Pluto in Virgo natal chart. Pluto in Virgo for a man. Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

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Neptune in Virgo 1928/29-1942/43

Divine Virgin.

This generation is looking for an outlet for their spirituality and religiosity in the external details of the ritual, which is often completely non-religious. Here Neptune is in exile, so the spiritual and religious life is driven inside, deep into the public and personal subconsciousness, and the external life is subject to pragmatics and a characteristic girlish ideology, concrete and mundane in form, but in essence - abstract idealistic and completely divorced from reality. This aspect is a difficult test of a dense form of the level of spiritual development, God, as it were, retires and looks at how people will cope without Him, which ethical and moral values ​​will remain unshakable, and which will disappear without a trace. This is a generation of atheists from birth, finding the intuitive path to God with the greatest difficulty among all the positions of Neptune. Unmanifested Neptune creates a strong subconscious guilt complex for Virgo, which she rationalizes as best she can (usually completely wrong) or compensates for the outwardly senseless destruction of some forms (usually this is self-destruction of one kind or another). Strange and ineffective forms of political resistance to hard regimes. They do not believe in the religiosity of their children, although they could learn a lot from them.

AT individual horoscope aspect is being worked out with great difficulty. In an undeveloped form, it gives an aversion to mysticism of any kind and a love for rational knowledge, understood as a gigantic set of separate facts, if possible, entered into a huge hierarchical system or encyclopedia, which is already worshiped with full (permissible for this aspect) feeling. As you work through, there is a (at first carefully suppressed) feeling that some inner meaning may be hidden behind the form, inexpressible in rational terms, but all subjective mystical sensations are equated to superstitions for a very long time. The highest octave of the aspect is the mystic, who is able to see the One in any detail of any dense form.

Transforming Virgo.

This position is much more constructive than the aspect of Pluto in Taurus, since here the transforming influence of Pluto extends not to the forms as a whole, but to the methodology of working with them and to the elements that make them up. This generation (especially together with Uranus in Virgo 1962-1968) should completely change our ideas about the foundations of the universe, space and time, materialize the laws of karma and derive from them the laws of physics as karma imposed on space-time. Progress must also be made in understanding the relationship between thought and spirit, and the structure of the mental and astral planes in general and of the corresponding human bodies in particular must be clarified.

In an individual horoscope, this aspect gives an interest in the foundations of the universe and the rules for composing large forms from small ones, a desire to revise and radically change the basic principles of building reality and create a new, better reality. In the absence of elaboration, all this remains in the form of vague dreams or nihilism in relation to the existing structures and principles of shaping.

Chapter 7

Air element, decoration zone, cardinal cross.
Ruler Venus, imprisoned Mars, culminates Saturn, in the fall of the Sun.

When moving from the zone of creation of the element of air to the zone of its formation, the emphasis on the function of communication, which is characteristic of Gemini, turns into an emphasis on the function of the structure, to which the attention of Libra is constantly directed. The structure is a set of connections between elements, thanks to which they become a qualitatively new object from a chaotic set - a single whole. Therefore, for Libra (unlike Gemini), the nature of the elements is by no means indifferent, since elements of different origins must be connected into a single whole in different ways. Moreover, Libra also monitors the number and relationships of various connections that form the structure.

Libra is an extremely difficult sign to understand and describe. They are full of contradictions, and at the same time, in an incomprehensible way, they balance not only them, but also the most dramatic ones. external situations. On the one hand, Libra is a cardinal male sign, resolute and active, and on the other hand, it is ruled by the female planet Venus. On the one hand, they belong to the cold air element, and on the other hand, they embody the existential (and not at all mental!) principle of balance, beauty and harmony, which is generally incomprehensible to the mind.

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the Zodiac (the rest are people and animals), and they symbolize directly the impersonal Absolute. Main principle The Absolute, which is the basis of the law of evolution, is the principle of harmony and balance, which is revealed to man gradually, as his evolutionary development and expansion of his consciousness. The scales symbolize not the static, but the dynamic balance of a cyclist on a steep turn, the adiabat of expanding steam, ecological processes during the death or appearance of new species. Libra, as formed air, is not given a mental one, like Gemini, but rather a higher, balance-structural-holistic perception of the world. High Libra sees both the object and the elements that make it up, and the connections between them as certain parts of a necessary and balanced structure that separates the object from the world and at the same time connects it with it. It is not given to a person to comprehend harmony in a rational way, but Libra points him to one of the ways to achieve it: through the search for the internal balance of an object, considered as a system with a complex structure of relations between elements.

Libra Man. Representing the air in the design zone, Libra is well aware of his element and will not waste money on trifles. Unlike Gemini, they will not introduce anyone to anyone and pass on information without defining their attitude to it.

Libra is characterized by a somewhat detached coldish beauty and an aesthetically balanced approach to all issues, and especially to social ones; Gemini is much more democratic. A vivid example of Libra is an esthete-intellectual from the highest circles of society, a supporter of the concept of "art for art's sake" and the point of view that each social stratum consumes (and produces) its own culture, inaccessible and not needed by the rest. Of course, being a cardinal sign of the air, Libra (if they want and consider it necessary) can easily move into a foreign social stratum and perfectly perceive everything that happens there, but they themselves and those around them will always feel the alienness of Libra. Libra is extremely characterized by intellectual and aesthetic snobbery (there is a deep basis for it - proximity to the Absolute - but Libra is unlikely to formulate it in this way), which is for them effective tool protection from feeling superficial. The fact is that Libra is not given that direct (essential) feeling of life that female signs have (especially the signs of the earth); Libras are designed for an exceptionally subtle perception of the world, and if they do not show this subtlety, they begin to feel flat, secondary and unoriginal. Where the thick-skinned Taurus has long understood everything (essential for itself), Libra must still tune in, hesitate, look and evaluate from different angles, until they feel a certain subtle harmony of this situation (which may be completely inaccessible to the average Taurus), and only then they will feel confident and in place. If this does not happen, Libra is forced to focus on something in their assessments (most often this is the public subconscious of their social stratum, expressed through the lips of a person who is quite authoritative for these Libra) and become secondary Libra, whose personal sense of beauty, justice and harmony is replaced by a public .

Libra is the thinnest instrument of all the signs of the Zodiac and should only be used under certain conditions; in other words, the weights should not be too heavy, so as not to bend the pointer, and sometimes even a glass cover is desirable. These conditions primarily relate to the social stratum in which Libra is located: and if it is alien, Libra can break. But if Libra is in place, they become the main authority in society, a judge and a trendsetter.

Libra is a sign of balance and wisdom; their main karmic purpose is to bring beauty and harmony to all situations in which they find themselves; however, this should be properly understood. First, each situation with the most highest point vision is already harmonious, but this is usually not available to participants who think otherwise. Secondly, each situation has some inner content and inner logic of development, which Libra should understand before their sense of balance and harmony works. It is this inner content of the situation that must be perceived by subtle Libra, after which they will see its true (at the level of participants) disharmony and the ways of its subtle balancing and harmonization. The usual way Libra works is through mental activity or restructuring.

