1 on the first day of exercise. First day at the gym. weekly exercise plan

Landscaping 27.09.2020

During World War I, Walter Camp was commissioned by the US military to develop a set of exercises to maintain combat form, and he suggested the "daily dozen" - short, regular workouts that keep the body healthy and agile without exhausting it.

Camp came up with this set in part because the existing exercises seemed too complicated and boring to him. Another reason was the already familiar idea that modern technologies are robbing people of the health and dexterity that were characteristic of our distant ancestors.

After the war, this set of exercises spread throughout the world. Brochures describing the "daily dozen" sold in the millions, as did audio tapes with instructions. The Camp complex became known all over the world.

What is a "daily dozen"

This is a simple workout that should be done with ease and enjoyment. It develops flexibility, improves posture, muscle coordination, etc.

Camp argued that exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, in particular the intestines, and also pump cognitive functions, improving brain function.

The Daily Dozen is suitable for any adult, but is especially useful for middle-aged people who notice some tightness in their bodies and sit for most of the day.

Daily Dozen Exercises

Exercise 1. Hand circles

Develops the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest, improves posture.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing up.
  • Slowly trace your hands into small circles about 15 centimeters in diameter. Most of the movement comes from the shoulders, with tension felt at the back.
  • Perform five laps forward and five back.

Exercise 2. Bends with hands behind the head

Stretches the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back, and improves posture.

  • Stand up straight with your hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, tilt your body forward to 45 degrees, neck in line with your back, look at the floor in front of you.
  • With a breath, straighten up, raise your head.
  • Bend back slightly to feel the stretch in your abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.
  • Straighten up. The head remains raised.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3. Raising the arms

Develops shoulder strength, strengthens the arch of the foot.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level, palms facing down.
  • With an inhalation, rise on your toes, raise your arms up 45 degrees.
  • With an exhalation, stand on your foot entirely, lower your arms to parallel with the floor.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4. Deep side bend

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and waist, stimulates the liver and intestines.

  • Stand straight, raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down - this is the starting position.
  • Raise your left hand up, lower your right hand down along the body.
  • Begin to tilt to the right of the hips, the right hand crawls along the leg to the knee, the left one twists around the head. At the extreme point, the left palm rests on or near the right ear.
  • Slowly straighten up, expanding your arms to the starting position.
  • Make a similar tilt to the other side.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5. Twisting

Raises and expands the chest. Stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight, with a breath, bend your elbows, place your fists under your armpits.
  • Continuing to inhale, take your shoulders back, bend slightly in the chest region, expanding the chest, lift your head up and look at the ceiling.

  • With an exhalation, move your arms forward, then spread them to the sides.
  • While holding your breath, bend forward to parallel with the floor, pull your arms back.

  • Straighten up and move your arms forward, and then spread them to the sides.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6. Squat on toes

Strengthens the arch of the foot, calf muscles and back.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, turn down with your palms.
  • As you inhale, rise to your toes.
  • Continuing to inhale, lower yourself into a squat.
  • As you exhale, rise from the squat.
  • Continuing to exhale, lower yourself to a full foot.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 7. Rotation of the shoulders

Strengthens the shoulder muscles.

  • Stand up straight and lift your shoulders as you inhale.
  • Continuing to inhale, push your shoulders forward.
  • As you exhale, lower your shoulders.
  • As you continue to exhale, bring your shoulders back.
  • Repeat ten times.

Exercise 8. Turning the arms

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

  • Stand straight with your arms folded in front of you, palms facing you.
  • Raise your arms in a circle crosswise (the right palm outlines a circle on the left side, the left on the right), at the top, turn your palms outward.

  • Lower your arms in a circle without crossing them (the right palm draws a circle to the right, and the left palm to the left).

  • Repeat five times.
  • Lower your arms, don't cross them. The palms are next to the hips.
  • Raise your arms in a circle, turning your palms out.
  • Lower your arms crosswise with your palms facing you.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 9. Head tilt

Strengthens the neck muscles, improves control over them.

  • Stand up straight, tilt your head forward.
  • Tilt your head to the left.
  • Tilt your head back.
  • Tilt your head to the right.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 10. "Mill"

Develops flexibility of the back muscles.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level.
  • Bend over, swinging your body to the left and bending your right knee. The right hand touches the floor between the legs, the left is extended upward. The head is turned to the ceiling, the gaze is directed to the left hand.
  • Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Do it five times in each direction.

