New criteria for burning children. The number of children who were born alive last year are born alive

Aviary 10.06.2021

" In the present article, we will try our best to consider our lives before birth, dividing it for 2 parts:

  • Part 1. Life before birth - time before conception
  • Part 2. Life before birth - in crash spent in the womb

The reason why we decided to publish articles "Life before birth" and "Life after death" is that the content of these articles leads us to understand that how we live our lives, has mandatory consequences for us.

After the death of man, his new birth on earth does not depend on it (more precisely from it). The possibility of birth on earth, a very rare event. To enter the embryo, millions of thin bodies compete for this opportunity, for a chance to come to Earth again and experience life in this world. But it is possible only to one thin body, which deserved to enter the embryo and be born again on Earth.

4. What factors determine when, where and in which family we are born on Earth?

Our birth on earth is determined by two main factors:

  1. Are favorable conditions on earth, in order to pay our account according to?
  2. In which of the regions we are before being born on Earth?

4.1 Giving-Take and New Birth.

Our account "Give-Take" ( Karma) It is the only important defining factor:

  • Time when we are born on earth and
  • In which family we are born, etc.

This account determines exactly our time of conception up to a year, month, hour and second. This means that we are born in that time when it is most suitable for our account we work. Thus, we are born on Earth at the same time as the people with whom we have the greatest accounts or karma. This moment gives us the best external conditions on earth. Let's look at the following example:

Mr. and fraudulently deceived Mr. B for all his wealth. Thus, Mr. and earned a harmful "giving-take" the score with Mr. B. If it will die without paying my duty, he will have to be born again to pay the ego. To pay the ego, it will have to either be born immediately, while it is still alive, or have to wait until b will be born on Earth again. However, if Mr. A also accumulated other accounts, he would have to live one or more unfortunate lives until he could atone for all his debts. Consequently, he will have to be born in the difficult times of general hostility and worldwide cataclysm. To be born in relatively prosperous times, he will naturally not be able to be born.

The main meaning of the "Giving-Take" of the Law is not to determine the number of stolen money that must be returned, and in the number of units of misfortunes formed as a result of this deception. On the previous example, it looks like this: Mr. And his deception caused Mr. B 1000 units of misfortune, hence it is possible that Mr. and can be born Mother Mr. B. As a careful and obedient child, Mr. would enjoy the love of his mother. Then he will suddenly die from an accident or short-term illness at the age, say 10 years. It will happen at the time when the mother to the child was very attached and his untimely death would cause her 1000 units of misfortune and grief, now as a mother, and before Mr. A.

4.1.1 What determines which part of the accumulated debt will play a role in our destiny on earth?

Here, also the rule also, at birth, the part of the accumulated account "Give-Take" will be taken, for which there are optimal conditions so that we can work out in the coming life.

4.1.2 Can parents vary through the spiritual practice of chanting to attract more spiritual and developed sattva Slim body (soul) for conception?

Yes, this is possible, thanks to spiritual practice to attract a benevolent, satvutical Baby boy in the uterus. But only if parents pay enough time, not less than 4-5 hours per day of spiritual practice according to, as well as the body, mind and wealth in serving God.

When parents practice spiritual practice, and the first in turn of the soul (in accordance with the law "to take-giving") does not have sufficient qualities of goodness, it will replace the following in this queue, which is fully endowed with them. Such a child is usually very obedient, diligent and intelligent. In this case, it is also not enough likely to give birth to a physically or mentally retarded child, due to the fact that parents worked his negative fate with their spiritual practice.

4.2.2 Birthday I.s paradise

If the thin body is in Ray, then it may be prestundable to wait for thousands of years before it is born again on Earth.

4.2.3 from hell

In the lower zones of the Universe, such as blood pressure, the time of suffering lasts much longer. In addition, the negative creatures of the high level are forcing subtle bodies to engage in negative activities. As a result, they are gaining negative accounts (the law "Give-Take"), which contributes to their endless stay in these regions.

And only subtle bodies from the first three zones of hell, who were able to work out their share of suffering, are born again on Earth. Such an opportunity to be born from the 1st zone of hell, only 1 out of 100,000 births can be removed. Of the 2nd and 3th zone of hell even less often. In the regions below 3, this possibility is almost absent.

Approximately 350,000 newborns daily, only three thin bodies come from hell, the rest are born from purming and only a few thin bodies come from Paradise.

In rare cases, the subtle body can get his most first birth on Earth, even in our today's era. Since they do not have any accounts with any of their actions on their own selection. Since they do not have r aja Tamathe impression that affect the subconsciousness, they can use free will in choosing spiritual practice.

5. What is the duration of the time interval between death and re-birth on earth?

There is no exactly fixed time between death and re-birth on Earth. On average, it is from 50 to 400 years for thin bodies from a purm. For example, thin bodies from Paradise can be waiting for thousands of years.

