Calculation of 100 thousand people. Public health and healthcare: incidence, pain, affection. Calculation of the frequency of complications in childbirth

Cement 10.06.2021

and disease prevalence:

The sum of the specific gravity indicators (%) of all for the first time identified diseases \u003d 100%

The amount of specific gravity indicators (%) of all registered diseases \u003d 100%

To obtain accurate information about the incidence, its types, modern levels and structure, we can only under the condition that at each level of medical care to the population will be held its active registration. Mandatory condition is also the ability of each doctor to correctly fill out medical accounting documentation.

In our country, there is a special accounting and reporting of those cases of diseases that need in special attention from the doctor. These are such types of morbidity as:

Infectious morbidity: Accounting is carried out in order to prevent the dissemination and emergence of epidemic outbreaks, as well as the prevention of professional and food poisoning.

Mandatory registration and accounting are subject to such diseases: abdominal typhoid, paratif, other infections caused by salmonellosis, brucellosis, all forms of dysentery and a number of others. A list of diseases that changes periodically, regulates the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Also installed the order of extraordinary messages when especially dangerousinfections in case of their appearance in our country.

Special accounting is also provided for detected by AIDS infected and patients, which is governed by special instructive-metable documents.

Unit of observationwhen studying an infectious morbidity is every case of a disease or suspicion of it. When revealed them is filled " Emergency notice of infectious disease, food, acute professional poisoning "(f. No. 058/0), which is the main document for the study of epidemic morbidity.

Emergency notice must fill out a doctor clinic or other medical institution, regardless of where the patient lives. In the same way, it is necessary to act when identifying an infectious disease in the person hospitalized for treatment in the hospital, when changing the diagnosis of the patient, which is already on treatment. Fills emergency notice and emergency medical care.

In rural areas, except for the doctors of rural district hospitals and an ambulatory, the heads of Feldsher-obstetric items are obliged to report these diseases.

Emergency notices in medical and preventive institutions are registered in the journal registration of infectious diseases. When changing the diagnosis of the infectious disease, the therapeutic establishment in which it was done, is obliged to fill out a new emergency notice on the patient and send it to a sanitary and epidemiological station at the place of identification of the disease.

All emergency notices should be for 12 hoursdirected in a sanitary and epidemiological station, which provides an epidemiological examination of the cell of the infectious disease at the place of detection (regardless of the place of residence of the patient).

For analysis infectious morbiditythese are used indicators:

· the level of infectious incidence (the ratio of their number to the population of this area; indicators are calculated per 100 thousand people);

· seasonality (data on the number of diseases per month is taken as the basis, seasonal oscillation indicators are the ratio of data for the month to the average annual);

· the level of hospitalization and full coverage of it (in the first case, this is the rating of the number of people hospitalized to the population, in the second - to the number of disease detected, as a percentage);

· the level of infectious morbidity in age, sex, profession (the ratio of the number of diseases in the relevant group to the population of this group);

· the number of detected bacillosuers per 1000 surveyed.

The incidence of essential non-epidemic diseases:

Special accounting to be subjectsome non-epidemic diseases:

Malignant neoplasms;

Mental illness;

Venereal diseases;

Active tuberculosis;

Heavy mycoses


Myocardial infarction, stroke and hypertensive disease,

Bronchial asthma.

The need for special accounting of these diseases is due to:

High level of distribution;

A significant frequency of mortality in some of them;

Epidemiological significance;

Social conditional.

As a rule, with these diseases, it is necessary to early detection and comprehensive examination, active dynamic observation of patients, special treatment and detection of contacts.

For registration non-epidemic diseasesexist two main documents:

1. The notice of the patient, who for the first time in his life was diagnosed with active tuberculosis, venereal disease, tricochy, microsporia, favus, scabies, trachors, mental illness (F. No. 089/0).

Task 1.

Some subject of the Russian Federation is 1,223,735 people. During the year, 1,615,660 cases of diseases were registered in medical and prophylactic institutions, of which 778,525 - with a diagnosis identified for the first time in life.

When conducting sample medical examinations, 85,662 people (7% of the population) were revealed 119,925 cases of diseases.

Among all registered diseases, 354,075 cases related to respiratory diseases, 252 450 - blood circulation systems, 132,200 - musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, 116 195 - urogenital system were revealed. During the year, 64,910 cases of infectious diseases were revealed. Calculate and analyze indicators:

1) primary morbidity;

2) total morbidity;

Answer to task 1)

Primary morbidity \u003d *1000

The average annual population

Total incidence \u003d *1000

The average annual population


The number of viewed

The proportion of the disease \u003d Number of cases of the disease*100%

The total number of illness

Then the share of diseases of the respiratory organs 21.9%, diseases of the circulatory system 15.6%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system 8.2%, the diseases of the genitourinary system 7.2%


The average annual population

= 53.04

Task 2.

The average annual population of a certain subject of the Russian Federation is 521,120 people. During the year, 802,145 cases of diseases were registered in medical and preventive institutions, of which 457,172 - with a diagnosis identified for the first time in life.

When conducting sample medical examinations, 26,060 people (5% of the population) were revealed 35,180 cases of diseases.

Among all registered diseases, 188,970 cases associated with respiratory diseases, 87,065 - circulatory systems, 50,190-musculoskeletal systems and connective tissue, 124,285 digestive organs are revealed. During the year, 25,693 cases of infectious diseases were revealed. Calculate and analyze indicators:

1) primary morbidity;

2) total morbidity;

3) pathological affect;

4) the structures of the total morbidity;

5) infectious incidence.

Answer to task 2)It is necessary to take advantage of the following formulas:

Primary morbidity \u003d The number for the first time identified diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

Total incidence \u003d The number of all identified diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

Pathological affection \u003d The number of diseases identified by examination__ *1000

The number of viewed

The proportion of the disease \u003d Number of cases of the disease*100%

The total number of illness

Then the proportion of diseases of the respiratory organs 23.6%, diseases of the circulatory system 10.9%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system 6.3%, diseases of the digestive system 15.5%

Infectious incidence \u003d. The number of identified infectious diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

= 49.3 ‰

Task 3.

The average annual population of a certain subject of the Russian Federation is 706,680 people. During the year, 1,053,600 cases of diseases were registered in medical and preventive institutions, of which 575,872 - with a diagnosis detected for the first time in life.

When conducting sample medical examinations, 70,668 people (10% of the population) were revealed 65,020 cases of diseases.

Among all registered diseases, 249,560 cases associated with respiratory diseases, 116 208 - blood circulation systems, 87,026 - musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, 79,698 - with injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of exposure to external reasons. During the year, 31,223 cases of infectious diseases were revealed. Calculate and analyze indicators:

1) primary morbidity;

2) total morbidity;

3) pathological affect;

4) the structures of the total morbidity;

5) infectious incidence.

