Self-study of English from scratch. Learn English from scratch! Learning English on your own from scratch

Attic 10.02.2021

Today, English is a universal medium of communication. With its help, excellent career prospects open up. And one should not forget about access to a large amount of information material. Thanks to the knowledge of the English language, you can watch your favorite TV series at the time they are shown, and not wait for them to be translated and adapted to the Russian language.

The advantages of knowing a second language, and usually English, are very many and can be listed for a very long time. Learning Shakespeare's language is difficult even in England itself. But, everyone can learn the basics of a simple spoken language.

This does not require teachers and stuffy classrooms. Thanks to modern methods, self-study of English is a fun and interesting activity. And not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

IMPORTANT: There are no people incapable of "languages". Yes, for some, learning a foreign language may be easier, for others it may be more difficult. The main thing is to learn how to motivate yourself correctly and find a training course that is suitable for this.

Of course, if English is needed not for watching TV shows and reading your favorite blog, but for more serious tasks, then independent study is unlikely to help. We'll have to attend special, narrowly focused courses. But, and you can reach them, starting with independent study.

Of course, learning any language from scratch, including English, is much easier by attending special courses and communicating with a "live" teacher

But, such communication has several disadvantages:

  • such activities cost money
  • you need to adjust to the schedule
  • if you miss one lesson, you can lag far behind

Of course, many of the disadvantages of such training can be minimized by training with Skype... But, if there is no way to carve out several tens of thousands of rubles from the budget for such an activity, then the only way to learn English is to study it on your own.

How to learn English from scratch?

  • In order to learn J.K. Rowling's language from scratch, it is best to use a computer program or audio course for beginners. With their help, you can understand the pronunciation of individual letters and words. By the way, the audio course has many advantages in this.
  • With its help, training can be carried out without interrupting other activities. It can be turned on in the car when driving to work. If you prefer to travel by metro, then download this course to your smartphone and listen to it on the way.
  • Of course, the audio course cannot replace the visual perception of the English language. But, for this there are special online trainings. Choose the course you need and start learning

IMPORTANT: From the first day of learning English, you need to try to speak it. If you don’t do this, then you will not be able to speak it even when your vocabulary and grammar skills improve.

In order to learn English from scratch, first learn the alphabet, then move on to simple words - house, ball, girl, etc.

Choose a training where learning new words is presented in the form of flashcards. It should contain a word in English and draw what it means. Scientists have long established the power of visually memorizing information.

There is no need to try to memorize a lot of words at once. At first, new information will be easy. Then, new words will be memorized easily, and old ones can be forgotten. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to pay more attention to consolidating the new material. It is better to learn one new word a day, but reinforce all the old ones, than to learn 10 new words a day, but forget what you have already passed.

Where to start learning English?

  • Usually they start learning English from the alphabet. This has its own reason, you can understand how this or that letter sounds. But, it is not at all necessary to memorize its correct order. You can remember the pronunciation of letters without the alphabet. Moreover, they do not always sound like in this list of letters from "Hey to Zeta"
  • When you begin to understand the letters, try to read as many English texts as possible. You don't need to understand what is written there. Of course, interesting pictures in the text will make you want to understand what is written in it.
  • Then you can use online translators. But, don't put all the text in them. Translate one word at a time. This will help you learn the language even better and memorize a few words.

After you get comfortable with English, get a dictionary
  • Write down in it (just write down with a pen) all the unfamiliar words and phrases you meet, and their translation
  • In parallel with maintaining your vocabulary, you need to start paying attention to grammar. English has a very complex system of tenses. There are irregular verbs and other difficulties in the way of learning this language. All of them need to devote a lot of time. But it will pay off with interest
  • Don't forget about pronunciation. Even a person who understands well what is written in English will not always be able to make out what the native speakers of this language are talking about. They tend to speak faster than teachers and language school teachers
  • To make it easier to understand English, watch films, TV series and documentaries without translation. This is a great way to learn this interesting language.

IMPORTANT: Try to devote at least 30 minutes to English every day. For this, it is advisable to select a specific clock. So our brain by this time will be able to "tune in" and the learning process will go easier in a few days.

How easy it is to learn English: English language teaching method?

There are quite a few methods of learning this foreign language. The most popular are:

  • Dmitry Petrov's method. A polyglot, well-known in our country, invented his own technique and method of presenting information, which fits in 16 lessons. Probably, many who were interested in learning English have seen a series of television programs in which Dmitry taught famous people. Thanks to this technique, you can quickly immerse yourself in the language environment and understand grammar.
  • Method "16". Another technique that allows you to learn the basics of the English language in just 16 hours. It is based on educational dialogues, having mastered which you can understand English.
  • Schechter's method. This system of learning English was developed by the famous Soviet linguist Igor Yuryevich Shekhter. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be used for self-study of a foreign language. Moreover, a linguistic teacher who will be allowed to teach using this method must himself undergo special training and pass an exam.
  • Dragunkin's method. The method of teaching English, popular in our country, was developed by the famous philologist Alexander Dragunkin. He built his system on the so-called Russified transcription. In addition, he deduced "51 rules" of English grammar. Having learned which you can master this language

The above list of methods of learning English can be continued for a long time. The above systems are well suited for self-study of this language.

