Budgerigars clean their feathers regularly. it is not a sign of disease. Diseases of parrots: symptoms and treatment, photo How to understand if a parrot is healthy

Logs 21.02.2022

The budgerigar is one of the most popular pets. This is an active, cheerful bird that loves communication, and under good living conditions, it can also speak, it can bring you a lot of positive emotions. Life expectancy can reach up to 15-16 years. But, whatever one may say, one will have to face such an unpleasant thing as illnesses and ailments. Of course, first of all, the health of a bird depends on painstaking care of it and maintaining a proper diet.

You should strictly monitor the hygiene of the cage, the presence of clean water in the drinker, feed it with high-quality food enriched with vitamins, do not keep the cage in the open sun, near heating appliances, in drafts, try to protect the parrot from nervous shocks and stress.

However, even if all maintenance standards are observed, a pet can get sick, despite strong natural immunity. To stop the disease in time, you need to know how to determine it. A healthy bird is easy to distinguish from a sick one. You just need to be careful and often look closely at her behavior and appearance. A photo of a sick budgerigar can be viewed in the gallery.

Disease symptoms in parrots

When a bird is healthy, it has a good mood, it is sociable, has a good appetite, plumage is bright and shiny.

What should alert the owner:

It is extremely important to notice the symptoms of the problem in its initial stage.

What diseases are found in budgerigars

There are three types of diseases:

Consider each type, its signs and treatment methods in more detail.

A bird can get sick by eating contaminated food, pecking at branches brought from the street, and can also become infected from other sick relatives. Having started treatment with medications, be sure to simultaneously process the place where the parrot is kept: the cage itself and the interior.

Infectious diseases

These microbial diseases are the most difficult to treat. The disease can be prevented by strict adherence to hygiene standards when keeping a parrot, good nutrition with vitamin supplements for food.

  • ornithosis(psittacosis) - a disease caused by chlamydophila. Having picked up this disease, the bird becomes lethargic, loses its appetite, it becomes difficult for it to breathe. She has swelling of the eyes, sticking of the eyelids, severe runny nose, discharge from the anus. Treatment is with tetracycline antibiotics.
  • mycoplasmosis. This disease is characterized by wet feathers around the bird's eyes, blanching of the beak, loss of appetite, sneezing, shortness of breath. In principle, half of the parrots are carriers of this infection and in the normal state it does not pose a threat. However, when the disease becomes active, and this is usually due to a decrease in immunity, urgent treatment is required. It is done with Baytrill added to water or by injection.
  • giardiasis. When sick, the parrot stops cleaning its feathers, they quickly take on a dirty look. In the litter, incompletely digested grains are found. Diarrhea appears. The bird is thin. In this case, Emtryl is usually prescribed by veterinarians.
  • kidney infection. Signs of this disease are weight loss, paralysis of the limbs, a swollen belly of a parrot. Treatment can be carried out with ciprofloxacin for 10 days. A quarter of the tablet is diluted in 4 ml of water. The solution is injected into the beak 2 times a day, 2 drops (0.08 ml).
  • salmonellosis. Diagnosed by swollen joints of the wings and legs and persistent diarrhea. For treatment, give a solution of chloramphenicol. Important! This disease is transmitted to humans.
  • tuberculosis. When infected, the bird loses weight, often yawns and coughs. Tuberculosis in budgerigars cannot be cured.

Diseases arising from the improper maintenance of a parrot

Parrots should be given more greens, fruits, sprouted cereals, branches of deciduous trees. Add 5 drops of fish oil. It is also shown to stay outdoors, in the sun.

In order to avoid various types of injury, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the parrot. Try to feed properly in order to avoid constipation and obesity, to protect him from stress and boredom. If you provide the bird with proper maintenance and care, it will not get sick.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any change in the behavior of the bird is a signal for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic, since only after laboratory tests can the specialist correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for your pet.

Delay in this case is fraught with death, since diseases in parrots develop rapidly due to rapid metabolism and, in critical cases, lead to their death. Why is responsiveness important? You are entrusted with the life of a living being. Try to justify this trust.