Answer to task 3)It is necessary to take advantage of the following formulas:

Primary morbidity \u003d The number for the first time identified diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

Total incidence \u003d The number of all identified diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

Pathological affection \u003d The number of diseases identified by examination__ *1000

The number of viewed

The proportion of the disease \u003d Number of cases of the disease*100%

The total number of illness

Then the share of diseases of the respiratory organs 23.7%, diseases of the circulatory system of 11%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system 8.3%, injuries and external reasons 7.6%

Infectious incidence \u003d. The number of identified infectious diseases__ *1000

The average annual population

Today it is really too simple: you can approach the computer and practically without knowing what you do, create a reasonable and nonsense with truly amazing speed. (J. Boxing)

Public health indicators: Formulas and examples

In the work of a practical doctor, a doctor of clinics and especially the health organizer has often to deal with the calculation of various indicators characterizing the health of the population, morbidity, fertility, mortality, various performance of medical personnel and so on.

If we consider that at the same time it is necessary to deal with large numbers, it becomes clear the need to optimize the labor of medical workers dealing with these calculations (see Yu.I. Ivanov, O.N. Pogorenuk Statistical processing of the results of medical and biological research, M.: Medicine , 1990).

Percentage calculation

Most often, the doctor has to calculate the percentage of this or that phenomenon from the total aggregate. Calculations are carried out by the formula:

where K. - necessary indicator, a. - the number of cases that must be expressed as a percentage; b. - The total number of cases taken for 100%.


In the practice of a doctor - the health organizer often has to calculate the number of one or another signs of the total aggregate of them in terms of 1000. Express such indicators in PROMILL. General formula for their calculations:

where K. - calculated indicator; a. - the number of phenomena occurring in this environment; b. - The total number of medium.

Calculation of coefficients of distribution of individual diseases or classes of diseases among the entire population or individual groups

This figure is usually calculated by 10,000 people. Therefore, the calculation is carried out by the formula:

where K. - the desired indicator; a. - the number of cases of the disease; b. - average population.

Calculation of the annual mortality rate, taking into account the cause of death

This figure is usually calculated per 100,000 population by the formula:

where K. - permanent mortality rate; a. - the number of those who died from this reason among the population of this territory; b. - the average annual population in this area.

In the same formula, the coefficient of propagation of rarely encountered diseases is calculated.

Calculation of children's mortality

In cases of large differences in fertility in two adjacent years, the calculation of the child mortality rate is carried out by the formula:


where K. - an indicator of child mortality; a. - the number of dead children under the age of 1 year in this year; b. - the number of born in this year; c. - The number of born in the previous year.

At the same time, the above formula is used very often, but it is not entirely accurate, since it was not necessarily 1/3 from the dead this year last year. Therefore, for accounting for accurate relations, it is more correct to apply another formula, after simplifying having a view:

where a. - died children under the age of 1 year this year; b. - from them were born last year; c. - from them were born this year; d. - all the children were born last year; e. - All the children were born this year.

Calculation of the death rate of children of the first month of life towards all child mortality

To find this indicator, first calculate the rate of child mortality (see formula 5), \u200b\u200bthen the mortality rate of children of the first month of life is calculated. Knowing indicators, you can calculate the percentage of mortality of children of the first month of life towards all child mortality. After the unification of all these formulas, it turns out that the percentage of mortality of children of the first month of life in relation to all child mortality can be found by the formula:

where K. - the percentage of mortality of children of the first month of life towards all child mortality; a. - the number of dead children under the age of 1 month; b. - the number of born this year; c. - the number of born in the previous year; d. - The number of dead children under the age of 1 year.

Calculation of perinatal mortality coefficient

The perinatal mortality rate is calculated by the formula:

where K. - the coefficient of perinatal mortality; a. - the number of those born dead; b. - the number of dead in the first week of life; c. - The total number of those born (alive and dead).

Calculation of post-rate mortality

By post-trunk mortality, the mortality rate of children aged older than 1 month to 1 year and calculate it by the formula:

where K. - the desired indicator; a. -In the children who died aged 28 days to 1 year; b. - the number of children born; c. - The number of dead in the first 28 days of life.

Calculation of children death rate older than 1 year

This indicator is customary to count on the formula:

where K. - the desired indicator; a. - the total number of dead; b. - the number of dead under the age of 1 year; c. - the total population; d. - Total number of born.

Calculation of the average annual load for 1 hour of the plot pediatrician

where K. - Annual load rate for 1 h; a. - Common number of visits to district pediatricians; b. - the number of precinct pediatricians; c. - the number of days of work in the year; d. - The number of hours of work per day.

Calculating the total percentage of errors in determining the term of childbirth

The frequency of errors in determining the timing of childbirth, the timeliness of the provision of prenatal leave is determined by the formula:

where K. - the percentage of errors in determining the deadlines; a. - the number of women who gave birth to 15 days and earlier than the consultation of the term; b. - the number of women who gave birth to the deadline for 15 days or more; c. - The number of births of women who had antenatal leave.

Calculation of the ending rate of pregnancy

This indicator is calculated by the formula:

where K. - studied indicator; a. - the number of women who have a pregnancy ended in childbirth; b. - The number of women who have a pregnancy ended with abortions.

Calculation of the frequency of complications in childbirth

This indicator is calculated by the formula:

where K. -The frequency of complications in the genus percentage; a. - the number of pants who had complications in childbirth; b. - the number of received clans; c. - The number of women who received women who born outside the maternity department.

Calculation of the needs of the population in ambulatory-polyclinic services

where K. - the need for polyclinic assistance (the number of visits to the doctor for 1000 people); a. - incidence (referred to 1000 population); b. - the repetition coefficient of visits to therapeutic goal for one disease under this specialty; c. - the number of dispensary visits in connection with the incidence; d. - The number of visits to preventive maintenance.

Calculation of the needs of the population in fixed care

This figure in general and in individual specialties are calculated by the formula:

where K. - required number of average annual beds per 1000 population; a. - the level of treatment per 1000 population; b. - percentage of hospitalization or the percentage of selection on the bed from among those who applied; c. - average duration of the patient's stay on the bed; d. - average annual bush.

Calculation of the coefficient of natural population growth

This indicator is calculated by the formula:

where K. - the coefficient of natural population population; a. - the number of born; b. - the number of dead; c. - average annual population.

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Federal State Statistics Service


On approval of methods for calculating indicators for an operational assessment of the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Document with changes made by:
order of Rosstat dated January 30, 2014 N 56;
order of Rosstat dated March 29, 2019 N 184;
order of Rosstat dated December 30, 2019 N 828.

In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2012 N 1142 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2012 N 1199" On an assessment of the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "(meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 46, Article 6350; 2013, N 5, Article 373; N 9, Article 964; N 17, Article 2,173; N 24, Art.3006) and in accordance with the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by the Government Decree Of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008, N 420 (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 23, Article 2710; N 46, Article 5337; 2009, N 6, Article.738; 2010, N 26, Article 3350; 2011 , N 6, Article 888; N 14, Article 1935; 2012, N 5, Article 607; N 26, Art.3520; 2013, N 16, Article 1965),


Approve the accompanying:

methodology for calculating the indicator "Life expectancy at birth" (Appendix N 1);

methodology for calculating the indicator "The population (person)" (Appendix N 2);

the method of calculating the indicator "Mortality of the population (without an indicator of mortality from external reasons), (the number of dead per 100 thousand people)" (Appendix N 3);

methodology for calculating the indicator "Migration coefficient (man per 10 thousand people of the population)" (Appendix N 4);

the method of calculating the indicator "The mortality of the population in working age (the number of dead per 100 thousand people of the corresponding age)" (Appendix N 5);

the method of calculating the indicator "The total fertility coefficient (the number of children born in one woman throughout the entire reproductive period (15-49 years) (units)" (Appendix N 6);

the method of calculating the indicator "The proportion of the introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock" (Appendix N 7);

the method of calculating the indicator "The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises occurring on average per 1 inhabitant of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" (Appendix N 8);

methodology for calculating the indicator "The share of the dilapidated and emergency housing stock in the total volume of the housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation" (Appendix N 9);

methodology for calculating the indicator "The share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation" (Appendix N 10);

the method of calculating the indicator "The level of reimbursement of costs for the provision of housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population" (Appendix N 11);

methodology for calculating the indicator "The volume of investment in fixed assets (with the exception of budget funds)" (Appendix N 12);

methods for calculating the indicator "Turnover of products (services) produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs" (Appendix N 13);

methodology for calculating the indicator "Real disposable monetary incomes of the population (percent)" (Appendix N 14);

the methodology for calculating the indicator "The proportion of the population with cash income is below the regional amount of the subsistence minimum in the total population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" (Appendix N 15).

