Aspects of Jupiter and Saturn in the natal chart. Conjunction Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction Jupiter - South Lunar Node

Beautification 01.07.2021

The aspect of the social planets - Jupiter and Saturn, to a greater extent, is reflected in such areas of human life as work, career, relationships with management and subordinates. But these aspects do not have a lot of psychological content. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn cannot be unequivocally attributed to the category of only harmonious aspects, but in today's publication, mainly, we will focus on positive aspects.

Perhaps "sociality" is the only thing that binds Jupiter and Saturn together, since their nature is completely different: Jupiter is the planet of expansion, expansion, self-confidence, optimism and other positive things. And Saturn, on the contrary, loves to limit everything, suppress, infringe, squeeze, instill pessimism and blues. The complex relationship of these planets can also be explained by signs in which they have strength and weakness. Saturn, for example, is in exile in Cancer and abides in Capricorn. Jupiter, on the other hand, is exalted in Cancer, and Capricorn is a sign of his fall. That is, where Saturn is strong, Jupiter feels weak, and backwards: where Jupiter is at ease - Saturn feels discomfort.

But you must admit that everything is fine in moderation and even Saturnian stagnation is not devoid of its advantages, and Jupiter's expansion is not as good as it might seem at first glance. However, with a harmonious aspect of these planets, a person manages to develop in a balanced way. In the Jupiterian striving for development, expansion, a person is helped by his Saturnian professional experience, worldly wisdom. But in the opposite direction, the aspect will also work: not only Saturn helps Jupiter, but also Jupiter helps Saturn. For example, self-confidence, entrepreneurial spirit of a person helps him to successfully conduct business and build a career.

The harmonious aspect of Jupiter and Saturn is a healthy indication in natal, testifying to the native's entrepreneurial abilities, his organizational talents, ambition, foresight (especially if their bunch is superimposed on the Sun, Mercury, Mars). Aspect allows you to make plans and methodically implement your plans, without losing optimism and faith. But it is still necessary to assess the strength of the planets in the chart before making such a judgment. The best, in my opinion, is the option when Jupiter in Pisces forms a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. Both planets are strong and even though sextile is considered the weakest aspect, the interaction of the planets can give a lot to the native. Another good option is Saturn in Libra and Jupiter in Sagittarius: Saturn is exalted and Jupiter is in abode.

Sometimes the harmonious aspect of Jupiter and Saturn is played out as follows. Saturn represents the image of a leader, director, and Jupiter is a mentor, teacher, patron. Usually a native with a conjunction / sextile or trigon of these planets has a good relationship with the boss. The latter can even provide help, support to the native somewhere, it is possible that he will intercede for him in unpleasant situations. That is, the boss will perform a patronizing function in relation to the native.

The opposite effect is not excluded. When a native with a similar aspect protects his subordinates, the people who work for him. It turns out that he already acts as a patron for them. As an illustration, I will give an example from my own life. My former boss in natal has a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Libra. In general, everyone born in 1981 has this aspect. So, to this day, I remember with a smile how he stood up not only for me, but also for other employees of the company, always helped, supported both in terms of work and personal. If not for him, perhaps, I quit much earlier. And Herman has always been something of a benefactor, a shield in human form that protected us from the headmistress's wrath. By the way, he is a lawyer and headed the legal department in the company.

In work, a person with a harmonious aspect of Jupiter / Saturn will be lucky, because Jupiter is the planet of luck. But it must be borne in mind that to a non-working person, the aspect will bring little according to the plan of luck. To have luck, that is, to activate Jupiter, you first need to stir your own Saturn. That is, the more a person works, the more luck he has.