Budgerigars can often be found in houses and apartments. Many believe that they are unpretentious birds that do not require special care. But still, their well-being and good health depends on providing the necessary conditions for living. Do not forget that there are various diseases of budgerigars that can cause serious harm to the health of a pet, and some of them can lead to the death of a feathered pet. To avoid fatal ailments, it is worth studying their types and features of treatment.

Budgerigars are strong birds that easily adapt to the conditions of a house or apartment. If you properly care for him and provide him with all the necessary conditions for a normal life, then he will be able to live 13-16 years. His state of health can be easily determined by his appearance.

Healthy birds look clean and tidy. They have an expressive look that is full of joy and interest in everything. They normally perceive external stimuli, make ringing sounds, chirping, do not forget to clean their feathers and wash themselves.

But still it is worth remembering about the diseases of budgerigars and their symptoms. They can overtake every bird. It is enough not to remove the cage in time, not to close the window or not to change the food, and after a while the condition of the feathered pet may worsen.

Each owner of budgerigars should be alerted by the following manifestations:

  • The parrot suddenly becomes inactive, depressed;
  • The pet has a strong thirst;
  • Difficult and difficult breathing activity;
  • The formation of growths on the surface of the beak and legs;
  • Disorder of coordination of movements;
  • Vomiting and liquid droppings;
  • The parrot sits at the bottom of the cage for a long time;
  • Plumage deterioration;
  • There may be discharge from the eyes and beak.

If the parrot does not fly, disheveled, ruffled, does not show interest in others, then the owner should be wary. He probably had a dangerous disease that could provoke serious complications.

Common diseases

If a parrot suddenly falls ill, then you should be wary. Some diseases can go away on their own, but most can become severe and cause complications. Therefore, the owner must have an idea of ​​what diseases can occur in birds and how budgerigars should be treated.


It is important to remember that budgerigars are highly sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so even a draft can cause the development of a cold. For this reason, carefully monitor the vents and windows, they must be closed.

How can you tell if a parrot is sick? It is worth carefully examining his appearance, he will look unhealthy and inactive. The bird can sit in one place for a long time, and mucus may be released from its eyes and nose.

If a budgerigar is sick with a cold, then he will experience symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • Apathy;
  • He may sneeze;
  • poor appetite;
  • He sleeps constantly;
  • The plumage becomes ruffled.

Before starting treatment, the bird must be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. The specialist will conduct the necessary examination and establish the presence of a cold. Based on the data obtained, he will be able to choose the appropriate treatment therapy.

At home, you can warm up a feathered pet with a lamp. Additionally, inhalations can be carried out using tea tree oil. To improve the condition and speed up recovery, you can add a decoction of chamomile to the drinker.


When they appear, the bird begins to itch constantly. She has severe itching, which worries her and causes discomfort. When these manifestations appear, it is worth pushing the plumage apart, ticks can be found between the feathers. They can also be observed on the paws, near the eyes and beak.

It is important to remember that mites cause serious harm to the health of the bird, they can cause growths on the surface of the paws or beak. Vaseline or vegetable oil has a good effect, it will block the air and the pests will not be able to breathe, as a result they will die. For treatments, you can use aversectin or novertin ointment.

goiter inflammation

Every owner of feathered pets should remember that many budgerigar diseases can occur without any symptoms, so they can be ignored. Just one of them is inflammation of the goiter. This pathological process cannot be detected at the initial stage, so it often turns into a complicated form.

The following factors can cause:

  • Various toxic substances that a bird can inhale;
  • The use of feed mixtures with poor quality;
  • Deficiency of useful elements;
  • Use of dirty water;
  • Various complications after diseases with an infectious nature.

It is important to first study the symptoms and treatment of budgerigar disease. Usually, with inflammation of the goiter, the bird does not eat food, it has lethargy, practically does not drink. Over time, she develops vomiting, which may contain mucus.


