Israeli intelligence title. Israeli military intelligence. Noah's Ark for the Oilmen

Bearing structures 22.07.2021
Bearing structures

The Mossad foreign intelligence service is the most famous and youngest of the existing ones today.
The motto of the Mossad - "By cunning and deceit you must wage war" - is constantly confirmed in practice.
The main tasks of the Mossad now, as before, are the collection of intelligence information around the world, the implementation of political and special actions abroad and the fight against terrorism. At the same time, the main objects of attention of the Mossad are the Arab countries, and above all the closest neighbors Egypt and Syria.
Mossad is the only reconnaissance and sabotage organization in the world that, in addition to extracting secret information, is engaged in the physical elimination of the enemies of the Jewish state. For this purpose, the secret operations department "Komemiyut" ("Sovereignty") was created, which has secret combat units "Kidon" ("Spear").
Mossad conducts undercover operations against Arab countries around the world, including in Western Europe.


- 1968 - 1974 - Zvi Zamir;

- 1989 - 1996 - Shabtai Shavit;

According to the laws of Israel, the name of the head of the Mossad is a state secret, the citizens of the country recognized him only after the latter retired. During his service, he works under the pseudonym "Memon".

History of the Mossad

Mossad (Ha-Mossad le teum - Central Coordination Institute) was established on April 1, 1951, when the Israeli intelligence community had already officially existed for about two years. The forerunner of the Mossad was the Research Section of the Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was created in June 1948 as a body responsible for political intelligence.
By personal order of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, the first director of Mossad was
appointed its creator Reuven Shiloy.
The Mossad was to report directly to the Prime Minister of Israel and to carry out the functions of a central intelligence agency, which was completely justified, since Shiloh was also the chairman of the committee of heads of the special services "Varash".
When organizing the Mossad, Shiloy was guided by the American experience of the secret services. But there was one difference: at first, the structure of the Mossad did not provide for the formation of a unit that would be engaged in operational activities, since the most important tasks of the Mossad were determined to be the coordination of the activities of the special services and the collection of information, and not the conduct of undercover intelligence. Therefore, the Mossad could conduct intelligence operations only by attracting the operational units of the Aman military intelligence, the security services "" or the Aliya Bet Institute.
In principle, the conduct of operational activities was also impossible due to the extreme small number of Mossad staff - for the first two years, the central apparatus of the Mossad consisted of only 11 people.
Reuven Shiloi headed the Mossad for only a year and a half, but during this time he laid down the principles that guide foreign intelligence to this day, and defined its most significant tasks. Shila called the Arabs the main enemy of Israel and stubbornly pursued a policy of introducing professional intelligence agents into neighboring Arab states.
The second main objective of Israeli intelligence was to protect Jewish communities around the world and stimulate the emigration of Jews to Israel. Thus, Zvi Zamir, who served as director of Mossad from 1968-1974, wrote:
“Of all the operations and in general all the intelligence activities for which I was responsible, the most important and exciting were the operations to rescue our Jewish brothers in those countries where they were oppressed and take them to Israel.”
Reuven Shiloi demanded the maximum use of modern espionage technologies and weapons in intelligence activities. However, since Israel at that time was not a technically developed country, advanced intelligence technologies and the necessary weapons were obtained from the special services of the leading states of the world - France and the United States.
In June 1951, after Shiloy made an unofficial visit to the United States, secret cooperation began with the Mossad.
The CIA's chief of foreign counterintelligence, James Angleton, headed the Israeli branch of the CIA from 1951 to 1974, when the new deputy director of the CIA, William Colby, relieved him of these duties. Convinced that Israel was a staunch American ally, Angleton not only advocated giving the Mossad full aid, but often blocked or distorted information that he believed could harm Israel.
After Shiloy visited London in 1951, the Mossad strategic alliance was concluded with the British special services - (counterintelligence) and MI6 (intelligence).
MI6 Deputy Director Maurice Oldfield led the Israeli Desk, and the MI6 representative in Tel Aviv long time was a veteran British intelligence officer Nicholas Eliot.
Shiloy put on the active use of the world Jewish diaspora in intelligence activities, thanks to which the Mossad and other Israeli special services, being relatively small organizations, have become one of the most successful intelligence services in the world. After all, it is not a secret at all that among government officials, political and statesmen, and
there are also representatives of big business in many countries big number Jews. As a result, since the time of Shiloh, Israeli intelligence ties with representatives of Jewish communities abroad have been carefully developed and serve as channels for obtaining information, spreading disinformation and propaganda, as well as for other intelligence tasks. However, for the same reason, the Israeli intelligence services are highly dependent on Jewish communities and organizations abroad. Because of this, Israeli intelligence operatives ("katza") are faced with the need to operate in Jewish communities covertly so as not to inflict any damage on Israel. That is why Israeli intelligence uses such a tool as an international network of volunteers, who are called "Sayan" (assistant). "Sayans" can only be purebred Jews who remain absolutely loyal to their country of residence, but at the same time have a deep sympathy for Israel. They never take part in operations, but only provide individual services to Israeli intelligence officers - rent a car, rent an apartment or provide their phone for certain types of calls. At the same time, they are all convinced that they will never be required to provide information about the country of which they are citizens.
As for Mossad personnel, strict requirements are also put forward for them. Here is what Iser Harel says about this:
