Glycine method of administration and dosage for children. Glycine - why it is taken, how to take glycine for adults and children. Glycine is used in childhood as

Children's 04.01.2021

Amino acids.

Composition Glycine

The active substance is glycine.


Biotiki MNPK (Russia), Moskhimfarmpreparaty im. ON THE. Semashko (Russia), Ozon LLC (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

Glycine is a regulator of metabolism, normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental performance.

Glycine has glycine and GABA-ergic, alpha1-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant, antitoxic effects; regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, due to which the drug is able to:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, conflict, increase social adaptation;
  • improve mood;
  • facilitate falling asleep and normalize sleep;
  • increase mental performance;
  • reduce vegetative-vascular disorders (including in menopause); reduce the severity of brain disorders in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury;
  • reduce the toxic effects of alcohol and other medicines depressing the function of the central nervous system.


Easily penetrates into most biological fluids and tissues of the body, incl. to the brain; metabolized to water and carbon dioxide, its accumulation in the tissues does not occur.

Side effects of glycine

Allergic reactions are possible.

Indications for use

Decreased mental performance.

Stressful situations - psycho-emotional stress (during exams, conflict, etc. situations).

Deviant forms of behavior of children and adolescents.

Various functional and organic diseases nervous system accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance and sleep disturbance:

  • neurosis,
  • neurosis-like states and vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • consequences of neuroinfections and craniocerebral injuries,
  • perinatal and other forms of encephalopathy (including alcoholic origin).

Ischemic stroke.

Contraindications Glycine

Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage

Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or as a powder after crushing the tablet).

Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psycho-emotional stress, decreased memory, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, with deviant forms of behavior, glycine is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 14-30 days.

With functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbance, children under three years of age are prescribed 0.5 tablets (50 mg) per dose 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg 1 time per day for 7-10 days.

The daily dose is 100-150 mg, the course dose is 2000-2600 mg.

Children over 3 years old and adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-14 days.

The course of treatment can be increased up to 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.

For sleep disorders, glycine is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or immediately before bedtime, 0.5-1 tablet (depending on age).

With ischemic cerebral stroke:

  • during the first 3-6 hours from the development of a stroke, 1000 mg is prescribed buccally or sublingually with one teaspoon of water,
  • then for 1-5 days, 1000 mg per day,
  • then for the next 30 days 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

In narcology, glycine is used as a means of increasing mental performance and reducing psycho-emotional stress during remission with symptoms of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 14-30 days.

If necessary, courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.


No data.


Weakens the severity of side effects of antipsychotics (neuroleptics), anxiolytics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.

special instructions

No data.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children, no higher than 25 C.

Each of us has heard of a drug called "Glycine". For what it is needed, in general terms, many know. The drug improves brain function and has a calming effect. Many, knowing that "Glycine" can be given to children, do not dare to give it to them. Let's look at the nature of this substance.

The nature of glycine

Glycine on its own chemical nature is an aliphatic amino acid, namely aminoacetic. It has no optical isomers. The ancient Greek word "glycos", which underlies the name of this amino acid, suggests that it has a sweetish taste. This property makes "Glycine" especially enjoyable for children.

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid and can be produced in the human liver under certain conditions from its precursors: choline, threonine or serine. It is also found in some animal and vegetable products. The highest concentration of glycine is found in beef, liver, nuts, oats, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and other foods. daily requirement in this amino acid is up to three grams, however, with an overdose side effects are extremely rare.

Two pathways of glycine in the human body

If glycine enters the human body with food, then, following the gastrointestinal tract, it is transported to the liver, where it is one of the most important participants in the construction of protein molecules. If glycine is taken sublingually, that is, put under the tongue and absorbed, then, instantly entering the bloodstream, it acts on the receptors of the brain as a mediator. Under the influence of glycine, the production of glutamic acid by neurons is reduced, the excitation effect is reduced. Neurons begin to produce gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, which produces an inhibitory effect. This puts in order the metabolism in the body, establishes the mechanism of inhibition of the central nervous system, lowers the stress of the psycho-emotional plan and significantly stimulates intellectual performance. These properties perfectly characterize glycine. What it is for is described below.

For what purposes is "Glycine" taken?

What is good "Glycine" for children, adolescents and adults? This:

  • Natural mild sedative.
  • Regulator of normal physiological sleep.
  • Helps to cope with muscular dystrophy.
  • Stimulator of intellectual activity.
  • Compensatory element for stressful and emotional overload.
  • Protection of neurons in ischemic stroke.
  • Nootropic and anti-stress component in the treatment alcohol addiction, with neurological diseases of the nervous system of various origins in children and adults.