But, the best technique for learning English is Frank's method

English learners using this method are given two texts. An adapted passage comes first. Usually it is a literal translation, often with lexical and grammatical comments. After reading such a passage, the English text is presented.

The technique is very good, interesting, but it has one significant drawback - it is more suitable for learning to read in English, and not speak it.

How to quickly learn words in English?

  • There are many methods of memorizing words in a foreign language. The simplest of these is the traditional method. In a notebook you need to write down a few words in English (on the left side of the sheet) and their translation into Russian
  • It is advisable to always keep the notebook open and in a conspicuous place. Read the words and repeat from. Try to remember and go about your business. Refer to your notebook several times a day. After a while, you can write down a few more words. It is advisable to do this on another sheet. So, to leave it in a conspicuous place and at any moment throw your eyes on a sheet with words
  • If you don't want a notebook, you can use the card method. To do this, you need to cut sheets of cardboard into small cards. On the one hand, you need to write a word in English
  • And on the second, its translation into Russian. Turn the cards over with the English or Russian side facing you and try to translate the words that are written there. Unfold the card and check the correct answer

The card method is very popular

On the Internet, you can find online services where such cards are presented in electronic form. Thanks to the popularity of this method, it will not be difficult to buy ready-made cards today. But, nevertheless, it is better to do them yourself. After writing down something on paper, we write it down in our subconscious.

Don't try to memorize a lot of words right away. This is not very effective in the long run. Words learned quickly, as a rule, are quickly forgotten.

How to learn English verbs?

Basically, the above methods of memorizing English words are suitable for both nouns and verbs. But, among this category of English words, there are so-called "irregular verbs". Like the correct ones, they mean:

  • Action - to speak (to speak), to come (to come)
  • Process - to sleep
  • State - to be (to be), to know (to know), etc.

In school, such verbs are taught as follows. The students are given a list of them, and the teacher asks them to learn as much as possible from it for the next lesson. This list does not have any structure to facilitate the study of such verbs. Therefore, few of us were able to master the English language at school.

Modern methods are very different from those by which foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught at school

How to quickly learn English irregular verbs?

  • As mentioned above, you can use the "flashcard method" to memorize such verbs. But, unlike "simple" words, irregular verbs have three forms. What actually makes them wrong
  • To make cards with irregular verbs, you need to write the first form on one side, and two others on the second side. Moreover, the first form does not need to be supplied with a translation. And on the reverse side, you need not only write two forms of the verb with translation, but also provide a hint. For example, "alternating irregular vowel verbs in the root from to [e]"
  • The advantage of this method is that it is easy to use. You can touch the cards with your hands, memorizing the main shape first, and then turn it over and do the same with other shapes. Such training can be done both at home and at work. Students can take these cards with them to college and repeat verbs during recess.

Example of a card:

To make it easier to memorize irregular verbs, they can be grouped by:

  • the way the second and third forms are formed
  • repeatability or non-repeatability of forms
  • alternating root vowels
  • similarity of sound
  • peculiarities of spelling

All other verbs need to be structured not alphabetically, as in school, but according to the above principles:

How to learn tenses in English

Another pitfall for anyone looking to learn English is the times. By understanding their use, you can take a big step forward in learning this language.

In general, there are three times in English:

But, the difficulty lies in the fact that each time has species. The first kind of such times is called Simple. That is, there is:

Continuous is the second kind of times.

The third kind is called Perfect. Thus, there are:

There is also another kind of times that combines all the previous Perfect Continuous (perfectly-continued). Accordingly, the times can be:

IMPORTANT: In the special literature on English, Simple can be called Indefinite, and Continuous - Progressive. Don't be scared, it's the same thing.

  • In order to use English tenses in sentences, you need to understand what is happening? It is regular, it was yesterday, it is happening at the moment, etc. Simple times denote an action that happens regularly, but its exact moment is not known. on Sundays - on Sundays (no specific time known)
  • If the sentence specifies a specific time (at the moment, from 4 to 6 hours, etc.), then Continuous is used - a long time. That is, a time that denotes a specific moment or a specific period of time.
  • If the action is over, Perfect is used. This time is used when the result of the action is already known or you can find out exactly when it will end (but it can still go)
  • The least commonly used construction in English is Perfect Continuous. It is used in order to designate a process, the action of which is not completed, but it must be said about it at the moment. For example, "In May it will be 6 months since I study English"
  • To study the tenses of the English language, you can also make tables, as for irregular verbs. Just write linguistic formulas instead. You can use special literature. Better than multiple authors

It tells very well about the times in the methodology of Dmitry Petrov "Polyglot 16"

How to learn a text in English?

