Proverbs with illustrations about study. Proverbs about books and teaching. Humor and knowledge

Hand tools 22.10.2020
Hand tools
  • Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
  • Without knowledge, you will do business - do not expect fruit.
  • The book is not looking for letters, but thoughts.
  • Action is the result of knowledge.
  • To teach a fool - what to treat the dead.
  • For one literate, two illiterates give.
  • Znayka understands everything from a half-word, but the dunno just opens his mouth for everything.
  • Knowledge is your friend.
  • Knowledge is not water - it will not pour into the mouth by itself.
  • Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from books.
  • The book is a bridge to the world of knowledge.
  • You read a book - you fly on the wings.
  • The bird is red with feathers, and the man is learning.
  • He who has not known the little has not known the great either.
  • It is not enough to be able to read, one must be able to think.
  • The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
  • Not the gods burn pots.
  • It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to study.
  • Man does not go astray from learning.
  • Order saves time.
  • Happiness is the one who gains by the skill of the mind.
  • The scientist drives, and the uneducated follows.
  • Learning is the path to skill.
  • Learning in childhood is like carving in stone.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  • To teach is to sharpen the mind.
  • Read, book people, do not spare your eyes.
  • Reading is the best teaching.

All proverbs

In proverbs and sayings, folk wisdom is contained in a short, laconic form. This page contains Russian folk proverbs about learning and teaching, collected by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Literacy will always come in handy.
Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.
More literate, fewer fools.
Prophet Nahum will instruct on the mind (December 1; from this day children are sent to school).
Nikola has two schools: they teach the alphabet and the eves repeat.
Read on warehouses. Read on top or on rumors.
Without a warehouse in warehouses, to no avail in sense.
In warehouses, so don't be literate.
Reads like a sexton (like a psalter).
They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.
Fita da Izhitsa - a lazy whip is approaching.
The ABC is science, and the guys are beech (flour).
For both the beech and the pointer in hand.
First, there were beeches, and then science.
He does not know the literacy, but the tsifir keeps repeating.

Kako is he - kon, buki eryk - bull, verb az - eye.
Er da yat - fell from the mountain, er da yat - there is no one to lift it.
On reading and writing, I stopped short, the figure was not given.
Do not play with books. The books are not lumps.
Nowadays there are many literate, but few well-fed.
The plow feather is lighter. A literate person is not a plowman (not a worker).
And he himself is not glad that literacy is a lot.
The priest was a literate.
A book is a book - a word is a word! Now, sexton, take her to the altar (about an illiterate priest).
Eco miracle: you look - cleanly; if you stroke it smoothly, and if you read it, it hurts everywhere (said the deacon).
Civil letter from the antichrist (schism.).
All goods, and garbage are goods, but books are not goods (said Count Kankrin when Smirdin asked for a loan for his library).
The book has two sheets, and the middle is empty.
The book, and in it a fig and a fig.

The paper suffers, the pen writes. The pen skips, the paper is silent.

The pen is bolder (more walking) than the tongue. The tongue will grow stiff, but the pen is not shy.
You will write with a pen, you will not bother (you will not cut it out) with an ax.
Written with a pen, do not cut down and with an ax.
You will write with a pen that you cannot take it out in an ox.
Twirls with a feather, that with a spindle (that the devil with a hook, a tail).
A scrap of paper drags into court.
Read, do not turn, and what is written, do not be angry.
He lies in print. Lies like a newspaper. Contrary to the printed (newspaper) one cannot lie.
You can't say better than print. Speaks like a book.
This is written with a pitchfork (i.e., in two, incorrectly).
The letter is unwritten, given to the blind (Noah) to read.
He writes letters and asks for memos.
From old memory, from literacy. Living literacy.
In a written way, that in a hewn. In what was said, what was written.
Read from blackboard to blackboard (the binding of books was made of wood in the old days).
It is not good to read, if only tops are enough.
He reads the code, but does not know the case.

Looks at a book, but sees a fig.
Read a little, but a lot (and more) minds!

Written rewritten, the village of Borisovo (who does not know the letter about the letter).
It was not written with me (not with us).
Written on a sieve, with towel lining (illegible).
Unbought paper, homemade letter.
Makarka wrote with his stub.
Writes from the wall (from right to left, Jew or Tatar).
Where I had to sneeze - comma; where it hiccups - a colon, and where to sniff tobacco - a period.
The letter is like chickens roaming around.
Chicken legs, hooks and suckers.
Two jambs with a lintel, two half-wheels, two banners with a wheel, two banners with a hook (rest).
Gibberish letter (any digital letter).
Like a poppy seed (small letter).
Writes as if divorces divorce (large and slow).
Writers wrote, but dogs read.
The scribe wrote, and his name is a dog.
He wrote that with a pen behind the ear (dock).
Writes like the devil sixth on Neglinnaya (street in Moscow).
Write, know: who needs it - he will understand.
They do not write with the pen, with the mind.