The drug "Glycine" is a tablet for sublingual or buccal administration. They have a rounded shape of a flat cylinder with a chamfer. A slight marbling may be expressed. The main active substance is the amino acid glycine in the form of microcapsules. Tablets also contain additional substances: magnesium stearate and methylcellulose in a water-soluble form. In one container, the number of tablets is from 10 to 50.

Pharmacokinetic effect of "Glycine"

Having a positive effect on metabolic processes in general, "Glycine" normalizes the processes of inhibition of the human nervous system. This, in turn, contributes to the suppression of stress states and the activation of working capacity.

"Glycine" has the ability to block the production of adrenaline, reduce the harmful effects of toxins and free radicals by regulating the activity of glutamate receptors. This allows you to reduce mental and emotional stress, eliminate aggressiveness and conflict, and significantly improve mood.

"Glycine" is able to improve sleep patterns, increase intellectual performance. In addition, it has a positive effect on the health status of patients with vegetovascular dystonia, reduces the degree of brain activity disorders in patients who have had a brain injury and stroke. "Glycine" significantly reduces the toxic effect of alcohol and drugs that depress the central nervous system.

This amino acid has a good degree of dissolution in tissues and liquid media of the human body, but no cumulative effect was noted. Metabolic processes decompose glycine to water and carbon dioxide.

Indications for use

The drug "Glycine", the indications for the use of which are very diverse, is widely applicable under the following circumstances:

  • The state of stress, increased mental and emotional stress.
  • Brain lesions of various origins, accompanied by states of anxiety, restlessness, neurosis, insomnia, unstable emotional state.
  • Decreased mental performance.
  • Chronic alcoholism and hangover syndrome.
  • Deviation in the behavior of children and adolescents.
  • Postponed ischemic stroke.

Contraindications and side effects of "Glycine"

A contraindication to the use of the drug "Glycine" may be an individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components. An allergic reaction can act as a side effect, but its manifestations are rare.

Instructions for use "Glycine"

"Glycine" is applicable for adults and children, but always on prescription.

Adults are prescribed "Glycine" for sublingual (under the tongue) or transbuccal (between upper lip and gums) in tablets with a dosage of 100 mg. The dose and duration of the drug depends on the type of disease and is recommended by the doctor.

With brain damage of various origins, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day, 100 mg (one tablet each). The duration of admission is from one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

In case of an ischemic stroke, a reception is prescribed according to the following scheme: during the first 3-5 hours, you need to take 1000 mg of "Glycine", then every day - 1000 mg for five days. After five days, the drug is continued at a dosage of 100-200 mg three times a day for a month.

For the treatment of sleep disorders, take one tablet (100 mg) immediately before bedtime or 20 minutes before bedtime.

In the treatment of chronic alcoholism or to relieve a hangover syndrome, it is recommended to take "Glycine" at a dosage of 100 mg three times a day for a period of two to four weeks. If necessary, the course of taking the drug can be repeated up to six times a year.

How to give "Glycine" to children?

For those who are interested in how to give "Glycine" to children, the instructions for use are described below.

So, what are the indications for taking the drug? Good as a therapeutic agent "Glycine" for children in the presence of brain damage, to improve memory and concentration, with stress and increased psycho-emotional stress. The dosage of the drug and the course of its administration are prescribed by the doctor individually.

For healthy children over three years old, to improve memory and increase mental performance, Glycine is prescribed at a dosage of 100 mg (one tablet) three times a day for 2-4 weeks.

In the presence of brain lesions of various origins, the drug is prescribed in a dosage:

  • Children under three years old - 50 mg three times a day for 2 weeks, then 50 mg once a day for one week.
  • Children over three years old - 100 mg three times a day with a course duration of one to two weeks.

Infants and children under one year old "Glycine" is prescribed only if there are serious medical reasons. The dosage and duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. Parents should clearly understand that "Glycine" for children is a drug, because its uncontrolled intake can cause undesirable consequences. In general, if there are indications for the use of "Glycine" (for children), the reviews are positive. It proved to be an effective and relatively harmless drug.

Special instructions for the use of "Glycine"

It is worth noting that patients suffering from high or low blood pressure should take Glycine with caution. Taking this drug must be accompanied by monitoring the level of blood pressure. If pressure surges upward or downward are noted, then the dosage of the drug is reduced. If you are taking "Glycine", the dosage of which is minimal, but the pressure remains unstable, it is better to stop taking the drug. In this case, it is necessary to select a replacement. If "Glycine" is not suitable, analogues can be a good alternative.

