Is it possible to get better if you have. Why are you getting fat? Foods that make you fat. Why French women don't get fat. The bigger, the better

Calculator 05.07.2020

An apple ... There is probably no such person who would not eat it. So every woman who cares about her figure wondered at least once: is it possible to get fat from apples? Let's take a look at this difficult issue.

Calorie content of apples

Different varieties differ in calorie content, albeit slightly.

They are green and contain a minimum of sugars. The calorie content of fresh apples is 35 kcal per hundred grams. Therefore, they are considered more useful.

Red apples are sweeter, their calorie content is 50 kcal per hundred grams. These varieties are softer and more juicy.

By and large, the calorie content of apples does not depend on their color, it is simply assumed that reds are sweeter than green ones. If we talk about usefulness, then you need to choose more sour varieties. They are lower in carbohydrates.


There are many vitamins in an apple that are useful for the human body. This is the whole group B, E, C and P; trace elements - iodine, zinc, boron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, etc. Apples contain fiber and pectin.

This fruit has a positive effect on digestive system, so the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get fat from apples is more negative than positive. It is recommended to eat these fruits with anemia, depression, vitamin deficiency.

Can apples get fat? You can only if you eat a huge amount of them. One apple a day will not lead to excess weight, but will have a positive effect on your health and digestive system.

Apple diets

Having found out whether apples get fat, consider options for how to lose weight.

Diet is a great way to shed those extra pounds. An apple is a great helper that removes fat and toxins from the body. Such a diet promotes loss of up to one kilogram per day. The introduction of fruits is gradual.

The apple diet is designed for 5-7 days. We eat about 1.5 kg of fruit every day. If it's hard to eat apples alone, add nuts, boiled eggs or rice. A prerequisite is to drink water, at least 1.5 liters per day.

A bit easier. It is rather a fasting day. The diet consists of a kilogram of apples and a liter of kefir, divided into 5-6 meals.

Cottage cheese and apple is good for lovers of dairy products. For a day - 5 apples and 500 grams of cottage cheese. The fruit can be eaten fresh, made smoothies, baked. We drink water or green tea... This diet can be kept no more than once a month.

Is it possible to get fat from apples at night? Fruit is not recommended to be eaten in the evening in large quantities because of the sugar content, but nothing bad will happen from one thing.

Getting out of the diet is important for your health. Return to your usual diet, start with light foods, cereals on the water. Then the dropped kilograms will not come back.

Contraindications to apple diets

Diets are popular. Apple is no exception. But there are contraindications to any:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • heart disease;
  • pregnancy.

If you often suffer from heartburn, such a diet will not work.

Apple drinks and dishes

Proven by scientists. And what can we cook from them?

Let's take a look at a few tasty and healthy drinks first.

Green drink. We need one apple, cucumber and kiwi. Grind all the ingredients with water in a blender, a delicious drink is ready. You can add herbs (parsley, dill) or mint to taste.

Compote. Peel and seed the apple. We cut into slices. Boil in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. For a rich taste, you can add a few raisins to the finished drink.

Apple tea. We brew strong tea. Add finely chopped apple, honey and lemon to it. This drink will warm you in cold weather, is useful for colds.

Sbiten. Cut the apple with the peel into slices, put in a saucepan. Add mint, ginger root, cinnamon and cloves. Fill with water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Put a spoonful of honey in the finished drink.

The variety of apple dishes is great. The following are considered the most popular.

Baked apple. We remove the core and make the filling from cottage cheese and nuts, put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The baked apple does not lose its properties.

Healthy salad. Mix the finely chopped apple, seaweed and grated carrots. Fill up better sour cream... Add to salads green onions and dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Porridge. Boil cerealsthey are good for breakfast. Cut the apples into cubes and add to the porridge. Add raisins, dried apricots and prunes. For the vitamins to be absorbed better, pour the porridge with olive oil.

Apple pie. It is done very simply. Roll out the dough, put apple slices on it, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon. We bake in the oven. This cake will be a wonderful dessert for lunch, perfect for the Christmas table.

Any apple dish will be healthy if you cook it with soul. Don't add too much sugar, it is bad for your figure. Apples are great for your health. Add just one thing to the diet, and soon you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

There is not a single person who would like to gain weight (except for recovery from serious illnesses and individual cases).

Such a desire is quite natural and conscious, since we live in society, we are in daily contact with other people, and if the person with whom we have to communicate is overweight, then he is less pleasant.

