An alcoholic drink based on wormwood. What absinthe is made of: what is it. How to choose the right drink and distinguish it from a fake

For welding 23.07.2020
For welding

Absinthe (see photo) is a very strong alcohol-containing drink. Its name in translation from Greek means "bitter wormwood". In the context of the proposed article, we will try to tell as much as possible about what the described drink is, how to drink it correctly and prepare it yourself at home.

The alcohol content in real absinthe is 55% to 86%, or even higher. Its main ingredient is alpine bitter wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), which contains a special element called thujone. In a bohemian environment, this strong drink is one of the most popular. For example, the inhabitants of France call the drink (fr. Absinthe) "the green fairy", but sometimes it can be called the "green witch". They also say about absinthe that it is the green muse of artists.

To obtain absinthe, it is necessary to distill alcohol by evaporating the tincture on herbs with further cooling and condensation of steam. Today, this drink is made from purified alcohol, to which herbal extracts and essential oils are added.

The described tincture from wormwood was drunk by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. In those days, it was widely used as a medicine. In addition, absinthe was not available to everyone. The Egyptians prepared homemade tincture from wormwood. Hippocrates has repeatedly advised to use the "green fairy" for anemia, jaundice and rheumatism. The ancient wormwood-based liqueurs had little resemblance to modern absinthe. There are many versions about the discovery of this drink. According to one of them, the "Green Witch" was invented at the end of the 18th century by the sisters of Enrio. They named the drink, using which it was possible to cure many diseases, the name "Bon Extrait d`Absinthe".

Over the past 150 years, many artists, writers and poets have drew inspiration from this alcoholic drink. Due to the use of absinthe in large doses, the fate of many famous people was destroyed. Historical facts testify to this.

The famous French poet Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud called the described alcoholic beverage"Glacial wormwood", as the main constituent of absinthe is an extract from wormwood, which grows in huge quantities in the vicinity of the Swiss ice fields of Val de Traversa. It was here at the end of the 18th century that this very popular drink appeared, which became a symbol of decadence.

But this version of the origin of this strong drink does not end there. According to another of them, it is known that at the end of the 18th century the recipe for the "green witch" was created by a doctor from France P. Ordinar. At that time, the famous doctor lived and worked in the small Swiss town of Cove. The doctor used an infusion of wormwood to treat his patients. But there is a version that the Ordinary did not invent anything, but only used a ready-made recipe invented by the Enrio sisters. The famous doctor was just lucky, since it was he who was able to achieve the wide popularity of this drink, in contrast to the eminent sisters. For this reason, the invention began to be associated with the Ordinary.

No less famous artist Van Gogh, like many representatives of the bohemia of that time, was an ardent admirer of this very strong alcohol. Many even believed that a glass of absinthe was his main "muse".

After using the "green fairy" unimaginable things can happen to a person, since absinthe affects each individual person in a different way. A person who has drunk alcohol may feel relaxed, euphoric, burst into sudden laughter, or feel unexpected vigor and strength. But, in addition to these consequences, a person who missed a glass or two may experience aggression, blurred vision, hallucinations, as well as illegibility of colors.

Absinthe ingredients

The main components of absinthe are extracts from medicinal herbs: bitter and Pontic wormwood, mint, lemon balm, anise, angelica, chamomile, fennel, veronica, licorice, hyssop, coriander, and other plants. But the main component of the "green fairy" is the substance thujone, which is obtained from the extract of wormwood. This element has hallucinogenic properties. In addition, the composition of alcohol contains absintin, which adds bitterness to the strong drink.

Thanks to thujone, after the use of the "Green Fairy", a very rapid intoxication occurs, which leads to increased aggressiveness, which can be very difficult for a drunk person to control. For this reason, the described strong drink differs markedly from other alcoholic products.

In the process of distilling the extract of bitter wormwood, an oily brown component (thujone) is formed. 100 grams of finished alcoholic beverages contains approximately 400 milligrams of this substance. The resulting element is added to the total mass of other components of the drink.... As a result, thujone becomes less concentrated. According to European standards, for 100 grams of the original, undiluted element (in a diluted state for 1 liter of drink), there should be no more than 10 milliliters of thujone.

Varieties in shade and strength

Strong drink has several varieties, and there are also several shades of absinthe, differing in different strengths. This information will be the subject of this section.

