How animals are treated. Animal therapy: effect and examples of treatment What helps treat animals in the forest

Improvement 14.07.2020

Since time immemorial, humanity has been using various plants as medicines. Thousands of reference books have been published with precise instructions: what time to collect, how to dry, for what diseases to use, how to brew and take. But it seems that few people still know about the miraculous properties of animals for human health. Meanwhile, there is a separate branch of medicine - animal therapy (pet therapy).

Thousands of facts convincingly suggest that animals have an amazing gift of healing people. No, not only with their products - honey, poison, propolis, kumiss, antlers, fat. As it turns out, animals can also heal with their animal... “soul.”

This treatment is called animal therapy (from the Latin word animal - animal), or zootherapy, and implies a treatment system where, along with medications, the patient is prescribed communication with animals. This science is not yet entirely official, but adherents of alternative therapy continue to collect facts, remembering that everything that was once recognized was not so.

After all, healing with the help of animals goes back to ancient times. Palestinians and Jews, for example, treated inflammatory skin diseases with the help of birds: they touched them with their affected areas, as if wanting to transmit the disease to them, and such a psychological technique helped to recover.

The ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and a little later the Hellenes and Romans were already consciously engaged in the “prevention” of diseases and had animals in their homes that, in their opinion, could protect and cure from bronchitis, tuberculosis, heart disease and kidney failure. Since ancient times, inhabitants of the steppes and deserts were treated with snakes: they placed the snake on a sore spot so that it would absorb the disease.

It is interesting that the views of the ancient Indians on the energy of living organisms surprisingly resonate with modern ones. In Ayurveda, the cause of human illness was considered to be “attenuation of energy fire” in any channel: in the heart such attenuation causes ischemic disease; in the canal connecting the kidneys, pelvis and bladder, - diseases of these organs, etc.

Some researchers see examples of the relationship between human and animal biofields in the texts of the Gospel. For example, where Christ talks about “casting out demons,” it is said that he directed “evil spirits” against a herd of pigs. Researchers have every reason to believe that this is how Jesus treated the mentally ill. And the pigs, having taken on the disease, all rushed down the steep slope into the sea.

True, the Middle Ages cooled the belief in this method of healing people in Europe. But in India, zootherapy has survived and survived. And in the 18th century it returned to England, spreading to its colonies - Australia and Ireland. It was in Great Britain that the first attempts to scientifically understand animal-assisted therapy were made. Here this science was propagated, taught, and here it flourishes to this day.

So the fact that pets have a special healing effect on their owners was established in ancient times. The latest foreign studies have proven this experimentally: it turned out that owners of cats and dogs live on average 4-5 years longer. Medicine also knows of cases when contact with a dog, cat or bird is the only way to help a sick person.

Probably the first “healer” was a miraculous worm - leech, - similar to a small, newly born snake. But for some reason all the representatives of this family always inspired unaccountable fear in people. However, everything in the world has its purpose, and for leeches it is special, unusual. This is a special kind of predator that satisfies its “animal” nature for the benefit of the health of its victims, and medicine can use this feature.

On this occasion, the French scientist and doctor I. Polenier, who lived in the 19th century, said this: “Leeches are an immeasurable, healing benefit when they are used wisely and competently.” And we find the first information about the use of leeches for medical purposes in Ancient Egypt. At its dawn, medicine saw leeches as a panacea, a remedy for almost all diseases.

In the East, leeches were used by the great scientist and healer Ibn Sina (Avicenna), who dedicated an entire section to them in his book “The Science of Healing.” In ancient Rome, the famous physician Claudius Galen treated people with leeches. Leeches were also used in Ancient Greece. The Greek name of the leech “hiruda” has survived to this day - in modern medicine, treatment with leeches is called hirudotherapy.

It is known that a leech, clinging to the skin of a person or animal, injects an anesthetic and blood-thinning agent and sucks out approximately 10-15 ml. This bloodletting with the help of leeches was considered a universal means of treatment. It was used for diseases of the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, eyes, tuberculosis and many other ailments.

Later it turned out that the point is not that the leech sucks out a little of the patient’s blood, but that its saliva, which enters the human body, has unique healing properties. It contains more than 60 biologically active substances that can cope with even serious diseases. In Russia, leeches were once valued much more than many medicines; the leech industry flourished here, the “products” of which were exported.

The famous Russian doctor Pirogov during the Crimean War of 1854 daily administered from 100 to 300 leeches to wounded soldiers in Sevastopol. They relieved pain, healed wounds, and relieved inflammation. Unfortunately, the accumulated experience of treatment with leeches has been forgotten today, and modern information about them is so fragmentary that hirudotherapy, in fact, is again “at the beginning of the path.” But you shouldn’t self-medicate, because out of about 400 types of leeches existing in the world, only one type is suitable - the medical leech.

For more than four thousand years, people have known about “miracle dogs” - the hairless Peruvian, Mexican and the smallest - the Chinese crested dog. They can successfully relieve an asthma attack, normalize heart rate and blood pressure, relieve allergies and some skin diseases, and can even slow down cancer processes.

Explained " medicinal properties» these dogs are partly elevated temperature their bodies are 40.5° C. No other animal in the world has such a (normal) temperature. It has been practically proven that the biofield of these dogs harmonizes the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive organs. In fact, each breed of dog has its own “narrow medical specialization.”

Therefore, it is no coincidence that you love, for example, spaniels. They are the ideal remedy nervous stress. Indoor dogs are a wonderful, soft, fluffy treat for children. They not only provide positive influence on the formation of the child’s personality, but also help restore peace of mind after family quarrels. It was found that a third of children, when frightened, turn to their pets for support.

Everyday evidence of the effectiveness of child-dog interaction has already been received: in children with epilepsy, the number of seizures is reduced. There have even been cases where children with poor coordination of movements (with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy) got up from wheelchairs.

And golden retrievers, sensitive to the needs and moods of humans, very often “work” in hospitals, nursing homes and sanatoriums as “therapy dogs.” A friendly outstretched furry paw and a velvety muzzle on your knees have truly magical healing powers!