A.E. Surinov

Appendix N 1. Methods for calculating the indicator "The expected lifespan at birth (years)"

Appendix N 1.

This technique is designed to evaluate the indicator "The expected lifespan at birth (years)" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The indicator "The life expectancy at birth (years)" characterizes the number of years that, on average, would have to live one person from a certain hypothetical generation of those born, provided that throughout the life of this generation, the mortality rate at each age will remain as a year, For which the indicator is calculated.

The indicator is calculated on the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the age-age composition and the number of dead, distributed in annual ages.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Work, the indicator "The life expectancy at birth (years)" in connection with the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation seemed to be phased in the following dates:

2nd Evaluation (final) - August 15.

The indicator is calculated on the basis of the preliminary data transfer of the dead (excluding final medical certificates) distributed in annual ages and a preliminary assessment of the age-sex population.

When calculating the expected duration of the upcoming life, the number of man-years has been calculated, which will have to live to live up to this age for the entire period of the upcoming life (from this age to the limit). The resulting amount of man-years is divided by the number of people who lived to this age.

e (x) = ,


x - Age

e (x) - Life expectancy;

TX - the number of man-years;

Ix - the number of people who lived to this age.

Life expectancy at birth - an indicator for x \u003d 0.

The source of information: a preliminary assessment of the age of the population, the number of dead in annual agents obtained on the basis of the form of federal statistical observation N 1-in "information about the dead" without taking into account the information of the final medical certificates of death issued instead of the preliminary forensic examination.

The 2nd estimate (final) is the term of submission on August 15.

The indicator is calculated according to the indicated algorithm, taking into account the final assessment of the age of the population and the refined age composition of the dead on the basis of final medical certificates of death.

Appendix N 2. Methods for calculating the indicator "The population (person)"

Appendix N 2.

This methodology is designed to evaluate the indicator "The population (person)" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the period between censuses, data on the population is calculated, based on the data of the last census and current accounting of the population. The calculation is carried out at the beginning of each following the correspondence of the year.

Estimation of the population is an approximate determination of the number of residents in the country or part of the country; It is produced on the basis of the outcomes of the last census of the population, to which the numbers of those born and arrived on this territory are added annually and the numbers of the dead and retired from this territory are subtracted.

Since 2002, Rosstat has calculated the number of only permanent population.

The method of assessing the population is approved and applies only to the final data obtained in the year.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Work, the indicator "The population (person)" in connection with the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation seems to be stages in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

The indicator is calculated on January 1 according to the method relating to the population assessment approved by order of Rosstat from June 3, 2010 N 209, but on the basis of data on natural and migration growths in January - November.

The population of the population on January 1 of each year is determined on the basis of the data on January 1 of the previous year, taking into account natural and migration growths, as well as changes in the population as a result of changes in the boundaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, changes in the boundaries and the composition of municipalities and transformations of rural settlements in City and urban settlements in rural over the previous year. Real calculation is carried out by the formula:

S (T + 1) \u003d S (T) + B (T) - M (T) + U (T) - V (T) + T (T),


S (T) - the number at the beginning of the year T;

B (t) - the number of born t;

M (t) - the number of dead;

U (t) - the number of arrivals on this territory (in this country);

V (T) - retired from it in T;

T (T) is a change in the population of the territory as a result of changes in its boundaries.

This value can be included in the equation with a plus or with a minus, depending on whether the boundaries were expanded or narrowed.

Source of information for calculating the indicator

Source of information: Results of VPN 2010, current accounting data.

Appendix N 3. Methods of calculating the indicator "Mortality of the population (without an indicator of mortality from external reasons) (the number of dead per 100 thousand people)"

Appendix N 3.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator "Mortality of the population (without an indicator of mortality from external reasons) (the number of dead per 100 thousand people)", included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The mortality rate of the population (without a mortality rate from external reasons) is calculated on the subjects of the Russian Federation as the attitude of the numbers of those who died from all causes of death minus the number of those who died from external reasons to the average annual population of the current assessment, per 100 thousand people of the population.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "Mortality of the population (without an indicator of mortality from external reasons), (the number of dead per 100 thousand people)" Due to the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation, it seems to be phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd estimate (final) - July 2.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated on the basis of preliminary data on the dead (without taking into account the information of final medical certificates of death issued instead of preliminary estimates of forensic examination) divided into preliminary assessment of the average annual population.

The indicator formation algorithm is as follows:

To calculate this indicator, of the total number of the dead, the number of deaths from external reasons is deducted. The resulting difference is divided into the average annual population.

M \u003d ((m - m / s) * 100000,


M is the mortality rate of the population (without a mortality rate from external reasons);

M - the number of deaths from all causes;

M - the number of death died from the external causes;

S is the average annual population.

Source of information: Form N 1-in "information about the dead."

2nd Evaluation (final) - submission time on July 2.

The indicator is calculated according to the indicated algorithm, taking into account the final estimate of the population and final medical certificates.

Appendix N 4. Methods of calculating the indicator "Migration coefficient (man per 10 thousand people of the population)"

Appendix N 4.

This technique is designed to evaluate the indicator "Migration ratio (man per 10 thousand people of the population)" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The coefficient of migration growth is the ratio of the migration increase in the population assessment, to the average annual population. It is calculated by 10 thousand people of the population. Preliminary data is calculated based on the data on migration growth in January-November and preliminary population assessment. Migration population growth is the absolute value of the difference between the numbers of arrivals and retired for the year. Its value can be both positive and negative.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The Migration Coefficient (a person for 10 thousand people of the population)" Due to the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation, it seems phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd Evaluation (final) - March 25.

1st assessment (preliminary) - term of submission March 15

The indicator is calculated on the basis of data on migration growth in January - November and preliminary population assessment.

2nd estimate (final) - term of submission March 25

The indicator is calculated based on data on migration growth over the year and final assessment of the population.

Migration coefficient, KMIG migration ratio - Estimated indicator: The arithmetic difference between the number of arrivals and the number of retired people for the reporting year divided into the average annual population and multiplied by 10,000.

Kmig \u003d (u (t) - V (t)) / ((s (t + 1) + s (t)) / 2) * 100000,


KMIG - migration coefficient;

U is the number of arrivals;

V - the number of retired;

S is the population.