- purposeful work, the worldview is permeated with prohibitions. Strictness in faith, clarity of philosophical views, restrained optimism;
- the boss will become a teacher. Travel is work-related. Systematic propaganda of views, development of hierarchical structures;
- enlarged joints, delayed assimilation of food, narrowing of the blood vessels of the liver, narrow hips.
B. The Eater

Conjunction: meeting in one chart, they smooth out, losing their sharpness - the tendency to expand (Jupiter) and restraint (Saturn). Thus, the main values ​​of this aspect are prudence and sound judgment, control and self-affirmation. If this aspect dominates the map, then it can contribute to the advancement to power.
Catherine Aubier

Serious attitude towards life and heavy responsibilities, if other factors do not contradict. Conservatism, practicality. Often monetary difficulties, as there are obstacles in transactions. To achieve the goal - hard work and patience. If there are funds, they can create something for a long time. A series of disappointments can shake optimism. The influence of Jupiter on Saturn means help in a difficult period, although the principle of Jupiter contradicts Saturn, they can mutually destroy each other. Often, fate depends on the economic hardships of the entire nation, which leads to great personal hardships. It is even worse if Jupiter goes ahead, since things started with optimism will soon run into difficulties and fail. This happens whenever a planet transits first along Jupiter, then Saturn, or aspects.
Francis Sakoyan

Opposition Jupiter - Saturn

- faith interferes with a career, beliefs are incompatible with social norms; conflict between duty and self-esteem. Abstract thinking is out of tune with logic;
- conflict between parents; the struggle of the bosses with the beliefs of subordinates; distrust of the teacher; higher education interferes with careers;
- cooling disrupts the liver; stones in the gallbladder.
B. The Eater

Opposition, squaring: a person, on the one hand, prefers to avoid difficulties and seek pleasure, and on the other, he experiences a craving for prudence, based on rigor and self-control, becoming a victim of such a contradiction. Depending on which planet dominates the map (due to angularity or a combination of dominant planets), he will abandon the other in favor of one of these qualities, so, however, failing to completely "erase" it from himself. This is the type of cheerful person who blames himself for his cheerful disposition and awaits punishment, or he is an ascetic with a feeling of dissatisfaction, envious of those who sleep peacefully at night. Catherine Aubier

Problems in the profession, marriage, friendship, religion, team. Their responsibilities and authority depend on how they handle them. Often you have to take on tasks that you have not grown up to. Due to poor time planning and distribution, financial and professional difficulties. Little imagination if there are no other pointers. Not flexible, conservative, danger of stagnation in monotony. Ambitious dreams come true with difficulty due to inability, misfortune, or lack of chances. They are rarely happy at work, because they work only when necessary. Often you have to adapt to the routine, taking a subordinate position. To do something successfully, you have to sacrifice your personal ideals in favor of the demands of the job. Nobody helps them. There is only one choice - to adapt or to suffer, and in adapting - they become narrow-minded. In religion, they are inert, traditional. They are often hypocritical. Barriers to Higher Education. Life is full of hardships and struggles, even with modest goals. Tendency to depression, denial of all optimism. Parents are intolerant, tyrants. Danger of legal difficulties. Difficulties abroad. Francis Sakoyan

Liver disease; inability to make the right choice; mistakes that lead to difficulties and lack of success; dissatisfaction; lack of prudence, lack of will; opportunities are lost. The positive side is hard work, conscientiousness, a sense of duty. S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine) Jupiter - Saturn

- discipline helps to expand the horizons of knowledge. The ability to compensate for any weakness. Overconfidence is based on traditional values;
- harmony between rules and responsibilities; long journeys contribute to a career; unchanging code of honor; patronage of the authorities; easy social growth;
- Calcium promotes better absorption of food.
B. The Eater

Trine, sextile: meeting in one chart, they flatten out, losing their sharpness - the tendency to expand (Jupiter) and restraint (Saturn). Thus, the main values ​​of this aspect are prudence and sound judgment, control and self-affirmation. If this aspect dominates the map, then it can contribute to the advancement to power. A person subtly feels what he needs, and skillfully avoids extremes and excesses. Catherine Aubier

