Learn French quickly conversational. Reader Tip: Five proven ways to learn French. LF school warns: learning languages ​​is addictive

Logs 31.08.2020

Gradually, the blog is filled with useful resources in various foreign languages. Today it's French's turn again - your attention is a list of 100 basic phrases that will be useful to you in a simple dialogue.

In addition to simple words, like how to say I in French, hello, bye and how are you, you will learn ways to ask simple questions, answer the other person and keep an easy conversation.

When repeating or memorizing phrases, do not forget to listen to the voice acting and repeat after the announcer. To reinforce expressions, repeat them for several days, making small dialogues and sentences with them.

(Some words have feminine endings in parentheses. -e And plural -s, -es).

1. What's new?Quoi de neuf?
2. Long time no see.Ca fait longtemps.
3. Nice to meet you.Enchante(e).
4. Excuse me.Excusez-moi.
5. Bon Appetit!Bon appetit!
6. I'm sorry. Sorry.Je suis desolé(e).
7. Thanks a lot.Mercy beaucoup.
8. Welcome!Bienvenue!
9. My pleasure! (in response to gratitude)De rien!
10. Do you speak Russian?Parlez vous russe?
11. Do you speak English?Parlez vous anglais?
12. How would it be in French?Comment dire ça en francais?
13. I do not know.Je ne sais pas.
14. I speak French a little.Je parle français un petit peu.
15. Please. (Request.)S'il vous plaît.
16. Can you hear me?Vous m "entendez?
17. What kind of music do you listen to?Tu ecoute quel style de musique?
18. Good evening!Bonsoir!
19. Good morning!Bon mattin!
20. Hello!Bonjour!
21. Hey!Salut.
22. How are you?Comment ça va?
23. How are you?Comment allez vous?
24. All is well, thank you.Ca va bien, merci.
25. How is your family?Comment ça va votre famille?
26. I have to go.Je dois y aller.
27. Goodbye.Au revoir.
28. What do you do? (for life)Que faites vous?
29. Can you write it down?Est-ce que vous pouvez l'écrire?
30. I do not understand.Je ne comprends pas.
31. You are busy now?Vous êtes occupé maintenant?
32. I like... / I love...J'aime...
33. What are you doing in your spare time?Quoi fais-tu en temps libre?
34. Do not worry.Ne vous inquietez pas!
35. This is a good question.C'est une bonne question.
36. Can you speak slowly?Pouvez-vous parler lentement?
37. What time is it now?Quelle heure est-il?
38. See you later!A tout à l "heure!
39. See you later.A plus tard.
40. everydaytous les jours
41. I'm not sure).Je ne suis pas syr.
42. shortly speakingen bref
43. Exactly!Expression!
44. No problem!Pas de problem!
45. sometimesparfois
46. Yesoui
47. Nonon
48. Let's go!Allons-y!
49. What is your name?Comment vous appelez-vous?
50. What is your name?Tu t "appelles comment?
51. My name is...Je m'appelle...
52. Where are you from?Vous êtes d "où?
53. Where are you from?Tu es d "où?
54. I'm from...Je suis de...
55. Where do you live?Où habitez-vous?
56. Where do you live?Tu habites ou?
57. He lives in...Il habite à...
58. I think that...Je pense que...
59. You understand?Comprenez vous?
60. You understand?Tu comprends?
61. What is your favorite movie?Quel est ton film prefere?
62. Can you help me?Pouvez-vous m "aider?
63. How is the weather?Quel temps fail-il?
64. over there, over therevoila
65. certainlybien syr
66. Where is...?Où est ... ?
67. have, haveil y a
68. This is great!C'est bien!
69. Look!Regardez!
70. Nothing happened.Ca ne fait rien.
71. Where is subway?Où est le metro?
72. How much does it cost?Combien ça coûte?
73. By the wayapropos
74. I have to say that...Je dois dire que...
75. We want to eat.nous avons fim.
76. We are thirsty.nous avons soif.
77. Are you Hot?Tu as chaud?
78. Are you cold?Tu as froid?
79. I do not care.Je m "en fiche.
80. We forgot.Nous avons oublié(e)s.
81. Congratulations!Felicitations!
82. I have no idea.Je n "ai aucune idee.
83. What are you talking about?Vous parlez de quoi?
84. Tell me what you think.Dites-moi ce que vous pensez.
85. I hope that...J"espere que...
86. in trutha vrai dire
87. I need information.J'ai besoin de renseignements.
88. I heard that...J'ai entendu que ...
89. Where is the hotel situated?Où est l'hôtel?
90. anyway, neverthelessquand meme
91. I'd like some coffee.Je voudrais du café.
92. with pleasureavecplaisir
93. Can you tell me please?Vous pouvez-me dire, s "il vous plait?
94. in my opiniona mon avis
95. I'm afraid that ... (+ verb infinitive)Je crains de...
96. in general, on the wholeen general
97. Firstlypremiere
98. Secondlydeuxiemement
99. On the one sided "un cote
100. but in other waymais d "un autre cote

