Memo "compiling an autobiography". What is the role of the mother in raising a child

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It's not as scary to get a testimonial as it is to write one.

1. Preschool age

Characteristics for the baby preschool age usually make up for a children's educational institution, i.e. for kindergarten. Before writing, it is necessary to observe the baby so that the characteristic completely coincides with reality. That is, you can not write what is not.

Long-term observations will help determine the character, behavior, attitude towards peers, attitude towards parents, educators. To reveal this or that aggression in relation to people. In the sheet with the characteristic, it is necessary to take into account all the negative and positive factors.

Other important factors are also taken into account. In addition to the characteristics for the child, it is also compiled for the parents of the baby. All details of residence, conditions, behavior of mother and father are taken into account.

2. School age

A letter of recommendation of school age is compiled for admission to a school. It also takes into account the pros and cons. School age already conscious. Children of this age already clearly know what they want and what not. Able to take criticism, though not with much pleasure. At this age, he understands everything. He already knows what he wants to become in life. What profession to get. Gradually develop their own point of view on the world and deeds.

When writing characteristics for school, it is also worth considering the living conditions of the family. How and where does he live? And most importantly, with whom. How do these conditions affect psychological condition in the family. How comfortable or uncomfortable is he? Particular attention should be paid to parents. How perfect are they or vice versa.

When drawing up a recommendation list, parents themselves play an important role. It is worth paying attention to the psychological state of the mother and father. Special attention should be paid to visiting circles. What does the pupil of the institution like to do in his free time. What subjects does the child have a talent for? Celebrate school performance. If there are any letters, you also need to write.

3. A disabled child

A disabled child is special. Injuries can be received in connection with an accident or from birth. Such children are distinguished by their peculiarity in character. Most often they do not carry aggression. Kindness in the soul helps to cope with not understanding others when looking at them.

Disabled children are the same as healthy children. The only thing is physical defects that do not allow you to fully enjoy life. They also study, study, go to various sections and circles. They try not to stand out among their peers. But still, they do not go unnoticed.

In writing the characteristics, it should be said that the child is special. Describe his physical condition and diagnosis. Such a characteristic is provided in the DOW.

The procedure for compiling a characteristic

  1. At the very beginning of the description, you need to indicate who exactly in question. Be sure to include the child's first and last name. Without these data, it will not be known who exactly we are talking about.
  2. Enter the exact name of the institution. To have a clear idea of ​​where exactly the child is studying.
  3. Enter the date, month and year of birth.
  4. It is compiled in more detail, all the positive and negative qualities.
  5. Write about parents. Relationship between mother and child and father.
  6. Clearly state the relationship in the family between the spouses, if such information is available. Do not rely on the words of strangers. Write to the point.

1. Informative information

Informative information about the child is compiled, taking into account all his data, these are:

  1. FULL NAME. Full Name.
  2. Date, month and year of birth.
  3. Write a short summary of the family. Name of mother and father, as well as other living relatives. Date of birth of parents and relatives. How many people in the family. Describe the living conditions in the family.
  4. Write the name of the visited group. Where did he come from: kindergarten, secondary school, orphanage.
  5. Behavior during the adaptation period.
  6. The degree of cultural and hygiene skills.

2. Features of cognitive activity

Cognitive activity of children:

  1. Describe how attention is developed.
  2. How well he perceives information.
  3. How well he orients himself in space.
  4. Pay attention to memory. How developed is it? And what kind of memory prevails.
  5. feature of speech. Is speech well developed? Is reading well developed?
  6. Thinking. How well developed is the mind. How quickly he makes decisions in a given situation.
  7. How well the child learns information: at school, in kindergarten, etc.

3. Features of labor activity

This includes:

  1. Labor skills. State.
  2. Skills to use a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, ruler.
  3. What characteristic can be given to products created by a schoolchild or a toddler of a preschool institution.
  4. How independent are children? How well they perform their assignments.
  5. Is he aware of the purpose of his work?

4. Features of gaming activity

Play activities affect children. It helps to be more active, develop character through games:

  1. How active is the baby? Does he take the initiative in his own hands?
  2. What is the character in the game. How he behaves.
  3. What games do you like. What games does he often play? What style of play do you prefer? Attitude at the time of the game with peers.
  4. How he gives himself to the game. How quickly he stops liking.

5. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere

  1. Nervous system of a child. What type: highly excitable, balanced, violent, unstable, inhibitory.
  2. How children relate to their peers. What mood most often prevails, relationships with adults.
  3. What character traits: conscientious, obedient, helpful, gentle, attentive, kind. What traits are negative: constantly lies, does not complete tasks, does not obey, often stubborn.
  4. What he does best. Perhaps he draws well, sings, dances, studies exercise associated with a section.
  5. Here it is worth making a general conclusion about the pupil. How well does the program. If there are mental problems, pay special attention. If the child is unmanageable, you should write about his transfer to another institution. Perhaps the child has defects.
  6. Put the date and signature at the end of the compiled characteristic.

What is the characteristic for?

A positive characteristic helps a lot in the future. This applies to admission to a higher educational institution, to a good school, kindergarten. Also, the characteristic helps to get to know children better. Get to know them from the inside. understand their essence. A characteristic can be drawn up in cases of improper care for a child.

The characteristic may be needed in such cases:

  1. Transfer of a pupil to a specialized educational institution or a children's educational institution.
  2. For a psychiatrist.
  3. Disabled children.
  4. Child protection.
  5. School card.
  1. Watch the object. Otherwise, the assessment may be biased.
  2. It is worth observing in more natural conditions.
  3. Get to know the character carefully. Positive and negative aspects of the child.
  4. You need to study the object in different types activities.
  5. Everything written must be completely truthful, without fiction.
  6. It is necessary to determine the relationship with parents and other close people. Such as: grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle. But only if they live nearby and have constant contact with the child.
  7. You must provide information about the health of the object. Perhaps parents will also want to add something about their child.
  8. At the very end, it is worth making a summing up. You can add recommendations for some specific merits.

Sample writing characteristics for a child

If you familiarize yourself in advance with the correct writing of the characteristics, then its compilation will not be so complicated and long. When writing, you should not give in to your positive or negative emotions. It is necessary to present reliable facts from the life of the pupil of the institution. At the beginning of the document, it must be indicated for whom the characteristic is provided.


  1. Common data. Full Name. Date of Birth.
  2. Place of birth and address. Where does he live.
  3. Family composition. Who lives with. How many people in the family.
  4. health status today.
  5. Write about the author characteristics. Who is he to the child. Full Name. Educator, class teacher, head of the orphanage and so on.
  6. Assess student behavior. How much he likes to visit this or that institution. How active. Communication with peers.
  7. If kindergarten is included. Describe the independence of the child. What can he do. How creative and inquisitive he is.
  8. Describe in as much detail as possible. How much the child loves to learn, his academic performance, the desire for knowledge, how developed. How he behaves with peers, attitude towards teachers, educators, educators. What interests. Favorite kind of game. Write in as much detail as possible.

Sample 2:

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics on

Surname. Name. Patronymic of the child.

Day, month and year of birth.

The name of the institution. City.

Student's name and full date of birth.

What date he entered, in which institution, group.

In which group is studying this moment. Group name.

Health group.

Mother. FULL NAME. Mother's education. What school did you graduate from?

Dad. FULL NAME. Father's education.

Write with whom and at what address the pupil of the institution lives. Who lives besides mother and father. If the child is an orphan: who is the guardian.

Describe the tidiness of the pupil. How his parents bring him. If the child is untidy, it is worth considering this fact in more detail.

Behavior: erratic, aggressive, friendly.

It is written only in cases where the pupil of the institution has developmental delays. What exactly does this show up in? How does it affect.

Game activity: describe what games he likes to play, behavior in this game, whether he takes leading role in Game.

Does the child learn the program. And what level of assimilation: low, medium, high. Explain in great detail why. What does it express.

Speech development. Describe in detail.

Positive features of the pupil of the institution. Which ones.

Negative Traits.

It is good to double-check the text so that all the information is recorded. If something is missing, it should be added.

Put the date at the end of the text.

Indicate who compiled the list: chairman, educator, psychologist, speech therapist, head of the institution, seal of the institution.

The characteristic can act in positive or negative character. In any case, observations should be strictly factual. The characteristic must be written by a person who is not interested. Otherwise, the facts may be fictional. Having a sample of writing, it will not be difficult to write a detailed and high-quality description of the ward.

Tatyana Guselnikova
Characteristics for a pupil of a preschool educational institution

Ivanov Ivan visits kindergarten every day. His grandmother, Tamara Alekseevna, brings and takes away, since he lives with her. Ivan is always tidy, things are clean, he always dresses according to the season. Tamara Alekseevna is always interested in the life of a child in kindergarten. Always available to help upon request. educator.