Responsible person, common sense and honesty. Abilities in business, finance, organizational affairs. See beyond your nose. Far-sighted, which is important for the implementation of long-term plans. Careers in politics or public affairs, leadership positions, government officials. Good reputation. Good for judges, lawyers. Saturn culminates in Libra - right, law; the master of Capricorn is the government. Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and the IX house, who rules over the law. This aspect has the color of the IX and V houses. These people are serious and level-headed. Religious attitude towards life in the orthodox sense, if there are no strong outer planets. Sustainability, charity, but your choice. Francis Sakoyan

Foresight and calculation, energy and prudence, the ability to make the right choice, invest strength and money in a successful business; honesty and nobility, fairness, conscientiousness, hard work, extensive knowledge. Sometimes, the same qualities can be given by the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn. The disadvantages include excessive prudence, inability to take risks. S.V. Shestopalov

Jupiter Square - Saturn

- social stereotypes interfere with comprehension of their path. Exaggerated concern for social prestige, excessive ambition. Philosophical views are affirmed in the struggle with authorities, uncertainty interferes with self-confidence;
- too cautious expansion of the sphere of influence; careless attitude to laws; career interests are detrimental to the good name; tough reputation check. Traveling leads to a change of profession.
- excess weight harms the joints of the legs.
B. The Eater

Difficulties in business and finance. Bad luck in the profession. Erroneous estimates in planning, especially finance. With a strong Saturn - lack of initiative or trust to take advantage of the chance, or take on obligations without being prepared. With a strong Jupiter, there is little discipline and experience. With a strong Saturn - hard, hard work, but there is no scope, confidence to inspire others. They distribute their time poorly, are late, cannot convey their business or request to others. They need to learn to patiently go towards the goal, avoiding excessive ambition and excessive indecision, when necessary, they need to take responsibility. Often they work in subordinate positions of institutions, often slaves of a monotonous routine, seem boring. They themselves are bored, hence the melancholy and depression. Often they are under pressure from professional and family problems, which prevents them from developing and acting freely. Difficulties in religion, too orthodox, conservative, materialistic. All are inflexible. Francis Sakoyan

Sick liver, hepatitis; adventurism and lack of prudence: extravagance, absurdity of character; major miscalculations and losses, usually financial; irritability, tendency to argue, injustice, at times dishonesty and meanness. S.V. Shestopalov

Sextile Jupiter - Saturn

- optimism helps to carry out difficult duties; experience forms a value system. Organizational skills;
- easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to higher education, the ability to honestly admit their guilt; the ability to organize charity;
- stable liver function.

December 8 enters the trine orb between two social planets, Saturn and Jupiter. The exact aspect will be from December 10 to 17, 2013. At this time, many business and social initiatives can be very productive and long-term, gain support from influential people and lay the foundation for the further prosperity of the chosen business.

