Vanga: the most shocking facts. Vanga's heiress: abilities, predictions and prophecies, interesting facts Facts about vanga

Kitchen 16.08.2020

On August 11, 1996, a resident of Bulgaria, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (nee Dimitrova), died at the age of 85. The whole world knew her as the famous seer Vangu. But did she really have paranormal powers? Here are some facts.

Krasimira Stoyanova's pamphlet "Vanga" was published in 1989 by the publishing house "Bulgarian Writer". According to the information provided by Stoyanova, Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in the Yugoslav city of Strumitsa, in the family of a Bulgarian peasant Pande Surchev.

At the age of 12, the girl was carried away by a hurricane, and after a while she became blind. Later, relatives recalled how, being small, Vanga hid various objects and, by touch, “blindly”, looked for them.

At the beginning of 1941, Vanga had a vision - a fair-haired rider on a white horse. The guest said: “Soon everything will turn upside down in this world, many people will die. You will stay here and speak of the living and the dead. Don't be afraid! I will be there, I will always help you.

During the war, almost all the men of their town were drafted into the army or deported to Germany for forced labor. Their relatives came to Vanga to tell her about their fate. And the young woman always gave accurate information: this one is alive, this one is not, this one will return then ...

The fame of the "sorceress" quickly spread throughout the district and beyond. People with their troubles went to Vanga from all over. In April 1942, the Bulgarian Tsar Boris himself secretly visited her. Before he had time to utter a word, the clairvoyant spoke: “Your power is growing, it has spread wide, but be ready to soon fit your possessions in a nut shell ... Remember the date - August 28!” August 28 next year the king died.

The seer herself explained that she comes into contact with the dead and they tell her about everything she wants to know. It was enough for another visitor to enter the room, as Vanga delivered her "verdict". With others she talked for a long time, asking questions. She asked many to bring a piece of sugar with her: holding it in her hand, Vanga, obviously, received information about the person. She categorically refused to accept some petitioners.

Vanga collaborated with the special services?

In 1967, a special public service, whose representatives kept order in the courtyard of Vanga's house and kept records of its visitors. Vangelia Gushterova was officially registered as a civil servant with a monthly salary of 200 leva. A fixed payment for a visit to her was set - 10 leva for residents of Bulgaria and other socialist countries and 50 dollars for residents of capitalist countries. Prior to this, the seer received people for free, except that she took gifts ...

At the same time, Vanga's mysterious gift has been disputed by skeptics more than once. There were rumors that the Bulgarian special services help Vanga collect information about the right clients, and she also receives the necessary information through leading questions.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.B. Alexandrov, who headed the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, wrote about it this way:

“Do you know who prayed for Vanga the most? Taxi drivers, waiters in cafes, hotel staff - people who, thanks to the "clairvoyant", had an excellent stable income. All of them willingly collected preliminary information for Vanga: where the person came from, why, what he hopes for. And Vanga then laid out this information to clients as if she herself saw it. They helped with dossiers on clients and special services, under the cover of which the state brand worked.

According to retired KGB lieutenant colonel Yevgeny Sergienko, Vanga was often mistaken, but they tried not to disclose this, since the seer often hosted high-ranking people, and for the special services this was “a way of extracting information.”

So, Anatoly Stroev, who worked in 1985-1989 as his own correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in Bulgaria, once came to Vanga with a certain journalist, and she predicted to the woman that she would never marry and have no children. Within a year, the journalist married and gave birth to a daughter.

In 1991, Vanga said about the Soviet journalists Viktor Nogin and Gennady Kurinny, who disappeared during the war in Croatia, that they were alive and would be found soon. But later it turned out that both were shot on charges of espionage.

Some of the prophecies allegedly made by Vanga, she never uttered

Vanga is credited with prophecies about the death of Stalin, about the Chernobyl accident, Boris Yeltsin's victory in presidential elections 1996, the sinking of the Kursk submarine in 2000, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and, finally, the coming end of the world. But nothing like this has ever come from the mouth of the soothsayer; there is no reliable evidence of this.

The book of Krasimira Stoyanova mentions the story of how the Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov visited Vanga, and she allegedly told him: “Why didn’t you fulfill the desire

his best friend Yuri Gagarin? Before his last flight, he came to your house and said: “I don’t have time, so buy an alarm clock and keep it on your desk. Let this alarm clock remind you of me."