No matter how wonderful a listener and storyteller he is, if he does not take care of himself, then his appearance will not win him over. Psychologists have spoken about this more than once, claiming that it is easier for a person with an attractive appearance to get a job than his rival with opposite data.

Naturally, one cannot say that all people should adjust themselves to the "standards" of fashion and be thin. More important is to understand your optimal weight and stick to it. And for this to happen, it is important to eat well and properly.

On the role of nutrition in human life

Complex human body
A complex human body is not always so. For example, with regard to nutrition, in order to keep yourself in good shape, it is enough to remember the "rule": if you eat a lot and move a little, the body will gain weight.

There are two ways to avoid this - either eat less (and here it is also important to know how much the body needs for its normal functioning), or increase physical activity.

Unfortunately, a busy schedule, housework - all this takes a lot of time and effort, so it is not always possible to allocate a few hours for the gym. But everyone can begin to pay more attention to the food they consume.

What foods lead to fatness?

Main product group - culprits speed dial weights are flour dishes. And this is especially true for cream rolls, fat cakes and milk chocolate.

The situation is aggravated by how strongly these products tighten. It is enough to eat a small piece, and then willpower comes into play. If it is, then it will be easier to say “no” to yourself.

An example of how high-calorie baking can be is that one piece of cake can contain about 1000 kcal (and this is taking into account that the average daily intake for an adult is 2500 kcal).

Of course, if you pamper yourself with such a delicacy, and then take a leisurely stroll down the street, nothing bad will happen. Much more serious - if cakes become favorite desserts, and are present in the diet much more often than is acceptable.

Should you be afraid of fruits and vegetables?

Many, thinking about what foods are bad for the figure, are afraid to eat fruits and vegetables. Really in vain. Containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals, foods from these groups do not carry any risk of getting fat.

The only amendment: some vegetables may contain a lot of sugars, so they are best eaten in the morning. An apple or, for example, a pear can make a good snack during the working day.


One of the most dangerous drinks for a figure is beer. There is even such a thing as "beer belly". Indeed, a large amount of brewer's yeast in the product quickly does its job, leading to problems with excess weight.

It is also worth noting that, as in the case of sweets, many people love beer, and therefore, after drinking one mug, after that they reach for the second.

Vodka, on the contrary, is a highly toxic drink and therefore a large amount of it seems to deplete the body, as a result of which it loses weight.

You can recover from wine if you do not know the measure. However, if you monitor the amount of drink you drink (not only wine, but also any other alcohol), weight problems can be avoided.

The same rule applies to food. A balanced diet will never cause problems, and if a person also finds time for sports, then he has nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately, it happens that a person moves a lot, eats right, but still gains weight. In this case, hormonal drugs will be to blame. The list of dangerous drugs in this case also includes contraceptives - Thyroxin, Lindinet. Insulin is also at risk.

It is a mistake to believe that only women are afraid of gaining weight. For men, taking care of themselves and staying in good physical shape is equally important. At the same time, this issue is relevant at any age and for any position held.

And eating right is not at all difficult. Helping a healthy lifestyle various recipes healthy meals and exercise complexes that you can do yourself at home.


Any woman who cares about her figure fears the consequences of a holiday overeating or "accidental" dieting.

But how to give up mom's holiday pies and salads? Who has not periodically "gone crazy" and ran to the refrigerator for another portion of ice cream, completely forgetting about the willpower and desire to lose weight? As the saying goes, we are all human, and nothing human is alien to us. It is especially difficult to keep fit on holidays and "critical" days, as well as during stress and hard work. But do not give up and regret the "missing" diet. Because not everything is lost.

In general, I wonder how much you need (or can) eat in order to get, say, extra a pound ? Do you think just a piece of cake? Fortunately, no.

First, let's make a reservation: we are not talking about salty. If you overeat salt - chips, herring, pickled cucumbers, etc. - then, most likely, the next morning you will find an extra kilogram on the scale, even if you stayed within your normal calorie intake. This kilogram will not consist of fat "adhered" to your thighs, but of excess water accumulated in the body. However, this kilogram will go away just as quickly if you follow a low-salt or salt-free diet for a day or two and drink plenty of water over the next days.

