"We're getting a divorce": How to tell a child about divorce. How to explain to a child why mom and dad no longer live together? How to explain to a child that we are getting a divorce

Wood materials and products 10.02.2021
Wood materials and products

In this article, we will talk about how to explain the divorce of parents to a child. Divorce is stressful for your family, the most vulnerable part of it is the child. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare it for this process.

By correctly informing your child about the divorce, you will multiply his understanding, acceptance and experience of these changes, reducing their negative consequences. Prepare for the conversation, try to calm down, pull yourself together, your stress and anxiety can be transferred to the child.

Talk to your child calmly, he should feel your protection and support. Do not put off the conversation, the more you put off, the more the child feels guilty about the divorce of his parents. Because children feel the situation in the family, they feel that something is wrong, they may hear some conversations, and since you are hiding something from him, it may be because of him.

Once you have made this decision, talk to your child right away. Build a conversation based on the age of the child, young children can also understand that now they will live with one parent, and the second will visit them. And this is not because his parents do not like him, this is how the situation developed. Explain to your child that your divorce is not his fault.

Different children perceive this information in different ways, the child may cry, may withdraw. Do not be afraid of such a reaction - just be there, support him, he needs you.

After the conversation, give your child as much time as they need to take in the information. If it is difficult for you to start this conversation with your child, seek the help of a psychologist. Below are three stories from life, after reading which you will understand what you do not need to tell your child when explaining the divorce of parents.

Three divorce stories

Divorce of parents

My father was a comrade, to put it mildly, strange, I realized this much later, when I grew up. But some words, as they say, "cannot be thrown out of the song." To fully understand the situation, you will have to “turn inside out” a bit.

I was little, but I remember very well how my mother cried quietly from everyone, and then met my father on the threshold with a smile and a hot dinner on the table. From the conversations of adults, I knew that my dad was "walking". After sorting out the relationship with my father, my mother lay in the hospital for three months, while my tiny sister and I lived with my grandmother all this time.

The father is with his parents. He came to us, played, read, in general, everything was as it should be, but everything was without a soul. Then he began to come every other day, after some time - even less often.

When my mother was discharged, her parents divorced. Some time later, we - my mother, me and my sister, who was only eight months old - arrived in a Siberian town, which met us with a terrible frost and strong wind. Thus began a new life...

I kept waiting for at least one letter from him to arrive. In the summer, when we came to see granny for a short time, five thousand kilometers away, dad visited us, but very rarely. At first, my sister and I were waiting for his “arrivals”, but, over time, they stopped.

When the school-kindergarten events took place, all the children were with a "full" set of parents. To be honest, my sister and I were envious. Now I'm not ashamed to admit it. We never received a “new pope”.

In all the time that has passed since the divorce, my mother NEVER said bad word about a father my sister didn't even know. Only good.

Mom did not put pressure on us, did not impose her opinion. All the questions we asked were answered, but without "darkness". In 20+ years, he has not tried to meet or contact us.

We know where dad lives now. But…. We no longer want to meet. What for? When arranging their new life, they safely forgot about us. My sister and I have long made our conclusions, who is who.

Friend's parents divorce

We had neighbors - a wonderful family of four - two daughters Galya and Tanya, good luck with my sister, and their parents. What caused the collapse of their family, the categorical aunt Valya did not hide - treason.

Their father did not share anything, he left everything to his wife, now the former, and his daughters, taking only a small suitcase.

Aunt Galya did not allow her to see her father, despite the tears and persuasions of the girls. She watered the former with slops at every opportunity so that it was audible for a kilometer. The flight of fancy in terms of inventing insults could be "enviable".

What happened when, after 5-6 years, Aunt Valya found out that the daughters were secretly meeting with their father, communicating perfectly with his new wife and their son, it makes no sense to tell. And so it is clear that there was a grandiose scandal. Feathers flew in all directions. As a result, the “go-ahead” for dates was nevertheless received, but what price was paid for this?

A bunch of reproaches of girls for betrayal, tears and tantrums of an adult woman ... Having matured, Tanya and Galina moved away from their mother and reduced communication with her to a minimum.

Happy together….

