A conspiracy to make a mother love her children. A strong conspiracy to love a son for his mother. When will this water return to where I took it

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You don't deserve such a callous attitude from your daughter. As a mother, you regret that you missed a child at a certain stage of upbringing. Read a strong conspiracy.

No sorcery. Do not be afraid, we will not turn to the forces of destruction.

You don't have to redeem.

After a short period of time, your daughter will change her attitude towards her mother for the better.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 5 candles.

Come back without religious ceremonies.

Light all the candles.

Look closely at the fire.

Do not disturb the spiritual wound by remembering the quarrels.

Do not scold your daughter, do not reproach yourself.

Your relationship will improve soon.

Confidently read the proposed magical plot.

Oh, Fire, you blaze in the night, melt the ice and save you from the cold. Make your daughter see clearly, look at me differently. Let him be softer, not angry, closer to his mother with his heart. Oh, Fire, if I'm guilty, don't let the retribution torment me too much. Those who quarrel us, induce damage, let them leave the threshold in peace. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

You blow out the candles. Take the spell sheet to a secluded place.

After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

Live in harmony!

Author: Site Administrator | Published: 03/31/2017 | Home | STRONG CONSPIRACIES

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A conspiracy to make the daughter obey the mother

Do not reproach your naughty daughter. Your mother's heart is torn apart. But being rude won't solve the problem. Read the strongest magical conspiracy. 3 days.

Perhaps this is a transitional age, and the daughter's desire to assert herself in this way.

Her harsh temper, from which she is unable to get rid of.

Personal difficulties that she is afraid to tell you about.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 7 candles.

Return immediately.

Exactly at midnight retire in a locked room.

Light all the candles.

With an effort of will, imagine how your daughter obediently agrees with you.

Proceed to the repeated and firm reading of a harmless magical conspiracy.

As a mother, this is holiness for a child, may my daughter always be happy with me. He will begin to behave obediently, he will recoil from nasty advice. In a conflict, he will agree with me, he will not scream and get angry. Nothing will hide from me, our house will not be washed with tears. Fire, let the man take notice, the wife of the worthy will meet. But even then, the mother will not leave, she will humbly ask for advice. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Bury cinders in the ground. Remove the handwritten sheet.

If there is no result, after about 2 weeks, repeat the occult venture again.

Good luck!

Author: Site Administrator | Published: 03.04.2017 | Home | STRONG CONSPIRACIES

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ZagovorMaga.ru » Conspiracies » Conspiracy options for the love of a son for his mother

It is not unfortunate, but sometimes there are situations when parents cannot improve their relationship with their children. The reason is not that parents do not try, or do not pay due attention to their child. The reason is that children cannot relate normally to their parents. In such cases, a conspiracy to love a son for a mother, or a daughter for a mother, comes to the rescue. White magic has always been considered an assistant in family affairs. It has been used throughout the ages. Magic has always come to the rescue in difficult moments of life.

A conspiracy to love a son or daughter to mother

Reasons for disobedient children

Descendants can be rude to their parents for several reasons.

  1. Transitional age. At this time, all children stop behaving normally, because it seems to them that the whole world is against them. This is rather a psychological problem than a physiological one, because it is at this age that children undergo a change in character, and the formation of themselves as a person.
  2. Bad Company. Sometimes a child may contact bad company, because he wants to express his opinion. He believes that new friends will help him become what he wants to see himself.
  3. Different outlooks on life. Of course, parents know better what is good and what is bad. But children are not used to prohibitions. They want everything to be the way they want. And every parental comment is taken as a challenge. Psychologists say that "forbidden fruit is sweet", so every prohibition is accepted as something desired.

If you want your son and daughter to treat your words with understanding, you must take into account their wishes too. To begin with, it is worth talking heart to heart with them and making contact. If progress is not observed, then you can use a conspiracy to love a son and daughter. For the son and for the daughter, you must set an example. You shouldn't ban them from anything. This can lead to unpleasant consequences, and the destruction of love for you. It is better to clearly explain to them why you are against this or that situation. The child will decide what to do in the end.

