The value of the card is the ace of wands. What does the Ace of Wands predict? Ace of wands to health

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Tarot card Ace of Wands is the personification of the element of Fire. This is a very favorable card for people who want to succeed and realize themselves professionally. But the meaning can be disappointing, depending on the scenario.

For a man, an inverted Ace of Wands means problems with potency. For women - lack of male attention or infertility.

The value of the Tarot Ace of Wands in relationships

In relationship layouts, the Ace of Wands card appears in the following cases:

  • Within your union, a new round of relations will begin. Favorable - the result will be an exit to a new level of relations. Partners will learn to better understand each other and interact with each other
  • If the alignment is performed at the beginning of the life of partners together, they will have to go through a period of grinding in to each other. This is indispensable, so be patient
  • At the very beginning of the relationship, the card indicates that the couple has every opportunity to create a very lasting, harmonious and long union. Love and caring attitude towards each other is not an empty phrase for lovers. Mutual understanding will reign in relationships.

The Ace of Wands symbolizes the element of Fire, therefore the card indicates the passionate, sensual and very emotional relationship of two temperamental people. Stormy conflicts will be replaced by no less stormy reconciliations. But despite the constant emotional swing, the relationship will develop extremely well.

Combination with other cards

The combination of Ace with other tarot cards basically means that your current ideas and projects will be approved. It is especially likely when the Emperor or the Court appears in the layout. The combination with these lasso promises a good attitude of the authorities to your ideas.

If the Ace appears in the layout along with the Two of Wands, it means that you need to carefully weigh everything and think it over before making a decision. This applies mainly to the sphere of professional activity.

In combination with the Three of Wands, the Ace indicates that you will be able to form clear goals that you could not realize before.

The combination Ace + Six of Wands foreshadows the early and successful completion of the current project at work. To speed up the process, try to find like-minded people and budget for advertising.

In combination with the Seven of Wands, the Ace promises trouble. On the way to the desired goal, there will be many obstacles that you will be long and difficult to overcome. Combined with the Ten of Wands, our card indicates lack of motivation and retreat in the face of difficulties.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Tarot card Ace of Wands:

To summarize: the Ace of Wands is the personification of the fire element. Therefore, she often promises the onset of some bright events, getting emotional impressions. Indicates that the business started will end in success. Tarot acquires a negative meaning in an inverted position and in combination with unfavorable lassos.

The value of the card in different hands

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ Layout "One card"

Total value

Courage, willpower, initiative. The card symbolizes the beginning of something new and calls for action.


The lasso heralds the beginning of a new romance or the revival of former feelings. The card, judging by the suit, can also symbolize passion.


The card does not portend health problems, with the exception of a possible increase in body temperature and an increase in pressure. A favorable period for conception is coming.


This is a favorable period for new projects. At the same time, it is recommended to apply a creative approach in the work. The card promises a sharp increase in income, but only for a short time.

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✚ For the future

A card that denotes a certain set of circumstances in which there will be a happy outcome. This card predicts the opportunity to take risks in order to get the perfect solution to any problem. The main thing is to start acting. Your health will remain in good condition, you will feel cheerful, which will allow you to be active. Pleasant changes await you in all spheres of life. Perhaps this will give rise to new stages that will be significantly different from the previous ones.

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✚ On relationships

This card personifies a kind of fire, a passionate flame, therefore, when it falls out during fortune-telling on existing relationships, it may mean that the relationship will again flare up with love and desire of partners. If people are already a little tired of each other and feel bored when spending time together, then the Ace of Wands is a sign that the situation will soon change for the better. If fortune-telling is made on future relationships, then you should prepare for the emergence of problems in mutual understanding at the beginning, but if you can overcome them, then the relationship will eventually turn out to be quite strong.

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✚ For today

Big changes in life: a new job, difficult tasks, the solution of which will lead to career growth; successful development of relationships (with all the opportunities for further marriage); a surge of new vitality and energy, cheerfulness. You are resilient and determined, albeit an impatient person with tremendous creativity, knowing exactly what to strive for. Ahead of you is a "white streak" in life!

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✚ For tomorrow

A map of inexhaustible internal resources. It symbolizes the opportunity to take active action, show courage and perseverance. The questioner is given strength for new beginnings.

Tomorrow, fate will give the questioner a chance to use internal resources to achieve important goals. You will have to show strength and perseverance somewhere in order to subsequently reap the fruits of your labors.