At first glance, it seems very strange that Libra is a male and, moreover, a cardinal sign. These characteristics in Libra are manifested in the fact that they tend (and should) constantly take the initiative and actively influence all situations in which they find themselves; the difficulty here is that before they act, they need to get involved in the situation and carefully evaluate and weigh everything.

Venus Rule gives Libra excellent abilities to perceive society and aesthetic assessments of reality. Aesthetic criteria Libra directly from the egregore they serve; the middle Libra embodies the aesthetics of their circle. Aesthetics for Libra means incomparably more than for other zodiacal signs, it largely determines their ethics, that is, Libra considers good and right what seems beautiful to them, and bad and immoral what seems ugly to them. Venus to some extent compensates for the coldness of Libra with their ability to pay attention and beauty of expression (and often external beauty); typical Libra of the middle octave is represented by an exquisitely beautiful and outwardly brilliant, well-mannered, friendly, but internally cold and indifferent mistress of a fashion salon, for whom a person is valuable to the extent that he will adorn her home (but she knows this value very accurately, despite the jumps fashion). The rulership of Venus gives Libra more real power which is often underestimated is the power of beauty and balance holding the structure. It's hard to say no when asked beautiful woman(or man). But it is even more difficult to go against public opinion, which is expressed by the seemingly unobtrusive words “this is not accepted”, “this is not how they act”. However, these expressions symbolize a certain and stable static state, achieved with difficulty by a given society or social circle in the process of its creation (formation of egregor) - here the balance of Libra should be represented not in the form of unstable apothecary cups, but in the form of a ball at the bottom of a deep hole: it stands move it a little to the side, it immediately comes back. When Libra is tuned to this balance, they become completely different: rude, powerful and heavy, but nevertheless subtly enough tracking the moments that are essential for society - and only them. Such is the machine of justice, and even censorship, vigilantly watching the ratio of grief and joy in the lyrical verses of poets living in the era of prosperity of this society.

The power of developed Libra lies in the fact that they can balance the most difficult, tense and contradictory situation, using its very deep and accurate perception (which they owe much to Venus) and light influences, performed with Venusian grace and ease; a well-executed Venusian smile can do more than seems generally conceivable to more straightforward planets and signs.

Imprisoning Mars gives Libra internal energy and activity, but at the same time poses the problem of adequate expression of these aspirations. The difficulty lies in the fact that Mars gives Libra a very acute sense of injustice, which requires immediate expression; however, in order to restore justice and create harmony, you first need to feel the situation very subtly (which always takes time and effort), and only after that look for adequate and often quite delicate ways to influence it; both are difficult for the impatient and straightforward Mars. Therefore, with poor study, Libra becomes inflexible and aggressive, and instead of restoring the balance, it is grossly violated, and after a while, according to the law of reflection, they receive a return blow, and a situation arises even more disharmonious than the original one. At the same time, it should be remembered that Libra is an air sign, and here Martian rudeness and aggression are more of a mental-communicative nature: Libra will not resort to fists, and their swearing will be somewhat abstract.

Culminating Saturn symbolizes the core of developed Libra, which gives them stability and at the same time wisdom in solving the problem of achieving harmony in specific situations. Saturn literally materializes too airy Libra, turning them to a more practical view of things and reducing the scope of their fluctuations in ideal mental areas, which they are very prone to in their lower octave. An unfinished Libra can cause great irritation, moving away from solving a specific problem by considering it from an infinite number of different points of view that have nothing to do with the essence of the matter. A well-developed Saturn gives Libra the wisdom of King Solomon and his methods of resolving litigation, sometimes too wise to the detriment of Mars, which, with the manifestation of Saturn, can go into final imprisonment; only in the highest octave of Libra is the complete harmonious development of the principles of these planets achieved; they are true diplomats, jurists and practical legislators, with a keen sense of their people and their way of interpreting the system of laws, courts and prisons.

The fall of the sun gives Libra of the lower octave (correct) extreme self-doubt and a strong orientation towards public opinion of his circle, which (often sincerely) passes off as his own. Beliefs and initiative are unstable, personal will is weak, but easily attuned to the team, and then it is already difficult to switch and convince a person, and most importantly, this is a meaningless exercise, since the lower Libra does not have their own personal opinion and will. However, during processing (in this case this is difficult) Libra begins to understand that the weakness of personal will means for them simply the need (and comparative ease) for careful adjustment to their karmic egregore (and not to the situation or social stratum, as in the lower and middle Libra), which (as far as possible) accurately will tell you what and how to do in a given situation and where the boundaries of free will are. Here, as in Aries, the development of the symbolic Sun means the realization of personal will as the ability of pure attention, and freedom as the freedom to choose the direction of this attention; the fall of the Sun makes this task easier for Libra than for Aries, where the Sun culminates.

Libra Situation often has "justice" or the search for it as its key word. This is often a court, a family council, an analysis of the results of an investigation. Libra situations are characterized by a distraction from emotions, versatility of consideration, a variety of selection and evaluation criteria. The aesthetic version of the situation of Libra is, for example, the state of the artist, who refines the solution of the picture by searching for the balance of the forms or colors located on it. The situation of Libra actually occurs quite often, but due to its subtlety, for the most part, it is not recognized by its participants as something isolated, that is, a separate event. In other words, the assessment of the situation and its solution from the point of view of aesthetics and harmony are very common, but they are hardly formalized and therefore rarely realized. At the same time, the possibility of assessing the situation in terms of quantitative indicators (say, the average weight gain of a pioneer in a camp per month) is rare, but clear to consciousness, and therefore overshadows the previous type; it refers rather to Mercury and Virgo.

The lowest octave of the Libra situation is represented by the preconceived judgment in totalitarian state; its highest octave is practically inaccessible to human consciousness, since it refers to the law of karma, whose manifestations we see only on imperfect models. Here it should be understood that the highest justice and the highest court are carried out constantly, but in order to see this, you need to have a broad consciousness and free yourself from an egoistic and personal view of the world. The highest octave of the Libra situation is the world seen by the Buddha.

Harmonious Libra enjoy universal love in a society that really blossoms when they appear. Innate diplomacy operates here, the ability to keep silent in time, smooth out the contradiction and emphasize the right accent. At any level of development, such a person will be treated as a fair judge (in his social environment), and his opinion in any situation will be weighty (after the initial Aries passions burn out). Harmonious Libra is characterized by too much desire to avoid conflicts in any way; they are friends with everyone and often compromise with whom they should not, which causes latent irritation even of close friends, which, however, is quickly forced out, because harmonious Libra so charming...