Relationship rituals

If you want to regain the location of your son and daughter, then you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I ask the Holy Light Forces to help me in a difficult situation. Descendants have turned away from me, and I want to return the love of my son and daughter. I wish that we become a family again, and never be separated again. There will never be a stepmother in their lives. Only I have to wash their heads and bodies.”

This text is read early in the morning.

To consolidate the result before going to bed, read:

“Saints, you always help those in need. Today I ask for help, a servant of God (name). My son, the servant of God (name), and daughter, the servant of God (name), decided to cross me out of their lives. But I am their mother, and I wish them only the best. I want to protect them from bad company, from envious people and from the darkest forces. I will become the children's most faithful friend, helper and whoever they want to see in me. I don't need anything else, as long as they give me back my confidence in our family. You want love from your own descendants. May we be happy again. We are Orthodox believers who have always believed in our God. We attend church and always read prayers. Prayer has never left our home and our souls. Please heaven help us. Don't turn your back on us. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

A rite that allows you to return children's love to mother

If you lack the love of babies, then use the following ritual. Light three candles around the house, and take one item from each child. Children should use these things all the time. Hold the thing in your hands, and imagine how your relationship with your children improved. In this case, you need to read a special conspiracy.

“I will settle down near the icon. I will read a prayer, I will baptize myself with a cross. On the icon I see the Mother of God holding her child. The strongest love that is possible in all the worlds is read in her eyes. The child trusts her, and allows herself to be touched. I ask the Mother of God to make sure that my children stop quarreling with me, so that our relationship will improve. They will never have stepmothers. You are a great woman and only you can help me. Only I, their mother, can protect my descendants from everything bad. Nothing bad can surround them."

There is no prayer stronger than a mother's reverence

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Mother and child as one

There is a conspiracy that will help ensure that your relationship with your children will never "fail". For several days you need to pray to the icon every evening:

“Everyone loves precious metals. I ask that my children feel the same love for me. Love in our family has not been observed for a long time, but the thought does not leave me that everything will work out. Children need a mother, even if they don't understand it. A day without them is like an eternity. Stepmothers will not love them the way I love them. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

Herbs can help with this problem. Medicinal herbs should always be present in your yard, which are characterized by a positive effect on the human psyche. With these herbs, you can make tinctures, decoctions, and even add to tea. They have a positive effect on human behavior, because they have a sedative effect. If you don't know which herbs to use and where to look for them, you can seek the help of a specialist. He will point you to the right options that will allow you to build family relationships.


Conspiracy from a photograph on the love of children for their mother

Despite the fact that a mother is the closest and dearest person, one can often come across stories when whole wars happen between parents and children. Both sides suffer from this, but the hardest thing is for the mother, because she always sincerely wishes her children well. Children, due to their age or inexperience, cannot correctly assess the situation, therefore misunderstandings often arise between them and their parents.

  • How to say love to children
  • For children to obey their mother
  • So that the mother is not offended

Also, very often we receive letters to our email box asking us to publish conspiracies for the love of mother. After all, it is not always possible to find understanding of children, and especially in adolescence. And there are also situations when children really forget about their parents, or even go beyond all permitted boundaries and beat their mother. So that such situations do not happen again in the past, you need to use conspiracies that help you understand the fact that parents are sacred, and thereby establish harmony and peace in the family. After all, a reverent attitude towards parents from an early age is also a well-spent old age in the circle of their adult sons and daughters. So, a love plot between mother and children is read by the mother twice a day: at dawn and at sunset. Sometimes a few days are enough for reconciliation to occur, and sometimes the mother has to wait years for the children to realize they are wrong and reconcile with it. Thus, the result manifests itself in each specific case in different ways. The main thing is not to despair, not to lose heart, but to do your job firmly and calmly. In general, any doubts during the conduct of magical rites are simply unacceptable, since they simply reduce the effect of a magical ritual, or they can completely destroy it. You can’t even start any ritual (it doesn’t matter if it’s a love spell or a conspiracy to reconcile) if you are overcome by doubts.