In the natal chart, all other things being equal, this aspect gives excellent organizational and diplomatic abilities. At the same time, in a miraculous way, their initiatives will meet the support of the mighty of this world, and will be loved by most of the society. At the very least, these initiatives are unlikely to meet with serious resistance. Such people are quite capable of organizing and leading the May demonstration, and if Virgo is manifested in the card, then the actions of each participant in the procession will be painted in steps. It is quite possible to use these properties of the aspect, especially if you need to plan something complex, with the participation of a large number of people and for a long time. No, we're not talking about a New Year's corporate party. Although ... why not? Saturn is the patron saint of the Venetian carnival.
Under the influence of the heavenly aspect, we get an invaluable opportunity to integrate into various structures without losing our personal boundaries. You can perfectly work on your own reputation (and then the reputation will work for you for a long time. The effects that can be achieved with the good of Saturn remain with us for a long time). You can “invest” in a career - there will be every chance for this (especially for people with stellium or significant planets in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). It is quite possible to catch “loud statements” in news feeds, and unexpected persons, who were previously in the shadows, may appear at the top of the social hit parade. We are not the only ones to build a career, right?
In any case, it is very important to try to feel the harmony of the aspect. After all, Saturn tells us about constant (self) limitation. Jupiter welcomes expansion and expansion. Cases committed under the influence of this figure will bring greater results if you adhere to a balanced policy and a balance between these principles. That is, do not push with your not fully developed ideas, but give out only verified information of high quality. Desirable - one that has authoritative confirmation. Or at least a logical one. Lilith in Cancer still walks close to Jupiter, so a small, accidentally said nonsense can ultimately seriously spoil the further strategy. Although the trine to Saturn makes it possible to assume that it will be possible to fix everything - if an error is noticed in a timely manner.
This time is favorable for real estate transactions, especially if these are “ancestral” and family nests. You can sell, you can buy (including on a mortgage), you can exchange. All other things being equal, everything can turn out very well. You can invest in growth. Moreover, on the eve of the turn of Venus into retrograde motion, these things should not be postponed on the back burner - or already postponed until the beginning of February. But the world financial system, in contrast to our personal money box, may not be so good. Bank liquidity crises, pension reform, the weakening of the ruble - these are the news of Saturn in Scorpio, which is quite strict with other people's assets. And if you consider how most likely these assets were received ... However, for sure all the changes that will take place at this time will be for the better. True, at first they can scare. But in any case, honesty is the best policy.
In addition, we should be careful with our spending on entertainment. For example, treating yourself to a cake is not an option. To please yourself with a training course or training is much better.

You can also catch luck by the tail on December 9th. At 20:22 Moscow time, the Moon will join the aspect figure with Jupiter and Saturn, and close the aspects to the Great Water Trine. Throughout this day, listen to your intuition and destiny, keep your ears on top so as not to miss the wonderful chances that life can throw up. It is interesting that just under the water trine Saturn-Uranus storm “Xavier” comes to St. Petersburg. Apparently, good changes can be brought to our city only in this way 😉

Nothing is impossible. You just have to Live, at the moment when others simply exist.

People never grow up. They're just learning how to behave in public (Bernard Shaw)

Trine of Jupiter and Saturn. Side by side, there are two mutually exclusive states interacting harmoniously, "I can do anything" and "I need, only what I need."

(+) finally, my long-awaited meeting with me, and happiness happened.

The sun always shines somewhere.

Happiness awaits no one; it wanders the world in long white robes, singing a children's song ...

But this naive child needs to be caught, she needs to be liked, she needs to be looked after, cared for and cherished.

(from O. Bender's monologue)

But it also happens the other way around, it turns out that nothing is needed from the fact that I am offered. That's not mine. Or from a distance it seemed perfect, but not so close.

The task is to learn gratitude. Accept with joy what is given. To what has come now, a lot of efforts have been made, and this cannot be rejected with disgust. But leaving it as it is without improving the inconvenient design is also wrong. We go longer using what has come to us, we build it into our life, where it is necessary we do "reconstruction".

Captured by our harsh winters

Will remind us of a hot summer

And will fill the house with aroma

Like the sun is a bright orange.

thin O. Mumolina. Winter still life

Eighty-three percent of all days of the year start out the same: the alarm goes off.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Monday starts Saturday

Give the person what they need and they want the comforts. Provide him with comforts - he will strive for luxury. Shower him with luxury - he will begin to sigh for exquisite. Let him receive the exquisite - he craves madness. Give him whatever he wants - he will complain that he was deceived, and that he did not get what he wanted.

© Ernest Hemingway

You think that this is just another day of your Life. This is not just another day: this is the very only day that is given to you today. It is given to you. This is a gift. The only gift you have right now. And the only right response is to feel grateful.

Brother David Steindl-Rast

Each night, write the six most important things you need to do tomorrow.