In the professional field, a bright and eventful day awaits, you will need to move a lot, it is possible to travel somewhere for work.

The card speaks of physical health and strong sexual energy.

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✚ What does he think of me

If you are in search of a loved one, you will soon meet a passionate partner who will surround you with love and care. This will allow you to get positive emotions that will warm your soul with warmth and saturate with vivid impressions. If you already have a long-term relationship, then there will be a joint change for the better that will help you live a good life filled with new emotions. Your partner is a good person who is faithful to you and loves you very much.

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✚ On desire

There are a lot of chances for your wish to come true. And start taking what actions are best now. This desire will help to bring something new into your life and to prove yourself in any field of activity. This card always says that the planned new business will go according to an excellent scenario and will bring satisfaction. During this period of time, you have a sufficient supply of energy for any conceived project to become promising. Growth is guaranteed in any kind of activity, so it is time to fulfill the most cherished desire.

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✚ On the situation

The first step towards future changes has been made. There is everything you need to achieve your goals. There are cardinal changes in life. New opportunities are opening up. There is a strengthening of the life position.

It is necessary to show initiative and act independently. The situation will end in triumph. Progress awaits you in resolving cases. Do not be afraid of new events and changes!

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✚ On the betrothed

The Ace of Wands, representing the element of fire, is an indicator of the outbreak of passion. Perhaps the revival of old relationships or a pleasant acquaintance. If you already have a boyfriend or girlfriend, then expect some refreshment in the relationship, which may well develop into a marriage proposal. There is no need to doubt this decision, because you make it with your soul, which means that it is correct.

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Nothing is able to stand in the way of creation. A seed planted will produce an unexpected sprout, wonderful and beautiful. This is not magic, but a natural manifestation of human effort.

The Guardian Angel shows that you made the right choice. You will reach your goal, you have all the means and possibilities. Beware of false experiences and move on.

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✚ On the King

Your choice fell on a courageous, strong and energetic man who is ready for action and change. Perhaps the birth of a child and moving. The priority is an active life position, fearlessness and a desire to change status. For bachelors, the moment has come to make serious decisions, enthusiasm and willpower. This is the perfect time to plan a joint future for years to come. The situation is stable, and the loved one never ceases to amaze with the desire to create a strong and loving family.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ For treason

The layout symbolizes betrayal, and these relationships are actively developing and are permanent. If you leave everything as it is, then perhaps the affair will turn into a serious relationship.

Lovers have very strong and well-established relationships. They envelop each other with love and care, not intending to stop. As a consequence, partners are considering moving to the next level.

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The Ace of Wands is the potential for any project. Its implementation depends on you, on your actions. This is the initial explosion of creative energy, motivation, spark, idea. You have the courage to achieve something new. It's time to start a new project.

When the card appears in the layout, you may be tempted to travel to an exotic place that you have never been to.

The Ace of Wands can speak of sexual energy. You can meet a person and feel attracted to them. The lasso can also signal the conception of a child. The concept is the great spark that ignites life.

This card opens up new opportunities for work. You might have a great idea that's ready to go.

This is a great time to change your daily routine, exercise, or go on a diet.

Value keys:

  • creative skills
  • inspiration
  • enthusiastic emotions
  • inexhaustible energy
  • courage, openness
  • agitation
  • new opportunities and projects.
  • male power
  • potential worth developing.
  • change for the better
  • personal growth
  • search for new opportunities.
  • favorable period in life

At the bottom of the map is a harmoniously combined landscape: a river flowing through a green valley, a forest on the shore, high mountains are visible in the background, and a castle can be seen on a hill in the valley. In the center of the map is a cloud, from which a hand emerges, confidently gripping a staff or wand. Green shoots sprout from the rod, which symbolize the beginning of a new period, the birth of a new life.

Interpretation of the direct position

Direct position keys: creations, creativity, new inventions, the ability to make the right decisions, the beginning, the founding points, the source, creative inclinations, career growth, activity, masculinity, money, material goods. Ingenuity, enterprise, resourcefulness, material wealth, the emergence of new opportunities.

New beginnings - it is necessary to dispel the fog of the past, drive away doubts, stop regretting the past and boldly move forward.

Successful undertakings in any spheres and fields of activity. The ace of wands is the successful implementation of the plans, the positive result of the existing projects, the completion of all undertakings in a positive manner. Circumstances and situations develop in the best way and have a beneficial effect on your affairs. All your dreams can come true.

