Who are the hucksters in prison. Thug jargon, on a hairdryer. How the huckster is met in prison and how the inmates treat

Fence and gate 09.11.2020
Fence and gate

The word often used in criminal circles is "huckster". In this article, we will analyze this word in detail, give several definitions and consider the scope of its use.


Presumably, the word comes from the Turkic "profit" or the Kyrgyz baryš ( trip, hike). And also some believe that it is somehow connected with the Russian word "gift".

The concept of "huckster" appeared in the criminal environment during the Soviet Union. Then hucksters were called people who were condemned for speculation. And a speculator in Soviet times was called an entrepreneur who bought things and sold them at a profit for himself. That is, this is a person who uses circumstances for their own selfish purposes.

Historically, the huckster is a status that cannot be proud of. The word carries negative character.

Lexical meaning

In the explanatory dictionary of Efremova it is said that a huckster is one who is engaged in the purchase and resale of things. Also, the word is used as an abusive word. Such treatment does not imply respectful and good attitude to the interlocutor.

The meaning of the word "huckster" in the dictionary of Dahl Vladimir Ivanovich is interpreted simply and briefly. The meaning itself does not differ from the one we outlined above. A huckster is a person who is engaged in speculation (the definition of a speculator was given at the beginning of the article). The same dictionary also contains synonyms for the word: reseller, shuttle, merchant.

Often the huckster is not alone in his business, there is a whole network for resale, transportation, purchase of goods. If the things that the huckster sells have the status of illegal, or simply for the sale of such things threatens criminal liability, then the huckster is covered, most likely, by the people who stand at the head of the pyramid and ensure the safety and security of the goods, and he is just "the bottom "in this chain.

The use of the word in a criminal environment

In thieves' jargon, a huckster is a buyer of stolen goods. As a rule, this is a dishonest and greedy person. Today the word refers to drug dealers. Or, if we are talking about places of deprivation of liberty, this is a person, a cellmate, who sells tea and cigarettes among “his own”.

huckster huckster buyer of stolen goods; dealer, trader, businessman; drunk, hanyga; shuttle, reseller, speculator, merchant, wholesaler

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

Huckster noun, number of synonyms: 16 bablorub (11) beaver (6) bugs (11) forged (4) commerce (1) merchant (21) hijacker (4) wholesaler (5) reseller (23) entrepreneur (35) speculator (29 ) trader (19) trader (136) trader (6) grabber (21) shuttle (16)

ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013.

Who is a huckster?

This word can be attributed to words that on this moment are not so often used, they can be attributed to Soviet words. In a word, this is the seller. But different in its qualities from real sellers. The hucksters usually sell something stolen, or they themselves bought it for a cheap price, and they want to sell you for a large one. They are usually greedy and dishonest. This word came from prison jargon, so if people talk about a person "huckster" then they have a negative attitude towards him. The hucksters even sold drugs, for which people did not love them even more. People think they ruin other people's lives.


The huckster is the title that was awarded to the speculator in Soviet years, and a cannabis dealer in my youth. But the word huckster comes from the word dealer - horse merchant. In the days of Ona, the tradesmen who traded horses at fairs had a bad reputation for deceivers, who did not disdain either fraud or even horse stealing on occasion - they were considered dishonest traders.

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A huckster is a person who strives for profit and for this is engaged in speculation, small, sometimes dubious transactions. For example, he buys a product in bulk, and then sells it at retail.

During the Soviet era, with a large shortage of consumer goods, the most successful hucksters flourished, and during perestroika, many hucksters took up a larger and more profitable business.


Simply put - a speculator who sells, for example, tickets at double prices. For example, a person wants to get to football, but he did not have time to buy a ticket. So the huckster can solve the problem with the purchase, but only the price will be doubled. Conclusion - you should not have a relationship with hucksters. You will only lose money.

Biemont epu

The huckster, not the huckster. A huckster is a reseller, a speculator who bought goods either abroad or in another city and sold, the same as now an entrepreneur, a merchant. Only earlier it was a criminal offense, but now it has been legalized, and the word has changed accordingly.

Elena - wise

The word "huckster" has several meanings. In thieves' jargon, it means like a buyer of stolen goods. During the Soviet era, all enterprising people who traveled to other republics (for example, Georgia) brought roses from there and resold them in northern cities was called a huckster. Now these people are called entrepreneurs.

