Hexagram 55 interpretation. Divination without cards. Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Astringent compositions 03.11.2020
Astringent compositions


When the sun (the "Li-Fire" trigram) is at its zenith, anger, empty anxieties and fears (the "Zhen-Thunder" trigram) disappear along with the shadows. After a while, there will be a conversation or meeting that will help you learn more about what is happening. Whatever your role, try not to "cast a shadow" on those around you. The oracle advises you to be generous and sociable during the GG "Abundance". Otherwise, you will not only cover your name with a shadow, but you may not achieve what you want.


Don't hold back on conflict resolution.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

An important piece of information is hidden from you, and you, most likely, will never see it.

bottom line.

If this is an opponent, then he is equal to you in almost everything. In order for the balance of power to be on your side, first make a move, and then start negotiations. And be generous.

Second line.

If you do not know what to do, consult first with all interested people. openness and modesty this moment will help you find "Happiness".

Third line.

Protecting yourself from live communication, you went on about your own fantasies. They are reluctant to make contact with you, but "there will be no blasphemy."

Fourth line.

Isolation from external events allowed you to master some abilities. Meeting "their own kind" will bring you "Happiness".

Fifth line.

There is no longer anyone and nothing to hide - "You will come with brilliance." You are trusted and supported. Do not disregard all interested parties, and then you are provided with "Praise" and "Happiness".

Top line.

If you hoped that "homeliness" would not develop into greed, you were wrong. You will pay for your mistake. "Misfortune".

With Chinese hexagrams, the story is twofold.

On the one hand, you can receive any hexagram from Fate as an answer to your question - in the process of questioning the Oracle of the Book of Changes. This is called divination.

On the other hand, you can hang any hexagram you are interested in on the wall, and then the energy and Meaning contained in it will come into your Life by themselves. This is called - Setting or Simoron.

Do not believe that by hanging the most favorable hexagram on the wall, you will attract Happiness to your home? Then I'll tell a scary story...

Why absolutely all feng shui specialists and even very many psychologists, to put it mildly, do not recommend decorate the walls of your apartment with portraits of single women? "Mona Lisa", "Unknown" and other masterpieces of the classics are appropriate in galleries and classrooms, but not in your apartment, they say.

This is also called Tuning or Simoron, only bad Simoron.

And we will tune in to the good.

Hexagram number 55. abundance

This Hexagram from the Chinese book "I-Ching", in my opinion, is absolutely identical to the Major Arcana of the Tarot system - the Sun.

Isn't it easy and pleasant to meditate on the Sun card?

However, I suggest learning a more complex meditation - meditation on a symbolic and extremely abstract visual image - meditation on the Chinese hexagram.

We must visually divide any Chinese hexagram into two parts in order to get two TRIgrams - upper and lower. We begin to read hexagrams - always from below.

Look at the lower trigram. This ancient hieroglyph symbolizes Fire hidden in a transparent vessel. This is a light that beats in the reliable glass of the lamp.

In this hexagram - this fire symbolizes abundant, giving warmth, joy and creative insights - the light of the sun.

An ancient commentary speaks of this hexagram, thus giving advice to the person to whom it fell:

"The sun must be in the middle of its path."

When this hexagram falls out to you, “Abundance” means, first of all, that you are very lucky.

Here are the predictions given by the ancient commentators:

“You will make your dwelling plentiful”;

"You will meet your equal."

The hexagram gives everything that a wise and practical person can only wish for: a meeting with the One who understands you and who speaks the same language with you, and simply material prosperity in the house, getting rid of thoughts about a piece of bread.

But this hexagram, like everything else in this world, has a nuance... And this nuance is embedded in the upper trigram.

Look at the upper trigram of the hexagram "Abundance".

This ancient hieroglyph depicts, among the Chinese, ENERGY EXPANDING OUT.

Imagine a person who went to the middle of the square and raising both hands up, began to scatter wealth, gifts, fireworks around him ...

This is a gesture of unthinkable and perfect generosity. After all, if a person threw his treasures with a hand gesture “down”, pointing his finger at the ground, then this gesture would be humiliating, derogatory.

So the arrogant give alms to the poor, throwing a copper coin into the mud.

If a person raises both hands up, then this is an offering-sacrifice, this is a Gift and a Prayer, merged into one.

This is what the upper trigram of the hexagram Abundance means...

What does she want from us? What does it tend to?

An overflowing vessel, a cornucopia, is intended to spread its wealth outward - into the world.