  • If you need to learn a text in English in a short period of time, then you can use several techniques for this purpose.
  • Before learning a text in a foreign language, you need to prepare. Namely, translate it. On the one hand, it is impossible to learn a text in English without knowing what is written there. On the other hand, while we are translating, something will already be recorded on the "subcortex"
  • When translating a text, you need to re-read it several times. If you do this during the day, then repeat this procedure before going to bed. We will sleep and the brain will work
  • In the morning, the text should be printed and posted in conspicuous places. Cooking food, the text should be in a conspicuous place in the kitchen. Vacuum in the living room, it should also be visible

The text in English is very well remembered if you record it on a dictaphone

Let's go to the store, headphones in your ears and listen, repeating every word to yourself. In the gym, instead of hard rock, you need to listen to this text again.

If the text is large, then it is better to break it up into several small passages, and memorize each of them in turn. Do not be afraid, learning a text in English is not as difficult as it seems.

How to learn English in your sleep?

At the end of the Soviet era, many “unique” methods of self-education poured into our country. One of them was learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bwhile sleeping. Before going to bed, a cassette with lessons was put into the player, headphones were put on and the person fell asleep. They say that this method helped some.

I all know that sleep is very useful. According to researchers working on this problem, sleep can improve mental performance.

Anyway, a slept person better "absorbs" information
  • But, for some reason, he absorbs it after sleep. English words from the player can only ruin your sleep. This means that the perception of information will worsen the next day.
  • But, sleep can really help. But, only if you take time to study English immediately before it
  • After such a lesson, you can get some sleep, and during this time the brain will “process” the information and arrange it on the “shelves”. This way of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas proven its effectiveness and is used by many people.
  • And this technique can be improved if, immediately after sleep, you consolidate what was learned before going to bed.

Learning English: reviews

Katya. To learn a foreign language, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to it. Every day for half an hour. Even one missed day will have a very negative impact. I definitely devote 30 minutes of English a day. Plus, if there is still time, then they will definitely take a bonus.

Kirill. Now there are a lot of sites on the Internet where material is presented in a playful way. I am learning English through TV series. I watch TV shows in this language with Russian subtitles. I used to read subtitles all the time. And now I'm trying to understand myself.

Video: Polyglot in 16 hours. Lesson 1 from scratch with Petrov for beginners

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis considered by many to be an incredible talent and almost a gift from the gods. But every polyglot knows that it is more about hard work and personal interest than about natural abilities, and even more so a miracle. Anyone can do this if he chooses the correct training method. We will share our tips on how to learn English for beginners today.

In the material, we will consider all the nuances of the educational process: from the motivational part to lesson plans and the transition to the next level. With us you can 100% learn English from scratch on your own!

In any business, the main thing is to take the first step. That is, it is not easy, for example, to spontaneously take and play 10 minutes of learning English words on a smartphone or to practice grammar for half an hour. The point is to purposefully start learning English, that is, to conduct regular classes, do exercises, repeat the material covered, and so on. And this is where the problem arises: how do you force yourself to do this?

The solution is simple - genuinely interested in English. Goal setting can help develop interest in your studies. Think about what you want to learn English for. A variety of things can act as motivation, for example:

  • Go on a journey;
  • Make acquaintances with foreigners;
  • Move to another country;
  • Read books in the original;
  • Watch movies without translation.

And even the most banal thing is a burning shame that everyone around you understands English at least a little bit, but you don't. This state of affairs needs to be corrected, right? So make that your goal!

The main point in setting a goal is to understand that it is 100% important and necessary for you.

And as an additional motivator, before mastering English lessons for beginners, set yourself the desired reward for achieving a successful result. For example, every 5 lessons held give the right to an extraordinary trip to your favorite restaurant or to buy some nice little thing.

The main thing is that skipping the next lesson does not become a reward. in no case should the regularity of the process be violated. As a last resort, it is allowed to postpone the lesson to a free day, but not complete cancellation.

The goal and rewards are effective mental tricks that are very important to use at the very beginning of learning English. Thanks to them, after a few lessons, a program will be formed in your subconscious mind that learning English is very useful and profitable. Well, in the future, when you begin to understand the linguistic culture and features of the language, on the basis of these partially selfish motives, a natural interest in further study will develop.

At what level to start learning English

Before you start teaching English, you need to determine the level of your knowledge.

It's one thing if you've never come across this language and have just now decided to choose a course for self-study at home the basics of English. In this case, you completely learn English from scratch: starting with pronunciation of sounds, memorizing the alphabet, learning numbers, and so on. The Beginner level training program is used to master these skills.

The situation is completely different if you have already studied some material in school lessons, university couples, or studied spoken English on your own. Then you are probably familiar with the basics of speech, such as:

  • Sounds, letters, numbers;
  • Personal pronouns;
  • Usage of the verb to be;
  • This is / There are.

If this is true, then you have already passed from the beginner class to the second level of knowledge - Elementary (basic). With this level, you can learn English for beginners not from the very beginning, but with more complex topics, for example. Present Simple, degrees of comparison of adjectives, practical exercises for verb tenses, etc. But, if you are not sure of the quality of your knowledge, then it will not be superfluous to repeat English from scratch.