Then when you sleep, your subconscious mind will work on the best solutions to your problems. The next day will go smoother. ” (T. Hopkins method)

My coordinates: mail [email protected] Phone +79030926142

The energy of Jupiter, called the “great benefactor,” is usually positive and expansive. Aspects of Jupiter in the natal chart bring optimism, enthusiasm, good mood, but sometimes her energy overflows.

What do the harmonious aspects of Jupiter mean in the horoscope?

Tense aspects, especially with Saturn, can hold back the energy somewhat, but, as a rule, do not cause much difficulty.

A square with Venus, for example, gives a person who is too generous, who lavishes generosity right and left, not thinking about whether his gifts are needed or not.

Trines with Jupiter are usually favorable, but may not bring any specific result without the application of some effort.

Aspects of Jupiter in a child's natal chart indicate how he will share himself with the world around him and express himself in creativity.

Strong aspects give protection and faith in higher powers, and weak or no aspects of Jupiter indicate self-doubt.

Jupiter's conjunctions with other planets

Jupiter's conjunctions in the natal chart are its closest approach to other planets. The influence of the conjunction (conjunction) of Jupiter is felt primarily in the house in which it is located.

It is important to keep an eye on the aspects related to the connection. If they are auspicious, then the superior, expansive qualities of Jupiter dominate.

If the connection turns out to be in an unfavorable aspect, extravagance and excesses are to be expected.

Jupiter - Saturn conjunction

It is important who is stronger, Saturn or Jupiter. If Jupiter is stronger, then incomprehensible requirements are not fulfilled by man, if Saturn, then there will always be an explanation for any requirement.

He is well versed in the laws. He is able to find a thousand ways to get around the law. Therefore, it is quite dangerous.

But it seems to him that he is just a dumbass, unable to understand what is not written on the stone tablets.

Compassion for him is shown not because he deserves it, but because it is supposed to be, so duty commands. And it makes him very sad; he is inconsolable.

And he suffers a lot, although it seems to others that this is an exaggeration.

This aspect, which occurs about once every twenty years, means that you may have to overcome major obstacles to be successful in the affairs of the conjunct home.

The two planets are inherently in conflict; Jupiter wants to expand the scope of activity, Saturn seeks to limit it.

Jupiter - Uranus conjunction

Great original. In general, the person is good. Maybe he's a genius or just crazy, but funny. He wants to know everything at once, and at the same time it is almost impossible to understand him.

He feels like an alien among humans.

A person with such a conjunction of Jupiter in the natal chart is very friendly, but you do not leave the feeling that he does not care about all his friends.

He understands symbols and cannot pass them by indifferently. The world is full of signs for him, which he must certainly understand.

And he feels good with the same eccentrics. He wants the welfare of everyone and remains an idealist, enthusiastically looking into the future, not noticing the present.

So he's never here. He is always "out there" somewhere. Where the truth is.

This happens about once every fourteen years. This means that you get sudden and unexpected opportunities to advance in the area controlled by the home of the conjunction location.

You can suddenly go on a journey. You benefit from friends, occult groups and progressive, original ideas and methods.

Jupiter - Neptune conjunction

Saint. It is often very unpleasant in its everyday manifestations. A person who is able to sort out very unclear situations with absolutely no problems.

He is an excellent guide to untouched places, who is quite capable of going there, I don’t know where to bring that, I don’t know - what.

Never get lost anywhere. Nothing disturbs him. He seeps everywhere and knows about things that allow him to save time a lot.

The Lord personally leads him around the world. And he is well aware of this. He's sorry for everyone. Maybe this is what saves him.

This aspect can be found every thirteen years.

You have a rich imagination, a certain penchant for spirituality or mysticism, and you have some kind of psychic talent that you should develop.

With this aspect, extreme idealism may arise, which must be constructively directed towards practical application.

Jupiter - Pluto conjunction

This person will achieve whatever he wants. Because he knows the path to every goal that he sets for himself.

