Looking for a partner to sell Iranian products. Iran is looking for foreign partners. Russian investments in Iran

Wallpaper 16.11.2021

Prospects for the development of trade and economic cooperation between the Iranian province of Khorasan Rezavi and Russia were discussed during the meeting by the Director of the Department of Foreign Relations and Work with Business Councils of the RF CCI Alexander Kopkov and the head of the delegation of entrepreneurs of the Khorasan province Rezavi - a member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture Khorasan Province Rezavi Farshid Manushehri.

Opening the meeting, Alexander Kopkov drew the attention of the guests of the Federal Chamber to the mutual interest and readiness of Russian and Iranian businessmen to develop trade and economic cooperation between the countries. Currently, more than 500 companies with Iranian capital operate in Russia, more than 1,000 Iranian companies are aimed at successful work in the Russian market.

Promising areas of bilateral cooperation, Alexander Kopkov believes, today are the power industry, transport, the oil and gas industry, communications and information technology. At the same time, the head of the Department drew the attention of the Iranian delegation to the need to exchange information about the business potential of Russian and Iranian entrepreneurs. This can be facilitated by the resumed work of the Russian-Iranian Business Council, as well as the continued active participation of Iranian business in exhibition and fair events in Russia, in particular at the Expocentre site.

Describing the volume of mutual trade turnover, he noted that in In January-September 2016, the volume increased by 78% compared to the same period last year and amounted to $1.6 billion. According to Alexander Kopkov, the potential of the Russian-Iranian trade turnover is far from exhausted and has good prerequisites for further growth.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation took an active part in the preparation of the Agreement between Russia and Iran on the simplification of conditions for mutual travel certain categories citizens, which came into force in February 2016. It provides for the introduction of a simplified procedure for obtaining Russian and Iranian visas, in particular, for entrepreneurs of the two countries, which will undoubtedly serve to develop business relations between Russia and Iran.

A project of simplified customs inspection of Iranian goods is also being implemented, customs duties on the import of marine biological resources have been reduced, which led to an increase in the supply of seafood from Iran to 20 thousand tons in 2015. Iranian entrepreneurs show a certain interest in cooperation with Russian regions and are ready for new business contacts, Alexander Kopkov stated.

At the same time, issues of mutual settlements in trade, as well as insurance of commercial transactions, need to be addressed. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia is interested in information about the problems hindering the development of trade and economic relations, including in the customs sphere.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia informed the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture of Iran about its readiness for a preliminary discussion of the issue of establishing cooperation in the field of international commercial arbitration between the chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries.

As a first step, the Iranian Chamber was also asked to send to the RF CCI information about its arbitration organization and considerations for getting started.

In response, the head of the delegation of the Iranian province of Khorasan Rezavi Farshid Manushehri expressed the wish of the Iranian business community to establish business contacts between businessmen of the two countries. In addition, at this stage of development, Iran is interested in attracting Russian investments to the domestic market, including in the oil and gas sector, and increasing the export of Iranian products to Russia.

Further, the Iranian businessmen informed the representatives of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in detail about the opportunities and export potential of their companies, expressing their deep interest in establishing partnership contacts with Russian businessmen.

In conclusion, Alexander Kopkov and Farshid Manushehri expressed their hope for further strengthening of bilateral ties and expansion of business contacts.

Press Service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, A. Savenkov

About a year after a production cut deal was struck involving major OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers, Iran's oil minister Bijan Zangane said there was no pressure on Iran to join the agreement. Analytical publication S&P Global Platts in the article No pressure on Iran to join OPEC output cuts: Zanganeh, according to the terms of the deal signed on November 30, 2016, Iran was given the opportunity to slightly increase production. Production cuts by both OPEC and non-OPEC countries are working well and compliance is acceptable, the oil minister added.

Iranian production stood at 3.83 million bpd in August and averaged 3.78 million bpd in the first eight months after the deal went into effect in January. According to the latest report from S&P Global Platts on OPEC, published in September, this volume is 17,000 barrels below the officially authorized volume of 3.797 million barrels per day.

Under the terms of the agreement, OPEC members and 10 non-cartel producers will next year should cut production by 1.8 million barrels per day to accelerate market rebalancing. All parties to the agreement are to meet again in Vienna on 30 November. Despite a growing consensus that the deal needs to be in place until at least March, Zanganeh doesn't understand how the producers plan to pull out of the deal eventually. “I can't say or guess what will happen, but it seems that all OPEC countries are trying to stabilize the situation for the benefit of the market,” Zanganeh said.