But do not forget that inaction will not bring what you want, therefore, in order to fulfill your desires, you should work, be patient, be more persistent and decisive, and also learn to look for an extraordinary approach to solving the situation.

The ace of wands appears at the moment when a person realizes what he is doing, has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhis goal, knows what he is striving for, and most importantly, he has already thought about and decided how to act.

To implement the plan, it is necessary to attract all the resources and energies of the body.

Inverted position interpretation

Upside down keys: collapse of plans and hopes, loss of strength, bankruptcy, losses, gloom, failure of projects, unrealizable plans, decrease or lack of progress, apathetic states, powerlessness, ambiguous judgments. Postponement of the fulfillment of the plan. Deliberately giving up your goals or beliefs. A pause is needed.

Your plans and ideas will fail, your dreams will not come true, and projects may fail and will not bring the desired income. Also, collapse and destruction can affect personal life.

Most likely, you chose the wrong time to implement your plans, did not find the right approach, and your plan contains a flaw. Your mood also plays an important role - self-doubt, lack of firmness and determination - the result of a failure of plans. During this period, your ideas can bring you problems and complicate the situation.

You should stop and rethink what is happening, find the place where you made a mistake.

The inverted ace of wands indicates that you are not ready to move on, and fate does not present new opportunities, because you have not dealt with past tasks. Be careful and act slowly but deliberately.

Ace of wands at work

Ace of Wands professions: civil servant in various departments, conductor, sports coach, fitness instructor, motivational speaker.

Difficulties at work, overcoming which you can count on a promotion. Do not be afraid of risk - in this case, your actions will be justified. The emergence of lucrative offers and new partners. Making a profit and a stable income.

In an inverted position - a crisis state, lack of motivation to work and advancement, unwillingness to work, inability to complete the assigned task. A person is confused, does not know what he wants and what decision should be made, is afraid to make a mistake and does not know how to trust his intuition, does not know how to listen to his inner voice, and is also afraid to ask for advice.

New acquaintances or relationships that are ready to reach a new level and develop further. Respect of partners for each other, willingness to work on relationships and build a strong alliance. All this is accompanied by passion and sexual energy. It is also possible to return a past relationship or find a new friend.

Inverted position - unpleasant conversations with a soul mate, humiliation or fading of feelings. Disappointment in a partner, failure of expectations, unjustified hopes. Mistakes may have been made that cannot be corrected.

About love

Arkan says that there will definitely be a sexual spark in your love affair. This is a very passionate card showing unbridled attraction and magnetism. This is absolute, unadulterated pure potential. Sometimes indicates experiences that are difficult to control.


You feel like a lively, passionate person with great enthusiasm and optimism. If you are asking about what feelings a certain person has for you, then you should know that he is in a romantic mood towards you, he is delighted with you.

The person may even be quite excited about the opportunity to meet you and feel joy from the anticipation of meeting you.

Your partner believes that you have the potential to start something new and exciting together.

Ace of wands to health

The surge of vitality and the retreat of diseases. Energy and desire to be healthy. Strength of mind and immunity.

In an inverted position. Lethargy and excessive fatigue, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, baldness, inflammation, damage to the skin.

Interpretation of the ace of wands in relation to the situation

You have a chance that you should take advantage of and use it to get benefits for yourself. You have enough, both physical strength to solve the problem, and financial condition, which helps to realize the plan. Decisiveness and firmness in actions are required, then everything will turn out successfully. Doubt and anxiety will not lead to anything good.

Inverted position - you do not have enough strength to solve the problem, and even more so there is no energy to start something new. The answer to your question is "No." You need preparation, there are no opportunities and you have nowhere to take strength and energy. Nobody will help you.

When you figured out the interpretation of the ace of swords card, then you can answer next questions:

  • where do you get your energy, where is this source?
  • what ideas do you accept openly and with a positive attitude, and which ones scare you and prevent you from moving on?
  • are you spending your energy wisely?
  • how long have you had new ideas?

Interpreting combinations of the ace of wands card with other cards in the deck

Major arcana

Jester. You don't have enough strength to carry it through. Ideas and their implementation are not well thought out. Randomness of choice.

Magician Implementation of the project, there is a desire to act. Seek advice from a more influential and knowledgeable person.

High priestess. Learning something new, gaining knowledge. Gaining life experience, gaining experience in relation to a career and specialty.

Empress. Absence of children, inability to conceive a child. A result that will impress. It is worth developing creativity.

Emperor. Acceptance of neutrality. Stable results. Your superiors are pleased with your work. It might be worth taking responsibility for the project.

