Psychologist's advice: how to distract from bad thoughts. How to distract from obsessive thoughts that make your day useless Ways to distract from problems

Door arches 10.02.2021
Door arches

How to distract yourself from problems? Often, when we are at home, with our family, or trying to fall asleep, a heap of thoughts continues to spin in our head: "Do this, then that ...", "Call tomorrow ...", "What to do?" etc. Quite often, this prevents us from living fully, communicating with loved ones, and finally depriving us of sleep. Today I will talk about how to get all this husk out of your head.

It's pretty easy to put other people's problems out of your head, for example, if they are related to work. I left work and forgot until the next day. However, what if the problems are ours? If they concern our business? If they concern our property? If they concern our personal life? It is not so easy to get distracted here, although we are aware of this need.

Distraction Techniques

Write down the problem

It may seem strange, but often problems are spinning in our heads just because we are afraid to forget them. To remove this fear, we need to fix the problem on paper or in some other way.
The method works best if, next to the recorded problem, mark what we will take when the time comes to solve this problem. The action plan is very reassuring.

Why does it help? The fact is that not so many tasks can fit in our minds at the same time. Psychologists even calculated how many (7 ± 2). This means that if the problem contains more components, it is very difficult for us to “settle” it in our head. We begin to consider one part of it, then another, forgetting the previous conclusions. Thus, we find ourselves in a "cycle", our thought loops, and we make useless mental efforts.
On paper, everything is clear, you can fit as many elements as you like, and most importantly, the paper does not forget.

Break out of context

This method works well if bad thoughts keep you awake. It takes imagination.

The fact is that all our problems and experiences are clearly linked in time. A person lies and thinks - "Here I am, now such and such a number, and now I have problems" A "," B ", etc." But, fortunately, our mind can easily be transported in time to a place where there were no problems. It is important not to overuse this method and use it only to fall asleep.

To do this, you need to remember when you were good. When you fell asleep in the same way, but thought, "Actually, I'm fine." But at the same time, this must be a situation sometime in the past, when you were very sleepy.

You can also change your self-image. For example, you can imagine that you are an eagle flying over the ground and looking down.
The most important thing in this method is to plunge into the sensations. Feelings should be monotonous. For example, if you imagine that you are an eagle, imagine the pressure of air on your wings. Or, if you are recalling the past, try to imagine bodily sensations then, in the past.

Catch the Thought Method.

Also good for falling asleep. Imagine that in your mind there is an analogue of "windshield wipers", like a car on a windshield. Try to imagine that they can sweep away thoughts and images, sounds.

Now you can play. When you catch yourself on any thought, imagine that it flies away somewhere to the side.

This is difficult and requires practice.

Humble yourself

This method is also for falling asleep. When nothing helps and problems still creep into your head, you can try to say to yourself the following: "Well, okay, let everything go to tar-tarars, but I'll sleep now." The problem may be inevitable, but you have 8 hours (or how much sleep left) of peace of mind.Right now, everything is fine.Enjoy it.

Sheep Counting Method

I think many have tried this method and found it doesn't work. In fact, this method is incredibly effective, but we just misuse it.
Here's the thing. And how many had to count sheep in modern world? Many people have seen sheep only in cartoons.

Try counting something more casual, such as small change or cars.

Each of us has situations in life when negative emotions and sad thoughts are overwhelmed, which further exacerbate an already bad mood. It is in such a situation that the question arises of how to distract from bad thoughts and get back to normal. Psychologists advise, first, to comprehend and analyze the situation, to understand what exactly led to the current situation.

How to distract yourself from sad thoughts?

The problem of a negative emotional state, as a rule, has clear reasons that we unconsciously push away from ourselves. Most often, they are caused by fear, anxiety, uncertainty about the future, these form lingering stress. How to distract yourself from these negative thoughts and anxiety, because once you let fear into yourself, it is very difficult to get rid of it.