“They try to select candidates among those people who have experience in military service. In addition, the selection is carried out among graduates of higher educational institutions.
Great importance is attached to the study of the personal qualities of potential employees. After pre-selection selection committee examines the cases of each candidate. Background checks are being carried out.
Candidates should not have defamatory connections and dark spots in their biography, they should ideally meet the requirements of the Mossad.
Then the selected people go through a probationary period.”
Since the mid-1960s, all future employees have been required to take a course at the Mossad Academy - Midrash.
The appointment in 1952 of the director of Mossad, Iser Harel, had a positive impact on this service. Harel, a high-class professional, was able to completely eliminate the confusion in this department in the shortest possible time and turn it from a small organization with limited funding into one of the main Israeli intelligence agencies.
To strengthen the Mossad cadres, he brought with him several people from the Shin Bet. Then he took steps to scrupulously select future Mossad employees, both operatives and employees of the central apparatus, for whom fairly high professional and moral standards were set. Harel instilled in them a sense of pride in belonging to the "brotherhood" of intelligence and invariably emphasized:
"You are rare creatures in the reserve."
However, along with this, he demanded impeccable honesty from his subordinates and kicked him out of work for the slightest misconduct. As a veteran of Shai and a former director of Shin Bet, Harel wanted operational activities as his primary focus.
Due to the fact that the Mossad was initially unable to carry out operational activities, it, accordingly, did not have its own operational unit. As a result, Harel, using his trusting relationship with Ben-Gurion, began a fight with Aman military intelligence for the right to conduct intelligence work. After a series of failures of military intelligence "Aman" in 1955, an agreement was reached under which "Aman" continued to conduct human intelligence in the Arab countries, and "Mossad" - in other regions of the world.
As a result, in the Mossad in the middle of 1955, an operational department was created, rather small in number, but having the legal right to send its operatives abroad. It was led by Abraham Shalom and Rafi Eitan from Shin Bet.
However, Harel managed to establish full control over human intelligence in 1958, after the Aman employee Avri El-Ada was exposed, whom he accused of working for Egyptian intelligence and sent to prison. It was then that Harel obtained the right to conduct special operations for the Mossad, for which most of the employees and agents were transferred from the reconnaissance and sabotage unit "131" of military intelligence to the Mossad. After that, the legendary era of illegal intelligence officers Mossad began.
Due to disagreements between Harel and Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, and also because the Prime Minister clearly understood that Harel, like Reuven Shiloh before him, concentrated too much power in his hands and could not properly dispose of it On March 25, 1963, Harel wrote his resignation.
Harel's successor as Mossad director was Major General Meir Amit, head of Aman. This appointment met with absolute approval from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, however, in the Mossad itself, the coming of the Varangian was met with hostility. Already on March 27, a cipher from the European residents of the Mossad lay on Amit's desk, in which they threatened to collectively resign if Harel did not return.
But Amit was able to resolve the situation with the necessary firmness.
The big Mossad reform began in January 1964, after Amit left Aman. First of all, he achieved a change in the status of the Mossad. Now it has become "Le Modiin ve le tafkidim me yukhadim" - the Institute for Intelligence and Special Assignments.
At the same time, the headquarters of the Mossad was transferred to a new modern building in the center of Tel Aviv, on King Saul Boulevard.
Most of the old employees were fired, and specialists from Aman took their place. The Mossad staff grew to a thousand people.
The position towards women in intelligence has also undergone changes. If under Harel they could at best occupy small administrative positions and were never used in operational work, now, after passing through all the steps of the career ladder, they had the opportunity to take the position of head of a functional or geographical department.
Since the main goal of the reform was to turn the Mossad into a powerful modern intelligence service, which should primarily be engaged in the collection of political, economic and military information in foreign countries ah, Amit said that now the Mossad will not conduct operations that are not related to these tasks.
Therefore, one of the priority activities of the Mossad since that time has been the analysis of information, for which in 1964 an information department was created in it, and all units were computerized.
In accordance with the tasks set, the structure of the Mossad was also changed. Under Amit, it looked like this:
- directorate;
- research department - was responsible for intelligence activities and conducting special operations abroad;
- Department of Operational Planning and Coordination - was responsible for interaction with other Israeli intelligence services, planning and security of operations;
- information department - was engaged in the analysis of incoming information, preparation of information materials and reports to the management;
- the department of political actions and communications - was responsible for communications with the special services of foreign countries and the arms trade;
— operational and technical department;
- personnel department;
- educational department;
- Financial Department.
In the 1960s, secret Mossad contacts with Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Yemen and South Sudan grew stronger. At the same time, Israel established diplomatic relations with many African countries, where after that the Mossad residencies were opened. Moreover, a residency in Singapore was opened.
One of the most important tasks that faced the Mossad in the mid-1960s was to collect information on the latest Soviet combat aircraft that entered service with the Arab armies, and, if possible, hijack one of them to Israel. Israel was especially interested in the Soviet MiG-21 fighter, which was insisted not only by the head of the Israeli Air Force, General Ezer Weizman, but also by American intelligence.

