Two stars tattoo. Encyclopedia of gangster tattoos. “Concepts” with a human face

landscaping 09.11.2020

Today, the body of almost every young person is decorated with tattoos, but not everyone knows how this or that underwear pattern appeared and what it means. Some of them are allowed to be worn only by the so-called "thieves' stars". A person who does not have a certain status does not have the right to wear such tattoos according to prison laws.

Origin story

On the body of some prisoners, you can see a tattoo depicting the so-called Windrose, which previously protected sailors from trouble during their travels. For sailors for a long time the only reference was the starry sky. A tattoo in the form of a star, according to many, helped them return from long sea voyages absolutely unharmed. This pattern also adorned the bodies of pirates who demonstrated their aggression and cruelty.

A tattoo in the form of a star could also be seen on some warriors. If during the battle a warrior demonstrated special courage, it served as his hallmark.

So the wind rose found new meaning, becoming a symbol life path and just the meaning of life. It is precisely this meaning that it has for those serving sentences in prison. A prisoner's priorities can be determined by his "thieves' stars".

Various types of tattoos

Wearable designs in the form of stars consist of two identical symmetrical figures, usually located on the knees, shoulders and under the collarbone. They belong to those few types of underwear that do not contain any inscriptions. Words are not needed, because knowledgeable people immediately understand their meaning. In the center of the star, you can often see images of animals and any objects, various symbols and portraits of famous people.

A star with eight rays, divided into white and black halves, calls for "crushing activists." The colors themselves also have a meaning: corporal symbolizes the human principle, and dark - thieves. Such a contrast suggests that this person lives according to human and thieves' laws both in the zone and in freedom. If a cat is depicted inside the star, most likely the prisoner is a pickpocket. The wolf is an illustration of the phrase "man is wolf to man".

What kind of tattoos and who is allowed to wear

To have this or that tattoo on the body, it must be earned. This is stated by the rules established in the zone in the middle of the last century. The wind rose, which is also called the "thieves' star", can only decorate the shoulders of a thief in law. Stars, pricked under the collarbones, testify that the prisoner is a "denier" (not recognizing the routines established in the zone). If the stars are pinned on their knees, the person has never humiliated himself before any of the representatives of the law or those serving time.

The danger of some tattoos

The tattoos described above should not be worn by those who have nothing to do with the criminal world. Even if you understand the meaning of the pinned stars, and are willing to demonstrate your unwillingness to bow down to anyone, problems will not take long. Cellmates will demand to prove the right to wear tattoos not by word but by deed. It is customary in the zone to be responsible for actions and words. Therefore, it is hardly necessary to explain what threatens the "thieves' stars" pinned on the shoulders to a simple prisoner.

Tattoo as a means of recognizing "friend or foe" has more than one thousand years. True, in Europe it did not become widespread, and the fashion for it came only at the end of the 18th century, after the travels of James Cook. He watched in amazement as the savages of the Pacific islands decorated each other with a pattern applied to the skin with needles and a special dye composition. It was from the end of the 18th century that the "victorious march" of tattoos began in the Old World.

The art of drawing a pattern on the skin was gradually improved, and not only the technique of execution, but also the content. It is clear that the criminal world immediately appreciated the benefits of such "indelible pictures". This is not so much an ornament as a kind of “table of ranks”, in which a knowledgeable person will read, no worse than in a personal file, about the status of a person in a criminal community, about her inclinations, habits, personal beliefs, and even about the stages of her life path. What do the stars on the shoulders of the one who returned from prison mean? Let's try to understand in more detail.

Tattoo as a calling card

A tattoo, or tattoo, can tell a lot about a person. Experienced "inmates" are well versed in the intricacies of blue lines that adorn the body. And often innocent Nice picture, which someone far from the criminal world has stabbed for the sake of fashion or out of bravado, turns out to be filled with negative, and even shameful content in the eyes of experienced prisoners. They don’t joke about such things in the zone, because the owner of a fashionable “tatukha” can pay for his short-sightedness with health or even life, depending on its content and on the mood of the prison contingent.