The combination of "Glycine" with other medicines

"Glycine" has unique property reduce the toxic effect of drugs. When "Glycine" is taken together with neuroleptics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, their toxic effect on the human brain is reduced.

When "Glycine" is taken together with drugs that have a sedative, tranquilizing and hypnotic effect, the patient feels a summed effect of inhibition of the nervous system.

Analogues of "Glycine"

The drug has many analogues. Among them are glycine preparations from different manufacturers and various related medicines that have a similar effect.

The preparation of this amino acid is produced by several pharmaceutical companies and is marketed under the trade names: Glycine Forte Evalar, Glycine Bio, Glycine Ozone, Glycine VIS. All these drugs have in their composition the main active ingredient - glycine - and additional components. The composition of "Glycine Forte" includes a large concentration active substance and vitamins of group B. "Glycine Bio" has a dual effect: it reduces hyperactivity syndrome and improves brain activity, stimulates attentiveness. "Glycine Bio" proved to be especially good in terms of use in children. If you are interested in how to give "Glycine" to children, instructions for use and doctor's prescriptions will help you.

Talking about "Glycine", its analogues are difficult to ignore. Among the drugs similar to "Glycine" can be noted: "Pantogam" and "Pantogam Active", "Thiocetam", "Noopept", "Cogitum", "Cefabol", "Cerebrolysate", "Pramistar", "Vinpotropil", "Sydnokarb", "Lucetam", "Pantocalcin" and many others. These drugs have a sedative effect, regulate the functioning of the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the restoration of brain functions after injuries and lesions of various origins, relieve acute neurotic conditions, and fight neurological diseases. However, almost all of these drugs have a narrow spectrum of action. In comparison with them, "Glycine" has minimal side effects and is more versatile.

Reception of "Glycine" during pregnancy

The use of "Glycine" by pregnant women with various nervous disorders takes place in medical practice. If there are clear indications, the doctor sets the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of taking the medicine based on the state of health of the woman. Due to the lack of relevant studies, there is no reliable information about the dangers of using "Glycine" during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should use "Glycine" strictly on the advice of a doctor.

Reception "Glycine" during lactation

A nursing mother should also take the drug only after consulting a doctor. "Glycine", the dosage of which is determined by the doctor, can give not only positive results. With mother's milk, the drug enters the child's body. Therefore, during lactation, the drug is used only if there are clear indications and doctor's recommendations.

We all are well aware that tablets can only be used on the advice of a doctor, but there are drugs that are considered to be completely safe and extremely useful, so they are in almost every person's home first aid kit. It is among these that the drug "Glycine" belongs.

How to take this medicine in tablets for an adult, the instruction can tell in most detail, but it is better to use the advice of a professional doctor. The information below is based on the official instructions for the tablets, is nothing more than a fact-finding. It is strongly recommended to undergo a course of treatment with "Glycine" only if there is a recommendation from the attending doctor.

What is this about?

It is customary to think that you can learn about how to take glycine for adults and children in tablets from the instructions, and no more information and contact with specialists is required, since this is the safest medicine in our pharmacies from the category of sedatives. However, it is really difficult to argue with this opinion. Often, the composition is prescribed for babies suffering from increased activity, irritability. He helps adults in difficult stressful situations.

If you know how to take glycine in tablets for an adult (100 mg - the classic dosage of drugs presented in pharmacies), you can maintain the normal functioning of the brain in old age. The active substances of the drug stimulate metabolic processes. It is considered by some to be the best all-purpose remedy for the entire family. Its basis is aminoacetic acid, slightly sweet, which gave the name to the remedy: glycys translates as "sweet".

Some Features

For children, "Glycine" is easy to use precisely because of its taste. For maximum effect, the tablets need to be absorbed, and the kids can easily cope with this, since the medication does not cause discomfort. You can take a remedy to stimulate metabolic processes in brain tissues. True, it is categorically not recommended to write it out for yourself. First, you should conduct a full study of the body and find out what is the cause of the symptoms that disturb the person, and only on the basis of this, prescribe treatment.

Knowing how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets (the instruction tells about this in detail), you can defeat the following troubles:

  • depressive disorders;
  • anxiety state;
  • depressed mood;
  • irritability;
  • lack of attention;
  • sleep problems.

"Glycine": what is it for?

