Okunevo Siberia. Okunevo village of Omsk region - anomalous zone? What is he looking for in a distant land

Painting 19.03.2021

Okunevsky ark. Not far from the regional center Muromtsevo, which is north of Omsk, there is the village of Okunevo, known not only in the region, but also far beyond its borders. This small village, located on the high bank of the Tara River, is rich not only in picturesque wildlife and local exoticism. Old-timersOkunevo has been observing various mysterious phenomena here for many years.
For example, in the forest around the village, there are trees with knocked down tops. A lot of trees are twisted, or bent in some incomprehensible way.
For a long time near Okunevo, strange flying objects have been seen in the form of glowing balls and large spots of yellow, orange and red colors. They were noticed in the forest and in the meadows, on the Tatar ridge on the banks of the Tara, or even in their own garden. Someone dreamed of a column of light in the meadow behind the village outskirts, and next to them were the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared over the girls. That former front-line soldier, seriously scared, said that on a moonlit summer night he saw a huge dog, which, having swum to the other side of Tara, turned into a huge human being dressed in white clothes. Some hear the ringing of bells and unearthly music, others see beautiful horses rushing across the sky. And such strange stories have accumulated over many decades. But such "fairy tales" even before the beginning of the 90s were used only by the locals alike to each other. It is understandable, there was no one to share impressions with - the village was only 5 or 6 streets. There was simply nowhere for the newcomers to come from. Dabout 1992 no one knew about Okunevo, except for the residents of the Muromtsevsky district itself. But soon everything changed. The birth of faith. Initially, this place was of no value. The Siberian village lived by its own way of life and was not ready for revolutionary changes. The turning point for the future of Okunevo was the arrival there Rasmas Rositis- a student of the Indian babajist Shri Muniraji. The path of the spiritual founder of the future Okunev ark was not covered with roses. By birth, Rasma is Latvian, but she hardly lived in Latvia. Her parents fled the war from Latvia to West Germany in 1944. There she was educated and became interested in theology, choosing an unusual direction - Babajism. Shri Babaji in India is considered a very authoritative saint and earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. A prophetic dream that she once had led her on long journeys:
- In a dream I saw Babaji, he called me to India. Rasma Since her husband did not support her in this aspiration, Rasma went to the edge of the continent alone. In 1983, Rasma came to Babaji's successor, teacher Muniraji, the "king of silence", where she stayed for seven years, spending time in work and prayers. Then she was given a new spiritual name - Rajni. At the end of her spiritual education, Rajni realized her mission, to bring the light of knowledge to the vastness of the former Soviet empire. This idea came to her during one of the meditations and, being supported by the teacher, found its real embodiment. Rajni did not have much money for such a large-scale project - her trips were financed by Indian Babajist funds. Rasma went to Russia with a Russian-speaking friend, who became a guide in this foreign world. Having traveled around 18 places, the missionaries focused their attention on the Omsk region. And there were good reasons for that. The Indian spiritual heritage, not in a single source, tells us about the exodus of the Aryans from the territory of present-day Siberia to Hindustan. This is evidenced by dozens of Sanskrit toponyms and hydronyms, concentrated in several centers in Siberia. One of the centers where many such names of rivers and localities are located is the Omsk region. A striking example, myself regional center Omsk has in its composition the syllable Om, sacred for the Hindus, which, according to their ideas, is endowed with colossal divine energy permeating the Universe and is the Alpha and Omega of our material world. After some time, Muniraja's teacher wrote a clarifying letter to Rajni, which contained the following lines: - You must find a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman ... This is very important for Russia. According to the Indian epic Ramayana, Hanuman is the Monkey King, one of Rama's companions, who helped Him fight demons. In order to find information about Hanuman, the women went to libraries, museums and archives to find the information they needed. They communicated with psychics and scientists. The latter, that is, Omsk archaeologists, pointed out to inquisitive Indian women that in the area of ​​the village of Okunevo, a place was found where some kind of rituals were carried out in ancient times.The already published book "A complex of archaeological monuments on the Tatar Uval near the village of Okunevo" contains the following quite ordinary lines:"... there was probably a cult place on the hill fort ..." The very area where this village was located was also marked by the Aryan trace. The regional center Muromtsevo stands for: “ m»- recreation, revival; " ur" - Sveta " ohm"Is a creative word. Okunevo is located on the Tara River, which also has a connection with the goddess "Savior" in the pantheon of Buddhist Gods. Having learned about so many strange coincidences of West Siberian and Indian cultures, the ascetics went to Okunevo to check the information given by archaeologists, and if the result was positive, to revive the temple of King Hanuman. Having settled in one of the houses, Rajni began to realize her difficult mission. After equipping the altar of the god Shiva, Rajni daily performed arti - the ritual of bathing, rubbing with oil and decorating with flowers murti - divine figures. On Sundays, she arranged a havan on the Tatar Uval - a fire ritual with the singing of hymns and the offering of rice, nuts, and raisins to Shiva. - It was very difficult, and at some point I thought that I would shut up the windows and leave. Siberian winter, moreover, the opposition to the traditional Orthodox Church. Rajni But she survived and went through hard times. And later in the summer she received her divine message, which determined the fate of this place: - I stopped in a tent near the village. I was alone. I fasted and prayed for five days. I didn't even know which side of the village was. On the fifth night, from 12:00 to 5:00 in the morning, I observed light phenomena: the light floated around, luminous creatures came to me, I saw the semblance of machines woven from light, and heard unearthly music. This confirmed to me that this is the place that I had to find. The place where there was an unusual vision, Rajni called Omkar and a certain "Navel of the Earth", and after that an ashram was founded in the village.Omkar Shiva Dham. It happened in 1992. And this year was the unofficial discovery of a new Okunev phenomenon. Soon Rajni had like-minded people - Omsk, Muscovites, and then people from different parts of Russia. Her hut turned into an ashram.Under the new ashram, Rajni lived for about five years, performing Vedic rituals daily. At that time, Russia was flooded with sects pouring in from abroad, so few people were surprised at the presence of Hindus in a remote Siberian village. The newspapers occasionally wrote about the new spiritual direction, which contributed to the influx of people into Okunevo, who were captured by the idea of ​​the Temple of the Divine Monkey. Friendship of religions. If before 1991 people came to the Muromtsevsky district, the only thing they would be offered to see would be the old Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, built by Tsar Alexander II with donations from peasants. But after 1991, they learned about this village throughout Russia and abroad. At first, as already mentioned, attention to this place was shown by the followers of Babaji, who began to gather in Okunevo after the mystical revelations of Rasma Rositis about the "Navel of the Earth". In 1994 the ashram was registered as a religious community and it became the Russian center of the international organization of Babaji's followers "Haidakhan
Samaj ".
Rumors about the church and the community spread throughout Russia and far beyond its borders. Pilgrims from all over the world began to come to Okunevo. In 1993, an Omsk businessman Sergey Saulin built a six-sided chapel, as an indication that at the bottom of Shaitan Lake is hidden a magic Crystal, which was located in the temple of Hanuman. And after that, the Russian Orthodox Church was seriously concerned about the state of affairs in Okunevo. In the same 1993, the then Archbishop of Omsk and Tarsk Theodosius personally came to Okunevo to "repulse the Babajists". The conflict, according to the locals, did not have a serious continuation. The Russian Orthodox Church installed an Orthodox cross on the sacred tract. But the churchmen did not limit themselves to this, and began to periodically sprinkle holy water on the dhuni - a ritual pit for the offerings of the Babajists, or even break it altogether, and also at the same time appropriated the construction of a pagan chapel to themselves from time to time. Such a sluggish conflict lasted a couple of years until the pagans - Ynglings, led by the well-known Russian "extremist" Alexander Khinevich, came to the aid of the Babajists. As the founder and leader of the Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers, it was he who supposedly translated by a miracle somewhere the runic letters that had survived, from which it followed that in ancient times, the mythical country of Belovodye stretched on the territory between the Urals and the Eastern Ocean. Its capital, Asgard, flaunted at the confluence rivers Om and Iriy (Irtysh), which corresponds to the current location of Omsk. According to these chronicles, Slavic-Aryan tribes inhabited Belovodye more than 100 thousand years ago. And in the interfluve of the Irtysh and Tara, there was a temple complex built by the High Priest of the Light cult of the Goddess Tara Khan Uman. So, being essentially brothers in faith for the Babajists, the Ynglings have now begun to quarrel with the orthodox priests. Moscow director Alexander Kibkalo perfectly showed this conflict in all colors in his film "Okunevsky Crystal". In this regard, and for ten years by the beginning of the 00s, little has changed there. On Omkar, the Ynglings put their symbol - an eight-pointed swastika, a Kolovrat. After them, Hare Krishnas, followers of Sai Baba, Buddhists, and other adherents of spiritual movements exotic for Siberia began to come to Okunevo. And after the resonant articles of scientists and researchers of the Okunev phenomenon, countless regiments of psychics, magicians, healers, and just people with weirdness moved to the village. Officially, the season opens with the annual summer solstice festival, which attracts thousands of pilgrims and fans of ethnic parties. Throughout the summer, representatives of different religious confessions spend their holidays here. Babajists celebrate Navaratri, pagans - the night of Ivan Kupala, the Day of Perun and the goddess Tara. On special days, the time on the Tatar ridge is scheduled by the hour: the Old Believers pray in the morning, then the Orthodox, then the Hare Krishnas sing for half a day. This is a common thing for the Okunevskaya hinterland. In general, over time, Omkar turned into a cult place of Power near Okunevo, where all the listed categories of citizens celebrated their rituals, arranging enchanting performances on their holidays, to which a lot of curious audience came. As Rajni predicted, Okunevo turned into a temple of tolerance for religions.
