Law on Consumer Cart Basket. About the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation. Explanatory note to the draft federal law "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation"

Concrete 10.06.2021

The law of the city of Moscow No. 23 dated March 15, 2002 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" establishes the definition of the concept of "consumer basket" is a minimum set of food, as well as non-food products and services that are necessary for a person to preserve health and ensure its livelihoods. Thus, it can be explained that the consumer basket is usually used to calculate the subsistence minimum, as well as to compare integrated prices for food in different regions of a separate country.

The consumer basket in the Russian Federation is 156 items of goods and services, this list was drawn up in 1992 by agreement between the IMF and the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. To compare with other countries, the consumer basket of products, goods and services is a significantly smaller list than, for example, in the United States, where it consists of 300 items or Germany, where 475 types of products, goods and services are included in the list.

From the first of January 2016, Federal Law No. 227-FZ is entering into force on December 3, 2012"On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation", adopted in November 2012 by the State Duma of the Russian Federation and approved by the Federation Council of Russia. The Federal Law on the Consumer Basket of the Russian Federation of 2016 consists of 4 articles and provides for the establishment of a consumer basket as a whole throughout the Russian Federation. Consider this law in more detail.

Article 1 of the Federal Legislative Act regulates the procedure for establishing a consumer basket for the main socio-democratic groups of the population in the Russian Federation. In accordance with the norms of the article, the consumer basket must be installed at least once every five years.

Article 2 Paragraphs 1 and 2 establishes a list of foods that must be included in the consumer basket for major population groups in Russia, including the composition and volume of products in natural indicators, as well as the ratio of the value of non-food products and services with the cost of food in percents.

Federal Law No. 44-FZ of March 31, 2006 "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation" and Federal Law No. 332-FZ dated December 8, 2010 "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation in 2011 - 2012", in accordance with Article 3 The Federal Law on Consumer Cart Basket of the Russian Federation of 2016 is recognized as invalid.

Article 4 of the Federal Law discussed records the deadlines for the entry of the document into legal force - January 1, 2016. This law was signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in 2012.

Project N 227090-4

Currency is made
Russian Federation



About the consumer basket as a whole
in the Russian Federation

This Federal Law establishes a consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation.

Article 1.

Consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups of the population (able-bodied population, pensioners, children) as a whole in the Russian Federation is established in the following composition and volumes (in natural indicators):

1. Food


unit of measurement

The volume of consumption (on average per person per year)

able-bodied population


Bread products
(bread and pasta in terms of

flour, flour, cereals, legumes)


Vegetables and Bakhcheva

Fruits fresh

Sugar and confectionery in terms of sugar

Meat products


Milk and milk products in terms of milk

Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats

Other products (salt, tea, spices)

2. Unfortunate goods


Unit of measurement/
warry term

able-bodied population


Upper finger group

pieces / years

Upper suit
dresses group

pieces / years

pieces / years

Hoicing products

couple / Years

Headwear and haberdashery products

pieces / years

couple / Years

School and writing goods

pieces / years


pieces / years

Cultural and Economic Products

pieces / years

Essentials, Sanitation and Medicines

percent of the total amount of expenses for non-food products per month

3. Services


unit of measurement

The volume of consumption (on average per person)

able-bodied population


sq. m overall area

Central heating

gkal per year

Cold and hot water supply and drainage

l per day

Gas supply

cube m per month


per month

Transport services

in year

Culture services

percent of the total value
services for services per month

Other types of services

percent of total
services for services
per month

Article 2.

1. This federal law enters into force on the day of its official publication.

2. The action of this Federal Law applies to the legal relations arising from January 1, 2005.

The president
Russian Federation
V. Putin

Explanatory note to the draft federal law "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation"

The draft federal law "On the consumer basket in general in the Russian Federation" was prepared on the basis of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 N 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", according to which the subsistence minimum * is determined on the basis of the cost assessment of the consumer basket revised at least once every five years, as well as in connection with the expiration of the term.
* The cost of living as a whole in the Russian Federation is used to assess the standard of living of the population, the rationale established at the federal level of the minimum wage, as well as to determine the size of scholarships, benefits and other social payments set at the federal level.

Methodical recommendations, on the basis of which, in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the consumer basket is determined, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2005 N 511.

In the proposed bill, the volume of consumption provided for in the consumer basket is updated.

Given the need to improve the quality of nutrition, it is proposed to increase the food and biological value of the consumer basket at the expense:

increase compared with the existing norms of consumption of meat and meat products, fish, milk, fruit and berries;

reducing the cost of consumption for bread products (bread, pasta, flour, croup, legumes) and potatoes.