How to say love to children

This conspiracy will help the mother to gain the love of children, using it you will see how reverently and caringly the children began to treat you, you will feel their love. Take a photo of the child, go to the river on a sunny, cloudless day, attach the photo to the heart with the back, hold with both hands from the bottom edges, just do not cover the front side with your hands - the photo should be open. Be quiet and imagine how your child is changing, then read these words:

“As this world needs water and sun, as the Mother of God loved her son, as Jesus loved the Mother of God, so let my (my) son (daughter) (my) (child's name) love and respect me, let him (she) get rid of evil thoughts on his mother (mother's name), may the Lord be with him. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

For children to obey their mother

How to speak to the obedience of children, because it happens that children are crazy, they do everything in reverse, you tell them so, but on the contrary they do it completely, they don’t listen and don’t take your correct advice, and what methods you didn’t resort to, nothing comes out . So, in order to correct and improve relations with children, try the ritual from the photo at home. Take a photo of the child and look intently into his eyes, reading the plot:

“You are my child, I look into your eyes and conjure love, obedience to you, let your soul melt your son (daughter) my (my) servant (slave) of God (God) (name) before the mother of your servant of God (name), which I won’t punish you, you will listen to your mother, I wish you well and conjure with all my heart. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Such a conspiracy to obedience to children is read on a certain day and a certain number of times, you will need to use the table (see below) and identify the magic numbers: Each letter corresponds to a number, take the First Name and Last Name of your child, translate the letters using the table into numbers and by Sum each one separately. The first number by Name - the day is calculated, the number should not exceed 28. By the Patronymic we calculate the month, the number should not exceed 12. And by the Surname you need to bring it to a single digit and this will be the number of reading the conspiracy.

For example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivan - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11, Ivanovich - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 29, now since the number exceeds we add it 2 + 9 = 11 , Ivanov - 1+3+1+6+7+3=21, 2+1=3. That is, such a conspiracy for a child under the name Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov must be performed on November 11 and read 3 times.

So that the mother is not offended

This conspiracy is suitable for that mother who constantly has conflicts with her children or if the children behave aggressively towards their mother or father. When the child is not at home, take a church candle and a photo of the child. Sit at the table, put a photo, light a candle, take it in your hand and, reading the plot, lead the candle in a circle clockwise over the photo. Read this plot three times:

“Evil earthly and not earthly, you worthless adversaries, get rid of the son of my servant of God (from the daughter of my servant of God) (name), go away the evil forces, the forces are not good, I gave birth to him not for you such (such) handsome (pretty) . May the light of God shed on my son (my daughter) (name) and purify not good thoughts and he will enter this house with good thoughts and shed his love and respect on his mother (father) ”

Then make three circles in the opposite direction, saying: “Now and ever and forever and ever Amen!


From Ersol Naina's letter:

“I left Russia a long time ago, but my soul still lives here - in the places of my childhood and youth.

My parents were nice and kind people and spoiled me very much. I don't know if anyone else has been spoiled the way I was. My father made toys for me and sang his funny and touching songs. If you only knew what unusually affectionate nicknames he gave me in these songs! Mom baked gingerbread animals and pies for me.

There were no parents, and there was no happiness in my life. She got married as soon as she went to war. The mother-in-law is angry, hateful, my husband beat me almost immediately after the wedding and still beats me. I bore him three children, and they either went to him, or seeing how their father treats me brutally, they also don’t put me in anything. I forgot when they called me mom, more and more “old fool”.

Not only am I not brave by nature, but my husband has been harassing me all my life, so the state of my nervous system, I will say right away, is not very good. But when I saw the luminous figure of my dead father, I was not at all afraid. Then it seemed to me that my father was with me for only a few minutes, but later, when the spirit had already disappeared, I looked at my watch and realized that we had been talking for almost an hour. Or rather, we did not communicate with him at all, but simply stood and looked at each other. Tears flowed from my eyes, and my father looked at me with such pity and love that I became sadder and sadder. I so wanted to go back to the past when I was still a little girl and dad rocked me, singing his funny songs and reading good stories.

The second time I called his spirit around Christmas, and when a transparent figure appeared, I asked my dad a question: “How long will I live?”

Now I know when I will die. But here's what's strange: I stopped being afraid of death, because I was convinced that our soul is eternal. Since I was able to summon the spirit of my father, it means that death is not the end, and after death we will not disappear.

