The ratio of income is 10% most secured. Prince and the Pauper. Why is Russia growing between the ricers and poor? Range of income in% of income of all citizens

Decoration Materials 10.06.2021
Decoration Materials

Russia is often criticized for a huge social abyss between the layers of the population. However, even more impressive difference is celebrated among employees of large Russian corporations. In the companies included in the MICEX index, the gap between the income of directors and ordinary employees is almost 150 times. But here Russia is not in the first place: in the USA, this indicator shrins for the figure 300. The difference between the countries is that in America wages of ordinary employees, and top managers are fantastic, in Russia - low and very high.

Informal leader of "social injustice" - TNK-BP. In 2009, top managers received an average of 11.9 million rubles, while the average monthly salary in the company amounted to 48.9 thousand rubles.

The ratio of VTB Bank is 4.9 million rubles (408.3 thousand rubles per month) against 49.3 thousand rubles.

Employees of Alfa-Bank, the average salary is 65.5 thousand rubles, and the salaries of top managers are 4.2 million rubles, or 350 thousand per month.

According to the quarterly reports of Sberbank, in 2010 the average monthly salary was 45 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average payment of each of the 14 members of the Board for 2010 without taking into account bonuses and premiums exceeded 5.9 million rubles, or almost 492 thousand per month.

according to the UN (according to the classification of this organization, the gap in Russia is 12.7 times, as it does not take into account the oligarchs), the gap between income of 10% of the richest and 10% of the poorest, for example, in Austria is 6.9 times, in Norway - 6.1, in Ukraine - 5.9 times
Oddly enough, in Gazprom, the differences are not so monstrous. For several years, top managers received an average of 3.4 million rubles for the year (283 thousand per month), while in ordinary employees of average earnings calculated 43.2 thousand rubles per month.

However, do not forget about bonuses. If you add this unconditional attribute of "tops" to their income, the differences will be much more substantial. So, for the year of the director Gazprom Neft can receive remuneration of 360 thousand dollars. And the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors Gazprom Neft, can count on 540 thousand dollars, since the Chairman of the NC Council is invited to pay additional promotion in the amount of 50% of the remuneration of the member of the Board of Directors.

Even in the post-crisis year, payments in Gazprom looked impressively. 17 members of the Board received a total of 1.04 billion rubles of payments, that is, on average, their monthly income exceeded 5 million rubles, including salary, prizes, commission, compensation of costs. All the same Alexei Miller received 17.4 million rubles for the work of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom - only 100 thousand rubles less than a year earlier. The remaining director - 15.1 million rubles. At the same time, each of the top managers of the concern also consists in a large number of boards of directors of monopoly subsidiaries, for which they receive separate remuneration.

Yes, and you should not discount the annual indexation of the salary of top management, they constitute almost 25% annually and often occurred even on the background of the fall of financial indicators. Salary of ordinary employees, of course, also increase, but their growth is approximately equal to the level of inflation.

Huge gaps between income of ordinary employees and company managers is not a Russian invention.

So, according to the rating of the highest paid top managers in Europe, compiled by Berlin University of Humboldt, according to the results of 2010, a reward at 18.96 million was received by the head of BP Robert Dudley. The head of the British telecommunications company Vodafone Vittorio Kolao earned 12.03 million euros for the year, and the Director-General of Banco Santander Alfredo Saint Abad - 11.81 million euros.

On average, top managers of banks were the least paid, their income ranged from 8.9 million euros to 9.33 million euros. With the end of the financial crisis, the salaries of high-ranking employees of companies began to grow sharply: now the head of the Board of Directors of the Company from the list of Stoxx 50 makes an average of 6.2 million euros (5.6 million euros in 2009).

In 2008, according to Wall Street Journal, Sanja Gotorola from Motorola became the most expensive manager in the United States with cumulative annual compensation $ 104 million from which the current salary is only 484.6 thousand dollars.

In Germany, according to the calculations of MANAGER magazine, Peter Lesher from Siemens is the most highly paid leader. In 2008, he received a salary of 8.5 million euros, and the total amount of remuneration exceeded 32.4 million euros.

As for the rupture with ordinary employees,, for example, in BP in 2010, the wage fund for 79.7 thousand employees, according to the company's reporting, amounted to 11.8 billion euros (including manual). That is, each employee on average received 148 thousand euros per year, or 12.3 thousand per month. Without accounting of bonuses, the annual salary of Robert Dudley in 2010 was 1.7 million euros, other members of the Board - from 690 thousand to 1.4 million euros. As can be seen, the gap of the salary of the head of the company with an average salary is 11.4 times. Taking into account the bonuses by the leadership of Robert Dudley received 105 times more than the average level of salaries in the company.