Not folding petition warehouse, folding by decree (meaning).
Not folding (Not red) by writing, folding (red) by fiction.
The book is not red in writing, red in mind.
He studied with copper money.
We, the poor, learn from the copper, and the rich from the ruble.
The head was cut off, the heart was taken out, they were given a drink, they were told to speak (pen)
I will cut off my head, take out my heart, give me a drink, will speak (the same).
From above it is fluffy, from below it is sharp, if you put it in - it's dry, if you take it out - it's wet (same).
Little babies, but it seems wise ways (the same).
Born of flesh, but no blood; I don’t know, but I’ve been writing for a century (the same).

Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
Go to science - endure torment.
There is no science without flour.
Learn swotting, hammering, cramming, memorizing from board to board.

Some of them are according to the rules and who are according to the warehouse.

Every master takes on training, but not everyone finishes his studies.
To know according to the master's training.
It is early for the young, for the old it is late.
He grew up with a devil, but a whip is not a beat (i.e., stupid).
They did not teach across the shop, but stretched out at full length - you cannot teach.
Married to study - the time is gone.
I don't want to study, I want to get married.
After a while, learn what to drive on cunning.
The guy is still worth a ruble, but how to inflate his sides - and they will give two.
For one beaten, two unbeaten give, and even then they do not take.
The whip (Scourge) is not torment, but forward science.
There is no learning without a stick. Not for cutting - for learning.
The tree is silent, but teaches the knowledge.
Much learned, but not finished. The millstones are forged as they are.
If you do not beat, you will not learn. Burning will not burn, but it is important to evaporate.
Free to play naughty, who is not beaten from a young age.
And they beat the bear, but teach. And people teach the bear.
The mind is so clever, but the third beaten. Beating is not honey - they teach a horse.
A neuk beats, but if he doesn’t, he walks quieter than a cow.
The horse is kind, but not driven; dear guy, but not learned.
This is not learning, but torture.
What will soon be bored will soon teach.
What the world teaches torments people.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

School will not learn, hunting will learn. A full belly is deaf to learning.
Fur cannot be inflated, and a slave cannot be taught.
It's good to beat someone who is crying, but teach someone who listens.
You can chop your ass, but you can't stuff it in your head.
What is not behind the skin (behind the skin), you cannot sew to the skin.
Science is not beer, you can't put it in your mouth.
It is tricky to teach what we ourselves do not know (we do not know how).
Teach others - and you yourself will understand.
Repetition is the mother of learning (school.).
Backs, backs! - and the front is in front of you.
Weaved a matting, and touched red (linen).
Not being able (not to do this), and not living in the world.
Our bride did not graze geese, but shook with a spindle.
We perished an elm (arc), we will bend and a willow.
Don't teach me to dance, I'm a buffoon myself. Learned to teach only to spoil.
Master is not a decree to master (not a pointer).
Do not teach to fight, teach to fight.
Don't teach fish to swim! Teach your pike to swim!
Teach the Astrakhan fish to plast. Pointer - boil on the cheek.
Don't teach the lame to hobble! Don't teach a legless person to limp!
Do not teach to limp, whose legs hurt.
Do not teach the oven, do not instruct to grease!
Do not indicate to grease: they themselves are much.
Do not learn a slanting curve! The stutterer teases (teaches).
Stealing from a thief is just a waste of time.
There is - do not learn to become. Do not teach the goat, she will pull it from the cart.
You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.
Live and learn (and die a fool).
A learned witch is worse than a born witch.
The underachieved is worse than the unlearned. The retrained is worse than the undereducated.
Science teaches only the smart. Not everyone is given everything.
Shooting and fighting is learning; and a horse seat - to whom God will give.

Learning is beauty, ignorance is simplicity (dryness).
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
The bird is red with a feather, and the man is learning.
The light stands by God's will, people live by science.