Exercise 11. Body Tilts

Strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest and stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand straight, raise your hands above your head and interlace your fingers into a lock, turning your palms towards your head. The closer the hands are to the head, the more effective the exercise is.
  • Lean forward gently. The movement is controlled, without jerks and extreme inclinations.
  • Lean to the right.
  • Lean back.
  • Lean to the left.
  • Make five bends in each direction.

Exercise 12. "Wings"

Strengthens the muscles of the back and shoulders, develops the diaphragm.

  • Stand straight with your feet together, your toes slightly turned outward, your arms hanging freely along your body.
  • As you inhale, raise your straight arms in front of you.
  • While continuing to inhale, spread your arms to the sides.
  • As you finish inhaling, raise your arms above your head, palms facing forward.
  • As you exhale, make a tilt, put your hands behind your back and raise. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise nine more times.

Since the exercises do not cause fatigue and do not take a lot of time, Camp recommended doing them every day at least once, and ideally three times: morning, afternoon and evening.

Camp also advised supplementing workouts with ten hours of outdoor walks per week (a little less than an hour and a half a day) to support health and longevity.

5 two-minute exercises a day - and in a month you have a new body. Here is a 28 day workout programLosing weight requires, first of all, a transition to a healthy diet. It provides the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, and helps to improve the quality of life.

But no less important part of the new way of life is also physical activity, which will help to achieve the desired result faster. Thanks to these exercises, your figure will change for the better in just a month! 5 two-minute exercises a day - and in a month you will have a new body:

1. Plank.

This is a versatile exercise that trains the muscles of the entire body.

Lie on your stomach, rest on your toes and elbows bent 90 degrees, lift your body off the floor, it should form a straight line.

2. Squats.

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms and stretch in front of you. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend your knees and squat down so that your hips are parallel to the floor.

Also slowly straighten your knees and return to the starting position. Squats strengthen your torso, increase fat burning and shape beautiful thighs, calves and glutes.

3. Pose "Dog-bird".

Get on all fours. Arms straight, knees shoulder-width apart. Gently extend your right arm forward and swing your left leg back.

Then slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise for the left arm and right leg.

4. Raising the pelvis.

Lie on your back. Stretch your arms along the torso, bend your legs at the knees. When doing the exercise, lean on the entire foot or on the heels.

Raise your pelvis as high as possible. When lifting the pelvis, the head, shoulders, arms and feet are firmly pressed to the floor. Hold for 1-2 seconds in the upper position, then gently lower the pelvis to its original position.

5. Push-ups.

Straighten your arms from the plank position, linger in this position and return to your original position. If it's hard for you, start push-ups on the floor on your knees.

4 week exercise plan.

This plan consists of two workouts.

First training session.

Plank - 1 minute.
Push-ups - 1 minute.
Squats - 2 minutes
Pose "Dog-bird" - 1 minute.
Raising the pelvis - 1 minute.

Plank - 1 minute.
Push-ups - 1 minute.
Squats - 2 minutes
10 second break.

Second workout.

Plank - 3 minutes.
Pose "Dog-bird" - 3 minutes.

Raising the pelvis - 3 minutes.
Push-ups - 1 minute.

This is a full month program:

First week.

1 day - 1 workout.
2nd day - 2nd workout.
Day 3 - 1 workout.

4th day - 2nd workout.
Day 5 - 1 workout.
6th day - 2nd workout.
Day 7 - rest.

Second week.

1 day - 2 training.
Day 2 - 1 workout.
3rd day - 2nd workout.

4th day - 1 workout.
5th day - 2nd workout.
Day 6 - 1 workout.
Day 7 - rest.

During the third week, train according to the first one. As week 4 arrives, use the plan for week 2. 5 2-minute exercises per day, and do you have your own recipe for such wonderful transformations in a month?

"You hurry up, you will make people laugh" - folk wisdom, relevant at all times. This adage often comes to mind when observing newcomers in the gym. As a rule, the mistakes they make are typical and easily predictable. Of course, it will hardly be possible to completely avoid all mistakes - but it is still possible. To do this, you need to choose a coach for yourself, first study the basic principles, terms, concepts with him, and only then go to the simulators.

An important task of the trainer is to show you the technique of performing various exercises on the simulators, to help you calculate the load and select effective exercises. Supervised exercises will help you avoid injury and achieve the desired result faster.