Law enforcement agencies started studying tattoos about 80-90 years ago. Before that, tattoos were considered exclusively “special signs” and their content was not taken into account by prison workers. Much has changed over the past decades. Some "thieves" tattoos have ceased to be applied, since the "language of the drawing", as well as " thieves Fenya” (criminal slang), changes over the years to make it harder for outsiders to learn. Other tattoos have gone out of fashion because the social conditions that gave rise to them have disappeared - for example, the images that were popular in the past on the chest of Lenin and Stalin (supposedly the convoy will not shoot at the leaders) are now practically not found.

Ways of applying tattoos

Initially, tattoos in places of deprivation of liberty were applied with a needle dipped in a composition containing soot (the soles of boots were burned for this). Then the technology began to improve. Ink was used as paint - both from fountain pens and ballpoint pens, and the so-called stamp began to be used to apply the drawing. It is made as follows: the needles are stuck into a piece of thick rubber so that the points protrude by 1-2 millimeters. Then the needles are dipped into the ink and with one sharp blow (stamping) the design is applied to the skin.

Then there were tattoo machines, which were made from electric shavers, and guitar strings were used as needles. Even later, professional equipment and special paints designed specifically for this purpose began to be used. Usually, the image is first drawn on the skin with a pen or an indelible pencil, and then the “kolshchik” (as the tattoo masters are called in the zone) perpetuates it with the help of needles and paint. The most experienced specialists make tattoos “clean”, that is, without applying a preliminary drawing. This requires not only artistic flair, but also an eye, and a firm hand, because you can’t erase the wrong stroke.

Stars on the shoulders

According to many people who are unfamiliar with the nuances of thieves' portacocks, as a poor-quality tattoo is called in the zone, the stars on the shoulders (more precisely, on the collarbones) clearly speak of their carrier as belonging to the category of thieves in law. However, this is not so - quite a large number of convicts wear stars on their shoulders, but one thing unites them: one must be able to “answer” for a prestigious tattoo. The right to such a tattoo, in addition to the thieves in law directly, is also given to other representatives of the criminal world who have sufficient authority and willpower to openly oppose the camp administration (they are called “negative”), and this is very difficult. Stars can have a different configuration and number of rays - from six to ten, but the most common option is an eight-ray star.

In the center of the star, as a rule, are depicted:

  • scull;
  • lightning;
  • another star;
  • some other signs.

All of them have some meaning: for example, the skull means “shooting will fix me”, “come what may” or “born for torment”, lightning means “crush the cops, cut the bitches”, Hitler’s swastika means “beat the communists”. Every sign has a lot different interpretations, and given that there are even more combinations and options for their design, there can be a great many explanations for what is depicted on the shoulder star. Sometimes this drawing also indicates the nationality or religion of its owner.

For example, a Muslim thief can prick a crescent moon in the center of the star - a symbol of this religion, and a Jew will depict the Star of David. Although this, of course, is a kind of criminal coquetry, bravado. It is clear that those who occupy high positions in the criminal hierarchy do not follow the commandments of any religion, they simply do not care about it. They have their own code of honor, scripture and creed, which say: "what is possible for a thief, it is impossible for a fraer." And the “decodings” of all variations of the stars repeat in different interpretations the idea that “the cops are dead, the thieves are alive”, and tell about a difficult childhood, which became the reason for choosing the path of crime.

About the owner of any version of such a tattoo, one can absolutely say for sure that he belongs, if not to the elite of the underworld, then to the orthodox "negative", and the release from prison had no effect on his life convictions. This is still an asocial type with a tendency to aggression and the desire to confirm his personal status at any time. It is better not to have anything to do with such people, because the ability to deceive the “fraer” (and this is anyone who does not belong to their caste) is a matter of boasting and is considered the usual norm of behavior.

Recently, tattoos have become a very popular decoration among young people. And not everyone thinks about the meanings and history of the appearance of certain wearable drawings. However, according to the rules of the criminal world, some tattoos are not allowed to be worn by people without a certain status. This statement applies primarily to the so-called "thieves' stars".

The prison star tattoo originated from the image of the so-called wind rose. Previously, the sailors used to pierce the Windrose as a talisman on their bodies. In ancient times, sailors were guided exclusively by the stars, and therefore firmly believed that this drawing, resembling a star, would help them return from a long journey safe and sound. They depicted stars on their bodies and pirates, known for their cruelty and aggressiveness. [S-BLOCK]

Somewhat later, such stars were popular among the warriors. The wind rose has become the hallmark of those of them who have ever shown special courage in battle.