The Hierophant. It's time to think over your position, analyze the state of affairs.

Lovers. Conflict states, quarrel, rupture. It may be worth making a choice in favor of any option.

Chariot. Intrigues, conversations behind your back, slander. Thirst to win. Material development.

Force. In order to overthrow the enemy, it is necessary to search for weak and vulnerable spots. Passion and desire.

Hermit. Missed opportunities. The result from actions that is not noticeable. It is necessary to comprehend what is happening. The desire to retire and be alone with yourself.

Wheel of Fortune. It's time to take the initiative and solve the problem on your own. Offsetting the process.

Justice. Rejection of arguments. Legal issues.

Hanged. Lack of prospects and opportunities. Lack of energy. Failed plans. Desire to change the current situation.

Death. The ability to cope with a dangerous situation on its own. A process has been launched that cannot be reversed. The desire to leave the past and start living in the present.

Moderation. It is necessary to correctly calculate your strength and spend it in moderation, so that it will last for a long time. Finding compromises, loyalty, resolving issues peacefully.

Devil. The idea of \u200b\u200bdangerous and risky business. Obsession with something. Sexual attraction.

Lightning Tower. Your plans are ruined, your prospects are not credible. Something is out of your control.

Star. You are given a chance to carry out your plans. Search and understanding of their purpose in this world.

Moon. Unclear how to move and proceed further. Fog makes it difficult to see clearly. Doubtfulness of projects.

The sun. What was conceived is realized and brings you a favorable period and vocation.

Court. Delays in making a decision. Summing up, sentencing. Decision is made. Your bosses are good about your ideas and projects, they listen to your opinion.

World. Implementation of the plan. Reaching a new level. Ambition and emotions. Achieving worldwide fame.


Deuce. The emergence of new ideas and ideas. Stopping at what has been achieved, analyzing the situation and situation, evaluating the results. Weightedness and deliberation.

Troika. What you have accumulated during the period of stagnation and rest must be rationally used until the next stop. Formation of goals that you did not pay attention to before.

Four. Elaboration of details of events, thorough preparation.

Five. Disagreements. Actions that were not agreed, actions outside of plans.

Six. Promotion. Unexpected results. Business completion soon. Search for colleagues and partners is required.

Seven. Obstacles and strength testing, tests. Your actions may be met with resistance. Trouble possible.

Eight. You provide direction for your thoughts and actions. It is worth sticking to a thoughtful plan, now is not the time to take risks and change your strategy.

Nine. It is worth thinking about yourself. Spend the accumulated energy for your own good. Now is not the time to think about others.

Ten. The project has no prospects, it may be worth revising the action plan, or changing the ultimate goal. Your actions are frustrating.

Page. Learning something new. The results are insignificant, but inspiring to do new things.

Knight. Excessive display of passion. Dangers. A success that will quickly be forgotten.

Queen. Your life is in your hands. Growth of professional skills.

King. You create your own life. Luck is on your side.


Ace. It is worth taking a closer look at your partner. The emergence of a spark and the expression of feelings.

Deuce. Study of the terms of cooperation. Future plans.

Troika. Event scheduling.

Four. Suspicion and mistrust.

Five. Negativity consumes your energy.

Six. Turning back to the past, constantly looking back. Failure to move forward and live in the present.

Seven. Building plans.

Eight. There are new development prospects and opportunities for the implementation of the plan.

Nine. Overly comfortable conditions lead to stagnation and new opportunities do not appear.

Ten. Travel.

Page. It is worthwhile to thoroughly study the proposal received.

Knight. The arrival of new opportunities.

Queen. Plans for a woman's partner. The possibility of conceiving a child.

King. Plans for a male partner. Matured and purposefulness.


Ace. Ideal conditions for starting a new project. Analysis of the current situation. Expanding the horizons of activity.

Deuce. Indecision, which does not give rest, anguish and doubt.

Troika. The gap. Hobbies are not justified.

Four. Observation, search for a place to rest.

Five. Your plans are being destroyed.

Six. Search for new routes, search for solutions to the situation.

Seven. If you need to retreat, you should have a plan and moves to get around a difficult or conflicting situation.

Eight. Your options are limited due to your outlook. Broaden your horizons and see the world with wide eyes.

Nine. Your despair can be beneficial. Treat this energy with understanding and channel it in the right direction.

