Volumetric formation of the spleen in a dog. Cancer in dogs: symptoms and treatment. In veterinary practice, dogs are most often identified

Children 28.02.2021

The spleen plays a huge role in the dog's body. First of all, it supports immunity. It is also part of the cleansing function of the animal's body and a powerful filter, since it destroys dead blood cells and platelets, helps the animal's body get rid of harmful microbes and bacteria and foreign bodies. The spleen is the largest store of iron in the dog's body and the producer of lymphocytes and red blood cells. Naturally, diseases of the spleen are extremely detrimental to the health of the dog and require compulsory treatment.

The first sign of spleen disease is its enlargement. The spleen can increase both slightly and very strongly, depending on the disease itself. However, it is in dogs that it is visually possible to notice a disease of the spleen only when it has already increased quite significantly.

There are also other symptoms. For example, a lack of appetite and an increase in temperature may indicate an inflammatory process taking place inside the spleen. If the functions of hematopoiesis in the animal's body are impaired, shortness of breath and anemia appear. A sign of anemia is the pallor of the gums and the rest of the oral mucosa. Anemia, or anemia, indicates that the dog's body is progressing viral infection... Vomiting may be a signal that an animal has volvulus of the spleen. And an increase in the abdominal cavity in the area of ​​this organ may indicate the presence of some neoplasms. If the dog has any of these symptoms, then it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

In general, the most popular method for diagnosing spleen diseases in dogs is an ultrasound of this organ. With an ultrasound examination of the spleen, almost 100% of the physical damage can be seen. X-rays are often used to diagnose spleen disorders. Usually it is either additional, in order to exclude diseases of other organs located near the spleen, or it is used if it is not possible to conduct an ultrasound scan. Angiocontrast radiography can also be used. It is performed in order to examine in detail the veins of the spleen. Also, in the diagnosis of diseases of the spleen, various blood tests are used, which show the level of certain bodies, which helps to more accurately establish the diagnosis of a sick animal. The Doppler effect is also used in diagnostics. This is an ultrasound examination of the blood flow.

In general, such complex studies have been used and will be used for a long time in the diagnosis of spleen diseases in dogs. But now there is a more innovative diagnostic method - laparoscopy. It is not used in every veterinary clinic and is innovative and very accurate. Moreover, laparoscopy in a number of cases showed incorrect diagnosis of spleen disease in dogs using other research methods.

In particular, at the initial stage, the clinic's specialists conducted an experimental laparoscopic study of 15 dogs. Investigated such preliminary diagnoses as neoplasm of the abdominal cavity and splenomegaly (this is an increase in the size of the spleen). Laparoscopy is performed in such a way that tubes are inserted into the dog's abdominal cavity through punctures and air is pumped, usually carbon dioxide. Further, with the help of special manipulators, specialists examine the abdominal organs of the animal. This allows for a more accurate and detailed diagnosis. Also, laparoscopy can help determine the consistency of the spleen, the size and lesions of the neoplasm.

After the procedure, which lasts about half an hour, the tube is removed from the abdominal cavity and the gas is removed. Also, animals are given drugs that support blood pressure, antihistamines and antihypoxant drugs that help them to recover as soon as possible. Also, a suture is applied to the wound and treated with antiseptic agents to avoid blood poisoning and suppuration in the animal. The entire study is carried out under anesthesia, and for a calmer recovery of the animal from this state, the animals are given drugs to relieve intoxication.

What ultimately gives laparoscopy as a method of examining the spleen in a dog? Firstly, after it, no complications were found, secondly, in a number of cases the diagnoses were clarified as much as possible, and, thirdly, in some patients the diagnoses revealed by ultrasound were refuted. It follows that laparoscopy is the most exact method diagnosis of spleen diseases in dogs. And, thanks to this method, it is possible not only to extend the life and improve the health of the animal, but also in some cases to preserve such a vital organ as the spleen.

Spleen- an organ that is not vital, but it performs a number of functions necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In dogs, the spleen is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, it consists of 2 types of tissue - red pulp (occupies about 80% of the organ) and white pulp (the remaining 20%).

The spleen is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Immune function: recognition, capture and neutralization of pathogens, destruction of ecdotoxins, synthesis of specific antibodies.
  • Filtration of circulating blood from aging red blood cells.
  • Synthesis of hemoglobin into bilirubin and hemosiderin.
  • Accumulation of blood corpuscles (platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes).
  • Iron reservation and participation in its exchange.
  • Hematopoiesis.