Not for flour, for science. Science is not flour (not beech).
To understand nothing - to sour century. Learning is better than wealth.
Some desire, but not much, other and much, but not a desire.
For a scientist (beaten) two unlearned (unbeaten) give, and even then they do not take.
A city calf is wiser than a country child.
He lives in the city, and bows to the bell tower.
What I learned was useful. Know more and speak less!
What (how) the handles do, then (so) the back will wear out.
Not teaching (or: Ignorant) in the priests do not put.
Without learning (Not skillfully) and you will not weave sandals.
Do not teach, but let it into the world, so it will be shish, not pieces (?).
And the bird, having hatched and reared the chick, teaches him to fly.
Whoever knows more will have books in hand.
The fixed arrow goes sideways.
Learn what is good, so bad things will not come to mind.
Skills (Crafts) are not carried over their shoulders, and with it - good.
The craft doesn't ask for food, it feeds itself.
Not a bad craft who knows how to make a paddle.
Fiefdom craft. Craft breadwinner.
For one bee, God has always discovered science.
Science does not go to the forest. Leisure is more expensive than leisure.
Science - or rather the golden guarantee.
It is not difficult to do, but difficult to conceive.
Not a dance road, but a set point (beep).
Not expensive song, expensive setting (or: charter).
Not a field gives birth - a corral; it is not the needle that sews, but the hands.
Not the land will give birth (feed), but the nyvka (that is, cultivated).
They do not beat the wolf with a race, a trick.

The scientist (Clever) leads, the unlearned follows.
A hundred hands in a good head.
The hammer does not forge iron, the blacksmith forges.
It is not the ax that amuses, but the carpenter.
They do not fight by force, by skill. Not work is expensive, skill.
To the worker half a ruble, to the foreman (contractor) a ruble.
Shvets hryvnia, cutter ruble.
They do not pay for the awl, for the rule (i.e., not for the laborer, but for the ten's manager).
There is only one master and ten carriers.
Not so expensive as red gold, but expensive as good workmanship.
To hew a wedge is the skill to show (to immediately hew out the right wedge, without trimming, the same skill for a carpenter is how to carve a true ball by hand for a turner).
The flour is good, but the hands are not good.
Kneaded fresh, but planted closely (and one cake came out).
The book is good, but the teachers are bad.
It does not hold the glue, but the jointer (i.e., fit).
He ate the dog, only choked on his tail.
I'm not trying to taste, but it will be hot and wet.
Not all sexton, and rarely who did not call.
If you are not a forge (blacksmith), do not trash your hands!
Cooking is not at the hands of the hand - filth.
Every master will make himself to himself (he oils himself).

Not gods and pots burn (but those are people).

Zhigucha nettle will be born, but it will boil down in cabbage soup.
Not a catcher, but well done. And not learned, but pounded.
His business is how the gusli goes (buzzes).
How to hit with a thread (straight). Everything is neat with Levka.
He's a jack of all trades. Golden man, golden hands.
He ate the dog for that.
Whatever he puts his hands on, everything boils (burns).
Our shot has ripened everywhere.
The perch is thin, but the goat is quick (and will run across).
Even in a mortar you cannot shoot him with a pestle (you won’t hit, you won’t drown him; you won’t get in - talk about dexterity, dodging; you won’t drown him - about stubbornness).
He will come out of the water dry. It will not burn in the fire.
Not a bitch, not a hitch. Everything is smooth, sewn and covered.
The mosquito will not undermine the nose. You can't put needles (you can't fit).
She dances with her voice and sings with her feet.
On the butt, rye threshes, grain will not drop.
He weaves ropes from the sand.
Where it is dry, here with the belly, and where it is wet, on the knees.
Where on horseback, where on foot, and where on all fours.
Know the quickie, die crouching!
Who is serviceable (who is idle) is needed.
The goat is full, and the cabbage is intact (from the well-known problem: carrier, wolf, goat and head of cabbage).
The sheep are safe and the wolves are full. Two lands: well fed and drunk.
He covered two of them with one hat.
With one slap. A couple to charge.
The cow was cut in two; they milked the backside, and boiled it in front of them.
You will not be more cunning than a calf (he pulls out his tongue under the tail).
He did it like he gave it to drink.
It is done (built, arranged) with a word.
It is not without reason said, done (that is, cunningly, with design or conspiracy).

What is the builder, such is the monastery!
The work of the master is afraid (and another master of the work is afraid).

Every work of the master is praised. Any business will stand up for itself.
Not every fool is given a treasure. For the treasure - a healer (necessary).
Skillfully and the sworn treasure are taken out.
The treasure is laid, imposed by the head, and who knows, will get it. (For example, the treasure was placed on twelve heads of the young: the witch brought twelve sparrow heads and took the treasure; is the sparrow not a fine fellow?)
Skillfully and beat the witch (backhand).
How - Our Father knows. Hallelujah for Gurya has long been firm.
Nikola the holy man: all by heart. The great theologian: the entire prologue by heart.
He doesn't hold a candle to him. He will plug him in the belt.
He is not worth a finger (nail, hair).
Neither a gag nor a gag is good for him.
It will go in the balls, not crush a single one.
He will swim without tackle (against water).
Like a misgir, he pulls a thread out of himself.
From a baked egg, a live chicken will hatch.
It won't hit you with your face. Will not give a swing (miss).