Ten. Catastrophe, collapse of ideas, anxiety, bad feelings. Search for answers to questions regarding the failed project. Search for the culprit.

Page. Inability to endure and wait. The result is a haste decision.

Knight. Clouding of the mind. Failure to meet deadlines and plans.

Queen. Parting with the past. Disappearance of optimistic mood.

King. Planning. Rational use of energy. Objective thinking.


Ace. Your projects will generate income.

Deuce. Financial difficulties. Excitement and desire to make money in the gambling business.

Troika. Professional development, career opportunities or training, professional development.

Four. Thinking over financial security, creating an emergency reserve.

Five. Loss of finance. The plans have no way of being realized.

Six. Receipt of financial aid.

Seven. For something that is unpleasant for you, you spend twice as much of your strength and energy.

Eight. Job search. Desire to learn.

Nine. You have a solid foundation to build new projects and implement plans.

Ten. Budget. Family budgeting.

Page. Reassessing the chances for project implementation.

Knight. Searching for a new path.

Queen. A plan on how to use a wealthy lady for your own purposes. Execution of what is intended.

King. Making plans to attract a wealthy person.

The Ace of Wands symbolizes new opportunities on the energy plane. This is a big yes card, the equivalent of a thumbs up in a gesture of approval, and which gives a powerful energetic boost to whatever you think or dream of. It can be an idea, passion, inspiration, or an impulse for inner growth. Sometimes this card means birth. You have a vital opportunity to rush forward energetically. Since the aces represent the potentials or rudiments of future phenomena, it is entirely up to you to develop these currently latent possibilities. This card depicts an explicit phallic symbol, suggesting hot and ardent action. You have a full tank, and if you are ready - squeeze the clutch and go with full steam! This card can encourage you to act spontaneously and make hasty decisions. If it appeared in the layout, it means that, most likely, you have long been craving for change. She represents the motivating belief that life can be much more interesting than it is now, and promises future success. It also reminds you that magic still exists in the world, and that by taking up the challenge, you, as a true magician, will be able to get the most amazing things out of your hat. The position of the Ace of Wands in the layout unambiguously indicates a certain impact point that determines your goal at the moment. However, there is a known case when the querent saw a carrot in a wand followed by a donkey - a decoy that could force him to do what he does not want.

Traditional meanings: letter. Order, edict, decree. Ad. Beginning, birth, beginning. Opening. Fate. New venture. Adventure. Strength, authority, authority, order. Origin. Principle, superiority, advantage. Premise, reason. Home, family, genealogy.

Inverted Ace of Wands

The Inverted Ace of Wands is a card equivalent to a thumb down and signifies inaction, "no" or "not now." But we should not forget that even with inverted aces, new beginnings are still in the air. You feel ready for a change - at least the desire or intention is clearly there - but the opportunity isn't there yet. It may be that the situation is not yet ripe and you do not have enough energy, or for some reason you are not ready to act right now. Due to this, you may feel disappointed or cornered. If your goal is illusory or not in accordance with the law, enthusiasm can quickly evaporate. If it was excessive, there is a risk of false start and rash actions. You may resist what is happening or refuse to take on additional responsibility. Neighboring cards can indicate what exactly is slowing down the process. Delays, cancellations, compromises and missed opportunities are likely, as well as property damage or wasted labor. Someone might let you down or leave you in trouble. Perhaps you are not really very interested in what is happening, or you simply do not have enough energy. Like all other upside-down cards, the Ace of Wands can indicate illness. In this case, the phallic symbol clearly states weakness or powerlessness. Perhaps your actions are ineffective. If you applied for a particular post or submitted a project, the result may be a veto, refusal or return for revision, or even an outright prohibition to act further in the same direction. Perhaps it would be best to revise your goals and plans, and even postpone something indefinitely.

In the Waite-Smith deck, the wand seems to take root in the heavens, suggesting that your ideas are rooted in the spiritual plane and advising you to act without hope for the result. Just as it says no to the outside, this card can say yes to the inside, promising access to innermost strength and energy.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this card can represent a torch - a guiding light that helps to make a difficult and dangerous journey through the lower world. Occultism associates with wands the concept of will, meaning the concentration of energy on a consciously chosen goal.

Traditional inverted meanings: fall, decline, destruction, decay. Trouble, discontent. Loss or damage to material objects. Unproductive work, futile work. Clouded joy. Unlawful birth or other problems with it. Tyranny, cruelty, persecution. Leave, quit. Bad start. Unfulfilled hopes.

