Panel high-rise buildings. Which apartment is better panel or brick

Apartment selection 09.06.2019
Apartment selection

You need to be interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the material from which the house where you plan to buy an apartment is built before buying. Only in this way will you be able to think things over, discuss with your family and make the right decision.

The main advantage of brick apartments is their excellent sound insulation and thermal protection. Brick retains heat indoors much better than panel walls. Therefore, such an apartment does not need additional insulation. Brick houses are built without the use of massive metal structures that can corrode over time.

Another advantage of brick apartments is the environmental friendliness of the building material. On the this moment brick is the safest building material for health, which is used for the construction of multi-storey buildings. Brick walls "breathe", thanks to this, microorganisms and fungi will not multiply in them. Of course, there are some nuances, for example, if the apartment is on the top floor, and the roof is leaking, then mold can start on the walls. This also needs to be considered before buying, so as not to purchase housing in an emergency building.

The cost of apartments in a brick house is always higher than in a panel one. This is due to the fact that the construction of such a building is always more labor-intensive, and it also takes much more time to build it.

Brick is the most durable building material. This is easy to prove, because many houses built in the pre-revolutionary period have been serving for 100 or more years and at the same time remain in excellent residential condition. The same can be said about the "Stalin".

When buying an apartment in an old house, you need to be careful. Be sure to consult with an experienced realtor, as among these apartments there are both emergency and in excellent condition.

Majority panel houses were built in the 1950s. The main goal of the mass construction of residential buildings according to standard designs was to provide as many people as possible with apartments. The most common houses of that time are 5-storey "Khrushchev".

Modern panel houses built on completely different technologies. Such apartments cost less than in brick houses, since panel buildings are built much faster.

The service life of panel houses depends on the technology by which they were built. These nuances must be clarified in each specific case. For example, if we are talking about "Khrushchev", then their design service life is about 50 years, but experts say that this is a minimum, since their real strength exceeds one and a half times that indicated in the project.

You need to know that noise and heat insulation in panel apartments is worse than in brick ones. It may well be necessary to additionally insulate the walls. In such an apartment it will be impossible to make redevelopment.

If the house is old, then cracks between the panels are quite possible.

If you choose an apartment in a panel "Khrushchev", be sure to find out if your future neighbors from above are adequate. Soundproofing in old houses is poor, so there are cases when people sell apartments because of too noisy neighbors.

In modern panel houses, this problem is solved with the help of new building technologies.

For example, claydite-concrete panels have excellent sound insulation. There are also so-called "sandwich" panels, in which there is insulation between two layers of concrete.

If you decide to buy an apartment in a building that has not yet been built, you mean that a brick high-rise building will be built for about three years, and a modern panel house is built for 9-12 months.

Housing construction today offers many technologies and methods.

Varieties of panel buildings

Panel houses, the pros and cons of which will be discussed in the article, are buildings erected using prefabricated construction technology. This technique involves the use of pre-formed ones that are produced in a factory. most common in the construction of administrative buildings and large residential buildings. Such houses can be frame and frameless. The first type should include frame-panel buildings, while the second - large-panel.

Positive characteristics

Panel houses, the pros and cons of which you should consider before choosing this technology for work, have many advantages. Among the main positive features can be identified low cost. Apartments located in panel buildings are considered economy class housing.

Among other things, it is impossible not to note their convenient location. If we talk about old buildings of this type, they were mainly located in residential areas, in which the infrastructure is quite developed. However, in big cities such buildings are also located in the central part, thus, by purchasing such an apartment, you become the owner of housing located in a prestigious area. If you decide to prefer an apartment in panel house, which was built back in time Soviet Union, then you can be sure that housing will have windows on opposite sides of the world, which was taken into account in the old days. Today, this rule is ignored in the construction of modern houses.

Feedback on sustainability

Panel houses, the pros and cons of which should be considered in advance, are chosen by consumers quite often due to environmental friendliness. Given today's not too positive environmental situation, the use of harmless materials in the construction process is very important.