Meanwhile, Anatoly Stroev personally asked Tikhonov to comment on this episode. The artist replied: “I didn’t promise Gagarin any alarm clock! Yes, we did not know him ... "

The number of correct predictions made by Vanga slightly exceeds the probability threshold

A few years ago, Vanga's compatriot, sociologist Velichko Dobriyanov, published a book in which he outlined a thorough analysis of the predictions of the famous clairvoyant. Of the 99 Vanga messages analyzed by Dobriyanov, 43 were completely true, 43 looked ambiguous, and only 12 turned out to be absolutely wrong. Thus, the number of accurate "hits" was about 70%. This is a little higher than probability theory promises. So, Vanga still possessed some abilities ...

The life story of a phenomenal person, the clairvoyant Vanga.
A calm, sunny summer day did not portend trouble. A light warm breeze caressed the thick hair of the twelve summer girl, which wandered across a wide field. But suddenly a sharp gust of wind interrupted the serene silence, its strength grew, the eared rye obediently pressed against the ground, the air whirled in a crazy dance. The funnel of a mighty tornado swallowed the child, picked up the light child's body and carried it above the ground. Dust, sand and earth filled the frightened eyes of the girl, the elements ruffled, beat, raged. The girl, after a couple of hours, was found two kilometers from the village, littered with earth, branches and sand. She was on the verge of insanity from fear and pain, and miraculously survived after meeting with a hurricane, but after some time she went blind from her injuries. After that, the girl only began to see more than others, she now saw not with her eyes, she saw with her soul and heart. A tornado is a phenomenon not typical for Macedonia, it was there that the above-described incident occurred, it was there that the world-famous seer and healer Vanga was born and lived. Later, having married, Vanga began to live in Bulgaria. After Vanga lost her sight, having fallen into a tornado, she had a gift, she began to hear a voice. There is an interesting fact that only people close to Vanga knew about, a fontanel, which only babies have, did not grow on her head until she was old. Here is what the seer herself says in a unique 1974 interview: “This voice is always with me, even now. It was Saturday, April 5, 1941, a man appeared before me, I saw him, as you see me now, ”Vanga tells the correspondent. "He told me who he is, and he says to me: tomorrow the war will begin, you will say who is alive, who is dead." When asked what kind of person Vanga saw in her vision, she replied that she could not tell people about who he was. The second World War, and hundreds of people came to Vanga's house to find out about the fate of their loved ones who had gone to the front. Once the clairvoyant king of Bulgaria Boris visited, Vanga predicted a quick death for the monarch. Is there life after the physical death of a person? “I have no right to answer this question,” she said.