Even after the founder of the Okunev phenomenon left for her homeland in Latvia due to difficulties with a visa, interest in this place did not wane, but grew even stronger and eventually turned into a global phenomenon. And the main catalyst of this process was the researcher Mikhail Rechkin. The belief that this is a new ark with the Temple and Crystal, and in the conditions of an approaching planetary catastrophe, will be almost the only place where salvation can be found, attracted a large number of people here. It was a kind of new Altai, only pilgrims who had read Rechkin's books about the imminent end of the world came here to survive the coming catastrophe of 2012, and after the collapse of the Nibiruan advent and all other catastrophes resulting from global planetary changes. After such a PR, the value of real estate in the village increased significantly, and everyone who wanted to join the High, including from abroad, gathered here. But even with all the disadvantages that the excessive popularity and unfulfilled end of the world gave to this place, which seriously cooled the ardor of many, Rechkin did not rely in his research on fantasies. Several expeditions prepared and conducted by him with the involvement of the instrumental potential of various scientists made it possible to almost physically confirm that there is something very phenomenal under the ground near Okunevo. And now I will tell you more about this. Expeditions of Mikhail Rechkin. New impetus in developmentthe topic of the Okunev phenomenon after Rajni, as I said, was given by the researcher Mikhail Rechkin. It all happened in 1993. - I came to the Muromtsevo regional center in my small homeland from the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where I lived then, and went to the local editorial office of the Znamya Truda newspaper. The editor of the newspaper told me a story that a certain Indian woman, Rasma, came to the village of Okunevo. She claims that there, on the site of a village in ancient times, there was a temple of extraordinary beauty. And the remains of this temple have been preserved under a layer of sedimentary rocks. Rechkin Of course, Mikhail did not believe his acquaintance then, and after this conversation he returned to Nizhnevartovsk. But the information was embedded in the subconscious, and waited for an hour when the consciousness would be able to perceive it. For Rechkin, the slow "entry" into the topic began, as it were, from afar. Lake Danilovo, which is one of the three healing reservoirs of the Omsk region, became the catalyst. The most valuable are three of them: Danilovo, Linevo, Shaitan Lake... No one knows the reasons for such healing qualities of their water, but according to legend, they are connected by an underground river, which charges them with magical power, either from fragments of meteorites or from other sources. Danilovo, located on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, is the most curative of all these three. In Nizhnevartovsk, Mikhail Rechkin knew the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich, to whom he asked various questions from time to time, trying to squeeze out something valuable from the alien channel. In 1996, she got the topic of the healing properties of Lake Danilovo. Olga confirmed the extraordinary usefulness of this reservoir. In her opinion, the lakes were created by the Cosmos, and indeed have a meteoric origin, since they were created by fragments of one celestial body. The next important point for Rechkin was the information that there are not three healing lakes in this area, but five. The last, the fifth, the most mystical. Only a select few know about him. It is in everyone's sight, but not everyone can see it. This lake, which Rechkin later called Hidden in the opinion of the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. And in order to get this effect, it is necessary to plunge in a certain sequence into the waters of all five lakes. Rechkin, of course, was very interested in this information and he set out to find and explore the missing two lakes and unravel the mystery of all five lakes. Further questions from the clairvoyant enriched Rechkin with new information. In ancient times, on the banks of the Tara, which at that time was full-flowing like the Indian Ganges, there was a temple. And in this temple in the central hall there was a "jewel of unearthly origin" - a power conical Crystal. The energy of this Crystal charges the waters of all five lakes through a common underground system. But at that time, the Crystal was intended to establish a distant space connection with the civilization of creators from one of the planets of the Sirius star system. It was then that Rechkin remembered the words of the editor of the Muromtsev newspaper about the temple near Okunevo. Now it was required to question in detail the Indian woman Rajni herself about the temple that she sees in her visions and compare this information with the data of Olga Gurbanovich. In addition to the fact that Rajni told Mikhail Rechkin about the luminous creatures and their machines woven from light, which she saw on the sacred Omkar, there was information that almost exactly coincided with what Olga Gurbanovich said - in the temple of King Hanuman there was a certain channel of distant space communication. Definitely both women were talking about the same thing. Now it was necessary to go and find out everything on the spot. In July 1998of the year Mikhail Rechkin conducted the first exploration expedition, drove through all the supposed lakes, studied the surroundings of Okunev and interviewed local residents for various unusual phenomena. In the village of Incissa, neighboring to Okunevo, an old Tatar by the name of Karymov told the researcher a very strange story about tohm that summerIn 1947, a secret NKVD expedition worked near his village.Every day the secretaries went into the taiga and returned from it late in the evening. But one day they did not return. Later, other people arrived by car, loaded the belongings of the missing people and took them away. The old men from Incissa confidently declared that the lost disappeared in a special place. You can walk this place a thousand times - and nothing, but at some point it becomes a trap. As forthere are more than enough facts of observations near Okunevo of various anomalous phenomena, starting with the arrival of the Babajists on this land, who, unlike local residents, began to approach this process more carefully. Abnormal phenomena Okunevo. Polls of local residents, which Mikhail Rechkin began in the 90s, made it clear that the area near the village of Okunevo is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. The Okunevo - Alekseevka - Porechye triangle is especially rich in manifestation of various anomalous phenomena. For many years, local residents have been observing mysterious phenomena on this territory - glowing balls of yellow, orange and red colors, unusual glow in the form of rays coming from the earth.... of mysterious origin, deep pits-adits near the village of Porechye and beyond the village of Okunevo where the spring melt water flows. In the forties, paranormal phenomena were noted in these places. The Okunev children, playing outside the village, suddenly noticed a round dance of girls in bright sarafans on the banks of the Tara River from somewhere unknown. Then three huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses began to appear above the round dance. Their height was several meters. In other years, the Okunev guys saw a vision in the air of "a living horseman, absolutely real, dressed in the uniform of a civil war commissar." Many of those who have been in the area of ​​the Okunevo village have seen inexplicable phenomena: mysterious glow in the mist of lakes, "laser" beams unexpectedly piercing the night sky, UFO flights. VIn December 1997, in the evening over one of the mysterious lakes, there was observed "a white dome with foggy stains inside and a bright rainbow outside with a radius of three kilometers upward, and ten kilometers wide, which stood for forty minutes, and then melted ...". Rechkin himself heard the story about fantome of the pyrolysis gas flue floating on Tara.
Subsequent studies of these phenomena gave reason to scientists to assert that anomalous phenomena are the result of the outflow of plasma from the earth's interior in places of fractures in the earth's crust, on which the village of Okunevo stands. By this they explain all kinds of miracles of light, chronomirages, as well as the displacement of space-time worlds, as happened with the "secretaries" in 1947 near the village of Inciss. Since then, the number of anomalous manifestations of nature near Okunevo has multiplied every year. Most of the cases remained mainly in the heads of eyewitnesses, but many photographs and even video footage of anomalous phenomena are still circulating on the network and published in the books of Rechkin himself, which personally convinces me of the energy-informational originality of the entire area near that Siberian village. And the point here is more likely not in faults, but in something more significant, which came to us from antiquity. Hanuman Temple. Several years before the start of active search activities, Mikhail Rechkin, using the information capabilities of psychics, contactees, biolocators involved in the work, the main of which was Olga Gurbanovich, was able to collect enough information to join this most interesting quest to find the cult place of the Indo-Aryans for the first time described Rajni as a temple of Hanuman. - ZHere, according to a number of scholars, the most ancient Indo-Aryan epic "Mahabharata" was formed, the images and characters of which are surrounded by the local rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys. Here, probably, was the cradle of the Indo-Aryans, some of them later went to the south of Asia, to the borders of Hindustan. V. I. Matyushchenko, professor And what do the Indian chronicles tell us about the personality of King Hanuman himself? More than 15 thousand years ago, on the territory of present-day Siberia, there was a large civilization of settlers from the dead Hyperborea. Global cooling drove the arcts to the mainland, where they occupied this territory. Before the exodus of the Aryans, a powerful civilization existed on the territory of Western Siberia, and on the banks of the "deep like the great Ganges of the Tara River" there was a spiritual and scientific center associated with the sage and healer Hanuman, an associate of Rama. Much has been said about Rama's campaigns in particular in the epics "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana". It was Rama, according to legend, who brought his people to Hindustan. It happened after a planetary catastrophe that happened 12.5 thousand years BC. which led to a sharp cooling in Siberia. We do not know much about Hanuman. But in the pantheon of Indian Gods, He is a fairly significant figure. It is also believed that the famous Indian saint Sai Baba in one of his previous incarnations was a high-ranking priest in that very temple of Hanuman. In photographs, he often appears with images of Hanuman, and in this black and white photograph on the right, pay attention to the shadow of Sai Baba. Impressive? One word - Miracle worker!