At the age of sixteen, Natasha, my then girlfriend, always laughed that she did not know who her father was - her own or her stepfather. Her mother acted wisely, allowing her to see her own father and stay with him for as long as her daughter wanted. This happens extremely rarely.

Both parents built new families, but…. They were very friendly with each other. How this could happen - many do not understand. I would give dearly to know their secret to maintaining such a relationship.

Much later, already having a child of her own, Natasha enjoyed the abundance of her grandparents. Of course, this is an ideal example in every respect. This is the only case I know of.

Unfortunately, life has scattered us all, and all ties with my childhood friends have been lost. We are now united by only one thing - the memory of the parents' divorce and their behavior after.

Conclusion based on bitter experience

One of my colleagues (let's call her Vera) decided to get a divorce, she thought about it for more than one year. And apparently the boiling point has been reached. She and her husband have an eleven-year-old daughter who was torn between her parents.

After Vera's tantrums, her daughter received something like nervous breakdown. The child considered himself to be guilty .... For what? Now the girl drinks a bunch of sedative pills and additionally works with a psychologist. Until Vera divorced, she lives separately from her husband, the daughter is afraid to meet her father. This is how it happens….

This topic is not easy, you may think that I have described it somewhat one-sidedly. But believe me, I have a few more examples of how people behaved during a divorce.

How to explain the divorce of parents to a child

Women! Girls! If it so happened that what you had was not preserved - and no matter for what reasons, find the strength in yourself to remain a Human. Yes, that's right, with a capital letter.

Perhaps you will now begin to throw yourself at me, but do not forget that in addition to your resentment and pain, there is also a little man who does not understand why now you can’t talk about dad, see him, or just snuggle up to a big and strong, so dear, person in their life.

This is your and only your disassembly, children have the right to love both of you. Divorced - you, but not the children with their parents.

No need to ask unsolvable questions like who "do you love more?". By the way, it's not just parents who do this. My grandfather once thought to ask me that. The answer was 1-0 in favor of the granny, so he was also offended by her. Silly adult...

A few more words about how to explain the divorce of parents to a child. Do not humiliate the father in the eyes of children, because, growing up, we draw our own conclusions. And if you find a normal man instead of the “ever-drinking bastard with a new skirt”, you will not be grateful enough. Do not impose taboos or restrictions, there is always a way around them. It is better to let everything be open, but under control.

I'm not saying that men are all perfect. We are all different, and no one knows who will behave in such a situation. God forbid you go through this.

Hello dear readers! Alena Bortsova is with you. Autumn is a depressing time and brings back memories. Just now, my daughter is almost two years old, the same age as my son, when family life with her first husband went wrong. After suffering a little more, I decided “That's it. Tired. I'm leaving."

Mom then decided everything for herself, rented a room, took her son with her, filed for divorce. But for the baby, this situation is like a bolt from the blue. How to explain to a child that parents are getting divorced? What words to choose to say that we now live separately from the pope?

Divorce - as a way out

Two years old, five or twenty-five, the child always wants his parents to be next to him. Children's fear of divorce is often transformed in an adult into a fear of the death of mom and dad.

To be honest, I didn’t feel guilty when we left dad. I was 4 years old when my mother divorced, and all I felt was relief. Finally! No one will yell and run after us, no one will cry.

But I left my husband with a heavy heart. How to tell my son that we now live separately? Even though my husband was constantly on business trips, and when he arrived, he saw the meaning of rest in drinking, his son still loved him very much. He said the first word “daddy”, he always waited for the arrival.

My fault or merit? I so wanted dad and son to be close people! She constantly told how her father loves Andryusha, misses him. Suppose that when he arrived, the husband drank, he could simply turn around and leave, leaving the child alone on the street. In a drunken stupor he kicked us out. It seemed to me that if I would say, say, say that Tolik is good, it will be so.

Happened? No. Andryusha and I went to rented housing, at first the son even forgot to ask “why is there no dad?”. Kindergarten, a lot of new worries, other people around. How much does a three-year-old need to get distracted?

I didn't let myself forget. You know, many adults are extremely unceremonious, even kids like to ask us about family details. Therefore, I immediately put before ex-husband condition:

“I leave you a drill, and you communicate with the child!”

And he came, even stayed with Andryusha for a couple of hours. And then he disappeared for two long months.