March 25 are provided:

final data.

Source of information for calculating the indicator

The source of information is the assessment of the population at the beginning of the year; Results of processing sheets of statistical accounting of arrivals and disposal.

Appendix N 5. Methods for calculating the indicator "Mortality of the population in working age (the number of dead per 100 thousand people of the corresponding age)"

Appendix N 5.

I lost strength - Order of Rosstat dated March 29, 2019 N 184. -
See previous version

Appendix N 6. Methods for calculating the indicator "The total fertility coefficient (the number of children born in one woman throughout the entire reproductive period (15-49 years) (units)"

Appendix N 6.

I lost strength - order of Rosstat dated December 30, 2019 N 828. -
See previous version

Appendix N 7. Methods of calculating the indicator "The proportion of the introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock"

Appendix N 7.

This methodology is designed to evaluate the indicator "The proportion of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund", included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The share of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund" in connection with various terms of readiness of information on its sources of formation seems to be phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the value of the introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings for the reporting year to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the beginning of the reporting year, as a percentage.

US \u003d X 100,


US - the proportion of the introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock (1st assessment);

S - introduced by the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings for the reporting year (according to the current reporting);

SZhF is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the beginning of the reporting year.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the value of the value of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings during the reporting year to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the end of the reporting year, as a percentage.

US \u003d X 100,


US - the proportion of the introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock (2nd assessment);

S - introduced by the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings for the reporting year (according to the annual report);

SZHF - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the end of the reporting year.

The introduced total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings for the reporting year consists of a total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises: in commissioned in the established manner of residential and non-residential buildings; In the population built residential buildings.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock includes the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the reporting date, including specialized living quarters (office residential premises, residential premises in hostels, residential premises of the maneuverable foundation, residential premises in the houses of the social service system, residential Foundation's premises for temporary settlement of internally displaced persons, as well as a fund for temporary settlement of persons recognized as refugees, residential premises for social protection of certain categories of citizens).

The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises is defined as the sum of the areas of all parts of the residential premises, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe auxiliary use premises intended to meet citizens of household and other needs, related to their living in the residential premises, with the exception of balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces. The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises in the established in the established manner of residential and non-residential buildings includes areas of loggias, balconies, a veranda, terraces, calculated with the corresponding downward coefficients.

The source of official statistical information for calculating the indicator "The proportion of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund" are:

- on the introduction of housing data for the forms of federal statistical observation N C-1 "Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures", N 1-IZhS (urgent) and N 1-IZhS "Information about the residential buildings built by the population";

- According to the housing stock, these forms of federal statistical observation N 1-hillfund "Housing Fund Information".

Appendix N 8. Methods for calculating the indicator "The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises occurring on average per 1 inhabitant of the subject of the Russian Federation"

Appendix N 8.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator "The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises per 1 perhabitant of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, accounting on an average of 1 resident of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" in connection with the various terms of readiness of information on its formation sources, it seems phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd estimate (final) - June 16.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe entire housing stock at the beginning of the reporting year to the number of permanent population on the same date.

PS \u003d


PS - the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, incurred by an average of 1 inhabitants, sq.m (1st assessment);

N is the number of permanent population at the beginning of the reporting year, a person.

2nd Evaluation (final) - a term of submission on June 16.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe entire housing stock at the end of the reporting year to the number of permanent population on the same date.

PS \u003d


PS - the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, entering an average of 1 inhabitants, sq.m (2nd estimate);

N is the number of permanent population at the end of the reporting year, a person.

In the number of permanent population, residents registered at the place of residence are taken into account.

The source of official statistical information for calculating the indicator "The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, incurred on average per 1 inhabitant of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" is the form of federal statistical observation of N 1-housingfund "Housing Fund information" and assessing the number of population according to the population census. Estimation of the population is an approximate determination of the number of residents in the country or part of the country; It is produced on the basis of the outcomes of the last census of the population, to which the numbers of those born and arrived on this territory are added annually and the numbers of the dead and retired from this territory are subtracted.

Appendix N 9. Methods for calculating the indicator "The share of the dilapidated and emergency housing stock in the total volume of housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation"

Appendix N 9.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator "The share of the Old and Emergency Housing Fund in the total volume of the housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The share of the Old and Emergency Housing Fund in the total volume of the Subject of the Constituity of the Russian Federation" in connection with the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation, it seems phased during the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd estimate (final) - June 16.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated as the relation of the entire total area of \u200b\u200bthe Old and Emergency Housing Fund to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund at the beginning of the reporting year, as a percentage.

\u003d x 100,


- the proportion of dilapidated and emergency housing stock in the total volume of housing stock, the percentage (1st assessment);

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund at the beginning of the reporting year, sq.m;

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Housing Fund at the beginning of the reporting year, sq.m;

S - the total area of \u200b\u200bemergency housing stock at the beginning of the reporting year, sq.m.

2nd Evaluation (final) - a term of submission on June 16.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the entire total area of \u200b\u200bthe Old and Emergency Housing Fund to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund at the end of the reporting year, as a percentage.

\u003d x 100,


- the proportion of the dilapidated and emergency housing stock in the total volume of housing stock, the percentage (2nd estimate);

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing foundation at the end of the reporting year, sq.m;

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Housing Fund at the end of the reporting year, sq.m;

S - the total area of \u200b\u200bemergency housing stock at the end of the reporting year, sq.m.

The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises characterizes the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock and is defined as the sum of the areas of all parts of such premises, including the area of \u200b\u200bpremises of auxiliary use, intended to meet citizens of household and other needs, related to their living in the residential premises, with the exception of balconies, loggias, veranda and Terraces.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock includes specialized living quarters (service residential premises, residential premises in hostels, residential premises of the maneuverable fund, residential premises in the houses of the social service system, residential premises of the Foundation for the temporary settlement of forced displaced persons, as well as the Fund for temporary settlement of persons, Defended by refugees, residential premises for social protection of certain categories of citizens).

The recognition of an apartment building emergency and subject to demolition is carried out by an interdepartmental commission in accordance with the Regulations on the recognition of the room with residential premises, residential premises are unsuitable for living and an emergency house emergency and subject to demolition approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006 N 47.

Official statistical information for calculating the indicator "The share of the Old and Emergency Housing Fund in the total volume of the housing fund of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" is formed on the basis of Rosstat's data on the total volume of housing stock and a dilapidated housing stock developed in the form of federal statistical observation N 1-hillfund "Information about Housing Fund "and data of the Ministry of Pressure of Russia on the emergency housing stock developed in the form of federal statistical observation N 5-hillophund" Information about the emergency housing fund ".
(Paragraph in the editorial office entered into action by order of Rosstat dated July 4, 2016 N 318.

Appendix N 10. Methods for calculating the indicator "The share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation"

Appendix N 10.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator "The share of the housing area area provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation", included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing fund of the subject of the Russian Federation" in connection with the various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation seemed to be phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd estimate (final) - June 16.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, equipped with a water supply, water supply (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric plates at the beginning of the reporting year, to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the beginning of the reporting year, as a percentage.