As a result, on August 15, 1966, Iraqi Air Force pilot Munir Redfa hijacked his MiG-21 and landed it on a familiar airfield in the Negev desert (photo on the left).
And on October 11, 1989, a Syrian Air Force pilot, Major Mohammed Bassam Alel, stole his MiG-23 to Israel, where he was greeted with open arms, paid money and issued new documents.
In 1969, the third director of Mossad, Meir Amit, retired in a blaze of glory after the victorious Six-Day War. His place was taken by Major General Zvi Zamir.
Zamir was a career military man and had no experience in intelligence, which, in fact, suited Prime Minister Levi Eshkol - the lack of connections among the leaders of the intelligence community, who by this time were mired in squabbles and intrigues.
In the 1970s, an enemy the Mossad had never yet encountered, Arab terrorism, reared its head. A secret merciless struggle began ...
The murder in 1972 of Israeli Olympians in Munich caused shock in Israel. The action of retaliation was entrusted to the Mossad and was successfully carried out, though it took almost nine years for this ...
After serving the prescribed five years as director of the Mossad, Zamir was replaced by the commander of the Northern Military District, Major General Yitzhak Hofi.
Hofi, like his predecessor, had not worked in intelligence before, but was close to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in that he was a supporter of improving relations with Israel's Arab neighbors and surrounding them with so-called "peripheral allies."
Hofi had a resounding success when Palestinian terrorists hijacked a French plane with Israeli citizens on board and hijacked it to Uganda. The terrorists demanded the release of their comrades from Israeli prisons, but received a firm refusal.
Moreover, Mossad, Aman and Sayaret Mitkal fighters carried out a successful operation to free the hostages 2.5 thousand kilometers from Israel, which has never happened before in world practice.
After that, the authority of the Mossad, which had been shaken, was again raised to the appropriate height.
On June 27, 1982, Hofi was replaced by Nachum Admoni. It was a career intelligence officer who made a career in the ranks of the Mossad. Nevertheless, for all the time he was in charge of the Mossad, he did not do anything special.
showed, although he enjoyed respect among his colleagues for solidity and diligence. However, despite his "colorlessness", Admoni stayed in this post for 7 years.
In the early 1990s, the Mossad was no longer the small organization led by Iser Harel. The Mossad staff already numbered about 1,200 people, including service personnel.
Mossad has the following units:
- directorate consisting of the director, his deputies and administrative services;
- research department - was responsible for conducting intelligence operations and consisted of 15 geographical and operational departments: the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the CIS countries, the USA, Canada, South America, the Far East, China, the department of scientific and technical intelligence, the atomic department, etc. .;
- management "Zomet" - ensured the activities of European residencies, two of which are located in Rome (reserve - in Milan) and London. The London Resident has branches in Paris, Marseille, Brussels, Copenhagen and Berlin;
- the Directorate for Combating Arab Terrorism ("Paha") was engaged in the collection and analysis of information about Arab terrorist organizations, primarily about the PLO, and prepared operational analyzes on this issue;
- Department of Foreign Counterintelligence ("Apam") - supervised the security of intelligence activities abroad;
- management "Yarid" - dealt with security issues within Israel and its representative offices in Europe;
- Department of Internal Security ("Shabaka") - was responsible for own security"Mossad" and the security of foreign diplomatic missions of Israel;
- reconnaissance and sabotage department "Komemiyut" (after 1984 - "Metsada") - was engaged in the physical elimination of Israel's opponents. It incorporates a department of direct action "Kidon", consisting of three groups of 12 fighters each. The legend of the employees of the department, acting mainly under the guise of businessmen, is handled by a special department;
- operational and technical department "Nevoit" - consisted of three departments: operational equipment, secret photo and video filming, opening of premises;
- information and analytical department "Naka" - was responsible for the analysis of incoming intelligence information and prepared reports to the prime minister, the cabinet of ministers and other interested departments. It included the Shiklut department and the 8200 division, which were engaged in intercepting messages from government communication lines and decrypting them;
- Department of political actions and communications "Tevel" - was engaged in the sale of Israeli weapons and military equipment, as well as the purchase and theft of military equipment abroad;
- Department of psychological warfare and disinformation "Lap";
- documentation department - was engaged in obtaining and manufacturing passports and other documents of any foreign states. Its employees also studied the world press and provided the necessary information (about the weather in a particular city on a given day, sporting events held somewhere, political events, performances, exhibitions, etc.);
- management of educational institutions - was engaged in the preparation and training of operational staff, had in its composition the educational academy "Midrash".
Abroad, in states with which Israel has diplomatic relations, Mossad has residencies at embassies. The main residencies are located in the USA, countries of Western Europe (the regional center "Mossad" is located in Paris), some states of Eastern Europe, Iran, African countries. In South America and Far East the regional centers "Mossad" are located. As for Russia and the countries former USSR, then individual Mossad employees work here,
usually officially registered. The fact is that this region is the sphere of responsibility of Nativ.
Interestingly, the Mossad resident often has even more power in the embassy than the ambassador, and it is through him that all communication with Tel Aviv goes. According to his position, the resident is equal to the head of the department in the Center and has direct access to the head of the department.
In terms of their quantitative composition, the Mossad residencies are small, but if necessary, they can be strengthened by seconded employees from the Center. The employees themselves (“katsa”) have diplomatic immunity and perform various tasks.