Indian chronicles tell us that more than twenty-five thousand years ago, between the crown prince Rama - from the kingdom of Ayodhya and the demon Ravana from the island of Lanka, a war broke out due to the kidnapping of Ravana's wife Rama - Sita. And Rama won this war, using the army of monkeys led by Hanuman, who possessed extraordinary mystical powers. And in memory of this feat, Rama gave Hanuman Siberia, where at that time there was a beautiful city. After which Hanuman stayed there, and in later times a temple was erected in his honor. Hanuman founded his kingdom in Siberia and ruled there for a long time. Subsequently, the Aryan peoples living in those places erected several temples dedicated to Hanuman, where they worshiped him as the embodiment of Rudra - the patron and protector of this area. With the onset of the ice age, the Aryans migrated south to the Indian subcontinent, leaving their place of residence under the influence of magical protection. The Aryans believed that at the end of one of the cycles of the era - Kali, there will be a revival of their race and it will begin where the great Hanuman, the earthly incarnation of Rudra, once ruled. According to psychics and contactees, the Hanuman temple complex was technologically very advanced. There was a thinking Crystal with great cosmic power. This Crystal was composite and was dismantled after the disaster. The same Olga Gurbanovich, who advised Rechkin, said that The temple stood on a many-meter foundation of frozen cinnabar, which, when exposed to heat, took on the properties of quicksand. And then the Temple smoothly went to a given depth. And so it happened when the Temple was invaded by invaders and all buildings, together with technologies and the Crystal, went underground. According to Rechkin, the four parts of the Crystal were hidden at the bottom of the lakes, and the Central Element was hidden in the area of ​​the present Okunev. Apart from this, that there was a certain technology capable of "drowning" the Temple in a short time, there is nothing to explain the disappearance of the whole Center. A layer of sedimentary rocks could not have brought structures 50-100 meters high for millennia. And even with the formed funnel, Tara would quickly dry up. The water would simply go underground along with the complex. In general, it is still pointless to discuss the high technologies of the ancients. Even if you do not believe in the "fairy tales" of contactees, the places near Okunevo showed the presence of magnetic and other anomalies, which were registered by various scientists over many years of research. Now, about these studies actually started, as I said at the suggestion of Mikhail Rechkin. Expedition "Okunevo - 2000". Initially, Mikhail Rechkin planned to use the department of Novosibirsk academician Kaznacheev to organize a future scientific expedition. For many years, his "Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine" was engaged in the substantiation of various kinds of abnormal places and phenomena. In the early 90s, employees of the institute were engaged in experiments with Kozyrev's mirrors to transmit thoughts at a distance. It was such a classic secret research institute from newspaper publications. The media write about such people that the military and special services are behind them, and contactees and psychics help them. If it was still possible to enlist the support of Kaznacheev, then organize under his controla comprehensive research expedition and deep research in the Okunev area did not work out. But Vlail Petrovich gave Rechkin good advice: - Since the scientific tools in the study of anomalous natural phenomena are still far from perfect, select a group of people with supersensitive abilities, and start working with them, and only then examine the places that they indicate with the help of instruments. So Rechkin did, attracting various contactees and psychics to obtain information, who indicated the necessary energy-active points, and then geophysicists and other scientists were already following in their footsteps, who, with the help of instruments, tried to obtain material confirmation of the words of the ghosts. Such a well-known scheme has been used more than once and has shown its high efficiency. It was important to choose the right consultants. In addition to Olga Gurbanovich, Rechkin was also consulted by several more specialists, the information from whom he tried to check on the ground.
The starting point for organizing a scientific expedition to Okunevo was the acquaintance of Mikhail Rechkin with the Moscow geophysicist Zaitsev, who was already familiar with the Omsk region and even 57 years ago recovered from tuberculosis on Lake Danilovo. He agreed to head the scientific department of the future expedition and try to lift the veil of secrecy. The expedition was financed by a sponsor who was interested in Rechkin's stories about the Okunev Ark. On July 22, 2000, the combined group left for the Okunevo area. The first object of research was the so-called Shkolnaya Gora, located on the banks of the Tara River in the center of Okunevo. According to historical chronicles, it was under this mountain in the summer of 1963 that the Okunev children discovered two mirror-polished stone slabs, which could have been part of some ancient structure. Scientists were required to "probe" the space under this mountain with the help of seismic devices. Upon Rechkin's return from Muromtsevo, Zaitsev gave a sensation:- H at a depth of 12 meters, a certain artificial structure was discovered, and next to it ... a source of radio waves operating in the 30 MHz range, and this source was turned on, like a radio beacon, between 17 and 19 hours. Since there is no natural stone there, it is most likely that there are fragments of stone slabs there. A land scan at the School site revealed several velocity anomalies, apparently, of anthropogenic origin. - Usually, anomalous objects are characterized by higher velocities of propagation of longitudinal waves, sometimes up to 2000 - 3000 m / s against a background of 500700 m / s for the surrounding ground. Such velocities of elastic waves are typical for dense inclusions such as stone fragments and slabs. Sizes of anomalous zones in plan up to 812 m. Perhaps some of them are of archaeological interest. Rechkin The results of the survey gave scientists reason to assume that the two slabs found by schoolchildren in this area were not the only ones, but "temporal variations in the magnetic component of the radio field" in the eastern part of the site could indicate the presence of a radio beacon underground. Arrived every other day Olga Gurbanovich from Nizhnevartovsk saw the ruins of a stone building under the school mountain, but she did not confirm the presence of a radio beacon there. There is no source there. It's just that radio waves are reflected from the surface of the plates and that's it ...- she explained. Then Olga began to "look through" the surroundings.
“There was a city here. And there,- she pointed to the ridges, - was the main Temple where the Crystal stood.She stretched out her hand and pointed to the place where on July 18, 1996, a strange lightning struck twice! Rechkin took note of this informationplanning to carry out drilling and possibly excavations in this area in the coming seasons.
The next day, the researchers decidedand check the so-called Tatarsky Uval, which is an ancient multilayer burial ground. It was near this place that Rajni saw her prophetic visions. Quote from the report of geophysicists: - At the Chasovnya site, seismic exploration revealed several anomalous zones and objects in the soil strata, primarily on profiles that are probably of anthropogenic origin and are of archaeological interest. They usually have the character of denser inclusions in the soil, less often they are characterized by lower density. The depth of these anomalous objects is usually from 1.5 to 4 m, rarely up to 6–8 m. According to the data of radio wave measurements, the most informative sections of the section are located 140-200 m south of the chapel. It was obvious that archaeologists had not dug here yet, and judging by the results of seismic exploration, there is a lot of interesting things from later eras in the ground. Although Rechkin was interested in something else - the Temple, which Olga Gurbanovich described. And where is the energy center itself? Contactees and clairvoyants pointed to the interfluve of Tara and Irtysh. There the center of the Temple was supposed to be - the most energetically strong place. But on the ground it turned out to be a huge field of 15 by 25 km. One of the psychics helped determine the place where the tunnel leading to the Temple was supposed to be. The place celebrated it
a lone pine tree that was the only one within a radius of several kilometers. On this tip, the expedition found the place.
Beat profiles: five hundred meters south of the pine and five hundred to the north. There's a tunnel underground! Ancient tunnel! He must be detected! He will lead us to the Temple!- Rechkin shouted excitedly. The scientists settled down with the equipment and began to probe the ground. Then they discovered a unique "waveguide effect", which they designated as "Energocenter - 1". The wave under the ground spread with great speed, which was possible only in the presence of some kind of emptiness. And this is what is remarkable when the head of geophysicists A.S. Zaitsev turned to the Institute of Physics of the Earth with the research results, but they did not believe him there. According to classical geophysics, this simply could not be. It was this effect of the waveguide that indicated the probable presence of an ancient tunnel underground!To be convinced of this, it was necessary to drill. If the core of the drilling tool brings a column of solid material (stone, concrete, metal or glassy melt) to the surface, then the existence of the tunnel will become almost indisputable. So Mikhail Rechkin decided: - I think it would be more correct to track it along its entire length with the help of seismic devices and use it to go to one of the temples. In addition, eThe expedition continued to search for the fourth and fifth lakes, where, according to clairvoyants, parts of the same Crystal should have been located. With the help of Olga Gurbanovich, the researchers calculated the fourth lake. It turned out to be Lake Shchuchye, located near Lake Linevo. And the fifth, the most mystical, was yet to be found. Expedition "Okunevo-2001". Inspired by the first results of his research, Mikhail Rechkin planned to organize an expedition in the summer of 2001 as well. To search for information, he recruited new psychics to work, one of whom, having looked at maps of the area pointed to the isthmus of the Okunevskiy tyup.Tara in this place makes a huge loop, inside of which scientists discovered a powerful geopathogenic zone last season, which they called a "dark place". I will say that in 2008 I visited this islet, in the center of which there is a curved dead tree. The abnormality of this place is clearly felt even without any instruments. A large circle has been trampled around the tree by the hooves of local cows, which are herded here to graze. The trance place affects not only people but also animals. But the Moscow psychic Snezhanna Tomilova pointed not here, but to the isthmus, where the pasture fence stands. - There is a very strong flow of some kind of energy!she said confidently. Rechkin recalled that it was here that eyewitnesses once saw a column of light with the ghostly figures of two women. On July 19, 2001 the expedition arrived in Okunevo. The scientific staff of geophysicists remained the same this time. Alexander Zaitsev took over the leadership. The very next day, having carried out work on the Tara isthmus, scientists recorded a powerful stream of high-frequency energy there. Probably, this feature of the place is connected with the appearance of chronomirages, when at certain moments there is an overlap of temporal worlds and pictures of bygone times appear in space. Anomalies are anomalies, but the researchers were interested in material artifacts of ancient civilizations, so the expedition, having plunged into the UAZ, went to further investigate the object, codenamed "Energocenter-1", which scientists found last year in the interfluve of Tara and Irtysh. As in the