The greatest difference between the "Verks" and "Nizami" is celebrated in the United States. According to the University of California Berkeley, for the period from 1970 to 2005, the income gap between the general directories and the average Americans rose more than 10 times - from 30x to 309 times. In Germany, on the calculations of the University of Berlin, Humboldt, from 1987 to 2008, inequality in income inside corporations increased by 3.5 times - from 14 times to 49 times. In the UK, over the past 10 years, the gap between the general directors and employees rose 2.7 times: from 47x to 128 times.

So, the US is the leader. Then follow Switzerland, Italy and the United Kingdom. Russia is already selected to this fourth. However, not due to the fantastic income of managers, and because of the low wages of ordinary employees. On average, the companies included in the MICEX index, the average wages are $ 8.3 thousand per year, and leadership - 1.3 million dollars per year.

The difference between Russia and America is that, despite the "space", the salary of the top managers from the wages of ordinary employees, the last in the United States receive good salary in their standards, while in some large Russian companies they leave to desire the best.

The Russian painting of revenues in large companies as a whole reflects the level of gap between the income of 10% of the poorest and 10% of the richest Russians. According to Rosstat, he reached 16.7 times by the end of last decade (in 2006, the figure was 16 times), but according to the Russian socio-economic development strategy by 2020, it should be reduced to 12.

The main trouble is that if in many countries, those who do not work and lives in the group of people with the lowest incomes, then in Russia to this category include people working, but receiving meager salaries. These are employees of various budget organizations, employees of industrial enterprises in small cities, as well as pensioners.

Not in all countries, the gap between the income of rich and poor citizens is so significant. In developing countries, as a rule, the income difference between the rich and the poor is higher than in developed.

However, according to this indicator, Russia is not in the outsider. In the UK, this indicator is 13.8 times, in Argentina - 34.5, and in Brazil - as many as 57.8 times.

This was recorded by Ranjigs experts, analyzing Rosstat's data. The coefficient that shows the difference between income of 10% of the richest and 10% of the poorest, in the first quarter of 2017 grew up compared to the first quarter of 2015. If you look at the dynamics of the social break by year (data in infographics), it can be seen that It is now much higher than in 2000. Meanwhile, people with income below the subsistence minimum was 2 times more - 42.3 million against 19.8 million in 2016. Why, during the success in the fight against poverty, it has grown so much And continues to grow social inequality?

Oil Pie

"According to our calculations, the level of social inequality above voiced by Rosstat, says the scientific director of the All-Russian Center for the Lifestyle, the main researcher of Rea them. Plekhanova Vyacheslav Bobkov. - We compared income of the least secured (with an average per capita income below 10 thousand rubles) and the most secured (with income above 110 thousand rubles). As a result, they received a gap of 21 times. And analysts from the Swiss bank Credit Suisse, in addition to revenue, took into account real estate, capital in stocks, etc. and found out that the level of inequality in Russia is higher than in any other major economy of the world.

The fact is that in our country there is a distribution system of cash resources. Since 2000, at the expense of high oil prices, additional income formed in the country. But this increase was distributed in favor of a group of high-protected citizens who had their lobbyists in power. And a little incompletely got a minor part, it allowed to raise their standard of living, so the number of poor in the country has declined. But the social gap in the income of the poor and the rich has increased, because the latter have increased their capital to a faster pace. Now, when the economy in crisis, resources have become less. Rich, trying to save their position, begin to protect them more jealously and cut down the share of low-income, so the difference in income began to grow again. "

"In terms of budget spending per capita, Russia ranks 63rd, - explains director of the Center for Strategic Studies, Mikhail Bocharov. - We have this figure of $ 1474 per person. For comparison: in China with a population of 1374 million, this figure - $ 1765, in Estonia - $ 6981, and in Norway - $ 44,662. This means that pensions, social payments, wages of state employees are small. And every year, taking into account inflation (real, and not official), their purchasing power becomes less, and the rich continues to be richer. Recently, the media appeared in the media that one well-known company paid a prize to members of the Board of 1.5 billion rubles, that is, each of the 10 top managers received 150 million rubles, or the 16-year earnings of the President of the Russian Federation. "

Crop "Golden Parachutes"

"Yes, pensions are indexed in the country, new social benefits are introduced," Vyacheslav Bobkov notes. - But the flywheel itself, launched by the distribution system, works in the interests of the financial oligarchy. Remember who in the crisis has highlighted the greatest financial support? To banks! To stop this flywheel, need comprehensive reforms. "

First, a wage policy should be changed. The increase in the minimum wage to the level of the subsistence minimum is spoken by 2000, but only the other day, the draft law that equalizes these values \u200b\u200bis entered into the government. Officials say that it will take several years to implement it. As "AIF" wrote, it is necessary to deal with gaps in salaries between ordinary employees and top managers in the same industry. Legally establish the magnitude of this difference not only in the state, but also in the commercial sector, as is done in some countries of the world. Finally, you need to temper the appetites of top managers of companies with a state institution - with their multi-million prizes and golden parachutes.