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Learning something new is always a complex long process that requires not only excellent theoretical knowledge, but also frequent practice. learn French from scratch is more than realistic. All it takes is a little patience, effort and diligence. In this article, we will help you deal with all the intricacies of the upcoming case.

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We start with the basics

To start speaking a foreign language no worse than native speakers, you will need to make a lot of amplification. How to learn French if you have never encountered it before? It is worth starting the study from the basics, so it will be easier to get used to speech, spelling and other things. This stage includes an elementary vocabulary, a set of rules for pronunciation, use, which are most often used in reality.

Consider a few tips to help direct forces in the right direction:

  • Learning French start with easy words such as greetings, farewells, words of gratitude. It is enough to memorize two phrases every day, as well as translate them into frequent use in life.
  • Gradually add additional elements to what you have learned, translating them into simple sentences, like: “How are you?”, “Can I count”, “How much does it cost?”. Like words, repeat them every day, using in real practice.
  • Make up your own biography in a foreign language, where there will be answers to the main questions: “What is your name?”, “How old?”, “Where from?” …
  • Keep practicing daily, even if the words and phrases are clearly in your memory. Use the tutorial, it helps in learning French from scratch.
  • Paste stickers throughout the house, denoting objects that are most often used in everyday life with foreign names: refrigerator, stove, bedside table, doors, windows, tables, chairs, TV, telephone, iron and more. Remembering the French names will be much easier, because they are constantly in sight.

Advice! If you are studying on the eve of a business trip, significantly increase your French vocabulary, focusing on the profession, supplementing with basic terms for beginners.

Deep Learning

If it is easier to master the basics on your own, then deeper knowledge requires assistance of a qualified professional. Is it hard to do it alone? Certainly! You will be able to memorize, group words into whole sentences, over time you will understand how to learn how to speak French well, but this is not enough. The ability to correctly select temporary insertions, incline, and become understandable to a native speaker is a lot of work that only a professional can help with.

To learn French in depth, use the following rules:

  1. Educational program for children and adults is different, but there is one main thread: associate each new knowledge with something ordinary. In this way, it will be easier for you to remember even the most complex terminology.
  2. Hire professional teacher, he will help with the question: "How to quickly learn French from scratch?", attend his lessons 2-3 times a week. Don't stop at ordinary life repeat the old, supplementing with new knowledge. Watching movies will help you understand spoken language and improve your mental perception as you hear how French is spoken.
  3. Do self-evaluation after every French lesson. Thanks to him, you will be able to focus on the vulnerable sides, not forgetting to analyze them in the next lesson.
  4. Focus on tenses, word forms, especially when learning how to read French. Write down the main rules on one sheet, then hang it in a conspicuous place. Say them regularly in your mind before you write a sentence or read texts.
  5. Reinforce what you have learned in every lesson. and only then proceed to the knowledge of the new .
  6. How to quickly learn French from scratch? - a common question, the correct answer to which is one: "Hurry is useless!". Pay attention to even the smallest details, only in this case you can perfectly master speech and spelling.