U \u003d x 100,


U is the share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock (1st assessment), the percentage;

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, equipped with a water supply, water supply (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric plates at the beginning of the reporting year, sq.m;

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Housing Fund at the beginning of the reporting year, sq.m.

2nd Evaluation (final) - a term of submission on June 16.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, equipped with a water supply, water supply (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric stoves at the end of the reporting year, to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock at the end of the reporting year, in percent.

U \u003d x 100,


U is the share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock (2nd assessment), percentage;

S is the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, equipped with a plumbing, water supply (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric plates at the end of the reporting year, sq.m;

S - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing foundation at the end of the reporting year, sq.m.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all types of improvement is the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, equipped with a water supply system (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric plates.

The source of official statistical information for calculating the indicator "The share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing stock provided by all rows of improvement, in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe housing fund of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are these forms of federal statistical observation N 1-hillfund" Housing Fund Information ".

Appendix N 11. Methods of calculating the indicator "The level of compensation for the cost of the cost of providing housing and utilities on the facilities established for the population tariffs"

Appendix N 11.

This methodology is designed to evaluate the indicator "The level of reimbursement of costs for the provision of housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The level of compensation for the costs of the costs of providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population" in connection with the various readiness of information on the sources of its formation, it seems to be phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd estimate (final) - April 12.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of payment by the population of costs for providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population to the value of these services provided to the population designed for economically sound tariffs (operational information), as a percentage.

U \u003d x 100,


U - the level of compensation for the costs of the cost of providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population, the percentage (1st assessment);

O - payment by the population of costs for providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population (operational information), thousand rubles;

C - the cost of housing and communal services provided to the population, calculated on economically sound tariffs (operational information), thousand rubles.

2nd Evaluation (final) - term of submission on April 12.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of payment by the population for the provision of housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population to the value of these services provided to the population designed for economically sound tariffs, as a percentage.

U \u003d x 100,


U - the level of compensation for the cost of providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population, the percentage (2nd estimate);

O - payment by the population of costs for providing housing and communal services on the facilities established for the population (final information), thousand rubles;

C - the cost of housing and communal services provided to the population, calculated on economically sound tariffs (final information), thousand rubles.

Economically sound tariff (EOT) - the amount of fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the provision of utilities (water-free, electrical, gas supply and water disposal), which provides the minimum necessary level of reimbursement of extended reproduction, taking into account the enterprise's manufactured production program to improve the efficiency of organizations , carrying out activities for the modernization and reconstruction of the communal infrastructure operated by the organization.

The source of official statistical information for calculating the indicator "The level of reimbursement by the population of costs for providing housing and communal services on the tariffs established for the population" is the forms of federal statistical observation of N 22-housing and communal services (consolidated) "Information about the work of housing and communal organizations in the conditions of reform."

Appendix N 12. Methods for calculating the indicator "The volume of investments in fixed assets (with the exception of budget funds)"

Appendix N 12.

I lost strength - the order of Rosstat dated January 30, 2014 N 56. -
See previous version

Appendix N 13. Methods for calculating the indicator "Turnover of products (services) produced by small enterprises, including micro-enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs"

Appendix N 13.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator of "Turnover of products (services) produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The indicator "Turnover of products (services) produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs" is formed on the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of data on the turnover of small enterprises and microenterprises and revenue of individual entrepreneurs (including taxes and similar obligatory payments) from the sale Goods, products, works and services.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Work, the indicator "Traffic turnover of products (services) produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs" in connection with various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation, seems to be phased in the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd assessment (refined) - April 1;

3rd assessment (final) - July 15.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is calculated on the basis of data on the turnover of small enterprises for the reporting year, the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year (operational information) and the revenue of individual entrepreneurs (including taxes and similar obligatory payments) from the sale of goods, products, works and services for the year preceding reporting.

The indicator formation algorithm is as follows:

OMP \u003d OMAL + OMIC + VIP,


OMP - the turnover of products and services produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs (1st assessment);

OMIC - the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year (preliminary data), thousand rubles (forms NN MP (micro) and MP (micro) -cx for the reporting year);

VIP is the revenue of individual entrepreneurs for the year preceding reporting, thousand rubles (forms NN 1-IP and IP-CXES for the previous reporting year).

The 2nd assessment (refined) is the term of submission on April 1.

The indicator is calculated on the basis of data on the turnover of small enterprises for the reporting year, the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year and revenue of the Ivdividual entrepreneurs (including taxes and similar obligatory payments) from the sale of goods, products, works and services for the year preceding reporting.

The indicator formation algorithm is as follows:

OMP \u003d OMAL + OMIS + VIP,


OMR - the turnover of products and services produced by small enterprises, including micro-enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs (2nd assessment);

Omal - the turnover of small enterprises (without microenterprises) for the reporting year, thousand rubles (form N PM in January - December of the reporting year);

OMIC - the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year (refined data), thousand rubles (forms NN MP (micro) and MP (micro) -cx for the reporting year);

VIP is the revenue of individual entrepreneurs for the previous reporting year, thousand rubles (forms NN 1-IP and IP-CXES for the previous reporting year).

3rd assessment (final) - the term of submission on July 15.

The indicator is calculated on the basis of data on the turnover of small enterprises for the reporting year, the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year and revenue of individual entrepreneurs (including taxes and similar obligatory payments) from the sale of goods, products, works and services for the reporting year.

The indicator formation algorithm is as follows:

OMR \u003d Omal + OMIC + VIP,


OMR - the turnover of products and services produced by small enterprises, including microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs (3rd assessment);

Omal - the turnover of small enterprises (without microenterprises) for the reporting year, thousand rubles (form N PM in January - December of the reporting year);

OMIC - the turnover of microenterprises for the reporting year, thousand rubles (forms NN MP (micro) and MP (micro) -cx for the reporting year);

VIP is the revenue of individual entrepreneurs for the reporting year, thousand rubles (forms NN 1-IP and IP-CXES for the reporting year).

Sources of information for calculating the indicator

The source of information is selective federal statistical observations of the activities of small enterprises, microenterprises, individual entrepreneurs carried out on the basis of a representative (representative) sample, at the subject of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The selective set of these categories of small business entities is created on the basis of multidimensional stratified random selection. Common consolidated results are formed at the regional and federal levels on small enterprises (without microenterprises), on microenterprises, according to individual entrepreneurs.

The procedure for the implementation of sample surveys was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 79 "On the procedure for conducting selective statistical observations for the activities of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship entities."

The formation of indicators is carried out on the subjects of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the following information resources:

form N PM "Information about the main indicators of the activities of the Small Enterprise";

form N MP (micro) "Information about the main indicators of microenterprise activities" (except agricultural activities);

form N MP (micro) -CX "Information about the main indicators of microenterprise activities exercising agricultural activities");

form N 1-IP "Information about the activities of an individual entrepreneur" (except agricultural activities);

form N 1-IP-CX "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur exercising agricultural activities."

Appendix N 14. Methodology for calculating the indicator "Real disposable monetary incomes of the population (percent)"

Appendix N 14.