How grateful I am for the newfound hope. And one more thing: I stopped being afraid of my husband and sons, and they noticed a change in my behavior. I didn't reveal my secret to them. I am very sorry for my sons, probably, they are not to blame for the fact that they have become like this, but we, their parents.

I ask you to write a conspiracy or prayer to soften the evil hearts of children. I don’t want my children to execute themselves after my death, when they come to their senses, for offending me, their meek and infinitely loving mother ... Your Naina.

The conspiracy that I will now teach you can truly be called miraculous. They read it morning and evening every day until they notice a change for the better in the character of an evil person. The words of the conspiracy are:

I believe in one God

Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Mother Mother of God stood behind the Throne,

I read the first law of the Lord God,

She revered her father, she did not contradict her mother.

Saint Ivan, Her teacher,

He taught, he spoke, he advised.

There are fiery words in God's Scripture.

You can't fill those words with water,

You can’t erase with an alatyr stone.

Said by God and punished:

In a word, do not offend them in deed.

Who breaks that commandment

He will destroy his immortal soul.

I ask you, Archangel Michael,

I beg you, Archangel Gabriel,

Read this commandment to my children yourself,

With your holy lips.

So that they honor me, never offend

Me, my mother, who gave birth to them and baptized them.

Dissolve, O Lord, all evil,

Cleanse their heart and forehead,

My children, My servants (names).

Conspiracy from quarrels between blood people

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the sea, on the ocean
There is an ice floe on Buyan Island.
Cold blows from the ice ...

A conspiracy for those who doubt their husband

So that there are no doubts, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that torments you.
To do this, you need to take holy water in the church, pour it into a saucer. Put the saucer at night under the moonlight.
And say:

The moon is well done, the moon, be my sister, give me the power of a love spell on the water. Let the servant of God (name) without his wife, the servants of God (name), do not sleep, do not breathe, do not hear another's maiden, do not look at others, do not make friends with others ...

Conspiracy against cheating husband

Collect your husband's hair from the pillow, hide it on the stove (which is heated with coal and wood) and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On the sea, on the ocean
During the night storm
Sunk ship.
And how he fell to the bottom of the sea,
So would my husband to other people's women
The dust is gone.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for a happy life

Word for word, deed for deed.
I pray to the holy forefathers:
Jacob, Joseph the Beautiful.
How are you, Jacob and Joseph the Beautiful,
Passed before the pharaoh of the king of Egypt
And how could he not sit still
And honored you above all,
So that me, the servant of God (name),
All ranks, all princes, boyars and all earthly sovereigns
Affectionately met and escorted ....

How to remove the curse from the family

If there is no peace and harmony in the family, and relatives have turned into real enemies, then buy twelve candles and light them as soon as midnight comes. Please note that the ceremony is performed only on clear nights. A conspiracy over burning candles is read by the oldest member of the family. The words of the conspiracy are:

Get away, devil, from the temple
And from this house
From doors and from all four corners.
There is no you, the devil, not a part,
No participation, no place, no rest.
Here is the Tospoden Cross,
Mother of Christ, Holy Mother of God,
Saint Peter, holy evangelists:
John, Luke, Mark, Matthew,
Holy archangels: Michael, Gabriel,
Raphael, Uriel, Quenched, Egudiel, Barahail.
The powers of heaven rejoice...

If people often marry, but they cannot get along with any wife or husband

If a person often marries and cannot improve relations with his spouse, he should go to an abandoned cemetery (where no one has been buried for a long time). Let him find a grave that is far from the rest. It is necessary to put glasses with wine and milk on it, put vegetables, fruits, a piece of meat and a slice of bread. After that, they read the following conspiracy:

Alone living - a wedding,
And for the lonely dead - a commemoration.
Remember, dead man, my loneliness. Amen.

You need to leave the cemetery without looking back, and on the way home you can’t talk to anyone.

If friends frequented her husband

To ward off your husband's friends, take a black poppy, read a plot over it and scatter it at your doorstep. The spoken words are as follows:

Not called - do not enter.
The morning dawn commands
The dawn of the day orders
The evening dawn drives
The dawn of the night buries from friends. Amen.