Negative characteristics

Considering the Khrushchevs, which belong to panel housing, it is worth noting a rather inconvenient layout. It involves the presence of very small kitchens. It is for this reason that residents of such apartments quite often carry out redevelopment. At the same time, the kitchen is expanding, interior partitions are being demolished. Today, such manipulations are not allowed. It is possible to dismantle load-bearing structures by the type of built-in wardrobes or partitions, but all work can be done only after obtaining permission. If such work is carried out without an appropriate permit, this can cause tragic consequences, which consist in violating the structure of the building and its further destruction. Panel houses, the pros and cons of which are described in this article, are characterized by poor heat and sound insulation. Almost all owners of apartments in such buildings of early years have to face the problem, which is expressed in the fact that, being inside, you can hear everything that happens with neighbors and in the yard.

leaking roofs

Panel houses, the pros and cons, the reviews of which you should study before purchasing, are often characterized by leaking roofs. This is largely due to the lack of an attic. Among other things, in such buildings there is almost never a garbage chute or an elevator. However, modern panel construction to correct these deficiencies.

Negative Feedback

If you are considering panel houses, the pros and cons of living in them should be studied by you. This will determine those who in the near future intends to improve their housing situation. The owners of such apartments, who live in seismically hazardous areas, note that explosions and earthquakes can partially or completely destroy such buildings.

Studying the reviews, one can note the moment that concrete absorbs sounds quite poorly, which is why when neighbors work or drill, sounds are clearly audible, and conversations turn into an echo.

It is impossible not to mention interpanel seams, which, according to the owners of such apartments, suggest the need for good sealing. If there are even small gaps in the corners and at the joints of the plates, then moisture can get inside the premises, subsequently the walls become damp, which contributes to the formation of putrefactive formations and mold. All these circumstances also contribute to the transmission of sound and poor thermal insulation.

Negative Features

Panel buildings are not able to accumulate heat sufficiently, and this causes the walls to cool quickly, which is especially noticeable when severe frosts. And, on the contrary, on sunny hot days, the plates are able to heat up well, and then, during the night, intensively give off heat. Subsequently, without forced ventilation or air conditioning in the summer, being inside such apartments is quite uncomfortable.

Additionally, unsuccessful planning decisions can be noted. Few people like It's not worth talking about elongated rooms, low ceilings and small kitchens. All this is a significant disadvantage. Arrangement of strobes in concrete floors is prohibited. This is due to the fact that such structures have voids.


The human factor, which can cause errors, is excluded during the construction of panel buildings. This is due to the fact that the walls are completely manufactured in a factory, where the processes are mechanized. A plus can be called a short construction, which lasts for six months. If we compare with monolithic technology, then the latter takes 2 years and is frozen for the winter period. Panel buildings can be erected at any time of the year also for the reason that wet processes are practically excluded. Owners of new apartments can begin repairs immediately after the construction of the house, without fear that the walls may warp and the materials will settle.

Features of brick-panel houses

A brick-panel house, the pros and cons of which should be considered before construction or acquisition, is considered warmer than the buildings described above. Today, such buildings are becoming increasingly popular among job seekers in the real estate market. Among the positive features, one can single out the fact that the variability in the appearance of such houses can be more diverse. However, it is worth considering that this technique is somewhat more expensive. Apartments in such houses most often have modern double-glazed windows enclosed in wooden frames. This significantly increases heat and noise insulation. In order to increase the level of comfort, the walls between neighboring apartments are made of brick.

Cons of brick-panel houses

Considering the question of what are the pros and cons of panel houses, panel-brick buildings can be connected to this analysis. They, like those mentioned earlier, have one significant drawback. It is expressed in the fact that with individual construction it is impossible to do without the use of heavy equipment, which increases the cost of the work.

It is impossible not to note the feature, which is to limit the designer when drafting a project. This is due to the use of standard reinforced concrete panels.

Alternative Technologies

Which should be considered before purchasing a building of this type, differ in a fairly acceptable cost. However, among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that the quality of the structure will depend on the qualifications of the team. Among other things, it is impossible not to note the short life of such a house. The pros and cons of SIP-panel houses today are actively discussed by consumers. If we consider this construction technique, it can be noted that buildings of this type are quite warm. However, there are significant drawbacks, one of which is expressed in the combustibility of the material.