What is important to know before starting training

It is very important to organize your own. So, between the last meal and classes there should be a break of 1-1.5 hours. After training, it is better to eat in 0.5-1 hour. In order not to disturb the water balance in the body, you must drink water before, during and after training. In addition to internal comfort, external comfort is no less important: it should be comfortable, should not tighten your body or dig into it, should give you a lot of action. This is also worth considering in advance.

The most common mistake newbies make is being overly enthusiastic. In the gym, a beginner does a lot of exercises on various simulators, he tries not to miss anything. This leads to overwork and refusal from training in the future. It is better not to rush in this matter.

If the exercises are performed correctly, the muscles should hurt a little, and there is stiffness in them. This sensation goes away after 2-4 days. If you experience pain in the joints and spine, you must immediately stop training. If these symptoms are observed, it is most likely that the exercise technique is incorrect or the weight is incorrect.

The workout must necessarily consist of 3 parts - warm-up, main part, relaxing exercises.

The task of the warm-up is to activate the work of the respiratory and circulatory systems, warm up the muscles that will be loaded in the main part of the workout. Usually, the main problems for beginners come from ignoring the warm-up (injury, discomfort after training, etc.). The warm-up should last at least 10-15 minutes. It should include at least 5 minutes of cardio on any cardio machine to prepare the heart, a light complex of joint gymnastics, dynamic stretching and bodyweight exercises to prepare the joints.

The main task is to perform exercises for the planned muscle groups. The number of exercises, sets and reps depends strictly on individual goals and may vary. The main part of the workout should be 6-8 exercises. Each muscle group should have 1-3 exercises. It is important for beginners to work all the muscles in one workout in order to teach their body to move correctly and remember the technique. Exercises are arranged in training according to the principle from complex (multi-joint for large muscle groups) to simple (single-joint for small muscles). At the end of your workout, pay attention to working your abs.

The number of approaches for beginners should not be large - 2-3 approaches in each exercise are enough. The number of repetitions in each approach is 10-12. Rest between sets - until breathing and heart rate are restored. Whenever you feel ready, continue your workout. On average, the rest after each set is 1.5 minutes.

Let's decipher such concepts as the number of approaches, the number of repetitions. For example, suppose you train your leg muscles by doing the Barbell Shoulder Squat. We went to the racks, took the barbell on our shoulders, did 8 squats with it, then put the barbell back. In this case, you did 1 set with 8 reps. You can rest and repeat the exercise 1-2 more times, and then rest again and move on to the next exercise.

The purpose of the third part of the training is to normalize breathing and blood circulation. It is recommended to take 5-10 deep breaths, perform a simple stretching complex and hang on the bar.

In fitness centers, there are 3 types of equipment: strength training equipment, cardio equipment and free weights (dumbbells and barbells).

Strength machines are needed to work out muscles in an anaerobic mode using weights. On them you give a load to the skeletal muscles. Most of the basic beginner's exercises should be done on a simulator. The fact is that a beginner athlete still does not feel his body well and does not have that knowledge of the technique of performing exercises that would allow him not to make mistakes. The trajectory of movement in strength machines is thought out in advance, which will allow you to feel your muscles.

They give mainly the general load on the body in an aerobic mode. On them you train endurance of the cardiovascular system. They are suitable for those looking to lose weight or warm up for a more serious workout.

These are dumbbells and a barbell. There are basic (core) exercises for each muscle group, with the bulk of the basic exercises being done with dumbbells and barbells. In order for your muscles to get the proper load, regardless of goals, do not forget about this type of equipment. However, adding free weights should be done gradually. This is especially true for technically difficult basic exercises.

Beginner program example

Warm up: 5 minutes on an elliptical trainer and joint exercises.

Main body: 8 exercises, each doing 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

  1. Leg press in the simulator;
  2. Extension of the lower leg in the simulator;
  3. Flexion of the lower leg in the simulator;
  4. Pull of the vertical block to the chest;
  5. Horizontal block pull;
  6. Press from the chest in the Hammer simulator or push-ups (it is possible from the knees);
  7. Swing with dumbbells across the sides;
  8. Lying crunches.

Cool Down: 15 minutes of cardio and a simple stretch.