A conspiracy to respect the son-in-law

On Friday after sunset, you need to cook flour food that your son-in-law loves (pancakes, pies), and say to it:

Servant of God (name), pray to God, bow to Christ, and don’t forget to bow to me, respect me and call me mother. Amen.
Treat your son-in-law with this food, and when he starts eating, make a fig under the table with your left hand.

Conspiracies from quarrels in the family

1. This ritual will help you if you have no strength to endure a husband or wife, parents, daughter or son.
Take an ordinary ripe carrot and plant it with the root up. Carrot tops must first be cut off. As you land, say:

When this carrot sprouts, then a quarrel will come to our house. Amen.

Exactly after forty days, the carrot must be pulled out and thrown away.
This should be done three times on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) with any break.

2. You need to buy three nails on Friday. At sunrise, drive one of them into the jamb of the front door with the words:

I nail not a nail, I nail all the input quarrels-strife ....

Conspiracy against domestic anger

This ritual will help you if someone in your family especially often and unmotivated gets angry, annoyed or finds fault with trifles.
You need to take a safety pin and at midnight on the young moon burn it with the flame of a church candle, saying:

The seven-shot Mother of God, the much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy! O long-suffering Mother of God, Exalted all the daughters of the earth, in purity ...

Everything about religion and faith - "a prayer not to swear with mom" with a detailed description and photos.

Dad recovered quickly after the stroke and began to walk. But he has a problem with his head. He talks, carries some kind of nonsense. Not all the time, sometimes. The doctors said it would get worse. Mom reacts to this inadequately. She thinks that dad is playing the fool on purpose to annoy her. I feel bad about all this. Feel sorry for dad and mom.

We started arguing with mom. I resent her yelling at dad. She then yells at me. Dad looks at us and laughs. Mom gets even more excited. And I'm tired after a hard day, and there is no rest at home. Once at work I fell asleep in the locker room. Aunt Galya, a cleaner, pushed me aside and asked what happened. I burst into tears. Aunt Galya listened to my complaints and said: “Do not be angry and do not be offended. Once you were small and stupid. Now the parents become helpless and lose their minds. They loved you and looked after you when you dirty diapers, didn’t know how to speak, scattered food. Now it's your turn. No one knows why some people leave quickly, without causing trouble to anyone, while others lie for years.

Do you think that I work as a cleaner because the village is illiterate? By the way, I have a higher education. Until recently, I worked in a museum. But my mother had a stroke. There is no money to hire a nurse. Her conscience does not allow her to be sent to a nursing home. I left work to be free all day. In the evening, my daughter from the institute arrives, I run to wash the floors for several hours, I manage to go to 2 places. And in the morning, while my daughter is still at home, I clean the stairs in the entrances. So, Vladochka, you need to stock up on patience. Do not swear with your mother, if she falls down, you will cry with two. Old people are worse than children in this respect. They understand that life has been lived, they envy the young, even if they do not talk about it. They are angry that they are exhausted, and all the negativity is thrown out on the one who is nearby, who cares about them. To make it easier on your heart, every time your parents fall asleep, open the door to their bedroom and whisper a prayer for your parents:

“My Lord Jesus, hear my prayer! Strengthen the bodies of my parents (names) in good health. Grant them love of life and unanimity. Teach me to be obedient to the parental word. Deliver me from hypocrisy and slyness in dealing with them. Do not deprive us all of justification at the Last Judgment. Amen".

Mom and I stopped arguing. Dad also became calmer.

"Magic and Beauty".

While a person is young, it does not occur to him that a joyless senile extinction awaits him. Unfortunately, atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels is insidious and slowly creeps up even to the young, so that by the age of 40-45 they begin the process of memory deterioration. Prayers are good for the soul, but also a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE to prolong the active phase of a happy life. GOOD LUCK!

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This prayer corrects fate, saves from failures, illnesses, from damage, evil eye and witchcraft.

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After these conspiracies, the son becomes more caring for his mother and is no longer rude.

You are my clear dawns,

dawn you are my red ones.

You walk high

you see far away

do not go to the field or to the sea,

and go to my son.

Shed light, love on his soul, on his heart.

So that he worries about his mother,

listened to me, did not interrupt.