How to take this drug in tablets for an adult can be found in the instructions that are mandatory attached by the manufacturer. In general, the drug is prescribed to stimulate mental activity. It is known that the active component has a positive effect on a person, simplifying adaptation to social conditions. You can use "Glycine" during the period of getting rid of alcohol dependence to relieve symptoms

"Glycine" effectively weakens nervous disorders, somatic manifestations of abstinence, helps to smooth out negative mental reactions. If the patient has experienced a head injury, the doctor will definitely tell how to take Glycine in tablets for an adult and what it is for, because this remedy is usually included in a comprehensive therapeutic program for restoring the quality of life. The medication comes to the rescue with ischemia, a stroke of a hemorrhagic nature.


On sale, the drug is presented in tablets, each of which contains 100 mg of the active substance. The product is intended for long-term resorption, it is not washed down with water. It is best to put the tablet under the tongue and wait until it dissolves on its own under the influence of human saliva.

The method is called sublingual. It is about him that the doctor will talk at the reception, explaining how to take "Glycine" to an adult in tablets (photos on the Internet confirm that this is how people use the medication).

An alternative use of the drug is the resorption of a tablet placed between the gum and cheek. Occasionally, preliminary grinding of the drug to a powder state is allowed.

special case

For information on how to take "Glycine Bio" for an adult in tablets, it is best to read the manufacturer's instructions. This also applies to some other varieties of the drug. The fact is that not only pure aminoacetic acid is on sale, but also improved by the inclusion of vitamin and mineral complexes in the composition.

For such tools, the manufacturer develops a unique program of use, which is described in the accompanying documentation. You will have to follow both the rules regarding the use of the pill, and the recommendations for the frequency of administration and the duration of the radiation program.

Enough big interest the general public is instructed on how to take "Glycine Forte" for an adult in tablets. This drug is popular, since half of the mass of each tablet is vitamins that are useful for humans. The manufacturer advises using one capsule three times a day. This program is suitable if you are worried about irritability.

Minimum self-activity

You should not decide on your own how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets. The instructions for use, of course, are quite detailed, contain a lot of useful information, gives a complete picture of the rules for using the medication, however, even with such a universal drug, you can harm yourself if you use it thoughtlessly and uncontrollably.

Another danger of taking without a prescription from the attending physician is the possibility of starting a disease, the therapy of which must be started now. "Glycine", for example, can stop the symptoms of the initial stage, when it is easiest to cope with the problem, and when it does not cope with the manifestations and the patient still goes to the doctor, it turns out that the situation has grown to a significant scale and requires a long, complex, expensive course of treatment.

At the reception, the doctor explains in detail how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets according to the instructions and what this remedy is prescribed for. The specialist selects the optimal duration of the course: from two weeks to a month.

Some diagnoses

It is known how to take "Glycine Bio" in tablets for an adult when a stroke is detected, in which brain tissue has been damaged. Normally, the daily dose reaches a gram, the product is recommended to be used in powder form, stirring in a teaspoon of purified (preferably distilled) water. When the condition shows a steady improvement, the dosage is reduced: a couple of tablets are used three times a day for food. The duration of this program is one month.

How to take "Glycine Forte" for an adult in tablets for insomnia: the remedy must be used half an hour before going to bed. The tablet is dissolved, holding under the tongue, waiting for the complete dissolution of the drug. For children, the dosage is halved, leaving the scheme of use the same.

goodbye bad habit

The tool in question has positive effect if necessary, the refusal of alcohol, weakening the withdrawal syndrome. If it is revealed that the central nervous system, PNS are affected, it should be used daily up to three times a tablet. The duration of the program is two weeks, but can be doubled. After that, a monthly break is taken, after which you can repeat this circle.

The doctor will tell you how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets to make it easier for the process of refusing alcohol, which is accompanied by an acute stressful situation. If this condition is rare, two tablets are used once when it occurs. If a person breaks into a binge, one tablet must be dissolved under the tongue, repeat this action after half an hour and after another hour.

If, with alcoholism, the patient is unable to dissolve the tablets on his own, you can use the drug in the form of a powder. Reception is repeated up to 4 times daily. Before providing first aid, it is necessary to consult with a narcologist, only after that use "Glycine".

How long?

The instructions for the drug describe in detail how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets, and the doctor at the reception will tell you how long the course of treatment is required. It is generally accepted that the remedy is safe, therefore, it does not cause complications, adverse reactions, with the exception of persons with individual intolerance.

The duration of the course usually varies from two weeks to a month, which requires a monthly break. Then you can go through the same course again if there is a doctor's recommendation for this. Despite the safety of the drug, you should not abuse it. Although the instructions indicate how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets, it is better to first consult a doctor in case of possible recommendations to deviate from the generally accepted program.