Therefore, the pathologies of this organ negatively affect the condition of the pet.

About of the cases of spleen disease in dogs are of non-infectious origin and require operable treatment. Timely detected pathological processes in the spleen are able to save the life of a pet.


In dogs, spleen disorders are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • An increase in the size of an organ, a swollen abdomen.
  • In an acute inflammatory process, there may be an increase in the body temperature of the animal and a lack of interest in food.
  • Vomiting (noted with the appearance of neoplasms, as well as with volvulus of the spleen).
  • Anemia (expressed in pallor of the gums and oral mucosa). Indicates the course of viral infections.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increased urination.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Weight loss.

The organ is diagnosed by x-ray or ultrasound. It is also necessary to conduct a biochemical analysis of blood and palpation of the organ (however, in beagle breeds this is more difficult to do, due to the fact that the organ is almost completely hidden behind the ribs).

Varieties of diseases

Diseases of the spleen are of a different etiological nature. Therefore, pathologies are grouped as follows:

Let's consider some of the pathologies in a little more detail.

Splenomegaly. Splenomegaly is a disease of the spleen, manifested in an abnormal increase in organ in its size. A healthy organ in dogs can almost double in size. In pathological processes, the diameter of the spleen exceeds 7 cm, the organ is well palpated.

Spleen volvulus. This is the position of the organ in a twisted state. With this pathology, an increase in the organ can be observed due to circulatory disorders. Especially often dogs of large breeds are exposed to torsion of the spleen - Great Dane, St. Bernard, German Shepherd.

Cancer tumors. Hemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma are more common in dogs over 5 years of age. Older animals have seals on the organ due to hemorrhages. These lumps can develop into a malignant tumor. German Shepherds are more susceptible to hemangiosarcoma. Also labradors, boxers, mastiffs, pit bulls and other short-haired are considered susceptible to cancerous tumors. With oncological neoplasms of the spleen, metastasis to other organs often occurs. In some cases, complete removal of the organ may be required.

Active and mobile by nature, four-legged friends are often subjected to serious injuries, accompanied by a rupture (ruptura) of internal organs. Violation of the integrity of the spleen is an acute condition and requires the immediate and qualified intervention of a veterinarian. The prognosis depends on the cause of the pathology, the timeliness of the laparoscopy, the experience of the surgeon.

In veterinary practice, specialists are usually faced with traumatic and pathological causes of rupture of the spleen in dogs.

Injury to the abdomen

It is not uncommon for a dog to experience high-energy abdominal injuries. Fall of an animal from a height, hitting vehicle, harsh treatment by humans, fights between relatives for a female, or territorial claims are the most common and obvious causes of injuries to the parenchymal organ.

The risk group includes dogs whose tasks include the protection of herd animals (sheep, cows), which often injure horns. Hunting breeds are often subjected to blows when chasing and persecuting a large animal (wild boar, elk, wolf).

Mechanical damage to the organ may be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the capsule or pulp. Subcapsular hematomas and tears of the splenic ligament are often diagnosed as a result of a blunt blow to the abdomen. In rare cases, trauma results in twisting of the parenchymal organ.

Pathological diseases

The reason for the rupture of the spleen can be not only mechanical effects on the abdominal cavity, but also pathological processes leading to an increase in the organ (splenomegaly). Veterinary experts note that the most common causes of the disease include:

    • Toxic... As a result of poisoning an animal with poisons and toxic products during internal organs, including the spleen, hemorrhages are formed. Poisoning most often leads to subcapsular hemorrhage.
    • Immunological... Autoimmune diseases provoke the development of splenomegaly, which in some cases leads to rupture of the parenchymal organ.
    • Oncological... The most common cause of disruption of the integrity of the spleen is neoplasm. Hemangiomas, hemangosarcomas and lymphosarcomas of a primary or secondary nature are in 40% of cases the cause of acute rupture of the spleen in animals.

In veterinary practice, there are cases when even with light physical exertion, minor injury, even with straining at the time of bowel movement, a rupture of a neoplasm in the organ occurs. The situation is complicated by bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

Without such an organ as the spleen, the animal can live relatively satisfactorily. A decrease in the immune and hematopoietic functions of the body is corrected by biogenic immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes.