In other words, the hexagram and its traditional commentators literally insist on generosity, on openness and on establishing connections with people around.

Literally, as concrete and simple advice, this can even mean such a gesture - to talk to a neighbor with whom you have never spoken, and treat her to, well, at least ... a tangerine when you go up together in the elevator.

The sun generously gives its light and warmth, without analyzing what it illuminates and whom it warms...

Therefore, when tuning in to the hexagram "Abundance" or to the card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot "Sun", tune in to the fact that you will have to learn the "behavior of the Sun" ...

Even Shakespeare spoke through the mouth of Hamlet that the sun warms even the poor through their rags, illuminates garbage and carrion with its light ... The sun is the king, and stains of dirt will not appear on its rays if these rays touch sewage or look into a prison cell ...

So, the lower trigram is the trigram of fire.

The upper trigram is the trigram of abundance pouring into the whole surrounding world.

Well, what does the ancient commentary promise, if we neglect the message of the hexagram? If having fire, not to share? Read for yourself:

“Make your habitation abundant. Make curtains in your house. You look at your door and there will be no one in silence. You won't see anyone for three years. Misfortune".

Still, these Chinese know how to scare!

Elena Nazarenko

practicing personal and family counselor

Hexagram Fung says that now a period is opening before you when your love relationship will be as wonderful and bright as ever, filled with tenderness and kindness. And this means that you can achieve a lot in other areas of life, because you will have support. Not that everything will be completely smooth, but in general the picture will appear very rosy, and the prospects - optimistic. But, as often happens, there is a nuance that can turn everything in a diametrically opposite direction, namely, you must be true to your love and not allow betrayal even in your thoughts, otherwise you will even lose what you have.

In addition, the situation symbolized by the Fung hexagram is a situation when you reap the fruits of your previous activities, that is, if you have previously shown love and tenderness. Now you will receive it a hundredfold, and if not, then the period will not be so rosy, therefore, if anything, blame the hexagram Fung for this, but only yourself.

If love fortune-telling is carried out on a person who is just going to build a love relationship, and he would like to know how soon the long-awaited chance for love happiness will come, then the answer is soon, very soon.

In general, the Fun hexagram is a very simple sign that does not require a large and detailed interpretation. It is a kind of "love karma", that is, an indicator of how much sincere love you yourself have. Now you get only what you deserve. And if nothing good happens during this period and your love relationship does not change in a positive direction, it means that all the previous time you only created the appearance that you love, but in fact confused love with habit and spiritual comfort.

The Fung hexagram reminds you that love is an action filled with bright feelings, so you need to act in order to really find happiness in love.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

The symbol is very auspicious and means that you are under a lucky star. The hexagram symbolizes the onset of the time of harvesting a rich harvest.

The autumn harvest period has begun in your life, prosperity and success in business, they will go smoothly and successfully, and further growth is possible in the future.

However, do not forget about the information, now it is very important for you to always be aware of what is happening and understand well different areas life.

Make savings, you need to set aside part of the money you earn.

The period is favorable especially for business in art, show business and agriculture.

Although success is accompanying you now, there is no certainty that your desire will come true.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 55. Abundance

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Fyan - Abundance. Sometimes read as Fyn or Feng.

The hieroglyph depicts a combination of ears of grain and an overflowing vessel, a cornucopia.

Rich, luxurious. A bountiful harvest; abundant, fertile, numerous. Overfilling; climax, fullness. Mature, fat, lush, gorgeous. Too much, exaggerate. Possession of numerous friends, talents, wealth.

Semantic connections of hexagram 55.Fyan

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of prosperity and prosperity. The image of the hexagram is the cornucopia. Now is such a happy time for you that you can only smile and shine like the noonday sun. Do not skimp on good feelings, radiate support and generosity around.

You can compare yourself to a powerful king who makes his subjects happy and generously endows them with gifts and prosperity. This blessed time will not last forever. The sun, when it passes the zenith, begins to descend in the sky. The moon wanes after the full moon. Heaven and Earth both fill and empty all things. Throw away despondency and sadness, give light and joy everywhere. And don't regret it.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-fifth hexagram.

[Completion. The king approaches him. Don't worry!

The sun must be in the middle of its path]

I. Nine at the beginning.

You will meet a host like you. Even if you are equal with him, there will be no blasphemy.

If you go, you will be rewarded.

II. Six second.

You will make your curtains abundant, so that in the middle of the day you will see the Big Dipper.