Very rarely, when the subtle body of the deceased person, immediately gets the opportunity to enter the womb again. If this happens, then as a rule in a three-month period of pregnancy, so the birth occurs after six months. The probability of such an event is 0.001% of all births.

In even rare cases, the subtle body is just a deceased person, can oust another thin body of nine-month-old flesh and be born immediately. In this case, a thin body that displaces must be more spiritually developed and have a very large "take-giving" the score with the family in which it will be born.

6. When is the next birth of a person solve?

For most people, the next new birth has already been determined at the time of their death just lived life, as most of the subtle bodies do not engage in spiritual practice in the other world. Spiritual practice is the only way to neutralize your account "take-giving" or Karma. For most thin bodies, this score remains unchanged due to the absence of spiritual practice.

Only for highly developed thin bodies that come from Maharloka and Janaloka Fate is solved at the time of their birth because they themselves decide when they are born on Earth. All other born thin bodies, 100% are associated with their fate.

7. After how many births, we have already passed?

The number of people's births on Earth with a spiritual level of 20% within 1000 years


  1. Number of years spent on earth: 500 years
  2. The number of years spent in purgatory: 500 years

Please note that it applies to subtle bodies that come from a purm. They could be born in various forms to suffer before receiving birth in the human body.

8 Does a person know his fate or where he will be born again?

Man at the moment of conception does not know anything about the family in which he will be born. The probability of being displaced from the womb to another thin body exists until the last moment. At the moment of birth, the subtle body knows about his accounts with the family, where it will be born. This means that it understands what nature is this account, positive or negative. From here, it means that the fate of the thin body does not hide from it.

9. Can we from a highly developed body get instructions to our birth about what is expected from us?

Not. Such instructions are not given.

10. What determines the floor of the child?

With the very first birth, the gender of the child determines God. From his point of view, the floor is of great importance for the realization of the goal of life, i.e. Realize God.

After that, those who were born a man continue to be born in the body of a man if it left a positive imprint at the subconscious level. This is determined by the principle: "We are not interested in what we do not know." But if someone in his life was interested in lesbian or homosexualism, then in his next birth, he will receive the body to which he had an attraction.

From the point of view of the account of "Giving-Take", half a person does not matter, since in both bodies there are alone and the same characteristics, for example anger, envy, etc. Also, the birth of a man is not a mandatory advantage for the awareness of God. Association with God.

According to spiritual science, a man and a woman is no better or worse compared to each other. They are more likely one - the sun canal ( Surya Nadi) and the moon canal ( Chandra Nadi) in the Ecumenical Energy System ( Kundalini).

On the contrary, in the event, for example, if a woman wants to take revenge on his husband to the rapist, who mocked her, then in the next life she will be born a man, and he is a woman, and they will change roles.

Again, it is not necessary to become husband or wife to pay for such a character, negative relationship. Already in this life, the husband can pass through the suffering by other paths in any other situations.

11. What determines whether the animal is born in the human body?

The ability to be born an animal in a person's body only in the event that some person mocked animals and in punishment to this person they change the bodies in the next birth. No animal (which was originally born animals) does not evolve to the human body. Only, if the subtle body, which was in the body of a person, who received the body of an animal in punishment for his actions and spent this punishment, is born out of the animal again in the human body. Rites committed for past ancestors can help them in such situations.

But if a subtle body, in the body of an animal is experiencing a strong desire to realize God, then it receives a human body earlier to engage in the desired spiritual practice. Some part of suffering they are released. Such people often have traits of character similar to the nature of the animal in the previous birth, such as, for example, anger (in Lev) and so on.

12. Can one family ancestors intervene in the process of the birth of a subtle body in this family?

Prerequisites with a high spiritual level or ancestors under the influence of ghosts (devils and negative energy) with higher power as thin sorcerers ( Mantar etc., may interfere in the fate of a thin body, to prevent his birth or interfere with the process of obtaining a certain floor. For example, the birth of a boy in the family. In this case, it is born that the thin body, which was next in the queue for birth. Such actions of the ancestors are committed or due to the desire to attract attention or as an act of revenge, etc.

Refer to the article: "Why do my ancestors want to hurt me?"

13. Generalization

What does this article mean for us?