Poisoning is a common ailment of birds. They can occur when using feed mixtures of poor quality and untreated water. These diseases in budgerigars can manifest themselves with malnutrition.

How to determine that the parrot is sick? The main symptoms of poisoning include:

  • The appearance of liquid litter;
  • severe lethargy;
  • Frequent vomiting;
  • poor appetite;
  • Drowsiness.

In case of poisoning, the parrot should be given an absorbent. Smecta and Polysorb have a good effect. They are injected into the bird with a syringe. Dairy-free cereals are suitable for feeding. Additionally, it is worth warming the pet, a table lamp is suitable for this.

Paw injuries

Diseases of parrots can be associated with paws, namely with injuries to the limbs. They may experience dislocations, fractures, bruises, sprains.

If a sick parrot has a deterioration in its condition, then it should definitely be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. It must be urgently delivered to a specialist if the damaged foot is immobilized, reddened and swollen. In the hospital, perform the necessary examination, take an x-ray and select the appropriate treatment.

Vomiting, diarrhea and constipation

The occurrence of vomiting, diarrhea or constipation is often manifested in a budgerigar with a poisonous disease. When poisoned, the bird often begins to burp after eating food. This may be the result of the following phenomena:

Many infections in budgerigars are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. All this quickly leads to dehydration of the bird and subsequent death. In these cases, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, he will be able to save the feathered pet and prescribe an effective treatment.


Lipoma is a tumor formation on the abdomen of a bird. It is located in the lower part of the abdomen, but can sometimes be found on other parts of the body. The tumor is benign. To the touch, a ball can be felt under the skin that moves.

If a budgerigar falls ill with this pathological process, then many owners may have a question - what to do in this situation? How to help him? You can’t do anything on your own, otherwise you can harm the pet. It is important to visit a veterinarian immediately.

The treatment of this disease in budgerigars is accompanied by a special diet, which is aimed at weight loss. Lipoma causes obesity. The menu should include more cereals, vegetables and herbs. Also, periodically the pet should be released from the cage to fly.

Inflammation of the cloaca

Studying what ailments parrots have, you should pay attention to the inflammation of the cloaca. This disease develops as a result of malnutrition, with a lack of vitamins, as well as during the consumption of hard-to-digest food by the bird. Inflammation can develop due to poor-quality cleaning of the feathered pet's cell.

The following symptoms of the disease in a budgerigar are observed:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Gluing and sticking of feathers around the cloaca;
  • Inflammation of the skin around the cloaca, signs of swelling;
  • Strong weight loss;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Decreased activity;
  • The appearance of blood and mucous secretions.

If symptoms occur, contact an ornithologist. Only a doctor will be able to conduct a qualitative examination and prescribe the necessary examination.

Causes of diseases

Everyone knows that budgerigars are unpretentious birds that are suitable for keeping at home, but you still need to know their main diseases and methods of treatment. Many of them are dangerous and can be fatal. And in order to avoid them, it is necessary to study the main factors that provoke them:

  • Incorrect content;
  • Lack of hygiene;
  • Non-compliance with the feeding regimen;
  • Carrying out poor-quality cleaning of the cell;
  • Use of poor quality feed;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • Drafts and dampness;
  • Hypothermia, sudden changes in temperature.

Important! If you have identified the first signs of illness in a budgerigar, then it should be separated from other birds, otherwise it may infect them. You also need to contact a veterinarian or an ornithologist.

How to cure a parrot

If a pet has a disease, then a specialist can tell you how to properly treat a parrot. First, he will conduct the necessary examination, and after that he will be able to choose the correct and effective treatment therapy. He will tell you what to do if the parrot is sick.

Veterinary clinics

Treatment of parrots in a clinic is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He usually prescribes drugs and antibiotics that can suppress the development and eliminate the disease. The types of medicines depend on the disease:

Many owners of feathered pets are often interested in what and how to treat a parrot at home? At home, treatment can be carried out only in cases where the disease has just begun and it is not serious. But in case of complications, it is better to consult a doctor.