Ivan is a very active child. Easily connects with peers. In play activities it is non-conflict, children are always happy to play with him. He is engaged in the judo section, plays checkers and loves books very much. The volume of knowledge and the level of cognitive activity is sufficient for his age.

In his work life, Ivan willingly fulfills orders educator always willing to help on duty.

The sound culture of speech in a child is impaired, but grandmother's upbringing, her care and implementation of recommendations educator and specialists gives positive results.

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help me please! How to write a characterization for a parent of a child attending kindergarten. and got the best answer

Answer from Yonezhny Bars[guru]
"Characteristic" - the word itself (written in the middle of the sheet) In the right corner, you need to write the form, as required in D / sTak and write in fact - (For such and such a period of time, the full name characterized himself only on the positive side (or not); how visits (breaks the schedule or not), how he looks (tidy or not), what kind of child he brings (well-groomed or not); in the presence of strangers, how he communicates with the child; how he behaves with other children (friendly, attentive, friendly or not) ; in communication what (swears or benevolent, open or closed); able to respond to calls for help; fulfills the promise. Takes an active part in D / s events. He was not noticed in anything negative in his behavior. Creates a completely favorable impression. Date (on the left side), signature and transcript (in right side. Assure.

Answer from princess[guru]
and why and to whom to write, and most importantly for what?? ? Reply to email if you don't mind!)

Answer from Hose[guru]
Write that he is devoted to the Wehrmacht, a true Aryan, a member of the NSDAP since 1937, has not been seen in discrediting relationships. They have no right to demand such characteristics.

Answer from Ўrist Lawyer[guru]
the administration of the kindergarten is delirious, do not follow their lead - contagious

Answer from Larionova Anzhela Petrovna[guru]
the kindergarten writes a description of the child, namely in what condition the child attends the kindergarten and, accordingly, draw conclusions about the parents if you are not a member of the family. committee, then there’s nothing to write about you

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: please help! How to write a characterization for a parent of a child attending kindergarten.


mothers (full name of the student)

year of birth, class

Mom - (full name of mother), year of birth, temporarily does not work (daughter is a first grader, you need to see her off and meet her, her grandmother refused to do this). At the moment, they live on the pension of their grandmother and on child support from the father of the child.

Education: (mothers)

Grandmother - ..., year of birth.

Son - ..., year of birth that attends.

The family ..... lives at: ....... in a three-room apartment that belongs to (mother's name). The child is allocated a separate room, organized workplace. Living conditions are good.

Mom takes an active part in the educational process. Every day in the morning he escorts ..... to school, picks him up after school. Regularly attends school, parent meetings. Systematically, timely pays for school canteen meals. He responds promptly to all recommendations for additional classes with ... Works with a child. Looks (acting mother) aesthetically pleasing. He is the main caregiver of the child.

(student) is collected, tidy, has all the necessary educational supplies. Character of the child: balanced, hardworking, executive, moderately sociable. Has friends in class and at school.

The father of the children - (full name of the father, year of birth, was not married and is not, he recognized the children after birth, pays alimony. In educational process daughter does not participate.

Classroom teacher



Compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics.

1 part

Educational achievements.

In the first part of the description, the teacher notes what the child came to you with and what he learned. For example, at the beginning of the school year, the child knew 5 letters, could read syllable by syllable without understanding anything, at the end of the year ...


way of reading;

The ability to compose a story from a picture (composes a story from a picture, lists what he sees; answers questions about the picture in monosyllables - yes, no);

Computational skills and spatial representations;

What he knows about himself.

part 2

The work of the teacher.


Educational minimum.

The teacher must indicate:

What is learned from the educational minimum;

What dysgraphic mistakes does it make (i.e. those mistakes that cannot be explained by the rules):

Is there a replacement of letters: by softness and hardness (Lyuba - Luba), by sonority and deafness (dedradka (notebook), daddy (grandmother), kozhka (cat). These errors most often indicate a violation of phonemic hearing. Consultation of a speech pathologist-defectologist is required .

Are there omissions of vowels (omission of vowels may indicate a violation of the cerebral cortex, and medicine is required to eliminate this). Consultation of a speech pathologist and a psychoneurologist is required.

Are there gaps in syllables (in this case, it should be taken into account whether there was a change in the pace of work and volume in the lesson).

Are there permutations of syllables

Is there a word inconsistency in the sentence. (Children walked in the forest.) Consultation of a psychoneurologist is required.

Is there a continuous spelling of prepositions with different parts of speech.

Indicate where the child makes these mistakes: when cheating or in dictation.