Very often the drink has an emerald hue. Also on sale you can find a "green witch" of white, blue, brown, yellow, purple, red, blue or black. The green tone of alcohol is due to the presence of chlorophyll in it, which can decompose under the influence of light. For this reason, absinthe is poured into darkened glass bottles. Because of the characteristic color, the name "green witch" was stuck behind the drink.

Classification of the drink by shade:

  1. Green (traditional). This tone is classic. Alcoholic products of this line of drinks are available from absolutely every manufacturer. The only minor difference in the product may be variations in shades (more or less saturated).
  2. Amber. This alcoholic product is distinguished by a more delicate aftertaste. This type of alcoholic beverage is classified as an elite alcoholic product, since its production requires a double degree of purification.
  3. Ruby. To achieve a ruby ​​hue, pomegranate extract is added to this wormwood tincture. After drinking such a drink, a rather original aftertaste appears.
  4. Dark brown. For the manufacturing process of this line of alcoholic beverages, the roots and foliage of wormwood are used, which is supplemented with acacia tincture. You can feel sweetish notes in this product.

These are far from all the varieties of the described alcohol-containing product that exist in the world. French (classic), Czech (with burning), Spanish, domestic (using sugar syrup), as well as exotic (analogs of sambuca) alcoholic products are widely popular.

The described products are an aperitif, which, as you know, should not be eaten. Pure absinthe is served before eating. If the host decides to surprise the invited guests with a cocktail using the "green witch" or simply dilute the drink, then he can serve dark chocolate to the table. In addition, citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges, as well as seafood) go well with this drink.

How to prepare a tincture at home?

Many Internet users are interested in the question of how you can prepare your own tincture at home. In this section, we will try to cover this topic in more detail.

The described product can be bought in a store or prepared with your own hands, especially since it is not difficult to make it. If you have a special device called a distiller, as well as an alcohol base and fresh wormwood, you can prepare this drink within the walls of your home.

There are several ways to make a homemade alcoholic beverage. If you follow the Ordinar recipe, then along with wormwood you will need to use anise and fennel. The herbal collection must be immersed in an alcohol base (many people use moonshine) and left for 8-10 days. After that, all components should be boiled in a distiller. Other elements can be added to the infusion to add a special piquant aroma. They can be mint essence or any other herbal extract. After preparation, the finished homemade tincture should be filtered and then poured into glass bottles.

In the original version of the recipe, invented back in 1855, to produce 1 liter of alcoholic beverage you will need:

As a result, 950 milliliters of finished distillate is obtained, which must be filtered through a gauze cloth. Homemade tincture, prepared by hand, is ready.

How to properly consume a green drink?

To enjoy the original and unique taste of this alcoholic green drink, you need to know how to use it correctly without harming your health. About the culture of consumption of absinthe and there will be a speech in this section.

As you know, each alcohol-containing product must be consumed in its own way. The described strong drink is no exception. Absinthe should be drunk with caution. In view of the fact that the "green fairy" is very strong, while using it, another fact must also be taken into account. The fact is that the "green witch" is capable of causing various perception disorders.

Each way of drinking the drink comes down to reducing bitterness and high strength. In addition, the emphasis is on ensuring that the drinking procedure is spectacular, since the process itself should be bright and enchanting. In addition to the right choice glasses, you must also have a special toolkit (absinthe spoon with slits).

How to drink absinthe:

  1. Traditional French. This method of drinking the drink is the most correct. It is necessary to pour a small dose of alcohol (from 30 to 50 milliliters) into the glass, put a special cutlery (in the form of a spoon with slots) on the glass, and on top of it a cube of refined sugar (cane or brown). Before consuming an alcoholic product, it is necessary to pour very cold water through a refined cube until the absinthe becomes cloudy (add 3-5 servings of liquid to 1 serving of the drink). The French call this action "Louche" (cloudy). This effect is due to the fact that alcohol diluted with water loses its ability to retain a volatile mixture of fragrant components, which in turn are converted into an emulsion. The latter precipitates, and then begins to emit a peculiar and unique aroma. It is believed that with this method of preparation, ice water activates thujone, although there is no exact proof of this fact.
  2. Czech (with arson). For this method, you will need to pour the alcoholic product into a small pile, on top of which you need to put a special absinthe spoon, and on it - a piece of refined sugar moistened with a drink. The cube is then ignited and then waited until the sweetener is caramelized. It is necessary to ensure that the moistened sugar seeps out and enters the drink through the holes of the spoon. After that, the contents of the glass are diluted with water to taste, and then they are drunk. This method cannot be called traditional.
  3. Russian (with the addition of syrup). It is difficult to imagine why this method was attributed to the Slavic people, but for some reason this name is mentioned in many literary publications. For this method, it is necessary to prepare a special syrup in advance. If desired, you can first dilute a little sugar with water, and then add a sweet solution (to taste) into the product. The prepared diluted drink should be drunk immediately. An alcoholic product in its pure form should first be set on fire, and only after that the flame should be extinguished and the absinthe should be poured into a glass of syrup.
  4. Risky (similar to sambuca). This absinthe drink is often prepared in nightclubs. To prepare a drink, you will need a special glass (rock) with high, even walls, as well as a glass for cognac, a cocktail tube and a paper napkin. Next, sprite should be poured into the rock, and absinthe into the cognac glass. After that, the latter should be placed on a glass with a sprite and its contents should be set on fire. Then you need to gently twist the cognac glass to evenly warm the absinthe. Next, the alcoholic product must be poured into a sprite, and then covered with cognac to extinguish the flame. In advance, you should keep a napkin ready, in the center of which you need to make a small hole in order to thread the thin side of the tube through it. Next, put out the fire, put the cognac glass upside down on a cocktail tube. The prepared drink should be drunk with the sprite, and also inhaled absinthe vapors.

The product goes very well with pineapple juice, citrus fruits, ice cream and lemon wedges.

In a bar or restaurant, the serving procedure is performed by an absinthe or a bartender, and the visitor can only enjoy the original taste of the prepared drink. In order to perform the same actions within the walls of the house, which are described in this section, you must first practice. The main thing is not to experiment too much with different methods. Calculate the dosage and your own strength correctly so as not to get negative consequences.

Useful properties of absinthe

As strange as it may sound, absinthe has some useful properties which will be discussed in this section.

The strange effect of the green drink has long been known to many artists and writers. The explanation for this is the effect of bitter wormwood and thujone on human body... In small doses, this element is drug, which has healing qualities, but in large quantities it turns into poison.

The technological process of making a drink involves reducing the harmful effects of thujone. Moreover, this element is found both in wormwood and in other medicinal plants such as thuja, tansy and sage. Due to the fact that the "green witch" is an alcoholic drink, the effect of its use has distinctive features from the usual drunkenness, which gives a certain feeling of lightness, euphoria and vigor.

The drink was originally invented in medicinal purposes in the form of a healing tincture. This is evidenced by many historical facts. For achievement therapeutic effect it is necessary to prepare a drink, observing the required proportions and a clear sequence of actions.

In what capacity can this drink be used:

  • as an aperitif (in small quantities), as it stimulates appetite, as well as the secretion of gastric juice;
  • as a digestif that completes the meal, as well as aids digestion and complements the dessert;
  • as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent;
  • as a means necessary to enhance the functions of the immune system;
  • how medicinal product, used to relieve various seizures.

Due to the strength contained in the alcoholic drink, absinthe can be used as an antioxidant, disinfectant and wound healing agent for abscesses, bruises, cuts, and ulcers. With hyperthermia and the first symptoms of a cold, you can drink 30 grams of a heated drink.

Under the influence of the "green fairy", which possesses unique qualities, representatives of bohemia have created various musical, pictorial, literary and cinematic works of art of the surrealist era. Many eminent poets, musicians and painters created their masterpieces thanks to the influence of the "green witch".

The use of an alcoholic beverage in cooking

The described alcoholic drink has found use in cooking around the world. It is very widely used as an additive to cocktails (micro-doses of the drink are used), combined with juice, tonic or cola. In this section, we will tell you about what other culinary dishes you can use absinthe.

The Sweet Contrast cocktail has become very popular. To prepare it, you need to take an alcoholic product of your favorite brand, a little apple juice, berry syrup, and ice cubes. The juice should be mixed with sweet frosting and a green drink, and ice should be added to the cocktail on top.