At home, you can do the following:

  • Improve nutrition;
  • Ensure regular cleaning of the cage;
  • Vitamins should be included in the diet;
  • Closely monitor the hygiene of the bird;
  • From time to time, the parrot should be released from the cage so that it can fly.

If a pet has a cold, it is recommended to warm it over a table lamp. It is also necessary to drink it with decoctions of chamomile, teas with lemon and honey. Inhalations based on eucalyptus and menthol have a good effect. If the bird has wounds or sores, then they can be treated with iodine or brilliant green. Strong drugs should be given under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Diseases dangerous to humans

When studying questions - what budgerigars get sick and how to treat them, you should also pay attention to diseases that can be dangerous to humans. Do not think that all ailments cannot be transmitted to people, this is not so. For this reason, ornithologists do not recommend getting parrots for people who have allergic reactions, various chronic diseases.

So, you can get infected from a budgerigar if the bird has the following pathologies:

  • Salmonellosis. This is an intestinal infection that occurs as a result of poor-quality and malnutrition of a parrot. Accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, deterioration of plumage;
  • Chlamydia. This is a dangerous disease that is quickly transmitted to humans from a sick bird. During it, the parrot has diarrhea, cough, discharge from the nose, eyes. A person has chills, headaches, discomfort in muscles, joints;
  • Encephalitis. This disease is transmitted from mosquitoes to parrots and then to humans. During it, dysentery, pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting, muscle cramps develop;
  • Tuberculosis. Occurs in parrots with a weak immune system. In humans, it is accompanied by inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Diseases in budgerigars are different, but many of them are quite dangerous. It is important to know their types and features of the course, this will help to detect the pathological process in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can perform an examination and choose the appropriate treatment.

Your budgerigar, who constantly delighted with his indefatigable energy and funny fuss around the apartment, suddenly calmed down sharply, does not show interest in life?

The genetically inherent feature of parrots to hide their indisposition, which helps to survive in the wild, at home can create a significant problem if the owner is not sufficiently knowledgeable and attentive to his pet. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences that can end badly for a bird, you should know the most characteristic symptoms that not everything is in order with the health of a parrot.

How to determine by behavior that a bird is sick

Not always changes in the behavior of a parrot are symptoms of a violation of its state of health and require treatment. Do not delay if the budgerigar:

  • sleeping too much;
  • sits ruffled in a corner of a cage or on a perch;
  • indifferent to everything that happens, allows you to pull yourself together;
  • is silent or makes sounds that are not characteristic of him: wheezing, whistling, plaintive squeaking;
  • refuses food, indifferent to favorite delicacies;
  • lost a lot of weight;
  • breathes heavily, makes certain sounds when inhaling-exhaling;
  • shows anxiety of a different nature: constantly itches, shakes his head;
  • drinks often and in large quantities;
  • constantly spitting up;
  • stopped caring for feathers or does it untidy;
  • exhibits incoordination, convulsions, lameness.

External signs of bird disease

The main indicator of the state of health of a bird is plumage. A sign of health is even, shiny, clean, smooth and tight-fitting feathers. At the slightest change in these indicators, ruffled, dirty, or you should immediately consult a doctor.

In a healthy bird, the beak is clean, shiny, without neoplasms, and has an even color. Any deviations from this, cracks, seals, rapid growth of the beak, discharge from the nostrils indicate a disease.

A sign of the disease may be red swollen eyes, profuse lacrimation or purulent discharge from them, a change in the color or uniformity of the iris, itching around them.

The parrot should be treated immediately if the skin on featherless areas, in particular on the paws, peels off, becomes bumpy or swollen, changes color and turgor, cracks or growths appear on it.

Loss of feathers, their excessive contamination, inflammation and swelling of the skin around the cloaca can be a sign of a disease of the internal organs.

Litter - an indicator of the disease of a parrot

The litter of a healthy parrot has a uniform consistency, a greenish-brown color. A veterinarian consultation is necessary if the litter:

  • changed color or texture;
  • includes blood, mucous, watery inclusions, undigested food;
  • has a strong fetid odor.