last year, the researchers limited themselves to probing the area and found an abnormally irradiating object at a depth of 15-20 meters underground. The question of whether to drill or not to drill has become acute? Scientists were afraid to release some genie from the bottle in the form of dangerous viruses such as Ebola, preserved in dungeons for many millennia. And Rechkin, even with numerous sponsors, apparently did not find the funds for such an expensive operation, otherwise he would not have taken into account the opinion of the "opposition". Go through the drill, you do not personally climb into the anomalous underground tunnels leading to the Temple of Hanuman. The researchers decided to test the entire length of the tunnel from the surface. We drove around several points, found a chronal anomaly, but it was all wrong. - No, you have to drill. Be sure to drill!Rechkin decided then. On the morning of July 22, Mikhail goes to look for drillers who were seen in the village of Petropavlovka busy drilling an artesian well. After explaining the situation, he quickly agreed with the locals to carry out the work ... only two days later as they finish here. During these two days, the researchers decided to test other versions. The first day was devoted to the exploration of the Temeriak area, where they "searched" the coastal zone, but contrary to the statements of one of the psychics, they did not find anything. The next day we moved to the object "Energocenter -1"... For a long time they could not find that lonely pine tree, but when they deployed the seismic station, they were able to find the northern extension of the tunnel. A controversy arose again about drilling here. Sokulina strongly objected. After listening to it, we decided to wait with drilling here. In addition, as it turned out later, the drillers did not have a suitable core sample. But the stubborn Rechkin decides to look for other drillers to carry out work at Energocenter - 1. It should be noted that all attempts to attract drillers to work on this expedition failed, and did not help even in the district administration. Someone really did not want the researchers to crawl underground. Who? People? I do not think! Another strategic and very promising facility was named "Energocenter -2", which is located four kilometers from Cordon-Bergamak. Local residents have long noticed that lightning strikes with amazing accuracy in the same place. What is the reason for such accuracy, whether the deposits of metal or something else, the scientists had to find out. Olga Gurbanovich repeated the same thing: "The city is underground!" Electromagnetic measurements showed voltage surges, and again the same question:"Need to drill?" Starting from August 1, researchers began their work on Shaitan Lake. At its northeastern end, there is a suspiciously regular-shaped domed hill on which a Tatar settlement once stood. The instruments again showed that there was something in the bowels of the hill, it was necessary to conduct a seismic survey. And she also tested positive. The question of drilling was again raised. The result of the expedition was mainly confirmationdiscoveries last year. On a tip from clairvoyants, new territories were also checked, which led to new discoveries. But there was no sensation, since it was not possible to carry out exploratory drilling ... Expedition "Okunevo-2002". Mikhail Rechkin decided to organize a new season in order to verify the new information received from clairvoyants. Their number increased every year, which introduced sheer confusion in the development of the topic. Some data contradicted each other, some were so unrealistic that it was simply not possible to verify them. In almost every case, geophysicists recorded something, but this did not go further. Everything really came up against drilling, which was not carried out this time either. And no one spoke about the excavations at all - some structures were located at a depth below 100 meters. Attempts to attract serious sponsors or government agencies to work have led nowhere. Nobody simply believed in the existence of the remnants of ancient civilizations underground near Okunevo. So, on July 20, the expedition began field work. This time in the camp of scientists, in addition to the main team: Zaitsev, Voznesensky, Sokulin, two more biophysicists were added, who were interested in the topic of underground communications in the vicinity of Okunevo. The main informant was the psychic Elena Kolotovkina, who indicated a lot of objects underground in the village itself. Among other things, Kolotovkina, about a kilometer south of Okunev, indicated on the map the presence of a certain structure in the shape of an angle underground. - I decided to suggest that scientists start the 2002 season with the study of it, and then try with the help of instruments to find another object marked by it: an underground wall in the western part of Okunevo. The so-called School Mountain had to be subjected to more thorough research. Under it, Elena Borisovna saw a certain structure, alsoresembling a wall. Then the most attractive for prospecting work could be the horizons of the earth, located under the machine yard. Rechkin Geophysical investigations in the places of the alleged presence of the "corner structure" and the "western wall" did not reveal anything in the places indicated by the clairvoyant. But on the machine yard, the devices recorded "something". One of the bio-operators later described it as a huge domed structure at a depth of 15-20 meters. Biophysicists Smirnovs were scanning Shkolnaya Mountain and observed on their laptop screen "a pronounced signal of an anomalous nature." Research into the location of the Main Crystal, located underground north of the village of Inciss, was also successful. The instruments have revealed the "blessed abnormality" of this place. On July 28, Mikhail Rechkin decided to bring the main scientific team to the location of the Main Crystal in order to confirm or deny the data obtained by the biophysicists Smirnov. The instruments did show abnormal potentials of the magnetic field strength in this place. Scientistsassume that at a depth of 69 meters there is a certain platform (or slab) 6 meters wide and 140 meters long. Expedition Okunevo-2003. By this year, the theme of the Okunev Ark, pumped up by Rechkin, gained such momentum that specialists of various scientific stripes, journalists, filmmakers and simply lovers of watching plates flooded into Okunevo. Only in the expedition Okunevo-2003, 16 people took part, 10 of whom were geophysicists. In addition to Zaitsev's group, Omsk scientists also decided to explore the area: Siberian Submariner and ZAO NPF Geodezond. In the area of ​​Lake Linevo, a group of Professor N.I. Orlov tried to conduct medical research, and a comprehensive scientific and ecological expedition with Omsk professors A.A.Solovyov, I.A.Vyatkin and F.I. Novikov settled on Lake Danilovo. In addition to them, the famous Cosmopoisk also visited the lakes. The arrival of the main group of Rechkin's expedition happened on July 28, 2003. The first surprise came from Lake Linevo. On July 29, tensions increased many times electromagnetic field over the water mirror of the lake, while on the shore everything was within normal limits. All this contributed to the saturation of the aura of the people who were there at that time. A similar anomaly was reflected in the report of doctors led by Yulia Yatsenko, who examined 10 people and revealed such "deviations" from the norm. The participation of Omsk geophysicists from Geodezond and Siberian Submariner was short-term. But they actually confirmed the presence of a certain dense structure discovered by Moscow geophysicists at Energocenter-1.Scientists concluded that the "waveguide effect" discovered by Muscovites indicates the likelihood of a pipeline or tunnel being underground. In order to finally be convinced of its presence at a depth of 15–18 meters, it was necessary to conduct exploratory drilling. - If drilling confirmed the existence of an ancient tunnel, then we could (on the surface of the earth) using a georadar, track it along its entire length and ... go to the Temple!- so decided Mikhail Rechkin. Inspection of the domed hill by the Omsk residents allowed them to identify a well filled with loose rocks 18 meters deep, located at its top, where the Tatar settlement was once located. Expeditions LLC "Geostroykom", A. Zaitsev. 2004-2008 The main news of this 2004 was the discord between Mikhail Rechkin and Zaitsev's geophysical group, who decided to work independently and transferred their developments to the Academy of National Security of St. Petersburg ufologist Valery Uvarov. Therefore, this and subsequent years are marked in the reports of Mikhail Rechkin with a large gap. Perhaps the reason for the breakup was the fact that in 2003 Rechkin decided to seek help from other geophysicists, or his excessive PR in the media regarding the Okunev phenomenon. In any case, the well-coordinated team was broken and since 2003 Rechkin never worked with Zaitsev's group again, although he referred to them in his publications. He also failed to agree with other geophysicists, as well as to carry out drilling work and in reality confirm the presence of artifacts hidden underground, despite the statements of his contactees: - The time has come for extremely important research at this point on the Earth. They are already underway. But for what purpose? They (scientists) want to be famous. This is unacceptable! You cannot enter this place with such thoughts and desires! N.I. Lomonosov In the group of Alexander Zaitsev, Nina Sokulina acted as the main metaphysical informant. Now she was directing geophysicists to where to scan the earth to find something of interest. Zaitsev's interest in the vicinity of the village of Inciss manifested itself even during the period of his work with Mikhail Rechkin. Perhaps he was very impressed by the story of the disappearance of the secretaries in 1947 near Shaitan Lake. In the coming seasons, Moscow geophysicists have repeatedly focused their attention on three centers of anomalies: Energocenter-1, Okunevo, Inciss. All materials on the results of the expedition of Alexander Zaitsev are stored in two archives: the Russian Federal Geological Fund and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, aboutMoscow branch: - Report on the results of geophysical survey in areas of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( expedition Okunevo-2004) inventory number 2362. expedition Okunevo-2005), Moscow, LLC "Geostroykom" inv. No. 2390. - Sokulina N.V., Report on the results of geophysical survey in areas of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( Expedition Okunevo - 2006), Moscow, LLC "Geostroykom" inv. No. 2461. - Sokulina N.V., Vanichkin Yu.V., Report on the results of geophysical survey in areas of the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region ( expedition Okunevo-2008), Moscow, OOO "Geostroykom" inv. No. 2522. The discovery of the 2004-2005 season was the discovery under the ground on the Shaitan hill of two halves of some cylinders lying cross on top of each other. Subsequently, scientists will conclude that this may be some kind of technological device similar to the "mirrors of time of Academician Kozyrev". - In 2005, we were mainly engaged in background research of objects that we identified last year. There are only eight of them. From these objects, and they lie at a depth of up to 145 meters, a strong energy-informational radiation emanates. So far we have studied only the ridge and bend of the Tara River near the village. Sokulin, interview to the newspaper "Znamya Truda" 09.09.2005 Before the 2005 expedition, Nina Sokulina, at the direction of her spiritual mentors, specially traveled to Mexico to get acquainted with the pyramids there.