This technique is designed to evaluate the indicator "Real disposable monetary incomes of the population (interest), included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The indicator "Real disposable cash incomes of the population (interest)" is calculated on the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of:

the volume of cash incomes of the population, including incomes of entrepreneurial activities, wages of employees (including monetasis of servicemen), social payments (pensions, benefits, scholarships and other payments), revenues from property in the form of interest on deposits, securities, dividends and other income;

the volume of mandatory payments and various contributions that includes taxes and fees, insurance payments, interest paid by the population for loans, contributions to public and cooperative organizations and other payments;

consumer price consumer price index for goods and services.

Calculation algorithm: The indicator "Real disposable monetary incomes of the population" is calculated by dividing the nominal size index (i.e., in fact established in the reporting period) of disposable cash income (cash income less compulsory payments) of the population on the consumer price index, as a percentage of the previous year. The indicator "The disposable monetary incomes of the population per person of the population" is calculated by dividing the volume of disposable money incomes on the average annual number of permanent population. Indicators are calculated in Russia as a whole and in subjects of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Work and the Rules for the development, adjustment and publication of data on cash income and consumption of the population (posted Life standard: Federal State Statistics Service) The indicator "Real disposable cash incomes of the population (percent)" seems to be stages, which is associated with the expansion of the composition of the indicators during the reporting period (and at its end), as well as with the clarification of individual indicators formed on the basis of the forms of federal statistical observation and departmental reporting. Presentation is carried out on the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

3rd score - December 29th.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

The indicator is determined on the basis of operational (monthly) data on the volume of money incomes and spending of the population calculated on the limited circle of indicators.

The indicator is specified on the basis of data on cash income and population expenditures, calculated taking into account the annual adjustments of the retail trade and the volume of paid services to the population, as well as approved banking data "Consolidated cash flow of the Bank of Russia and Credit Organizations, taking into account Sberbank of Russia" (Form 0409202) submitted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The indicator is determined on the basis of the development of annual data on monetary income and consumption of the population, calculated on the complete circle of indicators. Sources of information, this is the data of economic entities on the turnover of retail and public catering and the volume of paid services to the population, about the wage fund; extrabudgetary funds on pensions and benefits; tax authorities on the amount of incredited taxes on the income of individuals, mandatory payments and various contributions; Credit organizations on changing funds in various accounts (including deposit) individuals, on the acquisition of securities, foreign currency, real estate, change debt on loans, changes in cash in hand, etc.

Sources of information to calculate the indicator.

Sources of information for calculating the indicator "Real disposable cash incomes of the population (interest)" are the following forms of federal statistical observation and departmental reporting:

1. Forms of federal statistical observation:

form N 1-Service "Information on the volume of paid services to the population";

form N 65-AutoTrans "Information about automotive transport products";

form N 3-F "Details on overdue wage debt";

form N 9-F (PF) "Information on the receipt and expenditure of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation";

form N 9-F (SS) "Information about the receipt and expenditure of the Fund for Social Insurance of the Russian Federation";

form N 9-F (OMS) "Information about the receipt and expenditure of state extrabudgetary funding funds for compulsory medical insurance";

form N 1-manual (monthly) "information on the appointment and payment of a monthly benefit for a child";

form N 2 - Social support "Information on funds for the implementation of social support measures of certain categories of citizens on expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments";

form N 22-housing and communal services (subsidies) "Information on the provision of subsidies to citizens to pay for residential premises and utilities";

form N 26-housing and communal services (subsidies) "Information on providing citizens to social support for paying for residential premises and utilities";

form N 45-PP "Information about postal translations";

form N 24-CX "Information on the status of animal husbandry";

form N 14-Met (scrap) "Information on the formation and use of ferrous scrap and non-ferrous metals";

form N 1-NKO "Information on the activities of a non-commercial organization";

development tables N 8 "Average number and accrued salary of workers", N 3 (entrepreneurs), R-1 "Calculation of the volume of trade turnover of individuals on the surveyed markets", R-2 "Consolidated results on the calculation of the total turnover of trade in individuals in food , broad and mixed markets. "

2. Bank reporting of Russia:

form 0409202 "Cash Money Report";

form 0409250 "Information on the activities of credit institutions (branches) in terms of settlements using banking and payment cards";

form 0409302 "Information about placed and attracted means."

3. Reporting of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:

form N 1-nm "Report on the accrual and receipt of taxes, fees and other mandatory payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation";

form N 5-USN "Report on the tax base and the structure of tax charges paid in connection with the use of a simplified taxation system";

form N 5-ENVD "Report on the tax base and the structure of accrual for a single agricultural tax";

form N 5-MN "Report on the tax base and the structure of accrual for local taxes.

4. Reports of other administrative sources (Treasury of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia, other ministries and departments).

Appendix N 15. Methods for calculating the indicator "The share of the population with cash income is below the regional value of the subsistence minimum in the total population of the subject of the Russian Federation"

Appendix N 15.

This technique was designed to evaluate the indicator "The share of the population with cash income is lower than the regional amount of the subsistence minimum in the total population of the subject of the Russian Federation" included in the list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The population with cash income below the amount of the subsistence minimum is determined on the basis of data on the distribution of the population by the magnitude of the average money income and is the result of their compulsion from the subsistence minimum.

unit of measurement - percent.

Sourse of information: Rosstat, calculated indicator.

Calculation based on:

the magnitude of the average permanent monetary income, determined according to the forms of federal state statistical observation and departmental reporting of government bodies, the Bank of Russia, etc. organizations on cash payments and settlements with the population;

data on the distribution of the population in terms of middle-wide cash income on the basis of the sample survey of household budgets (Form N 1 "Survey sheet for the examination of household budgets");

Explanations in terms of indicator: characterizes the poverty level of the population in the region. The calculation is made in Russia as a whole and the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The size of the subsistence minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of December 3, 2012 N 227-FZ "On the consumer basket in general for the Russian Federation" (in 2005-2012, on the basis of the Federal Law of March 31, 2006 N 44-FZ "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation"; in 2000-2004 - dated November 20, 1999 N 201-ФЗ) is determined quarterly and establishes in the manner prescribed by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, the indicator "The share of the population with cash income is below the regional amount of the subsistence minimum in the total population of the subject of the subject of the Russian Federation" in connection with various terms of readiness of information on sources of its formation, it seems phased during the following dates:

1st assessment (preliminary) - March 15;

2nd assessment (refined) - April 29;

3rd score - December 29th.

1st assessment (preliminary) - the term of submission on March 15.

operational data on the magnitude of the average per capita cash income, determined by the operational (monthly) data on the volume of cash income and the expenditure of the population, calculated on the limited circle of indicators;

operational data on the distribution of the population in terms of middle-wide cash income on the basis of a selective examination of household budgets (Form N 1 "Survey sheet for a survey of household budgets");

the magnitude of the subsistence minimum, approved by quarterly bodies of the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (form N 1-social);

the total number of permanent population of the region as of January 1 of the reporting year.

The 2nd assessment (refined) is the term of submission on April 29.

The indicator is calculated for the reporting year on the basis of:

refined data on the magnitude of the average per capita cash revenue on the basis of data on cash income and population costs calculated based on annual adjustments to the retail trade and the volume of paid services to the population, as well as approved banking data "Consolidated cash trafficking report of the Bank of Russia and Credit Organizations Taking into account Sberbank of Russia "(form 0409202) submitted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

preliminary data on the distribution of the population in terms of middle-wide cash income on the basis of a sample survey of household budgets (form N 1 "Personal sheet to survey household budgets");

the magnitude of the subsistence minimum, approved by quarterly bodies of the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (form N 1-social);

the total number of permanent population of the region.