Why is it sometimes better to put to sleep

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to help the pet. If time is lost, the animal has little chance of recovery. Death occurs in the interval from 40 minutes to 12 hours after the rupture of the organ. An unfavorable prognosis is also in the event that the spleen ruptura has occurred due to the development of an oncological tumor.

Hemangosarcoma is characterized by the rapid development of metastases and, as a rule, by the time the spleen is damaged, the animal has multiple tumors in other organs. In this situation, the advisability of euthanasia should be discussed with the attending physician.

A ruptured spleen in a dog is most often triggered by mechanical trauma and internal factors - tumors, autoimmune pathologies. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of the qualified assistance provided, as well as on the cause that caused the parenchymal organ ruptura.

Useful video

For ultrasound diagnostics in dogs, see this video:

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Spleen disease in dogs

Due to the active development of decorative and service dog breeding, the growth of the dog population in the urban environment, non-infectious animal pathologies are becoming a serious problem.

It is for this reason that scientists today recognize that diseases of the abdominal cavity pose a serious danger to the health of pets (previously, the key attention of veterinarians was focused on the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in dogs).

Moreover, even with early treatment, it is very difficult to predict how long a dog will live, and whether it will survive at all. Therefore, if a dog has a severely enlarged spleen, it is very important to get it to the veterinary hospital as soon as possible.

Functions and principles of work of the body

The spleen is a single organ, rather large, located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity (the stomach is in the back). Visually resembles a gland and a large tongue. The spleen consists of two parts - red and white pulp (pulp), each of which performs specific tasks. Red pulp (about 80%) is responsible for filtering blood, utilizing protein and iron.

White pulp (20% of the total volume) recognizes pathogenic microorganisms, neutralizes them, protects immunity from subsequent infections, and replenishes the reserves of cells of the immune system and lymphocytes.

In general, the tasks of the spleen include participation in the exchange of iron and protein, immune, filtration and hematopoietic functions.

Thus, while not being a vital organ, the spleen nevertheless performs a number of functions aimed at the normal functioning of the body in general and the immune system in particular.

Types of tumors forming in the spleen

An enlarged spleen can be triggered by various factors: infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, congestion caused by liver pathologies, cardiovascular failure, hematomas.

The changes are temporary and after appropriate treatment, the indicators return to normal. It is much worse if neoplasias, splenomegaly and other spleen neoplasms in dogs contribute to the enlargement.

Tumors can be of two types - malignant and benign. The most dangerous and aggressive malignant neoplasm is hemangiosarcoma, which disrupts blood clotting, provokes bleeding and metastasizes.

The commonly diagnosed splenomegaly, which is a uniform enlargement of the spleen, is not a cancer.

In some cases, cancer of the lymphoid tissue and blood cells is diagnosed, which can spread to the spleen. We are talking about such malignant neoplasms as lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, and leukemia.

Causes of neoplasms of the spleen

The exact reasons contributing to a phenomenon such as an enlarged spleen in dogs are this moment not installed.

Benign neoplasms are most often the result of intense activity of the spleen or insufficient blood supply to the organ. The danger of non-malignant tumors is that over time they can develop into cancer.

This can happen due to rapid cell division and mutation. However, this does not always happen, very often the degeneration of hyperplasia does not occur. It all depends on external and genetic factors.

Malignant neoplasms can be the result of genetic abnormalities caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals, hormones. Organ cells that have undergone mutations impede the normal process of cell death and regeneration.

This is due to the activation of cancer genes, the inactivity of suppressor genes, and changes in the genes responsible for apoptosis (a regulated process of programmed cell death).

As for cancers of the blood and lymphatic tissues, they are caused by various viral infections.

If we talk about the incidence of tumors, then in dogs they are quite common. It is believed that some breeds, mainly short-haired (Pit Bull Terriers, Labradors, Boxers and others), have a predisposition to the development of neoplasms.

It is noteworthy that german shepherd hemangiosarcoma is often diagnosed, in Bernese Mountain Dogs - malignant histiocytosis.

Age is of great importance, this applies to individuals of both sexes. Older animals (after 5 years of age) develop tumors much more often than young dogs. However, there are cases when neoplasms were diagnosed even in puppies at the age of 4-5 months.

Symptoms and clinical course

At home, it is not difficult to determine an enlarged spleen in dogs. It puts pressure on other organs of the abdominal cavity, so the abdomen increases in size, becomes swollen.

Characteristic features also include:

  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (due to pressure on the stomach);
  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of small blood spots on the skin and gums (petechial hemorrhages);
  • lack of weight;
  • weakness, decreased activity;
  • anemia;
  • diarrhea;
  • renal failure (in severe cases).