Editorial response

December 13, 1949Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurionsigned a secret letter, which dealt with the unification of all intelligence services. This was the beginning of the creation of one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world - the Mossad. Officially, this department was created on April 1, 1951 as a result of the merger of the "Central Institute for Coordination" and the "Central Institute for Intelligence and Security".

The head office of the Mossad is in Tel Aviv. The staff consists of about 1200 people, including technical staff. The organization also employs a huge number of recruited agents around the world, the number of which is estimated at 35,000 people. Mossad employees can retire at 45 (a year of service abroad counts as one and a half).

What does the Mossad do?

Mossad is an Israeli intelligence service that, in addition to obtaining classified information, is engaged in the physical elimination of the enemies of the Jewish state.

The main activities of the Mossad are:

  • secret collection of information abroad;
  • preventing terrorist activities against Israeli and Jewish targets abroad;
  • development and maintenance of special secret ties, political and otherwise, abroad;
  • preventing the development and acquisition of stockpiles of weapons by hostile countries;
  • the implementation of the repatriation of Jews from countries from which official departure to Israel is impossible;
  • obtaining strategic, political and operational intelligence information;
  • performing special operations outside the State of Israel.

What is the structure of the intelligence service?

The Mossad is run by a directorate composed of the director, his deputies and administrative services.

The director of the Mossad sits on the "Committee of Chiefs of Intelligence", or "Varash" for short, and reports directly to the Israeli prime minister.

The following departments are subordinate to the director:

  • Department of operational planning and coordination "Tsomet" - conducting espionage operations;
  • Department for Combating Arab Terrorism "PAHA" - collection and analysis of data on Arab terrorist organizations;
  • information and analytical department "NAKA" - analysis of information and development of recommendations for management and politicians;
  • department of political actions and relations with foreign intelligence services "Tevel" - the sale of Israeli weapons abroad, cooperation with world intelligence services;
  • research management - compiling reports on the situation in various regions of the world;
  • operational and technical management - material and technical support of services and operations;
  • electronic intelligence unit "Neviot" - wiretapping, collection of electronic information;
  • department of psychological warfare and disinformation campaigns "Lohama psychologit" - conducting psychological warfare, propaganda;
  • Department of Special Operations "Metsada" - carrying out military actions;
  • special unit "Kidon" - the destruction of terrorists;
  • secret operations department "Komemiyut" - elimination of the enemies of the Jewish state;
  • Department of Finance and Human Resources - performs the functions of support;
  • training management - training employees and agents.

    How to get into the service in the Mossad?

    Recruitment of Mossad employees is carried out, as a rule, among Israeli citizens who have served in the army, as well as among university graduates. Preliminary tests and checks last several months. This work is done by the recruiting department.

    At the first stage of selection, each candidate undergoes a thorough questionnaire, psychological and handwriting check. After that, those wishing to enter the service perform practical tasks. For example, they quietly pass border control at the airport, change the membrane in the handset at the counter at the hotel clerk, etc.

    Those who pass the tests are enrolled in the Mossad academy, which is called the Midrash. In it, cadets are made into professional intelligence officers capable of conducting any operations, anywhere in the world and in any circumstances. After a year of training, cadets are trained in Mossad units.

    The cadets then return for the next course. Only those who successfully passed all stages of training and passed the control exams become active employees.

    What special operations did the Mossad participate in?

    Eichmann kidnapping

    In the 50-60s of the last century, the Mossad conducted a series of operations to search for and eliminate Nazi war criminals who fled after the war to the countries of Latin America and the Middle East. In 1960, agents stole a Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann who was hiding there under an assumed name. Eichmann was transported to Israel, tried and executed.

    "Sword of Damocles"

    On July 22, 1962, Egypt tested medium-range ballistic missiles. Upon learning that German specialists were working on the project, Mossad agents first sent them letters asking them to withdraw from the project, which could threaten Israel's security. Scientists did not respond to the message in any way. As a result, the Mossad eliminated the scientists. Several engineers died while opening packages of explosives received in the mail, and one specialist simply disappeared.