Also, a strong drink can be combined with cappuccino. To make a coffee cocktail, first pour the "Green Fairy" into the glass, and then add a little granulated sugar there. Next, you need to set fire to a glass of absinthe, and then the green drink burning with fire must be poured into a glass of cappuccino. A freshly prepared cocktail must be consumed immediately.

Absinthe mixed with vodka or gin is no less original cocktail drink. In addition to these components, for the preparation of an alcoholic product, you will also need rum, cola and lemon juice. You must first pour 20 milliliters of gin, rum and absinthe into the glass. After that, on one side of the glass, pour 30 milliliters of cola, and on the other - 30 milliliters of juice. Next, you need to set fire to the alcoholic mixture, and then add a small amount of cinnamon there.

In addition to cocktails, culinary experts include the "green witch" in some dishes. Due to its bitter taste, the drink is excellently combined with meat and game dishes. Absinthe can also be added to various sauces.

In fact, there are many recipes for dishes in which the described strong drink is present in one way or another. It can be added to marinades for meat (lamb, goose, chicken) or game. If you add a few drops of absinthe to fragrant pastries (cookies, gingerbread, as well as grain bread) and desserts, then the finished dish will sparkle with new aftertaste notes.

Benefits and treatment with absinthe

To useful and medicinal properties of this alcoholic product can be attributed to the ability to reduce elevated temperature body, elimination of the inflammatory response of the body, dilation of blood vessels, wound healing effect, as well as the effect on the muscular and nervous systems.

In addition to the above benefits that a drink can bring to the body, its other medicinal qualities can also be distinguished. Absinthe is an excellent disinfectant and antioxidant, since a large percentage of alcohol is concentrated in it.

Also, this drink is an excellent antispasmodic. The Green Fairy can be used as an anticonvulsant and anti-arrhythmia medicine. Absinthe can be used prophylactically during the season of viral and colds (in very small doses). Availability in the drink a large number medicinal plants is the basis for the use of a strong product for medicinal purposes, but only in the case of a moderate dosage. Otherwise, instead of the expected healing effect, you can get the exact opposite result, but we will talk about it in the next section.

Contraindications and harm

In order not to harm your health after drinking an alcoholic product, you need to know that there are a number of contraindications for its use, which will be discussed in this section.

If you drink absinthe in moderation, then this process will not cause serious harm to health. But in large doses, this drink is capable of causing serious complications to the body, fraught with various unpredictable consequences. The fault lies in the presence of thujone in the "green fairy", which in large quantities is the strongest poisonous substance. If it gets into the human body (in huge quantities), then there will be overexcitation, as well as a change in consciousness and general well-being. Moreover, a pretty drunk person may experience hallucinations.

Fortunately, the percentage of thujone in many of the various brand name tinctures is subject to stringent control by the competent government bodies... It must be remembered that this product is a very strong alcoholic beverage. Excessive consumption of absinthe can result in a severe hangover.

Many admirers of this strong drink are interested in why the "green witch" is banned in a number of countries to this day. The main reason for the ban on the use of absinthe is the high content of the dangerous poisonous substance monoterpine in it. The latter can cause addiction to the product at the level of physical and psycho-emotional state. In the future, it will be problematic to eliminate the consequences, as well as the bad habit itself.

In addition, the regular use of a strong alcoholic product sometimes ends in very sad consequences, starting with cirrhosis of the liver, and ending in death. For this reason, the "green witch" should be used with great care, in small doses, which do not exceed 30 milliliters at a time.

We sincerely hope that this article was informative for you. If the specified material was not enough for you, then we recommend watching a useful video in which it is available and clearly demonstrates how to drink absinthe correctly.

Absinthe- alcoholic drink with strength from 50 to 89.9%! The most important component of absinthe is bitter wormwood, the essential oils of which contain a large amount of thujone.

It is known that wormwood causes a euphoric, and in high doses, a hallucinogenic state. It is thanks to these properties that absinthe has become so popular.

What is absinthe

Thujon or monoterpine (chemical formula: C10H16O) is a colorless substance found in bitter wormwood. It has a characteristic smell, reminiscent of menthol, is the main element thanks to which absinthe is famous for its hallucinogenic effect.

Some manufacturers add to absinthe to give a more refined taste: Roman wormwood, anise, fennel, calamus, mint, lemon balm, licorice, angelica and some other herbs.