If the cause of the enlargement of the spleen is a malignant neoplasm, a symmetrical enlargement of the lymph nodes is noted. With an increase in the level of calcium and gamma globulin, which is characteristic of cancer, the dog is constantly tormented by thirst, therefore, urination becomes more frequent.

A rapidly growing tumor can provoke a ruptured spleen, acute collapse, severe bleeding in the peritoneum, breathing problems, which poses a direct threat to the life of the dog.

Cancer, the symptoms and treatment of which are interrelated, can be defeated only after a high-quality diagnosis.

Spleen cancer diagnosis

Making a diagnosis cancer preceded by certain diagnostic measures. A visual examination of the animal and the clinical picture, of course, is not enough.

The difficulty is that neither ultrasound nor X-ray can differentiate cancer from a benign tumor (hyperplasia) with 100% accuracy. A blood test also may not be completely informative, as the anemia found in blood samples is nonspecific. Cancer cells in them can be found only in certain types of tumors.

Since spleen cancer in a dog has all sorts of clinical manifestations, and the spleen is in close relationship with other organs of the abdominal cavity, it is for this reason that the diagnosis should be carried out in a complex and include clinical, hematological and sonographic studies, angio-contrast radiography and the Doppler effect.

READ ALSO: What are the symptoms of spleen disease

To identify a tumor, a sample of it is required, which is obtained during a diagnostic operation and subsequent microscopic examination of specially prepared and stained tissue sections - histopathology.

This procedure makes it possible to obtain information about the neoplasm, which helps to predict the further development of cancer. Such a research method as cytology, which is the study of cell samples, is not informative for spleen tumors.

Neoplasms of lymphoid tissue can degenerate into cancerous tumors, so their diagnosis is extremely difficult.

Spleen tumor treatment

Faced with the problem of an enlarged spleen in a dog, especially when it comes to cancerous tumors, the owner must understand that the treatment will be difficult and long-term, requiring a lot of effort and endurance.

For malignant and benign formations, treatment is carried out surgically, involving the removal of the organ. The operation is called splenectomy. With hyperplasia, the tumor affects only the spleen, with cancer - it goes beyond it and metastasizes. But the operation is not a guarantee of complete recovery, it only slows down the progress of tumor development.

Chemotherapy is one of the most effective ways cause remission, thereby prolonging the life of the dog when it develops cancer of the blood, mast cells, lymphatic system.

However, the poisons and toxins that are part of the drugs used in chemotherapy, at the same time, have a detrimental effect on other organs, to a greater extent on the liver. Unfortunately, for spleen tumors in dogs, the optimal chemotherapy regimen has not yet been developed.

Cancer can be treated with steroid drugs, which are anti-inflammatory drugs based on hormones produced by the adrenal glands. However, such therapy gives only a short-term effect (several months) and can provoke resistance of the malignant neoplasm to other drugs used in chemotherapy.

At a certain stage of treatment, a cancerous tumor may stop growing, but not disappear. To prevent tissue death and subsequent intoxication of the body, the spleen should be removed.

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not lick the stitches - this contributes to their divergence and the introduction of infection. The incision site must be clean and dry. If the discrepancy could not be avoided, there was swelling or bleeding, you should immediately inform your veterinarian.

After the operation, the doctor issues a histopathological report, in which he gives a preliminary forecast of the further development of the tumor.

No doctor can talk about the final recovery from cancer. Competent and timely treatment guarantees the cessation of tumor growth and the absence of metastases, but no more. With unfavorable factors, a new surge of the disease can be expected. The prognosis also largely depends on the type of neoplasm.

Dogs with grade 1 and 2 benign tumors survive at least 12 months after splenectomy. While with grade 3 cancer, even with the removal of the affected organ and subsequent chemotherapy, only 5% of dogs survive.

What happens in a dog's body after the spleen is removed? An increase in glycogen in the liver is most likely, which contributes to the accumulation of fat cells in this organ.

Source: http://www.belanta.vet/vet-blog/u-sobaki-uvelichena-selezenka/

Removing the spleen from a dog

The dog is 13 years old, had an operation to remove the spleen, after the operation the doctor said that you can eat everything, but I am very suspicious of this answer, but what about the diet? and our feces are black, help with advice, what would that mean.