Russian investments in Iran

Iran has been actively looking for foreign partners to boost production since the country opened up its oil sector following the easing of international sanctions last year. Russia, in turn, is exploring options for commercial benefits from its close contacts with the Islamic Republic. The Iranian Ministry of Oil Industry and the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) are discussing a memorandum of understanding with Russia's LUKOIL covering research and exploration at a number of Iranian oil fields. “We're not talking about signing a development contract now, it's just research for now,” Zanganeh said. He also added that Gazprom Neft is working with Iran on three projects: Farzad-B, Kish and Azar. In July, the Russian company signed a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian company Oil Industries "Engineering & Construction" to evaluate and study oil fields in Iran. It covers potential joint exploration at the Azar field, which is part of the Anaran block near the border with Iraq. "Gazprom Neft" also announced its interest in another Anaran field - Shangul.

Since last year, a number of memorandums of understanding have been signed between Russian companies and NIOC, but they have not yet been backed up by specific agreements.

Good evening! Mariam, I saw your address on the Internet. As I understand you have a trading company in Iran. We are looking for buyers in Iran. We have this specific item:
1.) active zinc isotope Zn-66. There are all certificates, photos, certified in January 2016. Price from $100 per gram. Zn66 is used as a starting material for the production of radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapy.
Zinc powder (zink-66) One of the important products of deeper processing of zinc is zinc powder. Zinc powder (dust) is a fine bluish-gray powder, almost pure zinc (95-98%) with a small amount of impurities.

Consumption of zinc powder. Zinc powder is a fairly versatile product with many applications. Zinc dust is introduced into protective paints and varnishes LKM (primers and paints) for painting ships, bridges and other structures operating in harsh atmospheric conditions. Coatings containing a mixture of zinc powder and zinc oxide have good anti-corrosion properties. Paradoxically, when obtaining zinc itself by the hydrometallurgical method, zinc powder is used to purify a solution of zinc sulfate from copper and cadmium. Zinc powder is used in the chemical industry as a filler, in the production of fluoroplast and other polymers, and lubricants. In pyrotechnics, zinc powder is used to produce blue flames.
Zinc powder is used in batteries.
Zinc powder is used in the production of rare and precious metals. In particular, zinc powder is used to displace gold and silver from cyanide solutions. Without zinc powder, it would not be possible to extract precious metals from a number of ore materials. Zinc powder is widely used for diffusion galvanizing in bridge building, shipbuilding, aircraft building, motor transport industry; in construction for galvanizing metal structures; in the oil refining industry; in the manufacture of anti-corrosion compounds, zinc-rich mixtures; recycling of metals, as one of the main components in the pharmaceutical industry, chemical - for the production of benzidine and its analogues and for the production of thionedigoid dyes, the solution obtained by determining the insoluble residue must be colorless.
The two most promising areas of application of zinc powder in the field of metal corrosion protection, which are developing most actively, are zinc-rich paints and thermal diffusion zinc plating. Zinc coatings provide the longest (up to 25-50 years) steel protection against corrosion.

2.) depleted zinc isotope Zn-64. All documents are available. At present, depleted zinc is used at most foreign nuclear power plants as an additive to the water coolant of the primary circuit. The use of zinc dosing technology helps to reduce the radiation dose rate during scheduled repairs, reduce the accumulation of radioactive waste in equipment, improve the corrosion state, increase the service life of primary circuit pipelines and, ultimately, improve the reliability of reactor operation. The price is negotiable, if interested parties appear, then we will agree on a price.
3.) There are also any rare earth metals.
This is not a product prohibited for export, everything is done and formalized. Try, what the hell is not joking, you might be interested. Many people offer this zinc to Mariam on the Internet, at different prices

Russian business is looking at Iran: we have a food embargo, they have seafood, fruits and vegetables. The price is low and the quality is good. It would seem that it should be taken. But not everything is so simple. tells what can be a snag.He does not pretend to be an expert and does not do business with the Iranians - in a column for DK.RU he talks about those national features that catch the eye of a traveler.

Nuance one: conductor

One cannot do without a guide who knows the local language, mentality, who understands the culture, in Iran. Planning this trip for mid-March, we exchanged letters on the Internet with one Iranian in six months, hoping that he would be our guide. We went there on the recommendation of other travelers.

The purpose of our trip was not related to business - we went to the mountains. But, since our guide often acts as an intermediary between Russian and Iranian businessmen (and our compatriots, mostly Muscovites, are now showing an increased interest in Iran), I was a witness to some business negotiations.