- Three months after my return, I was shown a lot in common between the Mexican pyramids and Okunev, in particular, crystals. And in next year this community must manifest itself. That is, there is an opinion that these crystals are somehow connected with Sirius. The Mexican pyramids are also associated with Sirius. Apparently, some kind of chain should be enlightened here, which will help us to reach new knowledge, so far unknown. Sokulina That year, Sokulina announced for the first time that there are pyramids underground in Okunevo and its environs, although from my observations I can say that the places of the pyramids everywhere have the appearance of at least irregularly shaped hills, which make it clear that there is something under them. But especially bright pyramidal hills in Okunevo were not found, with the exception of the Shaitan hill.

After 2005, the Omsk Environmental Management Committee stopped funding the Moscow expeditions. Even the conclusion of scientists about the revolutionary essence of the discoveries did not help:

- Investigation of the unique Okunevsky phenomenon was started by us in July 2000; in July-August 2005, the sixth research expedition took place. The results are more than encouraging and, no doubt, promising. The anomalousness of the surveyed area (zone) has been repeatedly confirmed. In particular, the members of our expedition constantly came into contact with unusual phenomena during seismic exploration (with the so-called signals), too high values ​​of the electromagnetic field strength, "standing" electromagnetic waves; the photographs revealed glows and white balls that are not visible to normal vision. As an example, we can cite the so-called Tatar Uval, which is an ancient, multi-layered, occupying a very large area, a burial ground with a modern Orthodox chapel, built on the most elevated place of this burial.

Inside it, during the studies in 2004 and 2005, an increase in tension of 1.5 - 2 was recorded, and in the vertical and northern directions there were "bursts" that exceeded the background values ​​by 1.5 - 2 times.

In the middle, steepest part of the hill, as well as near the road, along the hill, there are separate "bursts" of tension, at which its values ​​increase by 2 - 3 times. One of these "bursts" was photographed in 2000.

The next geophysical field work was carried out in the Okunev area in July – August 2005 with the aim of detecting and studying anomalous geophysical zones associated with natural, archaeological and other objects with the simultaneous study of geophysical fields.

The research was carried out at 10 sites. In this case, shallow seismic instruments were used: by the method of refracted waves (refracted waves); by the method of reflected waves (MOV), which allows to increase the depth of investigation up to 120 m; measurement of the electric strength of the natural electric field on the ERA device ...

Having lost funding and support, geophysicists had to confine themselves to only instrumental recording of anomalies and updating the results of previous seasons. And after 2008 everything went wrong in the work of Muscovites. Perhaps the reason for this was the notorious and native to the Russian crisis, in the conditions of which we have been living since 1991 and the group did not manage to find the elementary funds for conducting expeditions. Perhaps people are just tired of beating around the bush without being able to climb to a higher informational level and dig out at least something. Let me remind you that Sokulina was initially opposed to drilling wells and climbing into tunnels and the wreckage of ancient buildings. And Mikhail Rechkin to this day conducts his educational trips in the Okunevo area, to a greater extent collecting material for writing the next book "Siberia will save humanity", and also trying to attract sponsors for drilling in long-known points, where, as it is known, there are tunnels underground. leading to the temple of Hanuman. And there ... the thinking Crystal! Psychic visions of the Temple complex and the Crystal. 1. Clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich: - In that area (in ancient times) there was a large city, in which there was a temple of indescribable beauty with seven domes, and each dome had its own purpose. The temple is both a spiritual and scientific center. In its main hall was an unearthly Jewel, which served as a means of distant space communication. It is an octahedral crystal about 1.2 m high, pinkish-lilac tones. Crystal is an artificial Intelligence of the highest level, created outside the Earth. With its help, you can establish a connection with other worlds - this is its main purpose. The energy concentrated in it is capable of covering almost all of Western Siberia with a protective energy shield.Four "rays" are separated from the main crystal, which are located in the area of ​​healing lakes, it is thanks to their energy that the water acquired healing properties.These fragments must be found and the integrity of the Crystal restored! The importance of the Crystal for modern civilization is enormous - it is our salvation, since humanity is on the verge of self-destruction!Now the observatory temple and the city are hidden underground . The creatures who built the Temple are from another planet, they can take on a human and in general any form, they are still among us. They communicate with each other only in mental images. They have a special energy zone, with the help of which they are able to manifest themselves in our world and communicate both with you and among themselves. In human form, they are distinguished by deep-set eyes. Actually, they do not need purely human vision, they are able to see around themselves at once at the same time ... They will contact you and help you. HThe name of their planet is Setram, and it is located in the Sirius system.

I live in Omsk and there is a place nearby, which has been growing in popularity among pilgrims for the last 20 years, as a place with special strength and energy. This is the village of Okunevo, located 250 kilometers from Omsk. Over the past two decades, representatives of various faiths have settled in the village. People come there not only from all over Russia, but from other countries.

According to the legend, a temple of Hanuman once existed on this place. Not far from the village there are several small lakes, the water of which is credited with medicinal properties. Of particular interest, it is possible to note the finds in these places of elongated human skulls.

All this intrigued me for a long time. As a result, I asked psychic Kairat Kinibayev to answer questions related to Okunevo. Kairat dictated the answers in a trance state. We got very interesting information related to anomalous zones and energy flows, as well as the history of people.

On Kairat's website there is a record of another session dedicated to Okunevo, and made earlier - ksvety.com/2340. These two sessions are recorded in different techniques and, as it were, complement each other.

Session recording - Okunevo Omsk region

Question. Does the village of Okunevo really have a special energy? If so, by what means?

Answer. Near the village there is a powerful place where cosmic energy enters the Earth. And also there is a stone, which in itself is a powerful source of certain energy.

This place is interconnected with other sources that exist on Earth and are the entrance of life-giving energy for the existence of the Earth. There is a flow in certain places, and there are also places where the Earth releases its negative energy. It all happens in one place. Direct flow from the Cosmos, from the Universe and the flows of the Earth in the form of vortices. This place can either cleanse or kill. There must be a resonance with this energy. The main thing is to be able to work with it. If you stand under the cosmic stream, the body will be cleansed, all negativity will go away. It is important to remember here - an excess of energy can also kill. Everything in moderation. And in the place where the Earth releases negative energy, a person feels very bad there, all the more it is impossible to be there, because in this place the energy that comes out of the Earth will extinguish the remnants of your energy, therefore hallucinations in people occur in these places , there are streams of information, both from our dimension and not, portals from other dimensions are open. Therefore, sometimes music is heard there, they see all sorts of ghosts, phantoms, they often notice unknown flying objects. These extraterrestrial civilizations are recharged there.

Plus, hallucinations still occur, because the human brain is also energy and, accordingly, when a person falls under the influence of a certain flow, both erasure and the imposition of certain information take place. His personal energy flow seems to go crazy. This manifests itself in the form of hallucinations. There are places where a person feels bad to the point of nausea. Perhaps the disease will worsen, even vomiting will open. This suggests that he is on the release of energy from the Earth. At the same place where the entrance of cosmic energy comes, a person will feel, as it were, inspired. He will feel how his body is being renewed. He will feel that he is being charged with some new force unknown to him. How energy passes through him, renewing all his cells at once. Ancient civilizations knew this, the enlightened ones know it.

Previously, there was one of the cities of Hyperborea and there was a temple. Now it is meant as a temple of Hanuman. This is because the remnants of Hyperborean knowledge went to India and Tibet and there they mixed with the knowledge of the Atlanteans, therefore in ancient legends there is such a legend that on this place there was a temple of Hanuman - the god of the monkeys. In fact, the Hindu religion took a lot from the worldview of the Hyperboreans. But where the temple of Hyperborea was, there is a stone that absorbed energy and then radiated it. He is still out there somewhere.

The ancient city of Hyperborea. Red sun. The sky is red. The people had a dark, reddish skin, that is, the Hyperboreans. There lakes arose. Four lakes. They arose as a result of the fall of meteorites. This can be seen from space imagery. The ancient cities of Hyperborea were destroyed by fire. The temple is destroyed. The element destroyed. At the moment, many enlightened ones know about this place. Ask further.

Question. Was there a Hanuman temple here before? What time. If yes, what details of its functioning can you give?

Answer. It was, as it were, not quite the temple of Hanuman. It has already been said before that it was a temple of the Hyperboreans. There they worshiped higher beings, their creators. There they worked with energy. The enlightened ones could do a lot in these temples. It was even possible not to call it a kind of temple - rather, a place where they worked with energy, distributing it to their needs. Contact with the Universe, with parallel worlds.