Attention! How much it takes to learn French from scratch is a loose concept, but with the help of a professional, it will be much easier and faster to achieve the goal.

Common Mistakes

French for beginners to learn from scratch is difficult at first, and much will be incomprehensible. If you decide to study on your own, pay attention to the following mistakes:

  • Chaotic learning French on your own from scratch is the most common mistake that will never lead to good results.
  • Start learning thinking only about how to quickly learn the language. Quality perception takes time and effort.
  • Do not supplement the process with watching movies, listening to music in french. Avoiding this, you will not understand how to learn to speak correctly.
  • Without knowing foreign language literature, it is impossible to understand how to read as well as a native speaker.
  • French for children is taught in a strict regime, especially if the acquaintance comes from scratch.
  • Intermittent study is wrong. Buy a French tutorial and use it daily.

Advice! French for beginners is always a test that is best done under the strict supervision of a professional.

  1. Learning for children is easier if learn material in game form combining the complex with the easy.
  2. Watch more films and read books in a foreign language, preferably aloud. Thus, not only memory will work, but diction will also improve.
  3. Daily contact with sources will help you understand whether it is difficult to learn French on your own and whether it is worth getting a tutor.
  4. Do not forget to pronounce interrogative phrases with increased intonation. Start from the first lesson, so it will be easier to get used to pronouncing French questions correctly.
  5. Do not try to master both the base and the main part at the same time. Chaos is the main enemy it does not contribute to how to learn French easily.
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes while communicating. Sorry, try to fix it yourself.
  7. Consider the factors that led you to want to learn, if this is a work area - start learning French for business, focusing on your profession.

Polyglot. Learn French in 16 hours!

French Lesson 1 from Scratch for Beginners: Introduction


Start learning French from the basics, thanks to this you will be able to better understand the structure and features, and in the future it will be easier for you to remember complex phrases and phrases. Systematic classes and maximum immersion in the language environment will help to achieve good results.

This material was sent to us by our regular reader Sanzhar Surshanov (his twitter @SanzharS), who shared a very interesting ways learn a new language for you.

Since the beginning of this year, I started learning French. I do this with the help of English, since I began to speak English confidently, I can say that I have found the key to numerous Internet resources.

Below I want to list and describe how I learn French:

1. Duolingo

The site was founded by the creators of CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA, students of Carnegie Mellon University. By the way, every time you enter recaptcha, you help digitize thousands of old books. The main idea is for people to simultaneously learn languages ​​and translate the Internet into different languages.

All material is divided into different categories.

After you finish the exercises, you will be given real material taken from the Internet for translation. At first simple sentences, as you study more and more complex. By translating sentences you strengthen your knowledge and help translate web pages. You can also look at the translations of other users.

The exercises include text translation, speaking, listening. As such, there is no emphasis on grammar.

In addition to French, you can learn Spanish, German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Audio lessons go like this: 2 students come to him who do not know French. It turns out that you become the 3rd student. Michelle talks to the students and that's how they learn the language. He explains the difference between English and French, first talks about new words, then asks to translate from English into French.

The main difference and rule of the Michel method is no need to try to memorize words, phrases, etc.

I don’t know how to explain, but after the first lesson, on an intuitive level, you yourself begin to guess how it will be in the language you are learning.

I personally really like this method.


For replenishment vocabulary I use the memrise site.

On the site you can find a lot of different courses, you can even learn Morse code. I'm learning - Hacking French.

By learning new words, you "grow flowers." Planting seeds, watering, etc.

The main feature is that you create memes for unfamiliar words and associate with English language. I did not create memes myself, I use the creations of other users.

You grow flowers like this: at the beginning, memorize the meaning of words, then repeat them repeatedly. Click on the correct answer, write the translation yourself, listening to the phrase, choose the correct answer from the list. This ends the first part.

After 4-5 hours, you will receive a notification by email that you need to repeat the course. Repeat the above, if you make a mistake in the translation, the word goes to repeat. That's pretty much how it all happens.

4. News in slow french

Thanks to twitter, just recently I found a link to another wonderful resource.

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