  • Most people throughout their lives are striving for wealth, prestige, search for special work, but few know about the spiritual meaning of life and even less about life after death. Where the only value is our.
  • From a spiritual point of view, birth on earth as a person is the greatest luck. This is the only zone where we have the opportunity to engage in spiritual practice to overcome our fate and eventually get out of the cycle of birth and death.
  • In the real era, if we get into purgatory, we will have to wait a lot of centuries to be born here on Earth. If we get to the region of hell, the opportunity to be born on earth can introduce us to us only in thousands of years.
  • Currently, on average, only 30% of us fall into purgatory. Most will go to the regions of hell.
  • In today's time, that is since 1999-2022, our world will survive the replacing period, in the era of discord ( Kaliyug). This period is especially favorable for spiritual growth, where one year of spiritual practice can be equal to the 50s in any other period.
  • As soon as in this life, as a result of spiritual practice, we will reach 60% sAMASHTI or 70% vyashti spiritual level, we will not have to go back to the ground to work out karmu..

"Governor" Andrei Mighty on Golden Mask: Opinions about the Moscow Premiere

The dramatic program "Golden Masks" - 2018 opened the "governor" Andrei Mighty. If in St. Petersburg last year's performance BDT, refilled for Colta.Ru Lily Schitenburg, left criticism in unanimous delight, then after Moscow shows evaluated. In this "Governor" repeated the fate of other rapid accomplishments in the modern history of the national scene, forcing us once again to think about the radical differences in the optics of the theater public of Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the request of the editors, the leading metropolitan critics shared with us opinions about the performance.

Alena Karas.

First of all, the performance of the mighty, in my opinion, returns us an incredited historical experience. The fact that the story of Leonid Andreeva "Governor" is ideal for these purposes, "the thought seems to be simple, but so far for some reason who has not come to mind anyone. Meanwhile, this is an extremely important prose - very expressive, denoting almost the main socio-psychological drama of the century, the personal responsibility of the authorities of the preconditions. This collision stitches the performance through: from the prison of an individual consciousness - to an universal mystery. The production genre is thought of immaculately: the mighty draws the picture of the apocalypse, thinly working with his signs in culture - from the "sky over Berlin" Vima Wants to the "knight of despair" Jan Fabra, from the images of the Vakhtangovsky "Gadibuk" to the Tadeusus of Cantor. It is not by chance that the Governor ends with the words from Kaprichos, Goya, brilliantly incurring the playwork of the performance: "The experience of the dead does not go around those who stand on the threshold of death."

Marina Davydova

The simplest thing I can say about the play "Governor", - he impressed. To most of the public, in any case. It is really made spectacular and ingeniously. First of all, it is the merit of Scenographer Alexander Shishkin, but his work is inseparable from the director's work. Andrei Mighty has always been to the same extent as an artist of his performances, in what director. His visual fantasies largely accounted for a creature of this directory. And I remember how artists who leading the "formal theater" fited in the Breyghelevsky world of one of his best works - the play "between the dog and the Wolf" fit into the Breyghelevsky world.

In the "Governor", I always felt a contradiction between the bright, advanced scenography and a very archaic game of artists who, for the most part, continue to exist in the parameters of the Tovstonogo theater. Good or bad, each of them exists, good or bad it in itself is a separate question. But stylistically they are in another era. Scenography in the XXI century, and they are still in the twentieth.

In the same way in the twentieth century - more precisely, at the very beginning - Leonid Andreeva's story remained. I remember that, according to the reviews of those who saw the premiere, the performance of the mighty, there was an impression on them not only a deep, existential statement, but also the statements extremely topical, facing today. He was perceived as a direct dialogue with the auditorium. That is, the story of Leonid Andreeva, according to many, sounded extremely relevant. In truth, I went to the truth, there was exactly the opposite impression. All two hours while the performance was walking, I thought: however, the reality that Andreev describes, and our today's reality is described. Where in modern Russia you will find representatives of the authorities who suffer from the agony of conscience, do in themselves and are experiencing a monstrous version of the guilt for the deed? Where are the antagonistic authorities of the masses? Show me them! Where is the intelligentsia that perceived the suffering of the people as their own and felt his unity with the people? Where, finally, the very revolutionaries, the revenge of which is relentlessly waiting for the protagonist? I'm from time to time I go to court - it is clear what. Sometimes it seems: now the door is dissolved, and some kind of new Vera Zasulich will enter it. And something will create in this courtroom, in which injustice is hanging in the air so that you can literally cut the knife. But the door does not dissolve, and no faith snaps. And it will not go! All state criminals of this country can sleep calmly. Nothing threatens them. Including flour conscience.

Have you ever seen the face of the judge who is delivering a deliberately unrighteous sentence? This is a face of a calm and complacented person. All social align over the past century has become absolutely different. We found themselves in an inert society that cannot be dissolved. With representatives of the authorities who have learned to experience the feeling of guilt. With the people who sees the enemies is not in power, but in the "fifth column". And it seems to me that the text of Andreeva would make sense to put in order to pay our time. Not to get ridiculous, namely to pay. Even oppose. Through it, to identify how the political and social person of the country in which we live for a hundred years have changed. But the creators of the play is nothing, as it seems to me, did not mean. If you get distracted from a social aspect, then in the performance (and in the story) sometimes sounds very interesting topic: as a new man begins to see a person who is on the threshold of death. How changes the proximity of death with optics through which you look at life. In a mighty, this topic makes its way through social pathos, but still does not become central. However, if she became central, it would be better to put the story of Andreeva, and the brilliant "death of Ivan Ilyich, who was in the twentieth century. She is just at all times.