When asked how to distract from obsessive thoughts, experts advise:

  1. If a person experiences constant fear and anxiety, it is necessary to imagine a situation in which all his fears have come true. We must ask ourselves the question: "What will happen if my fear comes true?" In most cases, this helps to realize that life does not end there. For example, a person is afraid of being fired, imagined that this had already happened, and his thoughts turned towards solving the problem, that is, searching new job or alternative income.
  2. Reappraising your values ​​is an important step in the fight against bad thoughts. It is enough just to calm down and write down all life values ​​and priorities in descending order. Put it aside for an hour or two, and then look at this list again. And it turns out that the health of loved ones is more important than the loss of a job, the happiness of a child, more important than a love disappointment.

Practical advice on how to distract yourself from sad thoughts offered by psychologists.

The feeling of love is one of the strongest in the world. It transforms people, completely changes, if not their life, then their sense of self. Modern psychology pays a lot of attention to falling in love, because its mechanisms have not yet been fully understood. Talking about this state, one cannot rely on ordinary everyday stories and concepts. Scientists have proven that such a feeling is not a whim, but a serious condition caused by special chemical reactions in organism.

We all know this feeling when we fall in love. The symptoms of this "disease" can now be found in many psychology textbooks. The main ones include:

  1. Palpitations (as if the heart were jumping out of the chest).
  2. Changes in body temperature.
  3. Goosebumps effect.
  4. Dilation of the pupils (especially when looking at the object of passion).
  5. Feeling of flight.
  6. Aggravation of feelings.
  7. Feeling drunk.
  8. A surge of strength.
  9. Inability to concentrate.
  10. No fatigue.
  11. Obsession with the image and thoughts about a certain person.

One or two points by themselves don't mean anything. But if there are more than half of them, then the reason for the strange behavior becomes clear - it's all about falling in love. All these sensations are biochemical in nature. The main substance is phenylethyleneamine, which is responsible for all the physiological feelings of being in love. By the way, it is also contained in chocolate, which is why many people love it so much.

Another component of the chemistry of falling in love is adrenaline. Thanks to this component, we have such a surge of strength and excitement. Endorphins are also involved in these processes, which are responsible for the feeling of happiness, as well as for the safety of the immune system. Falling in love has a positive effect on her, that is, it has a good effect on health.

Negative consequences

But falling in love also has a less rosy side. Positive changes in state are possible only when it comes to mutual feeling. After all, when we cannot be distracted from thoughts and unrequited love, we lose our appetite, we are haunted by apathy, which can carry with us nervous breakdowns and exacerbation of disease. Many people suffer from insomnia at this time, and there are cases when alcohol abuse occurs. Needless to say, even not in such radical manifestations, falling in love distracts, prevents you from working or studying, and also just enjoying life.

Having fallen in love with the opposite sex, a young girl or guy, who for some reason did not receive reciprocity, only wants to be distracted. But since the feeling is serious, you just can't get rid of it. There are universal ways to forget the obsession and quickly return to the previous course of life:

  • a frank conversation with oneself, a search for answers in oneself. Psychology says that we are offended not by the fact of refusal, but by the fact that we cannot understand its reasons. In the future, such turns of life can result in serious problems with self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to understand first of all in yourself, to listen to your feelings. The "letter" method works well. It is necessary to write down on paper all complaints about this relationship, why they are impossible and what to do about it. Systematization will help get rid of intrusive thoughts;
  • wedge by wedge method. Not everyone is ready for such drastic measures as changing the object of love. And, as you know, you cannot order your heart. But at the subconscious level, it is possible to replace the object of passion with some pleasant activity. It is worth looking at the situation positively: what is not the time to start a new hobby that will completely distract from old feelings? Changing ourselves, we also change our attitude to the old ideals;
  • emphasis on career and study. Our brain is a multitasking system, but even it is not ready to concentrate on both love and work at the same time. Use it to your advantage: go to work or study. This will not only have a positive effect on your career, but also allow you to quickly forget about love;
  • choice of sports. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the spirit leaves us in the hall. Negative emotions are dulled along with a noble feeling of fatigue. Sports can help you distract yourself as well as build self-confidence. Yes, and a fit, healthy look has not hurt anyone;
  • art. Even if a person has never held a brush in his hands - a good reason to do it now. Since ancient times, people have known about healing power art. In psychology, methods of rehabilitation from depression are now widely used, which are reduced to drawing. It is easy to display your emotions on canvas. Let the artistic value of the canvas be low, but it will help to cope with feelings;
  • helping others. Can't solve your problems - help others. Even if you do not believe in karma and the boomerang effect, helping your neighbor, from the point of view of psychology, has a substitution effect;
  • meetings with friends. But not to cry on their shoulder, but to have fun. Discharging is the best panacea for fixation on a person.

