Thick blood: Blood thinning products. Let's thin the blood! Omega 3 thickens the blood

Heating 26.08.2020

At healthy people blood flows freely through veins and arteries. But many people suffer from excessively thick blood that constantly forms clots. These clots sooner or later lead to a heart attack or stroke. These patients are prescribed blood-thinning drugs. Some foodstuffs have similar properties. Include them in your diet to facilitate blood flow.

Sources of Vitamin E

According to American nutritionists from the Linus Pauling Institute, sufficient levels of vitamin E reduce the likelihood of blood clots by 21%. Dietary supplements with this vitamin are often attributed to people with venous thromboembolism. This is a very dangerous disease in which a blood clot formed in a vein breaks free. It can enter the lungs, heart, or brain and completely cut off blood flow.

Natural sources of vitamin E that thin the blood: vegetable oils(olive, sunflower and

Sometimes, in order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, blood thickens in the human body. The amount of fibrin in it increases. Therefore, when a vein is damaged, a blood clot forms. When the blood is excessively thick, fat, calcium salts and clots settle on the walls of the arteries, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis.

Poor nutrition only exacerbates the situation. Over time, clots thicken. If a blood clot enters the heart, it leads to a heart attack, to the brain - to a stroke of the ischemic body, to the lung - to a pulmonary embolism.

Causes of blood clotting

The processes occurring in cells and organs depend on the quality of blood. When blood quality deteriorates, health problems begin, especially the kidneys, liver and brain. There are several main causes of blood clots.

  • Enzyme deficiency
  • Drinking dirty, chlorinated, carbonated or destructured water
  • General acidification of the body
  • Dehydration in hot climates or high physical exertion
  • Harmful effects of radiation
  • Poorly digestible liquid
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins in the body
  • Insufficient salt intake

Agree, it is difficult to prevent some of them. Therefore, you should try to minimize any risks by replenishing your diet with those foods that can thin the blood.


She is at the top of our list. You need to drink 1-2 liters of water per day, in addition to tea, compotes, soups, and so on. Choose clean and non-carbonated water. If the body has little chance of dehydration, the blood will not clot.

Fish fat

It not only thins the blood, but also dissolves blood clots and sclerotic plaques that have already formed. For prevention, it is recommended to eat fish at least 3-4 times a week, choosing exactly fatty species.


Berries contain coumarins, which prevent the formation of blood clots. Blueberries are very useful for both prevention and treatment of neoplasms. In addition, it is a natural antimicrobial agent.


More specifically, its juice. Drink 0.5 cups of celery juice daily to thin the blood and lymph. Also, your diet should include the vegetable itself.


It contains substances that can thin the blood, like aspirin. In order to strengthen healing properties of this product, you can make garlic tincture. To do this, peel a few cloves of garlic and mash them into a pulp. Place the mass in a glass container and pour 0.5 cups of vodka. Close the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain the infusion and take 10 drops 30 minutes before meals. Be sure to drink water.

Ginger root

In addition to being a blood thinner, ginger root also lowers sugar levels and improves digestion. People with elevated blood pressure and arrhythmias should use it more cautiously.

mulberry roots

Take 200 g of fresh roots, wash them and chop them. Pour roots 3 l cold water in an enamel bowl and set aside for 1 hour. Boil the infusion over low heat: when the mixture boils, keep it on fire for another 15 minutes. Then cool, strain and refrigerate. It is recommended to take 200 g of infusion before meals 3 times a day for 5 days. Take a break for 2-3 days and repeat. You need to complete 2-3 courses.

germinated wheat

Many people take aspirin to thin their blood. Indeed, this is one of the most effective means but it can also be harmful. The thing is that its particles are fixed on the walls of the stomach, eat into them and become the causes of ulcers. That is why we recommend that you turn to folk remedies.

Salicylic acid is found in many vegetables and fruits. And with their regular use, its amount will be sufficient to affect the blood positively.

The problem of blood thinning is one of the most relevant areas of modern pharmacology, since the impetus for the formation of blood clots and the development of many diseases is too thick blood. Currently existing drugs to reduce viscosity can significantly worsen the condition of the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, will cause the next round of complications. For this reason, the development of new types of drugs continues, which would give the maximum effect in the absence of side effects. But if there is no vital need to take such medicines, and other means can be dispensed with, it is better to replace them with natural substances, such as fish oil: it not only thins the blood, but also heals the entire body at the same time.