The huckster is a bad word or a good word?


Baryga used to mean a speculator, a buyer of stolen goods, a person selling goods for profit. basically this word was used in the thieves criminal world. and had a bad meaning during the Soviet era. but wait, this is a businessman, depending on what he does.


Actually, most of the thieves and slang words came to us from foreign languages, but illiterate ... people attribute some other meanings to these words.
Bar (German Bar) - cash.
The huckster is the one from whom you can get hold of cash.
For your information:
Fraer (German) - free.
Pejon (fr.) - groom.
Fool (tour) - stop
Huy is just an abbreviated form of the popular Spanish name Juan, not what you think.
But "poz" is exactly the same organ, and therefore the word "boy", by definition, should be considered abusive.

But do you know what the word "BARYGA" means?

This is the buyer of stolen goods

User deleted

This classic definition of a huckster includes any trader with a manic desire for profit. In narrow circles and subcultural variations, he is a seller of drugs, stolen cars, mainly a person engaged in illegal business.


And then there is the economic strategy "Baryga" (game for PC) =))
Although the origins of the word are as follows:
BARYGA, -i, m and zh. 1. Wealthy, wealthy person (usually greedy). 2. Anyone. Some huckster is calling you there. 3. Drug dealer. 4. "Shuttle", wholesaler. 5. Street vendor. huckster sells potatoes by the side of the road.
From the criminal: "huckster" - reseller, speculator.
But the meaning of "speculator" stuck to it later ...

Wlad amurski

Buyer of stolen goods. In the Moscow "thug" jargon, such a buyer is also called a "bag", in the prisons of the southern provinces - "blatak", in Western edge- "Guroyu". In most cases, the "huckster" is an old thief who abandoned his former dangerous craft and replaced it with a less risky and undoubtedly more profitable, because, buying up "dark", that is, stolen goods for a pittance (usually for 1/10 of its actual value) and, in turn, selling it at half price to the dealers known to him (who are afraid to enter into direct relations with thieves), he makes much more than the person who committed the theft. Often such a "huckster" himself gives the thieves "work", pointing to some room that would be convenient to rob. During "work" he is usually somewhere nearby, on the other side of the street, around the corner of the street, at the gate of a neighboring house. In case of a successful outcome of the enterprise, he immediately, on the street, gives the thief who came out with the stolen things a “deposit”. If the thief is captured at the crime scene, “spotted”, and taken to the police station, he remains a passive spectator of the “incident”, and it is extremely rare that the “noticed” points to him as his accomplice.

The word often used in criminal circles is "huckster". In this article, we will analyze this word in detail, give several definitions and consider the scope of its use.


Presumably, the word comes from the Turkic "profit" or the Kyrgyz baryš ( trip, hike). And also some believe that it is somehow connected with the Russian word "gift".

The concept of "huckster" appeared in the criminal environment during the Soviet Union. Then hucksters were called people who were condemned for speculation. And a speculator in Soviet times was called an entrepreneur who bought things and sold them at a profit for himself. That is, this is a person who uses circumstances for their own selfish purposes.

Historically, the huckster is a status that cannot be proud of. The word is negative.

Lexical meaning

In the explanatory dictionary of Efremova it is said that a huckster is one who is engaged in the purchase and resale of things. Also, the word is used as an abusive word. Such treatment does not imply a respectful and good attitude towards the interlocutor.

The meaning of the word "huckster" in the dictionary of Dahl Vladimir Ivanovich is interpreted simply and briefly. The meaning itself does not differ from the one we outlined above. A huckster is a person who is engaged in speculation (the definition of a speculator was given at the beginning of the article). The same dictionary also contains synonyms for the word: reseller, shuttle, merchant.

Often the huckster is not alone in his business, there is a whole network for resale, transportation, purchase of goods. If the things that the huckster sells have the status of illegal, or simply for the sale of such things threatens criminal liability, then the huckster is covered, most likely, by the people who stand at the head of the pyramid and ensure the safety and security of the goods, and he is just "the bottom "in this chain.