The problem of harmonious Libra of the lower octave lies in the weakness of the personal moral position: firstly, it is easily replaced by public morality in their minds, and secondly, it is easily replaced by public morality in their minds, and secondly, they are too good and often able to look “from the other side”, as well as from the third, fourth and fifth, which can smear even very clear accents and quietly turn white into gray and gray into black. As Saturn develops and manifests, the leapfrog of opinions and conciliation decrease, and Libra has tangible criteria for justice and harmony. Developed harmonious Libra can become lawyers, judges, artists with a rare gift for the embodiment of harmony, but rather lines than colors. The higher the evolutionary level of Libra, the more difficult it is for them to achieve balance, even in a harmonious version.

Amazed Libra tossed between two extremes. The first is excessive activity - this is a variant of balancing pharmaceutical scales by quickly throwing and removing weights from them; then, as you know, they begin not only to increase the amplitude, but also to swing in all planes at once. Amazed Libra really wants to quickly create harmony in the world and instantly balance all situations, and they even know universal ways for both. As a result of the return blow, Libra gets a slap in the face and begins to sadly make excuses that they wanted "the best." Here one of the lessons of Saturn is realized, which sounds like this: good intentions are aggravating circumstances.

Having received some amount of life experience of this kind, the affected Libra runs the risk of falling into the other extreme, when the turning mechanism rusts and the delicate sense of balance is lost. In extreme cases, the division value increases to infinity, and Libra dies, they are in the same position regardless of the weights on the cups.

Pluto's principle: life - death - life.

Pluto in Greco-Roman mythology is the god of the Underworld - the son of Kronos and Rhea, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, the husband of Persephone (abducted by him): Hades for the Greeks = "Invisible", for the Romans Pluto or Dis Pater = "Rich". Therefore, the symbolism of the planet Pluto in astrology correlates with everything occult, dark and mysterious, it represents the forces of the invisible world, the realm of shadows, deep knowledge, death and rebirth. Pluto is a treasure of dark depths, an archaic origin and inexhaustible energy that does not fit into the framework of any moral and ethical categories. Pluto also personifies the ancient feminine, which can be creative, fertile, but can also be dark, cruel to the point of sadism, destructive and disastrous. The Pluto Principle is a powerful transformative force. The influence of Pluto is often associated with a feeling of power or weakness, with intense experiences, bondage and occult hobbies, often reaching the point of obsession.

Everything that lies in the area of ​​influence of Pluto goes beyond the ordinary and familiar and becomes outstanding: outstanding genius, world fame, high-profile crimes, insatiable passion, obsession with an idea ...

Pluto completes one revolution around the Sun in 247.7 years. One should, perhaps, be careful when assigning certain meanings to Pluto, since Pluto influences entire generations of people, and a noticeable influence on the astrological chart of an individual is only when Pluto strongly dominates it - whether it is the position of an angular planet or a sign synthesis Scorpio, or major aspects with personal planets, especially conjunctions and quadratures.

However, Pluto is in every birth chart and, one way or another, manifests itself in the life of every person. This means that his influence will somehow be reflected in the image. Since we practically cannot influence the manifestations of the higher planets in our life, the manifestations of the Pluto principle (transformation and rebirth) in our external image, image, occur against our will, reflexively. But we can learn to be aware of these manifestations and take them into account in order to understand how other people perceive us when Pluto is active in us. In addition, we can learn to recognize manifestations of the principles of Pluto in the behavior of other people and learn to manage our attitude towards this. And this, from my point of view, is perhaps the most important thing for which, in fact, it is worth studying the science of Image.

For example, you come to your business partner to receive a pre-agreed share of the income from a joint venture. And then you begin to read Plutonian modalities in your partner’s behavior: the partner is incredibly gloomy, his face is completely impenetrable, his gaze is straight, somewhat askance, long and somehow magical, as if he is trying to penetrate your innermost essence; he either does not answer incoming calls in your presence, or answers something obscurely threatening; in general, he looks like he is experiencing something tragic, is in mourning; from him comes the feeling of a threat looming over you; you begin to feel like an accidental insect in the territory of a powerful ruler, busy with some global affairs about which you know nothing, and no matter what you do now, everything will be in vain. In such conditions, it goes without saying that it is completely inappropriate to talk about receiving money, although you came for this and expected to leave with the money. So, you are aware of the background inclusion of Pluto in your partner. The fact that the inclusion of Pluto for you is just background, weak, and not cognitive, strong, should not be in doubt: if it were strong, the partner would silently hire a killer or give you a car accident, or some other meanness, and you would get into much more formidable and hopeless reality than this. So you have the opportunity to realize which of your personal imperfections you have fallen into. this moment a painful prick of the background inclusion of Pluto. Which of your fears should come to consciousness. What kind of subconscious program needs to be transformed. Remember other situations in which the other person appeared to you as a formidable, inexorable fate, and how you behaved in this case, what you felt, what choice you made, how you perceived the situation. For example, at this moment you become aware of your habit of giving in to power, of abandoning your goal for fear of being destroyed. And then, perhaps for the first time in your life, you suddenly, regardless of your will and common sense, calmly and firmly say, looking into your partner’s eyes: “I see that you are in trouble and you are not up to me. But I expected to receive a certain amount and it would be good to do it right now. Whether you get your money or not is not so important in comparison with the fact that one of your deepest complexes has been overcome - the fear of someone else's power. A small victory on the way to a big personality transformation.

First of all, the Pluto principle is expressed in our perception of another person in that this person seems to us an outstanding scientist, a shrewd detective, a powerful ruler, a tyrant, a magician, a wizard, a sorcerer, a witch, a healer, a devil (who believes in what) - in general, carrier of fatal forces in our lives. We may be horrified by such people and avoid them, we may expect miraculous solutions to our problems from them and blindly trust them, we may compete with them in power, or perceive the meeting and collision with them as a session of spontaneous psychoanalysis. Thus, the principle of Pluto is realized for us, personified in the image of another person. At the same time, for someone we ourselves will definitely play one of the roles of Pluto at least once in our lives. And if we realize this, let's say to ourselves: "It's me - the fatal one."

Fatal, fateful figures are not at all necessarily people whose image, appearance and demeanor contain or vividly present attributes that we subconsciously associate with science, power, magic, witchcraft. Such obvious, bright representatives of the Plutonian role in real life we can meet very rarely. Our ideas about their image are formed according to the descriptions of appearance, clothing, accessories, jewelry, behavior and style of speech of sorcerers, witches, shamans, alchemists, soothsayers, which we read about in legends, myths, fairy tales, saw in the movies. Many representatives of such Plutonian professions and occupations as a healer, tarot reader, psychic, astrologer, meter of a secret society often resort to creating a special image to enhance the influence of their personality on the public and clients. This is a demonstration of one's power through the image, but not the fact that there is real magical power behind the appearance and manners. This is an image by which it is easy to read that an individual belongs to the guild of magicians and occultists, since it fully corresponds to the stereotypes and ideas that exist in society about how an astrologer or psychic should look like. You don’t need to go far for examples: pay attention to how the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” show look and find the most characteristic feature common to the image of all participants in them. This feature will be stereotypical, template for a given role in the territory. former USSR these days.