Causes of increased blood clotting

There are a lot of factors that contribute to thickening of the blood. First of all, this is an age-related change in the hormonal background, the natural aging of the body, therapy with certain drugs, dysbacteriosis, insufficient oxygen supply to the body.

An important role is played by taste habits and dietary habits. Therefore, it is necessary to think about whether everything is normal with nutrition for the following diseases:

  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or predisposition to thrombosis
  • Ischemia of the heart
  • vascular atherosclerosis
  • Sudden weight gain or obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Congenital or acquired blood diseases
  • Violations of the liver, pancreas
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blood thickening also contributes to:

In addition to these factors, dehydration also contributes to increased blood clotting. Dehydration can develop due to prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, or due to the systematic consumption of too little fluid. In this case, constant dehydration negatively affects the composition of the blood, it becomes more viscous, circulates worse in the body.

How does blood clotting appear

You can recognize a person with thick blood by several signs. One of the main symptoms of a violation of the state of the blood is increased and rapid fatigue with the usual lifestyle and stress.

Chronic drowsiness, memory impairment, and frequent headaches can indicate a poor blood condition.

The problem with blood often affects the psycho-emotional state of a person: he becomes overly nervous, aggressive, easily falling into depressive moods.

But since all these signs often accompany other diseases, only a specialist can immediately determine the cause of the problem. Therefore, if uncharacteristic manifestations appear, it is better not to hesitate and immediately make an appointment with a doctor. After passing the tests, the cause of the depression will become known exactly.

Possible Complications

If increased blood clotting is not detected in time, the problem will worsen over time and result in numerous health complications. First of all, the risk of blood clots increases, which, if not eliminated, will cause poor blood flow through the vessels and their subsequent blockage. As a result, this will provoke a heart attack, stroke, and in especially severe cases, death.

The formation of blood clots in the extremities contributes to the occurrence of tissue edema in the places of its localization.

What will help

Among the products that affect the state of the blood, contribute to its thinning, a special place is occupied by fish oil - a natural remedy, the effect of which is comparable to that of a therapeutic one. This is explained, first of all, by its composition, since among the unique compounds of fish oil, there are polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect, the substances have a beneficial effect on the state of the blood.

They do several things at once:

  • They lower the level of lipids and, accordingly, bad cholesterol. The compounds normalize the content of LDL and lipids of too low density, change the composition of the fluid in cell membranes, and increase the activity of membrane receptors.
  • They prevent platelets from sticking together, and then from thrombosis. The action is due to the ability fatty acids change the composition of lipids in membranes, including platelet membranes. Under their influence, the concentration of arachidonic acid decreases and at the same time the content of eicosapentaenoic acid increases. As a result, there is a decrease in the synthesis of compounds that ensure blood clotting.

Fish Oil Sources

Before you start using fish oil to thin your blood, you need to make sure that the problem is minor violations, and not caused by serious diseases. To do this, you need to visit a doctor and pass the tests prescribed by him.

If it turns out that the cause of viscous blood is in any disease, then treatment of the underlying ailment will be required. But if it turns out that you can get rid of the problem by changing the diet, then it makes sense to start drinking fish oil regularly.

Its source is fatty varieties sea ​​fish. But since due to the ecological state environment no one can guarantee safety, it is better to use pharmacy fish oil. Moreover, you should choose a product obtained from the fish of the northern seas - it is considered the most useful and safe.

Fish oil is produced by many companies in various dosage forms - in solution or capsules. Therefore, depending on your preferences, you can choose the most suitable tool for yourself.

How to drink fish oil

In order for a natural remedy to give the maximum effect, it is better to first consult a doctor about how to drink it and in what quantity.

The drug is available both in the form of a solution and in capsules with different content of fish oil. There are preparations with a concentration of the substance in one capsule of 250, 300, 500 or 800 mg.

The drug is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. It is best taken with or after meals, with plenty of fluids. You can not bite or chew the capsules, keep it in your mouth for a long time - too. Otherwise, they will get wet and hard to swallow.