    "Noah's Ark"

    In 1969, France announced an embargo on the supply of any weapons to Israel, not wanting to aggravate relations with the Arab countries. In response to this, the special services carried out an operation to hijack from the shipyard 5 ready-made Saar 3 missile boats ordered and paid for by Israel. On December 24, 1969, in a 9-point storm, the boats left the port and, after a week-long sea passage, on January 1, 1970, arrived in Haifa.

    "The Wrath of God"

    The most famous operation of the Mossad was the destruction of the Black September radical terrorist group, whose members captured the Israeli Olympic team in September 1972. The operation was called "The Wrath of God". The future prime minister of the Jewish state took a personal part in it Ehud Barak. For six years, all the terrorists involved in the capture were destroyed. Some of the militants were eliminated with the help of explosive devices built into telephone handsets.

    Mossad (in Hebrew - “institute”, “institution”) is the secret service of the State of Israel.

The main mistake of modern Europe is the permission of mass immigration of refugees from Islamic countries. Yes, of course, not every Muslim is a terrorist, but almost every terrorist is a Muslim (no offense to the IRA fighters). And the authorities of their mistake - increased crime, an increase in the number of rapes, large-scale terrorist attacks.

And it would not be out of place for European intelligence services to seek help from those who are already more than 60 Muslim (and not only) terrorists, and on all fronts and on any territory. We are talking, as you might guess, about Israeli foreign intelligence MOSSAD.

The State of Israel, from the very moment of its creation, has faced a sharp rejection of absolutely all neighbors in the Middle East. And if it was not difficult to deal with direct military aggression, then it was much more difficult to deal with terror, information warfare, war crimes and other charms. That is why it was founded MOSSAD. And it’s not just that their motto is the words from the Book of Proverbs of Solomon: “With a lack of care, the people fall, but with many advisers they prosper”


1948 Formation of the State of Israel. I think there is no need to tell in what "favorable" conditions this happened and what was the internal discord among the Jews themselves. Nevertheless, even then a special unit "Sherut Elinot" was functioning, performing the functions of intelligence and counterintelligence. It worked effectively, but its powers and composition were rather limited and small, so in 1951 David Ben-Gurion founded a special unit in a special secret letter. specializing in conducting military intelligence abroad. It was called "HarRashut" (governance) and became the future centerpiece of the joint Israeli intelligence - MOSSAD a. What's funny, until 1957, they did not have their own operatives, so they had to use volunteer agents from other units.

1952 To replace the founder MOSSAD Reuven Shiolach, who voluntarily left his post, is visited by Isser Harel. And then, as they say, spun. Harel increased funding tenfold, established special schools for agents and turned MOSSAD into a force that the entire Middle East really feared (and fears).

We are surrounded by enemies who far outnumber us. Therefore, we are forced to push our intelligence as far as possible. It serves us like a long arm, helping to compensate for the lack of time and space.

It was this doctrine that formed the basis for the further development MOSSAD. But the ways of its execution were very specific. For example, militants from the far-right terrorist pro-Israel organization Lehi were recruited. These were people with a real experience of covert counteraction and implementation, who knew almost everything about the policy of terror. Thanks to them MOSSAD seriously strengthened its positions.

In 1963, the Egyptian missile program was prevented, but the revealed facts about the activities MOSSAD forced Harel to resign. But his business did not die out, but, on the contrary, began to develop further, thanks to the reforms of the new head - Meir Amit. Computerization, strategic planning, delegation of authority, involvement of a wide network of agents, active recruitment - all this led to both a general strengthening of Israel's position in the geopolitical arena, and several serious "failures". Well, as failures - the goal was achieved, but about the activities MOSSAD learned by those who did not need to know about it.

Then came a fairly stable time when MOSSAD focused on collecting information and declassifying it at the right time. There were practically no major operations, and they were not very effective. But at the beginning of the 21st century, everything changed.

For the highest command position (by the way, MOSSAD- a civilian unit, so there are no official titles as such) Meir Dagan entered, who decided to focus on specific counteraction and physical elimination of the terrorist threat. It turned out great, I must say. MOSSAD finds out where specific targets will be located at one time or another, and the Israeli Air Force successfully destroys them. The year 2011 was especially fruitful, when more than 10 targeted bombings were successfully carried out.


As part of MOSSAD The following special units are distinguished:

  • Office of Operational Planning and Coordination. Coordinates espionage and intelligence network activities around the world. Sometimes its branches are located at consulates, sometimes - hell knows where.
  • Office for Combating Arab Terrorism. It is clear what they are doing.
  • Information and analytical department. Collection of data and development of recommendations, including for senior political leadership.
  • Department of Political Actions and Relations with Foreign Intelligence Services. It is also engaged in the official sale of Israeli weapons and equipment to friendly countries.
  • Research Management. Forecasting political and other situations, especially in the countries of the Middle East. There is also a department dealing with nuclear weapons.
  • Operational and technical management. They are engaged in the development of weapons and equipment, as well as their timely delivery to those departments. where it is needed.
  • Office of Psychological Warfare and Disinformation.
  • Special Operations Directorate. Physical elimination of targets.
  • Educational management.
  • Department of Finance and Personnel.