Consumption rate on average per person per year is invited to increase in the following sizes:

meat and meat products - by 22%, including for pensioners - by 39%;

fish and fish products - by 15%, including for children - by 25%;

fresh fruits - by 31%, including for pensioners - by 62%, for children - by 27%;

milk and milk products - by 10%.

The proposed minimal sets of products are an averaged power model balanced by basic edible substances and energy. The energy value of the minimum nutritional set on average per person is 2268 kcal per day (including for working age - 2418 kcal per day, for pensioners - 2000 kcal per day, for children - 2062 kcal per day), which corresponds to the developed professionals In the food area, the norms of physiological needs in food and energy for workers are very light and light physical activity, children and pensioners (Appendix 1).
* Appendix 1 in the mailing list is not given. - Note "Code".

Considering that the list of non-food products consumed by the population (clothing and shoes, bed linen, consumer goods and economic purposes, essentials and sanitation), as well as the timing of their wear, over the past period, have practically not changed, their minimum set in natural units of measurement included in the consumer basket is maintained in former consumption.

The standards of consumption of housing and communal, household and transportation services provided for in the consumer basket in the proposed version of the consumer basket do not change, since it allows for the minimum needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population in housing, the organization of life, movement. The growth of tariffs for services is taken into account when calculating the subsistence minimum on the basis of an updated consumer basket.

The minimum set of services included a separate line of the culture service in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2005 N PR-512 on ensuring access of low-income citizens to cultural values.

The updated consumer basket proposed by the bill (in consumer prices of the first quarter of 2005) more than previously operating, per capita per 84 rubles or 3.3%, including for the working-age population - by 72 rubles or on 2.7%, pensioners - per 100 rubles or 4.8%, children - by 117 rubles or 4.4 percent (Appendix 2) *.
* Appendix 2 in the mailing list is not given. - Note "Code".

The entry into force of the draft federal law "On the consumer basket as a whole in the Russian Federation" is envisaged from the date of official publication.

The action of the draft federal law applies to the legal relations arising from January 1, 2005 in connection with the expiration of the term (December 31, 2004) of the Federal Law of November 20, 1999 No. 201-FZ "On the consumer basket as a whole in the Russian Federation."

The Russian Federation operates a federal law that regulates the cost and list of products in the consumer basket. This legislative act is made by several requirements, including the need to update a maximum of 5 years. Recent changes were made in 2017.

Changes compared with the previous version are incomplete.

Basic provisions 227 FZ

The main provisions are divided under items, which in the FZ total 4.

Article 1.

It is the regulations for timing. The list should be revised at least a 5-year period. This is the maximum limit of the revision and the established composition of products and services.

Article 2.

The second paragraph regulates the list and description of services and products that are listed. This data is included in the estimated range, on the basis of which the cost is formed.

There are several important points:

  • the set of products form on the basis of the needs of the key layer of the population, that is, different options for different categories;
  • data is oriented as a whole on the country, there is no regional separation;
  • all calculations are manufactured by natural indicators;
  • categories of the population are divided into three types - minors, retirement agents and able-bodied population;
  • the distribution of products for each category is drawn up by a table where the product name is indicated in the graphs, the unit of measurement and the average amount of volume, which is presumably required for the annual period.

In the list of products, there are several types of goods. Among them:

  • cereals, pasta, flour, bakery products;
  • potatoes;
  • vegetables of various types;
  • a set of fruit;
  • confectionery and sugar sand;
  • any type of meat;
  • various types of fish;
  • dairy products, including milk;
  • eggs;
  • various types of oil;
  • other products.

Additionally, a list of non-food products is defined. The cost is indicated at a rate of 50%.

Article 3.

The third article of the Federal Law has a list of legislation that has lost strength, but previously regulated the main aspects of filling the required volume. These include N 332-FZ dated December 8, 2010, which establishes the rules for 2011-2012, and N 44-FZ of 31.03.2006.

Article 4.

The final article establishes the framework of the period during which the act and its existing option will be valid.

The existing period is limited to 31.12.2020.

Changes in the year of 2017

The latter look has few changes, in particular, the validity period was changed, transferred for 2020.

At the time of signing changes, the cost of a set of services of a basket in a rounded amount - 3840 rubles.

All changes were regulated by an act of N -FZ.

Important! The cost varies every quarter depending on the economic indicators or other factors.


The set for various categories of consumers is formed on the basis of legislation, which take into account the minimum set of goods and services that are necessary to ensure livelihoods. Each group has its own figures.

All data are regulated by law and have a certain period of validity until the next revision of the required goods.

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