The second way to smooth the difference in income of rich and poor is a progressive tax. "People with income up to 30 thousand rubles. One month from the tax you can even release, "Mikhail Bocharov argues. - For income above this amount, introduce a progressive tax scale. " This scheme works in most countries of the world. For example, in France, household income to 809 euros per month (50 thousand rubles) is not taxed, with income up to 140 thousand rubles. The tax is paid at a rate of 14%, further - more. The maximum rate is 41%. However, all attempts to introduce a progressive tax in Russia meet sharp resistance. "Officials say that with his appearance we will get the growth of gray wages. But we have, according to heads of the Ministry of Finance A. Siluanova, the annual volume of gray salaries is already 10 trillion rubles. "Half of what is paid to white," M. Bocharov is perplexed. - Maybe you need to find ways to bring the economy from the shadow? "

V. Bobkov reminds about the shadow side of the Russian economy: "When we talk about income difference, we take into account only legal earnings. But this is the top of the iceberg. Taking into account the shadow corruption distribution system (bribes, kickbacks, etc.) of the gaps between rich and poor in Russia are still larger. "

Release date: 04.06.2014.

Number of pages: 51.

Report language: Russian.

The method of granting: in electronic form (.pdf).

Price: 11 000 rub.

1. Summary Studies 3

2. Inflation and GDP of Russia in 2003-2014. four

3. Distribution of income of the population of Moscow in 2008 5

4. Distribution of income of the population of Moscow in 2009 10

5. A comparative analysis of the income of the population of Moscow in 2008-2009. Given the impact of the financial crisis 15

6. Distribution of income of the population of Moscow in 2010 18

7. Distribution of income of the population of Moscow in 2011 24

8. Distribution of Moscow's income in 2012 29

9. Distribution of Moscow's income in 2013 34

10. Distribution of income of the population of Moscow for 2014 39

11. Dynamics of the income of the population of Moscow 2008-2014 44

12. Conclusions 47.

About developers and methodology for research ECC "Invest-Project" 48

List of tables

Table 1. Revenues of the deceing groups of the population of Moscow, 2008.

Table 2. Income distribution in 10% of the most secured citizens.

Table 3. Income distribution in 1% of the most secured citizens.

Table 4. Revenues of the deceing groups of the population of Moscow in 2009

Table 5. Income distribution in 10% of the most secured citizens.

Table 6. The distribution of income in 1% of the most secured citizens.

Table 7. Reduction of nominal revenues of 10 deciling groups in 2008-2009.

Table 8. The values \u200b\u200bof subsistence minima in Moscow in 2001-2008.

Table 9. Revenues of the deceing groups of the population of Moscow in 2010

Table 10. Income distribution in 10% of the most secured citizens.

Table 11. The distribution of income in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2010

Table 12. Revenues of the deputies of the population of Moscow in 2011

Table 13. Income distribution in 10% of the most secured citizens.

Table 14. Distribution of income in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2011

Table 15. Revenues of the Department of the population of Moscow in 2012

Table 16. Distribution of income in 10% of the most secured citizens, 2012

Table 17. Income distribution in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2012

Table 18. Revenues of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2013

Table 19. Distribution of income in 10% of the most secured citizens, 2013

Table 20. Income distribution in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2013

Table 21. Revenues of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2014

Table 22. Distribution of income in 10% of the most secured citizens, 2014

Table 23. Income distribution in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2014

Table 24. Key results of the calculation of income distribution in Moscow, 2008 - 2014.

List of graphs

Chart 1. Dynamics of inflation and GDP of Russia,%, 2003-2014.

Schedule 2. The proportion of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow, 2008.

Chart 3. The share of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2009

Chart 4. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2010

Chart 5. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2011

Graph 6. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2012

Schedule 7. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2013

Graph 8. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2014

Chart 9. Dynamics of the average per capita incomes of the population of Moscow, 2008-2014, thousand rubles. / month / person.

Schedule 10. Subsidation minimum for able-bodied, per capita and for pensioners, Moscow, 2001-2013, RUB. / month.