In this article, we will look at a few important issues related to the how to choose an apartment in a new building. Most of the points described below are also important when purchasing any real estate - a private "freshly baked" house or cottage, as well as housing on the secondary market. It makes a lot of sense for all real estate buyers to read the "Payback" section of the deal."

Considering various types of residential buildings when choosing an apartment, a lower price of square meters in a new building is accompanied by higher risks. Up to the possibility of losing all invested funds. Most often, you make money as a deposit - for the right to buy an apartment in the future - after the commissioning of a house under construction. Before the signing of the state act of acceptance of the construction object, the sale and purchase of apartments in it is impossible.

So, the first very real risk. Option number one. You deposit money to the Developer or its direct representative. At this point, you conclude an agreement and receive a payment document. However, data on the transaction is not entered into any register. And nothing prevents an unscrupulous Developer or his “representative” from carrying out a similar operation with “your” real estate several more times.

And if you are not the first on the list of future "buyers", your rights to receive an apartment in a rented house will become more than illusory. The second option is that you repurchase a share in a house under construction. At the same time, resale is possible both from the side of the Developer and from the side of the previous shareholder. Next, consider the choice of an apartment in a house put into operation.

When choosing a house in a suitable area with apartments of the area you need, try to find out:

  1. how long has the developer of this house been working;
  2. how qualified are its engineers and workers;
  3. environmental safety of the materials used;
  4. details of the progress of construction (privately).

Nobody likes to advertise their "blunders", so the details of the construction progress can only be clarified in private. However, something about the materials used can be learned without a deep investigation. Granites and sandstones overlying the dome of ore deposits have an increased radiation background.

In addition, in our country there are many places artificially polluted with radiation. Therefore, almost all major building materials can sin with increased radioactivity:

  • reinforced concrete slabs, including gravel and sand,
  • leveling compounds,
  • bricks,
  • foam and aerated concrete blocks.

The norm of additional radiation exposure of dwellings in our country is 3 micro-roentgens per hour. The natural background in the flat areas is 15-20 μR/hour. Safe level - up to 50 mcr / hour. Those. it is better to come to your future apartment with a dosimeter once and make sure that the natural background is exceeded within the permissible limits and is 20-30 microroentgens per hour, than then accumulate unnecessary x-rays in your body for many years.

Types of construction of houses on the basis of the materials used

Very conditionally among the new buildings can be the following house types:

  • brick,
  • panel,
  • foam materials,
  • monolithic.

This division is conditional, because in any modern brick house, hollow reinforced concrete slabs overlap. Besides, monolithic house sometimes it turns out to be also foam concrete. And due to the high thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete in a house with a monolithic reinforced concrete frame, the insulation of the outer walls can be made of brick (often beautiful, finishing), panels of heat-insulating material or foam concrete blocks. All types of building houses from these materials have their advantages and disadvantages.

Brick houses - the pros and cons of such buildings

Traditional (since Peter the Great) material for housing construction - brick. He can be:

  • silicate, based on lime and sand;
  • full-bodied ceramic, obtained by firing clay;
  • ceramic hollow or porous, containing up to 50% of internal voids.

Silicate brick is cheaper, but it does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture, therefore it is used when laying walls above the basement with mandatory waterproofing. It cannot be porous, so its heat-insulating and weight characteristics are worse than those of ceramic hollow bricks.

Well-fired ceramic bricks from properly seasoned clay can be used for making foundations and plinths, and for laying walls and partitions of a building. Hollow ceramic bricks are significantly less thermally conductive and, with less weight (while maintaining the same strength characteristics), exert less pressure on the foundation and soil.

Positive characteristics:

  • strong enough, when using high-quality bricks, a binder and floor material with a properly calculated and equipped foundation, they can last hundreds of years,
  • by the right of “fire-breathing birth”, they allow the laying of ventilation and smoke ducts inside the walls, seamlessly adjoin the furnaces,
  • have a high heat capacity, which allows residents who are inhabited brick houses, do not suffer from the heat in summer and withstand short heating shutdowns in winter.