The use of the word in a criminal environment

In thieves' jargon, a huckster is a buyer of stolen goods. As a rule, this is a dishonest and greedy person. Today the word refers to drug dealers. Or, if we are talking about places of deprivation of liberty, this is a person, a cellmate, who sells tea and cigarettes among “his own”.

BARYGA, and, m. And f .. 1. Well-to-do, wealthy person (usually greedy). 2. Anyone. Some huckster is calling you there. 3. Drug dealer. 4. "Shuttle", wholesaler. 5. Street vendor. huckster sells potatoes by the side of the road. From y. "Huckster" ... ... Dictionary of Russian argo

BARYGA- Fedko, servant in Lokottsky pog. 1495. Scribe. II, 22. Baryga Ondrejkov, peasant of the Velsky pog. 1495. Scribe. I, 219. Stepanko Baryga, peasant of Uzhinsky pog. 1495. Scribe. I, 352. Ivashka Baryga, peasant of Vlazhinsky pog. 1495. Scribe. I, 735. Burych ... Biographical Dictionary

Fence; merchant, merchant, businessman; drunk, hanyga; shuttle, reseller, speculator, huckster, wholesaler Dictionary of Russian synonyms. huckster noun, number of synonyms: 16 bucks (11) ... Synonym dictionary

- - the seller of auto parts on the market. EdwART. Automotive Jargon Dictionary, 2009 ... Automotive Dictionary

M. and J. 1.dep. decrease. Someone who is engaged in the purchase and resale of things (usually stolen). 2. Used as a reproach or swear word. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

huckster- bar yga, and, husband. and wives ... Russian spelling dictionary

huckster- 1. prisons. speculator (Convicted of speculation (until the cancellation of Art. 154 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR in 1961) or selling tea, cigarettes, "wheels" in the zone. At large, a buyer of stolen goods or a criminal engaged only in trade, exchange of money.) 2. Narc. small trader ... ... Universal Additional Practical Explanatory Dictionary of I. Mostitsky

AND; m. and f. Spread. decrease. Speculator, reseller. ◁ Baryzhny, oh, oh. B. view ... encyclopedic Dictionary

huckster- buyer and seller of stolen goods ... Thieves' jargon

huckster- and; m and w .; colloquial decrease. see also. huckster speculator, reseller ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Inquiry in Riga, Nikolay Svechin. The novel takes place in 1898. Lykov's friend Jaan Titus, a native of Finland, went to Riga to attend the funeral of Jazep's older brother. And I found out that my brother was killed. The police don't want to look for the culprit. Yazep ...
  • Inquiry in Riga, Svechin N .. The novel is set in 1898. Lykov's friend Jaan Titus, a native of Finland, went to Riga to attend the funeral of Jazep's older brother. And I found out that my brother was killed. The police don't want to look for the culprits. Yazep ...

A huckster is a seller, reseller, a person who buys goods cheaper and sells more expensive. Baryga is a rather slang term, but in the nineties of the last century, this word was firmly included in vocabulary citizens.

Entrepreneurship as a crime

In the public consciousness, the word "huckster" has acquired a rather negative character, this is partly due to the fact that it came into the language from, and also to the fact that during the Soviet era entrepreneurs were considered hucksters who bought and sold small things for the purpose of their own enrichment. Many people remember these sellers of jeans and plastic bags. Then they could even accuse the person of "leading entrepreneurial activity».

Playing with the law

However, hucksters are also different. Real dealers, criminals, and stolen goods sellers are part of the criminal world. They can resell marijuana, heroin, other drugs, they can sell weapons. In different cities, the attitude towards hucksters of this kind is approximately the same. It's a pity, but young people sometimes go astray and go over to the criminal side. There are even schoolchildren who are drug traffickers, but such children usually have no future, the trade in illegal goods sends them early to a juvenile colony. And this is probably the saddest side of the illegal trade.


However, ordinary traders are sometimes called hucksters who sell things bought cheaply in China and brought to their hometown. The quality of the goods of such traders may not differ, but this business does not kill. In addition, with today's market relations, all this has long become commonplace for people who do not want to work "for an uncle." Such "hucksters" can be the most ordinary people who have nothing to do with crime. However, stereotypes about traders in modern society gradually disappear or disappear, so it becomes easier and easier to resell, and the word is gradually forgotten.

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