So the Wind Rose became not only the star of sailors, but also a symbol of the life path, its meaning. In the prison environment, she remained this symbol, since it is thanks to the “thieves' stars” that one can learn about the life priorities of their owner.

The "Thieves' Star" is usually a pair tattoo. Two identical figures are located on the body symmetrically. So the stars are depicted in pairs on the shoulders, under the collarbone or on the knees.

"Thieves' Stars" is one of the few tattoos that is not accompanied by any inscriptions. They simply do not need them, since all knowledgeable people already know the meaning of each of them. However, often in the center of the star you can see images of other symbols, various items, animals and even portraits of historical figures. [S-BLOCK]

So the most common eight-pointed star, each ray of which is divided into white and black halves, means "Crush the activists!". By the way, black symbolizes the thieves' beginning, and white - human. These colors, in turn, indicate that the thief "sows in freedom and in prison what is thieves' and people's" and lives according to certain rules. A star with the image of a wolf should be "read" as "Man is a wolf to man." And the cat's face can be a symbol of a pickpocket.

The current rules for performing and wearing a thief's tattoo were formed by the mid-50s of the last century. According to these rules, one or another tattoo must be earned. For example, only a thief in law has the right to wear "thieves' stars" on his shoulders. Subclavian stars fill the so-called negatives - those who do not recognize any prison orders. But the stars on their knees mean that their owner will never humiliate himself in front of anyone: neither inmates, nor in front of prison authorities or other representatives of the law. [S-BLOCK]

If you are in no way connected with the criminal world, then it is better to refrain from such tattoos. Since, it may turn out, you will have to answer for them, namely, to prove that you deserve underwear drawings. Even ordinary stars on the knees of a person who really does not want to bend to anyone, most likely, they will entail a lot of trouble. First of all, other prisoners will test the cellmate for strength, so that he proves the meaning of his tattoo not with drawings, but with deeds. It has always been customary to answer for one's words and deeds in a criminal environment. So, it’s probably not necessary to talk about what will happen to those who pin “thieves’ stars” on their shoulders.

Today I propose to talk about such an odious and controversial personality as Alexander Emelianenko. Alexander is a mixed martial arts fighter, multiple champion of Russia in combat sambo, a native of the city of Stary Oskol, the middle brother of Fedor

But, unfortunately, recently Emelianenko Jr. (actually the middle one) is better known for his scandalous antics and problems with the law. The body of the athlete is crammed with tattoos, most of which resemble prison ones. Not much is known about Alexander's criminal life, he himself rarely spoke of himself as a thieves' authority, so very little is known to the general public about this. Despite the dubious reputation, in my opinion, A.E. deserves unconditional respect for his sporting achievements.

In order not to speculate on rumors and speculation about his criminal record and possible criminal activity, we will consider the classic meanings of the tattoos present on the body of Emelianenko.

So, let's start with the earliest thieves' tattoos of Alexander Emelianenko.

Star tattoo on knees and shoulders.

You have probably heard that thieves' authorities have tattoos in the form of eight-pointed stars. We wrote about this in . So, A.E. has exactly the same. As you remember, the eight-pointed stars under the knees literally stand for I won't get on my knees, and that in prisons such prisoners are beaten to test this. A swastika is carved inside the stars, which is a sign of negativity.

The stars on the shoulders have about the same meaning. Traditionally, they say about the owners of such tattoos that only their own principles are important to them, and they spit on laws and regulations. In the world of thieves, the stars on the collarbones are a negative sign. Later, Alexander covered them with a new headdress, also symmetrical on both sides. Apparently, the new paintings depict clouds.

Web on the shoulders

On the shoulders of the athlete are the so-called shoulder straps in the form of a web. In the criminal world, they usually symbolize prison bars. Our today's hero does not comment on this picture, citing rather dubious arguments.

Phrase on the feet

A phrase is stuffed on Alexander's feet, which is also easy to explain in terms of criminal vocabulary. If you put the two parts together, you get Go for the truth, erase to f * py. It is rather difficult to imagine how such a tattoo can intimidate an opponent in the ring, so we can assume that its meaning is rather thieves. In jargon, this statement means that everyone can have their own truth, and explaining the actions of others through their own truth is a useless exercise.

Domes on hand

On the hand of a fighter there is the most popular prison tattoo - domes. If you read an article about the meaning of thieves' tattoos, then you know that the domes on the body mean a criminal record, and their number corresponds to the term of imprisonment.