Direct position

The Ace of Wands is courage, willpower, exciting ideas, enthusiasm. This Arkan means the beginning of a new path, great opportunities open up. Associated with it is an awareness of the joy of life, a sense of optimism and the strengthening of the worldview and moral principles.

The Ace of Wands symbolizes the element of Fire, which can cleanse a person from internal processes and layers that inhibit development and tune him into growth and improvement. This card suggests that everything is ahead and the potential is great.

However, the Ace of Wands in itself does not mean the embodiment of what was conceived, since for excellent prospects it is still necessary to find ways of implementation, because successful ideas, "Napoleonic" ideas can fade away in vain, having existed only on paper or in someone's head.

It is very fortunate if, in the course of the implementation of plans, the Ace of Wands fell out with the Magician, since such a combination means an unconditional "yes". It is just as good when Tarot cards are answered with the pair "Ace of Wands - Priestess" when asked about admission to the university. In addition, with the Eight of Wands, the Ace of Wands is interpreted as the fulfillment of desires, and with the Ace of Cups - inspiration and a feeling of happiness from a new idea, idea, intention.

Inverted position

The inverted Ace of Wands symbolizes a forced stop due to the need to reassess the situation. It can be an idea that comes to naught due to thoughtlessly wasted opportunities or inaction.

This Arcanum is like a devouring fire that eats up human potential, good prospects, strength and energy. It is very well illustrated by a person who is passively lying on the couch, who responds to all calls to get up, shake himself and start doing something with an apathetic “why?”.

Some of the combinations of the Ace of Wands in an inverted position with other Arcana are especially significant. So, together with the Ace of Cups, the inverted Ace of Wands means despair from failure or problems that have arisen, with the Moon - a complete lack of understanding of how to proceed, with the Devil - the destruction of plans due to someone's cunning, intrigues.

Love and relationships

Direct position

In terms of personal relationships, the Ace of Wands indicates a new acquaintance, which promises to develop into a successful union of two people who are ready to meet each other and respect the inner world of their partner. Or - to revive old relations, which will develop rapidly. Justifying belonging to the element of Fire, the Ace of Wands unequivocally speaks of passion (including, together with the Force), the kindled flame of love (especially in combination with the Lovers), sexuality.

If the Ace of Wands fell to a person who has been married for a long time, then this is interpreted as a renewal of marital relations, a fresh stream that poured into them and makes the spouses fall in love with each other again.

In combination with the Empress, the Ace of Wands is interpreted quite definitely - as the birth of a child. And with the World this Arkan is interpreted by some tarologists as a successful marriage.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Ace of Wands may mean the need for an unpleasant conversation with a loved one, a feeling of humiliation, fading feelings and disappointment. In some cases, it can be interpreted as damage (for example, in combination with the Devil).

An inverted Ace of Wands for relationships may indicate that a person has made a lot of mistakes, some of which can be fatal.

Among other things, the inverted Ace of Wands together with the Empress is the impossibility of having children, with the Lovers - quarrels and conflicts, and with the Nine of Cups - emotional dependence or attempts to forcibly keep your partner close to you.


Direct position

Professionally, this Arkan shows that it's time to stop working for someone, and you need to organize your own business. And also that there are difficult tasks ahead, having completed which, a person will take a significant step up the career ladder. And also - that one should not be afraid to take risks, because in this case the risk is quite justified and creative.

The neighboring Arcana usually helps to clarify the ambiguity of the Ace of Wands. For example, the Ace of Wands in combination with the Emperor means all kinds of support from the leadership, with the Wheel of Fortune - the need to take the initiative, with the Sun - the glory that the realization of his plans will bring to a person.

Inverted position

An inverted Ace of Wands for a career is its crisis, a lack of motivation for conscientious performance of its professional duties, inability to complete the task at hand. Such an Ace of Wands is a clear indicator that a person is rushing between two fires, not knowing what decision to make; or that a very inopportune moment has been chosen to start the implementation of the plan; or that the planning and financial aspects of the case are not given due attention, and on this basis, very unpleasant consequences can arise.

Be attentive to the combination of the inverted Ace of Wands with the Hanged Man, because it symbolizes the complete futility of the plan, and also with the Jester, since this combination denotes the inability to complete what was started.

Be decisive and proactive. You have every chance of getting off the ground that has been thought for a long time, but has never been realized. You may face some difficulties, but your own charisma will be quite enough for you to cope with them. In addition, it is very likely that you will find sensible helpers and advisers.

