdivination for 4 kings. Shuffle welldeck of playing cards and start laying out cards in turn "face down" on the three higherkings. Place the last card from the deck in the same way, face down on the chosen one.king. After being laid out cards, put them back into the deck, except for the one on the favoriteking. Spread out again cards from a deck ofthree kings, a put the last one on the central one againking. This procedure must be repeated three times, so that in the end on the chosenking , "shirts" up you turned outthree cards. After you have done the layouts three times onplaying cards , open three cards lying on the chosen king and you can proceed to the interpretation.


Interpretation of the dropped cards in divination for 4 kings:

Ace - love and devotion your his beloved to you is very strong and strong. But in order to wait for the best period in your relationship, you need to be patient and just wait. Don't force things, things will get better soon. The main thing - do not cut from the shoulder!

Lady - rival. This map means something at your his there is another chosen one, or some woman wants to take him away from you. Be extremely vigilant if the lady lies first to the king. This position cards indicates that another woman has already firmly entered the life and heart your his beloved.

Jack - alas, but this map indicates that most likely you made a mistake in choosing a satellite. Jack says that your loved one is selfish and does not treat you with due love and respect.

Ten map says that he the male which you have chosen fordivination for 4 kings, treats you only in a friendly way, without experiencing strong feelings and emotions. He sees you as just a good friend.

Nine - your lover loves you, you can be sure. But this map warns you and indicates that something will constantly threaten your relationship. All you can do is keep the relationship at all costs and make every effort to do so. Do not give in to provocations.

Eight - predicts a long and very important conversation for both of you. How this conversation ends will determine your future together.

Seven - good map, which means that your his beloved to you only serious intentions. Soon some proposal or news will come from him.

Six map warns that you will not have anything good with this person, you will waste your nerves and time in vain.

Girls often use one or another method to find out the feelings of the young people who care for them. One of the most popular card layouts is “4 kings”. He will need a new deck of 36 cards or an old fortune-telling deck that no one has ever played. This old gypsy fortune-telling allows you to find out for sure the intentions of the fans.

Finding Relationships Through Maps

The deck must be shuffled, removed with the left hand anywhere, then four kings must be selected and prepared for divination. Under each king, a specific man or young person should be guessed. It is desirable that there is an external and internal similarity. The more the card image conveys the life image, the more accurate the result will be. As a rule, under the king of hearts they mean a womanizer, a superficial young man, and under a tambourine - a reliable calm man. The king of spades always sympathizes with the fortuneteller, but can be dangerous for her. A fan of the club suit is one that constantly revolves around a woman and tries to speed up the development of relationships. When the kings are guessed, we put the cards face down in a row horizontally, mentally asking the question at this time: “How does he feel about me?”.

We start guessing. Face up, lay out the cards one by one on each king. If on one of them two identical ones come across in a row, we remove them to the side and put the other two from the common deck in this place. The procedure is performed three times. By the number of pairs and their meaning, the ratio of specific hidden men to the fortune-telling girl is determined.

Card interpretation:

  • Sixes warn of treason.
  • Sevens say that the young man dreams of meeting a fortuneteller.
  • Eights mean a desire to communicate.
  • The dropped pair of nines symbolizes love.
  • A couple of tens - interest.
  • The jacks inform the fortune-teller that the man wants to kiss her.
  • If the ladies fell out, wait for the offer of friendship.
  • Aces say that the fan is bored.
  • If 4 cards of the same value fell out under one king, then they should be interpreted with a vengeance.

What did the man like?

After the interpretation, we collect the deck, leaving the kings in place. To tell fortunes again, we shuffle the cards, mentally asking the question: “What does he like about me?”, And lay out the cards again, as in the first time.

Card interpretation:

  • Sixes mean that the young man is frivolous and, most likely, paid attention only to beautiful legs.
  • Sevens indicate that the man liked the eyes of a fortune-telling girl.
  • Eights - what a good heart.
  • A pair of nines says that the fan is pleased with the initiative from the woman.
  • Dozens report that the chosen one is subdued by your behavior in society and communication with other people.
  • Dropped a pair of jacks? Rest assured, your beautiful figure has not gone unnoticed.
  • Ladies assure that the young man cannot forget your face.
  • Aces symbolize endless sympathy. A man is in love, and he likes everything in a fortuneteller without exception!

What desires overcome fans?

The third question of our layout for 4 kings: “What does he want from me?”. Fortune-telling occurs in the same way as in the first two times. Let's explain the meaning of the dropped pairs.