A dog's spleen is not simply removed. You do not indicate the reasons why you removed it. You do not provide any information about the dog, except for age. You don't even indicate the sex of the animal.

If it doesn't bother you, please tell us more about your situation. Thanks.

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The dog is a girl of 13 years old, it all started with the fact that 5 days in a row was heat 40, 6, the doctor prescribed droppers Metrogyl, Vit B12, Riboxin, VitS, Essentiale, the temperature went down, but after a while it rose again, they passed biochemistry - conclusion, liver dysfunction, problem of blood coagulation, hemolytic poisoning., Sent for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity : conclusion of the neoplasm in the spleen area 2 by 9 by 10 cm, even with clear edges, abundant vascular pattern, foci of necrosis, they advised the operation, did, performed cytology - hemangeosarcoma (transitional stage) (sorry if I wrote wrong, wrote the diagnosis very illegibly), Now a week has passed - there were droppers, again Metrogyl, Essentiale, a complex of B vitamins, iron. Today I took off the catheter myself, because the foot on which the catheter stood was swollen and the doctor said that they had not been inserted for more than 7 days. After the operation, she herself went to the car, did not eat anything, drank a lot, and now drinks a lot, but she goes out of necessity. on the second day I ate a little beef with broth, now I give liquid oatmeal, turkey or boiled beef, today I added cottage cheese (low-fat), we try to feed it a little after 3-4 hours. In behavior, day after day does not happen, she is sociable, and today she is very sluggish.

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If an animal is diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma during histological examination, then it is imperative to undergo a course of antitumor chemotherapy. Because "hemangiosarcoma" is malignant tumor, prone to the rapid development of metastases in different organs.

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READ ALSO: Why spleen hurts and how to treat

The doctor said that she would not tolerate chemotherapy, her age and condition, before this operation, in September she had another operation to remove a tumor in the breast area, but then we did not do cytology

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I totally agree with raube. There are standards for the provision of care for certain cancers. Unfortunately, these "half measures" - to remove - but not to cure - are the reason for such a high mortality rate among cancer-infected animals. If the doctor says: "he will not survive" - ​​take an interest in the specialist's personal statistics. Perhaps the doctor has no idea at all about "chemistry" and about protocols for pharmacological treatment of tumors.

Shelyakov Mikhail Alexandrovich

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Those. If I understood you correctly, would my dog ​​not have to undergo the operation?

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or take the risk and try chemotherapy, but with a different doctor.

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Thank you, I visited your website, read your recommendations, it is a pity that your clinic is located in Moscow, but I think that there are similar clinics in St. good doctors, but for some reasons beyond our control, we had to operate in another more modern clinic.

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And one more question. what to feed the dog? to cook her food or this time to transfer to a special feed, please advise

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A spleen removed may experience mild symptoms of liver failure. So - a diet for life, excluding heavy feed, and of course, nothing fatty, spicy, salty and smoked.

Shelyakov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Center of Veterinary Medicine "Chance"

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Hello Mikhail Alexandrovich! Please tell me why the dog has seizures after surgery (reminiscent of epilepsy), but I'm mostly sure it's not epilepsy. Today there were two attacks, she slept all day, then got up and. the attack began. The doctor prescribed the remedies Filepsin, prednisolone, milgam, but he could not really tell me exactly what the seizures are from, when the dog has an attack, the tense tone of the paws, foam, saliva, and urination come out of the mouth. She eats well (we give everything boiled, beef chicken, porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, boiled carrots), on this day they tried to give the liver grated beef. Drinks very often, and pees very often. I want to take a biochemical blood test, maybe the sugar drops sharply or something else, I just can't watch the dog suffer.

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Epileptic seizures are, as you might guess, a neurological disorder. Read Brain Disease. It is rather difficult to find out the reasons. This is true epilepsy and hepatic postoperative encelopathy and, possibly, a developing brain tumor, etc. Treatment of the initial stages is empirical and symptomatic. In parallel, by means of diagnostics, they are trying to establish a diagnosis.

Shelyakov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Center of Veterinary Medicine "Chance"

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Thanks for the answer.