It is very easy to distinguish classic absinthe from parody:

    Pay attention to the composition

    It must indicate the amount of thujone per liter, for example: 10 ml / l. The bigger, the better".

    Ideal if made with grape alcohol, but not critical

    Absinthe is not a liquor.

    The strength of real absinthe is always higher or equal to 50%.

Drinking absinthe in its pure form is almost unrealistic, in order to do everything right and enjoy the drink Shake recommends reading.

Absinthe classification


    According to the generally accepted classification, absinthe can be divided into two categories: drinks of high strength - 50-65 degrees and drinks of extremely high strength - containing 65-89.9% alcohol.

    In the eyes of true connoisseurs, only the extreme category is able to keep the essential oils of wormwood bitter, which will undoubtedly affect the result of drinking.


    Thujone content

    Place of manufacture


There are four types of absinthe by color.

    Green (light green to emerald green)

    Classic (chlorophyll) color of absinthe; yellow (amber) - is obtained due to the gradual "aging" of chlorophyll cells.

    Red (light ruby)

    Achieved by adding pomegranate extract to the drink.

    Black (dark brown)

    In the manufacture, chlorophyll-free roots of wormwood and dark infusion of black acacia are used.

    White absinthe (transparent)

    During the period of the ban, there was the so-called white or "secret" absinthe ("La Bleue") - a drink containing thujone, but for the purpose of masking it was devoid of its characteristic color due to a slightly modified production technology.

It should be borne in mind that in the modern absinthe industry, the desired color can be given to the drink using food colors.

Absinthe by Absinthe Antitoxin in the skull, strength 89.9%!

Thujone content

    Absinthe high in thujone

    25-100 mg / liter.

    Low in thujone

    1.5-10 mg / liter.

Place of production: in which country is absinthe better


    Produces predominantly extremely strong, highly thujone-rich absinthe, but in very limited, virtually non-commercial quantities.


    First of all, it specializes in extremely strong varieties with varying degrees of saturation with thujone, produced in huge batches.


    It does not just produce absinthe on an industrial scale, but tries to please both lovers of a less strong drink with a low content of thujone and their opponents.


    The second homeland of absinthe, France, stands apart. Although the varied distillates produced there are formally considered absinthe, this is done mainly out of respect for the contribution of this country to the process of creating and distributing the drink.

    As you know, French manufacturers have completely abandoned the use of bitter wormwood in their products, replacing it with star anise, which makes the drinks they offer only resemblances of absinthe.

    There are, however, such brands of absinthe containing thujone as "La fee" and "Lucid", which are positioned as produced in France. But at the same time, the first of them is produced by the British company Green Utopia, and the second - by the American company Viridian Spirits LLC.

    Other countries

    Secondary countries producing absinthe or drinks close to it in content are: Italy, Germany, USA and the Netherlands.

    In particular, a curious phenomenon was the "Liqueur d" Absinthe "sold in Amsterdam, containing 26 milligrams of thujone per liter, whose production is attributed to the French brand" Francois Guy ".

    Also, Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria are trying to join the club of countries producing absinthe.

History of the production of absinthe

Speaking about famous brands of absinthe, it is worth starting with a small overview of the enterprises that produced the drink, so to speak, in its past life, that is, from the time of its creation (end of the eighteenth century) and until its almost universal prohibition (beginning of the twentieth century).

Among the leading manufacturers and brands of that time, in addition to the pioneer in this industry - Pernod Fils, one should mention such dinosaurs of the absinthe industry as Fritz Duval Dubied Père & Fils, A. Vichet, la Cressonnee "," Terminus "," A. Junod, Cousin Jeune, L. Lemercier & Duval, Oxygenee and Kübler absinthe.

Moreover, most of them were somehow connected with the Pernod family or with the French area of ​​Pontarlier.

The appearance of the Pernod Fils brand in Pontarlier took place thanks to Major Daniel Henri Dubier, who in 1797 bought a recipe for the wormwood mixture from its creators, the sisters Enrio from the Swiss Couvet, and his son-in-law, the Swiss Henri-Louis Pernod, who put the production of the drink on a factory basis.

The extreme popularity of "Pernod Fils" is evidenced by the fact that by the end of the 19th century the company was producing 30,000 liters of the drink every day.

In 1798, one of the closest relatives of the Dubier / Pernod house, Fritz Duval, opened his own business in Couva, naming his brainchild: "Fritz Duval Dubied Père & Fils".