Features of use

Many are interested in how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets: before meals or after? The instructions for the drug have clear indications of the optimal norms: the product is intended for use half an hour after a meal. This is due to the characteristics of the active substance: aminoacetic acid can cause stomach problems if you use the medication on an empty stomach.

The most accurate should be patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer. IN childhood glycine is intended for therapy strictly in the volume and duration of the course, as recommended by the attending physician. It is believed that the drug is not addictive, however, it is important to adhere to the established rules.

"Glycine" in everyday life

By the way, the active component of this medication is found in many products, so aminoacetic acid, even with food, should get into human body at the right concentration. It is for this reason that it is important to know how to take "Glycine" for an adult in tablets, so as not to encounter an overabundance of the substance. Different foods contain different concentrations of this vital compound.

"Glycine" as a medicine is not only a supplier of a useful compound, but also a sedative that can reduce pressure. If a person already suffers from hypotension, it is imperative to consult a doctor before starting the course - it will probably be decided to prefer another medication in order to avoid a side effect. Sometimes the optimal solution is to lower the dosage relative to the standard.

Why be afraid?

It is believed that "Glycine" is completely safe for humans. An overdose of this medication is not possible, since the active compound, even in high concentrations, is not dangerous to health. This is due to the ability of the liver to deactivate an excess of aminoacetic acid in the tissues of the body, while carbon dioxide and water are formed. At the same time, it is noted that an overabundance of this component provokes drowsiness, a general sluggish state, and pressure decreases at the same time.

Extensive clinical trials conducted by several medical institutions did not help install side effects medication. Currently, the official position is as follows: "Glycine" is perfectly perceived by patients of any age. An exception is individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy. Contraindications to the use of the drug could not be identified.

It is important

You can use "Glycine" and antidepressants at the same time, medicines from the category of sedatives and normalizing sleep. It is known that "Glycine" weakens the side effects provoked by the mentioned categories of drugs.

You can not continue therapy with "Glycine" if headaches begin, your head is spinning, you feel sick. There may be manifestations of an allergic reaction on the skin and a violation of appetite. All these symptoms indicate intolerance to the drug and require discontinuation of its use. When visiting the attending doctor, you need to report the symptoms caused by the medication. "Glycine" can be used during the period of gestation and lactation, but only in agreement with the doctor - this situation obliges you to be very careful about the choice of means to maintain health.

Magic in real life

It so happened that aminoacetic acids were nicknamed magical in the scientific community, and all because of their unique effect on the human body. "Glycine" belongs to the class of nootropics and is the safest drug in this group. stimulating the brain. Under the influence of the drug, mental activity is activated. This is due to the effect on glutamate receptors, the effect on GABA and the glycinergic result of use.

Aminoacetic acid is a natural antioxidant that fights poisoning of body tissues, has alpha-adrenergic blocking properties. Such an influence activates a person's thought processes, reduces the load on the psyche, calms emotions, weakens aggressiveness and a tendency to conflict. The brain is protected to some extent from the negative effects of drugs, alcoholic beverages.

Why so effective?

A distinctive feature of aminoacetic acid is the ability to easily penetrate into organic tissues, biological fluids. For her, there are practically no “closed” areas of our body, and the barrier that limits the brain is not a serious obstacle.

How to buy?

"Glycine" is sold in almost any modern pharmacy. The tool is inexpensive, usually within 50 rubles, sometimes a little more expensive, up to a hundred. To purchase it, you do not need to present a prescription, you can buy as much as you need, at any convenient time. Tablets are packed in plastic blisters, sealed in a cardboard box.

Instructions for use must be included. Also on the package is full list components used in the manufacturing process of the drug. It needs to be studied by a person who knows behind his body the intolerance of any substance used in the pharmaceutical industry.

As a rule, in the manufacture of "Glycine" the active ingredient itself is used, as well as water-soluble cellulose, magnesium stearate. It is believed that the product is practically not faked, so you can buy it in a licensed pharmacy without fear for the quality of the product.

Usually one pack contains fifty tablets for resorption under the tongue. If you need to use the drug in powder, you can take such tablets that are easy to grind at home without much difficulty (for example, with a teaspoon).

Some technical aspects

When it enters the human body, "Glycine" normalizes metabolism, affecting the production of hormones. This is especially noticeable in the concentration of adrenaline in the blood, since aminoacetic acid blocks its generation by tissues. At the same time, toxins and free radicals that can negatively affect the brain are eliminated.

Regular use of the drug in accordance with the instructions for use allows you to achieve quality sleep and improve the standard of living, efficiency and performance in everyday life, as well as adapt to a new social environment.