As the level of training, you can replace the leg extension with a more complex basic exercise - lunges in place in the Smith simulator, learn the squat technique in the same simulator. Then gradually expand your vocabulary of exercises by mastering the technique of new movements with barbells and dumbbells.

Many beginners think that muscles get stronger and more enduring with training, but this is not at all the case. During training, the entire body receives an impulse in which direction to move, and they themselves occur during rest. For example, if you did a workout to lose weight, adipose tissue in this case will be broken down mainly after training.

From this we conclude: proper nutrition combined with quality rest is the key to successful training that brings results.

Good luck in this difficult task - building a figure!

Currently, more and more people are choosing an active lifestyle. And this is a very good trend, since a weak and dysfunctional body is one of the key factors in the occurrence of various health problems. But, unfortunately, there is a huge gap between deciding and coming to training. This is due to embarrassment in front of others (more experienced clients of the fitness club) and the fear of hurting yourself. How not to screw up on your first day at the gym? We will give simple but practical advice.

You have your own plan, you came not to show off, but to work on yourself. And ask your coach to give you a tour before class. You will get used to the situation, decide where and what you will do.

Do not get carried away with crunches on the press

The mistake of many beginners is to spend a lot of time and effort on the abs, although this is just one muscle. In the initial stages, you need to pay attention to exercises for the whole body. The muscles of the legs and buttocks, the entire shoulder girdle. But not the press separately.

Don't split your workouts

When you decide to train on one day, for example, only the legs, on the second day - only the gluteal muscles, and on the third - only the back. This approach to split training is only suitable for those who have been training for a long time. For a beginner in the gym, it is best to organize a workout in which the whole body will be worked out, without dividing into separate exercises for each muscle group. Maintain a symmetrical load on the whole body.

Make a workout plan

It is even better to have a notebook where you will have exercises prescribed and what you need to focus on in the execution technique (for example, do not arch your back). Mark in it how many reps you did on which day. If you do not know how to work with a simulator, then ask a trainer. Again, you don't need to watch other people do it. Better to let a professional explain.

Engage in minimal or no weight

Your main concern is the correct technique for performing the exercise, not the degree of burden. Therefore, the number of repetitions should not be less than 15-20 times. Then your muscles will have time to adapt to the load and not overload. At the initial stage, 2-3 approaches in each exercise are enough.

Workout plan

At first, it is important to adhere to such a plan for all beginners.

  1. Warm up for 5-7 minutes on cardiovascular equipment (bike, ellipsoid).
  2. Joint exercises for 5-10 minutes on all major joints.
  3. The main part is 30-40 minutes, where you do exercises to strengthen different muscle groups on simulators and with free weights (dumbbells, barbells, weights).
  4. Cool Down (Wrap Up): 5-10 minutes of cardio plus 5 minutes of light stretching to relax your muscles and restore your heart rate and breathing.

If you've completed a 3-week introductory workout program from American fitness model Jamie Eason and are feeling the strength to do something bigger, this 12-week bodyweight circuit training program is for you. Before you start, make sure to read Jamie's recommendations on timing, nutrition, and sports supplements.

Circuit training while the child is sleeping.

The workout will take 15-20 minutes. You can practice while the baby sleeps during the day, or at another time convenient for you. Perform each complex three times before moving on to the next. Do the exercises one after the other, resting 1-2 minutes between circles. The key emphasis is on execution technique. In the future, if you want to challenge yourself, push-ups and planks can be performed using a fitball.

Set 1.

Set 2.

Set 3 (all - 10 on each side).

Set 4.

A simple meal plan for your first day


  1. Powdered vanilla protein powder - 1 scoop.
  2. Unsweetened almond milk - 240 ml. Mix with protein.
  3. Whole wheat toast - 2 slices


  1. Protein and cinnamon baked goods - 4 small pieces.


  1. Pizza on a bun made from whole grain flour: 1 toasted bun, 4 tbsp. l. low-sugar pizza sauce, oregano, basil, fennel seeds (to taste), ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese (instead of cheese), 1 tsp. grated parmesan.


  1. 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese, sprinkle with cinnamon, add stevia sweetener to taste.
  2. 11 almonds.


  1. 170 g grilled chicken breast.
  2. ½ cup black beans.
  3. ½ cup mushrooms.
  4. ½ cup bell pepper.

Just a day:

  1. Calories 1,535
  2. Fat 43 g
  3. Carbohydrates 151 g
  4. Proteins 163 g.

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