Not a piece is a bobble, a piece is an amendment.

He won't put the hooch on his hand. I won't give hunts to my hand.
And shavings smoothly, and curly shavings.
Honor dock, glory to dock, dock takes money.
So worked that even in the ear during the day (thinly).
He is everything: the cook, the coachman, and the whisker with the eggplant.
He is a coachman, he is a cook, a mower, and a painter.
The one and the master who can do everything alone.
Let, God, be able to do everything yourself, but not do everything yourself!
Okay, if you can do everything yourself; it's not okay, if you do everything yourself (firstly, it's difficult: secondly, it's stupid).
Make ends meet. He knows how to make ends. We're just making ends meet (on expense).
This science was not given to him. Doesn't know a thing or two. Doesn't recognize turkeys from a sparrow.
He does not understand to push into a tooth. Oborishka does not know how to twist.
Neither post, nor pave the head (has nothing or does not know how).
Finger on finger does not know how to strike. Neither ear nor snout understands.
Not a pipe, not a nozzle.
He plays the pipe, but does not know the fret (i.e., tact, measure).
In a lump and in a bunch, on a peasant's pen.
God gave treasure, but they did not know how to take it.
She did not know how to pinch a raven of a falcon (from the legend, as if Platov was visiting the enemies, the French, and, leaving, said this).
Lapti weaves, but does not know how to bury the ends.
Can't live or get it.
Don't shit when you don't know how to sew.

There is nothing to boast about how everything falls out of hand.
There is no pay for absenteeism and inability.
They do not stroke the head for lack of a hand (for lack of ability).
And we will eat and dance - only we will not plow arable land.
With lack of skill, the hands do not hurt (the back does not hurt).
Do not praise the falcon that beats on the nest (the falcon beats only on the fly, and the hawk grabs the seated one).
Jumped on a horse, so spread the claws (that is, legs).
Shay yes pori - there will be no dead pores.
Cut and sing songs - you will begin to sew, you will cry.
Where it is sewn on a living thread, there will be holes.
Shvets Danilo whatever he sews is rotten.
Sewing a lot and hemming a lot, and sticking a bristle in - you need to look for a master.
Learned about everything, just not contrived.
They swim well, only the bubbles spin.
We swim in a clumsy way (like a key to the bottom).
Floats like a millstone.
He knows how to dive, but he does not know how to dive.
Weave bast shoes. He weaves bast shoes (confuses, spoils
The rhymer is not a poet. Sprinkles and snuffs tobacco.
Clumsy (Bayonet) work.
And the bear is a chiropractor, but self-taught.
Do not put on the collar from the tail.
Confused, as if she was putting on porridge in sandals.
And he forges and blows, and he himself does not know what will happen.
A blind man is not taken as a leader. A blind person does not drive.
A blind painter and an illiterate solicitor.
A blind man leads a blind man, both of them cannot see.
The blind chicken is all wheat.

They undertake everything, but everything fails.

This letter was not given to me (him, you).
It was not written in our presence.
He gets along like a maid, but will be born like a golbich (a room with a clean finish, the outfit of a hut, and a golbets, a chapel, rough, carpentry).
And not a carpenter, but a hunter to knock.
Not that fool who plays fofany, but who happens to be.
Know your hand! You don't seem to know your hand? (From driving where oncoming people should keep to the right).
Knows the taste (sense), like a pig in oranges.
Bunny is not a funnier (coward).
We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread.
We are simple people, we eat thick gingerbread.

For nothing, illiterate, and he eats written gingerbread.

Neither weave, nor spin, nor wind the cobs.
The daughter-in-law has sat down to spin - take care, in-law, eyes!
Not to start on the heels. Neither izruch nor into hands.
What do we need a gun for if we don't know how to shoot!
To a fool (i.e., ready for anything bad) science is like fire for a child.
School will not learn - hunting (need) will learn.

Whoever knows a lot, so much is asked.

Went to the bed, so pour over the edge!
Whoever knows more, sleeps less.
Tench on the bottom, and pike on the top.
Dunno lies, and know-it-all runs far.
Znayka runs along the path, dunno lies on the stove.
Omniscience (to know everything) God did not give man.
Sevets will not please, if God does not disfigure.
You cannot learn all the trick, but you will exhaust yourself.
You will not find a master for drying (for example, about malt).
Everyone is good, but not for every business.
Whoever is born to what will come in handy.
To undertake everything - to do nothing.
The rich teach money, and the poor torture those books.
No matter how sharp the pike is, it will not take a ruff from the tail.
You don't need a scientist, you need a smart one.
God forbid yourself not to understand, and not to listen to people!
Itself does not make sense, do not listen to good people, things will go smoothly.
Good for everyone, but not for everyone (learning).