It is difficult to force yourself to be distracted if the stomach asks to eat. Precisely "to eat", since this sensation cannot be called "eat" in view of its psychological coloring: a person starts to simply "revenge" food without realizing that he is not actually hungry, but simply tries to solve the problems of anxiety with the help of a stomach full to overflowing ...

But not everything is so bad, because the desire to get enough food is controlled and very successful with a competent approach. Below are 5 ways to distract yourself from the urge to eat. It is precisely to distract yourself and switch your desires through actions.

Keep a glass of water close at hand

The water should be warm or at room temperature. A couple of sips and the stomach will calm down. For the good of the case and the body, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice, no more. Water tends to "trick" the stomach for a while. We drink slowly and think about where to find a business away from the kitchen. And there already the desire passes.

Massage the hunger point

It is located on the hands, in the middle between the thumb and forefinger. Having massaged for 2-3 minutes, you can get distracted from the desire to eat. But during this period, you have to figure out what to do next.

Save so as not to lose!

Try to go to bed earlier in the evening.

As already mentioned on the blog, the desire to get drunk arises precisely in the evening psychological reasons... There is practically no real hunger here. Drink any of the drinks suggested in the article "" or from the picture below. And remember: I went to bed earlier - I lost weight faster.

Get busy

Eagerly hungry? Promise yourself to eat when you start and finish something (sorting out mail, tidying up the desk / closet / wardrobe, tidying up the jewelry box, etc.). The case should not be too time-consuming and not very laborious. Otherwise, you simply won't force yourself to do it. But after completing your goal (tidying up, making a mask, trying on summer dresses, etc.), your thoughts will already be far from the plate of food.

Motivational picture on the refrigerator

The last frontier before taking an extra portion of food :) Unfortunately, this can irritate others. This method of motivation is not suitable for everyone. In this case, place the "fat" image where it will be within the quick response range: on your phone, in your wallet, in your bag, etc. But it doesn't have to be a photo of a fat person. Use the advice from the article "" and post the image you are aiming for.

Note. After a while, the photo or poster ceases to function. This usually happens after a week. Change the picture to another and again, before you want to "chew" look at it carefully, with an emphasis on a certain part of the body.

Agree that everything is simple and quite feasible. It is only necessary to apply in practice and develop the habit of controlling actions, and behind them, and thoughts. Therefore, use tips on how to distract yourself from the desire to eat and do not get fat. And if absolutely unbearable, then use "emergency"

How to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts if they took away all physical and moral strength?

You are doing well. You smile and communicate with people, you have good results in your work, friends, family. But as soon as you remain alone with yourself, they appear - overwhelming and destructive thoughts. Earlier we talked about how to get rid of obsessive thoughts. And today we will offer 100 practical lessons that will help to switch attention to more interesting processes and distract from thoughts.

"Bad thoughts are the suicide of the soul."
Victor Hugo

70 ways to distract yourself from your thoughts while sitting in a room

Some of these activities will seem trivial, you will not want to waste time on some, you will sweep aside others, because they are “not for you”. It's entirely up to you to try it or not. But, believe me, many of them are able to really direct your thoughts from negative to useful. Yes, and what have you got to lose?