The Ace of Wands is the first step towards gaining meaningful life experience, it is a map of beginnings, initiatives and actions. There is something akin to the Magician, and it is no coincidence - after all, it is the Rod that the Magician holds in his raised hand. As in the case of the Magician, the card means not only fully conscious desires, but also sufficient strength to fulfill them.

It is believed that the Ace of Wands mainly refers to matters of career and social advancement, however this is not always the case. As in the case of the Magician, a person is usually quite well aware in which area of \u200b\u200blife he has long longed for positive changes. And this card informs that new opportunities and unexpected events are on the way, and advises not to be afraid of new turns of fate. Risk is inseparable from self-realization. "He who does not take risks does not drink champagne." If circumstances are challenging, it makes sense to test your strength in business, show courage and enjoy it!

The Ace of Wands is a spark of the alignment, it enhances the energy of everything that is manifested in it, adds a sparkle, and if the overall alignment is unfavorable, then the presence of the Ace of Wands is something like an already burning fuse. But if in general the alignment is favorable, then the Ace of Wands clearly heralds a bright streak of life.

It symbolizes something fundamentally new - a new idea, a new outlook on things, a certain primary creative act, creative thought, invention, enterprise (as a rule, all this refers to the business sphere, although not necessarily). Metaphysically, this corresponds to the stage of the birth of an idea, its embryo (or, perhaps, birth anew). The Ace of Swords has a similar meaning, but there is a strong emphasis on conquest, struggle with someone, victory, and the Ace of Wands is a symbol of a breakthrough to freedom, liberation, throwing off the shackles, new growth despite cutting off the roots (and sometimes due to this). It is the starting point, the departure point, the first step towards renewal and rebirth.

Any Ace is, first of all, an ACE! This is luck and strength, luck, a happy coincidence, some significant favorable event. The ace is given “just like that”, as a gift (it’s impossible to “squeeze” its vibration out of oneself, it is either there or not). This is the beginning of activity, enterprise, understanding. According to this map, progress is clearly emerging in business, a qualitative positive leap is being planned or already taking place.

When asked about the fulfillment of the desire, the Ace of Wands gives a positive answer, hope for a successful outcome of any undertaking (unless, of course, it is located next to the unfavorable Major Arcana, in this case it only emphasizes the unfortunate course of events).

Adventures, vivid impressions, some daring ventures, sometimes the opportunity to travel to new places.
One of the meanings of the card is clan, genealogy, origin (apparently, by association with a phallic symbol).

A card of liberated, unblocked personal strength and energy (albeit mainly of the male type), a manifestation of the fiery qualities of dynamism, enthusiasm, activity and fearlessness.

Entrepreneurship, courage, willingness to take risks, as well as inspiration, enthusiasm and personality. Strengthening will, beliefs and moral principles, self-confidence. Thus, in general, the Ace of Wands symbolizes life affirmation, optimism, and personal growth. He talks about a real opportunity to be inspired by some kind of business, to live in a special energy of an increased level.

Peak of activity, fullness of ardor. Illumination, tension of thought (the Promethean torch of the mind), the appearance of some exciting idea, the willingness to accept a challenge. Will, determination to fight if necessary (only less cold and fierce than in the case of the Ace of Swords). Feeling of triumph, celebration, victory.

The creative fertilizing power of God, pure demiurgy. An unrestrained release of liberated energy. The creative power of the creative masculine principle. The initial creative act is associated with sexual energy, which comes into play whenever we want something badly and manifests itself in any area of \u200b\u200blife where a person needs "gunpowder in powder flasks."

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of the Universal Tree, the very one on which, according to Edda, Odin hung “as a sacrifice to himself,” comprehending the wisdom of the runes.

A person perceives an idea descended from above as fire, it is imprinted in his mind. This is a creative force and a divine gift. The emergence of a concept, an impetus, the beginning and acquisition of previously inaccessible understanding, the emergence of a THEME, an idea, a new idea, a creative thought

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice is simple: strike while the iron is hot! Keep your eyes and ears open so you don't miss the moment. Take courage and do what you did not dare to do.

The disadvantages of the Ace of Wands stem from increased energy. This is an excessive longing for the distance and complete indifference to what is not included in the sphere of interests, a lack of patience, stubbornly following your course, regardless of your needs and the needs of others. Stubbornness, pressure. In fact, the caveat is not to behave like the "club of the people's war." The ability to trust your instincts is good, but still up to a point. Besides, as one witty modern tarot reader has noted, this is an attempt to solve old problems on a new scale.