In our case it will be about sweet or fatty, or just a lot of food. How much of this do you need to eat to gain a pound of weight in a day? As calculations and logic show, this requires a lot of effort. First, the body "sways" gradually, and it usually takes more than one day to start storing fat. Second, to gain weight overnight, you need to eat 3,500 more calories than your normal calorie intake. That is, if you usually consume 2000 calories, then for an instant weight gain of half a kilo you need to consume 5500 calories! And that's not even taking into account physical activity.

What does those ill-fated 3,500 extra calories look like? This can be, for example, a piece of fried chicken (250 calories), some mashed potatoes (110 calories), 3 glasses of wine (370 calories), a serving of Olivier (300 calories), a serving of jellied meat (400 calories), a serving of ice cream (250 calories) , a chocolate bar (600 calories), and a slice of cake (800 calories). This is a huge mass of food, and you haven't even crossed the line yet!

It's almost impossible to gain weight in one day of overeating. And although many people complain that during the holidays they gain weight up to 2 kg, for the most part these are either subjective sensations (feeling of heaviness, puffiness, etc.), or we are talking about more than one day of gluttony.

Everything that you gain in terms of fat and calories this day must be burned the next. To get rid of unpleasant after-holiday sensations, as well as feelings of guilt, not to let excess calories show up on the scales and quickly get back on track, the next day or even two after gluttony should be devoted to correcting the mistakes made:
Return to your normal calorie intake, or lower it slightly. But don't starve, or start the binge eating process again. You can make this day a fasting or vegetarian day. A serving of rice will help a lot in relieving the symptoms of overeating, it is a good absorbent of toxins and excess salt, not too high in calories and satisfying.
Increasing your intake of water, low-fat dairy drinks, and herbal teas will flush and detoxify your body, as well as speed up your metabolism, so needed to burn off excess calories from the day before. Avoid carbohydrate and caffeinated drinks.
Try to be physically active, however much you want to spend the day on the couch in front of the TV. It is unlikely, of course, that you will be able to get out into gymbut at least go for a walk.

In pursuit of perfect figure don't give up on holiday treats - just don't make them a habit.

Birth control pills are one of the effective means contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, they normalize hormonal levels, improve ovarian function. Under their influence, the cycle is stabilized, and menstruation becomes painless.

Many women, before starting the reception, are interested in: is it possible to recover from contraceptives? Certain types of tablets can really provoke an increase of 2-5 kg. But if the drug is selected correctly, by balancing the diet, you can get rid of these kilograms in a few months, when the body adapts to taking the medicine.

Action OK

Taking pills, a woman receives substances that are analogs of her hormones. In this case, the brain signals that the concentration of hormones in the body is sufficient and the ovaries are not given a command to produce their own.

Substances that have entered the bloodstream, depending on their type, trigger several processes that interfere with the onset of pregnancy.

Estrogen (it is he who provokes weight gain) has the following effect:

  1. Interferes with the maturation of the egg, as a result, ovulation does not occur.
  2. Violates the secretory processes in the uterus. As a result, the mucous membrane swells and the embryo's fixation becomes impossible.
  3. The reverse development of the corpus luteum starts, which, after ovulation, produces a hormone that prepares the body for pregnancy - progesterone.


  1. It prevents the growth of the endometrium lining the uterine cavity, making it impossible to fix the embryo.
  2. Reduces the activity of substances that contribute to the fertilization of the egg.
  3. Changes the composition of the cervical mucus that closes the cervix, making it impervious to sperm.
  4. Blocks the secretion of hormones responsible for ovulation.
  5. Reduces the contraction of the uterus and fallopian tubes, preventing the passage of the egg through them.

Thus, birth control pills are highly effective. And even if ovulation has occurred, pregnancy will not occur.

Why is weight gain?

In the first OCs there was an increased content of estrogen - 50 μg. And due to metabolic disorders, after a few months of taking the pills, the woman discovered that she had recovered. Most often, fat accumulated on the belly.