All dog breeds, forcing their owners to lead an active lifestyle, help recover from a stroke and promote weight loss. But such healers must also be treated with care: it has long been noticed that if something goes wrong in the physiology of dogs that lose their owners, they stop eating, lead an active lifestyle and often even die, like people, from grief.

Horses are unsurpassed “therapists”. Horse racing, hunting, horseback riding, hard work and endurance are the first things that come to mind when mentioning this beautiful animal. Few people will think that a horse is also a unique living simulator and psychotherapist.

Riding on it helps people with mental disorders. Therapeutic horse riding, or hippotherapy, became one of effective ways rehabilitation of disabled people, especially children (they believed this after a famous Danish athlete was cured of polio by horse riding).

The secret of hippotherapy is simple: a child is placed on a horse, and the height and unstable position instantly awaken in him the instinct of self-preservation and the need to get along with the world around him. Horses successfully help children with such serious diseases as cerebral palsy, myopathy, and autism.

Hippotherapy has a complex effect on the child, improving not only his physical condition, but also having a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere. The child strokes the horse, combs its mane, feels the warmth and trust of the animal.

Very reserved children suffering from autism gradually open up and begin to communicate with people through communication with a horse. Hippotherapy differs from physical therapy in that it can evoke strong multidirectional motivation in the practitioner. On the one hand, the child is afraid of a large strong animal, he is not confident in himself, but on the other hand, he has a desire to learn how to control a horse and ride a horse. This desire helps him overcome fear and increase self-esteem.

The chirping of birds in the park, forest, field allows you to restore a serene state of mind. Even tamed pigeons, locked in cramped courtyard dovecotes, with their cooing bring peace to the rebellious soul of the owner. And children who tinker with pigeons grow up non-aggressive and never suffer from depression.

It's hard to believe, but it has been proven that parrots relieve pain in the heart, and also “heal” stuttering, neurodermatitis and neuroses. And contemplation of fish relieves colds, insomnia, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Even such seemingly unpleasant animals as white rats can be of benefit to humans: they help patients with neuroses and those with joint problems.

Today, zootherapy is developed and scientifically proven in many countries around the world. Many disabled children are taken to Russia, Israel and the USA, hoping for help dolphin doctors. Back in 1962, John Lilly's book "Man and Dolphins" was published. The American scientist cited research data on the capabilities of dolphins and, based on them, identified areas in which they could benefit humans.

Many of the American’s assumptions were not confirmed over time, but dolphins did not lose their status as the smartest animal. And having moved from the development of military departments to doctors, they introduced huge contribution into science. "Dolphin therapy" primarily aimed at helping children. It turned out that close communication with these animals causes various positive effects on the human body.

Mood and general condition improve, stress loads and the consequences of past injuries are reduced. Doctors and almost all parents of patients note the benefits of dolphin therapy. The main thing is that children with mental disorders begin to perceive differently the world. They become more active in communication.

Many of those from whom their parents could not get a word at the age of seven now insistently ask to be taken to the “fish” and look forward to every lesson. It is known that dolphins produce not only audible sounds, but also ultrasounds. Scientists tend to think that it is with the help of ultrasound that these animals treat their relatives. So why can't they treat children?

And the Murmansk Oceanarium has its own “know-how”. Several gray seals and one bearded seal live there, and they treat children with mental and intellectual development delays. And for healthy children, seals simply help lift their spirits.

Different animals treat different diseases. But the real record holder-doctor is recognized cat. Scientists have long known about the beneficial effects of cats on children with autism. A direct relationship has been established between the participation of cats in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia and the sustainability of positive treatment results.

Elderly people whose partner is an animal live longer, get sick less and not as seriously as their peers who are deprived of cat care and attention. Long-term observations of a cat lover, a doctor by profession, Gennady Petrakov showed that the biological impact of cats is stronger than that of cats.

Cats are “better” at treating diseases nervous system, internal organs. Cats are excellent healers of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and arthrosis. “Domestic tigers” with long hair (Persian, Angora, Burmese, Ragdoll, Siberian, etc.) are excellent neurologists - they are subject to depression, bad dream, irritability.

Cats and male cats with short plush coats (British and Exotic Shorthairs) “specialize” in heart disease. Representatives of short-haired and hairless breeds (Siamese, Oriental, Sphynx, etc.) treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastritis, and colitis.

The healing effect is carried out when a person strokes and caresses his pets, that is, through his fingers, palms. Four-legged healers unmistakably identify the sore spot, try to cling to it or lie on it, after which the pain seems to subside and the patient feels better. It seems inexplicable, but bioenergy scientists believe that cats have very powerful psychic abilities: a cat sees a person’s aura, and, if necessary, is able to “cure” it.

It seems that in ancient times man adopted cats not only for their ability to catch mice. Recently, a new direction in medicine has even been identified - felinotherapy, i.e. treatment with cats. We can talk about cats for a long time: they relieve stress, normalize blood pressure, neutralize headaches, and now special medicinal cats are sold in UK pharmacies.

How do animals do this? What is the principle of their influence? Scientists have long established that around any living organism there is a biofield, which consists of the biofields of all its organs. The state of health of the body is reflected in the appearance of this field - during illness it is weakened and distorted. Since the work of all organs of mammals, including humans, is controlled by the brain, the waves emitted by it are of main interest.

This is what in medicine is called bioenergetic rhythms of the brain, and in life - the strength of personality or its “psychic magnetism”. Probably everyone has noticed that in the circle of healthy people, strong people you feel more toned and fresh, and near the sick and complaining, the general tone involuntarily decreases. This is the result of the interaction of biofields.

So, some scientists believe that such field contact exists between humans and animals. During communication, the human bioenergetic aura comes into resonance with the bioenergetic field of a healthy animal. And since mammals have a structure of internal organs similar to that of humans, they can feed our diseased organs with their energy. Modern zootherapy is based on similar views.