Along with directing and scenographic innovations in the performance, the return to the model of the Russian Psychological Theater, to the direct Tovstonogan tradition, is obvious.

Anna Stepanova

I think the significance of this performance is very significant. "Governor" suddenly became a bridge between the best theater of the Soviet era of the 70s - early 80s and the current scene. It is important to remember that so far the situation has demonstrated a failure, confrontation of the new Russian theater with the previous tradition. The new Russian theater had to discard the archaic, to form, feel its strength - therefore, such a gap was inevitable.

It seems to me that today, after a new Russian, if you like - Russian, the theater has become myself, formed as an independent and holistic artistic phenomenon, such an inner need emerged to connect times. To combine, including aesthetically - because along with directing and scenographic innovations in the performance of the mightyly obviously returning to the model of the Russian psychological theater, to a straight to the Tovstonogan tradition, when the theater was built by the performance of the spectacle in the skin of the hero, immersed in the bowels of his soul.

In the "Governor" markedly returns to another important aspect - ethical. The new Russian theater required limiting freedom - including from the narrow moral judgments of social identity. But today the scene with absolute evidence is engaged in the search for new ethics. And merciless in relation to the person, which, at the stage of its formation, found a new theater, could have changed his deep understanding. In the governor, the director returned the right to empathy, on empathy, but by no means the same, old ways, with the elevation of the right and debunking of the guilty. Mighty deprived this design of the moment of excuses anyone. In the governor, he himself does not forgive herself, does not justify - but aware of the justice of payback. And he pays for the blindness of the previous official and the general who is like rock or pure font pushed at the arm to give a signal to the shooting of demonstrators. After he was horrified by the deed, from the functioner - exactly as in the last speech of Ulyukayev - a living, suffering man was born. And then everything fell into place.

Zara Abdullayev

Unrest in narrow circles are caused by just deceived expectations - because from Peter reported that this is the event of the year and the city. In Moscow, the play did not go, fell apart - I was on the first one [of two shows in the framework of the Golden Mask]. The case, of course, is alive, but still: failure. Mechanical set of attractions, completely suede. What does magritte characters in the pots? They are an eagle, personalifying, it is necessary to think, the Order of the White Eagle. But who is this Simvolyatina understandable? Well, yes, there is a dialogue, so to speak, with a silent movie. Is it because a voice voice retelling the plot is turned on, obsolete? Of course, this is a performance-anachronism. But he could at least be good and not pretentious and naive. Here, the techniques of the median theater-theater for an indulged, probably public. The one that is on the pop to walk Zapla, and the conceptual theater in his own city is boring. In order to be more fun, large plans of artists and an insignificant people on screens, broken glasses, light coercion, loud shots, gymnasics and snow are being introduced. Vain precaution. I suggest to introduce a moratorium on the scene on snow and rain - not only in memory of the shooter "Campiello".

It is indisputable, however, generated high cost of scenery. They only stared on them, remembering the mute Movie Protazanov in 1928 ["White Eagle"], where fear and horror were not imitation. Petersburg Sanovnik played Meyerhold, and the gloomy governor, devoid of conscience, - Kachalov.

Christina Matvienko

Released exactly a year ago, the "governor" of Andrei Mogulya performed an impression: a scale, a direct-lifting theme, technological impeccability. It was something paradoxically cheerful, balancing the Patatte associated with the plot of Leonid Andreeva and a century of revolution. He was in the "governor" and a compromise - between the natural radicalism of the director's handwriting of the mighty and Mahina of the Great Drama Theater. That is, everything was in shape in the perfect picture - but within the framework of mainstream. In such a context, the "governor" is a significant, important performance, and in the other it is not placed, so it is necessary to talk about it, given this context.

Since 2012, Russia is moving to the new criteria of "alignment"; Children approved by the World Health Organization.

Now doctors will be obliged to fight for the life of babies born on the period of pregnancy from 22 weeks with weight from 500 grams
Until now, the registry authorities registered born with a mass of body from 1000

Born-born with a mass of body from 500 to 999 g were subject to registration in the registry offices as those who lived in those cases, if they lived more than 168 hours after birth.
If such a child died without living these hours - death was not registered because Such a child was considered not newborn, but fruit.

President of the National Medical Chamber, Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, Leonid Roshal believes that the introduction of new standards will give impetus to the development of pediatrics, intensive care, intensive therapy and other areas of medicine in Russia.