Maybe it will take a lot of time, because he will have to stray after all, but he will certainly reach the goal.

A person with such a conjunction of Jupiter in the natal chart is generous. This is reflected in the choice of funds. He will use force if necessary.

But if there is even one chance to avoid it, he will notice it.

He knows that people love to death, and this allows him to quickly find companions who go with him, because they want the same thing that he himself.

He doesn't need to urge them on. And they will not let him be too scattered.

This powerful aspect can work constructively or destructively.

You are either striving to achieve goals that benefit not only you but others as well, or you are greedy for power.

In people who have realized themselves, there is a noticeable passion for yoga, meditation, the study of metaphysics and spiritual healing.

Jupiter Conjunction - North Lunar Node

An excellent aspect, especially if you are involved with public relations. Your beliefs are in line with current trends.

Jupiter Conjunction - South Lunar Node

Most of the time, you feel blocked - limited or surrounded by inhibitions - as you would with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

Be careful when traveling abroad. Look at which house the North Node is located in to understand how to overcome the obstacles of this aspect.

Jupiter - Ascendant conjunction

Your optimism inspires others, those who see you as a kind of authority. Most of your passions revolve around education, law, or spiritual concerns.

You enjoy traveling, especially to other countries. With this aspect, there is a tendency to overweight.

Jupiter Conjunction - Midheaven

This is an excellent aspect for achieving professional recognition and success. It can often be found in the horoscopes of politicians, lawyers, educators, anyone in the public eye.

Jupiter conjunction - IC

You are a builder - literally or figuratively. This aspect is good for real estate brokers and anyone involved with building construction, renovation or decoration.

Your early childhood was probably wonderful, with many people coming and going.

You have a strong relationship with your partner. In the later part of life, you can expect prosperity and material comfort.

Conjunction Jupiter - Point of Fortune

You make a profit and find good luck in all matters related to Jupiter.

Sextiles and Trigons of Jupiter with other planets

These aspects usually imply success and prosperity in areas ruled by Jupiter: law, publishing, religion and spirituality, higher education, travel to other countries and cultures.

Trines are built-in safety systems that reduce the impact of the less fortunate aspects of Jupiter.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Saturn

Success in dealing with this aspect is practically guaranteed if there are no indications to the contrary in other parts of the horoscope.

You can work in the fields of jurisprudence and law, higher education, or clergy. Your integrity is at the top of the possible.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Uranus

This is the karmic aspect in which you get sudden avalanches of money or opportunities.

You have highly developed discernment, it tells you when to seize opportunities that other people are missing.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, you travel and experience unusual experiences in other countries that broaden your understanding of the possible.

Your political views are liberal. Your spiritual inclinations are closer to unconventional and metaphysical than to orthodox.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Neptune

This mystical aspect often finds expression in spiritual sciences and education. Knowledge, thanks to the expansive nature of Jupiter, is usually shared with others.

Spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation can be applied. In developed people, this aspect may indicate a benevolence comparable to Mother Teresa.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Pluto

This is the only case in which the dark manifestations of Pluto are absent.

Your great willpower and attuned psychic abilities indicate that you can shine as a spiritual leader.

You act according to your spiritual convictions and are able to bring about the kind of change that affects many people.

Sextile or Trine of Jupiter and Nodes

Whichever direction your life moves, the essence of it is - maintaining the intentions of your soul. You have the ability to correct the excesses or mistakes of past lives.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Ascendant

This aspect attracts what we all strive for: good luck and health, a happy marriage and a prosperous relationship. Your optimism and humor attract loyal friends and supporters.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Midheaven or 1C

This is another amazing aspect that indicates outstanding professional success and a happy home life. If you have this aspect, consider yourself blessed.

Sextile or Trigon of Jupiter and Points of Fortune

This aspect assumes material benefits, spiritual insights and happiness, according to the sign and the house in which the aspect is located.

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