The first signs of an animal's illness are lethargy and refusal of food and water, especially accompanied by an upset stomach and vomiting. Also, a reason to be wary may be your pet’s desire to avoid communication and hide in secluded corners of the apartment. Carefully examine the animal: are there any discharge from the eyes and nose, wounds or inflammation on the skin, are the ears clean? In the spring-summer period, those with access to the street should be carefully inspected for items. A dry nose is also considered a sign in dogs, but it should be borne in mind that after a long sleep, the nose of even a completely healthy animal can be dry. For unsterilized female cats and dogs, an alarming symptom may be prolonged or too frequent estrus: its cause may be pyometra - inflammation.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. The symptoms you have identified may be needed if the clinic can give you a preliminary consultation by telephone. Making a diagnosis yourself is extremely risky. For example, vomiting and diarrhea in an animal can be a sign of both viral infection, and an ingested foreign body, or poisoning. But in any case, this threatens dehydration, which means your pet needs to be given plenty of water, even if he refuses water. This is done using a medical syringe without a needle. The larger the volume of the syringe, the better. Open the animal's mouth slightly, lifting its head, and slowly pour water into the corner of the lips. Although some of the water will inevitably be spat out, your pet will still get the fluid it needs. For this procedure, it is better to swaddle the cat in a towel, so that only the head is free - this way you will suffer less from claws.

The diet for the patient must be determined by the doctor. Exists big choice dietary feed for various cases diseases. But main principle What you should adhere to when feeding a sick animal is the absence of food from your table in its diet. Fried, fatty, sweet, salty, spicy foods can harm even a healthy body. When a recovering animal’s appetite is restored and it begins to ask for treats, show strength of character: your pet should not receive any chips or crackers, with the exception of special supplements and vitamins approved by the veterinarian. At the pet store you can choose safe feeds for animals of any type and age.

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It has long been noticed that a cat that lies down near the owner’s head relieves pain, children stop stuttering when interacting with dogs, and horses are generally able to treat neuroses and mental disorders. What animals should people with various diseases turn to for help?

People who have pets get sick much less often and overcome all adversities much easier. Pets save people from the blues and loneliness, and often they are the ones who are there in the most difficult moments of life.

If you are sick, do not rush to take medicine. Look around - your personal furry doctor is already in a hurry to see you. Let him give you first aid! Animals, especially cats and dogs, can not only sense a person’s mood, but also determine whether he is sick or healthy.


These pets feel their owners very well. They detect even minor changes in the energy potential on the human body that occur during illness, lie on the sore spot and take away negative energy, resulting in healing. By the same principle, cats help prevent the development of many diseases. These animals can be called “specialists” in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic effect occurs due to purring - this is nothing more than vibration therapy, that is, treatment with sound vibrations. Waves with a frequency of 20 to 50 Hertz, which cats emit, help increase the body's defenses, accelerate the healing of wounds and the healing of fractures.

A dog is man's friend. And there is no doubt about it. Treatment with dogs is an excellent “cure” for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or live alone, who are prone to developing heart and vascular diseases. Because you can command a dog, self-esteem increases, and because you can talk to it, the lack of communication and isolation is eliminated. Doctors use this effect when treating children with autism. Another healing benefit of dogs is found in their saliva - it can heal wounds because it contains a large amount of a bactericidal and wound-healing substance - lysozyme.

Treatment with horses occurs during communication with them and riding. At the same time, the rider has a special feeling - the desire to be in harmony with the movement of the horses. During training, the necessary muscles are developed and the tension in children with cerebral palsy and various disorders of the musculoskeletal system is corrected. The therapeutic effect develops gradually over many years. The second effect of hippotherapy occurs due to a positive emotional background - it improves mood, drives away depression and blues. It is complemented by a pleasant feeling of warmth emanating from the horse: its normal temperature is 38 C and the radiation of therapeutic ultrasonic waves (as in ultrasound therapy).

Aquarium fish

Watching aquarium fish is a great way to relax. At this moment, a person receives the opportunity for emotional release. This is the recommended way to escape from depression, nervous breakdowns or severe psychological shocks (fear, shock).

The leisurely movement of underwater inhabitants, the sound of rushing water, the opportunity to immerse yourself in another reality of existence allow you to escape from everyday problems and calm frayed nerves. People who have aquariums in their rooms practically do not suffer from insomnia. In addition, the water evaporating from aquariums humidifies the air and makes it healthier and easier to breathe, which is extremely useful for asthma or colds.

According to the Toronto Star, "Loving the purr helps you forget about doctors." Over the past decade, many studies have confirmed that “having pets reduces stress, improves well-being, and even increases the chances of recovery after a heart attack.

Animals help restore strength after a stroke and have a calming effect on the mentally ill.” According to Dr. Alan Beck, a representative of the veterinary school of Purdue University (USA, Indiana), “Animals help relieve stress. They are pleasant to look at and pleasant to stroke.” Even if it is not your animal, interaction with it is beneficial, which is why “animal-assisted” treatment has become very popular.

Experts advise people suffering from mental disorders to spend time with their pets, and this brings good results.


On average, pet owners live 4-5 years longer than those who do not have pets.

Cats purr at a frequency between 22 and 44 Hz, and vibrations at this frequency accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

70% of people love dogs and only 8% don't.

Watching aquarium fish relieves stress.

Children whose families have pets do better in school.

41% of pet owners in our country keep dogs, 54% keep cats.

Mongrels are the most popular dogs.

Children feel calmer and more confident in the presence of animals, especially in unfamiliar surroundings.

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Treatment of diseases with cats

There are no contraindications for cat therapy. Communication with a cat is scientifically based effective method treatment and recovery, available to any person, regardless of social status and financial availability. Cat therapy does not require any special costs or special equipment, but most importantly, it eliminates medical errors.

How to organize the treatment process

Being interested in cat therapy, many people do not know how to properly organize the treatment process, how to use their pet for treatment, and for what diseases it can help its owner.

As for use, it has already been said on previous pages that under no circumstances should a cat be forced to engage in therapy. Treatment can only be carried out when the animal is ready for it.

In addition, every owner of furry doctors needs to remember that not all diseases can help their owners. For example, if a person decides to turn to his cat for help, suffering from cancer in the last stage, then the animal, relieving pain and taking away negative energy from the owner, will soon get sick itself.

Of course, no cat can cure appendicitis or peritonitis - only a surgeon can help a person with these diseases. The animal will not heal sepsis, cataracts, meningitis and many other diseases. But any cat can cure cardiovascular diseases, relieve fatigue and headaches, improve blood circulation, and relieve the owner of pain due to diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver.