Russian doctors very uniquely reacted to this innovation.\u003d9&tid\u003d9082&p\u003d3#220041

1. A concern is that far from all settlements of Russia there are conditions for the adhesion of such children.
2. All indicators of the work of obstetricians and neonatologists are dramatically worsening. Mortality among such children will be very high.
3. The concerns are expressed that such children, most often, will be "defective." They say, these people with disabilities will be a burden for mothers and the inhabitants of children.

It seems to me that introducing new criteria - necessary.
And that's why:
1. Money will be allocated for this program and it will allow you to better equip the genus. at home, branches of resuscitation in them

2. It will be necessary to improve the doctors of obstetricians, neonatologists, resuscitative.
The demand from them will be stricter.
After all, if they become punished for the inheritance of a 500gram child, it is for the death of a full and born in time - they are shot in the backyard at the garbage.
I agree with the principle that in Russia, to achieve at least some results, it is necessary to put difficulty, transcendental purposes.
These goals may not be achieved, but with the dead point, the case will be shifted.

3. And you do not need to decide everything for your parents! Parents are different.
We, for example, actively operate the infants with hydrocephalus (various origin). When they started to do it many years ago, we were also told, I wander your hands: "Ah, experiment, oh and will give parents, why extend the life of infallible people? … etc.
It turned out that many normally and mothers are happy then they survive and develop.
Of course, if you are sane moms.
There are those who throw such children, grind them at home, (one burned seven in the oven) ... etc.
But do we need to be focused on these cannibals?
It seems to me that every life is valuable. We did not give her and not to decide who to live, who was not.
When they want to do something - looking for opportunities when they do not want - they are looking for reasons.

"Listborn sovereign"

Viewed a video "My address is the Soviet Union. Answers Vyacheslav Blacks ", and here again in questions from the people, a certain topic is rising about" live-born sovereigns ". Yes, the people are interested in this topic, and this is the fact that we, people, so to speak the builders of the "New World", cannot be left without attention ...

Here, for example, "saburov", so to say "Message" was caught, it can be seen from the video "Most Hundred Cathedral in Vladimir on April 21. Information about the trade union for all living things "... I don't want any type of" dirt ", pour on this man" Saburov ", and I still seem very convincing his desire for" unification of the people ", but I see a lot of initial mistakes In his endeavors. Perhaps these mistakes from a certain misunderstanding of the essence of things, but, and it is possible that there are some personal and mercenary interests again behind this. Here in this movement "for democracy", I already "self-breaking" seemed doubtful. And here it seems to me that even there is such an option that there is someone who always wants to hide "for" this is the most "democracy." Well, okay, over time everything will become clearer ...

And here I want to say a little on the topic of "live-born sovereigns" ...

The people here in this topic so to speak "the shore confuses", and everything in a bunch dumps. Here, for understanding things, it is necessary to divide this phrase into two separate words. And you need to start with the Russian word "lively". Yes, "birth certificate", it suits the fact that the person was born alive. The first such testimony, the primary document (form N103 / y), and there is a "Certificate of liveborn (boy / girl) a person / Loveman." Here we note that "faces" and "name", this little living person does not have, in the primary document (form N103 / y), they are not spelled out. But this little living person is already right that he was born alive, is a "subject of natural law", a certain little owner, for example, if he was born on the land of Ukraine, he is already the owner of the right to:

« Earth, € Nadra, Atmospheric Pink, Radi-Fasteners Resource, Yaki, IS Natural Resource, Yaki Based in Mezhah Territory Ukraine, Natural Resourssi Rostinental Shelf, VxuCouch (Morusko) Economic Zona (Dali - Natural Resourssi Ukraine) people »

And then it does not matter where this man "norroduced", on the fact of birth everyone in some kind of his share, is the owner of natural wealth. The right to him here this is not some kind of "state", on the basis of some "written laws" there, and "God is the Father of Heavenly", that "spirit", a certain small part of which is "Spark God", and is present in this alive physical body, it is also coming up. When this "Iskra", for some reason leaves the physical body, here the physical body is already becoming "dead." But this is not a man died, it's the "spirit of the life-giving", left his "physical body", and the man just became a "impersonal essence," so to say he was lost his physical body, and accordingly, "faces" ...

What "face"?

And now our little lived little man, parents give out the "name", but the "face" they can not fall asleep, "face" this little man must make himself, when it is growing, then starts to show his will, will be capable in public interactions, That's just here, he acquires a certain one who visible by other people "face", Ie becomes a "person." And here it is absolutely no important what this "person - personality" will be, good or bad, here it is necessary to maintain some kind of life in a circle of themselves, and people from the outside will see what this "face" is ...