Glycine is an effective, very popular pharmacological drug that doctors prescribe to patients to improve their emotional state, stimulate mental functions, and abilities. It has a mild sedative (sedative) effect. Can be used as a mild sleeping pill. Used in pediatrics and in the treatment of nervous disorders in adult patients.

Description of the drug

Glycine is a pharmacological agent from the group of psychostimulants, nootropics, metabolites (stimulant of metabolic processes). It has a pronounced antidepressant, sedative effect. IN traditional medicine used in the treatment of stress conditions, neurological diseases of various etiologies, which are accompanied by sleep disturbance, deterioration in performance, anxiety, increased excitability.

The drug Glycine in therapeutic doses has both a calming and stimulating effect, which is explained by the peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the human body.

Glycine is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. The drug is sold in the form of white sublingual (sublingual) capsules, flat cylindrical tablets. Pills have a chamfer, elements of marbling. Packed in blister packs of 50 tablets, which are packed in a cardboard box. Pharmacies sell glycine tablets with a dosage of 150, 400, 500 mg.

The main active ingredient is glycine. One tablet (100 mg) contains 100 mg of glycine.


  1. 1 mg magnesium stearate;
  2. 1 mg water-soluble methylcellulose.

Glycine is a low-toxic drug. At observance of the dosages specified in the instruction does not provoke by-effects. Does not cause physical, emotional addiction.

Store the drug in a cool, dark, dry place in its original packaging at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Pharmacological properties, mechanism of action

Glycine is the simplest aminoacetic acid, which is part of protein molecules and many biologically active compounds. Contained in soy, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, fennel.

This amino acid is the basis for the synthesis of porphyrins, from which hemoglobin, myoglobin (muscle protein), and purine bases are subsequently synthesized.

Glycine is an effective regulator, an activator of metabolic processes, activates the protective mechanisms of inhibition in the central nervous system, relieves stress, and normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

Nootropic increases mental activity, performance, improves memory. Active ingredient has alpha1-adrenergic blocking, glycine- and GABA-ergic, antioxidant and antitoxic effects.

Important! Glycine is a drug for improving metabolism in the cellular structures of the brain. According to the ATC classification, it belongs to the category of nootropics and psychostimulants.

After ingestion, glycine quickly penetrates into biological fluids, spreads with the bloodstream and is evenly distributed in the tissues of the body, including the substance of the brain.

Like all nootropics, glycine acts only on pathologically altered tissues, while not affecting healthy ones. It does not accumulate in tissues, it is completely metabolized into water and carbon dioxide.

Due to the regulation of glutamate receptors, Glycine has the following effects:

  • increases the level of social adaptation;
  • improves mood;
  • reduces the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol, drugs that affect the nervous system;
  • reduces aggression, reduces conflict;
  • normalizes sleep, accelerates the process of falling asleep;
  • eliminates anxiety, relieves nervous tension;
  • increases mental performance;
  • normalizes the condition after severe stress.

Glycine also reduces the severity of cerebral disorders in ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury. the effect of the drug is aimed at reducing vegetative-vascular disorders (with hormonal imbalance, during menopause).

Indications for use

According to the instructions for the drug, glycine is prescribed as a sedative, sedative. After taking, during the treatment course, brain activity and memory improve. Amino acid improves metabolic processes in cellular structures.

Indications for use:

  • frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • mild to moderate depression;
  • ischemic disease, ischemic stroke;
  • diseases of the nervous system (organic, functional), which are accompanied by emotional instability;
  • neuroses of various etiologies;
  • increased fatigue;
  • alcoholism, hangover syndrome;
  • epilepsy, encephalopathy;
  • recovery period after traumatic brain injury;
  • neurotic states.

Glycine is used in the treatment of perinatal CNS lesions in infants. Also, the drug is indicated for adolescents during exams, sessions, with increased mental stress, in conflict situations, with deviant forms of behavior in children. Nootropic helps children adapt to a new environment, gives confidence. The child becomes more calm, stress-resistant, diligent, emotionally balanced.

Patients who have been full course treatment, noted that they stopped headaches, migraines, improved memory, general well-being.

Glycine normalizes arterial pressure, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks. It is noted that the nootropic helps in the fight against excessive gastric secretion, has a beneficial effect in the treatment of muscular dystrophy.

Glycine activates metabolism, removes decay products, toxins after taking alcoholic beverages. The drug contributes to the rapid exit from hard drinking, eliminates the negative consequences of the alcohol syndrome, removes from a hangover. It is enough to take only two nootropic tablets per day to normalize the general condition.