Take out all evil from him,

put goodness into his soul.

fed with her breast, with her milk,

how he ran after me, suffered,

did not let go of my hand,

so he would call me

didn't use a rude word.

dew, rain, pure snow.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The buoys are twisting, the buoys are twirling, the buoys are blowing.

Come on, buyan-wind, on a buoy-slave (name).

Roll his roar, roll his scream

Take away his evil, console his sorrow.

As the grass dries up without water,

So there would be no evil in the servant of God (name)

On me, his mother.

I advise you to use two conspiracies: to return your son to your doorstep and to reconcile your son with his mother.

The first plot is read in the morning, and the second in the evening.

1. To call the son to the threshold

Lord Jesus Christ!

Your servant (name) is calling you for help.

Pray and call

The soul grieves and languishes.

I open doors for my son.

The first key is Jesus Christ,

The second key is the Guardian Angel,

The third key is Elijah the Prophet.

The castle was opened by the Mother of God.

Come to the threshold, my son (name).

2. To reconcile a son with his mother:

Holy power is invincible and irresistible.

Jesus Christ, send me

At the evening dawn, on a fiery horse,

With a sharp sword, with fiery rain.

By their reconciliation - slaves (names) to the world.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

You are my clear dawns, you are my red dawns.

Get together, you, dawns, in one sulgan.

You walk high, you see far,

Do not go to the field or to the sea,

And go to my son.

Shed light, love on his soul,

So that he worries about his mother,

Listened to me, did not interrupt.

Take out all evil from him,

Put good into his soul.

As I carried a slave (son's name) in my arms,

She fed with her breast, with her milk,

How he ran after me, suffered,

Didn't let go of my hand

That's how he would call me

He didn't use a rude word.

My darling, take off my goryushka:

Dew, rain, pure snow.

Rinse, rinse the hatred from his soul.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

From now until the century for many years.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the son does not say a word against his mother.

They read to the departing son in the back.

Lord my God, bring (name) home.

Which way goes

Let this one come.

Staple, the castle is silent,

So my son would not say against the word.

He kept my advice on his mind, on his mind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Angels at the window, Christ at the door,

Every animal from our house.

Carry, Lord, a formidable cloud

For dark forests, loose sands.

Go, anger, up to you with my son,

So that he does not swear

Wouldn't pick on us

And he would keep his advice and smile.

In the windows of our guardian angels,

At the door - the Most Holy Theotokos,

In the corners - Saviors,

Christ is at the door, all kinds of animals are out of the house.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Who knows this conspiracy, that son in old age will never leave:

I will cross myself, blessing the icon.

There is a lake in the middle of mother earth,

There are dumb fish, blind crayfish, water toads.

Among them there is a white fish,

The fish are surrounded by water.

The son is always with the white fish (name).

As there can be no dead body without earth,

As fish cannot swim without water,

It can't be like that

My son is without a mother, slaves (name).

Bored, read, do not leave in old age.

Key. Castle. Language. Amen.


cat house

Magic lives here

Strong prayer from quarrels and insults in the family

Read this prayer every time something goes wrong in the house. It will help to smooth out all the sharp corners and cool the brawlers. The prayer is this:

“Jesus Christ, the son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You are living in heaven, you are looking at us, help us in our hardships. Thou hast put us in husband and wife, combining with a crown, loving humanity, and commanded us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, like Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not swear among themselves and are not reviled by vile words. We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by Your angels singing!

Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove fidelity, so that love is between us and there is no resentment and cold, and there is no discord and filth. Have mercy on our children and give them peace and quiet forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not charge them for their unreason.

Pacify their hearts and guide them along the true path, not the false one, as the Lord Thou art our souls. And give our house peace and quiet forever and ever. And protect us from the night, day, morning and afternoon, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts. Do not bring, O Lord, the heavenly lightning, nor the earthly fire, to enter our house. Save and save, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy God, have mercy on us and do not let us perish in a cursed place, but lead us to the light with Your inexpressible light. Will be with us forever and ever. Amen."

It would be even better if you rewrite the prayer by hand and put it in a secret place where you keep holy water and church candles. Holy water must be collected every year and kept in a large bottle in the house.