How long does it take to master the basic English course

We all learn English or another language in different ways. Some memorize vocabulary in 5 minutes, others quickly grasp the basics of grammar, and the third got perfect pronunciation. Accordingly, for each student, some lessons are easy, while others cause difficulties and require more time.

Affects the duration of the training course and the chosen methodology. Group lessons with a teacher are usually 3 months long. Individual lessons can reduce this figure to two or even one month: this result is achieved by daily and long sessions. For self-study, the time frame is completely blurred.

Thus, the time spent on learning English is individual. On average, this period is from 3 to 6 months. Specifically, you can only speak if you know the curriculum and the student's abilities. Our method, for example, offers beginners to learn English from 0 on their own in about 4 months. Let's talk more about this tutorial.

English for Beginners - Lesson Plan for the Whole Course

This section presents the curriculum for the English course for beginners. This is a step-by-step timetable with topics for lessons in English for Beginner and Elementary students. The course is designed for 4 months and ends with the transition to the next level of knowledge. If you plan to study the language yourself, then the material given will be an excellent help in organizing classes.

General rules

Before we start studying the plan, I would like to dwell on the important points of the educational process. To obtain a positive result, the following rules must be observed.

  1. Always speak English out loud ... This moment is important not only as working out the correct pronunciation, but also as a psychological factor. Be sure to say out loud all letters, words and sentences, and then you "get used" to speak in English. Otherwise, there is a risk of never speaking English at all. But why teach him then?
  2. Don't skip uncomfortable topics. Yes, it happens that the material does not "go" at all, but this does not mean that you have to throw it. Neither does it mean that you need to understand it for 3 years until you become a "pro". If you feel that the topic is difficult, then try to grasp at least its essence. The use of "inconvenient" construction in speech can be minimized, but know what it is about and what you owe it to.
  3. Be sure to repeat what you have passed. Repetition is indicated in the plan, and it is no less important than the study of new material. Only through timely repetition the information is fixed in the memory for a long time.
  4. Maintain your own grammar notebook. In the Internet age, many people prefer to learn the rules right from the screen. But handwriting is necessary, because this way the information passes through you, and is better absorbed and remembered.
  5. Exercise in writing. Again, the more you write, the more you become familiar with the "foreign" language: you remember the spelling of words, the order in the sentence and the construction of grammatical structures. In addition, writing helps you focus more on the task and not make unnecessary mistakes.

4. Repetition of the learned vocabulary

Fourth 1. Building a dialogue

We use all grammatical combinations and learned vocabulary.

2. Working out the dialogue by roles

If you are doing it alone, then just change the timbre of your voice.

3. Singular and plural nouns

Methods of education, exceptions.

4. Numbers up to 100

1. Adjectives

General concepts and vocabulary (colors, characteristics).

2. Reading and translating text

Preferably with multiple adjectives.

3. Construction of sentences with adjectives and nouns in different numbers

For example, He is a good doctor. They are bad drivers.

4. New vocabulary

Weather, travel

1. Possessive nouns

Education and use.

2. Listening

3. Special issues

Words and sentence construction.

4. Repetition of all grammatical structures

Composing a simple text with the maximum variety of combinations and used vocabulary.

Let's summarize the interim results. In just a month of not the most strenuous work, you will learn to read, listen to English speech, understand the meaning of popular phrases, and also make up your own sentences and questions. In addition, you will be familiar with numbers up to 100, articles, basic grammar of English nouns and adjectives. Not enough already, isn't it?

Second month

Now it's time to get to the main work. In the second month of study, we actively learn grammar and try to speak English as much as possible.

A week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
The first 1. Verb

Indefinite form and general concepts.

2. Prepositions

General concepts + stable combinations like go to school, for breakfast

3. Vocabulary

Common verbs

4. Listening

1. Repetition of prepositions

2. Verb have

Forms and features of use

3. Exercises for practicing sentences with to have

4. Reading and translating text

1. Drafting sentences with prepositions

2. Listening

3. Repeat designs I like, There is / are, to have

4. Vocabulary

Daily routine, work, study, leisure

The second 1. Present Simple

Affirmations, questions, denials.

2. Development of theory in practice

Self-composing sentences in Present Simple.

3. Vocabulary repetition

1. Questions and Denial in the Present Simple

Drawing up mini-dialogues.

2. Reading and translating text

3. Repetition of phrases with prepositions

4. Vocabulary

Movement verbs, thematic selections (in a store, hotel, train station, etc.).

1. Exercises for all the nuances of Present Simple .

2. Listening

3. Repeat vocabulary + new words

Third 1. The modal verb Can

Features of use.

2. Time designation in English

+ repeat about days of the week and months

3. Vocabulary

Thematic selections

1. Repeat Present Simple

Drawing up a small text with all kinds of sentences.

2. Prepositions of time and place

3. Reading thematic text (topic)

4. Listening

Dialogue + vocabulary

1. Written exercises for the verb Can

2. Drawing up mini-dialogues on the topic of time

What time is it, what month were they born, etc.