Petrich is a small, provincial town in the mountains, on the very edge of Bulgaria, 250 kilometers from Sofia, located near the border with Greece and Macedonia. Vanga lived there, having moved from Macedonia, it was there that thousands of pilgrims from all over the world went and still go. The street where the seer lived was named after her, and the house was turned into a Vanga museum. During her lifetime, Vanga received thousands of people, there was always a huge queue near the house, security was posted and a cash desk was located at the entrance. On October 3, 1967, the clairvoyant was declared an official civil servant. She is the only soothsayer who was allowed to take money for predictions in Soviet times. Vanga receives at that time almost 120 people a day. No one could skip the line, if someone tried to do it, Vanga knew this and returned the person back. Some waited for their turn for months. Vanga's abilities were so phenomenal that she knew the name of every person who stood in line at her house, and sometimes a crowd of 200-300 people gathered. The visitor entered the room, and Vanga immediately addressed him by name, thereby greatly surprising the townsfolk. The clairvoyant was a woman with character, everyone knew this, she could not stand when they tried to deceive her, if she didn’t like something, she said it to a person right in the face. The ticket price was not small, about $ 20 for citizens of the social. camps and $50 for foreign guests. Vanga's room was full of gifts brought by people from all over the world. Perfect order always reigned in the house of the clairvoyant, she was a good housewife, and could not stand dirt. The doors of the house were open for relatives and friends of the woman, she was a hospitable person. All the money acquired over the years of practice, Vanga bequeathed to the people. Vanga was also an object for scientific research, a whole research institute was engaged in the phenomenon of the soothsayer. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Natalya Bekhtereva says in an interview that after the Academy of Sciences checked Vanga's predictions, they turned out to be 80% correct. Scientists then admitted that science is powerless here. The results of the research are still not known to the general public. Many famous politicians and their wives came to the clairvoyant, the leaders of the communist apparatus visited Vanga secretly. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Brezhnev and leader com. The parties of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov repeatedly turned to Vanga for state advice, not personally, with the participation of an intermediary, who was Zhivkov's daughter, Lyudmila. The daughter of the head of Bulgaria helped the clairvoyant acquire official status and avoid persecution by the Soviet leadership. So Vanga gained worldwide fame. Presidents and heads of state, astronauts, writers, scientists visited the clairvoyant. She predicted such events as the beginning of World War II, the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, the Chernobyl disaster, the collapse of the USSR, Yeltsin's victory in the elections, the death of the Kursk submarine, and much more. Internet pages are full of Vanga's predictions, the fate of mankind is scheduled until the 5th millennium, these articles also talk about Vanga's predictions of the end of the world. We hasten to assure you that this is a lie! The clairvoyant kept silent about questions about the apocalypse, even when Vanga was asked about it by the people closest to her. Vanga never spoke about the end of humanity and did not predict it! But she mentioned the first contact of earthlings with the mind of alien origin, in 1976 she stated that a person would receive the first signals from other worlds in 200 years. Vanga said, I see a person's life like on a film, from its beginning to end. She asked people to bring sugar cubes with them, on which the person had to sleep beforehand, putting them under the pillow. “Sugar is like magic paper, if you put it under your pillow, then all the information about a person will be recorded on its crystals,” she said. The seer said that the fate of a person is strictly predetermined and has clear boundaries within which Vanga can help, give advice, save, heal, protect from any events, but outside these boundaries she is powerless, she is not the Lord God and cannot give a soul . Vanga's niece says that she watched how some kind of power often instilled in the seer, which sometimes drove her to faint, she retreated into herself, and an alien voice with a strong metallic timbre, categorical, jerky, began to speak through her lips.
10 kilometers from Petrich is a small village in the mountains - Rupite. The place is unique in its own way - it is the crater of an extinct volcano. It was in this place that Vanga spent her last years. With her savings, she built a temple in Rupite, which is a place of pilgrimage for thousands of parishioners. The clairvoyant, by the end of her life, was very tired of people, but continued to receive them until last days and did not refuse anyone, although these meetings were a real torment for her, since her physical strength was running out. On August 3, 1996, Vanga ends up in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Sofia, doctors give the woman a fatal diagnosis. The clairvoyant has had breast cancer for several years now. On August 11, 1996, at 10:10, Vanga died, she died exactly on the day and hour that she herself predicted.

The debate about Vanga and the gift of clairvoyance attributed to her has not subsided to this day, and "Vanga's predictions" continue to occupy the top lines of Internet search engine queries.

Not a saint

One of the most pressing questions that inevitably arises when discussing the cult of Vanga is the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards her. Furious admirers of the soothsayer like to claim that she has already been canonized. Particularly furious - that they canonized during his lifetime: as if the Patriarch of Bulgaria Maxim himself recognized Vanga as a saint in 1994. There is a problem: this year, Patriarch Maxim was not the Patriarch of Bulgaria. In 1992, there was a split in the Bulgarian Church and Metropolitan Pimen became the official head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, who dismissed Maxim. In addition, Vanga did not do anything that could be a reason for canonization. On the contrary, she predicted the future for people, which, according to Christian laws, is a sin. After her visions, when Baba Vanga began to speak in a voice that was not her own and she had seizures, she claimed that she was communicating with certain voices, calling them "little forces." They talked to her, prompted. It is not surprising that the Church saw (and sees) demons in these "small and large powers".

A separate conversation is about the temple that Vanga built in Rupita. The church was built, according to Vanga, in honor of Saint Paraskeva, but in fact there is only one of her “icons” in the church. In quotation marks - because the language does not turn to call the image an icon. It looks more like a photograph of a young girl. The frescoes in the church resemble images of the dead, and not the canonical images of saints. The portrait of Vanga above the royal throne, the portrait of Vanga on the fresco at the entrance - it is obvious that the building was built in honor of the Christian saint only nominally. The reason that prompted Vanga to build is also interesting - Ivan Blagoy, her guard, hanged himself at the gates of the fortune teller's house.