Before proceeding directly to treatment, you should try to find with your cat mutual language. As already mentioned, these animals are able to communicate with humans through telepathy, so some time before starting a course of cat therapy, you need to try to mentally talk with your pet. For example, before feeding an animal, you need to mentally call it, conveying to it the image of its favorite treat. If the cat immediately comes to the owner, then we can assume that mental contact between the owner and the pet has been established.

And now about the organization of the treatment process. Feeling unwell, the owner needs to call his cat and try to mentally imagine what he wants from her. Of course, you don’t need to tell your pet: “Cure me from osteochondrosis.” The cat is unlikely to understand what the owner requires of her. But if the latter mentally sends her an image of a sick spine, the cat will willingly come to his aid.

You can not imagine anything at all, but simply lie down so that it is convenient for the cat to search for the diseased area of ​​the human body. Often, cats themselves find a source of negative energy without any indication.

After all, sometimes a person does not know why, for example, he has a headache. He believes that his pain is due to overwork, calls the cat, and she stubbornly lies on his neck. Then the person finds out that the cat gave him an accurate diagnosis and his headaches are caused by osteochondrosis cervical region spine. This is why you need to trust your pet.

When a person feels anxious or very tired, he should call the cat, sit it on his lap and stroke it with his palm for several minutes. After some time, the pet's rumbling will calm the owner and he will feel much better.

It is important for people with mental disorders to establish mental contact with their pets, since most cats behave like professional psychotherapists and do everything to help a person find peace of mind.

By the way, people with mental disabilities perceive the presence of cats without any irritation. In fact, the furry doctor does not do anything unusual, he simply approaches the patient, purrs, allows himself to be stroked, and licks his hands and face. This cat therapy is very effective for depression, neuroses and even schizophrenia.

If a person is seriously ill, for example, has suffered a heart attack, stroke or major surgery, then he simply needs to communicate with a cat. As a rule, for full recovery Such a patient needs to resort to the help of a pet for several months.

According to gerontologists, cats are a real elixir of youth for their owners.

The most interesting thing is that the animal always accurately guesses how seriously ill its owner is. A cat will never play games with a seriously ill person; she will lie next to him for a long time, purr, and massage him with her claws. Often, after the first session of cat therapy, seriously ill people experience a noticeable improvement in their health.

Alcohol and drug addiction

Nowadays, a large percentage of our country’s population suffers from alcohol and drug addiction. This is connected both with hereditary predisposition and with the individual psychological make-up of a person, and also, sadly, with the everyday disorder of people who, out of despair, start drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

Currently traditional medicine is practically powerless in the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction: after surviving some time after a course of treatment, a person starts drinking or taking drugs again. This is why it is believed that alcoholism and drug addiction are incurable diseases. Although there is coding and other methods of psychological influence, as well as medications that cause aversion to alcohol or drugs for some time, the most effective means The fight against alcohol and drug addiction in the USA and European countries is considered pet therapy.

To treat alcohol and drug addiction with the help of a cat, it is necessary, first of all, the desire of the patient himself to get rid of the addiction. After all, a cat will never treat its owner if he does not want it.

A person who is determined to be cured must first carry out drug treatment in a hospital, and then resort to the help of your pet. The latter will do everything in his power to help his beloved owner restore mental balance.

As soon as the patient has a desire to drink or take drugs, he should call the cat and, while stroking it, mentally ask her for help.

It is worth noting that the animal itself knows how to treat its owner. Perhaps the pet will simply lie at his feet or caress him, or maybe give him a massage with its claws.

In any case, the cat will provide significant assistance to the sick person, taking away all the negative energy from him and calming him down.

An abnormal heart rate or sequence may result from cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, alcohol and nicotine intoxication, etc.

Many people, not even aware of the scientific basis of cat therapy, feel a strong heartbeat and call their animals, clearly knowing that with their help in a few minutes they will feel significant relief.

To treat arrhythmia, pet your cat for a few minutes or let it lie on your chest area.

In case of heart rhythm disturbances, it is necessary to conduct cat therapy sessions daily for 10-14 days.

As a rule, after 2-3 sessions the patient experiences a noticeable improvement in health.

The main forms of arthritis are rheumatoid and infectious arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis. In general, arthritis is a collective name for more than 100 diseases.

Symptoms of most of these diseases are stiffness and pain in the joints, which often limits the motor activity of the sick person.

In some European countries, doctors advise their patients to use a cat to relieve arthritis pain, since its body heat has a beneficial effect on sore joints.

Treatment of arthritis using cat therapy is carried out in the following way. For joint pain, the patient should put or sit the cat on the painful area of ​​the body for 7-10 minutes. Such sessions should be carried out every other day for 30 days.


Atherosclerosis, or hardening of artery walls, significantly reduces the efficiency of blood circulation. In this case, the walls of the arteries lose their elasticity, which leads to the formation of blood clots and other negative changes.

As you know, regular cat therapy significantly improves blood circulation and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis in humans.

To prevent atherosclerosis, you should pet your cat daily for 5-7 minutes. If a person already suffers from this disease, then he needs to put the cat on his forehead 2-3 times a day, and also allow it to sleep near his head.


The causes of insomnia can be both chronic diseases of the nervous system and emotional overexcitation. As a rule, for patients suffering from insomnia, doctors prescribe sedatives and sleeping pills, however, before using them, you can try to get rid of emotional stress with the help of a pet.

To treat insomnia with the help of a cat, the latter should be offered to lie down on a bedding on a table. The owner should sit down at the table and, closing his eyes, press the animal to his forehead. Then he needs to ask one of the nearby family members to press the cat to his neck.

Such exposures lasting 5 minutes should be carried out every other day. Full course cat therapy ranges from 7 to 20 procedures depending on the age of the patient (the older the person, the more procedures he needs).

According to scientific research, people who allow cats to sleep in their bed never suffer from insomnia.

Liver diseases

The functions of the liver are disrupted when a large number of harmful substances appear in the body, which this organ cannot cope with. It leads to various diseases, the most common of which are hepatitis, liver failure and cirrhosis.

By taking away negative energy from a person, cats can relieve him of pain in the liver area. To treat various liver diseases, you should lie on your back and call a cat, which will sit or lie on the person’s stomach, placing its head on the area of ​​his right hypochondrium.