  1. Clean up your home
  2. Stop lying on the couch and sit down at the table.
  3. Call your parents
  4. Wash a stain on the wall that has annoyed you for several years
  5. Conduct an audit of the wardrobe and drawer in the closet with the “most needed”
  6. Learn a poem
  7. Prepare a dish that takes a long time
  8. Take a test in Russian or physics
  9. Tie a scarf
  10. Build a travel route
  11. Compile or family tree
  12. Take a serious psychological test and learn more about yourself
  13. Plan in steps
  14. Bake an intricate cake
  15. Get on a charge and do it for at least 30 minutes
  16. Take a contrast shower
  17. Play unfamiliar music and listen to the lyrics
  18. Get started on the work tasks you've been putting off
  19. Write a summary. Yes, just like at school
  20. Play in logic games
  21. : imagine your ideal day or day from the future
  22. Practice meditation
  23. Start writing a story or autobiography
  24. Get busy physical labor: wash windows, water flowers on windows, clean pots
  25. Take care of your body: make masks, wraps, warming up
  26. Learn 50 new words in another language and practice using them
  27. Record yourself on video for parents or friends
  28. Make
  29. Start germinating your seeds
  30. Take apart your old memories and indulge in nostalgia
  31. Order anonymously to a loved one flower delivery
  32. Write a letter to your future self
  33. Assemble the puzzle
  34. Arrange yourself a photo session using the delayed start function on the camera
  35. Buy a coupon on the aggregator site for the entertainment you like
  36. Watch the tutorial
  37. Paint a picture in watercolor
  38. Check out the different vacancies on the sites
  39. Read author blogs on topics of interest to you
  40. Stretch, try splits
  41. Write 100 facts about yourself
  42. Sing along with video karaoke (no one sees you anyway)
  43. Solve a crossword, sudoku or other puzzle
  44. Read different words vice versa
  45. Design your portfolio and finalize your resume
  46. Make repairs
  47. Make a detailed diet for the next 2 weeks
  48. Learn a couple of tricks
  49. Make a quest for friends
  50. Self-massage
  51. Watch the documentary
  52. Clean your phone and computer from junk
  53. Boil the soap
  54. Process your photo in Photoshop
  55. Chat with old acquaintances on social networks, while initiating a conversation
  56. Have a romantic evening
  57. Listen to an audiobook
  58. Watch several episodes of "Friends" in one gulp
  59. Identify 5 must-see activities for the week
  60. Express the accumulated emotions out loud, saying each
  61. Rearrange the furniture
  62. Try to fall asleep to calm music.
  63. Decorate the wall with your favorite photos
  64. Guess on desire
  65. Read poetry expressively
  66. Make your own wish-list
  67. List the 10 most significant achievements of the previous year for you
  68. Create the optimal budget for the month
  69. Play attention games
  70. Go online

Don't leave the room

don't make a mistake?

How to get away from bad thoughts by going outside

If you still decide to get out of the room, then even the exit itself is already a way to get rid of bad thoughts. And then - everything is even easier and more effective!

  1. Take a ride on public transport
  2. Go to the cinema or theater
  3. Go to your parents
  4. Go for a run
  5. Buy a ticket for the nearest train in any direction
  6. Offer help to a passerby or grandmother on the street
  7. Get a haircut or change your look
  8. See a doctor
  9. Go to travel along the constructed route
  10. Go to the zoo
  11. Feed the ducks in the park
  12. Go through
  13. Go to a classical music concert
  14. Go to the pool
  15. Set a goal, for example, to visit 3 museums a day, and achieve it
  16. Buy a sightseeing tour of the city
  17. Eat breakfast outdoors or at the terrace cafe
  18. Read a book in the park
  19. Go to the dacha and weed the beds
  20. Play the board games(even with strangers)
  21. Take a ride on the Ferris wheel while eating boiled corn
  22. Go to a church, cathedral or chapel
  23. Walk down the street with pigeon bread
  24. Fire up the fireworks
  25. Take a Tango Test Lesson
  26. Volunteer for at least a day
  27. Go on a blind date
  28. Go to a bath or sauna
  29. Go football, hockey, volleyball

The list is endless. And you yourself can make it even more effective for yourself. Its essence is to distract from thoughts that corrode your mood and psychological condition, not that hard. You just need to start doing something. And what exactly to do is up to you.

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