3rd score - the term of submission December 29th.

The indicator is calculated for the reporting year on the basis of:

the values \u200b\u200bof the average cash income refined on the basis of the development of annual data on cash revenues and population expenditures calculated on the complete circle of indicators. Sources of information, this is the data of economic entities on the turnover of retail and public catering and the volume of paid services to the population, about the wage fund; extrabudgetary funds on pensions and benefits; tax authorities on the amount of incredited taxes on the income of individuals, mandatory payments and various contributions; credit institutions about changing funds in various accounts (including deposit) individuals, on the acquisition of securities, foreign currency, real estate, changes in debt on loans, changes in cash in hand, etc.;

refined data on the distribution of the population in terms of middle-wide cash income on the basis of the sample survey of household budgets (form No. 1 "Survey sheet for examining household budgets");

the magnitude of the subsistence minimum, approved by quarterly bodies of the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (form N 1-social);

the total number of permanent population of the region.

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"

Morbidity- This is one of the criteria for determining the health of the population. Materials on the incidence of the population in the practical activity of the doctor are necessary for:

· Evaluation of public health and identification of risk factors contributing to a decrease in morbidity;

· Evaluation of the effectiveness of the medical and recreational activities carried out, including clinical examination;

· Planning the volume of preventive inspections;

· Determining contingent for dispensary observation, hospitalization, sanatorium-resort treatment, employment of a certain contingent of patients, etc.;

· Current and promising personnel planning, network of various services and public health units;

· Operational management of health institutions;

· Incidence forecast.

An analysis of the health of the population or its individual groups is mandatory in the activities of the doctor. The main elements of the integrated analysis are:

1) collecting health information;

2) processing and analysis of health information;

3) nomination of hypothesis about the connection of environmental factors with a health condition;

5) health characteristics;

6) identification of quantitative dependencies between environmental factors and health characteristics;

7) making a decision on environmental recovery for the primary prevention of diseases;

8) implementation of decisions made;

9) Check the effectiveness of decisions taken.

Depending on the purpose of the study, various statistical materials and accounting documents (medical maps, emergency notifications about infectious diseases, disability leaves, patient cards retired from the hospital, statistical coupons for registration of refined diagnoses, medical certificates of death, other special blanks and questionnaires) .

The study of morbidity includes quantitative (incidence rate), high-quality (incidence structure) and individual (multiplicity of diseases transferred for the year).

Distinguish: actually incidence - newly registered diseases in the reporting year; Painness is the prevalence of diseases (diseases recently emerged in this year and transmitted from the previous years at the moment) and pathological affects ..

Primary morbidity- This is the number for the first time in the life of diagnosed diseases within 1 year. All acute diseases are taken into account and for the first time in the life of the established chronic diseases in the first appeal to the medical institution (recurrences of chronic pathology, emerging during the year are not taken into account).

Indicator of morbidity \u003d (the number of newly identified patients per year / the average annual population) x 1000

Contribution for medical help - This is an absolute number of patients for the first time in the calendar year who applied to medical and prophylactic institutions about the disease. All primary and repeated appeals characterize attendance.

Total incidence of the population It is studied according to all primary appeals for medical care to medical and prophylactic institutions. The main accounting document in outpatient polyclinic institutions is a medical record. The unit of observation in the study of the overall morbidity is the primary treatment of the patient in the current calendar year about this disease. In the study of the overall morbidity, general and special indicators are calculated.

The indicator of the total incidence is determined by the number of primary medical appeals for medical care to therapeutic and prophylactic institutions in this year by 1000 or 10,000 inhabitants.

The overall indicator is the ratio of the number of ills over the year to the total population. The number of medical assistance appeals for diseases, for example, in St. Petersburg currently decreased significantly and is: the overall incidence of the adult population of about 900 appeals per 1000, and the primary morbidity is about 500 appeals per 1000 inhabitants. The incidence of the children's population: total - 1800, primary - 1500 appeals per 1000 children.

Special incidence rates: The incidence of sex, age, nosological forms, administrative territories. In the structure of the total incidence of the adult population of St. Petersburg, the first places occupy:

· Respiratory diseases (about 25%),

· Circulatory system diseases (about 16%),

· Diseases of the nervous system and senses (about 12%),

· Injuries and poisoning (about 12%).

The study of various types of morbidity is explained by certain reasons, for example:

· Infectious incidence - requires rapid anti-epidemic activities;

· Hospital morbidity - information about it is used to plan a karea fund

· The incidence of temporary disability - determines the economic costs;

· The most important non-epidemic incidence - gives information about the prevalence of socially determined diseases.

To assess the incidence of population, coefficients are used, calculated as the ratio of the number of diseases to the population population and recalculated to the standard (per 100, 1000, 10,000 people). These coefficients make it possible to estimate the likelihood of the risk of any diseases in the population.

To obtain indicative views on the incidence of the population, the calculation of common coefficients (extensive intense) is envisaged.

To identify causal relationships, special coefficients are needed, taking into account sex, age, profession, etc.

There are the following methods of studying the incidence:

· Solid,

· Selective.

The solid method is acceptable for operational purposes.

The selective method is used to identify the relationship between morbidity and environmental factors. The selective method was used in the population census years, for example, the study of incidence into separate territories. The choice of the method of studying the incidence of the population in a separate territory or its individual groups is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. Indicative information about the levels, structure and dynamics of morbidity can be obtained from the reports of therapeutic and prophylactic institutions and central control reports using a solid method.

Detection of patterns, morbidity, connections are possible only with a selective method by cutting passport and medical data from the primary accounting documents on a statistical map.

When estimating the level, structure and dynamics of the incidence of population and its individual groups, it is recommended to compare with indicators of the Russian Federation, city, district, region.

The unit of observation in the study of the overall morbidity is the primary treatment of the patient in the current calendar year about the disease. The main accounting documents for studying the overall morbidity is: a medical card and a statistical coupon of the refined diagnosis.

The total incidence is calculated for 1000, 10,000 people. In the structure of the overall morbidity in Russia, the first place is occupied by diseases of the respiratory organs, in the second place of the disease of the nervous system and organs of the senses, in the third place - blood circulation bodies on the fourth - diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, on the fifth disease of the nervous system and senses.

The incidence of infectious diseases is studied by accounting for each infectious disease or suspicion of it. Accounting document is an emergency notice of infectious disease. Emergency notice is drawn up for each infectious disease or suspected of the disease and sent within 12 hours to the Center for Rospotrebnadzor (SanEpidadzor). Emergency notice before departure is registered in the journal of infectious diseases (form No. 060). Based on records in this magazine, a report on the dynamics of infectious diseases for each month, quarter, half year and year is drawn up. Analysis of infectious morbidity is carried out using general and special indicators. The overall rate of infectious incidence is the number of infectious diseases registered for the year per 10,000 inhabitants divided into population. Special figures - age-sex, depending on the profession, work experience, etc.