To the questions “why doesn’t dad come?” I have always had an answer:

  • He has a lot of work.
  • You understand how important your father is, without him everything will go wrong at the construction site.
  • Dad is very bored, he chooses a gift for you, he just can’t pick it up. What do you want more?
  • When the weekend comes, we will go to visit grandma, and then we will decide how we can see dad.

I also bought various little things, gave them to my son, presenting them on behalf of his father. She called on her mobile, forced her ex-husband to talk to Andryusha.

Let your father not be with us - he is still your dad!

My position has always been different from the usual decisions of divorced women. When my friend screamed into the phone “You will never see a child! I forbid you to meet! ”, She was simply surprised. What for? What are the benefits of a ban? In my opinion, none.

I have spent many years force ex-husband communicate with the child. These are his parental responsibilities by law, by conscience, finally! What to do if the ex-spouse categorically does not want to see the child? Press on pain points:

  • Call his mother: oh, you need to wash the windows there, let's come and help. You tell Tolya, let him come in, I haven't seen Andryusha for a long time.
  • Threaten financially: you pay good alimony, well done. Although, you so rarely see Andryusha. Maybe demand from you payments for my maintenance? As long as you demand to refuse, at least the child will see you.

An adequate person can be persuaded, asked and promised. Dad did not leave the child, he broke up with mom. Advantages of communication between the baby and the father:

  • Variety of activities.
  • The opportunity to “breathe” with mom.
  • The husband sees that the child is taken care of.
  • The kid understands that both parents love him.

You can organize meetings anywhere: at home, let the child go to his father's home, go to the park. It was most convenient for us to communicate with the mother-in-law.

Is there a result!

I don’t know if I did everything right, but a positive result appeared only when the ex-husband met his second wife. She is eternally grateful!

We did not immediately establish neutrality, the stumbling point, of course, is the child of her husband, it will take a long time to talk about this. The only thing, I note, after Tolik began to live with her, he began to pay more attention to Andryusha. From our side, all meetings are encouraged. Rules apply:

  • Do not discuss gifts.
  • Do not judge, even if there were no gifts (two years even for a birthday, aaaaa!!!).
  • Don't talk nasty things about your father: he's bad, he let him work at the circular! (the second dad discussed this situation with the first dad personally and asked not to give Andryusha dangerous tools).
  • We always let you come, we always let you pick us up.
  • Papa is always Papa. Just call him that.

My second husband also made a great contribution in support of the authority of his own father. Therefore, Andryusha never had the feeling that his father had abandoned him.

Family relationships are subtle structures, I hope my revelations will help someone build communication between an ex-husband and children. Peace to your families.

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Question to the psychologist:

Good day! The situation is the following. I am going to divorce my husband, a daughter was born in marriage, she is now 4.8 years old. I don’t know if it is necessary to indicate the reason for the divorce here, but in short, I’ll probably tell you. My husband is an addict (gambling, drug pills). She endured for a long time, hoping that he would change, give up all this for the sake of the family, but all in vain. The daughter grew up, seeing our spoiling relationship, quarrels, scandals, she drank pills with her, leaving them in a conspicuous place. He treated her well, but I did not see much zeal to spend time with her. Those. came home from work, hugged, lied and that's it. He never showed any initiative, even just to go for a walk with her. The situation turned in such a way that I had to leave the apartment where we lived together and where my daughter and I were registered, but he was not registered there. Now we live with my parents, in a completely different area (In the same city). But my daughter went to kindergarten, and therefore I want to return to the city, gradually get on my feet, get a job, rent an apartment. I did not think that, due to her age, she would ask me questions that were not childish at all regarding this situation, but rather, she was probably more afraid to answer them. I turned to you to help me understand if my daughter at that age understands what happened and how she sees it, the situation as a whole. What to say to her when she asks where her dad is, when will he arrive (a month has passed since our move, and he never even tried to call or come to us), why he does not come, when will we return home, where they lived, etc. This is the first time I've been in this situation, so I look forward to your advice. I will be very grateful.

The psychologist Lelyuk Alina Vladimirovna answers the question.

Olga, hello!