After cleaning, sprinkle all the corners with it.

If one of the household members falls ill, place a handkerchief soaked in holy water on his forehead.

If someone fights or scandalizes, splash him in the face to cool his ardor.

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Prayer from scandals and quarrels in the family, with her husband, with children

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

In Orthodoxy, the family, the upbringing of children and the relationship between married couples is of high importance. The family is called the "small temple" due to which the family hearth is under the intercession of all the saints and even the Almighty.

As you know, nothing is perfect in this world. Also in a family where various disagreements and misunderstandings happen, but the main thing to remember is that you are not just a couple, you are a whole union consisting of two people and which is responsible not only for yourself, but also for your children before all the Saints and the Lord .

Prayer for quarrels in the family

In order to avoid any difficulties that have overtaken a couple and to allay all misunderstandings, you can turn to prayer for help, which you can read with different images.

A prayer from scandals in the family is pronounced before:

  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Defender of a pious family - Archangel Barahiel;
  • Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Apostle John the Theologian;
  • Miraculous image of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts";
  • Saint Archangel Raphael.

In the Orthodox religion, there are a huge number of defenders of the family hearth from scandals in the house. In addition to the above Miracle Workers, patrons can also include such Saints as Fevronia and Peter, who were able to live happily in love and harmony for a long life, and they died in one hour and one day.

There are also Saints Anna and Joachim (the parents of the Queen of Heaven), who were truly an indicator of an ideal married couple. In prayer, you can turn to these images in case of a quarrel with your husband and other family troubles, when it comes to divorce, and this is done so that peace reigns again in the family, and the faded love is reborn.

But to avoid quarrels with children, to protect the family hearth and the marriage itself, the prayer service pronounced by St. Paraskeva will help. Such conversion in Christianity is considered the most revered as it saves from mental torment.

A prayer appeal to the Saints and the Lord will help you:

  • Overcome difficulties and strengthen family ties;
  • Restore harmony in the house;
  • Establish contact with children and achieve understanding;
  • After a quarrel, a prayer service will help to realize wrong, relieve pride and allow you to realize your mistakes;
  • In some cases, couples with the help of a prayer to a miraculous image can even avoid divorce.

It should be noted that in order to get a greater effect from a prayer petition, it is necessary to visit the temple with your soulmate in order to read a prayer service in hope and faith for a bright and happy future.

Prayer for scandals

Appeal to Archangel Barahiel:

“O great archangel of God, Archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and on enemies victory and overcoming, and will keep us for many years, always. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Appeal to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil situation, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and together and separately, clearly and secretly, we will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Holy Mother of God, save us! Amen".

Appeal to Xenia of Petersburg:

“Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! As if before, you had fallen ill and sorrowful to your tombstone and filled it with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, we ask with hope: pray, good heavenly lady, that our steps be corrected according to the word of the Lord to the doing of His commandments, and yes God-fighting atheism will be abolished, which has captivated your city and your country, casting us many-sinners into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair.

Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, our whole life renewal in the purifying bath of repentance, as if all-praisefully singing your memory, let us glorify the miraculous in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch also the video of prayer for family well-being:

Prayer not to swear with mom

There is joy in the house, peace and quiet, and God's Grace.

The house is our harbor, our quiet berth in the hectic everyday life.

And it’s very bad at heart, and nothing sticks - if everything in the house is not okay and not smooth.

The prayer is this:

Thou hast put us in husband and wife, combining with a crown, loving humanity, and commanded us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, like Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not swear among themselves and are not reviled by vile words.

We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by Your angels singing!

Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove fidelity, so that love is between us and there is no resentment and cold, and there is no discord and filth.

Have mercy on our children and give them peace and quiet forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not charge them for their unreason.

Pacify their hearts and guide them along the true path, not the false one, as the Lord Thou art our souls. And give our house peace and quiet forever and ever. And protect us from the night, day, morning and afternoon, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts.

Do not bring, O Lord, the heavenly lightning, nor the earthly fire, to enter our house.

Save and save, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy God, have mercy on us and do not let us perish in a cursed place, but lead us to the light with Your inexpressible light. Bude

Mothers often do not get attention in old age, and therefore they have to use such rituals, after which the children remember that they have a mother. If this is your situation, then go for it.