It is best to conduct such a session once every 2-3 days for 20-30 minutes. As a rule, a noticeable improvement in the health status of people suffering from liver diseases occurs after 10 sessions of cat therapy.

The disease is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. In case of acute bronchitis, it is necessary to maintain bed rest and, along with taking medications prescribed by a doctor, do not forget that a cat is more effective than any medication in relieving inflammatory processes.

At high temperature, accompanying acute bronchitis, you should put the cat at your feet, and if she does not want this, pet her for 10 minutes. For treatment chronic bronchitis The cat should be placed on the chest area 2-3 times a day. It is best if the animal massages the patient with its claws. Such procedures relieve coughing attacks and greatly facilitate the breathing of a person suffering from bronchitis.

Hypertension and hypotension

Regular increase blood pressure leads to the development of hypertension - a decrease in the lumen of the walls of small arteries, which impedes the movement of blood through the vessels. Hypertension often leads to heart attack and stroke.

Hypotension, associated with dysfunction of the nervous system and neurohormonal regulation of vascular tone, is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

Several years ago, special scientific research was conducted in the UK on the ability of cats to stabilize blood pressure.

In one of the hospitals, scientists conducted the following experiment. Patients suffering from hypertension and hypotension had their blood pressure measured, after which they were given cats. After 20 minutes, the doctors carried out a second, control, measurement and found out that the blood pressure of these people had returned to normal.

To normalize blood pressure, it is enough to pet your pet daily for 3-5 minutes. Such procedures not only stabilize blood pressure, but also prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases in humans.

Dizziness and headaches

Symptoms such as dizziness and headache can be caused by fatigue, nervous tension, as well as various diseases of the internal organs and nervous system. If headaches and dizziness occur regularly, you should consult a doctor.

For ailments associated with fatigue or physical and nervous stress, as well as cardiovascular diseases and osteochondrosis, cat therapy can be used.

For dizziness and headaches, you should allow the cat to sit on your head or neck area. To do this, the patient needs to lie on his stomach and call the cat, which itself will position itself near the owner’s head.

For osteochondrosis, the furry healer will most likely give the patient a back or neck massage. And in case of pain caused by nervous strain or fatigue, it will calm the owner with its purring and caresses.

For regular headaches, you should place the cat on the neck or head area 3 times a day. The course of cat therapy in this case should be at least 7-10 days.


When depression occurs, a person is constantly in a depressed mood, he is haunted by feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, inner emptiness, melancholy, depression, etc. In the West, depression has been successfully treated for several years with the help of cat therapy.

To treat depression, playing with your cat for 15-20 minutes is enough. It is also helpful to talk to your pet, pet it, and allow it to be near you at all times.


As you know, toothache is most often a sign of tooth decay or gum disease, so if you experience such symptoms, you should contact your dentist for treatment. If for some reason this is not possible in the near future, then remove the acute toothache A cat can help a person.

To relieve acute toothache, you need to lie down and call your cat. The latter will immediately settle down near the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth. Within a few minutes, a person suffering from severe toothache will feel relief.

A stroke is a bleeding in the brain. The disease occurs suddenly and can be fatal within the first hours after hemorrhage. As a rule, with a stroke, paralysis of the limbs and speech impairment are observed. In the USA, there are specialists who treat stroke patients using cat therapy. A few years ago, American scientists proved that people who, after suffering a stroke, regularly undergo cat therapy sessions quickly recover motor activity and speech.

In case of paralysis of limbs and speech impairment, patients, in addition to taking medications prescribed by a doctor, should not refuse the help of a cat. The latter will come to the sick person herself and do what she considers necessary.

As a rule, with paralysis of the limbs, the cat regularly massages the patient’s arms and legs with its claws. In addition, the animal helps the owner cope with depression, which is often a consequence of a serious illness suffered by a person.

The disease is an inflammation of the colon and occurs mainly in middle-aged and elderly people. Colitis can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Most patients with acute colitis must be hospitalized, since attacks of the disease are accompanied by severe pain and diarrhea, which leads to exhaustion and dehydration.

To treat chronic colitis, cat therapy can be performed.

For pain that periodically occurs in people suffering from chronic colitis, a cat helps well. The owner only needs to place his pet on his stomach for 10 minutes 2 times a day.

By consuming negative energy that occurs during exacerbation of inflammation, the cat effectively relieves pain in humans.


Neuralgia occurs as a result of a disease of the nerve plexuses or individual nerves and is accompanied by attacks of pain. The disease can be a consequence of hypothermia, flu or some kind of injury. Quite often, symptoms of neuralgia appear in women during menstruation.

In severe cases of neuralgia, the patient is prescribed medication. In Europe and America, cat therapy has been used for several years to relieve neuralgic pain.

To relieve neuralgic pain, a person must completely trust his cat. Having made himself comfortable on the bed, the owner should call the animal, which itself will find the sore part of the body and relieve it of unpleasant sensations.

Nephritis and pyelonephritis

Nephritis and pyelonephritis are inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. In the first, the renal glomeruli are affected, and in the second, the tissue of the kidneys and urinary tract.

People suffering from chronic kidney inflammation should undergo therapeutic procedures under the supervision of a physician. However, a domestic cat can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

According to studies conducted in 1999 in the USA, patients with chronic kidney inflammation who use cat therapy for treatment recover faster than those who are treated with medications.

To treat chronic kidney inflammation, you need to invite your cat to lie on your lower back 2 times a day. The session should last for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

A condition where, against the background of well-being and normal health, a person feels empty and overwhelmed is called chronic fatigue syndrome. People suffering from this disease lose the desire to work, have fun and even think. Their interest in life disappears, loved ones irritate them, and comments from ill-wishers infuriate them.

Most people who feel chronic fatigue fall into apathy or are in a constant state of irritation. None medications, as a rule, do not bring them relief. They just want those around them to leave them alone and not interfere with their depression. Perhaps a few days good rest or a vacation can restore the joy of life to a tired person. However, if this condition lasts longer than 5-6 months and is accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle weakness, joint pain and constant dizziness, then we can say with confidence that the person is susceptible to the most common disease of the 21st century - chronic fatigue syndrome. It has now been proven that chronic fatigue syndrome can be cured with the help of pets, in particular through cat therapy.