The antidepressant Glycine is intended for sublingual, buccal administration of 100 mg (in tablets, in powder after crushing the pill). The tablet is kept under the tongue, behind the cheek until it is completely resorbed.

With functional lesions of the nervous system, neuroses associated with increased excitability, to normalize the emotional state of adult patients, one tablet of glycine is shown two to three times a day. The duration of the course is one to two weeks. For medical reasons, the reception can be increased up to 27-30 days. Repeated intake of glycine is allowed no earlier than one month after the end of the full course.

For insomnia, sleep disorders, 0.5-1 tablet is prescribed 20 minutes before rest. If an ischemic cerebral stroke is diagnosed: 1000 mg of the drug with 1 tsp. water during the first 3-6 hours; 1000 mg per day for the next 1-5 days, in the future - 1-2 tablets of glycine three times a day for a month.

With encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central, peripheral nervous system, one tablet should be taken two to three times in 24 hours. The duration of therapy is two to four weeks. Courses are repeated during the year from four to six times.

Children after three summer age prescribe one tablet of Glycine two to three times a day (50 mg). The course of treatment can be a maximum of a month, after which you need to take a break. Intervals between courses are 30-35 days.

For adolescents, children of older age groups, the dosage is the same as for adults (100 mg) twice or thrice a day. The course of therapy should not exceed four weeks. As a rule, children are treated with glycine for 7-14 days.

Under the strict supervision of a doctor, Glycine is allowed to be taken by pregnant women during lactation.

Side effects, interaction with other drugs, overdose

Glycine, if you adhere to the recommended dosage, in the absence of contraindications, individual intolerance to the components in extremely rare cases, causes side symptoms, which are manifested by nausea, allergies, itching, salivation.

In case of an overdose, disorientation in space, dizziness, foamy vomiting, muscle spasms, headaches, tinnitus are possible.

While taking the drug Glycine, refrain from driving vehicle, work with complex, precise mechanisms. The nootropic somewhat reduces, slows down the reaction rate.

Glycine reduces the effectiveness of psychotropic, antipsychotic drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions for the drug, Glycine has a number of contraindications. The nootropic is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components of the drug.

Glycine should be taken with caution in case of hypotension, at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as in patients suffering from chronic cardiovascular pathologies and diseases.

Glycine analogs

Nootropics that have a similar degree of effectiveness also include Piracetam, Ginkgo biloba, Vitrum memory, Memoplant, Mexidol, Neurotropin, Tryptophan, Cebrilizin, Armadin.

In pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, Glycine-ozone, Glycine-bio, Glycine-canon are also found.

Before using Glycine tablets, be sure to read the instructions, read the contraindications, follow the recommended dosage.

Comments 0

A nootropic drug that contains a synthetic analogue of a natural neurotransmitter. Removes excitation of the nervous system, normalizes the conduction of impulses. After the course of treatment, there is an increase in mental performance, increased resistance to stressful situations. Often prescribed to improve cognitive function. Can be used in adult patients and children of any age. Tablets are not recommended to be swallowed, it is better to take them under the tongue.

Dosage form

Glycine is available in the form of white sublingual tablets. Cardboard package contains blister No. 50 tablets.

Description and composition

Glycine tablets - essential amino acid, which takes an active part in the metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the structures of the central nervous system. This drug is often used in the complex therapy of many diseases and conditions of the brain. It has a complex and positive effect on the human body, calms the nervous system, stimulates natural processes in the brain tissues. Therapy with the use of the drug reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental abilities, increases efficiency, improves the general well-being of a person. The indisputable advantage of the drug is its ability to be used by children, pregnant women and the elderly. The drug is widely used in neurology for the treatment and prevention of diseases that disrupt the central nervous system.

One tablet of the drug contains 100 mg of the amino acid glycine, as well as auxiliary components.

Pharmacological group

The active component of the drug, the amino acid glycine, is normally synthesized by the body, but in some cases its synthesis is disturbed, which leads to severe disorders of the central nervous system. Taking Glycine tablets has a positive effect on the metabolism of neurocytes, has a positive effect on all brain structures. The drug is one of the drugs stimulating the work of the central nervous system. The amino acid has a pronounced adrenoblocking, antitoxic, muscle relaxant, nootropic effect. The principle of action of tablets is the following properties on the human body:

  • Stimulates the production of glucagon.
  • Suppresses psycho-emotional stress.
  • Increases depressed mood.
  • Improves mental performance.
  • Normalizes the work of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Reduces the risk of stroke.
  • It has an antitoxic effect.
  • Increases social adaptation.
  • Increases mental performance.
  • Provides brain cells with the necessary amount of oxygen.
  • Reduces the effects of toxins, alcohol and medicines on the body.