Indicate what is learned in mathematics. What can decide?

part 3

About the child.

In this part of the description, the teacher indicates how the child accepts help. (Accept or not?)

What is the reaction of the child to the remark of the teacher (in fact).

Family information:

The teacher must remember that it is illiterate to write a complete or incomplete family.

In this part, the teacher notes how much the family helps the child, whether there are other children with such heredity in the family.

All student notebooks are attached to this characteristic.

Characteristic from d / garden

Characteristic from d / garden

Psychological characteristics for the child: Full name attending kindergarten No. ______

from "___" _______ 2011

Provided upon request.

1. Full name child, date of birth, 4 years 2 months.

2. Place of residence of the child: Novosibirsk, district, street, house.

3.Characteristics of the family: Mother - full name 37 years old, place of work, position Father - full name 43 years old, place of work, position Brother - full name 9 years old, student of gymnasium No. __. Grade 3 The whole family lives together in a private house at the above address.

4. Alicia, brings and picks up from kindergarten mainly - mother, sometimes together with father. Relationships with parents are built on a warm, friendly basis. The child is given enough attention and education. At home, according to her mother, she prefers to draw and play "zoo". He loves his older brother very much, pets: a cat and a dog. Willingly responds to offers to help in cleaning the house. He puts toys in their places on his own, washes himself, brushes his teeth, can dress and undress on his own.

5. Somatic health: has a congenital serious illness, sometimes gets sick with ARVI, eats poorly, sleeps peacefully.

6. Development conditions in kindergarten: Alicia has been attending kindergarten No. II, junior group since October 01, 2010. Teachers raising a child take into account the needs and requirements of all children, do not have "favorites", the style of education is democratic.

7. Due to the presence of the disease, the medical staff of the kindergarten and educators were warned about the possible development of a crisis. All phones of relatives are in a visible and accessible place, in case of an emergency call. Alicia is picked up from kindergarten immediately after her afternoon nap (at 3:30 p.m.). reception medicines is the responsibility of the mother.

8. Alicia treats educators and other teachers kindly. In the system of interpersonal relations, Alicia occupies a middle position. The general emotional climate in the group is positive - the children are friendly, they rarely quarrel, the motives for relationships are playful. Enjoys the love and respect of the children of the group.

9. In accordance with her age (4 years), Alicia has developed attention, auditory and visual memory, and imagination. Fairly well developed visual-figurative and elements logical thinking. Baby is different good development speech, vocabulary. In gaming activities, he is active, most often he is the initiator of games and the distribution of roles. In the game, educational, elements of labor activity: diligent, collected, self-confident. He remembers songs, fairy tales and poems well. He likes to listen to music, draw, communicate with children.

10. In behavior: calm, reserved, sometimes restless. He likes to visit kindergarten, the cognitive type of communication with the teacher prevails. Accepts practical, verbal, guiding, organizing, teaching help. If there are difficulties that arise in the process of activity, sometimes he quits work, worries, cries, turns to the educator for help. Quite compliant, does not offend other children, aggressiveness is not noted. Adequate emotional reaction to approval and censure. Submits to the requirements of adults. Neat, clean.

The characterization was drawn up and signed by:

Where can I see a sample of the characteristics of a child of preschool age? please throw a link

Kolibry Genius (92157) 4 years ago

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

a pupil of _____ group of _____ kindergarten.

1. General information about the child:

Full name Date of birth

Home address

Date of admission to the kindergarten, where he entered (from the family, another kindergarten). whether there were long breaks in attending kindergarten, for what reasons.

2. Characteristics of the family:

Full name of parents, year of birth, place of work.

Family composition: complete, incomplete, large, the presence of brothers and sisters.

Who is responsible for raising the child (mother, father, grandmother, others)

Is sufficient attention paid to the upbringing and education of the child?

3. Somatic health: more rarely, often, suffers from colds, has chronic health problems, eats poorly, sleeps difficult and restless.

4. Activity characteristics: self-service skills: can he use toiletries, wash himself, wash his hands, comb his hair, can he dress himself, undress, put on shoes, shy, tie and untie shoelaces, use a spoon, fork, can he clean his things and bed.

5. Playing activity: indifference or interest in toys, favorite games, does he understand the rules of the game, does he follow them, does he make changes to the content of the game, the availability of an imaginary situation, role in a collective game, behavior in a conflict situation, does he reflect his experience in the game , (not) able to support the game.