According to the observations of doctors, cats that cope best with chronic fatigue syndrome are those that help their owner restore mental balance and get rid of physical stress.

A person who feels constant fatigue needs to communicate with his cat several times a day: play with it, feed it, talk, pet it, and also allow it to perform various therapeutic procedures, the main one of which is the pet’s absorption of negative energy.


Radiculitis is a lesion of the spinal nerve roots. The main symptoms of the disease are severe pain along the affected nerve roots. Of course, treatment for radiculitis should be prescribed by a doctor. However, the patient should not refuse the help of a cat.

Long-haired cats are best suited for the treatment of sciatica. The owner should lie on his stomach and call the pet, who will immediately take a comfortable position on his back.

Most likely, the cat will first massage the patient’s lower back with its claws, and then sit comfortably on it, warming it with its body.

By the way, special belts made from cat hair are an excellent remedy for treating radiculitis.

Information was used from the book by D. V. Nesterov “Cat therapy - furry medicine”

Animal-assisted therapy - treatment with animals

Treatment with animals was known to cavemen. In the 21st century, scientists began to revive the forgotten recipes of our ancestors. The importance of animals for human well-being is becoming increasingly clear. Lack of healthy relationships with others large number people leads to an ever-increasing number of depression, stress, loneliness and various diseases.

Animal therapy (from the Latin "animal" - animal) is a type of therapy that uses animals and their images to provide psychotherapeutic assistance. This is civilized scientific method treatment and prevention of serious diseases. In animal-assisted therapy, animal symbols are used: images, drawings, fairy-tale characters, toys, as well as real animals, communication with which is safe.

Positive Action animals on a sick person has been confirmed by experiments. People who have pets live longer and get sick less - this is a scientific fact. At the same time, their nervous system is in much better condition than those of those people who do not have pets.

History of animal therapy

Animal-assisted therapy is often called an unconventional method, which, however, has a long history. Even ancient healers recommended cold showers, barefoot walking and horse riding for neuroses. In the 5th century BC. Hippocrates noticed the influence of the surrounding nature on humans and spoke about the benefits of therapeutic horse riding. The ancient Greeks discovered the ability of dogs to help people cope with various ailments approximately 3,000 years ago, and the Egyptians used animals (mostly cats) for the same purposes. In ancient India, listening to birdsong was “prescribed” as a medicine.

As early as 1792, animals were used as part of the therapeutic process at a mental hospital in York, England. As an independent method, animal therapy began to gain popularity in the second half of the 20th century. The pioneer of this method is Boris Levinson, an American child psychiatrist who began using his dog in therapy sessions in 1962.

Animal-assisted therapy is now recognized in all developed countries, institutes have been created everywhere to study the influence of animals on people, international conferences and seminars are held on methods of treatment with the help of animals. In the USA, Great Britain, Canada, and France, organizations have appeared that provide assistance to people with physical or mental problems through animal-assisted therapy. What they all have in common is that they use domesticated animals—usually dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds—as therapeutic agents. Physicians, social workers, and psychologists take part in animal-assisted therapy programs.

Functions of animal-assisted therapy

Psychophysiological function. Interacting with animals can relieve stress and normalize the functioning of the nervous system and psyche in general.
- Psychotherapeutic function. The interaction of people with animals can significantly contribute to the harmonization of their interpersonal relationships.
- Rehabilitation function. Contacts with animals are an additional channel of interaction between the individual and the outside world, contributing to both mental and social rehabilitation.
- The function of satisfying the need for competence. The need for competence, expressed by the formula “I can,” is one of the most important human needs.
- Function of self-realization. One of the most important human needs is the need to realize one’s inner potential, the need to be significant to others, represented in their lives and in their personality.
- Communication function. One of the most important functions that animals can perform in the process of human interaction with them is the function of communication partners.

Types of animal-assisted therapy

Non-directive animal-assisted therapy is interaction with animals in the home without awareness or purposeful understanding of their therapeutic value.

Directed animal therapy is the targeted use of animals and (or) their symbols according to specially developed therapeutic programs. This type of animal-assisted therapy uses specially trained animals rather than the patient's animals. Directed animal therapy, in turn, is divided into types depending on which animals are used - hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, canistherapy, feline therapy, etc.

Often in animal therapy, not only the animals themselves are used, but also their images. In psychotherapy, animal sounds are also used as a therapeutic agent.


is a type of animal-assisted therapy that uses communication with horses and horse riding as the main means. Hippotherapy is effective physiotherapy. Since the late 50s, it began to be used for mental and neurological diseases, and now in 45 countries in Europe and North America therapeutic horse riding centers have been created. Hippotherapy is used for disorders of the musculoskeletal system, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, polio, gastrointestinal diseases, prostatitis, scoliosis, mental retardation. Communication with a horse provides a stable positive emotional background, which in itself is healing.

Dolphins are very often used in medicine and psychotherapy. Communication with dolphins helps stabilize a person’s psycho-emotional state and relieve psychological stress. After communicating with a dolphin, a person calms down, begins to think outside the box, and quickly finds a way out. crisis situation. Dolphin therapy is an excellent psychological rehabilitation for people who find themselves in extreme conditions, who have survived earthquakes, hurricanes, accidents and any other severe stress. Their patients are entrepreneurs, people of creative professions, children with diseases of the nervous system - autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, Down syndrome.


A type of animal-assisted therapy using dogs. A dog is an excellent “cure” against physical inactivity caused by in a sedentary manner life. Walking with your dog reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction and other heart and vascular diseases. A dog satisfies a person’s communication deficit, increases the owner’s self-esteem, improves his sociability, and resolves conflicts in the family. Dog (and cat) saliva contains the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys pathogens.

Canistherapy is recommended for neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia and neuroses. Frequent guests are dogs in hospices and psychiatric clinics. The "Tailed Doctor" can be of any breed - Rottweiler, Collie, Bulldog, Miniature Pinscher and common mongrel. Not all dogs are allowed to work with patients, but only calm, non-aggressive ones with a stable psyche.