The brightest episode that I remember was the negotiations on the supply of shrimp. Muscovites signed a contract with an Iranian company and transferred $100,000 to its account. And then the Iranians ask to be told: they say, we can’t withdraw money, let them take back the dollars and pay us in rials (this is the local currency) or rubles. “Or let them transfer to United Arab Emirates to our subsidiary," they add. Muscovites responded: “We can’t do that, we have such a law in Russia: from whom you bought it, you paid, otherwise it will look like money laundering.”

Our Iranian calls Moscow again, asking to pick up the dollars. They don't want to - then they will also lose 10%. Muscovites are at a loss: “Why was it necessary to conclude a contract in dollars? They would tell you right away.” He calls the Iranians again - they say that they did not know, they thought everything would be fine.

I listened and listened to all this, then I say: “So let them go to court.” He grimaced: “Well, what about the court ... but who will deal with this?” I don’t know how the matter ended, it was somehow inconvenient for me to ask, but it seems to me that such stories are not uncommon there.

Nuance two: organizational moments

Now business tours to Iran are becoming popular. Directions are different: from agriculture and light industry to mechanical engineering. But if you fly on your own, it is worth considering a few points, the first of which is obtaining a visa. This can be done upon arrival or in advance - by contacting either the embassy in Moscow or the consulates in Kazan or Astrakhan. In diplomatic missions, a personal presence is required, but you can send documents there - in response you will receive a reference code, and an intermediary will be able to pick up passports using it. This is how we got our visa. Issue price: visa - 70 euros plus 2 thousand rubles. took the intermediary.

Another point is the features of accommodation. No "Booking" and other electronic booking services in Iran do not work - again, you can rent a room only in person or with the participation of an intermediary. As you may have noticed, the mediator in Iran is a separate profession. By the way, for locals, a room on average costs $20 per night, but as soon as Iranians see foreign passports, the price rises to $70, or even a hundred.

As for hotels, you don’t need to focus on stardom, that’s for sure. Four stars can be like five or like two. There are practically no international networks in Iran: I saw only Novotel, which recently opened in Tehran near the airport. Basically, local networks work there. We almost always stayed in "two-star" rooms: sometimes they were inferior rooms, but with a local flavor, carpets and national cuisine. We booked everything in advance - so calmer. We contacted the Moscow agency: for mediation they took 10-20% of the cost of the reservation.

Still, since we are talking about calculation, I will add a few figures: a flight from Yekaterinburg to Tehran via Moscow - 23-25 ​​thousand rubles. Domestic flights are relatively inexpensive. For example, we flew to Shiraz - it cost about 60 dollars. Guide services - from $100 to $150 per day. But the guide in some cases will help and save money. Let's say the price tag for a taxi with its help can drop from $250 to $60.

Nuance three: money

In Iran, the official currency is the rial. But locals sometimes count in fogs (one fog is 10 rials). As a result, confusion may arise. For example, we discuss with a taxi driver how much he will charge for 500 km one way, waiting and the return trip. He says, "Three hundred." It turned out that he had in mind three million rials, and called the price in the fog.

You can get hold of local currency in exchange offices - the normal rate is only there: for a dollar they give 34 thousand reais. But these points work at random, they have their own special schedule and many days off. You can exchange money at the hotel, but the rate there is not the best. Numerous moneychangers also offer their services. True, they can cheat or slip counterfeit banknotes: it is not difficult to deceive a foreigner - rials of different denominations generally look the same, only the color is different. But if the bills are worn out, it is very difficult to navigate. Again, our guide came to our aid: he himself found right person, agreed with him on favorable conditions for all and then checked the money.

Fourth nuance: psychology

Iranians are open and friendly people, but what they say should not always be taken at face value. For example, they have such a concept as “taruf”: it is written about it everywhere on the Internet, but until you encounter it yourself, it is difficult to understand. Suppose a taxi driver takes us to the right place, but refuses to take money. Or we go, we go, and the taxi driver says: “Here I live here, come to me for dinner.” All this is just a manifestation of respect and gestures of courtesy: pay money for the service, as agreed, and simply refuse lunch.

Nuance five: safety

In terms of security, Iran is not much different from Europe. For example, there you can safely, without fear for your life, walk in the dark. More recently, in the 1980s. Iran fought with Iraq, and portraits of fallen heroes still hang on the streets, but now everything is calm in this regard - there is no threat.

Nuance six: tourism

Finally, a few words about the prospects for tourism. Iran is the cradle of civilization and, of course, there is something to see there. But if we consider this country as beach direction- do not expect that there will be the same as in Turkey or Egypt. There are, for example, Iranian resorts on the island of Kish, which are popular with both locals and foreigners. But you need to understand that you don’t look like it in swimsuits and shorts. In general, women can only bare their ankles and it is recommended to always wear a headscarf. The beaches are divided into male and female. Alcohol is not sold there. Nowhere, not even in duty free. I think that under the current government, changes in this area are not expected.