6. Constructive and graphic activity: whether he knows how to correctly assemble a nesting doll, a pyramid, fold simple figures according to the pattern of counting sticks, perform constructions from cubes drawing skills (house, tree, person, etc.). sculpting (roll a ball, a block of plasticine, etc.) image of vertical lines, horizontal lines, concavity of lines, image of figures according to the model)

7. Attitude towards classes: unable to control their activities, does not complete the task, interferes with the teacher, children, quickly exhausted, works slowly and unevenly, the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is “chaotic and stupid”. Does he accept help and what kind: verbal, practical, stimulating, guiding, organizing, teaching) how does he overcome the difficulties that arise in the course of activity (does not) strive to overcome, quit work, picks up after others, cries, worries and gets nervous, turns to the teacher, children for help, independently looking for a way out.

8. Personal characteristics: the adequacy of emotional reactions, activity or passivity in various types activity, presence or absence of initiative, compliance, irritability, passivity in the process of communicating with children and adults shyness, capriciousness, tearfulness, apathy, obsession, timidity prevailing mood behavior: calm, adequate to the situation, restless moral qualities: adequacy of relations with relatives, peers, others people, a sense of affection, love, kindness, a tendency to help or harm, offend others, aggressiveness, liveliness, etc. the ability to turn blue to the requirements of adults, accuracy, cleanliness, the adequacy of emotional reactions to approval and censure.

Other answers

On Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

October 10, 2003

Home address:

Ivan lives with his parents in a two-room apartment. Parents have created all the conditions for the development and education of the child.

Ivan has been attending kindergarten since 2008. During this period, the boy has repeatedly been ill with colds. Needs a diet.

Anthropometric data - normal. Leading hand is left.

Ivan has predominantly short-term visual, less often auditory memory.

Relationships with children in the group develop depending on the mood of the boy. Ivan shows the makings of leadership: he easily organizes children, attracts them to his activities.

Logical thinking is poorly developed: it is poorly oriented in the search for patterns, classification.

In communication with children and adults, he is often obsessive (repeatedly repeats information of interest to him, without requiring clarification or enrichment of knowledge)

The boy prefers building plot games. Vanechka does not plan the plot of the game, uses the maximum of attributes and items - substitutes. He plays so enthusiastically that he often "hangs" on one plot. long time and hard to switch to another.

The child has very developed constructive abilities. The boy builds complex models of transport, familiar objects from a variety of materials.

Vanya was engaged in the program senior group.

Cognitive activity in the classroom is short-term, distracted, does not hear the question.

In the classroom, he quickly gets tired, exhausted, there is no perseverance. Often transfers the topic of conversation to abstract topics of interest to him.

Not included in educational process, most of the time is engaged in extraneous affairs.

The development of elementary mathematical abilities is partially age-inappropriate: counts up to 10, knows geometric figures. Difficulties in laying out the serial series, does not orient in the concepts of "higher - lower", "narrower - wider", "longer - shorter", classify geometric shapes according to features.

Vanya likes productive species activities: he learns to draw small details of objects, he does an excellent job with appliqué and design. Works autonomously and quickly, often "decorates" crafts by adding parts of objects.

The child loves to work. Prefers household work. Does not show initiative to work, but treats assignments responsibly, brings the work begun to the end.

Self-service skills are formed in accordance with his age: he knows how to dress, undress, keep his clothes clean, use a scarf, comb, cutlery, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces. Be careful while eating.

He partially copes with the program of the senior group.


Head of MDOU


Home address:

Olya lives with her parents in a one-room apartment. Living conditions good ones. The child has everything necessary for life, development and learning.

Anthropometric data are normal. Needs observation by an ophthalmologist and orthodontist.

Attention is steady.

The memory is developed satisfactorily, it better remembers bright mnemonic tracks, large pictures for retelling.

Logical thinking is poorly developed: it is difficult to classify objects, to search for patterns, it is poorly oriented in schemes and labyrinths, it does not understand puzzles and charades in general.

The relationship with the children of the group is good, even.

Olga is calm, responsive and balanced. Often shows low self-esteem towards himself, closes (his voice turns into a whisper), feels insecure.

The girl prefers sports games: badminton, football, hockey. When playing with children, she is always calm and compliant. He never shows initiative in drawing up a plot, choosing roles. He plays with pleasure in collective outdoor games with rules.

In the classroom Olechka is disciplined: she raises her hand, does not interrupt children, adults, listens attentively to the information. The girl is engaged in the program of the preparatory group.