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Hello. My dog ​​began to lose appetite, began to choose food, the condition was getting worse and worse! They took him to the veterinarian, diagnosed with pancreatitis, had IV drips and injections for 4 days, the puppies almost stopped walking. I insisted on ultrasound and it turned out that there was a tumor in the spleen. had an operation. Today is the third day since the spleen was removed. what to feed the puppy and how? he spits up everything and lives probably only at the expense of droppers that are given to him. Tell me please. his condition worries me

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Dear user Karisha Votintseva. In the veterinary clinic where the puppy underwent surgery to remove the spleen, you should have been given detailed advice on the postoperative care and feeding of the animal. If the puppy “spits up everything”, it means that his body is not ready to accept food. You write that the puppy lives on droppers. This is right. Do not seek to feed him urgently. And about the diet, described at the top of this topic.

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A disease such as cancer is not limited to humans. It is also diagnosed in animals. For example, cancer is common in dogs. There are statistics, based on which, in bitches, this disease occurs more often than in males. As a rule, this disease occurs in animals that are more than 10 years old.

Description of the disease

Cancer in dogs is not much different from cancer in humans. The essence of this disease is that cells begin to mutate. There is a theory according to which the disease occurs as a result of a change in one cell in the body. Then it begins to divide, and the infected area spreads. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, then large groups of modified cells are formed. Further, tumors and metastases are formed.

If the animal has a disease such as breast cancer, then metastases can spread to the bone tissue and lungs.

Gradually, the number of infected cells becomes more and more, tumors stop the normal functioning of the organs of the animal's body. They also impede the proper functioning of neighboring organs. The next stage in the development of the disease is the decomposition of tumors. This process is characterized by bleeding. From all of the above, the general condition of the dog worsens.

Dogs can have cancer of any organ. Mostly old animals are susceptible to disease. But there are cases of cancer in young dogs. It should be said that cancer is general characteristics disease. A cell mutation can affect different organs and have its own variety in each individual case. Therefore, a person will not be able to cure cancer in a dog on his own. Home treatment can relieve certain symptoms of the disease. In order to provide significant assistance to the animal, you must contact your veterinarian.

Early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery

It should be said that the sooner cancer is detected in a dog (a photo of which does not cause anyone positive emotions), the more chances of her recovery are. Also, animal owners need to know that there are veterinarians of narrow specialization who deal with oncological diseases. Therefore, it would be advisable to treat animal cancer with a veterinarian oncologist.

It is impossible to predict how long a dog can live with cancer. Since there are many factors that influence this circumstance. First, the age of the dog plays a role. Secondly, an important factor is the stage at which the disease is diagnosed.

If infected cells spread slowly and cancer is detected at the initial stage of the disease, then timely assistance to the animal will provide it with further long life... It also matters which organ is affected by malignant cells. In some cases, surgery can be done to remove the tumor. Potential treatment options and prognosis for recovery can be determined by a veterinarian after a thorough diagnosis of the dog.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The main problem in the diagnosis of oncological diseases is that they disappear at the initial stage without any signs. It is possible to detect cancer only through testing. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian with the dog for this. The main tests that can help detect cancer cells are blood and urine biochemistry tests.

Pet owners should remember that the treatment of the disease is possible only at early stage revealing. In the event that the spread is started, no veterinarian will help.

Bitches are more susceptible to illness

Cancer is common in bitches. This is due to unstable hormonal levels during estrus, childbirth and the postpartum period. Veterinarians recommend spaying the dog to avoid cancer in the bitch. Especially in cases where the distribution of offspring is not planned.

If the dog gives birth, then after 8 years, when the breeding work ends, the animal must also be sterilized. This procedure will protect the dog from this disease.

Cancer in a dog: symptoms and types

Now let's look at the popular types:

1. Cancer of the mammary glands in bitches. can be detected early. To identify it, the owner of the dog needs to monitor the nipples. Signs of cancer can include lumps or lumps on your nipples. They can be detected by feeling the mammary glands. It is also recommended to take your dog to a veterinarian. If the disease progresses and no treatment measures have been taken, the tumors will be visible visually, and the nipples will change color. If the tumor is damaged, bleeding will appear.

2. Cancer of the dog's uterus. This is more difficult to diagnose. Signs of infection are bloody issues... But they can also be a consequence of other diseases. With uterine cancer, the bitch miscarriages or has dead puppies. The cause of this disease can be drugs that contain hormones. Moreover, cancer cells can appear after one intake of such a remedy.

3. Large breed dogs are another risk group for cancer. It is almost impossible to visually determine that an animal has cancer. In large dogs, the disease sometimes affects bone tissue. Changes in walking and running may be a sign that an animal has cancer. If such symptoms appear, the dog should be shown to a specialist.