Establishment of a private joint-stock company(Sherkat-e-Sahami Khass) Iran usually does not take long. This process consists of six procedures.

On the first day, the founder deposits at least 35% of the founding capital to a bank account and receives a certificate from the bank.

The company is then registered with the Registrar of Companies. To do this, it is necessary to submit the company's charter, signed by all shareholders; a statement confirming that all shares have been distributed among the participants; minutes of the general meeting of founders and the board of directors; certificate from the bank confirming that at least 35% of the declared capital has been paid; minutes of the meeting of shareholders on the appointment of the first directors and inspectors (or inspector); a written application for the appointment of directors and inspectors; birth certificates (certified copies) of shareholders and inspectors; the name of the mass circulation newspaper in which the announcement of the establishment of the company will be published. All documents of the applicant are affixed with a special barcode, with which you can track all the movements of documents within the department.

In addition, all payments for company registration are made from a bank card through a terminal. Registration of a company in the Commercial Register takes three working days. The costs at this stage will be 375,000 IRR (Iranian rial) for registration and 40,000 Iranian rials for searching the database of names and placing the selected company name in reserve.

After that, it is necessary to publish in the official periodical bulletin of the country a notice of the establishment of the company. Another such announcement will be published in a large-circulation newspaper chosen by the founders. The owner of the company or the person who deals with all the formal matters related to the establishment of the company can either directly order publication in the official bulletin and in the selected newspaper, or send it to the editors by letter. This usually takes 15 to 30 business days.

However, there is no need to wait patiently for the press announcement to complete the registration process. The company can start its activities before its publication. After submitting an application for the publication of an announcement in an official publication, a copy of this application with the seal of the newspaper's editorial office remains with the founder. This document serves as proof that the notice has gone to press and has the same effect as the publication itself. With a certified copy of the application in hand, the company can begin its work. The cost of publishing the announcement is 140,000 Iranian rials for publication in the official gazette and 240,000 rials for one publication in a mass circulation newspaper.

Account books with official seals must be purchased within 30 days from the date of registration. The cost of one book depends on the number of pages in it (on average, about 100,000 rials for all documents). Within 60 days from the date of registration of the company, stamp duty must be paid on registered share certificates. The amount payable is 0.2% of the value of share capital.

At the last stage of registration of the company, it is necessary to register all employees of the enterprise under the social insurance program (for this, documents are created for each of them at the Department of Labor of Iran) and indicate the number of jobs. To participate in the social insurance program, the applicant sends copies of documents with data on wages for the first month to the Department of Labor of Iran. Of this amount, the Department of Labor collects 33%: 7% from the employee and 23% from the employer (3% goes to unemployment benefits and 3% to the government).

There are so-called free economic zones in Iran. Their activities, according to the Iranian Law on Trade and Industrial Zones of August 29, 1993, are regulated by the Supreme Council for Free Economic Zones. All operating free zones in Iran are divided into free economic zones proper (FEZ), special trade zones (OTZ) and special economic zones (SEZ).

In total, eight zones currently operate on the territory of the country: 4 SEZs (“Keshm”, “Kish”, “Chabahar” and “Serjan”) and 4 zones with the status of OTZ and SEZ (“Arg Bam”, “Bandar Anzali”, “ Serakhs", "Bandar Shahid Rajai"). Over time, the last four zones will also receive the status of SEZ. The difference between FEZs and other types of zones is that the former are exempt from income taxes for a period of 15 years, while the latter have benefits in the field of exports, imports and commercial profits tax (the so-called value added tax).

The Qeshm free economic zone, located on the largest Iranian island in the Persian Gulf, is considered the most promising and fastest growing. About 150 types of goods are exported from here. More than 500 Iranian and foreign enterprises are registered and operate in this SEZ. Basically, they work in the field of trade and services, but experts note the growth, including industrial companies, which contributes to a decrease in imports of goods. It produces mainly equipment, electrical goods, food and beverages, textiles, electronics, fish products, medical equipment and pharmaceutical products, toys and household goods.

For investors, the opening of industrial production is especially beneficial, since in this case the company is exempt from taxes, including income tax, for a period of 15 years. It is allowed to open private banks and other credit institutions with the attraction of foreign capital, private companies and branches of foreign banks in the FEZ. Here, the usual restrictions on foreign exchange settlements of individuals and legal entities for external transactions.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and guidelines

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