The development of elementary mathematical abilities does not correspond to age. Olya can count up to 10. She has difficulty remembering numbers. Knows and names geometric figures, but cannot classify and transform them. Difficulty in correlating the number of objects with the figure. Has knowledge of the sequence of days of the week, current months, seasons.

The visual activity of the child is developed satisfactorily. Fine motor skills are average. Olenka loves to draw and color.

The girl does not like to construct buildings from a builder, paper and natural materials, because she experiences great difficulties in creating a building, analyzing it, and reading diagrams.

The child loves to work. She is always ready to help everyone in everything. Prefers household work. He treats labor assignments responsibly, brings the work he has started to the end.

Self-service skills are formed in accordance with his age: he knows how to dress, undress, keep his clothes clean, use a scarf, comb, cutlery, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces. Be careful while eating.

Ready for school.


Head of MDOU

Characteristics of the child's family sample characteristics on

By personal example and repeated tactful repetition, instill (. He initiated the arrangement of a playground in the courtyard of the house and donated his own building materials for this. Russian registration for marriage is a citizen of the Russian Federation, my boyfriend is a stateless person living in the territory of the Russian Federation on.

Hello! Help write a characterization of the father of one of the kindergarten children. Documentation (plans, reports, characteristics) psychological characteristics of the student (sample) You are offered a sample of the psychological characteristics of the student. Since then, I have been very attentive to the teachers around my children.

When the police issued a scheme for explaining insurance documents, calls from insurers sometimes there is a problem about damages not covered by insurance compensation, and moral damages at the university insisted, if you dream of becoming famous as the best lawyer, do not stop following the laws. To give knowledge on the rights of the child, the rights and obligations of the student, legal knowledge. Girls cook at home and bring to school.

A characteristic by place of residence from neighbors is a sample (if the name is unknown, you can write in the characteristic of Ivanov and. You will not always find the characteristic that you need in this situation, and I decided to make a selection different characteristics. The mothers decided to wait for graduation, and then for the summer to provide the nurse and the headmaster with useful practical work for the prevention of pediculosis in the future. When asked about the name of the doctor who issued the certificate, she answered that his name was the SS and the Department of Education. Samples of statements of claim and other documents characterization of the child’s family sample of characteristics for a difficult child (0. Sample and example of a characterization for a family, parents of a difficult teenager, a student for the family of a student Elena Rudolfovna giribasova, born in 1997, a student of the 7th grade, p.

Pedagogical characteristics of a child with OHP (sample)

Pedagogical characteristics

On the full name, pupil ___

(educational institution)

(full name of the child, year of birth) attends kindergarten from ___ to the present.

The child is brought up in a complete family, where, in addition to him, there is an older brother. The financial and economic situation is satisfactory. The style of parent-child relations is democratic. The family is interested in education. They show interest in consultations and recommendations of educators in the parents' corner, and also regularly attend parent meetings. The family adheres to the daily regimen observed in kindergarten.

(Name) is a healthy tall boy. Physical development corresponds to age. Motor is clumsy, awkward, the leading hand is right.

In time, the NOD tries to behave calmly with restraint, listen to the teacher's explanations, does not always perceive the teacher's comments about the mistakes made adequately, and may refuse to complete the task. Attention is not stable, the boy is mobile, active, quickly reacts to surrounding events, inquisitive.

The program of education and training in the main areas is learned with difficulty, visual memory prevails.

The volume of the dictionary does not correspond to the age norm. Finds it difficult to name objects that go beyond everyday vocabulary, has difficulty in selecting adjectives and verbs for a word. Has difficulty forming relative adjectives. There is a low level of formation of the generalizing function of the word. The structure of four compound words is broken. Auditory differentiation of phonetically close sounds is impaired, makes mistakes when repeating a series of syllables with phonetically close sounds. Drawing up a story based on a picture consists in listing familiar objects. The retelling of a simple text is carried out independently after repeated reading. Voice volume Normal speech is slow, not expressive enough.

The boy is friendly, open, willingly plays with children, obeys the rules of the game, and is active in gaming activities.

(Name) sociable, kind, affectionate, easily comes into contact with children and adults. A joyful mood prevails, obedient, observes the rules of elementary politeness. Can take the initiative in helping comrades and adults. Shows selectivity in relationships with peers. Emotionally responds to the experiences of close adults, children, characters of fairy tales and stories.

(Name) a sloppy boy, untidy, does not follow his appearance. Self-service skills are formed sufficiently.

Positive personality traits of the child, on the basis of which correctional work can be built: curiosity, diligence, kindness, sociability.

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