4. Oncological diseases of the stomach and intestines can be determined by disorders of the body. Namely, changes in stool, vomiting, odor from the mouth. It is necessary to pay attention to the dog's feces. See if there is any discharge, such as blood, in it. They will be another sign that the dog has cancer. stomach following - weight loss and appetite.

5. Skin cancer can also be diagnosed. It can be difficult to spot skin cancer in dogs. Especially in animals that have abundant hair. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly examine your dog's skin. It is best to do this while bathing or brushing. Cancer of the skin is manifested by the formation of dark spots or seals on it. The color of the spots can vary from red to dark brown.

6. Liver cancer in dogs. When the liver is damaged by cancer cells, the mucous membranes of the animal turn yellow. This is due to the fact that bile enters the bloodstream. The consistency of metabolic products also changes. With the spread of cancer cells in the liver and constantly vomits.

7. Cancer This disease begins with a cough. With further progression, it intensifies, expectoration begins, in which saliva is present bleeding and pus.

8. Also in dogs there is a lesion of the spleen with cancer cells. But this type of disease is rare. Explicit signs, indicating the occurrence of this disease, no. Usually, the animal shows a deterioration in general condition, lethargy, apathy, and so on.

9. Cancer of the kidney. It can be difficult to notice kidney cancer, there are practically no external manifestations, especially at an early stage of the disease. At a later stage in the progression of the disease, blood appears in the urine. Also, the dog starts colic and whines. The dog's gait changes due to pain.


What are the ways to detect cancer in a dog? There is a theory according to which dogs sense the presence of infected cells in the human body. Supposedly, they can determine by smell whether a person has cancer or not. Perhaps they really manage to feel cancer in the human body.

But for ourselves, it’s harder to do. There is a possibility that dogs feel that they are infected with malignant cells. But, unfortunately, they cannot inform their owner about this fact.

Diagnostic methods

The main method of detecting the disease at an early stage of canine cancer is to visit the veterinarian and get tested. The doctor orders the animal to donate blood and urine. Based on the results of the tests, namely the presence of any changes in the blood or urine, the veterinarian prescribes repeated laboratory tests for a deeper study.

Then, depending on which organ is suspected of being damaged by malignant cells, further examination is carried out. Namely, computer diagnostics of a specific organ is assigned. It can be carried out through ultrasound, MRI and other methods. When a tumor is found, the veterinarian takes a puncture of the tissue in order to determine if it is malignant or not.


It should be said that the treatment of cancer in dogs must be entrusted to a specialist. You should not self-medicate or listen to any people who do not have special education and proper qualifications in this area.

Self-medication is not recommended due to the fact that the disease is individual character eg squamous cell carcinoma exists in dogs. Many have never heard of this. Only a veterinarian can identify the features of the disease, based on the results of tests and other studies.

Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer cells in dogs. The next step is to remove the tumor. It is not possible to do this in all cases of the disease. For example, if the brain is affected, then surgery cannot be done. If the operation to remove the tumor took place, then a second session of chemotherapy is prescribed.

Nutrition for cancer

It is necessary to provide the dog proper nutrition... The diet should not include spicy and fatty foods. This diet must be maintained for a long time. It should be said that fatty foods are not recommended for consumption by a healthy pet.

It must be remembered that during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the dog. Namely, to ensure regular walking and cleanliness. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not come into contact with stray animals, since the body is weakened after the course of treatment and it will be better to exclude any sources of infection.

Lulling to sleep

There are cases when cancer in dogs progresses very quickly and the treatment provided does not give positive results. In this case, the owner of the animal should think about putting him to sleep, since this option relieve him of his torment.

If a person sees that the treatment being carried out does not alleviate the suffering of the animal, then he is advised to talk with the veterinarian about whether it is worth continuing, whether there is a possibility that the dog will recover. If the treating veterinarian says that the dog's chances are nil, then the best way out of the situation is to euthanize the pet.

Thus, the owner of the animal will relieve him of excruciating pain. If death is inevitable due to cancer and the dog suffers, then euthanasia should be resorted to.

See another specialist

There is an option that the veterinarian cannot help the animal, and the owner of the dog is confident in its recovery. Then it is recommended to contact another specialist. Perhaps he will choose a different treatment regimen, and the dog will recover.


Now you know how cancer manifests itself in dogs. We have described the symptoms and treatments. Unfortunately, this disease is very serious. Therefore, if you suspect that the animal has cancer, then immediately contact a qualified professional.

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