Statistical study " The distribution of income of the population of Moscow 2008-2014"Contains 51 page 24 Tables I. 10 graphs.

1. Summary of research

Statistical study "Distribution of income of the population of Moscow" conducted an ECC "Invest-Project" on the basis of perennial panels of studying the distribution of average per capita incomes of the population of large cities in Russia held in January - May 2008, in January-July 2009, September 2010 ., February - March 2011, in March - May 2012, in April - May 2013, in April - June 2014

Purpose of the study - show the distribution of real average per capita incomes of the population of Moscow in 2008 - 2014. 3 34 revenue groups:

according to 10 deciling groups (10% of citizens) and in their derivative groups:

  • "The Poor" (10%),
  • "Poor" (60%),
  • "Middle class" (20%),
  • "Rich" (10%), including 10 single-survive subgroups (1% of citizens) of the Tenth Decyl Group (10% of the most secured residents of the city); 10 0.1 percent subgroups (0.1% of citizens) 1% of the richest citizens.

Data relevance: The data reflects the results of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013., the forecast for 2014 is given.

Research methods:

  • analysis of the official data of the FSGS of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, independent experts;
  • analytical Mathematical and Economic Models of ECC Invest-Project;
  • comparative analysis of data for different cities and subjects of the Russian Federation for a number of years.

The results were obtained on the basis of techniques and economic and mathematical models developed by Specialists of the Invest-Project for more than ten years, using the source data of the specified sources adjusted, taking into account inflation, currency costs, the dynamics of the purchasing power of the population, the subsistence minimum, consumer cost structures , macroeconomic indicators. Calculated key indicators confirms the accuracy of our forecast for 2008-2013. and allows you to predict the results of 2014 with confidence

Each revenue group of the population corresponds to its price range for goods and services. Consequently, the degree of market saturation must be determined not only in the market as a whole, but also in relation to each profitable group.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia (MERT), when studying the distribution of income of the population of the region, all its population should be divided into 10 decile groups - 10% of the population in each group in order of income increase. At the same time, the big problem is to determine the boundaries of the ranges of average per capita revenues corresponding to these deciling groups in a particular region at a given period and taking into account the shadow income.

In this analysis, under the average income (rubles per person per person), it is understood not the total salary and not the amount of its own cash income of the household, which account for 1 person, and actually spent on consumption the amount of all types of household income in general (wages, pensions, adventures from renting housing and property for rent, various benefits and intensive benefits, dividends, capital income and intellectual property, shadow and illegal sources of income, etc.) divided by the number of family members living together and leading the overall economy. At the same time, one separately living person is also considered an independent household, even if he has close relatives.

Revenues of the population of other cities of Russia

The ECC Invest-Project analyzes the distribution of income of the population of any major cities in Russia. The results of the analysis are used in marketing research, for example, to determine the target groups of consumers, their financial capabilities, the values \u200b\u200bof the average check when entering new markets, etc., as well as when planning various socio-economic development indicators.

2. Inflation and GDP of Russia in 2003-2014.

For research, the most important macroeconomic indicators reflecting the economic situation, including consumer markets, are the dynamics of GDP growth, inflation and the level of income of the population.

Chart 1. Dynamics of inflation and GDP of Russia,%, 2003-2014.

The schedule is based on the data FSGS, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, independent experts. According to their data in 2013, the GDP growth in Russia is estimated at 1.4%. The expected GDP growth in 2014 is estimated in the range of 1.4% - 2.0%.

In Russia, the inflation rate has reached a minimum of 6.1% in 2011, and in 2014 it is projected at 7.0%, which must be taken into account when analyzing the project's economic indicators given in conditionally permanent prices (inflation purified).

10. Distribution of the income of the population of Moscow 2014

According to our forecasts, in 2014 the average income in Moscow will continue to grow and will be 72 700 rub. / month / person. With the average population of 12 million people. At the same time, without taking into account the group of 0.55% of the most secured citizens, the secondary income of 99.45% of Muscovites will be *** rubles. / person / month, which is also higher than in all previous years.

The graph below the horizontal shows the number of the deceor group (in each group of 1 million 200 thousand people), vertically - the share (%) of the cumulative income of the citizens, which comes to the corresponding decyl group.

Graph 8. Shares of income of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2014

As can be seen from the schedule, a decile relationship for Moscow in 2014 compared to 2013 will continue to decline and will be ***, as the 10% of the most poor Muscovites will have ***% of the cumulative income of citizens, and 10% of the most Rich - 52.4% income.