You don't understand good, so don't do a thin thing!

Like a hoe, a blooper, and a cage (and a ship).
Not everyone will dance on a tightrope: God forbid someone else and walk one floorboard (even if he were drunk).
Not linen is harsh, but one's own needlework.
Who knows, and tweaks. Every master in his own way.
I shave as I can. I'll lay it down and scrape it.
Whoever knows how to shave (and delirium).
Who knows, and crap. Everyone on their own saltyk.
The cabbage roll will succeed, the butt (?) Is not needed either.
Eel, and without oiling your hands, you will miss.
People walk, no one hears them; and we are like in a mortar: whatever we step, we will knock.
Shoots accurately: into an open field, like a penny.
Such a shooter that a drunk man will hit his head in the barn.
Past Sidor, but into the wall.
He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow.
The gun beats well: it fell from the shelf - seven pots broke.
The hand is light: the neck would be strong.
Do not stir, if sticks (fingers) are not good.
Dexterity, if elbows did not cling.
Receiver: whatever he undertakes, he distorts everything.
Chasing a fly with a butt. Catching a quail like a bear.
Chases like a bear after sparrows.
Agile, like a weight (like a bear, like a deck, like a stove, etc.).

You read proverbs about school - and you get to know the educational world better, get to know yourself. School is a place where a person acquires new knowledge, becomes spiritually richer, expands the limits of his worldview.

School will not learn - hunting will learn.

The diary is the student's mirror.

Today is a disciple of yesterday.

There is a limit to a person's life, but not to teaching.

The most difficult school is the school of life.

Teacher, that a parent leads to the light.

The true greatness of the school is invisible to our eyes.

Without letters and grammar, you can't teach math.

If you are too lazy to study, you will suffer in battle.

By asking homework, teachers are targeting students and targeting parents.

There is no other righteous path other than teaching that can satisfy the insatiable mind.

Learning is not fun, but a necessity.

You should strive to be the best not among people, but for people.

You cannot gain knowledge without suffering.

It is impossible to be a teacher without being a student.

I envy his students!

There is not much in teaching, but in reason it is firm.

Without learning, without labor, and life is worthless.

Without bread - hungry, without fire - cold, without learning - dark.

The teacher, that the parent - opens the doors to the world.

The best intelligence and morality are related concepts.

Near the clever, children read without strain.

More sweat for training, less blood in combat.

It does not matter in teaching whether young or old; comprehend - and you will become a master.

In training with folded arms - in battle with folded arms.

Study in youth, work in maturity, be proud in old age.

Teaching is not torment for people.

There is no old age for teaching.

War is a harsh school.

To teach a stupid one is to work only oneself.

The drum is empty, ignorant, stupid, and both make a lot of noise.

The main thing in the Olympiad is not victory, but participation.

Live and learn.

Proverbs and sayings about study, knowledge, science. Proverbs and sayings about the importance and necessity of knowledge for a person. Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren.

Proverbs and sayings about doctrine and science

There is no science without flour.

The light stands by God's will, people live by science.

Live and learn.

God did not give mankind omniscience.

The horse is kind, but not driven; dear guy, but not learned.

School will not learn, hunting will learn.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

For a fool, science is like fire for a child.

Znayka runs along the path, Dunno lies on the stove.

Go to science - endure torment.

The bird is red with a feather, and the man is learning.

Whoever knows more will have books in hand.

Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep.

It's tricky to teach something that we don't know ourselves.

Science is not beer, you can't put it in your mouth.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

Without studying, you can't weave a bast shoe.

Not a piece is a bobble, a piece is an amendment.

A half-educated person is worse than an unlearned person; a re-educated person is worse than a half-educated person.

And the bird, having hatched and reared the chick, teaches him to fly.

Learned everything, just not contrived.

Not a thing is science, but a thing is reason.

In a smart conversation, to be - to buy the mind.

A smart head feeds a hundred heads, but a thin one cannot feed itself.

The head is crazy - like a lantern without a candle.

The smart one loves to learn, and the fool loves to teach.

The smart will teach, the fool will get bored.

A fool is smart as an eyesore.

The foolish one will condemn, but the clever one will judge.

To live with the mind is to amuse, and without the mind is to suffer.

Not for a hat, only the head on the shoulders.

You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.

The head is crazy - a basket.

They are greeted by dress, escorted by mind.

Head with a box, but crazy with a nut.

The scientist drives, the uneducated follows.