Getting satisfaction from work (which often belongs to the "Fire it up!" Area). An inspiring start to a new business venture. Good ideas, smart plans, good circumstances. New successful business, profitable travel, promotion. Creativity, something creative - a solution, an invention, a new idea. Surrendering to the cause with all the ardor, a person reveals his potential at full capacity. And the result is likely to be a well-deserved triumph.

Traditionally, it is believed that the "career" suit of wands has to do with the concept of social prestige. It is he who is at stake, therefore, words such as exaltation and humiliation can be associated with the Ace of Wands. The beginning that the card symbolizes can lead a person to universal recognition and fame, or to a deterioration in reputation.

House. Perhaps an inheritance. Income. Usually the Ace of Wands means financial well-being as a result of career success (they pay well for effective work). New source of income, new place of work. An opportunity to earn money doing what you really like.

Initiative in love, joyful excitement, a flash of passion in an existing relationship, or a new bright hobby. True, this Ace usually does not promise much duration for the case. Any Ace is a chance that you can use. And to do it or not, everyone decides for himself. But in general, the Ace of Wands is distinguished by the exceptional power of intention, and the person described by him is simply flammable (in a good or bad sense, other cards will tell you).

Traditionally, it is believed that if a girl reads fortunes on a loved one, the Ace of Staves, especially in combination with the Arcanum "Sun" or "Peace", predicts a successful marriage, although after a while, but overall it is not far off. This is due to the fact that traditionally a very "official" suit of wands is responsible for the design and legalization of relations.

In the most ordinary sense, it can mean masculine strength: if it falls out to a man, then everything is in order with him, if to a woman it indicates the strength of desire, the fullness of sexual experiences (which, as you know, in both sexes depend on the specifically male hormone testosterone) , bright temperament. The Ace of Wands promises an ardent intimate meeting, a passionate date, a stormy night. "It will be hot!" he informs unambiguously.

Among the meanings of the card - conception, the birth of a child, generally indicates offspring (according to old interpretations, an inverted Ace of Wands is an indicator of illegitimate children). In the meaning of "inheritance", the card indicates good genes, inherited abilities.

Sometimes, in a stagnant relationship, the card carries a "runaway", a flash of outside feelings and the breaking of a hateful connection.
In the old interpretations, perhaps because of the traditional "government-career" value of the suit of Wands, this Ace is interpreted as an indication of a slow, stable and even development of relations. They say, do not expect drastic changes towards improvement or deterioration, but the current trend will gradually deepen, the card emphasizes the seriousness of intentions and does not allow to go beyond the bounds of public decency.

Maybe for some people this is true, but practical observations to date incline to the idea that the Ace of Wands is still a bomb. Usually manifestations are unexpected, impetuous and rather violent, and with decency here the matter is when and how.

In the field of relationships, the advice of the Ace of Wands is extremely simple - turn up the heat! And do it without waiting for the other side to take the first step.

Traditionally, very strict instructions are associated with the inverted Ace of Wands. This is a blow, a fall, a failure, a collapse of plans, death, bankruptcy, ruin, loss, loss.

Anyway, this is a firm "No!" in response to the question asked - even if a person is ready for change, at present the opportunities cannot be realized, hopes will not come true.

In a slightly more moderate version, this is an idea that will end in zilch. The card indicates that a premature start was taken or the start was clearly unsuccessful. The project was poorly thought out, lacking information, ability, resources, confidence to cope with it. In the inverted form, the Ace of Wands does not advise interfering in events, because the questioner may not have enough strength. Waste work, delays, cancellation of all kinds of agreements, frustration of plans are possible.
Sometimes the card means the absence of new ideas, narrow-mindedness, unwillingness to accept anything new, delusions, inadequate perception of reality, loss of meaning (purpose), decline, aging, insanity.

In the ordinary sense, for men - problems with potency, for women - an indication of the absence of a man, sometimes infertility or abortion (although the Ace of Swords is more informative regarding the latter). This card also indicates the wrong partner, incompatibility problems.

With the Two of Cups - love that is dangerous to reputation.

With the Ace of Cups - deep feelings, love, passion.

With the King of Cups - a creative achievement.

With Power, inverted Ace of Swords - great offspring.

With the inverted King of Pentacles - children will sin a lot.

Eternal Father.

World tree, Ygdrassil.

Lucifer, Prometheus.

Ignition spark.

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