In turn, in Pontarlier there were factories of such famous absinthe producers as “A. Vichet, la Cressonnee "," A. Junod, Cousin Jeune and Terminus.

The fate of the drink produced under the brand name "Oxygenee" is interesting, the advertisement of which was adorned with the optimistic phrase: "It's great." After the ban on absinthe was lifted, this brand reappeared on the shelves. But since the current French absinthe does not contain wormwood, the revival of "Oxygenee" turned out to be very conditional.

Another thing is the Swiss brand "Kübler absinthe", founded in 1863, banned together with other brands in 1910, and revived by the great-grandson of the founder of the company after the re-legalization of absinthe.

Absinthe is one of the alcoholic beverages, the production history of which goes back several hundred years. It was quite popular at the end of the nineteenth century. In the period from the fifth to the fifteenth year of the last century, absinthe was banned not only for sale, but also for production. This campaign was in the nature of protecting people from the harmful effects of this drink. The composition of absinthe contributed to the development of addiction and was one of the reasons for the appearance different types hallucinations.

According to another version, a similar campaign was launched with the support of wine-producing houses. The popularity of absinthe and the huge spread led to the ruin of more than one wine house. In addition, the income from the sale of absinthe was several times higher than the income from other alcoholic products. The history of this drink is interesting and amazing. Today, this alcohol-containing product is freely sold in many specialty stores, but its composition has many differences from the original formula.

In order to realize the full significance of absinthe for culture, it is enough to imagine that in France this drink was much more popular than wine.

Absinthe is, in fact, a tincture of various herbs in strong alcohol

When asked what absinthe is, many will answer that it is a mixture based on wormwood and alcohol. But this opinion is a fairly common mistake. In fact, this product is so rich in the number of components that it is rather difficult to list them all. Three ingredients are used to make absinthe:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • herbs.

Of course, the first two components do not raise any special questions, but the composition of the herbs can be quite an interesting discovery for many people. Most of the associations are associated with the fact that absinthe drink is a kind of moonshine based on wormwood. Of course, this plant is used in the manufacture of a drink, but this is far from the main component of the product.

Today, three essential ingredients are used for the production of absinthe: anise, wormwood and fennel. These three plants are the main component of the drink. In addition, each manufacturer has its own "special" recipe, as a result of which the composition is supplemented with other herbs and spices. Absinthe, composition of herbs:

  • mint and lemon balm;
  • calamus and licorice;
  • coriander and parsley;
  • chamomile and ash;
  • angelica and St. John's wort.

Today, there are more than a dozen recipes for preparing this type of alcohol. Each recipe uses three main ingredients and various additives to enhance the flavor. The age of such recipes can be hundreds of years, but their relevance is not diminishing in the least.

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic beverage that contains 55-85% alcohol and has a specific bitter taste.

From the moment of the first bottling to the present day, the composition of absinthe has not made any critical changes, but the production itself has taken on a new direction. The main task of manufacturers is to reduce the amount of thujone in the drink. It is this substance that causes hallucinations when drinking alcohol.

Experts note the following interesting fact... Despite the fact that wormwood is used to prepare many alcoholic beverages, most people associate this plant with absinthe.

Features of production

Having told about what absinthe consists of, it is necessary to devote a few lines about the intricacies of its production. The modern manufacturing technique is distinguished by three main factors.

The first factor

In the nineteenth century, absinthe was precisely an alcoholic tincture containing whole bouquet herbs and spices. Today, modern technologies are used to make alcohol, which consist in using not the herbs themselves, but extracts. As a result of this change, absinthe has lost its "poisonous" green color and special dyes are used to bring it back.

Second factor

It is very important that the content of "thujone" in finished products was minimized as much as possible. Each product spill is accompanied by special tests. The thing is that this substance is recognized as narcotic and can cause addiction.

The third factor

Today absinthe is produced not only in the traditional and familiar form. As a result of the use of certain additional components, the color of the drink can be changed.

Essential oils of wormwood contain a lot of thujone - the substance thanks to which absinthe is known for its effect

Types of absinthe:

  1. Green- the drink called "Green Fairy" is made according to traditional recipes.
  2. Black- for the manufacture of this type, not the wormwood itself is used, but its roots.
  3. Red- to obtain this color, pomegranate fruits are added to the drink.
  4. Yellow- this color of the drink is achieved both by aging and by adding certain colorants.