The structure of infectious incidence (in%) is the proportion of infectious diseases among the total number of registered diseases. The rate of mortality is calculated and evaluated (the number of infectious diseases per 10,000 infectious diseases) is calculated. With a deeper study of the infectious incidence, seasonality, sources of infection, the effectiveness of preventive vaccinations, etc. are analyzed, etc., which makes it possible to develop measures to combat infectious diseases.

The number of registered infectious diseases (diphtheria, cough, tick-borne encephalitis, salmonellosis has increased. The incidence of venereal diseases, tuberculosis increased.

In the Russian Federation, the highest incidence falls on the ARVI group, which in the structure of the total infectious incidence is 87%. The incidence of flu per 100,000 population is 3721, acute infection of the upper respiratory tract 20.

The incidence of measles increased 4 times, by a coup by 63%. Diphtheria has an epidemic character in a number of regions. In general, the incidence of diphtheria increased 4 times. The highest incidence in St. Petersburg (more than 5 times more than in Russia).

A high incidence of acute intestinal infections remains. In recent years, more than 1 million is 100 thousand with dysentery, typhoids, salmonelis. About 60% children under 14 years old. Unfavorable areas on dysentery: Korelia, Komi, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma, Penza region.

Surability Or the prevalence of diseases is a combination of all acute and all chronic diseases registered in this calendar year. Soreness is always higher than the level of incidence. The incidence rate, in contrast to pain, indicates the dynamic processes occurring in the health of the population and is more preferable to identify causal connections.

The painfulness indicator gives an idea of \u200b\u200bboth new cases of diseases, on previously diagnosed cases and exacerbations of chronic diseases, on which the population appealed in this calendar year.

Scatterness \u003d (The number of patients with this disease, registered for the year - the number of patients taken from accounting + the number of patients registered) / The average annual population of X 1000

Pathological affection - a set of diseases and pathological conditions identified by doctors through active medical examinations of the population; Statistically expressed as the ratio of the number of diseases currently available to the average population, multiplied by 1000. These are mainly chronic diseases, but the acute diseases currently available may be taken into account. In practical health care, this term may define the results of medical examinations of the population. Calculate as the attitude of the number of diseases identified in medical examination, to the number of inspected persons multiplied by 1000.

Incidence with temporary disability (star) It occupies a special place in incidence statistics due to high economic significance. The incidence from the VUT is one of the types of incidence of treatment, is a priority characteristic of the health status of working. The incidence of the VUT characterizes the prevalence of those incidence of working, which entailed the nebody to work.

The unit of observation in the study of morbidity is every case of temporary disability due to a disease or injury in this year. The accounting document is a sheet of disability, which is not only a medical statistical, but also a legal document certifying temporary exemption from work, and financial, on the basis of which benefits are made from social insurance. In addition to passport data (surname, name, patronymic, floor, age), there is information about the place of work of the diseased, duration of treatment.

According to a generally accepted method, a number of indicators may be calculated based on the form of the form 16-q; 1) the number of cases of temporary disability per 100 working (an average of 80-100 cases per 100 operating); 2) the number of days of the star per 100 working (on average 800-1200 per 100 working); 3) The average duration of one occasion of the flapping (the ratio of the total number of days of disability to the number of cases of disability) is about 10 days.

When analyzing the flas, the structure of temporary disability in cases and days is also determined (first place - diseases with sharp respiratory infections, further - diseases of the nervous system and senses, hypertensive disease, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.). You can analyze the flag on nosological forms.

In groups of health, working can be distributed on 5 main groups:

1) healthy (who did not have a single case of disability in the year);

2) practically healthy (having had 1-2 cases of disability about sharp forms of diseases);

3) having 3 and more cases of disability about sharp forces of diseases;

4) having chronic diseases, but not having cases of disability;

5) Having chronic diseases and having about these diseases of disability.

Indicators of hospital morbidity. The incidence of hospitalized patients is the accounting of persons treated in the hospital during the year. Information about hospitalized incidences allow to judge the timeliness of hospitalization, duration and outcome of treatment, coincidence or discrepancies of diagnoses, the amount of medical care provided, etc. Data on hospitalized morbidity are taken into account when planning a karea fund, determining the need for various types of inpatient assistance. An observation unit in the study of hospitalized morbidity is every case of hospitalization. The accounting statistical form serves as a map of retired from the hospital. The overall level of hospitalization is about 150 cases per 1000 people. In the structure of hospitalized patients, the main share is patients with diseases of blood circulation, digestion, chronic diseases of the respiratory organs, patients with injuries.

When studying the incidence and mortality of the population, the "international statistical classification of diseases and problems associated with health" 14 (10th revision, 1995, WHO), including 21 class of diseases that are divided into a block of rubrics, terms and diagnostic formulations.

Morbidity structure -the share of diseases of a particular system of the body in a total incidence of 100% (an example of the incidence structure on the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is depicted in Fig. 4.3.). In the first place - the disease of the respiratory organs (36%), on the second - injury and poisoning (13%), in the third - diseases of the urogenital system (7%), on the fourth - diseases of the eye and its apparatus (6%), on the fifth - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (5%).

Fig. 4.4. The structure of morbidity

Currently, there is a change in the structure of morbidity and mortality. So, until the middle of the twentieth century, infectious diseases were the most common, which became the main cause of the deaths of the population, then noncommunicable diseases (chronically flowing cardiovascular, oncological, neuropsychiatric, endocrine diseases and injuries) are dominated. This fact is explained by certain achievements in the field of medical science and the development of preventive directions in health care: vaccination, occupational safety measures, the elimination of natural foci of malaria, plague, sanitary enlightened.

Some researchers talk about the crisis of public health. The manifestations of the crisis include the growth of noncommunicable epidemics, an increase in the number of deaths due to cardiovascular, respiratory, and oncological diseases. On average, the world's cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 25% of deaths. In developed countries - 40-50%, in developing - 16%. A mortality from cancer over the past 20 years has increased in 28 most developed countries by 19% (including the lung cancer - by 76% in men and 135% in women). The crisis is generated, according to experts, a sharp drop in the level of mental component of health (mental disorders - in 2% of the population, taking into account the notasy forms, alcoholism and drug addiction - 5-10%, suicide - 40-200 per 100 thousand people) and especially - Spiritual: Rising crime, egoism, cult of violence, addiction, loss of sensations of happiness, self-satisfaction, etc. The threat of crisis is in the worsening of the gene pool: survivors and gives the offspring more and more people with a bad gene blossom.

Epidemiological data convincingly suggests that men have the incidence of higher than that of women. Men dying from myocardial infarction more often than 7.5 times aged 40 to 49 years; 5.5 times - aged 50 to 55 years and 2.5 times - over the age of 60 years. The unequal life expectancy of men and women is also explained by genetic differences in the chromosomal cell of the cell nucleus, in the presence of a double set of X-chromosomes in women, which determines the higher reliability of the important mechanisms of the biological regulation of the cell.

One of the main features of the modern medical demographic situation in the country is a high level of incidence of all categories of the population, including women and children - contingents that determine the reproductive potential of the country for the future. So, according to the results of the All-Russian dispensarization of children in 2002, only 32.1% of children can be recognized as healthy. Violations of the somatic health of women, their high gynecological morbidity and frequency of obstetric complications during pregnancy and in childbirth are the leading factors to reduce the quality of the health of a born offspring.

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