Vanga and the secret services

Even at the beginning of her career as a "clairvoyant", when World War II was going on, Vanga became the object of interest of the Bulgarian police. The competent authorities asked Vanga what visitors who were of operational interest were talking to her about. Such contacts between well-known "clairvoyants" and special services are not uncommon. Further more. Vanga was hired as researcher Sofia Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This unusual institute was established in 1968. Vanga, who did not like scientists, was very loyal to the employees of this scientific institution. When communicating with them, she well mastered the methods of hypnosis and influencing people. When talented Bulgarian marketers made a brand out of Vanga, very influential guests from all over the world began to come to her. The secret services simply could not use it. A special hotel was built in Petrich for the guests of Vanga. The staff was properly briefed. The flow of people to Vanga was huge, people waited for weeks for their turn, talked, talked about life.

The memoirs of Yuri Gorny are indicative in this regard: “During a telephone conversation, I asked a journalist friend what he was doing while he was waiting for a meeting with Vanga, he told me that he was killing time, drinking beer and going to the bath soon. I gave him advice: before you go to steam, stick a band-aid on the scrotum, which he did. At the meeting, Vanga told the journalist a lot about what he was like. big man that he works for the Pravda newspaper. Then assurances followed that everything would be fine with the guest in the future, but with one caveat - the journalist would not continue the family, as his reproductive organs were injured ... "

Vanga and healing

Thousands of people went to Vanga not only to find out the future. People also believed that Vanga was able to cure diseases. In fact, her "treatment" was based on well-known folk methods, but the recipes uttered by Vanga herself, people willingly took on faith. There were some very strange suggestions. One woman who came at the request of her sick husband was advised by Vanga to find a red young rooster who was not yet a year old. Catch it, open it chest birds and rip out a still-beating heart. After that, lower the heart into a bottle of wine and then put the bottle in a dark place for three days. Then let your husband drink a glass of this wine for three evenings. Such are the strange witchcraft methods. And this despite the fact that Vanga could not cure her loved ones, like herself. Her husband died of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.


Vanga's "phenomenon" can be quite convincingly explained within the framework of psychiatry. It is known that Vanga suffered from hysterical seizures. Vanga's niece also describes them: “Having learned about the approaching disaster ... my aunt turns pale, faints, incoherent words fly from her lips, and her voice at such moments has nothing to do with her usual voice.” Among the people, such a severe form of hysteria was called "hysteria" (from the word "click", that is, heart-rendingly scream, yell). This phenomenon is widely known. As early as 1900, when clinical psychiatry was just developing in Russia, psychiatrist Nikolai Krainsky published the book “Corruption, hysterics and demoniacs as phenomena of Russian folk life with a foreword by academician Vladimir Bekhterev, who defined hysteria as a painful condition, "which is based on hysterical neurosis."

Tsar Boris and Hitler

Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova claims in her book that in April 1942 Vanga was visited by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris, to whom she predicted death on August 28. “The king, without asking anything, left very embarrassed. He died on August 28, 1943." There is also a legend that in 1943 Adolf Hitler came to Vanga, to whom Vanga predicted a defeat from Soviet Union. There is no documentary evidence of either the first or the second meeting. Most likely, Vanga, just like Wolf Messing, created their own mythology, which, without significant figures, was not so convincing. These "historical" meetings are also refuted by the fact that in the early 40s Vanga was not widely known, and her "clients" were only residents of the town of Strumica.


Vanga has been and remains a very profitable point in the tourism business in Bulgaria. A variety of amulets, books, things "consecrated" by Vanga are still popular and are well bought up by tourists. Vanga herself met with her visitors and predicted them by no means for free. There was a price list. For local visitors, the entrance was 10 leva (20 euros), and for foreign visitors - 50 dollars. The money for the reception went to the city treasury and to the Vanga Foundation, which was headed by one of her godchildren. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that far from all of her guests (who have already paid for the visit) Vanga said at least a word. Many were simply not allowed to enter. Thus, given that the number of visitors to Baba Vanga exceeded a million people, its profitability was extremely high. At the end of Vanga's life, a serious war unfolded for her money, in which the relatives of the soothsayer, the Vanga Foundation, the Bulgarian government and several "spiritual organizations" of a sectarian persuasion were involved.

Were there any predictions?

Talk about Vanga's "predictions" deserves, of course, special attention. The problem is that there are almost no recorded prophecies that belong to the Bulgarian soothsayer. Calculations of the "correctness" of predictions are still being made, but they do not have an open methodology, without which any scientific research becomes just speculation. Interesting in this regard is the history of the column "political predictions from Vanga", which for a year and a half "made circulation" of the magazine "Lights of Bulgaria". It turned out that the journalists themselves wrote the texts, and then brought them to Vanga for verification. This is how newspaper horoscopes are written today. Vanga's admirers like to refer to the psychologist Dobryan Velichko, who allegedly conducted a study of everything Vanga said and showed that 63.8% of her predictions are always correct. Would you be treated by a doctor who makes the correct diagnosis 63.8% of the time?