I see how the meteorites entered this zone, how they hit the ground. As pillars of smoke and fire, fragments of the earth rose, wiping the city of Hyperborea from their face together with the temple. As mentioned before, the remnants of the Hyperboreans went underground. They lived there for a very long time. I have before my eyes the figure of 100,000 years. Most likely, it was a hundred thousand years ago. The Hyperborean civilization existed underground for some time, gradually falling into decay. Some of them went to the south, some to the west, some to the east. Remnants of this knowledge can be found in India, Iran, Russia, the Vatican. The Hyperboreans somehow inadvertently worked with energy, attracting meteorites to themselves, this was the reason for the destruction of the Hyperborean city. It was Southern City their civilization. Ask the next question.

Question. How does this place attract people?

Answer. Due to a certain type of energy. People, having got there, feel that somehow everything is different there. Feel like the energy works differently. The inner attitude begins to change. As it was said before, because of the streams of incoming and outgoing energies. This is especially felt by those people who follow the path of enlightenment and development, since they very subtly feel the flows of energy. This place has always attracted people. There have always been temples and buildings. Those who knew went there. This is how energy works in a certain field of a person, as it was said before, purifying it, charging it, structuring it. In this stream, if you work correctly with your problems, diseases, you can erase problems, you can erase diseases. The human body is like a certain kind of hologram, energy, matter, it is information. So this information can be erased by rebuilding it.

If you correctly direct the flow, you can lay down new information. The enlightened ones who are looking for a way understand this, somewhere even on an intuitive level, and therefore they are attracted to this place. Let's just say it's like standing under a strong wind. Everything superficial can simply be demolished from you, everything superfluous will fly away. It's the same with streams. You just need to be able to subtly feel under what flow you are, under the flow of the Universe, or under the ejection from the Earth. Well, again, it was said here about caution. Any stream, positive or negative, can be destroyed. A lot of good things are also impossible; a lot of good things can also kill. Any excess is harmful, so here you need to be careful, you need to be able to listen to yourself, your body, your soul. It is very good to meditate there and then you clearly understand how this flow of negative information is erased under the flow of radiation from the Universe.

But even in the negative energy that comes out of the Earth, you can work. You can enter a meditative pose. All the worst that is in you, how to pull it out of yourself, substituting this stream of negativity, and she will also erase it. But there is a danger here, because energy is all-pervading, that is, it will pass through you and can destroy both bad and good, so you cannot stay there for too long. You can stay in the flow of positive energy for up to 3 days. In a stream of negative energy - preferably 20-30 minutes. This is the best option for a person. No more. Or you can enter into resonance with these energies, then you will stay there for a long time without harming yourself, but this requires a restructuring of your internal energy so that it does not enter into opposition. Because everything that resists there will be destroyed there. Ask further.

Question. Lakes are somehow related to the energy of the place, what is the origin of the lakes?

Answer. This has been answered. Meteorites. Ask further.

Question. Is there a fifth lake? If so, why is it not on the maps and not everyone can find it? Does it exist in another dimension?

Answer. Well, in another dimension, there are a lot of things. Including lakes and mountains. As for this particular place, there are four visible lakes in our dimension. The fifth is a legend. As it was said before, the Devil's Lake has a double bottom. In another dimension, most likely, in place of these lakes, for some reason, there is a number 8, that is, there are eight lakes. It's just that, as it was said before, under these streams of energy, people develop both hallucinations and they begin to see parallel worlds, and therefore they sometimes see more lakes, and perhaps this is the fifth that they simply cannot find, because flying from the air it is not, it is not on the map and it is not on Earth. It's just that one lake has a double bottom, and in another dimension there are several of them, that's why it is so. Ask further. Wait. There are either six or eight lakes in another dimension. Number 6 and number 8.

Question. Does the water of lakes have any special properties?

Answer. There are special properties. Water is the same energy. Moreover, water contains information. This is, let's say, the most suitable information vessel and therefore under these flows of energy this water has a different structure and due to this it has special properties. It should be softer and more transparent. And it also carries certain healing properties, because plunging into it, you also plunge into the flow of energy, memory, structures that water contains. As it was said, water is a flow of information stored in it. They also tell me from there that it is cold and clean. Ask further.

Question. How were elongated skulls formed? By squeezing? Why was this done? Did people get any special properties? How many years ago did these people live?

Answer. Many Hyperboreans had elongated skulls because they were the children of the Creators. Subsequently, they began to mix with people, but certain features still appeared, so elongated skulls are found not only in this place. They are also found in Tibet, Egypt, Peru, Mexico. The elongated skulls are an extraterrestrial civilization, as well as their descendants on Earth. Sometimes the skulls were pulled out on purpose, trying to imitate the descendants of these civilizations, as it were, the descendants of the gods. For people, these were gods with great capabilities and therefore they wanted to imitate. They thought that if they elongated their skulls, then they would have certain abilities. But this did not always work out. It's not about the skull, it's about the inside, the structure and the instrument. Therefore, there are skulls both as direct descendants of extraterrestrial civilizations, and those who tried to pull the skull by imitation. Those who tried to pull them out, basically, did not live long. Units. Yes, they sometimes possessed certain properties that were not available to the common man. But that's not why it worked here. The essence and scheme is completely different. Ask the next question.

Question. Is this place really included by the Vatican in the list of holy places?

Answer. Yes, the Vatican knows about this place, but prefers not to spread it, keeping it a secret. The Vatican is aware of many such places. Our Earth as a network is entangled in such places and here it is not very difficult to figure out where these places are. At each such place, almost always there was either a temple, possibly a dolmen, pyramids, and other similar structures of a religious cult, or simply to receive energy. These places have been marked both by past civilizations and by our civilization. Residues are everywhere and can be calculated very easily. Everything.

Okunevo is a village located on the coast of the Tara River in the Muromtsevsky District of the Omsk Region. It is known as a bioenergetically favorable place.

Okunevo like a magnet for tourists, psychics, scientists and religious figures, not only Russian, but also foreign ones.

According to some historical research, hundreds of millennia ago, in Western Siberia lived ancient civilization, its center was today's Okunevo. Archaeologists now and then find here neolithic artifacts.

It all began in the winter of 1993, then in the center of Omsk during the work on the laying of heating mains were found traces ancient necropolis, quite extensive in area. And later, when the buildings of the former TPP-1 were demolished, an underground passage was opened, the secret of which was prevented from revealing the lack of funding. Historians were puzzled, because the finds contradicted the known data on the age of the area, it could move back thousands of years.

Even earlier, in the summer of 1063, at a distance of 250 kilometers from Omsk, in the "heart" of the village of Okunevo, under Mount Shkolnaya, on the left bank of the Tara, local children discovered two slabs of a light gray shade polished to a mirror shine - perhaps they were parts of the once existed building. Only 30 years later, clairvoyants suggested the presence in the bowels of the earth at that place of the ancient temple... Indeed, after another 7 years, seismologists spotted some kind of artificial structure at a depth of 12 meters.

River name, on the shore of which Okunevo stands, translated from the ancient Indian language means "Savior", another version speaks of the meaning of "Star".

Geophysicists claim that the village - energy center... Some suggest the existence of an underground tunnel, others - a temple that went underground 7 thousand years ago, connecting people with the Cosmos. Still others talk about the proximity to the village of the center of the Earth, which is absurd, given the earthly sphericity, coupled with the center-core.

Followers of the Indian teachings of Babaji "discovered" the temple of King Hanuman here and regularly perform rituals. Babajists believe in the emergence of a wonderful city in this area, which will unite representatives of all confessions, and this will be the beginning Golden age.

And how many interesting things the natives can tell! Mysterious night lights in the sky, UFOs, strange objects carried ashore by the river ...

It is worth a visit to the village to check if they say it is true - it is worth setting foot on the lands of Okunevo and you immediately feel a powerful surge of strength.

If you let go of mysticism, Okunevo - beautiful place, this is the wild Siberian nature and fresh air... A mesmerizing taiga panorama opens from the height of a 20-meter cliff. And rafters will enjoy rafting along the winding river beds and, in particular, along the Tara River.

Let's dwell on some facts. So.

Okunevo was founded in 1770. Until that time, it was called Rezino. After peasants moved here from other areas Russian Empire, Rezino expanded to swallow another village. The village got its modern name from the name of the first settler.

Initially, the village of Okunevo was of no interest to the spiritual representatives of the world's religions. A turning point in the history of the village was the assignment of the Indian guru Shri Babaji from Haidakhan, his disciple Rasma Rosita, to find the location of the ancient temple of the god Hanuman and to revive it. She was told that the temple is located somewhere in Siberia. Her research led her to the Omsk region, and then to the village of Okunevo, where she lived for several years conducting Vedic meditations. The land near the village was recognized as the site of the temple. Gradually, many admirers of mysticism and meditation began to flock to the village, first from Russia, and then from all over the world.
Later, Rasma went home to Latvia, and her followers replaced her.
The ancient temple of the monkey god is hidden under the ground near the Siberian village of Okunevo, according to the famous prophet Sai Baba in India. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a "sacred place" - a secret gateway to parallel worlds.