If there are no other instructions from the doctor, then you need to drink the remedy for 2-3 months. After its completion, it is necessary to check the composition of the blood, the indicators of its coagulability. The need and duration of further intake of fish oil depends on this.

Side effects of taking fish oil

Usually the drug is perceived by the body normally, but in some people it can provoke a deterioration in well-being. Most often after taking fish oil is observed:

  • allergic reactions
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion, diarrhea
  • Fishy burp and bad breath
  • Exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis
  • or existing skin injury

Signs of an overdose of fish oil

  • Headache
  • Nausea, bouts of vomiting
  • General weakness
  • Drowsiness
  • Pain in the bones of the legs
  • Enhance the removal of minerals from bones
  • Hyperthermia
  • Increased sweating
  • Eruptions on the skin.

It is also possible the occurrence of other individual symptoms. If signs of intoxication appear, fish oil should be canceled, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. During the recovery period, it is better to limit foods containing calcium.

Who should not take fish oil to thin their blood

It is impossible to take a natural remedy for those people who have:

  • High sensitivity to fish oil
  • clotting problems, hemophilia
  • Exposure to bleeding
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver
  • Idiopathic forms of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
  • Exacerbation of cholecystitis or chronic pancreatitis
  • Hypervitaminosis D
  • Overactive thyroid gland
  • Sarcoizdosis.

The use of fish oil during pregnancy requires mandatory agreement with the doctor.

What not to combine fish oil with

When taking fish oil, several conditions must be observed for its compatibility. First of all, this applies to drugs for blood thinning. Such a combination of different drugs with one action can thin the blood too much and provoke bleeding.

In addition, when using fish oil, you should consider:

  • Fish oil should not be taken with salicylates and other NSAIDs.
  • The product is not recommended to be combined with vitamin complexes containing retinol and vit. D to rule out hypervitaminosis A and D
  • In the case of treatment with courses, it is required to regularly check blood clotting parameters
  • If a surgical operation is to be performed, then the intake of fish oil should be stopped a few days before the operation.

If a person takes fish oil to reduce blood viscosity and at the same time is forced to take drugs with sodium fluoride, then the interval between doses should be at least two hours. And you can take tetracyclines inside only with a 3-hour time interval.

How to prevent blood clots

In order to prevent severe blood clotting, one intake of fish oil is not enough. It is necessary to reconsider eating habits, diet, increase the amount of fluid consumed.

  • First of all, it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption of sugar and those foods that provoke the formation of bad cholesterol.
  • Introduce other foods that help thin the blood into your diet.
  • Refuse alcoholic beverages or minimize them.
  • Take walks more often, increase physical activity.

Increased blood viscosity, which occurs for many reasons, can be eliminated different ways including fish oil. It will not only perfectly cope with the problem and improve the composition of the blood, and at the same time improve the body.

There is an opinion about the need to maintain a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. If there is an ideal ratio, what is it?
This is a fairly common but interesting question. In a typical diet high in omega-6s, mostly in the form of soybean oil, the ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s is between 10:1 and 20:1. Large doses of omega-6 with low amounts of omega-3 reduce the body's ability to process omega-3, which contributes to the development of omega-3 deficiency. If we can bring this ratio down to 1:1 by limiting our omega-6 intake and/or increasing our omega-3 intake, we can significantly improve our omega-3 metabolism. Personally, I think the ideal ratio is not more than 5:1. In this case, the assimilation of omega-3 is normalized and its concentration in the blood approaches the "healthy" level.

What are the similarities and differences between EPA and DHA, and what's the latest on DPA?
All long-chain omega-3 acids - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) - have anti-inflammatory properties. However, the efficacy of EPA is often overstated, as it is converted to a host of 3-eicosanoids and hormone-like compounds that have much less anti-inflammatory potential than omega-6 derivatives.

DHA is present mainly in the membranes of our body's cells. It is considered the main participant in the process of cell communication through their membranes, and also plays an important role in the proper absorption of carbohydrates by muscles, since the susceptibility of muscle cells to insulin depends on their DHA content. DHA is present in high concentrations in the tissues of the liver, makes up the majority of fatty acids in the retina of the eye, and about 20% of the fatty acids in the tissues of the brain.