On August 11, 1996, a resident of Bulgaria, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (nee Dimitrova), died at the age of 85. The whole world knew her as the famous seer Vangu. But did she really have paranormal powers? Here are some facts.

The "miracles" of Vanga are known mainly from the book of her niece

Krasimira Stoyanova's pamphlet "Vanga" was published in 1989 by the publishing house "Bulgarian Writer". According to the information provided by Stoyanova, Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in the Yugoslav city of Strumitsa, in the family of a Bulgarian peasant Pande Surchev.

At the age of 12, the girl was carried away by a hurricane, and after a while she became blind. Later, relatives recalled how, being small, Vanga hid various objects and, by touch, “blindly”, looked for them.

At the beginning of 1941, Vanga had a vision - a fair-haired rider on a white horse. The guest said: “Soon everything will turn upside down in this world, many people will die. You will stay here and speak of the living and the dead. Don't be afraid! I will be there, I will always help you.

During the war, almost all the men of their town were drafted into the army or deported to Germany for forced labor. Their relatives came to Vanga to tell her about their fate. And the young woman always gave accurate information: this one is alive, this one is not, this one will return then ...

The fame of the "sorceress" quickly spread throughout the district and beyond. People with their troubles went to Vanga from all over. In April 1942, the Bulgarian Tsar Boris himself secretly visited her. Before he had time to utter a word, the clairvoyant spoke: “Your power is growing, it has spread wide, but be ready to soon fit your possessions in a nut shell ... Remember the date - August 28!” On August 28 of the following year, the king died.

The seer herself explained that she comes into contact with the dead and they tell her about everything she wants to know. It was enough for another visitor to enter the room, as Vanga delivered her "verdict". With others she talked for a long time, asking questions. She asked many to bring a piece of sugar with her: holding it in her hand, Vanga, obviously, received information about the person. She categorically refused to accept some petitioners.

Vanga collaborated with the special services?

In 1967, a special state service was created, whose representatives kept order in the courtyard of Vanga's house and kept records of its visitors. Vangelia Gushterova was officially registered as a civil servant with a monthly salary of 200 leva. A fixed payment for a visit to her was set - 10 leva for residents of Bulgaria and other socialist countries and 50 dollars for residents of capitalist countries. Prior to this, the seer received people for free, except that she took gifts ...

At the same time, Vanga's mysterious gift has been disputed by skeptics more than once. There were rumors that the Bulgarian special services help Vanga collect information about the right clients, and she also receives the necessary information through leading questions.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.B. Alexandrov, who headed the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, wrote about it this way:

“Do you know who prayed for Vanga the most? Taxi drivers, waiters in cafes, hotel staff - people who, thanks to the "clairvoyant", had an excellent stable income. All of them willingly collected preliminary information for Vanga: where the person came from, why, what he hopes for. And Vanga then laid out this information to clients as if she herself saw it. They helped with dossiers on clients and special services, under the cover of which the state brand worked.

According to retired KGB lieutenant colonel Yevgeny Sergienko, Vanga was often mistaken, but they tried not to disclose this, since the seer often hosted high-ranking people, and for the special services this was “a way of extracting information.”

So, Anatoly Stroev, who worked in 1985-1989 as his own correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in Bulgaria, once came to Vanga with a certain journalist, and she predicted to the woman that she would never marry and have no children. Within a year, the journalist married and gave birth to a daughter.

In 1991, Vanga said about the Soviet journalists Viktor Nogin and Gennady Kurinny, who disappeared during the war in Croatia, that they were alive and would be found soon. But later it turned out that both were shot on charges of espionage.

Some of the prophecies allegedly made by Vanga, she never uttered

Vanga is credited with prophecies about the death of Stalin, about the Chernobyl accident, Boris Yeltsin's victory in the 1996 presidential election, the sinking of the Kursk submarine in 2000, the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, and finally about the coming end of the world. But nothing like this has ever come from the mouth of the soothsayer; there is no reliable evidence of this.