3. Repeat numbers

4. Repetition of forgotten vocabulary

Fourth 1. Present Continuous

Forms and features of use.

2. Practical practice

Drafting proposals

3. New vocabulary

Popular verbs, adjectives

1. Questions and Denials in the Present Continuous

Working out for units. and plural

2. Learning numbers from 100 to 1000, writing and reading years

3. Countable and uncountable nouns

1. Exercises to use Present Simple and Continuous

2. Modal verb May

Usage situations

3. Hands-on May

4. Repeat count. / Uncount. nouns

5. New vocabulary

Third month

We continue to master grammar and add more variety to our speech.

English for beginners (month # 3)
A week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
The first 1. Past Simple

Use and forms

2. Practical practice

3. Reading and translating a topic

4. New vocabulary

1. Questions and negation past simple and Present Simple

Drafting proposals for do / does / did

2. Time in English

Vocabulary repetition.

3. Listening

4. Repetition of forgotten vocabulary

1. Modal verbs Must , have to

Usage difference

2. Practical practice

3. Drawing up a story on the topic "My family"

At least 10-15 sentences

4. Listening

The second 1. Writing Past Exercises Simple

2. Drinking much , many , few , little

3. Listening

4. New vocabulary

1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives

2. Practical practice

3. Reading and translating a topic

4. Repeated use of articles + special cases

1. Use any , some , nothing , no

2. Writing exercises for adding articles

3. The modal verb should

Usage situations

4. New vocabulary

Third 1. Exercises on the studied modal verbs.

2. Adjectives. As turnover ... as

3. Reading and translation

4. Repeat the tenses of the verb.

1. Practical exercises to use

Present Simple / Continuous , Past Simple

2. Drawing up the story "My hobbies"

3. Listening

4. New vocabulary

1.Exercises for adjectives.

Comparison degrees + as ... as

2. Imperative mood

3. Practical practice

4. Repetition of the learned vocabulary

Fourth 1. Future Simple

Forms and situations of use

2. Practical practice

3. Listening

4. New vocabulary

1. Questions and Denials of Future Simple

2. Writing exercises for the imperative mood

3. Reading and translating a topic

4. Repeating prepositions

1. Listening

2. Exercises for all studied tenses of the verb.

3. Compilation of the story "My dreams"

Use as many different times and combinations as possible

4. New vocabulary

Fourth month

The final stage of the course "English for Beginners". Here we tighten up all the shortcomings and finish mastering the grammatical minimum level.

English for beginners (month no. 2)
A week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
The first 1. Adverbs

Features and use

2. Indirect and direct addition

Place in the offer

3. Listening

4. New vocabulary

1. Turnover to be going to

Usage situations

2. Practical training.

3. Adverbs of mode of action

4. Writing exercises

Interrogative sentences of all times, combinations + special questions

1. Writing Exercises to Distinguish Future Simple and to be going to

2. Reading, listening and translating

3. Verbs not taking continuous

Features + vocabulary

The second 1. Practical practice of verbs without continuous

2. Listening

3. Adverbs of frequency

4. New vocabulary

1. Exercises for the studied verb tenses

2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers

3. Reading and translating a topic

4. View adapted video

A small and easy-to-understand video.

1. Tests for modal verbs and the imperative mood

2. Writing a story on any topic

Minimum 15-20 offers

3. Listening

4. Repetition of forgotten vocabulary

Third 1. Exercises for adjectives and articles

2. Irregular English verbs

What is it + vocabulary (top50)

3. Watching video

1. Reading, listening and translating a topic

2. Working out dialogues based on the studied text


3. Repetition of irregular verbs

1. Like / love / hate + ing- construction verb

2. Practical practice

3. Watching video

4. Repeating a list of irregular verbs

Fourth 1. Exercises to test knowledge of irregular verbs

2. Repetition of prepositions and adverbs

3. Watching video

4. New vocabulary

1. Drawing up a story in Present Simple using irregular verbs

2. Tests for articles and prepositions

3. Reading, listening and translating the topic

4. New vocabulary

1. Drawing up sentences for all verb constructions

2. Tests for 3 forms of irregular verbs

3. Exercises for adjectives

4. Exercises for ex / noun + few , many , much , little etc.

Having mastered this base, you will immediately advance to the Intermediate level. And from here it is already a stone's throw to fluency.

Excellent compilation of English videos for beginners every day

Success in your studies and see you soon!

Isn't it sometimes enviable for people who can communicate in English? These lucky people can easily establish contact with people in any country, be the first to watch untranslated new movies, understand the meaning of popular songs and much, much more. And what prevents you personally from getting into their ranks? After all, today it is as easy as shelling pears to start learning English on the Internet yourself from scratch! Don't believe me? This article will dispel all your doubts that it is quite possible to learn English at home yourself.