IN modern drugs the amount of the hormone is reduced by more than 2 times. This allows you to avoid the manifestation of strong side effects. But even now there are complaints that after the start of taking birth control pills, the weight begins to grow. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • Swelling. Estrogen slows down the elimination of fluid from the body, causing it to accumulate. If your weight has increased by 1–2 kg, start drinking diuretic teas.
  • Incorrectly selected tablets. It is impossible to independently make a decision on taking OK on the basis of the advice of a sister or a friend. Each has its own organism and what suits one, the other, on the contrary, will harm. You can provoke health problems and hormonal imbalance. Only a gynecologist can prescribe a contraceptive after an examination.
  • Increased appetite is a side effect of all contraceptives. Therefore, it is important to monitor in order to consume no less calories than you ate, to lead an active lifestyle. Sports activities will have a beneficial effect. A woman is advised to follow a diet and limit herself to carbohydrates and fats.
  • Health problems. Are you taking medication prescribed by your doctor, exercise enough, eat in moderation, no swelling, but your weight continues to grow? See an endocrinologist for a thyroid check. One of the characteristic symptoms of her dysfunction is an increase in body weight for no apparent reason.

A sharp increase in body weight by more than 5 kg is a reason to consult a doctor. He will assess your condition and prescribe other medications.

Even if all is well, when taking contraceptives, you need to visit the gynecologist every 3 months.

Popular OK

Depending on the substances that make up the contraceptive pill, they are divided into two groups:

  1. Combined preparations containing both progestogens and estrogens.
  2. Mono-component or otherwise mini-drank. These are contraceptives in which one active ingredient is progestins. They are well tolerated by the body and can be drunk even during lactation. OCs do not affect metabolic processes and do not lead to weight gain. At the same time, high efficiency is combined with a quick recovery of reproductive function after the end of the intake. Mini-pills include: Charosetta, Microlut, Exluton.

Combination drugs are of three types:

  1. Monophasic. Each pill in the pack contains the same amount of hormones. In addition to preventing pregnancy, they are used to relieve pain during menstruation, stabilize the cycle, and with endometriosis. If you forget to drink OK, to maintain its effectiveness, it is enough to take a double dose of the medicine the next day. These include drugs such as Lindinet-20, Non-Ovlon, Yarina, Novinet, Janine.
  2. Two-phase. The concentration of estrogen in each pill is the same. And the dose of progestin depends on the day of the cycle. As a rule, they are prescribed if the body produces an increased amount of male hormones. The most popular are Anteovin, Divina, Klimen.

  3. Three-phase. The composition of the tablets differs in the amount of progestogen and estrogen. The change in the concentration of substances coincides as much as possible with the natural change in the level of hormones in the female body during the cycle. These drugs include Tri-merci, Triziston, Tri-regol.

Contraceptives differ in the concentration of hormonal substances:

  • Micro-dosed. They contain estrogen in the range of 15–20 mcg, and up to 150 mcg of progestogen. Allowed to take girls, teenagers. These are contraceptive pills that don't make you fat. These include Novinet, Logest, Jess.
  • Low-dose with estrogen concentration up to 30 mcg. These are drugs such as Diane-35, Yarina, Zhanin, Tri-merci.
  • High-dose (Anteovin, Non-Ovlon). They contain an increased concentration of hormones, which are harder for the body to tolerate and can affect weight gain.

If a woman or girl has not previously taken oral contraceptives, the doctor is more likely to prescribe micro-dose monophasic drugs to her. If ovulation does not block, low-dose OCs are prescribed.

Other side effects

Most frequent questionExciting women: Do you get fat from birth control pills? But besides weight gain, there are other unpleasant reactions to medication. Multiple studies have found that in most cases they are associated with high amounts of estrogen.

The most common side effects are:

  • Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Does not require special treatment, lasts up to six months. In case of severe adaptation to the drug, the doctor prescribes a breast gel.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge for the first 3 months is normal. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist if bleeding has opened.
  • Severe mood swings, aggression, despondency, depression. To eliminate it, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamin B6.
  • Headaches for 4 months. If they become stronger over time, it is necessary to replace the OK.
  • Nausea and vomiting. To reduce the severity of the symptom in the first 4 weeks, take the tablets in the evening after meals.
  • Pain in the legs, in the veins.
  • Decreased or increased libido.
  • Stool disorder.

The progestins that make up the composition are more easily tolerated by the body, therefore, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe a mini-pill containing only one hormone. But exclude side effects completely impossible. You can expect:

  • Missing or longer periods.
  • The appearance of an ovarian cyst. The neoplasms usually resolve after the OK is canceled.
  • Thrush that is difficult to treat.
  • Increased oily hair, skin, acne, anky. Within 3 months, the body gets used to it and returns to normal.
  • The skin is more prone to pigmentation. In this case, try to avoid sunbathing.
  • Swelling of the legs.