It is these three changes that affected the production of the drink. The rest of the technique remained in its original form. After the alcoholic infusion is made, all the resulting liquid is sent for distillation. A dye is added to the resulting product, and the drink is poured into a container.

the effect

It's time to answer the question: "absinthe, what is it?" Researchers say that the effect of this drink is more typical of drugs than alcohol. The effect of consumption can be completely different and depends on the state of the body. After drinking absinthe, a person may feel a certain relaxation and euphoria, but the same dose for another person can cause inappropriate behavior and bouts of unreasonable laughter.

This product sometimes makes people do strange things. A person can experience strong aggression and show a violent character. Such effects depend on the emotional state of the person and his environment.

Drinking the drink is often accompanied by visual problems. Human vision significantly narrows its fields, it becomes difficult to distinguish colors. The perception of the forms of surrounding objects also changes. One of the main effects of this type of alcohol is to lower the pain threshold. Before using the drink, you need to know what absinthe is made of and how high the content of "thujone" is.

The first mentions of a drink similar to absinthe are found around 1500 BC. NS. in ancient egypt

Drinking culture

Absinthe has a strong bitter taste. In order to reduce this aftertaste, the drink is added cold water through a sugar cube lying on a special spoon. The water that passes through the sugar dilutes the drink, hiding the bitter aroma. There is an opinion that the presence of sugar in the drink can increase the effect of "thujone" on the body.

Adding water changes the color of the beverage. It may become more transparent with a yellow or green tint. In order to dilute alcohol correctly, you need to use a formula. For a glass of alcohol, four parts of water and one part of absinthe are used. The addition of lemon is also allowed to kill the bitter aftertaste.

Precautionary measures

Do not abuse alcoholic products, as this leads to addiction. Pregnant women and mothers of infants should refuse to use absinthe. The abuse of wormwood-based fluids can contribute to the development of such unpleasant symptoms, like: problems with sleep disturbances, tremors of the limbs, seizures and depression.

In contact with

Modern alcoholic beverages are presented by manufacturers in such a huge amount that even the most fastidious gourmets find their favorite brands, varieties and varieties. Some types of alcoholic beverages are original and differ greatly from standard ones in their composition and properties.

One of the high-quality and widespread drinks all over the world, which has gained respect and popularity among users, is the varieties of which are offered by different manufacturers in the assortment. What are the features of this drink? What is included in absinthe? What kind chemical elements are in different brands of this alcohol?

Absinthe composition - spices, herbs and spices

Knowing what is included in absinthe, connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol all over the world can clearly determine which particular variety is worth trying, while others decide to make this drink on their own at home. Distinctive feature absinthe is a large number of various herbs, thanks to which the drink acquires special effective healing properties... And the presence of spices in the drink gives it a pleasant and unique taste and a long aftertaste. What kind of herbs are included in different types of absinthe?

V classic recipe absinthe must have a huge herbal bouquet, consisting of:

  • Bitter wormwood;
  • Melissa;
  • Anisa;
  • Calamus;
  • Angelica;
  • Yasenets;
  • Sweet or Italian fennel;
  • Licorice;
  • Coriander;
  • Veronica;
  • Chamomile;
  • Parsley;
  • Mint.

Almost all of these herbs are used in medicine and cosmetology for effective purposes, and their combination in absinthe with alcohol gives the drink special taste and strength.

Today, the production of absinthe has more than a hundred different varieties of drink, each of which is distinguished by the presence of a certain combination of herbs and spices. By combining various herbs and spices, manufacturers delight their admirers with new and original drinks, most of which become real brands.

The most common types of absinthe today are:

  • Green. This is a classic version of the drink, which contains wormwood, anise and cinnamon.
  • Yellow. This shade is achieved with the help of food colors, although there are also natural shades of yellow. Yellow is achieved due to the fact that the plants used in the preparation will release chlorophyll within 2 months, which saturates with this color.
  • Red. Most manufacturers of absinthe of this color use pomegranate extract to achieve the effect. Others also use food coloring to achieve rich color.
  • Black. The main raw material in the preparation of this type of absinthe is the roots of wormwood, not leaves or inflorescences. To give the drink a rich color, the manufacturers add the black acacia Catechu to it. This ingredient not only gives the drink a black color, but also saturates it with the taste of berries and liqueur.