Other representatives of the professions and occupations of Pluto: analysts, doctors, researchers, dictators, politicians, political technologists, scientists, speculators, thugs, demagogues, racketeers, mafia men, corrupt officials, shadow economy figures, shockers, hypnotists.

A person with a pronounced Pluto in the chart, in any case, will bear in his appearance and image the imprint of something supernatural, otherworldly, falling outside the usual. At the heart of these external manifestations lies a psychological feature: this person considers himself an outstanding personality. Deep down, he considers himself one of the few and always painfully experiences when he is compared with others, he does not like it, even if he does not show it. And he has reason to consider himself special. After all, when Pluto is strong in the chart He endows man with power. Such a person has a powerful inner strength, for example, the gift of suggestion, hypnotic abilities. Such a person is not afraid of any dark depths. He is always able to free himself from any obsolete structures and values ​​and completely transform his life.

The problem of a person with pronounced influence of Pluto in the card is obsession. Often he is unable to resist subconscious drives and ideas that are overvalued to him, he is destructive, his behavior is fanatical. He is unable to leave something as it is, to free himself from attachment to things and people.

Often such a person directly or indirectly makes it clear that he serves some higher forces (light or dark). He believes that these forces protect him, protect him, support him and punish everyone who gets in his way. He is always ready to tell you an instructive story in which everyone who has ever offended him died in terrible agony. Or subtly hint at it ... And if he doesn’t like you for something, he will begin to make a mysterious conspiratorial look in your presence, from which you will be jarred, and goosebumps will run down your back. It will hint at the fact that he sees through you, and you are bad in every respect, and he condemns you, and if you are still alive, it is only because he humbly forgives you and provides a generous chance to change your mind and take the true path. Such psychological games are almost always present in groups and associations of people involved in esotericism and occultism, extrasensory perception, healing, astrology, parapsychology, "spiritual practices" at the amateur level. It is difficult for people with accentuated higher planets in the horoscope to adequately fit into society, to harmoniously apply their unusual abilities in life. So often the principles of the higher planets in their life are realized in belonging to some circle of people with unusual hobbies, in sectarianism. This belonging is necessarily reflected in one way or another in the appearance of a person.

If a person with a pronounced Pluto in the horoscope has not yet reached the ideal of Man, that is, is not a holistic nature, then criticism in his address, any kind of comments, recommendations and advice, vivid self-expression in his presence, boasting (not necessarily excessive) and in general the presence he perceives some remarkable feature in you as a threat to his own exclusivity, an attempt to dominate him, that is, to deprive him of his power. And he will do his best to regain a position that confirms his right to a prominent role, especially if he believes that you threaten his authority in the eyes of others.

This is a rather unpleasant type: he will not miss the opportunity to speak disparagingly about the enemy, trying to humiliate him in the eyes of others. It belongs to him. Everything is used here: slander, distortion of facts, jokes, ridicule. A favorite method of psychological pressure is intimidation through hoaxes. Out of revenge or out of a desire to assert himself at your expense, he will not miss the opportunity to comment on your loss, failure, trouble. In everyday life, for example, such an aggressor husband uses the everyday situation with a burst of water supply to once again demonstrate his power to his wife: “I did it. And if you don’t listen to me again, I will do the same with your aorta, ”he will say in a mentor tone, magnetically looking into his eyes. Another example: in a team, you candidly share your impressions of how well everything worked out for you and a friend in a traffic accident in which you recently ended up together. The aggressor will make a mysteriously condescending face, smile sarcastically, shaking his head: “This is not because you have a good Guardian Angel, but because your friend turned out to be nearby, if not for him ...” - and clicks his tongue, making it clear that he is aware from otherworldly sources about the terrible danger looming over you, which is retribution for some of your sins especially condemned by him. He is too vain to easily accept that he is somehow imperfect. If he admits his imperfection, he will demonstrate to you that this is an exceptional imperfection, unlike anything else, unprecedented. If he talks about the trials, insults and betrayals that have fallen to his lot, then you will understand that these trials are of such a nature that an ordinary person cannot survive them.

Talking about Pluto's aspects to personal planets in a person's horoscope, it is impossible not to say about the guilt complex. This complex is expressed in the fact that a person, having admitted or only thinking that he has committed a reprehensible act, imagines in horror that everyone will be his judge. A child who has not successfully experienced the phase of the Oedipus complex may, for example, feel guilty for wanting to get rid of one of the parents ... This complex is reflected in the birth chart in disharmonious aspects between Mars and Pluto (square, opposition), as well as in similar aspects between Venus and Pluto - if the guilt is of a sexual nature (for example, when a child is caught masturbating ...).

The external form cannot exist without the internal content. They are linked together, conditioned and mutually determined. So if you see signs of Pluto activity in your behavior, appearance, manners, explore the position of Pluto and other higher planets in your birth chart in order to deeply understand what is behind these external manifestations. To understand the psychological basis of your craving for marginal external self-expression.

The person in whose card dominated by Pluto, in life there will be many irretrievable losses and crisis situations and they will strengthen or harden his character. There will be a desire for political power and outstanding wealth, as well as a desire to be famous all over the world.

When Pluto is associated with the personal planets of the horoscope by harmonious aspects.(trine, sextile, multiple opposition), irretrievable losses and losses are experienced quite easily by the person. When the map has tense aspects of Pluto with personal planets(compound, quadrature, opposition), we say that Pluto is afflicted. Failures, even minor ones, seem catastrophic to such a person.

The sign in which Pluto is located determines the style, characteristics of the destructive and transformative influences that the generation corresponding to the position of Pluto in the sign will deal with. The sign of the zodiac through which Pluto passes determines the qualities through which the generation will feel its power and weakness.

Pluto was discovered in 1930. In astronomical circles, the planetary significance of Pluto is still debated. Some scientists believe that we are talking about nothing more than a satellite of Neptune, escaping from its gravitational field. However, Pluto's influence on people's lives is obvious.

In each sign, Pluto spends a long period of time, because its influence on the life of a particular person occurs mainly through the sphere of the house in which it is located. The position of Pluto in the sign characterizes the properties of all people born during this period. The individual properties that Pluto gives to the owner of the horoscope are determined by the aspects of Pluto to personal planets. Wherein minor aspects of Pluto are taken into account only when the personal planet aspected by Pluto has major aspects to other real planets, fictitious planets ( Lunar Nodes, White and Black Moons), Angles and points are not taken into account. House where Pluto is located, indicates the sphere of a person's life, where he will face the processes of transformation of his life and personality, determines the conditions in which a person will feel his power and weakness, act as a victim and executioner.

Pluto stays in one sign for an average of 21 years. Since Pluto's orbit is very different from the orbits of all other planets, the period of its stay in a sign can vary from 11 to 30 years. Whenever during a period roughly corresponding to when Pluto changes signs, moving through the zodiac, a large number of people experience difficulties at the same time, regardless of which house Pluto occupies in their natal chart and how it is aspected.