If you go, you will fall into doubt and hatred.

If you own the truth, then be open.

- Happiness!

III. Nine third.

You will make your canopy plentiful so that in the middle of the day you will see the North Star.

You break your right elbow.

- There will be no hula.

IV. Nine fourth.

You will make your curtains plentiful so that in the middle of the day you will see the Big Dipper.

You will meet an equal owner.

- Happiness!

V. Six fifth.

Come with brilliance. There will be support and praise.

- Happiness.

VI. Six at the top.

You will make your dwelling plentiful. Make curtains in your house.

You look at your door and there will be no one in silence. You won't see anyone for three years.


Nothing extra. Early to bed and early to rise - that's what makes a person healthy, rich and happy.
Benjamin Franklin



Structure Explanation

Thunder and lightning together is a huge force. Abundance. The sentences must be carried out.

Composition of both guas



All in due time, meeting and parting. But still, dissatisfaction. After a while - trouble, wealth does not give satisfaction.


Misfortune. Wealth "behind its canopy", that is, inner wealth, wealth of the soul, for there is an indication of the constellation Ursa Major. But if you descend from heaven, indulge in material things, illness, mental disorders are possible, it is important to have will and faith.


Fixation on the material makes spiritual growth impossible, meaning the limitation of spirituality. "Break your right hand."



Actions are successful, communities are true, middleness is good! Although the Bucket (Bear) is still in the dark.


Money gives opportunities for holidays, fun, revelry, praise.


Happiness in wealth, providing for the family, but inner loneliness, "you peep through the doors - it's deserted for you, there is no one - hide yourself."

The main thing in gua

You can't be sad. The sun must be at noon. Clarity, through it - movement, therefore abundance.

Main thesis

Filling - devastation of Heaven and Earth occurs in contact with the drying up and interruption (inhalation and exhalation) of time. And the man? And the spirits-demons and spirits-deities?

Divinatory Aspect

Wealth and prosperity in all spheres of life.
Be prepared to take responsibility for your steps if you have to.
Possible sentence, imprisonment for ten years.
In any wealth, do not forget about the Highest, about the soul.
If a we are talking about the trip, it will bring income, good luck.
When it comes to health, there is mental illness.
In the political and social sphere - success, but with the involvement of their own funds.

Correspondence with Tarot

The theme of abundance, wealth corresponds in the Tarot to the suit of Pentacles, in particular the Ace of Pentacles, Ten and Nine of Pentacles. But here is a very important aspect - caution, clairvoyance, wisdom in relation to material wealth, Arcanum IX, the Hermit, speaks about this.

Nine (the number of the Arcana Hermit) is an odd number, masculine, active, a symbol of hierarchy: Hesiod counted nine Muses (goddesses of poetic inspiration and art). The nine angelic choirs also obey the spiritual hierarchy (for the Gnostics, these are nine heavenly spheres). "Nine" is the number of a completed idea, harmony, this figure is a symbol of the Holy Virgin Mary - the absolute perfection of God. According to the teachings of the Orphics, the Universe has nine symbolic aspects that make up the three triads: Night, Sky, Time. Ether, Light, Stars. Sun, Moon, Nature.

In China, nine (jiu) was considered the number of Yang, symbolized sharp taste, autumn, metal, and was associated with the Cosmos. The Chinese divided the world into nine regions, consisting of nine plains and 9,999 corners. The axis of the world is a tree with nine roots, fed from nine sources - the abodes of the dead, its branches extend to the nine heavens. The Aztecs also had nine underground kingdoms.

In astrology, the ninth house (the sign of the textbook Zodiac) symbolizes philosophical and religious thought, abstraction, spirituality. This is the house of Sagittarius, the sign of Fire. The hermit in Tarot is a symbol of creative possibilities and wise synthesis.

When you run out of abundance, you lose your place; this is accepted through the sign LU, Wandering.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

Mostly a success, but also a caveat. You still need to be held accountable for your successes and failures. But you shouldn't be sad. Everything that is done is for the better! A period of abundance awaits you in the present. But as it is filled, so it will be emptied, as it comes, so it will leave, so do not rejoice too much at material success, rather think about the soul, about the height of the spirit, strive for the highest values.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Business. Successes are stable, but it is necessary to control the situation. Trips will bring success, contacts with foreign partners, and the investment of capital will bring profit.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love affairs are progressing well. But do not go too far, be moderate in your desires.

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