Negative characteristics:

  • high heat capacity brick walls requires large amounts of heat during periodic use of heating,
  • in the cold season in brick houses it is necessary to maintain a positive temperature,
  • after the completion of construction for some time, such a house shrinks,
  • due to the heavy weight of the walls, for example, a 9-storey brick house requires the construction of reinforced foundations, for low buildings (2-3 floors) it can be a strip foundation, deepened below the freezing level of the soil,
  • to ensure sufficient thermal insulation in our latitudes, it is necessary to equip walls two bricks thick, and this greatly reduces the usable area - the walls occupy a sixth of the house with total area 200 m2.

The type of house is monolithic - a bit of its history

Type of house monolithic- this is a building in which all the elements are made by pouring a cement-sand-gravel mixture into the formwork on a frame of metal reinforcement directly on the construction site. In this case, each next element continues the previous one without any connecting seams. This applies to both vertical and horizontal elements. Those. a solid monolithic (single, continuously poured) reinforced concrete frame of the structure should be obtained.

Some elements of this technology (pouring concrete on a metal frame into a pre-arranged formwork directly on the construction site) appeared in Germany in the twenties of the last century. However, the concrete mixtures that existed at that time did not allow builders around the world to move in this direction.

In fairness, we note that in Soviet Russia, shortly after 1917, in a revolutionary outburst, the world's first monolithic buildings were erected. One of them - the Kharkiv Gosprom - still amazes not only with its monumentality, but also with the fact that during the Second World War it was not possible to blow it up three times (!) by German specialists, at that time one of the best in the world.

After the war, engineer Rigel suggested using prefabricated reinforced concrete elements - crossbars, which made it possible to switch to a discrete-prefabricated reinforced concrete frame of the building structure. The next step was the pouring of solid load-bearing columns directly on the construction site.

The last point at the moment in the developments accepted by world practice monolithic housing construction designed by the great architect Le Corbusier. He abandoned load-bearing monolithic columns. Each cast-in-situ reinforced concrete wall has become a vertical load-bearing element. From this solution half a step to completely monolithic structures. These half-steps were made by the same Le Corbusier.

I repeat once again: now many frame-monolithic structures are “issued” as full-fledged monoliths. Such types of multi-storey buildings still retain the point pressure of vertical supports on the foundation.

Pros and cons of monolithic houses

Monolithic types of residential buildings have quite tangible advantages:

  1. High strength structures. In Soviet times, they were built in earthquake-prone areas. However, cheaper prefabricated panel structures forced out monolithic types of houses in Moscow and in general from the practice of Soviet serial construction (this led to colossal casualties during the Spitak earthquake in Armenia).
  2. Less (15-20%) weight of monoliths compared to brick buildings of the same size.
  3. Distribution of the load along the entire perimeter of the supporting walls, avoiding point loads on the foundation.
  4. Facilitate the arrangement of foundations.
  5. The type of house is monolithic and does not shrink after construction.
  6. Higher building speed.
  7. No need to transport volumetric structures to the construction site.
  8. Possibility of "free" planning of high-rise characteristics of buildings and expansion of unsupported premises up to 150 m 2 .
  9. Seamless constructions provide better insulation of the rooms in the building.
  10. Monolithic types of multi-storey buildings are long-livers among building structures. Their life span is 100 years. Provided, of course, high quality materials and work in full accordance with the technological process.

Minuses monolithic houses can be reduced to the following list:

  1. High thermal conductivity (poor thermal insulation) of reinforced concrete walls. They need to be further insulated.
  2. Low sound insulation of rooms, especially in relation to impact noise.
  3. The need to provide channels for engineering networks and chimneys, and later redevelopment in monolithic houses is almost impossible, especially without permission from the housing service.
  4. Difficulties when working in winter conditions. The concreting process must proceed at a temperature not lower than +5 °C. At lower temperatures, the mixture is heated at the preparation stage (solid and loose fractions are heated) or at the hardening stage (which leads to a deterioration in the quality of concrete and requires significant energy consumption). Most often, special additives are used that allow concreting at low temperatures.
  5. The need to conduct a continuous process of pouring concrete, and in many directions at once.
  6. Mandatory very high-quality compaction of the filled mixture. Small deviations from this rule completely destroy all the advantages that the construction of multi-storey monolithic houses has.