The following examples are from Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hubler's Astrology, key concepts» (« Graduate School Classical Astrology, Moscow, 2002) are of real significance only in a broad interpretation.

Pluto in Aries. 1823 - 1852 and 2068 - 2096. The emergence of strength and courage necessary to follow new, revolutionary paths, freeing oneself from the burden of the past. Power and weakness through arbitrariness.

Pluto in Taurus (in exile). 1852 - 1884 and 2096 - 2128. Fundamental changes in the sphere of property and finance; revision of traditional values. Power and weakness through money and property.

Pluto in Gemini. 1640 - 1669 and 1884 - 1914. Radical changes and new discoveries in science and technology, uncompromising advocacy of new theories, ideas and thoughts. Power and weakness through the outstanding achievements of the human mind.

Pluto in Cancer. 1669 - 1694 and 1914 - 1939. Complete destruction and transformation of previous ideas about the family, clan, homeland, people, nation and one's own roots. Power and weakness through a sense of emotional connection and unity with family members, clan.

Pluto in Leo (in exaltation). 1694 - 1711 and 1939 - 1957. Change in self-consciousness and ideas of a person about the possibilities of his own development. Power and weakness through the disclosure of the human "I".

Pluto in Virgo. 1711 - 1726 and 1957 - 1972. Profound changes in everyday life and the emergence of new working conditions, addressing issues of health and environment. Power and weakness through awareness of the need for integration and cooperation in society.

Pluto in Libra. 1726 - 1737 and 1972 - 1984. Changing forms of human relationships, great changes in art. Power and weakness through marriage and other forms of partnership.

Pluto in Scorpio (in its own sign). 1737 - 1749 and 1984 - 1995. Restoration and return of the destroyed, forgotten, lost; secret, occult knowledge, rituals and paranormal abilities take on a new birth. Power and weakness through the ability to manage oneself and others.

Pluto in Sagittarius. 1749 - 1762 and 1995 - 2008. Radical changes and transformation of former ideas about religion and morality, about the meaning of life. Power and weakness through the formation of new religious values ​​and finding the meaning of life.

Pluto in Capricorn. 1762 - 1777 and 2008 - 2023. Change in the social system, hierarchical structures and laws, attitude to one's duty and duties, to the concept of fate. Power and weakness through the creation of new laws and norms.

Pluto in Aquarius (in the fall). 1777 - 1799 and 2023 - 2044. A new understanding of freedom and independence, a new attitude towards the development and formation of each individual. Power and weakness through the outstanding achievements of the human spirit.

Pluto in Pisces. 1799 - 1823 and 2044 - 2068. A new attitude to the world of the unconscious, to everything previously inexplicable, primarily through mediumistic abilities, mysticism, trance. Power and weakness through penetration into the unconscious.

The house in which Pluto is located is the sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence. It shows where a person depends on others, where he is not able to find a solution to the problem; but it is also an area where he can experience the deepest transformation, however difficult, but the only one capable of helping him recover, change, become a new person.

If Pluto is at a distance of +/- 15 degrees from one of the four cardinal points: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant or the depth of the Sky, then it acquires the status of an angular planet. If there are several such planets, the connection with the ASC (temperament) has more weight, then (in descending order of weight) with the MC (lifestyle, behavior), with the DSC and IC. If all the angles are expressed, the planet that is closest to the Angle, or the one that is most manifested in the radix in terms of analogies (for example, is the mistress of the planets in the stellium - the one in the stellium in the sign of control or exaltation; in the sign in which the Sun is located, or in the same sign as the ASC).

Pluto in 1st house: magnetism. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence of this person is his own interests, views on life, appearance, manners, image. A person depends on others when he first finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He is not able to find a solution to the problem when it comes to his personal interests. But it is in these areas of life that he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him recover, change, become a new person. He strives to express his individuality as fully as possible. His desire is to become not like everyone else. His behavior is a rejection of the hardened rules. His development goes through a series of significant personal crises. If he fails to assert himself, then he is tormented by anxiety and intense experiences. Mephistopheles appeal, mesmerizing gaze and powerful, magnetic, irresistible charm. He strives to subjugate others to himself so that they feel dependent on him, as he is afraid of not coping with his problems on his own or of being once abandoned by everyone and useless to anyone. The impression is rather gloomy, dark, mysterious.

Image: powerful, fatal. A dark, oppressive expression of the eyes is characteristic.

Pluto in 2nd house: the power of money . The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - independent earnings, personal property. In this area, a person depends on others. Here he is unable to find a solution to the problem; but it is here that he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him secure a secure financial position on his own. Profound changes in life and in the system of values ​​due to financial crises. Change of world view. The ability to earn with the help of outstanding abilities (hypnosis, insight, the ability to science, the ability to deep investigations of hidden things), a deep understanding of the essence of money, private property. Personal talents and abilities, self-esteem for him is of great value. Problem: financial dependence. Thirst for money, constant obsessions about them. Seeks to make others financially dependent on himself. The unprincipled use of money and the power it gives. "Buys" the right people, support, love, confidence in the future, security. He is also willing to do anything for money. Greedy, greedy, petty, stingy. Strives to have an outstanding financial position.

Handling money: lust, obsession.

Pluto in 3rd house: inquisitive mind. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence is intellectual activity: everyday communication, writing, relationships with the closest environment, study, small trips and travels. In these areas a person depends on others, here he is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him to reason logically, soberly, rationally, constructively use his knowledge and connections. He argues, always striving to get to the bottom of the essence, to find out all the hidden reasons and motives. Can be strongly carried away by any mental construction and defend it fanatically. Possesses a powerful gift of persuasion. Knows that ideas are a great power, and knows how to use this power. He imposes his views and opinions on everyone. Abuses his power of suggestion to dominate minds. Looped thinking, overvalued ideas, speech incontinence. The train of thought is confusing, gloomy, destructive.

Speech style: demagogic.

Pluto in 4th house: family struggle. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - the sphere associated with the house, family, parents, ancestors, real estate. In it, a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him overcome dependence on the past, get rid of difficult childhood memories, from parental patterns in his behavior, from dependence on parents. This position of Pluto often means the perception of the situation in the family as something destructive, especially in childhood. The reason for such changes is often strained relationships in the family or conditions of living together. Unusually strong, fatal attachment to the family or to its heritage. The struggle for a prominent role within the family. Feels obligated or forced to live up to parents' expectations instead of living own life. The inability and inability to break free from these bonds and go your own way.

Image of the father: mighty; perhaps an unconscious erotic attraction to the father.