Okunevo looks like an ordinary village. It is located, however, in a picturesque place - on the steep bank of the small river Tara. It differs from neighboring villages by the fact that for many years Omsk archaeologists have been conducting excavations here, opening ancient burial grounds, looking for all kinds of objects of ancient times.
Okunev residents have been observing unusual phenomena here for a long time. These are the mysterious glow, with multi-colored rays leaving in the night sky, and the frequent flights of UFOs, and the mysterious origin of the pit-mine near the village of Porechye, which, as the researchers believe, the anomalous aliens had a hand in.
there is no doubt that near Okunev, two hundred and fifty kilometers north of Omsk, there is a powerful energy center - EC.
On the territory of Russia, I know of only two such energy centers. The second is in Arkaim, in the south of the Urals. ECs have been found in other countries as well.
Not far from Okunevo there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan-lake, where there is both water and healing mud. Siberian clairvoyants assure that these lakes were "born by the Cosmos" - allegedly formed as a result of the falling of the fragments of a huge meteorite to the Earth, that there were five of them. And now it is imperative to find the fifth "magic" lake, for soon there will be diseases that can be cured only with water taken from five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov lived in Omsk at one time. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying across the sky, about miraculous lakes, after swimming in which one by one, one can become a good-looking good fellow ...
According to the hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago, a highly developed civilization existed on the territory of Western Siberia, where many religions of the world originated.
Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of the Americas, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is designed to become the "Noah's Ark" for earthlings who survived the "end of the world." Cayce's predictions echo the teaching of another prophet, miracle worker and clairvoyant Satya Sai Baba, according to legend, who appeared in India in November 1926. Satya Baba is called to establish a "golden age" on Earth - to unite humanity into one brotherly family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.
As the disciples of the prophet assure, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is “a divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, has the power to pull hills and mountains out of the ground. " Hanuman was given eternal youth, he is revered as the greatest healer and patron of sciences. The priests of this god allegedly owned a magic crystal sent down from Space, contributing to the spiritual elevation of mankind. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal is a means of space communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another claimed that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization was recorded on the crystal.)
In 1989, a student of Indian guru Shri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rositis, went in search of the place where the Hanuman temple was located. This has already been discussed.
Behind the village, on the Tatar ridge, Rasma and members of her community built an altar out of stone. Interestingly, in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a high shine. Without going deep into thinking about their mysterious origin, the village housewives found a use for them - breaking the plates into pieces, they used it as oppression when salting cabbage.
Several years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on the Tatar Uval. great holidays serves as a priest from Omsk. Old Believers come here, calling themselves Inglids. They believe that the famous Belovodye was located here 100 thousand years ago. And in the Okunev area there was a large temple complex and ... "channels of intergalactic communication." The Inglids even seem to have seen a large alien ship over one of the lakes.

Ufologists also paid attention to Okunevo. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes that collect information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that "plates" are spaceships that can change shape and size.
Not only lovers of all kinds of riddles, but also people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise of big cities, have become frequent visitors to Okunevo. Rest here is wonderful: in the rivers and lakes - fish, in the forest - mushrooms, in the meadows - berries, in the meadows - a riot of herbs and flowers. Swim, sunbathe, walk, treat yourself with mud. Silence - ringing, air - no breath (there are no industrial enterprises in the district), landscapes, sunsets and sunrises - unwritten beauty! It is clear that these places leave these places pacified and rejuvenated, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy "recharge".
A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevsky district, decided to build a health center near Okunev. And in order to better plan everything, we turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists surveyed the area and found anomalous areas of two types. Jokingly, the first was called "the dark place", and the second - "the luminary".
In "vaults" (there are not many such areas around Okunevo), the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire district. There is little vegetation here, the trees twisted by an unknown force have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, they felt a kind of oppressive state, they wanted to get away as soon as possible.
Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. His owners celebrated a housewarming party, but they could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well for them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here is the same as in the "dungeon".
In the "luminaries" the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one to two orders of magnitude higher than in the surrounding area. Such a field affects the human body in two ways. If its level is an order of magnitude higher (zone A), then it kind of "feeds" a person - health improves, efficiency increases. In areas with the level of electromagnetic radiation higher by one and a half to two orders of magnitude (zone B), it is undesirable to linger. Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunevo, next to a huge field. This is an oblong meadow (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered with bright wildflowers. There is a rather dense forest around the clearing. One of the pilgrims, who followed the geophysicists, chatted in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he later assured me, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But for the businessman, who had come a long way to Okunevo after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for about an hour, he got up vigorous and full of strength.
Zone B presented more than one surprise to geophysicists. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in an iron ore deposit, which is not even mentioned here. Secondly, the seismic receivers recorded continuous oscillations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this desolate place?
After the results of the seismic survey were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of soils consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters, there is some kind of large dense massif.
One could assume that there is some kind of artificial structure under the ground and that it is this that is the source of the recorded vibrations, but only here no one has ever built anything ... Neither scientists nor customers dare to drill a well. And the glade will lose its original appearance. And it is not known what will happen to the "object".
By the way, this summer, during the second expedition, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations in two more places - on the northern shore of Shaitan Lake (where the temple of Hanuman supposedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that mysterious objects may be found underground here as well. And in the very center of the bend they found a small "dark place".

In Okunevo, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk turned to geophysicists. For the second year, her family rented a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 22 o'clock, strange music began to sound. Where it comes from is impossible to understand. At first, they sinned on the neighbors, but they either slept already or watched the news on TV.
The music did not cause much concern. Perhaps one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the "musical hour". Evening comes, but there is no music; the next day they no longer expect her, but she suddenly sounded. Quietly. But the melody could be heard. To someone she reminded the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells, to someone - the work of some kind of mechanism. Unfortunately, it was not possible to record on a dictaphone. But several times a UFO was seen near this house.
Muscovites did not immediately get to know these flying objects. On their first visit, only two weeks later they began to notice orange highlights, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using a Samsung-zoom-145C and a four-layer Fuji-color film with a sensitivity of 800 units. Pictures taken at the foot of the Tatarsky Uval and in a field six kilometers from Okunevo were printed in Moscow. All of them are wearing a large orange "whirligig", whose configuration resembles the UFO that was observed in the sky of Latvia in 1961.

So what is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward explaining the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. The disciples of Satya Baba and the Old Believers-Inglids believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base of spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to metropolitan scientists, in the Okunev area, there may be channels for the "overflow" of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs with a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages awaiting decryption ...

In the summer of 1963, in the very center of Okunevo, under Shkolnaya Gora, located on the steep bank of the Tara River, local children found two mirror-polished light gray slabs with dimensions of 100x60x20 centimeters each, which were apparently fragments of some kind of artificial structure. In 2000, under the same Shkolnaya Gora, with the help of seismic devices, some kind of artificial structure was discovered, located at a depth of 12 meters.

Riddles begin with the name of the Tara River itself, on the banks of which all these surveys were carried out. Translated from the ancient Indian language (Sanskrit), which has been out of use for many centuries, the word Tara means a savior, according to another version - a star. The oldest underground structures discovered in the Omsk region are somehow incomprehensibly connected with India. Indian woman Rasma, who took a direct part in archaeological excavations, claims that thousands of years ago on the banks of the Tara River stood a huge temple, the ruins of which are now deep underground, under the Tatar Uval (Uvaly are the steep banks of the ancient Tara River, preserved to our time).

The Indian prophet Satya Sai Baba is also convinced of this: deep underground on the banks of the northern Tara River is hidden the most ancient Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman. The same is recorded in the ancient Aryan source of the Rig Veda. According to one of the versions, in the vast territory of Western Siberia in ancient times there was a powerful Proto-Slavic civilization with a city that stood at the confluence of the Irtysh with Omyu.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the most ancient written monument of the Russian people, the sacred book of Veles, which speaks of a large city that had sanctuaries. It was located at the confluence of the Om (Om) river into the Iriy river (the ancient name of the Irtysh).

Presumably, this land was destroyed by the fall of a meteorite. Fragments of the collapsed meteorite formed huge depressions, later filled with water. This is how lakes of unearthly origin were born, the water in which differs sharply from the usual river and lake water. Presumably, five such unearthly lakes were formed - according to the number of fragments of the fallen meteorite, of which three lakes are located on the territory of the Omsk region (Linevo, Danilovo, Potayennoe), and two - in Novosibirsk, in the Kyshtovsky region (Urmannoye, Indovo).

Three such lakes of the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is considered sacred. According to legend, it does not deteriorate for years, heals from diseases. It is not only water that heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energy, and possibly magical properties of these unearthly formations. Scientists have found that Lake Danilovo has a triple bottom, and a lot of silver was found there, so there is an excess of active ions of this metal in the water. Perhaps that is why the water of Lake Danilov relieves many diseases.

Lake Shaitan
In recent years, Lake Shaitan has been surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism. There are rumors about him that the lake is difficult to find, even if you know where it is, that it is, as it were, hiding. And as if his water is healing. If she wash, then any illnesses will pass, and if she bathes in the lake, then ... They also say that something happens to people who find themselves here: either dizziness, or hallucinations.
Every summer, Lake Shaitan is visited by people, mainly tourists. Judging by the condition of the banks and roads leading to the lake, the number of people staying here is not very large. You can get to the lake on the road through the village of Inciss. There is also a hiking trail to the lake from the village of Okunevo with a crossing over the Tara River.
Lake Shaitan is quite large (area about 50 hectares), but shallow (average depth - 1.5 m), therefore, aquatic vegetation occupies not only a wide coastal strip, but also in some areas is distributed throughout the lake.