Now there are two ways of monolithic construction:

  • with removable formwork,
  • with fixed formwork.

The first option allows you to use the formwork repeatedly. However, this raises the need for additional thermal insulation of external walls and sound insulation of internal surfaces. Particular attention has to be paid to the outer walls. They are insulated with special compositions, often leave an air gap and cover the monolithic structure with brickwork or foam materials. Those. the advantages of monoliths in terms of high speed of construction and low cost become hardly noticeable.

The second option can be considered as "two in one". Expanded polystyrene formwork allows you to carry out the concreting process and then remains as heat and sound insulation. Of course, its appearance does not allow to do without further finishing. But this is a much faster and less time-consuming and costly process compared to the previous version. After all, if you insulate the walls with cheaper, compared to finishing bricks, foam materials, then they also need to be decorated and carefully waterproofed.

How to choose an apartment - determine the floor

Let's look at this question from a "yes" and "no" perspective to determine whether how to choose the right apartment in terms of floors.

1. The first floor is traditionally not loved by our fellow citizens. The damp basement under it very often becomes a supplier of mosquitoes and fleas. The option of collecting in an apartment on the first floor is not excluded. Wastewater the entire entrance in case the sewer pipe becomes clogged. This almost always happens in areas with a slight slope below the ground floor. There is, of course, a device called a “check valve”, but installing and operating it is an additional hassle.

Yes, and they rob such apartments more often than others, and it is they who get the lion's share of external noise and dust. Accordingly, the prices of non-commercial square meters on the ground floor are 15-20% lower than on the other floors.

There is another significant point. Almost anywhere, a radioactive gas, radon, is released from the ground. It decays very quickly, forming radioactive isotopes of lead, bismuth and polonium. The gas itself is seven times heavier than air, so it and its decay products are concentrated in the zone of the lower floors, most of all on the ground floor. On the other hand, ground floor apartments are the easiest to get to (especially if the elevators fail) and the easiest to leave in case of an emergency.

2. The second floor has some of the problems of the first in a "stripped down" form. At the same time, it is safer from the point of view of robbery, and can become a wastewater collection point only if sewer pipe the first floor will be a non-return valve.

3. Both mosquitoes and residents easily get to the third floor. It is not so difficult to run away in case of serious trouble.

4. 4-6 floors are much better than the lower ones in terms of ecology. It is clear that when the elevator fails ... Although some high-rise types of apartment buildings have two elevators. But, of course, these floors are better in this sense than the 16th, 30th, etc.

5. Select the 7th floor. Not so scary, and the noise with the dust below. Those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as mental imbalance, should not climb higher.

6. 8-16 floors - bright and clean, if there are no smoking chimneys nearby. The height of these floors is the optimal flight level for the flights of small particles suspended in the air. As for the elevator, yes.

7. Above are the cleanest apartments. They are also usually the warmest, if the coolant is not supplied from below, and the lower apartments do not suit additional significant heat extraction.

8. The top floor may have additional problems with roof leaks. On the other hand, the presence of a technical floor makes it possible to organize a penthouse - elite housing (often with a personal elevator). In case of fire, evacuation is possible using an individual rope system and a cradle with a special lock. By the way, people are often rescued from the roofs of skyscrapers during emergencies.

When is the best time to buy an apartment and make repairs?

In the urban real estate market, in the apartment sector, there are both long-term and seasonal price fluctuations, so deciding when it is more profitable to buy an apartment should be based on these phenomena as well. Making long-term forecasts is a thankless task. The fall in real estate prices in the fall of 2008 took place against the background of joyful slogans "Real estate is the most reliable investment" and forecasts "Real estate will NEVER become cheaper."

Seasonal price fluctuations are like trade winds - they are predictable, so you can guess how to choose an apartment at a lower price. Long-term observations in the apartment market show the pattern of the "dragonfly" from the well-known fable. Summer "blows off" the majority of potential apartment buyers of the northern latitudes to the south and to the suburbs, while demand, and, accordingly, apartment prices are falling. In autumn, the reverse process begins: the rise of interest in apartments, and the rise in prices for them.