After resorption of the Glycine tablet, the active ingredient of the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood stream, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, has the ability to accumulate in tissues, improve metabolic processes in brain structures.

Indications for use

Glycine tablets are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases and conditions affecting the central nervous system. The drug is recommended for use in the treatment of functional disorders of the brain. The drug is well tolerated and can be used in combination with other drugs.

For adults

Glycine tablets are prescribed for adults under the following conditions:

  1. Decreased mental performance.
  2. Chronic or increased fatigue.
  3. Frequent stress, depression.
  4. Emotional instability.
  5. Encephalopathies of various origins.
  6. Traumatic brain injury.
  7. body intoxication.
  8. neuroses.
  9. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  10. Consequences or recovery after a stroke.

The drug can be used to treat chronic alcoholism in combination with other drugs. Preventive medication is carried out with increased physical and mental stress. Glycine is often used for withdrawal symptoms in patients suffering from alcoholism. It also has a good result in depressive conditions, increased irritability and other disorders.

For children

Glycine can be used in pediatrics to treat the following conditions:

  1. Deviant behavior in children and adolescents.
  2. Increased excitability and emotionality.
  3. Sleep disorder.
  4. Mental retardation in children.
  5. Increased mental and physical stress.

You can also take the drug for the treatment of vegetative - vascular dystonia in children, emotional instability and other conditions.

There are no data on the use of Glycine during pregnancy, but in a number of exceptions, the drug may be prescribed to expectant mothers. Indications for use may be the following conditions:

  1. Instability of the nervous system.
  2. Frequent stress, depression.
  3. Sleep deterioration.
  4. Increased fatigue.
  5. Absent-mindedness.

Pregnant women are not recommended to take Glycine without first consulting a doctor, especially in.


An absolute contraindication to taking Glycine is intolerance to the active ingredient or auxiliary components of the drug.

Applications and doses

Glycine tablets are intended for sublingual use. The tablet should be placed under the tongue and held until it is completely dissolved. The drug can be taken regardless of the meal. Doses of the drug directly depend on the age, the underlying pathology that disrupts the central nervous system.

For adults

Adults are advised to take 1-2 tablets three times a day. The treatment course is 30 days. If necessary, the drug can be extended up to 3 months or the treatment course can be repeated after a 3-month break.

For children

Glycine for children can be used from 3 years. The permissible dose of the drug is ½ tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of admission is 10 - 14 days. The daily dose for children should not exceed 100-150 mg. From the age of 7, you can take 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment can take up to 1 month.

For pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy, the dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually for each woman. The standard dosage is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The drug can be taken only when their intake does not harm the fetus and the woman herself.

Side effects

Glycine tablets are well tolerated, but in very rare cases, after taking the medicine, allergic skin reactions may occur in the form of itching, rashes. If for some reason it is impossible to take the medicine, the doctor may prescribe analogues of the drug for therapeutic action: Doppelherz-Active, Glycine-forte, Vita-glycine and others. Any analogue of the drug can be used only on the advice of a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of any analogue can cause significant harm to health, provoke the development of side effects.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug interacts well with other drugs. It is not recommended to take the drug in conjunction with antipsychotics, as well as antidepressants, anticonvulsants and hypnotics.

special instructions

Before taking the drug, be sure to consult a doctor, read the instructions for use. With extreme caution, you need to take the drug to patients who suffer from hypertension. With pathologies of the heart - vascular system and taking Glycine, you need to constantly monitor blood pressure, reduce the recommended dose to 2 tablets per day.


There are no data on drug overdose in the instructions.

Storage conditions

Glycine tablets should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the package and is 3 years from the date of issue.


You can replace Glycine with the following drugs:

  1. Glycine-forte Evalar is available in lozenges and, in addition to glycine, the dietary supplement contains thiamine and cyanocobalamin. It is recommended to take it with a depressed mood, to increase mental performance.
  2. Glycine complex is a dietary supplement that contains glycine, magnesium and as active ingredients. A bioadditive is recommended to be taken by adult patients to increase mental and physical performance, to overcome stress.
  3. refers to Glycine substitutes according to the pharmacological group. It is recommended to take it to increase the efficiency of children and adults, as well as persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.
  4. is a substitute for Glycine in the clinical and pharmacological group. The drug is available in tablets, which are prescribed for memory impairment and other cognitive disorders to adult patients.

The price of the drug

The cost of Glycine is an average of 95 rubles. Prices range from 24 to 495 rubles.

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