Despite the fact that a mother is the closest and dearest person, one can often come across stories when whole wars happen between parents and children. Both sides suffer from this, but the hardest thing is for the mother, because she always sincerely wishes her children well. Children, due to their age or inexperience, cannot correctly assess the situation, therefore misunderstandings often arise between them and their parents.

Also, very often we receive letters to our email box asking us to publish conspiracies for the love of mother. After all, it is not always possible to find understanding of children, and especially in adolescence. And also there are situations when children really forget about their parents, or even go beyond all permitted boundaries and beat their mother. So that such situations do not recur in the past, you need to use conspiracies that help you understand the fact that parents are sacred, and thereby establish harmony and peace in the family. After all, a reverent attitude towards parents from an early age is also a well-spent old age in the circle of their adult sons and daughters. So, a love plot between mother and children is read by the mother twice a day: at dawn and at sunset. Sometimes a few days are enough for reconciliation to occur, and sometimes the mother has to wait years for the children to realize they are wrong and reconcile with it. Thus, the result manifests itself in each specific case in different ways. The main thing is not to despair, not to lose heart, but to do your job firmly and calmly.

In general, any doubts during the conduct of magical rites are simply unacceptable, since they simply reduce the effect of a magical ritual, or they can completely destroy it. You can’t even start any ritual (it doesn’t matter if it’s a love spell or a conspiracy to reconcile) if you are overcome by doubts.

How to say love to children

This conspiracy will help the mother to gain the love of children, using it you will see how reverently and caringly the children began to treat you, you will feel their love.

Take a photo of the child, go to the river on a sunny, cloudless day, attach the photo to the back of your heart, hold it with both hands from the bottom edges, just do not cover the front side with your hands - the photo should be open. Be quiet and imagine how your child is changing, then read these words:

and my son (daughter) respects me (my) (child's name), may he (she) get rid of evil thoughts on his mother (mother's name), may the Lord be with him. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

For children to obey their mother

How to speak to the obedience of children, because it happens that children have gone crazy, they do everything in reverse, you tell them so, but on the contrary they do it completely, they don’t listen and don’t take your correct advice, and what methods you didn’t resort to anything comes out. So, in order to correct and improve relations with children, try the ritual from the photo at home.

Take a photo of the child and look intently into his eyes, reading the plot:

“You are my child, I look into your eyes and conjure love, obedience to you, let your soul melt your son (daughter) my (my) servant (slave) of God (God) (name) before the mother of your servant of God (name), which I won’t punish you, you will listen to your mother, I wish you well and conjure with all my heart. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Such a conspiracy to obedience to children is read on a certain day and a certain number of times, you will need to use the table (see below) and identify the magic numbers: Each letter corresponds to a number, take the First Name and Last Name of your child, translate the letters using the table into numbers and by Sum each one separately.

First number by Name - the day is calculated, the number should not exceed 28.

According to the Patronymic, we calculate the month, the number should not exceed 12.

And by Surname you need to bring it to a single digit and this will be the number of reading the conspiracy.

For example, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivan - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11, Ivanovich - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 29, now since the number exceeds we add it 2 + 9 = 11 , Ivanov - 1+3+1+6+7+3=21, 2+1=3. That is, such a conspiracy for a child under the name Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov must be performed on November 11 and read 3 times.

So that the mother is not offended

This plot is suitable for that mother who constantly has conflicts with her children or if the children behave aggressively towards their mother or father.

When the child is not at home, take a church candle and a photo of the child. Sit at the table, put a photo, light a candle, take it in your hand and, reading the plot, lead the candle in a circle clockwise over the photo. Read this plot three times:

“Evil earthly and not earthly, you worthless adversaries, get rid of the son of my servant of God (from the daughter of my servant of God) (name), go away the evil forces, the forces are not good, I gave birth to him not for you such (such) handsome (pretty) . May the light of God shed on my son (my daughter) (name) and purify not good thoughts and he will enter this house with good thoughts and shed his love and respect on his mother (father) ”

Then make three circles in the opposite direction, saying: “Now and forever, and forever and ever, amen!

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