Pluto in 5th house: mage games. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - personal creativity, interaction with children, hobbies and hobbies, joys, entertainment, fun, games, flirting, love adventures and financial scams. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping to reveal his creative abilities, to enjoy life. With this position, Pluto usually emphasizes creativity, but it can take on a negative meaning in relation to children, especially if Pluto is in a disharmonious aspect with the Moon (conjunction, square, opposition; semi-square, one and a half square in addition to the major aspects of Moon or Pluto). In this case, we can talk about infertility, difficult cares associated with children. The magnetic attraction of this person will be especially pronounced during a speech in front of an audience. But even alone with others, such a person radiates a powerful force that is difficult to disobey, especially in worldly and love games. Possesses a strong gift of suggestion, powerful sexual energy. Any game captivates him, and the bet in it can only be "all or nothing." Abuses the gift of suggestion, imposing games on others, from which they have chills on the skin. At the same time, he himself becomes obsessed, entangled in his own networks. His connections and passions are usually very dangerous.

Attitude towards children: strong mutual dependence and (joking) game of "who is in charge."

Pluto in 6th house: Airbender. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - routine work, daily duties, service, maintaining health. As well as interaction with subordinates, employees, servants, pets, work tools. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him to be healthy, arrange his life, find a job to his liking. Works for ten, infecting others with his zeal and skill. Having found a promising (in his opinion) work, he is able to devote all his strength and the rest of his life to it. At the same time, he always calls others to follow him and guarantees his help and assistance in case of emergency. Hard worker. Intrigues, the struggle for the championship even in the smallest workforce. He conquered some, yielded to others, wove his own ingenious web so as not to fall into the network of someone else. Having received the task, he performs it with incredible diligence and strength, sacrificing his time and health. Attracts and recruits allies with promises of future benefits and rewards.

Style of work: thoughtful, obsessive, manic.

Pluto in 7th house: powerful enemy. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - interaction with other people based on the principle "you - to me, I - to you": marriage, cooperation, union, open enmity, restoration of justice in court, realization in the field of art and diplomacy. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him learn to consciously build relationships, cooperate, resist an open enemy, and restore justice. Unfavorable position in terms of marriage and other unions, often indicates divorce, broken partnerships, deep conflicts. A strong, magnetic personality, communication with which, and even more so union, becomes an unforgettable experience. Changes and creates a partner, although at this time he experiences pain, helplessness, subordination and dependence. Evil wizard. Love for the game "who is more important" in relationships with anyone, but with a loved one in particular. Now I'm torturing you, and then it will be your turn. In such an alliance, both sides suffer. Jealousy, cleanliness, politeness, unwillingness to conflict, mental anguish, psychological tricks, sex like a carrot and a stick, sadomasochistic inclinations - everything takes on monstrous, painful proportions.

The notion of marriage/union: "unbreakable union..."

Pluto in 8th house: miraculous power. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - relationships with intimate friends, a period of overcoming crises, marginal situations on the verge of life and death, handling finances and property of other people, issues of wealth accumulation. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping to survive in marginal conditions and emerge from krigis enriched both in the moral and material sense. It can mean the ability to science or an increased interest in hidden things - if the rest of the factors of the horoscope correspond to this. Unusually powerful sexuality, hypnotic abilities, the ability to imperceptibly, but very strongly influence others. Big interest to the study of secrets. He is generally attracted to everything secret and forbidden. Accumulates experience of deep changes and transformations. Sexuality is early, powerful, associated with vivid sensations of one's own strength or impotence. Shocks and crises are perceived as chances for renewal. Abuse of power over people. Creates moral, material or sexual dependence on others from himself, making them victims of his deepest desires. Suffering from obsessive images (especially sexual ones), sometimes to the point of obsession. Primitive greed, sadistic tendencies.

Attitude towards death: death is mysterious and attractive, impotence in the face of death.

Pluto in the 9th house: ideologue of the dictator. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - ideals, beliefs, ideas about the law, worldview. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him form a true worldview. Unquenchable thirst for truth and justice. The idea of ​​the world, coming from nature, from ancient times (druids, neo-pagans). Deep interest in alchemy, ancient shamanistic rituals, secret orders and Masonic lodges. He travels to "places of power" to get energy recharge there. He comes to an understanding of the ideal of Man through his own difficult and often tragic philosophical experiences.

The idea of ​​God: God is hidden in the laws of nature unknown to science, or God is dark and unknowable, but omnipotent and therefore dangerous.

Pluto in 10th house: hostlord. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - vocation, career, achievement of a serious strategic goal, climbing the social ladder, solving issues of honor and reputation, social status, honors and recognition. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him achieve his goal, find a vocation, make a career, climb the social ladder. A person wants to stand out and step over the boundaries of what is permissible, looking for opportunities in his profession for this, but it is very difficult for him to find his true calling. If Pluto is in extremely unfavorable aspects, there may be a hindrance created by itself, and the destruction of one's own opportunities and good fortune. Influential person. Strives to achieve power and influence, ready to devote all his strength to his calling. Works conscientiously, but is going through deep transformations and big changes. In everything he tries to get to the point and understand the deep meaning of his work. On duty, he has to deal with the dark sides of human life and society. Shamelessly uses his power. He seeks to make others dependent on himself, in order to manipulate and blackmail them later. Dark affairs with dubious personalities.

The image of the mother: "mistress" - imperious, jealous, often secretive; those who live with her feel like her serfs.

Pluto in 11th house: powerful friends. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - relationships with friends and like-minded people, club life, attitude towards the team and one's own unique role in it, scientific experiments and plans for the future. Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him not to lose himself in the team, make an important discovery, create realistic plans and income from his profession and social position. Tendency to join secret societies and magical orders. Difficult friendships with mysterious personalities. Problems in friendship due to sexual tension, danger of violence, blackmail, addiction and risky power struggles.

Role in the group: mysterious person, invisible leader.

Pluto in 12th house: the power of the unconscious. The sphere of power and weakness, strength and impotence - situations of forced or voluntary seclusion: prison, hospital, rehabilitation center, foreign land, exile, emigration, working alone away from people, secret activities (intelligence, secret services), an occupation that requires solving riddles ( mythology, cultural studies, art, anthropology, history of civilizations, psychology). Here a person depends on others, is not able to find a solution to the problem; but here he can experience the deepest transformation, albeit difficult, but the only one capable of helping him overcome the tendency to self-destruction, chronic diseases, addictions, irrational phobias, conspiracies of secret enemies. Intensive training and work with the forces of the collective unconscious lead to a profound transformation of the personality. In solitude and meditative peace one opens up to these transforming forces. A victim of his fanatical dreams of omnipotence and fears of weakness. An inexplicable fear of the unconscious and the primitive forces that dwell in one's own soul. At the slightest bodily or mental illness, he feels helpless and finds himself in isolation.

In solitude, he gains power, is reborn to life after severe trials.