Yes, everyone can learn English. And it has nothing to do with various myths about genius, gifts of the gods and innate abilities for languages. It's all about setting the ultimate goal. It is necessary to be clearly aware of what you are planning and carrying out this educational process. The first thing you have to ask yourself is not how to learn English on your own at home, but why do I need to learn English?

Everyone has their own answer to this main question. We can only give you a little guidance and direct you to find your own goal. So, learning English is necessary in order to:

  1. Feel like your own anywhere in the world .

Whichever country you visit, there will certainly be people who speak English. In this way, you will provide yourself with confidence in your position when you are abroad.

  1. Study at prestigious colleges and universities .

High-quality vocational training is the key to a successful career. If you want to lay a solid foundation for your adult life, then an international diploma is exactly what you need.

  1. Build a career in large international corporations .

A prestigious job requires a variety of skills, including knowledge of foreign languages. With English, you will not be afraid of a business trip even to the most remote branch of the company.

  1. Expand your business opportunities .

The international market is incomparably wider than the domestic one, even if you live in the largest country in the world. In turn, communication with foreign partners and clients is unthinkable without knowledge of business English.

  1. Get to know the way of life in other countries .

Interest in the traditions and customs of other peoples is inherent in many of us. With the help of English, you can not only learn interesting information from foreign sources, but also communicate directly with local residents.

  1. Make foreign acquaintances .

There are never many friends, and having reliable connections in different parts of the world is not only pleasant, but also useful. Chatting with interesting people helps you practice spoken english and get to know the mentality of the country.

  1. To join international experience and an unlimited amount of information.

The most valuable thing in the world is information. And the English language opens the door to one of the world's most numerous repositories of historical and modern materials. With English you can keep your finger on the pulse of the whole world!

Here are just a few of the obvious facts to support the need to learn English. Try to deduce your practical purpose from this rather streamlined language. The simpler it is, the better, because initially unattainable peaks kill faith in the success of the entire event.

Let the goal be minimal at first - to watch and understand the episode of your favorite film in the original. This is not difficult to achieve, but the result achieved will give you confidence in your abilities and awaken the excitement for further study. And it's never too late to set a new serious goal, is it?

How to start learning English on your own from scratch?

And only after your goal is defined, clear and understandable, it is time to ask the question: how to start learning English from scratch on your own? Here, too, we will not stand aside and provide you with basic starting points for beginners.

Other English topics: Which British English or American English to Learn? Expert opinion

Getting ready to study

How to start training sessions? First of all, you need to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and plan your class schedule.

Pick up the necessary study guides, stock up on stationery and take free time in your routine. Time must be taken very seriously. It is clear that we are not studying at school, and we cannot conduct the study of English at home strictly at the same time. It is not the accuracy of the beginning of the lesson that is important to us, but the regular conduct of classes.

The schedule of lessons is selected individually. If it is convenient for you to spend 2 hours studying, then it is enough to study 3 times a week. If you cannot devote so much time to self-study, then you will have to study at least 30 minutes, but every day. This is enough time to learn a few new words or memorize a couple of grammar rules.

During classes, you should not allow yourself to be distracted. Limit the use of the Internet and the phone, if not required by the educational process. Also, do not listen to music and entertainment while recording the theoretical lesson material. Otherwise, your attention will be scattered and there will hardly be any sense from such activities. Keep your goal in mind and try not to waste your study time.

We master the basics

So, the goal has been set, the atmosphere has been created, and the mood for training is combat. What's next?

If we learn English from scratch, i.e. we have never encountered it before, then we turn to the very basics: the alphabet, sounds, transcription, counting and reading rules. As a rule, these simple topics are not difficult for students. But there is a catch here. easy lessons always want to scroll faster or skip altogether.

Do not follow the lead of laziness and momentary desires. Later, it turns out that you missed it, then did not understand, did not remember it, and as a result, each lesson will turn into an endless leap from old theories to new material. It is better to honestly and responsibly go through the initial stages of English lessons from scratch, laying a solid foundation for further knowledge.

Building an active vocabulary

When we have already learned the first basics of a foreign language, many people certainly have a question: how to quickly learn English? If there are no obvious prerequisites for this (for example, an urgent trip), then such a problem statement is nothing more than a manifestation of laziness.

Think how many years it takes a child to master his native language tolerably? Practically more than a decade! And we want to learn a foreign language in our country in a couple of months. It just doesn't happen. So be patient and get used to the gradual improvement in your English skills.

So, the next stage is active vocabulary acquisition. We recommend working either with thematic collections of words, or try to memorize small word combinations and stable phrases. Firstly, this way you will master a larger volume of vocabulary, and secondly, the skills of speaking and grammar will be improved at the same time.

By the way, the development of the skill of speaking a foreign language is the most important factor in successful study. And the more a person remembers related words, bundles, phrases and phrases, the easier it is for him to start building whole sentences. Without the ability to speak, knowledge of the language will become a meaningless achievement, and soon the memorized words and rules will simply be erased from memory.

As an additional, we emphasize, namely additional, a source for replenishing the vocabulary, various Internet platforms and mobile applications have proven themselves well. Their advantage is that they allow you to quickly familiarize yourself with the spelling and pronunciation of new words, as well as make sure that the material is repeated on time and is not forgotten.