WPC is a very interesting "new" omega-3 fatty acid. She's been known for a long time scientific world but only recent experimental studies began to discover its true significance. It is similar to DHA, but has one double bond less. DPC concentrations in our blood are twice as high as EPA, but twice as low as DHA concentrations. Our normal diet contains very little DPC, but the high content of this acid in the blood speaks of its importance for health. Several research reports report that DPA is even more effective than EPA and DHA in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, although this acid is still often overlooked. On labels food additives WPC is often described as just "other fatty acids". However, this acid and its beneficial properties continue to be of increasing interest in the scientific community, so be on the lookout for new DPC supplements in pharmacies and stores.

Some people take up to 10 grams of fish oil per day. Can taking high doses cause side effects, and what are the optimal doses of fish oil preparations?
Often I myself take 10 g per day. This amount is about 10% of my daily fat intake. Is an overdose possible? From a practical point of view, no. The peoples of the Arctic regions eat seafood almost all their lives and eat 100-200 g of fish, seal or whale oil every day. These people have an extremely low rate of heart disease, but at the same time a low rate of blood clotting. But those who take fish oil supplements have a very low risk of developing coagulation disorders. The US Department of Health states authoritatively that up to 3g of EPA and DHA daily is completely safe. This amount of fatty acids is contained in 10 g of fish oil. Fish oil has no specific side effects. If you are taking anticoagulants or have a bleeding disorder, you should consult your doctor before taking fish oil. There are no exact recommendations on the duration of daily intake of omega-3. I would recommend taking 2000mg of EPA, DHA and DPA daily. That's about seven one-gram fish oil capsules, or 2-3 grams of concentrated fish oil. Why 2000mg? With a daily intake of this dose, omega-3 concentrations reach 50% of the total content of unsaturated fatty acids in the blood. Statistics show that this reduces the death rate among those taking the supplement by 50%.

Many middle-aged patients take both fish oil and aspirin at the same time. Since both drugs lengthen clotting time, can they be taken at the same time?
Taking aspirin and fish oil at the same time thins the blood, which is very beneficial. A diet rich in omega-6 acids helps speed up blood clotting processes. Salicylates, including aspirin, have a number of useful properties in addition to reducing platelet activity. There is evidence that regular use of aspirin reduces the risk of developing cancer . Again, before taking any medication, be sure to check with your doctor.

Why do some brands of fish oils have a pronounced, often unpleasant, "fishy" smell and taste, while other similar products are practically odorless?
The fishy smell is due to certain nitrogen-containing components - tertiary amines, as well as oxidized omega-3 acids - aldehydes. Using the sense of smell, you can determine their concentration in the product, which helps us distinguish fish oils good quality from the corrupted one. The fishy smell comes from the gradual spoilage of fish oil products. Good quality fish oil is odorless or only slightly fishy. During the production process, fish oil undergoes purification processes, and proper storage product is very important to preserve its useful qualities. Remember a simple rule: if fish oil has an unpleasant odor, then it is low quality oil and should not be taken. Oxidized fatty acids have no health benefits. Fortunately, most manufacturers care about the quality of their products. Of course, you can come across a low-quality drug, but your sense of smell will help you recognize it.

Tell our readers a little about the upcoming scientific events in this topic.
It's nice to see such variety on sale. sports supplements with omega-3 content. And soon, additives enriched with DPA will begin to go on sale. To date, a number of ways have been developed to provide the body with omega-3 acids. Personally, I am interested in emulsions, because they contain omega-3s in an easily digestible form. Many manufacturers produce concentrated forms of fish oil, allowing you to take the drug in small quantities - 2-3 g each.

About the author

Dr. Doug Beebus received his bachelor's degree from the University of Mankato and his master's and doctoral degrees in nutritional biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. He is a faculty member at the University of Minnesota Wellness Center and an active researcher in fatty acid biochemistry and nutrition. Considered one of the world's most respected omega-3 experts. This reputation came from his work in the academic laboratory of Prof. Ralph T. Holman, who coined the term omega-3 and researched metabolism and the high importance of omega-3 for health. Bibus' research interests include the role of essential fatty acids in human and animal nutrition, the effects of omega-3s on inflammation, the use of fatty acids in the treatment of disease, and the effects of oxidative stress on human and animal performance. Dr. Beebus is a member of the American Society of Chemists, Society Intensive Care and the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. Awarded twice American Society Chemists in the field of analytical chemistry. He is on the board of directors of the American Society for the Study of Oils and is chairman of the organization's health and nutrition department and awards committee.