11 September 2010

The natal chart is personal horoscope the birth of a person. It is built at the moment of birth of a person and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes the fate of a person: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. With the help of a birth chart, the position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of a person is compiled. We present you a service that allows you to perform online calculation of a natal chart by date of birth with decryption for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, the time of birth (preferably the exact time) and the place of birth. If your city is not in the list, choose the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone in this case. To determine the position of houses, the Placidus system is used.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2025 2025 2021 2020 2019 2018 2016 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1996 1994 1994 1993 1993 1991 1990 1989 1985 1985 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1980 1979 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1965 1964 1964 1963 1962 1960 1960 1959 1958 1956 1955 1954 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1947 1944 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1937 1934 1933 1929 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1911 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1903 1902 190 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

Not selected - Russia Abkhazia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Angola Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Afghanistan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Bahrain Belarus Belize Belgium Benin Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Vanuatu Vatican City United Kingdom Hungary Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (US) East Timor Vietnam Gabon Haiti Guyana Gambia Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Germany Gibraltar Honduras Hong Kong Grenada Greenland Greece Georgia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt Zambia Zimbabwe Israel India Indonesia Jordan Iraq Iran Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Yemen Cape Verde Kazakhstan Cayman Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Qatar Kenya Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Kiribati China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Cuba Kuwait Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mavri cii Madagascar Mayotte Macedonia Malawi Malaysia Mali Maldives Malta Mariana Islands Morocco Martinique Marshall Islands Mexico Mozambique Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Niger Nigeria Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Nicaragua Niue New Zealand New Caledonia Norway Norfolk Island UAE Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Romania El Salvador Samoa (Western) San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Swaziland Seychelles Senegal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Serbia Singapore Syria Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Suriname USA Sierra Leone Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan Tanzania Turks and Caicos Islands Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkey Uganda Uzbekistan Ukraine Wallis and Futuna Uruguay Faroe Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Philippines Finland France French Polynesia Croatia Central African Republic Chad Montenegro Czech Republic Chile Switzerland Sweden Sri Lanka Ecuador Estonia Ethiopia South Africa South Georgia South Korea Jamaica Japan - not selected - Moscow St. Petersburg Adygea Republic of Altai Republic of Altai Territory Amur region Arhangelsk region Astrakhan Region Bashkortostan Belgorod Region Bryansk Region Buryatia Vladimir Region Volgograd Region Vologda Region Voronezh Region Dagestan Jewish Autonomous Region Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanovo Region Ingushetia Irkutsk Region Kabardino-Balkaria Kaliningrad Region Kalmykia Kaluga region Kamchatka Territory Karachay-Cherkessia Karelia Kemerovo Region Kirov Region Komi Kostroma Region Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Crimea Kurgan Region Kursk Region Leningrad Region Lipetsk Region Magadan Region Mari El Mordovia Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nenets Autonomous District Nizhny Novgorod Region Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Omsk region Orenburg region Oryol region Penza region Perm region Primorsky region Pskov region Rostov region Ryazan region Samara Region Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region North Ossetia Smolensk Region Stavropol Territory Tambov Region Tatarstan Tver Region Tomsk Region Tula Region Tyva Tyumen Region Udmurtia Ulyanovsk Region Khabarovsk Territory Khakassia Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Chelyabinsk Region Chechen Republic Chuvashia Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Yakutia Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yaroslavl Region


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Determine natal birth chart

Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth.

In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Acceleration occurs (Virgo is the sign of Proserpina, a symbol of physiological reserves).

At best, your energy is directed to work, technology, science. This time is characterized by disappointment in doctors, the emergence of new ideas in healthcare. The problem of health will come to the first place for your generation.

You have a free attitude towards morality and love. You do not bind yourself with any obligations with a partner. Your ideals are imitative, as in Virgo is the expulsion of Jupiter.

Your personality is characterized by materialism and pragmatism. You are a sober, cold person, often involved in small business. At best, you retain common sense and mental vigor until old age. You are a little suggestible and are able to constantly limit yourself in the means. You are not very ambitious, and not romantic at all. You have a wonderful brain and a bright head. You have a very free attitude towards children, with you they can grow like grass, almost without the need for education (the necessary information "is in the air"). In general, the standing of Pluto in Virgo was realized as a revolution in computer-based science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and employment conditions. The people of your generation will become the new alchemists, able to revive alchemy at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. They will use the new heavenly energies in both physics and health. With small means you can achieve great results. You can make an excellent doctor, a reformer of medicine, an excellent astrologer (astrology is the alchemy of the soul).

In the worst case, you will be inherent in: squandering public property, using work and official position for personal purposes. You can be a slacker with a sterilized mind. You belong to a generation that will age early. Freedom in love can manifest itself in this case as a lack of relationship and cold debauchery.

♇ Pluto in the signs of the Zodiac ♇ Pluto in the sign of Aries

Here Pluto is in its nocturnal abode with Mars, in the exaltation sign of the Sun. Standing is fraught with an explosion. At this time, everywhere people began to defend their rights. It -..

♇ Pluto in Taurus

Here Pluto is in exile, in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the exaltation sign of the Moon, in the earth element. During this epoch, there were: the material flourishing of the capitalist world, ..

♇ Pluto in Gemini

Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpine, in the house of exaltation of Proserpine, the sign of the element Air, the element opposite to the water planet. At this time there are:..

♇ Pluto in Cancer

Here Pluto is in the abode of the Moon, in the sign of the exaltation of Jupiter, in the sign of the related element of Water. In this era, the ideas of patriotism are being realized. Your generation is a generation..

♇ Pluto in Leo

Here Pluto is in exaltation, in the house of the Sun, in the element of Fire. Your generation is characterized by tremendous human and life dynamics, independence,...

♇ Pluto in Virgo

Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth. In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Happening..

♇ Pluto in Libra

Here Pluto is in exile, in the house of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of the exaltation of Saturn, in the sign of the element Air. People with strong Pluto in Libra will be leaders in the Age of Aquarius. U..

♇ Pluto in Scorpio

Here Pluto is in its diurnal abode with Mars, in the exaltation sign of Uranus. In no other sign does this planet reach its fullest expression...

♇ Pluto in Sagittarius

Here Pluto is in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the exaltation sign of Chiron, in the sign of the element of Fire, opposite to the water element of Pluto. Your generation is a generation..

♇ Pluto in Capricorn

Here Pluto is in the abode of Uranus and Saturn, in the sign of the exaltation of Mars, in the sign of the element Earth. This standing gives you discipline, asceticism, conservatism. At this time, they form..

A man with Pluto in Virgo is distinguished by increased attention to detail, his health and events in the world. He directs his attention to the healthcare sector, putting things in order both in his own home and in the world around him. This man does not attach importance to mysticism, soberly and rationally looks at the world and does not give in to feelings, almost never falls in love and does not feel other people well enough. This man can abuse power, engage in debauchery, not surrendering to feelings, or spend his inner potential on trifles.


  • Rationality;
  • Ability to save money and survive with material difficulties;
  • Discipline;
  • Independence;
  • Low suggestibility, lack of fears.


  • Rigidity;
  • Pickiness and pettiness;
  • Abuse of power;
  • Tendency to cold-blooded debauchery;
  • Work to the detriment of personal relationships.

Pluto in houses in the natal chart

The position of the planet in the house influences the character of a person. (Total 12 houses) Each house in the natal chart has its own purpose, and the planets located in these houses most accurately describe the character and characteristics of a person.