Therapeutic effects of cats. Cats brighten up loneliness, calm you down, and lower blood pressure. Their biofield stabilizes the functioning of the heart, relieves joint pain and headaches, stimulates the rapid healing of injuries, and treats internal inflammatory diseases. A cat is an excellent energy information device that guesses the sore spots of its owner. When some disturbances occur in the body, when pain occurs, this indicates a change in the energy potential in some part of the body. This change in potential is perfectly felt by the cat.

Long-term friendship with a cat strengthens the immune system and promotes health and longevity. The purring of a cat is certain sound vibrations (frequency from 20 to 50 Hertz) that stimulate the healing process. Purring helps increase the body's defenses, accelerates wound healing, and as a result of exposure to sound vibrations of this frequency, bone density increases, which promotes the healing of fractures.


Treatment with bee venom. The bee is the undoubted leader in the medicinal fauna. Over the 50 million years of existence of bees as a biological species, these insects have adapted to life in a wide variety of climatic conditions, which led to the creation of a unique bee venom. The miracle of bee venom is that it is a powerful catalyst for physiological processes. One drop contains proteins, 18 of the 20 essential amino acids, inorganic acids, almost the entire periodic table and many vitamins.


Treatment with medicinal leeches. Over many millennia, the leech has “attached” itself to almost all areas of medicine. It gives amazing results in cardiology, ophthalmology, dermatology, surgery, gynecology, urology, neurology. Hirudotherapy is an effective treatment varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, skin diseases, lungs, migraines, glaucoma, sinusitis, neuritis, bronchial asthma, gynecological many other diseases. Recently, leeches have been used to treat cellulite, lose weight and even rejuvenate. The secret of the therapeutic effect of leeches is the ability of their saliva to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body and affect the disease at the cellular level.

Use of other animals

All living beings can provide effective psychological assistance to a person. Other animals are also used in animal therapy, but much less frequently, since the direct therapeutic effect in these cases is somewhat lower. For example, the American animal therapy society "Delta" uses more than 2,000 different animals in its work, including guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, llamas, goats, donkeys, parrots and other domesticated animals. African tribes are treated with elephants and crocodiles, Australians conduct kangaroo therapy sessions.

There is a hypothesis that electromagnetic radiation, inherent in any living matter, allows humans and animals to influence other biological objects. Wherein main role It is not the strength of the radiation that plays a role, but the information contained in it, that is, its frequency spectrum. This frequency resonance can stimulate the body's vital functions over a very wide range. This seems to explain the fact that cats, dogs and other animals have a positive healing effect on people.

Plants are not only a source of food for humans and the entire animal world, but also a real storehouse of medicines for all ailments. In relation to representatives of the plant world, the concept of “green pharmacy” is rightly used.

Since ancient times in different countries people studied various plants and their specific effects on their own bodies through trial and error. Thus, doctors isolated medicinal plants, which are still used in traditional and official medicine. Now research healing properties Scientists continue to study various plants using scientific achievements and a modern arsenal of instruments.

People have been observing the treatment of animals with plants for a long time. Cases of self-medication of wild and domestic animals with plants are well known. V.I. aptly said this. Dahl: “And the dog knows that grass is used for healing.”
Many species grow in nature medicinal plants(including poisonous ones) used by animals for self-medication.

Examples of self-medication of animals with plants of different types

The healing properties of the Siberian “root of life” - Leuzea safflower from the Asteraceae family - were discovered by hunters while chasing deer.
Hunters noticed that tired animals greedily ate stems and roots, after which they easily ran away into the mountains.
And domestic animals (cows grazing, horses tired after a long journey, etc.) also willingly eat Leuzea. And after 30-40 minutes, the exhausted animals regain their working capacity.
Research by scientists has shown that Leuzea contains valuable biologically active substances, therefore it is an excellent tonic and stimulating plant.
The flowers and leaves are beautiful, so many gardeners grow it as an ornamental plant.

Lily of the valley- a favorite treat for sika deer. Also, his diet includes more than a dozen plants, and among them there are many medicinal ones. Is this why the potions made from deer antlers - antlers - are so miraculous?
Interestingly, the fox is very fond of lilies of the valley. She climbs into the thickets of lilies of the valley, sniffs their flowers and even gets drunk from the aroma.
In autumn, bright lily of the valley fruits appear, which are also used by animals for treatment.
, adored by us for its graceful fragrant flowers, is valuable medicine regulating cardiac activity.

Birds willingly eat tough leaves of bushes Eleutherococcus senticosus from the Araliaceae family. Eleutherococcus is eaten by roe deer and other animals in the Far Eastern taiga. Eleutherococcus has the same tonic effect on the animal body as it does on humans.

Cats, dogs and wolves eat grass for treatment creeping wheatgrass- a grass of the cereal family, which gardeners classify as malicious. Preparations from wheatgrass rhizomes are used in medicine.

Everyone is familiar and loved by many - an ornamental tree that bears medicinal fruits. Rowan berries contain sugar, acids, tannins and pectin, essential oils, many vitamins and other useful components. And rowan leaves contain even more vitamins than the fruits. Roe deer, moose and many birds feast on the berries and foliage of forest rowan trees.

Beavers, water rats and muskrats love the leaves and thick, starchy rhizomes, which are very rich in vitamins and starch.

Geese and ducks readily eat seeds buckwheat amphibian, growing near reservoirs and in water.

Many birds and animals use it, which is widespread throughout Russia. bird cherry. All parts of this plant have powerful medicinal properties.

People have long used bird cherry berries in cooking and medicine (they are a good astringent).

Bird cherry secretes active substances containing hydrocyanic acid. Professor B.P. Tokin conducted many experiments with bird cherry, studying its properties. For example, he was convinced that four crushed bird cherry buds placed in a glass jar killed the most persistent ticks within 15 minutes.

Bird cherry is a beautiful unpretentious plant, widely used for landscaping. The strong, somewhat intoxicating aroma of bird cherry flowers and leaves clears the air of germs.

Most types of wild berries have pronounced medicinal properties.

Experts say that treatment through communication with animals was known many centuries ago. By independent method zoo- or animal-assisted therapy became in the middle of the 20th century.