And now we will look at, with a certain other point of view, the birth of our little man with a possible "name", but still without a "face." Whose parents, giving themselves the report in what they do, or no, "endow", our little man is a kind of "individual." Based on the certificate of form N103 / y, registering in the registry office, on paper in the "Book registry office" given to him "Name".

And now, in the so-called "jurisprudence", this "registered name" is called " legal name ", Which in the future will appear in the courts, as a certain identifier attached to the most lively person. And now, it is the recorder that becomes a kind of guardian and so to speak of our human rights activist " subject of natural law " namely " law name ", And if everything is honest, in a positive right, the essence of this living man, for him all this is not so bad. In the USSR, we all had it, if you can say so fairly fair, in a positive right, although not quite, if we consider this question deeper. But provided that everything was precisely on conscience and justice, here in the USSR, we were born by the "citizens" of this "collective agreement in the" Face of the USSR ". Ie parents when registering a child in the registry office, somewhere put their signatures, as if signed up for a small child, made it a full-fledged signed by the "Treaty of the USSR" - "Citizen of the USSR", which immediately opened the "personal account", and his share As the "subject of natural law", was put on the balance of the state - "Treaty of the USSR". Everything seems to be as wonderful, since we are all citizens of the USSR, considered the co-founders of this contract, and in this agreement was present the concept of "collective ownership". Here I will not talk about "work", as about the personal property of every living person, so as not to "climb on the debt", it's like a separate question, but here in the USSR, our work, almost we personally did not belong to everyone, but was part This very "collective ownership" ...

What we have now, when we understand that we are not citizens of some newly educated on the USSR infrastructure, alleged States of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and others?

Here I will not argue about where our "collective property" was gone. But now we look at the one who is born in our modern so-called "registrar-ah", allegedly "states", which are not. The signage was left, in which "zombies", still "believe", and the contractual essence seems to have not changed, all of these "RF", "Ukraine" and other collective formations, and are "contracts", under Which we people like everyone signed up. And this fact is confirmed by the personal signature of each in the so-called document "passport" of data of "collective agreements" - "RF", "Ukraine" and others. Yes, here the passport data has two functions as an identity card, and as a certificate of the "collective agreement", "Ukraine" and others. In turn, we were issued to our USSR citizens against our will, fraudulently, well, for what purposes we already know ...

All, over the years, our "collective ownership belonging to the" USSR Treaty "has been looted and sold with gutters, along with real estate and people. All of us, who is a signator of modern "collective agreements" - "RF", "Ukraine" and others, in fact, all now "slaves." And children registered under these "collective agreements" - "RF", "Ukraine" and others receive immediately "legal name of an individual". Citizens since 1991 are no longer born, now instead of "citizens" in these "shopping conglomerates" "slaves" are born. They also start the "personal account", but already with a certain negative balance equal to the share of credit debts accumulated by the "collective contracts", since its time of its existence. Ie, this is the "debt", which, for example, the "state of Ukraine", accumulated, taking the so-called "loans from the IMF." And other loans, since its time of existence. But all this turns out so because in the so-called "collective agreements - states" a type of ownership of ownership has changed, with "Collective" to "Private" ...

Ie here, it turns out so, of course, all this was done fraudulent way, and yet, the parents "walked" so to say all the property of the USSR, accumulated by his grandfathers and fathers, and drove their children in "BE fromtransfer slavery. And their children continue to give birth " listborn children "And quickly rush to register them under a legitimate" collective agreement ", having deprived them" natural law ", And having endowed the accumulated debts making them" morner in law », « slaves »…

Cool plot is twisted, isn't it?

So say that the topic of "liveborn" is nonsense, it is impossible, it does not have such a nonsense, and the people feel the people with a north, just does not know and does not understand how to get free from this. And those of people who are still "under the anesthesia of the media," is "Zombie - the Dead." These "zombies are the dead", in the image of the "Game of Thrones", about what it was said to be said above, apparently does not suspect ...

And it is easy to get free, and the living examples of this in Ukraine in Ukraine just exist, in practice everything is checked, and everything works, today and now, and everything is honest without the sale of "Certificates of the lived" with the purpose of profit, but with their issuing, and action in international law, which has a real weight ...

Who are these people who give such "certificates of liveborn"?

These are those who so to speak in this Ukrainian "war stood, and I wish them in the life of success" ...

These are "contractual territorial communities" who themselves issue in the circle of the community, their "live-born men" "birth certificates", "evidence of a subject of natural law", and in their community, in their registers they register. Samples of the same type documents are applied to this article, but I believe that they are still possible require some refinement, and the translation to others, including the Russian language, because these samples are one of the first developed.


  1. « » ( Svіdottva about Polard Ditini ).
  2. « » ( Title Vlasnostі on the natural resource of Ukraine ).
  3. « » ( Svіdottvo about Spіlna Vlasnіst ).