Divorce is a nuisance for adults and sometimes painful experiences for children. And to minimize stress, try to give your child as much time as possible. Talk and play. So that she does not have a feeling of no need for anyone. My dad is gone and my mom doesn't need me either. Now your child needs even more of your love, care and attention.

You need to talk to your child about this topic. In a calm atmosphere and together (without your parents). You need to say that mom and dad decided to live separately. To quarrel less and hurt each other in this way. That this sometimes happens when adults decide to live separately.

If you are not sure that you will get a divorce, say that for now it will be so, and then it will be seen. If you are 100% sure about the divorce, say so that it will always be so. At the same time, you do not need to go into details and tell your daughter how bad her dad is. He is bad for you. To her, he is a father.

Therefore, in the future, no matter what you feel for your husband, the child does not need to know about it. You don’t need to tell as much frankly how he offended you or how he behaved inappropriately. May he be good to her. Having matured, the daughter herself will understand everything and draw conclusions.

And ask your parents not to scold her dad in front of their daughter, not to discuss the details of your family life detailing how bad he was. Your daughter doesn't need to hear it.

So that the daughter does not have a feeling of guilt that she is bad or did something wrong and therefore dad left, it is necessary to say that mom and dad love her very much. Even after you live without a dad, dad will still love her. And you will love her very much too. And when dad can, he will come to her. At the same time, do not promise what you are not sure about.

Olenka, be prepared for the fact that the child will not immediately accept and understand everything that you tell. And from time to time, the daughter will return to this, ask questions. And you will need to answer the same questions over and over again as calmly and honestly as possible. Because children need time to figure out what happened to their parents.

If you have contact with your husband, agree on when and how often he will visit the child. Also about the fact that the two of you do not say nasty things to each other in front of a child. That none of you will turn the child against the other parent. Without interfering in this way with your daughter in your adult showdown.

“I turned to you to help me understand if my daughter at that age understands what happened and how she sees it, the situation as a whole” - children understand much more than we imagine. Or rather, they feel. And long before your decision to divorce, your daughter understood that something was wrong between her parents. Moreover, she was also present at your showdown.

Therefore, the child does not need to lie. You need to say enough for her to clarify the situation for herself. She loves her mom and dad equally. And she needs and it is important to know what happened. At this age, children can imagine that it is because of them that their parents quarrel. You need to say, as often as possible, that you and dad love her very much and will always love her.

So it turns out that the material problems of the mothers left alone and their depressed state cannot but affect the children, even with proper care for the babies and the external well-being of such small families.

  • From 3.5 to 6 years. The behavior of children of this age is distinguished by an acute reaction to the divorce of their parents. Unable to take one or the other side of the conflict, they begin to blame themselves for such a bitter situation. The child's perception of the world is disturbed, he withdraws from events, experiencing self-abasement and depression. How what is happening will affect the self-esteem of such a baby is easy to predict.
  • From 7 to 9 years. In these children, self-guilt is replaced by anger at their parents and adults in general. Most often it goes to the father, on whom the baby is extremely offended because he and his mother were left alone.
  • From 10 to 12 years old.

And after the divorce, the child is discouraged, knocked out of his usual way of life and feels unusual. He needs to get comfortable. And at the slightest suspicion of a deterioration in the state of mind of the baby, it is better to go to a child psychologist. In the first six months after breaking off relations with an ex-spouse, it’s good if the baby’s lifestyle is not full of abrupt regime changes, moving, and changes in impressions.
The child needs to understand that his position is stable, and nothing will prevent him from communicating with his father, grandfather and grandmother. If such communication is difficult, then it would be reasonable to ask for help from male relatives who are familiar to the baby. Attention at this time the baby needs more than ever, as well as heart-to-heart conversations with the baby.
It is easy for an adult to figure out what owns him, what hurts his soul or suffocates resentment.

How to explain the divorce of parents to a child in an accessible way


So talk to your child about what is happening and why. He really needs explanations and your support.

  • Older children understand the situation better. They are often more angry than babies, and take offense for a long time.


Many become strongly attached to one of the parents and completely take his side.

  • Adolescence is a time of drastic changes in life and the search for one's identity, friends, and future. During this period, the divorce of parents becomes the collapse of the whole world, although right now stability and constancy are extremely important. Everything else begins to seem to a teenager unreliable, doubtful.