Learning is beauty, ignorance is dryness.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Az yes beeches will relieve us of boredom.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

Without letters and grammar, you can't learn math.

Without sciences - as without hands.

There is no learning without patience.

The letters are crooked, but the meaning is straight.

Is the pen great, but does he write great books?

Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.

Literacy is not a disease, it does not take years.

Learning literacy is always useful.

There is no old age for learning.

The tree and the teacher are known by fruit.

To teach him how to ride through the forest with a harrow.

If you know the score, you can count it yourself.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Knowledge is power.

Another book enriches, and another leads astray.

Another book of mind will add, another and the last one will knock it off.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

To soft wax - a seal, to a young man - learning.

A book is a book, but move your mind.

Books do not speak, they tell the truth.

If a letter is given, so on it you will go far.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Whoever knows a lot, so much is asked.

Better not learned, but clever than learned, but stupid.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

I think that writing is an easy matter: they write with three fingers, but the whole body hurts.

Learn from mistakes.

If it suffers, it will learn.

Science does not lead into the forest, but leads out of the forest.

Science - or rather the golden guarantee.

Science is not beech.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives bread.

People feed on science.

Science costs light, people live by learning.

Don't say what you studied, but say that you learned.

Do not boast, but learn.

The book is not red in writing, red in mind.

They do not write with a pen - with the mind.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to study.

An illiterate person is like a blind person.

It is unreasonable to teach that to pour water into a bottomless tub.

It is necessary to teach not by story, but by work and showing.

The pen is bolder than the tongue to pronounce.

To write is not to scratch with your tongue.

Honor your teacher as a parent.

Gallop with a letter, even cry without a letter.

With the book, you will lead - you will pick up your mind.

First, there were beeches, and then science.

Happiness is obtained by the one who gains by the teaching of the mind.

The notebook is the mirror of the student and teacher.

Learning is the path to skill.

A scientist is dear everywhere.

A scientist is idle, like a cloud without rain.

The scientist walks, and the uneducated stumbles.

Learning without skill is not good, but trouble.

Learning in happiness beautifies, and in misfortune it comforts.

Learning is better than wealth.

Teach others - and you yourself will understand.

Learn from a young age, you will not know hunger in old age.

To teach is to sharpen the mind.

It's never too late to learn.

A good book is your best friend.

An uneducated person that an ax is not sharpened: you can cut down a tree like that, but there is a lot of work.

Reading is the best learning.

Proverbs about books, education, learning and science

For the book - move your mind.

Is the pen great, but does he write great books?

Another book enriches, and another perverts from the way.

Another book of mind will add, another and the last one will knock it off.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

A book is a book, but move your mind.

Books do not speak, they tell the truth.

With the book, you will lead - you will pick up your mind.

A good book is your best friend.

Reading is the best teaching.

There is no learning without patience.

A pile of books is no substitute for a good teacher.

Education is wealth, and its use is perfection.

Knowing more means sleeping less.

The letters are crooked, but the meaning is straight.

Parents create a body, teachers create a soul.

Live and learn.

You will get bored with grunting, you will teach by example.

All learned, just not contrived.

Everyone will be born, but not everyone is suitable for people.

Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.

Az, beeches, lead the fear that bears.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

They take the ABC into account, they shout at the whole hut.

Without letters and grammar, you can't learn math.

Without sciences as without hands.

He does not know the diplomas, but the numbers keep repeating.

Learning literacy is always useful.

We read hard, but we think of old.

For a scientist, three non-scientists are given.

Znayka runs along the path, and dunno lies on the stove.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Knowledge is power.

There is no old age for learning.

Learn to death, correct yourself to the grave.

It is good to teach the one who listens.

The tree and the teacher are known by the fruit.

It's too late to teach him, his undershirt doesn't fit.

If a letter is given, so on it you will go far.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

The bird is red with a feather, and the man is learning.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Whoever knows a lot, so much is asked.

He who is not learned is stupid.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

It seems that writing is an easy matter, they write with two fingers, but the whole body hurts.

Learn from mistakes.

Science does not lead into the forest, but leads out of the forest.

Science teaches only the smart.

Science - or rather the golden guarantee.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives bread.

People feed on science.

Science costs light, people live by learning.

School will not learn - hunting will learn.

Do not say what you studied, but say that you learned.

Do not boast, but learn.

The mother did not teach, the strap will teach.

They do not write with a pen - with the mind.

Do not get used to idleness, learn with needlework.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to study.

Do not study until old age, but study until death.

Illiterate that blind.

It is unreasonable to teach that to pour water into a bottomless tub.

Science from the teacher.

The feather is lighter than the plow.

The pen writes, but the mind leads.

To write is not to scratch with your tongue.