The issue of land

Right to land

Economic law

That's what concerns liveborn people. And then run and rushing with all sorts of statements of disobedience, with failures of the Inn, and other things, it is not worth it. There is a competent approach, as it is necessary to contact with the "old world", you still need to trade there, economic issues to solve and all that. Well, here if there were a lot of people in this whole, it would be all like a quiet without blood, would flow into the national economy, from the "slave-worn", something like Marat Harisov. He told a lot of things in his videos about it ...

So the question with alive should be raised, and to interpret it from the right position, from the community. In Ukraine, at one time and step-by-step instructions wrote, as it is all done, all these developments as exemplary options are available, only at this time, taking into account and understanding some errors, it is emphasis and emphasis to be done on international law. It is higher than any constitution in the post-Soviet space, as well as take everything good from the USSR legislative base as cooperatives to create, well, and all that there is a need for us, and on the basis of people's communities to use as internal documents for management. And return the USSR, in the form of which it was, with the whole legislative base it is utopia ...

Now, as for sovereigns and sovereignty ...

Here, in no case at first, no such documents are massively needed, it is a type of trap for suckers, here a high level of understanding and consciousness is needed in the subject of sovereignty. Sergey Danilov told everything in his last video, who is such a sovereign. Sovereign is in Russian "An independent person." And then the "slaves in the right", be worn and want, so that the Uncle's "sovereign" wrote to them. This type of at least ridiculous. "An independent person" because "sovereign", that nobody needs him, so that someone has written something to him. Sovereign, this is the one who itself all attributes makes evidence and press, and what is called "money", including ...

What do you really have such sovereignty?

"Sovereignty", the topic is quite confusing and not very simple, but at this time, without understanding it, as it should, and without realizing its essence, it is impossible to become a free and independent person ...

And so, for example, someone decided to figure it out in this matter. Begins to look for the meaning of the word in the dictionaries, on the Internet, and what is he for explanations there finds?

On request on the Internet: What is sovereignty?

Sovereignty (through it.Souverä nit.ä t. from fr.souverainet.é - Supreme Power, Supreme, Domination) - the independence of the state in the external and supremacy of state power in domestic affairs.

Male Rod

To refer to this concept, the term also uses state sovereignty. The complete independence of the state in its internal affairs and in the conduct of foreign policy.

Everything, you will not find any more special explanations without paying this issue more time. And this is definitely exactly what the "slaves" needs to know on this issue. Type supreme power, supremacy, domination and then everything smoothly moves to the word state , Further to all "slaves" it is clear that supreme Power, domination , belong to allegedly only the state, this is his attribute, and therefore this state has the right to do with them "slaves", everything wishes.

And so for those who do not think that, below, I will try to clarify the deeper the essence of the word "sovereignty", thereby saving the time of the reader associated with independent search for the real essence of this word.

Let's start with the fact that any people create people so to speak, and if these people are not sovereign, can the state created by them have "sovereignty"? I think the answer is clear ...

So, "sovereignty" begins with "sovereign", Ie, with an independent person - "personality", in the singular, and here it is "individual sovereignty". And already the concept - "state sovereignty" belongs to the so-called "collective sovereign", which is formed on the basis of a "collective agreement" between "individual sovereigns", the contract itself is called the state. Here we can say that "sovereign" has two types: 1. "Individual sovereign", 2. "Collective sovereign", and here without the first one, just can not be. Although state sovereigntyIt may already be possible if there is one single "sovereign person" in the state, but in this case it must have a certain force (for example, monarchy).

What really is such a sovereign?

Sovereign, it is a kind of "abstract design", which can have different "forms", but any of the forms implies a certain hierarchy, availability supremacy. Here if, for example, take a "physical body" of a person, then it is clear here that the supreme ruler of the whole body must be a head, toe, brain. Although it can be different, but in this case, this word - "sovereign" can be forgotten, and no longer remember about it. For complete understanding"Abstract design", phrase "Individual sovereign "The above mentioned on the" physical body "of a person is absolutely not enough. Although ordinary "individuals", nothing else, for certain reasons, is not coming to the head, it simply does not come.

Who actually possesses the supremacy in"Abstract design", phrase "Individual sovereign "?