  • Two sixes in a row mean that the young man wants to invite him to the cinema or cafe, restaurant.
  • Caught sevens - wait for an invitation to a date.
  • Eights predict a long emotional conversation.
  • The nines who made their way into this gypsy fortune-telling say that the gentleman wants pure and mutual love,
  • A couple of dozen reports an intimate desire.
  • Jacks warn of an imminent kiss.
  • Two ladies in the retinue of the king indicate his desire for sincere and devoted friendship.
  • Aces mean that the hidden man always wants to be with the fortuneteller.

What is the future of the couple?

And the last, 4th question included in this gypsy fortune-telling: “What will happen between us?”. The alignment is performed by a method that is similar to the first three.

Card interpretation:

  • Sixes mean that the young man is not very faithful and will cheat.
  • Sevens talk about a quick date.
  • Eights report that nothing will go beyond ordinary communication with this man.
  • But nines symbolize deep feelings and mutual love.
  • Two dozen promise a stormy intimate life,
  • Jacks are just a kiss.
  • Ladies indicate strong friendship without romance.
  • Aces mean a quick separation, in which the admirer and the fortuneteller will miss each other.

Ancient divination for kings

In addition to the described alignment, there is another fortune-telling using 4 kings. Russian girls often used it during Christmas time. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller put four kings from her deck under the pillow and thought about how her personal life would develop. Imagining yourself in love and happy with the man of your dreams, you need to say the phrase: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream.” In the morning, without getting out of bed, you should get the first card that comes across from under the pillow. If the king of spades is caught, most likely, the husband will be older in age, with a harsh and irritable character. The cross card signifies a spouse associated with the military or business. King of diamonds - the husband will fall beloved and suitable in age, and if the husband of hearts fell out, then the married life of the fortuneteller will proceed in love and great prosperity.

Women's free online divination "On the King" got its name due to the special technique of this layout. Previously, gypsy fortune-tellers used this love fortune-telling on playing cards to answer the question about the relationship of a beloved man to a woman in love with him. In this way, they guessed for a husband, for a guy, for a man they liked, for a partner in a love union, for a person of interest.

To tell fortunes about the king and find out if your loved one loves you, you need to take a deck of 36 playing cards and shuffle it, after setting aside 4 Kings (King of Spades, King of Clubs, King of Diamonds and King of Hearts). On one of the pending king cards, they guess a loved one and remember the card. After that, the "Kings" are put back into the deck and again carefully shuffled.

After such preparation for fortune-telling “On the King”, the cards are taken out in turn (starting from the top) from the deck, saying the following words to each: “My dear King - answer, dear - do you love me? - I love you - with all my heart - and with all my soul ... - Probably, there are better than you. “My dear King—answer, dear…”. So the cards are removed from the deck until the king card is opened, on which the beloved was thought of.

As the name suggests, women's free online fortune-telling on playing cards "On the King" is intended exclusively for girls and women who want to find out if their loved one loves and get an answer to the question: "How he treats me?". This card divination for love is known to many, but probably only a few fans of virtual layouts know about it.

To start online fortune-telling, think of a person and select one of the 4 Kings by clicking on the card with the mouse.

Or the attitude of young people towards themselves, trying to lift the mysterious veil of the future. Often such fortune-telling was carried out on the eve of the New Year holidays, with the help of a mirror and a comb, with the cherished words: "Betrothed-mummers ...". But not only winter delighted young ladies with the opportunity to learn about the cherished. In the summer, on Ivan Kupala, the girls floated wreaths on the water in the hope of meeting their betrothed, who, according to legend, was supposed to find the girl's wreath. But the most inquisitive could resort to the help of cards or gypsy fortune-tellers, with a request to spread it over four kings. In our time, this is not forgotten, and you can easily ask the cards for the attitude of a young man to a young girl.

Divination and the meaning of cards

Divination by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings is a way of laying out the cards of a famous modern witch who made a real revolution in her field of activity. The method, of course, is not new, but thanks to this woman, it sounded with renewed vigor.

Everyone knows very well that kings symbolize the images of men on whom the girl is guessing. Each person has his own symbolic characteristics, depending on age and appearance, type of activity and characteristic behavior. The values ​​are:

  • Hearts suit of the king - as a rule, it is a man, young. Blond or with light blond hair who is in love with a girl. The main features of his character are passion, softness.
  • Clubs are a young guy with dark hair, successful in life, who has realized himself, often in military activities.
  • Tambourines include men who are mature, smart, socially and financially successful.
  • The King of Spades is an older man with dark hair, a strong character, and a bit tyrannical in his behavior.

Fortune telling on a betrothed to 4 kings

There are many techniques and methods of divination. For each goal that the asker may pursue, it is worth choosing your own method. You can learn a few, and then you can easily arrange the “Fortune-telling House of the Gypsy Aza for 4 Kings” at your place for yourself and your loved ones, if you wish, at any time. Then you will be able to open the veil of the secrets of the future and human relations, at any convenient moment.