  • Therefore, the separation of mom and dad often causes psychological trauma even to an adult child.

    Children react to the news of their parents' divorce in different ways, so be prepared for anything: tantrums, tears, ignoring the situation.

    How can parents explain divorce to their children?

    The most valuable and feasible advice from a psychologist: do not be afraid to spoil your child! Let him feel the care and participation of both parents and grandparents. Think about the common interests of the baby and dad. Perhaps when he picked up the child from the garden, they went to look at the robots in the shop window or he read him a bedtime story in a funny voice. Ideally, this should continue for the first time.


    If not possible, then mom will have to take it upon herself. The kid does not need to know the true reasons for the separation of the spouses. It is enough that dad and mom can no longer live together, as it is difficult for them to negotiate, and they often quarrel.

    It is better to keep silent about the fact that a third appeared in a relationship. How to behave with a teenager Telling a teenager about the current situation is even more difficult. At this age, a person tries to be older and more independent than he really is.

    How to explain to a child that parents cannot live together.

    A child is not a psychotherapist No matter how hard the divorce is, no matter how bad or good the spouse who left the family does, it is impossible for an adult, succumbing to a storm of emotions, to pour out all the feelings on the children. You should not retell the details of the conflict, ask for understanding from the child and force, perhaps unwittingly, the child to be a judge in a dispute between divergent adults. How often these same adults, not noticing the children nearby, throw incredible mud at each other. Which side should the child choose in this case? Who will shout louder or slam the door? More often, the child remains on the side of the mother, who, in response to insults, begins to react in a feminine way, to cry. The authority of the father collapses, and then respect and pity for the mother may also disappear in the same way.

    Divorce: how to explain to children why parents are no longer together

    Dad can say this: “Mom is very upset, it’s hard for all of us. Let's take a break and talk a bit later." Be lenient if your husband or wife is unable to handle the situation.
    You started this difficult conversation for the sake of children who are having a very hard time. Psychologists give a few more recommendations about what to say and what not to do:

    1. Since you have decided to tell your child about the divorce, do not give him false hopes that the parents will get back together.
    2. Do not scold, do not insult your husband / wife in the presence of children.
    3. If possible, avoid the phrase “we don’t love each other anymore,” otherwise it will seem to the child that someday you will stop loving him too.
    4. Do not interfere in the child's relationship with your husband / wife, do not manipulate, forcing you to choose a "bad" and "good" parent.

    How to explain divorce to a child

    If the baby is still very small, does not know how to speak and understands only some of your words, it is clear that explaining something to him will be superfluous. With all the desire, the baby simply will not understand you. And this, in my opinion, is ideal. Of course, it will be unrealistically difficult for you to stay with the baby in your arms without the support of your husband.

    But for a child, it will be the best. He will not have unpleasant memories associated with the divorce of his parents in his memory. Children are very worried at such moments. Therefore, it is better for the baby to simply have nothing to remember. If the child is already 2-3 years old or more, he may not understand what a divorce is, but he will definitely notice the absence of one of the parents.

    Most likely - will call him and cry. The most important thing in this situation is endurance and patience. By the way, there are many cases when, because of the baby, the parents again converged and lived together happily ever after.

    How to tell a child that parents are getting divorced?

    But, if quarrels and swearing are constant, then it is impossible to live with it.

    • It’s bad when a showdown does not bring relief, when the problem is not solved, and mom cries every day.
    • Family is happiness, but it is impossible to live together when it became difficult for parents to live under the same roof. If you part, then apart you can become happy again.
    • Parents will no longer live together, but they will remain the closest to their children, wherever they are.
    • The child is not to blame for the separation of the parents, he is the greatest happiness that was in their life, their pride and joy.
    • The blame for what is happening lies only with adults, they are very sorry, but it is already impossible to change anything.

    You can not leave the baby alone with his thoughts after such a serious conversation. You need to listen to his opinion and his understanding of the situation.