The supremacy in this design, limited by the framework of the individual consciousness, is the spirit, which is revitalizing its "physical body". The spirit refers to the impersonal part of this design, representing in it only a certain part of the general impersonal spirit, giving life to the whole living in the universe. In the human world, this imperative universal spirit, in other words, is referred to as the father of heaven. Without this element, some part of the "impersonal spirit" in the abstract design "Individual sovereign ", Further fabrications are unrecognized, from the word - absolutely. This Supreme Governor - "Immunity Spirit" in the design "Individual sovereign "It is its illusive essence, and is, if you can say so to thanks to the Issuer of the Physical Body, which is created by him for helping himself within the framework of the material" physical world. "

In fact, the owner of the supremacy in"Abstract design", phrase "Individual sovereign "It's impersonal spirit, but since his consciousness is impersonal (superconscious), and includes a part of a person's personal consciousness of a person's personal consciousness, then it is necessary to assume that"Individual sovereign "This is what means man's soul, because:

"The consciousness of man and individuality is inextricably connected between themselves, and even more so, individually seem to be meaningful, for individuality is the nature of consciousness, consciousness is always individually . Consciousness and individuality, approving the very being of the monad, as such, are born with the beginning of the allegation of the monad as a prime of the relative peace inherent in it. Being by nature by its part of the Universal Spirit, the monad is its consciousness aspect of the Space Divine Consciousness; Approvers as an independent independent substance of the second kind, the monad thus approves the consciousness inherent in it. " (V. Shmakov. Holy Book Tota).

But the question of individual sovereignty, "illiterate slaves", not under power. First, it is necessary to "break" everything, the so-called "state" contracts, nothing from these states does not require, and as little as possible have relationships with them. And how it is alone, perhaps, we still live inside these "gangs". So about complete independence in such conditions it is not necessary to speak. This is the type "Gapetina", but the sad case of Sergey Razumovsky here as an example, not correctly he understood, or did not understand the word "sovereignty". And there, more accurately, "personal sovereign" were found, which in principle intercepted the management and "slowed down" the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Confederation of United Nations". And all this tried in folk endeavors to squeeze and confuse. And with them with "ATO", it turned out. And most of the "communities" are now "in Ukraine", this type is not particularly the community, they are not "collective sovereigns", as they are registered under jurisdiction and "in the Ukraine Treaty", which in turn is also not "sovereign collective agreement "For the entire population of Ukraine.

"An independent person", "individual sovereign" is possible at this time and in our conditions only to be in the circle of a self-sufficient community, or some unification of several communities. Here it can be represented as a "Copular husband", that's such a person and you can issue a certain document "Independent person (sovereign)", as a certain mandate defining powers, but in the course of a self-sufficient community, in internal affairs and meaning in such a document there is no Is what external affairs between communities and other "collective subjects" to lead ...

But at the initial stage, it is possible and needed such registration (999) on an international scale, exactly here as this mechanism is arranged, I do not know, but it would be necessary, then all this we have in Ukraine, and people have someone who could would assist. It seems to be an international registration as a "legal entity", it has a certain registration (999), in the "extraterritorial non-commercial space". Here I already have such a similar picture, with the "sovereign people of Ukraine". There, near all this, Sergey Razumovsky spinned, also on the world level, on such a scheme, wanted to go out, for which he paid, such as "Jews" did not understand him, and the "people" did not support him, as it was also not particularly in this day disassembled. But it all occurred at all from the issue of "ordinary people", and the scheme here was more cooler in its structure, (confederative, reinforced concrete - not killed) in principle, on some allegations, because of which the war in Ukraine and happened .

« Sovereven »

The benefits of the development of sovereigns are a legal mechanism for solving its own tasks - without regard to government structures. I.e. Full exit from under the tax burden of officials. Alas, this, first of all, have already taken advantage of those who have big "money" - including the first persons of the state, politicians, etc. They pay 1% of the central office of sovereigns (its founder - Oleg Bryleva) - and this is enough for a peaceful life ...

Now these guys from ordinary people left this idea, with them at the time Evgeny Gigauri (coordinator) collaborated, his project "White Kon", this is a certain graphic part of this confederative device. Then the website with the project "White Kon" disappeared along with the server, like the organizational project of community (communities), for what reasons it happened can only guess ... Now the project "White Kon", started again, but the so-called "people" can not Wake up from the "Narcosis of the media" ...

As for the creation of the community, the mechanisms and explanations are set out here:
The question of democracy. Should, and how can the state of the "cook" can manage? -\u003d3924.

For a person, it is enough willing to create "collective sovereignty", which is needed to create a "collective sovereign", here the main right approach is needed, so that with the understanding of this "sovereignty" all the wielded were. And not just to all in a row without any understanding, such as documents "sovereign", or "the will of the person" to issue, which means this topic somehow it is necessary to light up ...

With "sovereignty", at first, you need to be more accurate here, but at the expense of a "live-born person", it is necessary to somehow this question in connection with the communal movement and the movement of the USSR to lift together. But already when the territorial folk communities in the field will be created, and there will be a certain center of movement in an extraterritorial space, I will call it "Con - New World", then you can already think about some "passports", the documents in which will be All information about man, both live and sovereign, and here it should not be called a "passport", but "Certificate" ...

Phased creation of communicative structureUSSR, Kon - New World, Con (United Nations Agreement), Road Rail(or other interested organization).

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