Pluto in 1st house

A man with Pluto in the first house is distinguished by willpower and character. He is characterized by fearlessness, the ability to complete what he started, practicality and rationality. This man is endowed with strong composure, developed intuition, it is important for him to overcome obstacles and achieve success in his activities.

Pluto in 2nd house

A man with Pluto in the second house is distinguished by commercialism and the desire to make practical use of what is happening around. He does not stop there, constantly strives to expand his horizons and circle of acquaintances, easily establishes contacts and shows ingenuity in achieving his goals.

Pluto in 3rd house

This man can be distinguished by decisiveness and the ability to accurately and clearly express his thoughts. He succeeds in activities that are related to the exact sciences and obtaining information. In communication, such a man is secretive, restrained, but always achieves his goals. He can be too strict and harsh in family relationships.

Pluto in 4th house

This man strives for fidelity and devotion in family relationships, but it is in this area that he can develop hostile and painful relationships, even a danger to life and health. Such a man is active, he has many enemies who can intrigue him and interfere with a peaceful life.

Pluto in 5th house

He strives for success, often achieves his goals thanks to his leadership qualities and adventurism. Such a man is characterized by fearlessness, adventurism and the desire to easily achieve a high position in society. He feels money, is not afraid of dangers and knows how to take risks when it is really necessary.

Pluto in 6th house

This man is distinguished by diligence, responsibility, in some cases he has the gift of healing and leadership qualities. Energy directs to research, experiments, many of which can be risky and dangerous. This man does not seek family life, can be gambling and greedy, greedy.

Pluto in 7th house

This man is distinguished by his desire for passionate romances and constant changes in his life. love relationships. For him, life is one continuous love story in which it is difficult to predict the course of events. This man finds himself in the role of a seducer, can destroy families and constantly find himself in love triangles and scandals.

Pluto in 8th house

This man is distinguished by the ability to quickly and easily restore strength after defeats, fearlessness and passion. He is not afraid of anything, has a developed intuition and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Such a man is fickle in love, but if he truly falls in love, he will remain faithful.

Pluto in the 9th house

This man always strives for adventurous deeds, is never afraid of anything and can quickly make non-standard, but accurate decisions. He seems sociable and calm, but easily concentrates in extreme situations and always easily finds a way out of the most delicate situation.

Pluto in 10th house

This man strives for material achievements, career and power, slowly but surely achieving his goal. He is laconic, slow and can give the impression of a calm person, but this is not so and real passion can rage in his soul. This man is characterized by jealousy and an increased sense of ownership, control over the situation.

Pluto in 11th house

A man with Pluto in this house strives for friendly relations and willingly talks about his friends, interests and hobbies. He devotes a lot of time to public life and strives to achieve success through influential acquaintances, but in some cases he negatively affects people, he himself can succumb to vices and temptations.

Pluto in 12th house

This man is distinguished by patience and developed intuition. He is subject to fears and worries, but never shows his emotions to others. He does not like to impose himself on anyone, he can foresee dangerous situations for others, but he himself gets into them. He does not always trust his intuition and can make many mistakes in life.

Generation 1957 - 1972 (in Virgo - 15 years).
Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth.
In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Acceleration occurs (Virgo is the sign of Proserpina, a symbol of physiological reserves).
At best, your energy is directed to work, technology, science. This time is characterized by disappointment in doctors, the emergence of new ideas in healthcare. The problem of health will come to the first place for your generation.
You have a free attitude towards morality and love. You do not bind yourself with any obligations with a partner. Your ideals are imitative, as in Virgo is the expulsion of Jupiter.
Your personality is characterized by materialism and pragmatism. You are a sober, cold person, often involved in small business. At best, you retain common sense and mental vigor until old age. You are a little suggestible and are able to constantly limit yourself in the means. You are not very ambitious, and not romantic at all. You have a wonderful brain and a bright head. You have a very free attitude towards children, with you they can grow like grass, almost without the need for education (the necessary information "is in the air"). In general, the standing of Pluto in Virgo was realized as a revolution in computer-based science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and employment conditions. The people of your generation will become the new alchemists, able to revive alchemy at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. They will use the new heavenly energies in both physics and health. With small means you can achieve great results. You can make an excellent doctor, a reformer of medicine, an excellent astrologer (astrology is the alchemy of the soul).
In the worst case, you will be inherent in: squandering public property, using work and official position for personal purposes. You can be a slacker with a sterilized mind. You belong to a generation that will age early. Freedom in love can manifest itself in this case as a lack of relationship and cold debauchery.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

This position is much more constructive than the position of Pluto in Taurus, since here the transforming effect on Pluto extends not to the forms as a whole, but to the methodology of working with them and to the elements that make them up.
This generation (especially together with Uranus in Virgo 1962-1968) should completely change our ideas about the foundations of the universe, space and time, materialize the laws of karma and derive from them the laws of physics as karma imposed on space-time.
Progress must also be made in understanding the relationship between thought and spirit, and the structure of the mental and astral planes in general and of the corresponding bodies of humanity in particular, must be clarified.
In an individual horoscope, this position gives interest in the foundations of the universe and the rules for composing large forms from small ones, the desire to look at and radically change the basic principles of building reality and create a new, better reality.
In the absence of elaboration, all this remains in the form of vague dreams or nihilism in relation to the existing structures and principles of shaping.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

You were born in a 14-year period (1957-1971) when people were born driven by the need to find an ethical standard, to clearly feel what is true and what is false. You have a subconscious desire to eradicate all evil in the world and bring perfect order everywhere. You are disgusted by everything that is ugly, dirty or ridiculous. But oddly enough, you are often fascinated by the very things that are tasteless, and often there is a feeling of hopelessness and despair because of the way the world works.
These internal emotional conflicts are reflected in your generation's attitude towards lifestyle. Most people in your age group are conservative and ethical, and only a few are the opposite extreme - they like to be strange, unusual in manners and appearance, even sloppy, ridiculous. It seems that there is no middle ground between these two extremes in your generation. Usually the rebellious type of behavior appears in youth, and then gradually disappears, and at an older age, your age group is rather just conservative.
Your age group is not easy to compromise and tend to have strict criteria as to what is right and wrong. You have a strong feeling that you must destroy the evil in the world. Of course, good deeds are highly commendable, but a categorical and one-sided approach to complex issues is unacceptable.
Your age group has undergone a significant revision of its attitude towards Good and Evil and is rushing from one extreme to another. Your generation will make a significant contribution in the fields of medicine, ecology and education.
On a personal level, it stimulates analytical abilities, criticism, the desire to get to the bottom of the roots. Rethinking your mind, subordinating it to mass opinion.
Change comes through social arrangements, attention to unemployment, national minorities, personal and public health. A generation of reformers of everyday life.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Your generation can control its passions and regulate the use of its energy, directing it into a channel of practical service to society. It is less emotional than the previous one.

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