Table 21. Revenues of the decile groups of the population of Moscow in 2014

The number of the decile group

Number of man in a subgroup

Revenues of citizens in subgroups,

thousand roubles. / month. / person

"The poorest"


"middle class"




As can be seen from the above table, the incomes of citizens at the end of 2014 will be in the range of *** thousand rubles. / Month / person. up to *** million rubles / month / person

Consider this table in more detail.

one. " Poorest"- 1.2 million people, or 10% of the population. This category includes citizens of Moscow, whose average income is in the range of from 9.26 to 15.35 thousand rubles / month / person. People with income below 9.26 thousand rubles. A month can not constantly live in the city. The average income of this category of population will be 13.02 thousand rubles / month / person, the cumulative income of the whole category will be 15.6 billion / rubles. / month.

2. " Poor"The most numerous category is 7.2 million people, or 60% of citizens, having income in the range from 15.35 to 53.46 thousand rubles / month / person. The average income in this category is 30.24 thousand rubles / month / person, the total income of this category will be 217.7 billion rubles. / month.

3. " Middle class"- 2.4 million people, 20% of citizens. Representatives of the middle class in Moscow for the results of 2014. These are people who have an average per capita income of 53.46 to 115.13 thousand rubles / month / person. The average income of the "middle class" of Moscow is 75.9 thousand rubles / month / person, the cumulative income of this category will be 182.1 billion rubles. / month.

4. The remaining 1.2 million people, 10% of the population, are classified as " rich" Unlike the main part of the population of Moscow, the category of "rich" in terms of its average per capita incomes is very heterogeneous, since this category includes citizens with income from 115.1 thousand rubles / month / person. Up to 184 million rubles. / month / person. The average income from the "Rich" group will amount to 380.8 thousand rubles. / Month / person, the cumulative income of this category will increase to 457 billion rubles. / month.

As can be seen from the table below, the average incomes of 10% of the most secured residents that are part of the "rich" category are divided into ten subgroups (one percentage of the total population) and are segmented as follows.

Table 22. Distribution of income in 10% of the most secured citizens, 2014

The number of the decile group

No. Subgroups of the Decyl Group

Number of man in a subgroup

Range of income in% of income of all citizens

Revenues of citizens in subgroups,

thousand roubles. / month / person.


1 200 000

The range of income here is also very large: 10% of the most secured citizens have per capita income from *** thousand rubles. until *** million rubles. per person per month (difference in 1 599 times). The average income in the tenth decill group as a whole will be *** thousand rubles / month / person. At the same time, the last percent of the richest townspeople (120 thousand people) The average per capita income is *** million rubles / month / person.

The table below reflects the segmentation of the revenues of the richest Muscovites - the last one-percent subgroup of "rich" in increments of 0.1% of the population (12.0 thousand people).

Table 23. Income distribution in 1% of the most secured citizens, 2014

Decil group number

Number of man in a subgroup

Range of income in% of income of all citizens

Revenues of citizens in subgroups,

thousand roubles. / month / person.


The average shower income of this part of the population - *** million rubles / month / person. The richest Muscovites (0.1%, 12 thousand people) have income over *** million rubles / month / person. At the same time, their average shower income is about *** million rubles / month / person.

It should be especially noted that about 66 thousand people (the upper 0.55% of the total population) constitute a separate group of the richest citizens who have their peak income distribution and secondary income in *** million rubles / month / person. This income exceeds in *** times the average income income of all citizens (72.7 thousand rubles / person / month) and in *** times the secondary income of the remaining 99.45% of citizens (*** thousand rubles / person / month). This hypoggy group includes high-ranking officials, oligarchy, owners of major capital, leaders of the gray sector of the economy.

Thus, according to the projected results of 2014, the growth of the average per capita income of the population of Moscow will continue. As can be seen, revenue growth is expected at ***% to last year.

11. Dynamics of the income of the population of Moscow 2008-2014

Schedule 9. Dynamics of the average per capita income of the population of Moscow, 2008-2014, rub. / month / person.

12. Conclusions

The average per capita incomes of the population of Moscow in 2014 will continue to grow and have been reached 72.7 thousand rubles. / Mes / pers., And the incomes of the citizens as a whole in 2014 will be in the range of *** thousand rubles / month / person. up to *** million rubles / month / person

The increase in the incomes of the population of Moscow in 2014 approximately corresponds to the growth of inflation, we see the slow reduction in the gap between the most and least secured segments of the population, which is a small positive movement and a favorable background for the development of almost all markets.

The dynamics of the real level of income of the population of Moscow in 2013/2014. Reflects systematic moderate growth at the level of 3% in inflation purified by inflation.

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