Other English topics: A letter to a friend in English: structure, popular phrases and sample letters

But interactive applications have too many disadvantages as a stand alone tutorial:

  • a small number of words;
  • learning without context;
  • too frequent repetitions;
  • paid features;
  • the ability to answer at random.

And if you can somehow put up with the first points, then the last line on the list causes irreparable damage to the educational process. Following the lead of laziness, we begin to mechanically poke at the button we remember, without even comparing the correct answer with the question. As a result, our learning English on your own houses from scratch turns into an ordinary guess-ku, and the classes end without really starting.

Getting to know grammar

In parallel with learning new words, it is necessary to become familiar with the grammatical component of the language. And here a new question arises: how to learn how to work with grammar correctly?

1) It is necessary to choose an explanation of the theoretical material that will become easy for you to understand and understand. It's a good option to combine material from several manuals or articles on the topic - so you get the most complete picture of a given grammatical moment.

2) Create a folder with tabular material to help you learn English. These tables will be a good cheat sheet at first, but if you practice often, you yourself will not notice how you memorize most of the information presented in them.

3) Practice is the only way to learn English from scratch. It doesn't matter if you study at home or enroll in group courses. Each learned rule must be consolidated with practical exercises. A well-mastered material can be consolidated with online tests, and a complex theory is better to be worked out thoroughly, solving several exercises of different types.

The combination of all these stages is a complete answer to the question of how to learn English at home. Yes, this business is not so simple, but this is how everyone who today speaks English fluently learned. Plus, with the right teaching method, classes can be easily transformed from a boring duty into an enjoyable one.

We try various methods and add variety to the educational process

Beginning Searching for an effective method of how to learn English from scratch, we come across many options. Here are some of them.

Method Preparation level Efficiency
Listening to audio recordings Beginner, intermediate It helps to study vocabulary, practice correct pronunciation, and comprehend English speech by ear.

Listen to stories and audiobooks to complicate matters.

Reading English texts Beginner, intermediate Practicing reading skills, learning new vocabulary.

It is better for beginners to use adapted literature with parallel Russian translation.
For intermediate learners, reading texts in the original is useful for deepening the language environment.

Working with cards Elementary Working out new vocabulary, learning English irregular verbs.

It is better to draw up the cards yourself, because when writing words by hand, the effect of "mechanical" memory is triggered.

Watching films Medium, high Acquaintance with colloquial speech, development of new vocabulary, improvement of listening comprehension, correction of pronunciation.

For a successful result, before turning to this method, you should lay a solid lexical and grammatical base. Therefore, it is only recommended for intermediate to advanced learners.

Conversational communication All levels Chatting with a native speaker is the best way to quickly learn spoken language. It is recommended to start from the very first lessons: to increase the level of knowledge and at the same time improve the speaking skill.
Artificial reconstruction of the language environment All levels Ability to use a foreign language as a mother tongue.

Try to express your thoughts in English more often. Keeping records of impressions from the past day helps a lot in this.

We hope the above arguments dispelled skepticism about whether you can take and learn English on your own. Everything is achievable - the main thing is to get together and start. And we have already told you how to tune yourself in the right way. Good luck in learning and improving English!

There are many ways to learn a foreign language from scratch on your own. The first thing to do is to answer the question - why. Knowing the answer to this question is super important. Speech as a communication tool involves regular use - if knowledge and skills are not used, they are forgotten. Human memory is arranged in such a way that it hides unnecessary knowledge as far as possible. Everything that he managed to learn well will quickly be forgotten - then he will have to start everything from scratch.

Before you start cramming the alphabet, it is important to understand the goal:

  • communicate with airport employees, store managers, service personnel during tourist trips and have a good understanding of the interlocutor (colloquial type);
  • conduct business negotiations with partners (business version);
  • be able to read scientific (or fiction) literature (technical and literary options);
  • communicate freely with residents of another country (read, write, speak).

Important advice! Motivation is essential for success. With the right goal setting, it is easy to master the necessary knowledge from scratch on your own and for free.

2 main ways to learn

There are two ways to quickly master someone else's way of linguistic communication.

The first is practiced at school: first, they learn words, then put them into sentences, from phrases they construct a text. Phrases are built according to the laws of Russian grammar - this is a mistake. For this reason, high school graduates know a set of individual nouns and verbs, but it is difficult for them to quickly combine word forms into sentences, they have little experience of free communication.

The second approach teaches that it is better to learn a foreign dialect in phrases, and to learn to speak - immediately with full-fledged constructions. The fact is that the word in the context takes on a new meaning - it is impossible to describe all the nuances with a set of rigid rules. Any speech is phraseological: the meaning of an individual sentence is not equal to the sum of the meanings of individual word forms.

Hello dear readers!

How are you progressing in learning English? What methods and systems have you tried? Have you already chosen what is right for you?