On reading and writing I stopped short, the numbers were not given.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Honor your teacher as a parent.

Gallop with a letter - even cry without a letter.

First, there were beeches, and then science.

Skill will find application everywhere.

The smart loves to learn, and the stupid to teach.

The scientist drives, and the uneducated follows.

The learned son is older than the uneducated father.

Learning in happiness beautifies, and in misfortune it comforts.

Learning is better than wealth.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Teach by show, not by story.

Learn good, and bad things will not come to mind.

Learn until the cartilage has grown together.

Learn from a young age, you will not know hunger in old age.

To teach is to sharpen the mind.

It's never too late to learn.

What he extorts, he learns.

To learn to swim, you have to get into the water.

What Vanya has not learned, Ivan will not learn.

Learning means gaining knowledge voluntarily or compulsorily. The more interest in the object on the part of the student, the better the result can be obtained. In Russia, sayings about study stimulated the desire of children to acquire skills in writing and counting.

There are several forms of training. This is the classic daytime, evening, correspondence, home, express, online (remote), tutoring. Each is divided into theoretical and practical parts.

Learning from life

Russian proverbs are unique in their outlook. A person gets science after mistakes, as well as by studying history. The teacher is not an outsider, we remember the first teacher all our lives. Here are some sayings:

  • Trouble teaches - joy kisses.
  • Time is a healer, time is a teacher.
  • Knowing your history, you know your future.
  • The teacher is good, but the friend is better.
  • Experience is a bad teacher. Here the exam goes ahead of the lesson.
  • If the mother is smart, she will replace 100 teachers.
  • There are as many methods as there are teachers.
  • The teacher does not count the years, but the exams.

Mind chamber

Study sayings can relate to a specific subject or a person's abilities in general:

  • If you don't know, then it's not a shame. It's a shame when you don't want to know.
  • Learning to read and write is useful everywhere.
  • The more you repeat, the better you remember.
  • The scientist leads, and the uneducated follows him.
  • Without labor and pain, you will not have science.
  • If you learn from a young age, you will not know hunger later.
  • The peacock is red with its tail, and man is with knowledge.
  • Any business requires training.
  • You need to be treated by a doctor, and learn from a smart one.
  • Dunno lies on its side, but know-it-all runs forward.
  • To teach a fool how to pour water into a bucket without a bottom.
  • They teach not only a story, but also a sensible show.
  • Without study and work, there will be no food on the table.

Sayings about the study of different peoples

Knowledge is respected everywhere. Each country has its own expressions about learning. Here are some examples:

  • You don't know yourself, don't teach (Chuvash.).
  • Only the one who is the master himself should teach (muzzle).
  • If knowledge is not enough, do not undertake to share it (Chuvash.).
  • Teaching is like a fresh spring, and knowledge is sunlight (Tatars).
  • There is no bad start in training (muzzle).
  • The warm Sun illuminates the Earth, and knowledge (Osset.) Man.
  • A blacksmith forges hot metal, a man learns while a young mind has (muzzle).
  • It is necessary to study while the leaves turn green, when they have fallen, it is too late (lit.).
  • Whoever is not subject to learning will not become a person (Komi).
  • Without knowledge, you cannot find a road (udm.).
  • Don't say you studied. Say what you know (Tatars.).
  • It is difficult to learn - it is easy to live (Alt.).
  • Only a fool hates to study (load).

Humor and knowledge

Funny sayings about school and study are already modern folk art of talented pupils and students. They fully reflect the culture of educational institutions and the view of young people from within the system:

  • School is like pregnancy. You suffer for 9 months, but you start to vomit in the second week.
  • I'm a politician in class. I don't know anything, but the face is smart.
  • Anything you tell on the exam can be used against you.
  • Whoever gets up early, to that: "The lesson is not over!"
  • We gain knowledge all our lives, except for 10 years at school.
  • We reach for knowledge, and it runs away.
  • The exam has been canceled. Tickets are sold out, there are no free tickets.
  • Don't snore in class - don't wake up your neighbor.
  • You come earlier, you leave later.
  • Ohm's new law - we walk and stay at home.
  • High school students don't write an essay about summer.
  • Our desks are held only by chewing gum.
  • Study, and with it work - they will grind me.

Great people about knowledge

All were trained: both famous showmen and great scientists. Each of them had memories and sayings that were included in the collection "Quotes, sayings about study and knowledge." Here are some of them:

  • The school teaches what is not in the real world. Camus.
  • A modern certificate means nothing, except that you have served in the same room for 10 years. Peter.
  • The most important subject in school is the teacher. Disterweg.
  • The wildest children, who are not usually dealt with, grow into greats. Comenius.
  • If a child is raised only by school, he will grow up uneducated. Santayana.
  • It's hard to learn - easy to fight. Kutuzov.
  • You need to learn from other people's examples.
  • It is necessary not only to learn the subject, but also to find a useful application of this knowledge. Confucius.
  • Misery is the best of teachers. Disraeli.