The owner of a budgerigar should understand that keeping a pet significantly determines its state of health. Only with proper care, proper diet, regular hygiene procedures and the creation of the necessary psychological environment, the bird will live a long and happy life, protected from many dangerous diseases.

Budgerigars are very beautiful birds. Therefore, they began to be kept at home in special cages. In a cage, these birds live much longer than in the wild. It is about care and comfort. The bird does not need to look for food for itself, the owner himself will surely feed him, give him water, give him the necessary vitamins, and clean the cage.

But there are times when parrots start to get sick. Let's find out what is the cause of the disease of these birds, what diseases of parrots are and what needs to be done to cure them.

How to distinguish a healthy parrot from a sick one

If the parrot is properly cared for, then no disease will overcome it. How to understand that the bird is sick?

Symptoms of a healthy bird

Symptoms of a sick parrot

When a parrot starts to get sick, it will show the following symptoms:

  • He refuses food;
  • The bird is rapidly losing weight;
  • Appearance becomes untidy;
  • Breathing is heavy;
  • The bird is not interested in anything;
  • Mucus began to stand out from the beak;
  • The bird began to drink a lot;
  • The tail became lowered;
  • Growths appeared on the beak and paws;
  • The parrot moves little and makes plaintive sounds.

If your parrot has at least one of the listed signs, then this indicates that he is sick. Necessary start treatment immediately to keep him from getting worse.

Causes of the disease

Some bird diseases are very dangerous for human health. So let's look at this issue a little.

What are the causes of these diseases?

  • Improper and poor-quality nutrition;
  • Poor bird care;
  • Cold room.

How to treat a sick parrot

What to do if budgerigars are sick:

How to properly care for a sick bird.

If you have several parrots and one of them is sick, then they should not be together. A sick parrot must be placed in a separate cage. At the bottom of the cage you need to lay white paper. This is necessary so that you can keep track of the feathered litter.

You need to feed a sick parrot only with millet and oats. Greens and porridge from the diet should be excluded. In addition to water, he can be given a decoction of chamomile or weak tea.

sick bird heat needs to be provided. Put a lamp near his cage. If you start treatment on time, then your budgerigar will be on the mend in three or four days.

As soon as you notice that the bird has recovered, it must be bathed and dried. Wash and disinfect the cage too.

How to determine the disease by litter

Normal bird droppings should be brown with a green tint and white spots.

If your wavy parrot caught an infection, then its label will change.

What can be litter and what disease does it mean, symptoms and treatment.

During this period, the budgerigar must be given vitamins containing calcium.

Now you know all the diseases of parrots, and also learned what needs to be done to cure them.

The parrot will not be able to tell you that he is unwell. You can understand that "something is wrong" just by his appearance and behavior. The more attentive you are to your pet, the faster you will notice his malaise. Diseases in birds develop catastrophically quickly. At the first sign of illness, the bird should be contacted by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The parrot is sick if:

He became lethargic and inactive, the bird constantly sits ruffled on the perch or lies at the bottom of the cage on the abdomen;

He often sneezes, clear or cloudy mucus comes out of his nose;

The bird made whistling sounds when breathing, he began to breathe heavily, swaying his whole body;

The bird regurgitates the eaten grain. Normally, male parrots regurgitate grain when courting a female (or an object that replaces her, a mirror or a toy). But this happens only during sexual behavior, the bird is active and cheerful;

The bird shakes its head frequently and sharply;

She constantly itches, scales or growths have appeared on her paws and beak;

The beak and claws are very strongly branched;

The eyes are reddened, there is discharge from the eyes, the bird squints or closes its eyes;

The stomach has increased, a tumor has appeared on any part of the body;

The parrot drops feathers in large numbers;

The pen has become dull, ruffled, it breaks or bleeds. The bird pulls out feathers, there are bare areas of the body without feathers, a new feather does not grow or grows and immediately breaks off;

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