Currently, there are many different offers on the educational services market. And, of course, for beginners to learn a language, it is very difficult to navigate and make the right choice so that learning is effective and yields results.

This article provides an overview of the best tutorials and my recommendations for improving the learning process.

About teaching methods

It's believed that self-teaching English language will help you quickly and without the help of a leader, mentor to master the basic course... In addition, it is a less expensive way to learn a language, which is important. Therefore, quite a lot of people choose this method. Is all of the above really true? Let's figure it out.

All self-study guides of the English language can be conditionally divided into several types:

  1. traditional,
  2. to master spoken English,
  3. for an intensive course,
  4. copyright,
  5. self-teaching art books,
  6. manuals from native speakers,
  7. online tutorials.

A good tutorial must be included with the app audio material!

Standard training

You can start learning from scratch using traditional methods, in which the presentation of the material goes from simple to complex. Here you will receive information about the phonetic system, correct pronunciation, intonation, basic grammar rules, and find useful tests and exercises.

One of the most popular in this category is "The best self-instruction manual of the English language" A. Petrova, I. Orlova.

Here one of the reviews on the popular website, which reflects the whole essence and content of the textbook: “I liked this book right away ... the text, simple and understandable drawings, a clear structure of the presentation of the material ... Everything is clearly laid out on the shelves: we start from the basics and finish at a significantly advanced level!”

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Speech development

For mastering spoken English, the following textbooks are suitable.

TG Trofimenko "Conversational English" ... Without learning grammar, you can learn to build the necessary phrases on your own. The technique, which is given here, will help you remember the necessary words and expressions, as well as learn the pronunciation. This tutorial is suitable for children too.

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N. Brel, N. Poslavskaya. "Conversational English course in convenient formulas and dialogues" ... This tutorial is recommended for advanced students who find it difficult to speak. It is designed to overcome the language barrier.

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M. Goldenkov. “Hot Dog Too. Conversational English " ... A valuable guide from which you will learn about the features of the modern language and slang, common idioms, business correspondence.

Short terms

Intensive techniques are mainly designed to train narrow specialists in any field. Here, acquaintance with new material goes in parallel with the consolidation of the topics covered.

Book S. Matveev "English for Beginners" interesting in that the author presents the material in an extraordinary way, taking into account the psychological characteristics of mastering a foreign language, makes various types of memory work. In this book you will find excellent reviews. “A good book, helps to learn the language from the very beginning. Complicated topics are clearly and easily explained, English words are easily given”. By the way, I have about the books of this author.

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To gain knowledge about business correspondence, negotiations and telephone conversations, I advise you to use the manual S.A. Sheveleva "Business English in 20 minutes a day" .

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Author's methods

I would like to mark the edition Dmitry Petrov, a famous linguist and polyglot. "English. 16 lessons " Is an initial language course that allows you to quickly start talking in English. You will learn the basic algorithms of the language, learn to apply them in practice, and turn everything into a skill.

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Native speaker

Here's a tutorial to highlight K.E. Eckersley "Self-Study of the English Language" ... It is suitable for students of universities and colleges. Excellent presentation, lots of regional material, and a cool selection of examples and exercises will make learning easy.

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Online tutorials

Lingualeo ... This service can rightfully deserve the title of a tutorial. So boldly register and use it - it's free. And besides this - interesting, easy, effective! I wrote about this service on the blog pages - for example, here.

If you want step by step work, then feel free to purchase a paid course « English from scratch». After it, you can switch to grammar by purchasing a course « Grammar for beginners» ... Also take the course « About yourself and loved ones in English». All this I am writing for those who do not know where to start the process here. I think you will succeed!

Another interesting and gaining popularity online self-study guide is Lim-English ... This simulator is aimed at the simultaneous development of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Study from 30 minutes a day and your English level will increase significantly! I tried it and I really liked it - now you are sure you will enjoy the result!

Nowadays, almost all books have electronic versions. Of course, they can be downloaded for free, but the world does not stand still. Everything changes, revised and improved editions come out. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be more correct to buy a textbook. You will receive quality material for a small fee and appreciate the work of the author. If you are not a beginner, choose audiobooks, they will improve your comprehension of foreign speech and pronunciation.

So to the conclusions

Yes, tutorials can be used, especially those that come with audio reinforcement are worth paying attention to. But be prepared for the fact that in the learning process you will have a huge number of questions... And you will not be able to find answers to all of them on your own. And the search will take too much of your time. Is it worth losing such a colossal amount of time? After all, time, as you know, also costs money.

In my opinion, for productive and effective study, as well as the earliest possible achievement of the result, work on the self-instruction manual should be combined . He will be able to monitor your learning once a week or two and purposefully lead you to a new level. By the way, in I did comparative overview of several online English schools - be sure to check out - who knows, you might want to change your course of English a little from a self-study guide to a real teacher!

In any case, good luck to you!

P.S. Do not hesitate to take a moment to look at the comments on this post and ask a question of interest, write about your personal experience, or simply supplement the information with your own best practices. This can be useful for you and for other visitors!

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