    How to explain the divorce of parents to a child

    For a child, both parents are equal, it is easy to destroy his world, and it will take a very long time to restore it. Back to index Honesty is the most important thing If the joint married life has lost its meaning, divorce is the only correct solution. To preserve the mental health of their children, adults need to remain calm and control all negative emotions. It is necessary to constantly talk with the child, explain to him that a new stage in life has come, that mom and dad want to live separately from each other. But at the same time, every time, day after day, to convince the baby that his life will not change, that he is still loved. Do not be afraid to honestly tell the child that the parents are to blame, but they can no longer change anything. It is necessary to listen and hear your child, but it is wrong to follow his lead in such a situation.

    Then both mom and dad will have the opportunity to calm the child and answer the questions that he will definitely have. Unite for a conversation with the child Despite the problems in the relationship, parents should discard the resentment that has arisen, reproaches, and together calmly tell the child about what is happening. Even if divorce is the initiative of one of the spouses, tell the child that this is your common decision. Use the pronoun “we” more often when explaining why you are getting a divorce and how you will all live now. Remember that now is not the time to get upset and bombard each other with mutual accusations. This conversation is not for you, but only for the well-being of your child. He must remain confident that the parents are still acting in concert. Therefore, adults should agree in advance on how to behave during an important conversation.

    Giving an oath of love to the grave, happy newlyweds cannot even imagine that they will have to leave much earlier - as a result of a divorce. There is nothing unusual about divorce itself, because not everyone can find a second half, and many, in the end, just try to adapt. It’s bad when children suffer from the actions of parents who decide to divorce, but how to explain to a child about the divorce of their parents and how to make the divorce less painful for him - this question is asked by many parents. A joint visit to a family psychologist can help with this, but you can solve this without involving a specialist, showing sensitivity and tact.

    How to bring a child to the fact that parents are getting divorced - basic rules

    Life often brings unexpected surprises, and even the most ideal families sometimes get divorced. The reasons for this are different - from the standard wording "dissimilarity in character" to the sexual dissatisfaction of partners. If you decide that you are not made for each other, have caught your partner in adultery and cannot step over yourself, it is time to forget about resentment and misunderstanding, and think about how to explain the divorce of your parents to your child. How emotionally he will perceive the message of divorce depends on the age of the child and how you present it, so do everything as the experts advise:

    • Before deciding how to explain to the child that the parents are getting divorced, resolve this issue for yourself once and for all. Misunderstanding of the child will be caused by false information about the divorce, and it happens that your “family ship” just rocked a lot, but the rocking ended, and you decided to start all over again.
    • What kind of mental trauma awaits a child who finds out about the divorce of his parents on the street, so it is better to present this information to him in a family conversation, especially if we are talking about teenagers who are especially sensitive to the separation of their parents.
    • In order to understand how to properly explain the divorce of parents to a child, one should understand that at each age, children will have to explain this differently. If we are talking about the smallest, then they do not need to explain anything, children from three years old perceive everything emotionally, and for them the main thing is that everything goes quietly. Teenagers are another matter - they will have to explain everything, and abstract explanations in this case do not work, the reasons for the divorce will have to be explained, but this must be done delicately, carefully choosing words.
    • If you don't know how to explain little child divorce of parents, it is worth, first of all, to observe the main rule - do not shout and do not quarrel among themselves. The child must see that the parents, no matter what, will continue to communicate and take care of him.
    • Speaking about how to explain to a child why parents are getting divorced, you should remember that you should not blame each other in front of the child, especially since both are most often to blame for a divorce.
    • Even if we are talking about divorce, do not forget to communicate with the child, praise him, as before, especially when it comes to teenagers, for whom the divorce of their parents can result in serious psychological problems.

    In order to understand how to explain the divorce of parents to a child of 4,5,6,7,8 years old, the spouses must have a detailed conversation, during which the main issues of the further upbringing of the child must be resolved. How to explain to a child why you are getting a divorce - it is easier to answer this question if you have the same point of view during the preparatory conversation. In this case, the child must understand the main thing - he is still loved, and they family relationships will simply change, as a result of which the interests of the child will not suffer.

    Often, mothers, not knowing how to explain to a small child that their parents are getting divorced, follow the “knurled” path, saying that dad is leaving for a while. Such a position is acceptable only if we are talking about small children whose consciousness is not yet sufficiently developed, but we must be prepared for the fact that in a year or two we will have to explain everything, and this will be more difficult to do.

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