From this point of view, it makes sense to buy an apartment in summer period. This is a general idea about When is the best time to buy an apartment?. In fact, seasonal price fluctuations are insignificant - 1-2%. The price of a particular apartment depends much more on the seller's ambitions, his need for quick money or other factors (for example, a quick departure or the seller getting the opportunity to buy another, more suitable property “right now”) than on the weather in the yard. Therefore, it is better to find a decent apartment at a suitable price than rely on seasonal luck and wonder if it is worth buying an apartment now.

Usually, after buying an apartment, it should be repaired, more or less large-scale. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the condition of the heating system and window openings. It is better to change both in the "non-heating" period. This is especially important for the heating system. These factors really affect the time, when can repairs be made.

The very replacement of window or balcony frames is a short process, and the correction of construction flaws along the perimeters of openings can take a lot of time. Especially considering that no one is usually ready to see voids gaping into the street around the former window, bashfully covered from the outside with plaster.

It is unlikely that anyone prepares bricks, cement and sand before replacing windows. All this has to be done in a hurry. And, of course, it is better that such an emergency happens in the summer. You can also carry out a faster process - foam voids, but strength bearing walls will remain detrimental.

For all other work in a city apartment with properly functioning heating, the time when repairs can be done is practically insignificant. Unless after turning off the heating in the spring and before connecting it in the fall, there may be moments of “braking” of the repair processes due to the low temperature in the apartment.

There is another significant point in determining the period when it is better to make repairs. In the summer it is simply impossible to track it. The quality of the thermal insulation of the walls can really be checked only in winter. A wonderful apartment bought in the summer in the winter, and with a good wind, may not show itself in the best way. From the windows, even metal-plastic ones, it can blow unpleasantly, and the walls can freeze through. On them, as well as on windows, condensation can form and a fungus can start. If in old apartment traces of the fungus can be found in the summer, but in a new building commissioned and purchased in the summer, you will not immediately notice anything bad.

You can start repair work immediately after putting the house into operation. Monolithic houses practically do not shrink, and the shrinkage of brick buildings and buildings made of foam materials is comparable to small operational changes. Large violations - the appearance and expansion of cracks in the supporting structures - indicate serious miscalculations in the design or construction of the structure.

It does not matter when they appear - immediately after the delivery of the house or during its operation. Of course, we are talking about a reasonable period of operation. However, the Khrushchev five-story brick house was built for 20-30 years, but it costs twice as long. And the prices for apartments in them are only slightly lower than the prices for apartments in new buildings.

There are a lot of panel houses in any city, especially in Moscow. If a person plans to buy or rent an apartment in such a building, then he must first weigh all the pros and cons. This will help make right choice and don't make a mistake.

The main advantages of panel houses

The most important advantage of panel houses is. Housing in buildings of this type is much cheaper. If we compare the cost of a one-room apartment in a panel and in brick houses, the difference will be significant.

The advantage of panel houses should be called the speed of their construction. A simple example can be given: professionals build a 17-storey building in six months, and it will take at least 2.5 years to erect a monolithic building. Ready-made reinforced concrete structures are delivered to the construction site, which significantly reduces the time for building a house. The outer panels are supplied with window units, while the inner ones have ready-made channels for electrical wiring.

Another advantage of panel houses is that the inner walls are even. Wall panels still smoother than brickwork. As a result, you do not need to suffer for a long time with plastering the walls, bringing them to perfect smoothness.

The advantage of houses of this type is their "seating". For this reason, it is possible to start repairs in a panel house immediately after the completion of the construction process. Even in a new house, repairs will be without distortions and other shortcomings.

The construction of panel houses is constantly being improved and modernized. In Moscow, since 2016, it is planned to erect buildings of this type according to new requirements. Projects of panel new buildings will have, as well as a variety of facades.

Cons of panel houses

Houses built from panels have some disadvantages. The first one is . If your neighbors have begun renovations, then you probably won’t be able to fully relax in your apartment. Quite often in a panel house you can hear screams or just loud conversations of neighbors.