The classic version of absinthe must necessarily be strong enough, because the strength of 70 to 75 degrees helps to retain the essential oils that are contained in the wormwood. If it has a strength of 55-60%, then it will not contain essential oil.

Absinthe composition - chemical compounds and substances

Each type of absinthe contains a number of chemical compounds that have a strong effect on the human body. One of the substances is thujone, which is a toxic substance. Long time the substance was considered a hallucinogen, although later research did not confirm this fact. Thuillon enhances the intoxicating effect of absinthe, adding to the state of the person using it a stimulating effect that can even lead a person into an aggressive state. It is the action of thujone that distinguishes absinthe from other common alcoholic beverages.

Another component necessarily contained in absinthe is chlorophyll, which is of natural origin and saturates the drink with a pleasant color. And a chemical such as absintin is obtained by boiling bitter wormwood, without re-distillation.

Historical facts related to absinthe

Absinthe is considered the most mysterious drink, the history of which is associated with interesting people and events. The drink was one of Van Gogh's favorites. And the most effective and best is absinthe, prepared according to old recipes of the 19th century.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, a ban was introduced on the manufacture and sale of absinthe in different countries because the drink began to be equated with drugs. This connection was explained by the fact that under certain conditions of its use, absinthe could cause auditory or visual hallucinations... But already at the end of the 20th century, many countries lifted such a ban and absinthe returned to the shelves of most stores again. Today, in the USA and Europe, the drink is considered one of the most popular and widespread.

The peak in popularity of absinthe came at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. So that you can imagine the scale of his fame and demand, it is enough to give one interesting fact. At the beginning of the 20th century, more absinthe was drunk in France than wine. We can say that the popularity of this strong alcoholic drink made from wormwood bordered on mass insanity.

Then, from 1905 to 1915, laws were passed in Europe prohibiting not only the sale, but also the production of absinthe. This was done under the slogan of protecting people's life and health. It was said that the composition of this alcoholic drink in general and wormwood in particular, cause hallucinations, lead to addiction, and also turn its lovers into drug addicts.

However, there is a version that the ban on the industrial production and sale of absinthe is primarily associated with a powerful lobby of winemakers, who were afraid of its frenzied popularity. After all, this automatically reduced their income from the sale of wine. truly amazing.

But in our time, this alcoholic drink is freely sold. So, what is absinthe made of today?


There is an opinion that absinthe is a simple alcohol-based tincture of bitter wormwood. However, this point of view is wrong. In fact, this drink contains a much larger number of herbs and plant components.

Its classic composition includes:

  • high quality ethyl alcohol;
  • clean water;
  • vegetable components.

If everything is clear with the first two ingredients, then it is necessary to dwell on herbs and spices in more detail. In the mass public consciousness, absinthe is inextricably linked with wormwood. Indeed, this plant is the main part of this alcohol.

However, few people know about the existence of the so-called herbs of the holy trinity. Besides wormwood, these include anise and fennel. It is these herbal ingredients that make up the basis of absinthe.

In addition to them, it may include lemon balm, calamus, fennel, mint, licorice, angelica, coriander, white ash, veronica, parsley, blue St. John's wort (hyssop) and chamomile.

It should be understood that there are many absinthe recipes. The ingredients in the beverage may vary. Only bitter wormwood, fennel and anise remain unchanged.

The recipes by which absinthe is produced in our time have remained practically unchanged.

But the production technology has changed. These changes were aimed at minimizing the content of the substance - thujone - in the finished drink. After all, it is he who is the narcotic component, "thanks" to which absinthe once earned its notoriety.

There is an interesting fact. Wormwood is also the main component of vermouth.

Features of production

The modern industrial production of absinthe is not so different from how this process looked at the beginning of the last century. There are two main points.

First, a serious control was introduced over the final concentration of thujone in the drink. Secondly, instead of the herbs themselves, their extracts and extracts are now used. In addition, now the drink is sometimes tinted with artificial colors.

The rest of the production scheme has remained unchanged. First, an alcoholic herbal tincture is made. Then distillation is carried out. The resulting drink, if necessary, is tinted, bottled and sent for sale.

Simple enough. Everyone is able to independently make it at home.

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