The book of Krasimira Stoyanova mentions the story of how the Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov visited Vanga, and she allegedly told him: “Why didn’t you fulfill the desire

your best friend Yuri Gagarin? Before his last flight, he came to your house and said: “I don’t have time, so buy an alarm clock and keep it on your desk. Let this alarm clock remind you of me."

Meanwhile, Anatoly Stroev personally asked Tikhonov to comment on this episode. The artist replied: “I didn’t promise Gagarin any alarm clock! Yes, we did not know him ... "

The number of correct predictions made by Vanga slightly exceeds the probability threshold

A few years ago, Vanga's compatriot, sociologist Velichko Dobriyanov, published a book in which he outlined a thorough analysis of the predictions of the famous clairvoyant. Of the 99 Vanga messages analyzed by Dobriyanov, 43 were completely true, 43 looked ambiguous, and only 12 turned out to be absolutely wrong. Thus, the number of accurate "hits" was about 70%. This is a little higher than probability theory promises. So, Vanga still possessed some abilities ...

Most know or have ever heard of a blind soothsayer from Bulgaria named Vanga (Vangelia). For science, her gift is a phenomenon that physicians, physicists and hypnotists have tried to study. But there was no unanimity among scientists. The verdict was this: no rigorous evidence of prophetic abilities was found, but it is impossible to deny it.

Biography of Vangelia

She was born in Bulgarian city Strumich, in a poor peasant family. She was a premature 7-month-old, and she was even given a name only after 2 months. And in those days, if a child was born in a Bulgarian family, then there was a custom to go out into the street and ask for advice on how to name it. So did the grandmother of Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (Vanga's maiden name is Dimitrova). She went out into the street and the wanderer called the name - Vangelia (means Good News).

When the girl was only 4 years old, Vanga's mother died. While the father was on the fronts of the First World War, the child grew up with a neighbor. Returning from the war, Vanga's father married a second time. As if anticipating her fate, the girl from childhood loved to play doctor and ... blind. Her biggest amusement was to blindfold and find things hidden in advance.

In 1923, the father and stepmother, together with Vanga, moved to Macedonia. In the same year, Vanga lost her sight: a whirlwind threw her several hundred meters away. Twelve-year-old Vanga was returning from a spring - a terrible hurricane rose, a huge air funnel lifted the girl into the sky and carried her away. They found her with sandy eyes… They couldn’t cure her because of the lack of money and Vangelia became blind… Then she was sent to a school for the blind, where she learned to read the alphabet for the blind. The gift of clairvoyance dozed in her, before going blind, she often closed her eyes, doing some work or looking for something. And she told others that for some reason she thinks that it will still be useful to her.

From 1925 to 1928, Vanga was in the House of the Blind in Zemun, Serbia. When her stepmother died, the girl returned to Strumitsa. For the first time she heard voices in her head in 1941, and she was afraid to say it, she did not want to be recognized as crazy. They say that before the start of World War II, an ancient warrior who appeared to her predicted: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die ... you will stand and predict the dead and the living.” A rumor spread through the surrounding villages that the girl accurately indicates the location of people who disappeared in the war, determines whether they are alive, or names the place of their death and burial. At this time, Vanga met her future husband, Dimitra. He wanted to find out who killed his brother and take revenge. A stately and handsome guy wooed Vanga, they got married and lived together for 20 years. In recent years, he began to drink heavily and died. A few years later, an orphan boy came to her house and his name was also Dimitar. And he became Vanga's own son.

The rumor spread throughout Bulgaria. On April 8, 1942, Boris III himself, the Tsar of Bulgaria, came to Vanga. Pieces of sugar "helped" Vanga to look into the future. Vanga demanded from visitors that they keep them under the pillow all night. Meticulous statisticians calculated that the clairvoyant had about a million visitors who brought her 2 tons of refined sugar!

Vangelia also helped the sick. She could diagnose, suggest how to treat or refer to doctors. And she said where this or that doctor lives. Pointed to the cause of the disease, since the cause is not always physical, it happens that it is given to us as a warning, bad thoughts or deeds.

She healed physically and mentally. And in the Bulgarian city of Petrich there is not a single family that Vanga would not help.

Since 1967, she has been in the public service.

Vangelia is very popular in Bulgaria and countries former USSR. In the USA, Wang is almost unknown; in Europe, her prophecies are treated with great skepticism. At home, Vanga is primarily considered a healer who could find an individual approach to each patient. Some of Vanga's general healing tips can be successfully applied by all people.

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