The most common divination by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings

For this method, you need a deck of thirty-six cards. Next, after looking at the meaning of the kings, determine which king you will be guessing at. Thoroughly shuffle the cards in the deck and divide the cards into seven piles of 4 cards each. When forming each pile, pronounce these words: “Name, king! (The name is the name of the chosen one) Tell me, dear, my betrothed! Do you love me? And I love you! Big heart. With your soul. But there are better than you!”

Next, draw a circle and alternately, starting with the first deck of seven cards, throw these decks. If a deck without a king enters the circle, take the next deck. Depending on which deck the king fell out in and whether it fell out at all, they look at the result of fortune-telling.

If the hidden king was in the first deck, it is interpreted that the relationship has just begun.

The second or third pile with the chosen king speaks of an indefinite attitude towards the fortuneteller.

The fourth-seventh piles: in them the question is the same answer, only with an affirmative sign.

But if it happened that the king never fell out, there’s no need to talk about it, the relationship cannot begin.

According to this method, the fortune-telling of the gypsy Aza for 4 kings is performed.

How to choose the right one from several men?

For this, there is also a fortune-telling by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings. And it was created for those who doubt the choice between several men at once. To do this, you need to guess one man for each king and lay out the kings from the deck face down. From the shuffled deck, place one card face up and ask each card a different question.

So you need to repeat three times. If two cards of the same value appear under a certain king, place them above the king. These pairs of cards will tell you about the relationship.

  • Sixes - treason.
  • Sevens - dreams of a meeting.
  • Eights - wants your company.
  • Nines - love.
  • Dozens - interested in you.
  • Jacks - dreams of you.
  • Ladies - friendship.
  • Aces - misses you.

3 divination options for 4 kings + 3 useful tips on how to guess.

Beautiful young girls usually have more than one fan in the forefront. This complicates the choice, especially when all gentlemen are endowed with many virtues.

Fortune telling for 4 kings allows you to analyze four men at once who feel sympathy for you, respectively, it will be easier to give your heart to someone alone. The second option is to find out about the true attitude of the chosen one towards you.

Of course, it is impossible to build a personal life based only on a card layout, but in such a complex matter as love, any help will not hurt.

Fortune telling for 4 kings: description

Fortune-telling of kings is often called gypsy, because it is quite old and most truthful when it comes to love card divination. Of course, not only gypsies, but also girls of any other nationality can look for answers to their questions from cards.

General description of divination by four kings

For this type of divination, you will need a standard playing deck, in which there are 36 cards. The deck must be new or used, but used only for divination. If you have already played it, go to the store for a new one.

If you take fortune telling seriously, and not as entertainment, use the advice of an experienced fortune teller:

  • It is better to guess in the dark (when the moon has already risen in the sky) and on Women's Day.
  • Church holidays, poor health, menstruation are good reasons to postpone the fortune-telling ceremony to another day.
  • It is better to do this all alone in order to create the right atmosphere and avoid third-party interference.

It is important to correctly distribute the card kings among all your fans. Usually diamonds and clubs are young unmarried people - fair-haired and dark-haired, respectively. Hearts and spades are older or married men with blond and dark hair. The sovereign of spades can still symbolize a dangerous lover, regardless of the color of his hair.

The best option for card distribution is external and internal similarity, and also your intuition. Just act on a whim and you won't go wrong.

Fortune telling on the king - description of the cards

In the next section, you will find three divination options for card monarchs. Each of them has its own interpretation of the cards, designed in the form of tablets.

After you guess, check the tables to correctly read what the stars have prepared for your relationship with a particular young man.

Option number 1.

Pairs of cards that fell
The answer to the question “What is the attitude of my beloved towards me?”
The answer to the question "What does he like about me?"The answer to the question "What does he want from me?"The answer to the question "What to expect from our relationship?"
ChangesLegs and chest
Invite for a nice date
Frequent betrayals and inconstancy of a young man
SevensRespectsEyesMeet as soon as possibleNumerous dates
boredKind heartheartfelt conversation
Interesting conversations and fun times
LovesStrong character
pure and mutual love
lasting love
Interested in continuing relationship
sexcool sex
Longing for closer contact
The curves of the figurePassionate kissNumerous kisses and caresses
Wants friendship, not love
Facedevoted friendship
Friendship without romance
Head over heels in love
All without exception
Always be with you
A long romance that may well end in a wedding

Option number 2.

Pairs of cards that fell
Their designation
They warn of treason and that nothing worthwhile will work for you with this young man
The young man thinks a lot about you, dreams of seeing you as often as possible.
They symbolize the guy’s desire to communicate and hint that he is delighted with your character.
Your relationship will end in great love and possibly even a wedding.
The young man has a genuine interest in you, which is quite capable of developing into something more.
You excite a man. He passionately wants to hug you and shower you with kisses.
Most likely, the guy likes another girl, and he can only offer you friendship.
He is deeply in love with you and is ready to do everything to make you happy with him.