Information about the activities, structure and strength of all these units is classified, however, there is data according to which officially MOSSAD and employs about 1200 people. At the same time, about 35 thousand people in all countries of the world are ready to provide all possible assistance to agents.

As for the local intelligence network, people are selected there who ideally correspond to the characteristics of the area in terms of materiality, knowledge of the local dialect and cultural characteristics. Due to this, the introduction of agents can take several weeks at most, since they do not cause any suspicion and fully meet the requirements. And, characteristically, local Jews were usually not taken, since the failure of such an agent could lead to increased anti-Semitism, which neither Israel as a whole, nor MOSSAD in particular.

Furthermore, MOSSAD uses the services of the so-called "Sayanim" - voluntary assistants from the civilian population who are sympathetic to Israel, although they are loyal to the local authorities. This is something like freelancers, who are usually not put under attack. Therefore, help from them is very limited, for example, legal equipment (formally listed as stolen) or documents (formally lost).

There is also information about the service in MOSSAD women. Of course, due to the Eastern mentality, their activities are seriously limited, but this hardly hinders them.


staff member MOSSAD can be any Israeli citizen who has undergone military training or studied at a university, as well as having passed the appropriate verification, which can last several months. Admission Announcements MOSSAD are quietly printed in Israeli newspapers, so that anyone who meets the requirements can try to pass the “casting”. If everything went well, which happens quite rarely, then the cadet is enrolled in the preparatory academy "Midrash".

Everything takes place in the strictest secrecy. The cadet is immediately given a legend, which must be strictly followed, subjected to severe physical training and calculate the work for which he will be the most prepared. At the end of the year - an exam. If you pass it, you go for an internship in the current department MOSSAD. Then the situation is repeated for the development of the next course.

Notable Operations

There are quite a few of them, so we will focus on the most ambitious and revealing ones.

1960 In Argentina, they discovered Adolf Eichmann, who in Nazi Germany oversaw the "final solution of the Jewish question." He avoided the Nuremberg Tribunal, but a long arm MOSSAD did overtake him. Isser Harel personally led this operation, during which the Nazi criminal was captured right on the streets of Buenos Aires and taken to Israel, where he was executed.

1962 Egypt has been actively developing medium-range ballistic missiles. This would be enough to fire on Israeli positions without endangering themselves. Moreover, German scientists were involved in the development of the project, developing the rocket program of the Third Reich, so the case could burn out. But no, because Isser Harel was well aware of this danger. Rocket engines were blown up in warehouses, scientists were killed with explosive letters and kidnapped. Furthermore, MOSSAD blindly used by the former German saboteur Otto Skorzeny. But the international community learned about this ebullient activity, Israel launched an official information offensive, which led to the closure of the missile program. But Isser Harel was forced to resign.

1972 Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich. MOSS D calculated and exterminated 13 of the 17 people who were responsible for organizing, preparing and carrying out this terrorist attack.

1986 A certain Mordechai Vanunu, who worked as a technician at the Israeli nuclear center, gave the world information about the presence of Israel's nuclear weapons. And fled to England. But agents MOSSAD managed to ingratiate themselves with him, inject sleeping pills and take him to Israel, where Mordechai was sentenced to 18 years for disclosing military secrets.

2005 year. Russia has decided to arrange the supply of Iskander-E missiles to Syria. But agents MOSSAD they found out about this and organized a leak of information, as a result of which the deliveries failed.

2010. One of the organizers of the military wing of Hamas, Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, was killed in the UAE. He was found in his room with traces of the use of a stun gun and strangulation. The perpetrators were not found, but all the strings led to MOSSAD.

Agents MOSSAD operate all over the world, collect any useful information and are ready to eliminate anyone who poses a threat national security Israel. They are extremely difficult to calculate, they are well prepared, and they are not shy about means. Seriously, Europeans, with their "tolerance" and "human rights" have a lot to learn from the Jews. Or at least think...

It bears the name AMAN. The Israeli military intelligence as a separate intelligence unit was founded in 1950 on the basis of the Intelligence Department at the IDF General Staff -. Today, AMAN is an independent intelligence service that does not belong to any type of Israeli military, and, together with the Mossad and Shabak, is one of the three main Israeli intelligence services. Israel's military intelligence is directly subordinate only to the Prime Minister of the State. The intelligence service employs more than 10,000 well-trained, well-trained specialists in various fields.