The appearance of pronounced negative consequences of prima OK, which do not decrease over time, means that the drug is not suitable for you. It needs to be replaced with another.

How to choose?

The severity of side effects directly depends on the correct selection of oral contraceptives. If the pills are prescribed correctly, they will not recover from them. But buying the product yourself is highly discouraged. After all, from the wrongly chosen OK not only get better, but also other health problems arise.

Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor analyzes the results of such examinations:

  • Examination by a gynecologist.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Breast examination.
  • Biochemistry of blood.
  • Smear for cytology.

In addition, the doctor takes into account the woman's age, features of her figure, the presence of pregnancy or abortions in the past. This is the only way to find the right contraceptive for you.


Protein dosage standards per day for those who go in for sports. What will happen if these standards are exceeded. Protein side effects.

Most athletes do not doubt the benefits of protein. They have tried it on themselves and are enjoying the results. But there is another category - beginners. They are still afraid, gaining information, looking closely at the technique and nutritional characteristics of other athletes. Moreover, everyone has their own reasons. Some refuse protein due to lack of funds, others are afraid of side effects, and still others do not want to get fat. With the first excuse, everything is clear (money really may not be enough). But what about side effects? Can you really get better from taking protein?

The main essence of protein

First, let's take a look at the features of this supplement. All life on the planet consists of amino acids. The molecules of the latter form long chains, which are ultimately transformed into an integral structure - a protein. Today, there are dozens of different amino acids, which suggests many combinations. As a result, the structure of the protein is also different (hence its many types)

The human body also consists of this substance, which tends to be consumed, destroyed or even aging. Therefore, the intake of protein food from the outside is a key factor in the growth and development of the body. In case of deficiency, weakness appears, diseases begin. There can be no question of any muscle gain.


The peculiarity of most bodybuilders is the exorbitant consumption of protein. They safely take 200-300 grams of protein a day and are not afraid to gain weight. The reason is a well-formed diet and an even distribution of the load. Of course, they gain weight, but it is more "dry". That is, the result of classes is an increase muscle mass, not fat.

It is believed that from 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight can be taken per day (this is the medical norm). But professionals rarely listen to her. They consume up to 2-4 grams of protein per kilo and feel great. At the same time, the likelihood of gaining weight in the case of active exercises and proper nutrition absent at all.

How dangerous is increasing the dosage?

Doctors unanimously say that you can drink no more than a gram per kilo of weight. On the other hand, there is no evidence of the dangers of protein overdose. Moreover, today special toxicity standards have been developed, according to which conclusions are drawn about the harm of one or another component (in case of an overdose). So, there is no such norm for protein. The top bar was never installed.

This is why athletes are comfortable taking in high amounts of protein, gaining net weight, and doing great. At the same time, they do not risk getting better, because there are no fats and carbohydrates in a quality supplement. Timely intake of the protein mixture helps to compensate for the existing deficit, fill reserves and provide building material. That's all.

What is the danger?

But gaining weight from protein and gaining excess weight is still possible. In which case? - If you consume protein in immeasurable quantities and do not exercise your body. That is, take protein mixtures and lie on the couch instead of going to the gym. Believe me, after a month of this "regime" you can increase your weight by several pounds. By the way, the same result can be obtained in the case of normal nutrition and complete physical inactivity.


Protein is often recommended for the opposite effect of losing weight. For example, whey protein is a great appetite suppressant, nourishes the body and helps burn fat. If you take protein supplements correctly, you can not only lose weight, but also lose weight. The main thing is to strictly observe the diet and exercise. With active loads and regular trips to the gym, getting fat is simply unrealistic.

Side effects

In the literature and articles, you can increasingly find opinions about the dangers of protein supplements. It is believed that when the protein mixture is absorbed, ammonia is released, which is converted by the liver into a harmless compound. The latter, in turn, puts stress on the kidneys, which are forced to fight the processing of excess protein (if you exceed the dosage). It turns out that such important organs have to endure a double burden? - Not at all.

Experiments have confirmed that the intake of protein in the amount of 3 grams per kilo of weight does not pose any danger to the kidneys. In addition, with active training, the chance of gaining weight (specifically in terms of fat) is also minimal. You will certainly gain weight, but it will be muscle.


Thus, gain weight and gain excess weight if taken sports supplements it is possible, but only in one case - with their excessive consumption and the absence of active loads. Otherwise, athletes gain pure mass and improve their body, which I wish you too.

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