Pirate on the forearm

There is a tattoo on Emelianenko's left forearm. This is a very typical story. In the prison world, it stands for hatred of prison guards. The owner may have a predisposition to hooliganism and violent behavior.

Grave cross tattoo on the shoulder and a pirate on the forearm

On the left shoulder is a grave cross with skulls. Such a tattoo may indicate the death of loved ones during his term of imprisonment, although such details about Alexander are not known. Perhaps the fighter himself puts a different meaning into it.

On the shoulder, you can see the executioner tattoo, also common in the thieves' world. This is a kind of tribute to the thieves' law. An executioner with an ax thrown and a hood thrown over can also mean a desire for revenge.

Tattoos of Alexander Emelianenko on the back

On the back there is an inscription in German Gott mit uns- God with us. This phrase was once associated with SS. And in the 90s, criminals stuffed it along with a swastika, thereby showing hatred for the regime and adherence to “concepts”.

In addition to Emelianenko, you can see a few more stories. The largest of them: the baby in the crown and the Mother of God. In fact, both tattoos are filled in the traditional criminal style. The baby means a term in a juvenile correctional facility. The Mother of God is depicted as a skull with a hood.

A.E. chest tattoo

One of the latest acquisitions of Alexander Emelianenko was a tattoo on his chest depicting battles of Peresvet with Chelubey. As we remember, this is a historical plot of the distant Kulikovo battle. After living in a monastery on the island of Athos, this plot appeared the inscription "Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner". Thus, in the tattoos of a fighter it is bright manifests a religious motive.

Lettering on the shoulders

returning to prison tattoos, one cannot but say about the eloquent inscription on the shoulders: Give me a return ticket to my youth, I paid in full for the road.

Ornament in the lower abdomen

In the end, I would like to mention the ornament located in the lower abdomen of Alexander. From the photo you can see that today these fancy horns, but in fact, cover an older tattoo.

Well, summing up, I would like to say that Alexander is one of the most ardent public admirers of the art of body painting. Almost all parts of the fighter's body are covered with tattoos. He himself does not really like to talk about their origin, but it is clear that almost all of them were made in different places, by different people. I hope this article was able to bring clarity regarding the meanings of all Emelianenko's tattoos of 2015. What do you think of this person? Write in the comments!

The star is considered an ancient sign, this symbol embodies the most beautiful meanings. The tattoo with the image of an eight-pointed star is relevant among women and men. People have always been attracted to the beautiful and high inaccessible starry skies in the sky. Since that time, the star has become a symbol of superiority, protection and constancy.

Symbolism of the eight-pointed star tattoo

The symbol of eight rays of a star in numerology is interpreted as a symbol of infinity. It is the eight-pointed star that personifies the endless circular motion in space.

Getting a tattoo doesn't take long. There are a huge number of images of a star, each with its own meaning. In many religions, the star is one of the most ancient symbols. The star fills a person with inspiration, triumph and good luck. It is important to note that this drawing does not refer to a particular religion.

The eight-pointed star is called the octogram. This drawing symbolizes abundance, wealth, success. This is a single star that was allowed into Orthodox symbolism. In Orthodoxy, the number eight denotes the next century, namely eternal life. Very often this figure can be seen on the icons. In paganism, this is the Star of Svarog, this symbol means energy, virgin light.

Getting star tattoos has become very popular. This drawing is simple in execution, but has its own mystery and attractiveness. The symbol can give the tattoo wearer inspiration, strength and creativity. But the symbolism can also be ambiguous. It depends on the version and location.

The meaning of the eight-pointed star tattoo on the zone

In prison, the eight-pointed star is a symbol of the thief-authority. Most often, such a tattoo is applied under the collarbone. To date, there are a large number of options for thieves' stars. If there are lines inside the ends of the star, then this means that the owner of the tattoo is a military man. The ability to decipher tattoos correctly will help you learn a lot about a person - his origin, habits, beliefs, and so on.

Zeke, who has a tattoo in the form of an eight-pointed star, belongs to the elite of the criminal world. Other elements can be drawn inside the octogram. The most common:

  • and the swastika means that a person considers himself free.
  • Skull and crossbones is my home zone. Also, such an element can mean - everything for me, but nothing from me.
  • The image of the king - the monarchy.

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