In many countries, special organizations and centers have been created in which zootherapy is carried out. Communication with animals helps in the treatment of people suffering from physical or mental illness. The beneficial effects of living things on our body are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

But it must be remembered that self-treatment with zootherapy cannot replace specialized medical care. This method can act as an additional method of healing.

What is zootherapy?

Zootherapy– a type of treatment that uses real animals or animal symbols, such as toys or drawings. In specialized centers, in addition to the animals themselves, doctors, psychologists and social workers participate in the treatment process. It is worth noting that with this type of treatment, specialists use specially trained animals, and not the patient’s pets.

It is wrong to think that zootherapy is available only in large centers. Pets also have a positive effect on the human body. Scientists have confirmed that people who keep animals get sick less often, live longer and are less susceptible to stress and depression.

Animals are actually very subtle psychologists. They know how to determine our mood, and even those places where pain is concentrated, explains psychologist Natalya Morozova. – Zootherapy– the method is quite effective, although it is not yet fully known in what ways it is achieved healing effect. There is a theory - when a person touches an animal, an energy exchange occurs, and the animal, as it were, draws on the person’s negative energy, giving away healthy energy in return. Of course, this looks like mysticism. But from a professional point of view, we can say that animals are some of the best psychotherapists. They, unlike many people, can listen, do not judge and understand. All this is extremely important for a person, especially for someone who experiences certain psychological problems.

Zootherapy is wonderful because it has no contraindications, perhaps except for allergies to animal fur. Doctors note that this is also an absolutely natural, non-drug method of healing that has no adverse reactions. In addition, this treatment method does not require large material costs and special equipment and therefore accessible to everyone.

What animals heal us?


These animals not only lift your spirits, but also help relieve stress and treat insomnia. It is especially useful to keep cats at home for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Experts say that if blood pressure increases, you need to pet the cat for a few minutes, and the pressure will decrease.

Sometimes cats are able to stay next to a sick person for hours. This is because they are attracted by the “energy of pain,” and the animal can easily determine the place that emits this energy.

Cats are not only wonderful diagnosticians, but also almost physical therapy devices. Scientists have found that a cat's purring has a healing effect similar to ultrasound treatment in the range of 20–50 hertz.

The British, inspired by the cat's abilities, are selling white medicinal cats in pharmacies. By the way, experts believe that cats and cats have different therapeutic profiles. Thus, cats specialize in diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. And cats are profiled for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthrosis.


Firstly, dog owners are protected from physical inactivity and its consequences. Regular walks with your four-legged friend will reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the immune system.

A dog in the house protects the human nervous system. In the history of medical research, there are cases where, as a result of targeted treatment with the help of dogs ( canistherapy), children with severe forms of autism were healed. Dogs also help cure hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and neuroses.

Scientists are confident that dogs contribute to the development of communication skills in their owners and increase human self-esteem. Your pet doctor can be of any breed, the main thing is that the animal is not aggressive and has a stable psyche.


Hippotherapy, or treatment through communication with horses, involves horse riding. In essence, this is physical therapy, which has proven effectiveness.

Since the middle of the last century, doctors have been using this treatment method for neurological and mental diseases. Today, therapeutic riding centers operate in almost 50 countries around the world. There is also such a center in Omsk. The organization "Radovest" conducts hippotherapy classes for everyone who needs help.

We conduct classes in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol throughout the year,” says the head of the equestrian club “Carousel”, director of the public organization “Radovest” Elena Koryabina. - Of course, we are looking at the evidence. Not all children, for example, can be exposed to the cold, which means they cannot undergo hippotherapy courses in winter. We mainly work with children from one year to 17-18 years old, there are adults too, but there are not many of them. The main diagnosis of people seeking help is cerebral palsy and autism.

Last year we had one hundred people at hippotherapy, this year about one hundred and twenty. First of all, hippotherapy is a psychological effect; the rider feels more confident on a horse, this is especially important for non-ambulatory children. For autistic children, the horse is a mediator; it is silent and easier to communicate with. The horse makes it clear how to move correctly. A child on horseback receives a certain movement pattern, children with cerebral palsy develop balance, and from a horse they transfer the understanding of how to properly hold themselves to the ground. Not a single technical device has yet been created that would make it possible to imitate the mechanisms of movement that a child can learn in the process of hippotherapy.

Experts advise using hippotherapy for musculoskeletal disorders, polio, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and other diseases. It has been proven that communication with horses creates a positive emotional background, which in itself is healing.

Aquarium fish

A small island of the ocean in the apartment will have a positive effect on the psyche. Watching fish swim in an aquarium relieves stress. Therefore, these animals are most suitable for those who are constantly depressed and suffer from neuroses. The therapeutic effect is achieved after 15 minutes spent in front of the aquarium. The maximum duration of the procedure is one and a half hours.

The aquarium is suitable for families with a small child. Fishes will help him study better. It turns out that they can increase a person’s intellectual level.

In addition, the presence of an aquarium in the house creates a special beneficial microclimate. The evaporating water will humidify the air, which will help prevent asthma and colds. In general, a bright aquarium evokes joy and a sense of well-being in its owners. And according to some reports, it even helps strengthen family relationships.

And other animals

Rodents will help those who have problems communicating with people. They help their owners overcome self-doubt, get rid of complexes and isolation. According to experts, white rats are specialized in the treatment of neuroses. And rabbits and hamsters treat joint diseases.

Poultry increases human creativity and performance. Parrots can relieve heart pain, cure stuttering and neuroses. The singing of canaries will also calm your nerves and improve your mood.

Reptiles are healers of the human nervous system. A visit to the terrarium has a positive effect on patients with neurasthenia or dementia. Experts warn that therapeutic communication with cold-blooded animals does not imply physical contact; for a medical effect, it is enough to visually interact with amphibians.

In fact, all living beings are capable of exerting therapeutic effects on the human body. The only difference is the degree of effectiveness of this effect and the patient’s place of residence. For example, in some countries of the world, even chickens, goats, llamas and donkeys are used for zootherapy. In Africa they are treated with the help of elephants and crocodiles, in Australia with the help of kangaroos. The main thing is not to forget that any zootherapy for serious health disorders should accompany specialized medical treatment, and not replace it.

Based on materials from

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