Option number 3.

The card that lies on the hidden king
Its designation
The love and devotion of your lover to you is very strong and strong. But in order to wait for the best period in your relationship, you need to be patient and just wait. Don't force things, things will get better soon. The main thing - do not cut from the shoulder!
Rival. This card means that either your chosen one has another, or some woman wants to take him away from you. Be extremely vigilant if the lady lies first to the king. This position of the card indicates that another woman has already firmly entered the life and heart of your lover.
Alas, this map indicates that most likely you made a mistake in choosing a satellite. Jack says that your loved one is selfish and does not treat you with due love and respect.
The card says that the man you have chosen for divination by 4 kings treats you only in a friendly way, without experiencing strong feelings and emotions. He sees you as just a good friend.
NineYour lover loves you, you can be sure. But this card warns you and indicates that something will constantly threaten your relationship. All you can do is to keep the relationship at all costs and make every effort to do so. Do not give in to provocations.
Predicts a long and very important conversation for both of you. How this conversation ends will determine your future together.
A good card, meaning that your lover has only serious intentions for you. Soon some proposal or news will come from him.
The card warns that you will not have anything good with this person, you will waste your nerves and time in vain.

As you can see, the explanations of the layouts are simple and extremely clear, so getting the information you need should not be any particular problem.

Fortune telling for 4 kings on ordinary playing cards

There are three options for divination for 4 kings. In the first, we actually guess at one lover, while we get answers to 4 questions at once.

The second option allows you to find out the opinion of all four men about you, each of which is designated by a specific sovereign. This alignment allows the girl to weed out a frivolous chosen one.

The third - the simplest and fastest about the layout - was created so that 3 cherished cards show the attitude of the chosen one towards you and further events that will accompany your relationship.

Fortune telling on the king on the cards: option number 1

This is the most common type of fortune-telling for 1 king (the other three are background ones), as a result of which you get answers to 4 questions of interest to you at once:

  • What is the attitude of my beloved?
  • What does he like about me?
  • What does he want from me?
  • What to expect from our relationship?

The king, who will symbolize your dear, must be chosen both by external and by internal similarity. The other three monarchs do not need to be personalized - we need them for something else.

Arrange the kings in a row, remembering which one is your favorite and start fortune telling:

  1. Laying out the cards in order (one at a time) for each of the kings.
  2. If a couple fell on your chosen one, put it aside.
  3. Repeat the layout three times.
  4. Examine the resulting pairs by referring to the plate in the previous section.
  5. Move on to the next question by shuffling the deck well and repeating the procedure again three times.

Thus, you will receive an answer to all 4 questions that are of interest to you.

It happens that paired cards do not fall out on a sweetheart, not only on one, but on all four layouts. There are two reasons for this:

  • Today is an unfavorable day for fortune telling - try again after waiting a week.
  • Cards cannot help you, because they are not able to predict the future with a particular young man.

There are no reasons for frustration, you just have to make a decision on your own.

Fortune telling for kings: option number 2.

The fortune-telling procedure is similar to the first option, you just think of more than one man, but give the names of all four monarchs. That is, if you have several fans, all of them can be displayed in your cards.
  1. Having laid out 4 kings in a row, ask a question that interests you, let's say about the attitude of each of the four men towards you.
  2. Start placing cards on each one in turn, face up.
  3. With two identical cards on the same king, for example, sixes, they are set aside separately (remembering which king they belong to) and replaced with the other two cards from the deck.
  4. We do this until the deck runs out.
  5. Then we collect all the cards, without touching the already formed pairs and repeat the whole procedure two more times, in total it turns out - three.

Pairs of cards that formed near each of the kings and give the answer to your question. If any of the royal persons was left without paired cards, then your future with him is uncertain. You need to wait or look for a more reliable option.

During one fortune-telling, you need to limit yourself to a maximum of four questions. Guessing should be no more than once a week.

Fortune telling on the king: option number 3

The simplest version of divination for 4 kings. Of the four drawn handsome men, you choose one that best (both in appearance and suit) corresponds to your chosen one. Put it in the center. Above him are the three remaining monarchs, who will be more like buffers.

The layout should look like this:

Then you collect the deck back, leaving only the card that lies on your chosen one, repeating the procedure twice more, in total - 3 times.

At the end, you remove the extra cards yourself, leaving the royal person you were guessing at and look at the interpretation of the three cherished cards.

If you still find it difficult to figure out how fortune-telling for 4 kings works, here is a good video:

Divination for 4 kings on ordinary cards

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