A big disadvantage of panel houses is the seams that exist between the panels. If there are not even too large gaps at the joints of the plates, there is a possibility that moisture will enter the room. As a result, the walls become damp, mold appears on them.

The disadvantage of buildings of this type is that they accumulate heat poorly. In the cold season, the walls of the house cool down quickly, and in the summer the stoves get very hot.

Among the main disadvantages of houses built from panels, the following can be distinguished:

  • not a very good layout;
  • roof leak problem
  • it can be problematic to redevelop an apartment;
  • panel houses, as a rule, are built according to one model.

It can be concluded that panel houses have more minuses than pluses. In Moscow, there are many old residential buildings made of panels, but panels are also often used for the construction of new buildings. Of course, the quality of new panel houses is on a completely different level. And apartments in new panel-type buildings are more comfortable for living.

Published: December 24, 2013

Even in our time, brick houses are highly valued in the market. And not only because they are higher than other options, but also because they are dry, warm, it is easier to breathe in them compared to concrete houses.

Advantages of multi-storey brick houses

Multi-storey brick houses are being built everywhere. This is due to the fact that brick is the most common building material. People have been building houses out of brick since ancient times. Previously, each city or village had its own brick factory.

Yes, and not alone. Yes, earlier there were fewer materials for construction, the choice was small. But even now, multi-storey brick houses have significant advantages over houses made of other materials:

  1. Durability
  2. Environmental friendliness
  3. fire safety
  4. High sound insulation

Durability of brick houses

With this, perhaps few will dare to argue. After all, brick high-rise buildings stand for a hundred and even one hundred and fifty years. And remember the ancient castles, fortresses, monasteries that have already stood for more than one hundred years!

Environmental friendliness of brick houses

The environmental friendliness of brick multi-storey residential buildings is explained by the material from which they are built. After all, a brick is made from a plastic mixture of clay, sand and water. It is then molded and fired in a thermal kiln. Everything, there are no other materials in the brick.

The brick has a porous structure and passes air quite well. Brick houses breathe well. They do not rot and are not damaged by any pests. Brick walls regulate the humidity in the house.

Fire safety of brick houses

High fire safety brick houses due to the incombustibility of bricks. After all, clay does not burn, even burnt. But fires in apartments and houses still happen. And even after them, brick walls can be used for their intended purpose.

High sound insulation of brick walls

Multi-storey brick houses have good sound insulation. It is no worse than houses made of wood and concrete. And even better if the walls are thick enough. Now modern effective materials are used for soundproofing. But one can argue about their environmental friendliness.

Other advantages of a multi-storey brick house

Despite the boom in panel housing construction in the 60s and 70s, the emergence of modern building materials and technologies, brick remains a popular building material today. This is due to the better thermal insulation properties of bricks compared to concrete panels.

In addition, when erecting low buildings, you can completely do without lifting equipment. After all, the brickwork of a multi-storey building is built by laying a large number of small bricks. With the help of bricks, you can build a building of almost any shape. This allows you to build houses unlike each other.

Brick can be combined with any other material. This allows the architect to implement any, even the most daring and unusual solutions. It is practically possible to build houses according to individual projects, taking into account the wishes of the customer. Therefore, often the facades of multi-storey brick houses are unlike one another, in contrast to the panel houses - twins.

Disadvantages of brick residential buildings

There are many advantages of brick as a building material. But, there are also disadvantages of building multi-storey brick buildings. One of them is the high cost of building houses. It consists of the high cost of bricks and high wages for building a brick house.

Most main disadvantage is the low speed of construction work. Calculate how many bricks you need to lay manually when building a multi-storey brick building. In addition, in the northern regions of our country, in winter, construction generally has to be stopped until spring.

When building a brick house, you have to make a foundation with a high bearing capacity. Multi-storey brick houses weigh a lot. Therefore, the foundations for brick houses are very massive and expensive.

Well, another of the disadvantages of building multi-storey brick buildings is the need for a large number of experienced masons. This profession requires good physical data and professional skills. Today, there are few who want to work in dirty, hard physical work.

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