The duties of AMAN include conducting strategic and tactical intelligence. In addition, one of the main responsibilities of the main intelligence directorate of the headquarters is the compilation of national assessments and the evaluation of all information that concerns, first of all, the Arab world. And another of the most important tasks of AMAN is the protection and development of ciphers and various codes for the strategic services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as responsibility for one of the modern types of intelligence - electronic intelligence. Since 2006, Israel's military intelligence service has been headed by Amos Yadlin.

Military intelligence AMAN has a clear structure. It includes: Hel Modiin - military intelligence, Modiin Sade - intelligence directorate of the Israeli ground forces. It must be said that recently the attention of the world community has been drawn to the Jewish law enforcement agencies because of the events in the Gaza Strip. Today, the Israeli intelligence community includes not only military intelligence Aman, it also includes the Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, better known in the world as Israeli intelligence - Mossad, the counterintelligence and internal security service of the country - Shin Bet, or as it is also called Shabak, and closes the group Israeli intelligence services - the intelligence unit of the police.

Not so long ago, this group of Israeli intelligence services also included other intelligence services, including Nativ special intelligence, which dealt only with the resettlement of Jews from the Union. Today, this special service is part of the office of the head of state -. The Israeli intelligence services group previously included the Lakam unit, which dealt with the state's nuclear issues. According to unofficial data, today this Israeli intelligence unit operates under the "wing" of the State Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Israeli intelligence, according to some analysts, in modern world ranks second after the military intelligence of the United States of America, although analysts from other countries assign Israel's military intelligence only the fourth place in the world after Great Britain and France.

Remembering the merits of the past years of Israeli intelligence, today many people understand that it is still not omnipotent, and today, in some positions, it is losing its leadership in the world rankings. The fact that Israeli intelligence is not omnipotent is also confirmed by its failures, which some media representatives do not get tired of talking about. Not so long ago, the press discussed the emergency that occurred in Iran: Israeli intelligence agents Mossad were sentenced to death in Iran, and the Israeli Lakam network was uncovered in the United States of America. As for Israel's military intelligence, not a word is said about it. And this suggests that, according to foreign experts, the Israeli military intelligence AMAN is gaining more and more weight among the intelligence services of the world every day, relegating the once so omnipotent intelligence service of the world, the Mossad, to the background.

If we talk about the structure of military intelligence AMAN, then many analysts of the Israeli special services compare it in structure with the military intelligence of the Third Reich - Abwehr. The military intelligence of the Abwehr in Germany was engaged in intelligence activities on the Eastern Front.

Immediately after the proclamation of an independent state, three intelligence agencies were created, which included AMAN - Israel's military intelligence. From the beginning of its formation, AMAN was not an independent structure - Israel's military intelligence was originally a special unit of the Joint Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the State of Israel, but already in 1953 the unit became an independent special service and became known as the Doctorate of Military Intelligence or AMAN for short.

The primary task of AMAN at the beginning was defined as the analysis and study of the threats of the Arab world, their armies. The intentions, weapons, capabilities of the armies of the Arab countries, the deployment of their units in the territories, the tactics and strategy pursued by the armies - nothing escaped the attention of the Israeli military intelligence, all the smallest details were studied. But as intelligence evolved, taking into account its mistakes and omissions, the range of tasks and goals of AMAN expanded more and more, and its structure developed and improved more and more.

Like many years ago, at the dawn of its birth, the Israeli army intelligence AMAN collects and studies information about the weapons of the Arab countries, their armies, and is also responsible for studying intelligence related to issues of peace and war, and preventing enemy terrorist attacks. At one time, the area of ​​​​responsibility of military intelligence AMAN included counterintelligence, but later this function of army intelligence was transferred to the Israeli Secret Service.

The organizational structure of AMAN consists of several departments, two of which are main, and the third is additional. Department of the OS - is engaged in the collection of information and intelligence, the department of the OI - is engaged in the study of information and intelligence, KO - the department of control.

The OS branch in the Israeli intelligence AMAN collects data using signal intelligence - SIGINT, as well as using specific intelligence - IMINT, using undercover intelligence - HUMINT, and using open sources - OSINT.

There was a lot in the history of the Jewish people, but what was always lacking in it was heroic deeds. The same resistance in the ghetto during the Great Patriotic War, although it is described differently in different sources, the closer the author was to the events, the less he mentions heroism. And yet, there is something to talk about.

Masada is a legendary ancient fortress located almost on the shores of the Dead Sea. It is on the list of World Heritage Sites.

As soon as they don’t write the familiar word “Masada” from an unfamiliar language - massada, mossada, mossada ... And the Israeli foreign intelligence service is called mossad, mossad, massad, masad. The correct spelling and pronunciation is Masada, with an emphasis on the second "a". These names are consonant not by chance. The name of the fortress formed the basis of the name of the intelligence agency.

The fortress of Masada in Israel was built in 25 BC by King Herod the Great, who left a memory of himself as a cruel villain who, fearing to lose his throne, ordered to kill all the babies of Bethlehem in order to get rid of the newborn Jesus.