The shores of Lake Shaitan are low-lying, very swampy. Swamp vegetation decaying along the banks and at the bottom of the reservoir emits bog gas, which accumulates in calm weather and can cause poisoning in people. Such poisoning is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and even fainting.
In addition, marsh rosemary is common among the vegetation on the shores of the lake. This plant is poisonous and all its aboveground organs emit a specific, intoxicating smell, but especially strongly - flowers. In people with heightened sensitivity, wild rosemary causes allergies, nausea, headache, and weakness.

The healing properties of water, most likely, are given by substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria. These substances are contained in sphagnum mosses, which grow in large quantities around Lake Shaitan. Humic acids primarily have a disinfecting effect, and moss, as you know, used to successfully replace cotton wool or gauze in the treatment of open wounds.

Shaitan Lake is located at the intersection of two faults in the earth's crust, and four lakes: Shchuchye, Linevo, Danilovo and Urmannoye - along the line of a deep fault, stretching along the right bank of the Tara for tens of kilometers. The faults form an isosceles triangle between Shaitan Lake and the four above-mentioned lakes. In this area, a rare natural phenomenon is sometimes observed - the glow of noctilucent clouds in the depths of the sky.

At the bottom of the lake, according to legend, there is a temple of the Hindu deity Hanuman, built many thousands of years ago. Hanuman, a giant who helped Rama fight evil forces, is mentioned in the Ramayana epic. Tradition says that after the victory Rama granted Siberia to his comrade-in-arms, where Hanuman built a beautiful city with many temples. This city is allegedly located in the lake, hidden in the thickness of sand and bottom silt.

According to legends, the main attraction of the Hanuman Temple is the Thinking Crystal - a magic talisman in the shape of an octahedron 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained a constant connection between earthlings and outer space, from where he was brought from the planet Sirius. The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. It contains saving information for all mankind, who has come to a standstill in its development, since it is the greatest energy carrier capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also the way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.

Dozens of expeditions come to Okunevo every year, and pilgrims from all over the world gather. Many are attracted by the amazing lake water. She can stand without deterioration for years. At the same time, it retains such a fresh taste and smell, as if it had been recruited recently.

But not all people who want to be convinced of the unique properties of the water from Shaitan Lake get to these mysterious places. They say that the Okunev zone does not accept everyone. Often, on the way to Okunevo, people following the compass begin to get lost. Circumstances develop in such a way that the trip is postponed or cannot take place at all. As in any anomalous zone, in the Okunev area, space-time curvatures occur. One day a group of pilgrims went to Shaitan Lake, strictly checking their compass. It took no more than an hour to walk to the lake. When, three hours later, the pilgrims still did not see the water surface in front of them, they became slightly worried. With each new hour of the journey, their anxiety intensified, especially since the places around them became completely wild. In the end, after seven hours of wandering, the pilgrims decided to return. They went back the same way and after 20 minutes were in the place where they started their journey.

Local residents are no longer surprised by such miracles. They know that there are days when it is better not to go to the surrounding forests at all - they may not return. If in the morning contrasting dark purple clouds creep into the sky, hunters stay at home. Otherwise, they risk disappearing without a trace in the taiga thicket.

There are several religious communities on the territory of Okunevo, the main ones are:

In 1991, the Omkar Shiva Dham ashram was unofficially founded. At the request of the Indian guru Shri Babaji from Haidakhan, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, his disciple, in 1989 went in search of the place where the temple of God Hanuman was located. Her mission was unusual: to find and revive the Temple of Hanuman, lost somewhere in the Siberian expanses. According to Rajni (her spiritual name), the choice fell on Omsk because the name of this city is consonant with the sacred syllable "Om", which, according to Indian mystical teachings, has colossal divine energy, the purest vibrations that permeate the Universe. The search for a sacred place led the Rajni to the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district. The vicinity of the settlement was recognized as the territory where the Temple of Hanuman was located. For several years Rajni lived in Okunevo, performing Vedic rituals every day. Local residents began to gather for these ceremonies. Admirers of various mystical teachings and meditation practices, not only from Omsk, but also from other cities of Russia and from abroad, came to Okunevo.
The activity of the new cult caused serious concern for the Omsk-Tara diocese. In 1993, Archbishop (now Metropolitan) Theodosius personally came to Okunevo to repulse the "babajists".
After five years, Rasma left for Latvia, and the business she started in Siberia is being developed by her associates. The ashram, registered in 1995 as a religious community "Omkar Shiva Dham", continues its life. Ashram "Omkar Shiva Dham" is the Russian center of the international organization of followers of Babaji "Haidakhan Samaj". The purpose of this organization is to spread the Teachings of Shri Babaji.


In 2000, the Vedorus or (pagans) arrived in Okunevo. They say that these places have a special energy, they attract. The very concept of "Vedorus" is interpreted as "the knowledge of Ra". "Knowledge" means "knowledge" and "Ra" means "light." “May Ra be more in you,” these strange Okunevites wish their guests, kind and very friendly. Here they have several houses painted in bright colors. There is a joyful house "Clouds", there is "Elephants".
They live by making dishes (plates, vases) from local clay, paint them and sell them in the summer. The Vedorussians have their own workshop, pottery, their own magic tree, they have a headquarters and even a logbook where they talk about their life. There is also a house for meditation - a Vedic temple. (The material was compiled based on data from open Internet sources)

This is, in short, the story about Okunevo, the mysterious land of the Omsk region. I visit it every year, sometimes twice a year to rest and gain strength. I did not notice any special mysterious phenomena there, only on certain days, when you go into the depths of the pine forest for berries and mushrooms, it was somehow uncomfortable alone. And the forest itself is mysterious and disturbing. UFO did not see, music and sounds did not hear, but for the first time going to Lake Shaitan, they got lost, turned on the wrong road. We wandered for two hours, until it realized that we were going in the wrong direction, returned the same way, and found the lake. If the road is difficult to know, it is difficult to pass it.
A huge plus of Okunev is really pure nature, air, not yet polluted by man. Beautiful places where you can breathe freely and have a good rest - you should hurry up until multi-hull hotels are set up on this heel of the earth, and you can still relax near the fire. next to mother earth, forest and flowing water. Places really pull back. pull no less than Altai, it is also wonderful and very beautiful there. Lake Linevo or Lake Danilovo for some reason do not possess such energy, maybe because these bases have been there for a long time and people there "do not rest", but come off? In the Okunev area, there is still peace and quiet ... Therefore, hurry up until such places are trampled by tourists ...

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In the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region there is a place that is known throughout Russia. This is not a temple or a monument, but a small village with the modest name of Okunevo. The settlement itself is quite young - the year of the founding of the village is considered to be 1770, when the first settlers appeared here. Many researchers believe that people came to these places long before that.

The Legend of the Five Lakes.

In fact, many legends are associated with this small village, the most famous of which, of course, is the legend of the Five Lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four (!) Lakes known far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Lenevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoye (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach it.

It is believed that water and mud in lakes Danilovo, Lenevo and Shchuchye have healing power, which attracts vacationers from all over Siberia here. Local residents say about these lakes that they have "living" water. Urmannoe lake, according to old residents, is filled with "dead" water. It is also called Shaitan Lake, which literally means Devil's Lake in Turkic.

Studies of the properties of the water of the Five Lakes near Okunevo confirmed the healing properties of only Lake Danilovo. Here, water is actually capable of treating some diseases of the intestinal tract and most skin diseases. This also applies to the mud of Lake Danilov. From the point of view of science, the healthiness of the water in Lenevo and Shchuchye lakes is very controversial.

The version of the origin of the Okunev lakes is also interesting. According to ancient Indian treatises, these lakes are "born of space." Of course, we are not saying that Hindus have been to these places, but we should not forget about the legends. According to ancient Indian myths, it was in these places that the great battle between Rama and the Evil Forces took place. In this battle, invaluable help to the deity was provided by a man - a hero named Hanuman, for which he was gifted with the lands of Siberia. According to legend, he founded the Great City with a Temple, in which the crystal of Wisdom sent down by the Cosmos was kept. According to one version, this temple should be located somewhere near Okunev.

In principle, scientists say that Okunev lakes could well have appeared from a meteorite that fell by a fragment. This hypothesis is confirmed in the form of lakes (all lakes are elongated in the same direction), their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other "oddities" are observed here. At the bottom of Lake Danilov, scuba divers discovered a pit with a cornice hanging over it with old mossy trees, which confirms the fact that once the bottom of the lake was the surface of the earth.

However, we forgot about the fifth - the most mysterious lake. This lake is called Hidden and, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, somewhere 250 meters from the coast. It is shown only to a select few, so it is a great success to see it. They say that it has the shape of a regular circle and is very shallow.

Okunevo and Danilovo Lake as a place of rest.

Maybe thanks to numerous legends, or maybe thanks to the healing power of the water of Danilov Lake, but somehow the small village of Okunevo in the Omsk Region has become a place of real pilgrimage for tourists from Omsk and the surrounding regions. Okunevo and its five lakes are located just on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and Danilovo lake lies in the Novosibirsk region, and Lenevo - in the Omsk region.

From Okunevo to Omsk 250 km, and to Novosibirsk and even more - 800 km. However, despite the rather decent distance, the inhabitants of these Siberian cities go on vacation with great pleasure both to the lakes and to the village of Okunevo itself. Both in the village and on the shores of Danilovo and Lenevo lakes, there are campsites and living quarters, where tourists can spend the night or dine with complete comfort. Locals will be happy to tell travelers about the legends and take them to the supposed location of the Hidden Lake or the Great Temple.

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