Foods that help thin the blood

1. Tomatoes prevent the formation of blood clots in cardiovascular system. It turned out that tomatoes (like aspirin) contribute to blood thinning and also (unlike aspirin) do not give side effects.

2. Mushrooms thin the blood, lower cholesterol.

3. Blood thinning is also helped by cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn. Garlic has the ability to thin the blood. Artichoke helps lower blood viscosity and cholesterol. People say: "Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing" ...

4. It also thins the blood well olive oil. If you are allergic to any food, use regular aspirin. Excellent tried and tested product. You can start with 1/4 in the morning.

5. Lemon is an amazing and affordable fruit that can be used both as a food and as a beauty product. This fruit is a must-have on...

6. All foods containing vitamin C (lemons, oranges, tomatoes, sour berries, sweet peppers, rose hips) Aspirin is quite aggressive for ...

7. All red berries and fruits are useful for blood formation. From medicines"Trombo-Ass", heparin ointment, lioton-gel. But first, talk to your doctor about your diagnosis and treatment. Self-treatment and blood are not compatible!

8. Grapefruit thins the blood well. It is believed that its action is comparable to Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).

9. Useful for blood thinning linseed oil 1 st. spoon a day. It reduces cholesterol levels and thins the blood.

10. In this case, it will be useful to remember that it is important to reduce the intake of foods rich in vitamin K.

11. Drink plenty of cranberry juice, eat seeds, beets, cocoa, fish oil. The use of garlic can dissolve blood clots by half.

12. Thick blood means that its viscosity is increased. Viscosity is affected by many factors. These are vascular damage, impaired liver function.

13. It is useful to use antioxidants (tomatoes, viburnum, cranberries, green tea), because they bind free radicals that increase blood viscosity.

14. Blood-thinning foods high in essential fatty acids (omega-3s). This is mainly fish (especially fish oil) and vegetables.

15. Raspberry thins the blood well. I was advised to thin the blood, drink tea with raspberry jam.

16. Blood, most often, thickens when it is alkalized. It happens every day if you don't eat right.

17. Drink plenty of cranberry, pomegranate juice, eat beets, lemon, cocoa, garlic, fermented and sour foods.

18. It's better to use medications to achieve the desired therapeutic result. To obtain the desired healing effect from products...

19. The best method is Apple vinegar, just apple. Apply 1 tbsp/l to 200 ml of water 1 time per day. Within 7 days, the result will already be revealed.

20. Blood thinning is facilitated by aspirin, more precisely, salicylic acid contained in it. Still glycosides and salicyl esters are found in raspberries, blackberries, and also in the bark of many types of willow.

21. Thin the blood, i.e. lower blood clotting can be done by changing the diet. The diet should include plenty of fluids.

22. With thrombophlebitis, it is useful to eat ginger, melons, pineapples, watermelons, onions, cinnamon. Limit the use of soy, rose hips, beans, bananas.

23. To thin the blood, you need to include more in the diet. tomato juice and cranberry juice. The use of lemons, olive helps very well.

24. One of the most effective gr. cognac at night and pomegranate juice.

25. The most important factor in blood thinning therapy is nutrition. The body needs to get more fluid, less fat and protein.

26. Pomegranate or pomegranate juice

27. Fish oil can help. Not for nothing we were all given it in childhood. It increases mental abilities. It removes cholesterol from the body.

28. Raspberries help thin the blood!

29 For BLOOD THINING, you need to include as much cranberry juice in your diet as possible ...

30. Pomegranates and pomegranate juice are one of the available but effective ways blood thinning. The best pomegranate juice is Azerbaijani.

31. all products that have a "red color" from nature, and not from the fact that they were painted))


33. One of the most important factors, as already mentioned above, is
liquid. From myself I can only add that it is best to drink clean water ....

34. Horse chestnut extract is sold in pharmacies.

35. Garlic, fish oil, licorice root, capsicum fruit, black elderberry will also help you.

36. Garlic is said to have such a strong blood-thinning effect that it is not even recommended to combine it with blood-thinning drugs.

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