However, he left a mark in history as a builder king. He expanded the Temple Mount, reconstructed the Second Temple, built an Amphitheater in the suburbs of Jerusalem, where gladiatorial fights and horse races were held. In honor of the deceased brother, he built a mausoleum with a tower. He rebuilt Samaria, built the port of Caesar, a temple on the island of Rhodes, founded Herodium and Esebon (now it is the territory of Jordan).

Built on top of an impregnable rock in the waterless and desolate wilderness of Israel, the fortress of Masada served several purposes. She was a refuge for Herod and his family during the endless wars, it kept gold and weapons supplies.

The fortress walls of four meters thick, almost one and a half kilometers long with numerous defensive towers, the palace of King Herod, and the synagogue have survived to this day.

Masada had a well-organized system for collecting rainwater into huge storage tanks. Stocks of food and drinking water helped the defenders of the fortress to keep the defense for three years.

History of Masada

In the year 66 of the first century AD, the Middle East begins to unfold historical events which, without exaggeration, seriously influenced the course of human history. It's about about the uprising of the Jews against the oppression of the Roman Empire. At this time, Masada was taken by the rebellious Zealots - irreconcilable and militant opponents of the Romans, who decided to fight them to the bitter end and destroyed the Roman garrison.

In 67 AD Sicarii settled in Masada - representatives of the radical wing of the Zealot movement. It was they who led the uprising against the Romans, which then resulted in a long Jewish war.

In the summer of 70 AD The Roman general Titus captures Holy Jerusalem, fiercely defended by the rebels, and destroys the First Jerusalem Temple. Soon the only stronghold of the rebels remains Masada. The defenders of the fortress barely numbered a thousand people, including women and children, but they managed to hold Masada for another three years.

Around the impregnable, at first glance, the fortress, the legionnaires set up eight military camps, the outlines of which have survived to this day. The military campaign to capture the last stronghold of the Jewish rebels was led by the legendary Tenth Legion of the Roman army.

Having studied Mount Masada from all sides, the legion commander Flavius ​​Silva gives the order to pour a 70-meter stone shaft (ramp) from the western, weaker side of the fortress. With the help of this shaft, the Romans planned to bring the ram as close as possible to the fortress wall.

About 9 thousand slaves built roads and carried earth for the construction of a siege rampart around the fortress and platforms for throwing machines and a battering ram.

When the Romans managed to set fire to the internal defensive wall, which was additionally built by the sicarii, consisting of wooden beams, the fate of Masada was decided.

One of the leaders of the uprising, Elazar Ben Yair, realizing that all those besieged in the fortress will be destroyed, and the survivors will be subjected to cruel torture and humiliation, during the night he convinces his comrades to prefer death rather than slavery.

“A long time ago, brave men, we decided not to obey either the Romans or anyone else, except only G-d, for He alone is the true and just King over people. I look at it as the mercy of God that he gave us the opportunity to die a beautiful death and free people, which is not destined for others who were unexpectedly captured.

A lot was cast, ten executors of the last will were chosen, who stabbed all the defenders of the fortress, women and children, with swords, after which one of them, also chosen by lot, killed the rest and committed suicide.

In those days, 960 besieged Jewish rebels gave their lives for freedom in Masada. The Romans, ready for battle, were amazed at the terrible sight that appeared before them. Thus ended the Jewish War of 66-73. n. e.

The remains of the legendary fortress were searched for many centuries, but they were discovered only in 1842. Serious study of this place and excavations began only in the sixties of the twentieth century. Restoration work lasted for more than a dozen years, and only by the beginning of this century, scientists and restorers restored the fortress in the form in which it was under King Herod.

In the heart of the fortress, behind a glass door, a rabbi rewrites the Torah. He reacts quite favorably to attempts to photograph him.

One of the most striking finds is the synagogue. It was believed that the Jews had no need for synagogues as long as they had the Temple. Masada was reconstructed during the existence of the Second Temple, but the synagogue in it, nevertheless, was created.

For some time, the history of the defense of Masada was considered a legend, but a comparison of Jewish and Roman historical chronicles, including the book of Josephus Flavius ​​"Jewish War", and archaeological finds on the territory of the fortress, including stone tablets with names used as lots by ten executors of the last will, convince of the opposite.

Today, the fortress is a real ancient city with streets and all the infrastructure of that distant time. You can go up there in two ways: by funicular, which will take you to the top of the cliff in two or three minutes, or along the Snake Path - the same one used by the defenders of the fortress.

This path is not easy and takes about an hour. However, enthusiasts who venture on a difficult hike on foot will be truly rewarded: from every point of this winding path, an amazingly beautiful view of the Dead Sea and the picturesque surroundings opens up.

Grandiose concerts and festivals with the participation of world-famous stars are sometimes held at the foot of the mountain. The fortress is firmly among the ten must-see sights of the country.

For modern Israel, Masada is not only a historical monument, but also a synonym for national courage, heroism and the desire for freedom, on which more than one generation of the country's inhabitants has been brought up.

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