Knowledge is given by the teacher

Sayings about study are folk art. Wisdom, proven over the centuries. The most famous expressions are dedicated to teachers:

  • Only a real teacher learns with his students.
  • Even a sea of \u200b\u200bbooks will never replace a teacher.
  • The apple tree and the teacher are known by the quality of the fruit.
  • Each teacher praises his science.
  • Parents create a child, and a teacher makes a person out of him.
  • Talking to the teacher, don't talk your tongue. Working with the master, hold your hands.
  • The stricter the teacher, the fewer students he has.
  • If you value and respect a teacher, you yourself will become a good teacher.
  • The teacher opened the door, and you should go.
  • You teach children - you can't sharpen the fringes.
  • Bend the branch until it breaks - teach the child while listening.
  • To be a good teacher, you need to learn yourself.

Proverbs and sayings about study and knowledge are a reflection of the culture of our country, its intellectual heritage. Russia has always been considered the most educated state among the peoples of the world. This is precisely due to the hereditary desire for self-improvement.

Russian folklore is a real miracle. How much wisdom is put into every word. Most of the songs, tales, proverbs are instructive in nature. It is very helpful to instill in children a love of culture from a very early age. Learning sayings will be a good stimulus for further knowledge. Songs and fairy tales instill in children kindness and compassion for others. With their help, they learn about the world, nature, morality. Sayings and proverbs consist of words that have an allegorical meaning. Each person perceives them in his own way!

Learning is not torture

Reading fairy tales, memorizing jokes and proverbs is a very interesting and exciting activity for children. But when teaching literacy, numeracy and reading begins, some kids perceive it negatively. To try, to sit over books and notebooks seems to them a difficult task. Proverbs and sayings about learning will help kids tune in the right way. After all, if you do not try to instill in a child a craving for knowledge, everything can end in disaster. The programs in schools are very complex, so the child must come to the first grade with a set of basic knowledge and skills. It will be easier for him to join the process, to feel like a leader.

Simple words - deep meaning

In a conversation with your child, often mention sayings about study.

  • The ABC is a step to wisdom.
  • Live and learn.
  • Literacy is not a disease; it does not take years away.
  • Learning to read and write will come in handy.
  • Knowledge is better than wealth.
  • Half-knowledge is better than any ignorance.
  • Book a book, but move your mind.
  • And they teach the bear to dance.
  • Anyone who wants to know a lot should sleep very little.
  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • People feed on science.

Each of these lines has one meaning: knowledge is power. Nowadays, there are many ways to learn something new and interesting. Bright, beautiful books, the latest technology and equipment, the World Wide Web, seminars and educational circles. It is very easy for a child to be interested in science and reading. The main thing is to put in a little effort. All kinds of sayings about learning will positively affect a person of any age, give him food for thought.

Knowledge and work are a great duet

The knowledge gained in childhood leads people to choose a profession. Developed children usually dream of a specialty from an early age. They try to find out more information about it, try to imitate people who have achieved success in this industry. and learning are useful for adults. Some people do not like their job and do it reluctantly. Perhaps clever lines will give them the idea to change their position to the one they dreamed of since childhood. It's never too late to realize your desires!

  • Much learning will require work.
  • Science does not ask for bread, but gives it.
  • The school will not learn, it will learn care and work.
  • The mother did not teach, so the strap will teach.
  • To learn how to swim, you need to get into the water.
  • Among the people, he will not be forgotten who works honestly.
  • Learning and labor give happiness.
  • What I learned was useful.
  • Science is not given for nothing, it is taken with labor.

It is not for nothing that sayings about study were invented, Russian people from time immemorial have tried to learn to read and work in good faith. They are a worthy example for new generations!

Second home - school

Most people remember school with a kind and warm word. Of course, not everyone likes to study, but school is the second home of any child. Here they spend a lot of time, gain knowledge, fall in love, learn what real friendship is. Finishing the eleventh grade, the guys become family, and do not want to part at all, but everyone has their own way to adulthood! Sayings about school and study will give children the idea of \u200b\u200bhow important it is to get good knowledge!

Easy test

Try putting your child to a test. A test that will push children towards knowledge and help them love school. It's very simple - invite your child to read all of the above sayings about school and learning. Let him choose the closest and the one he likes. Regardless of the choice, say that he achieved the highest result! Praise him, explain that he chose the smartest words. This means that he has extraordinary abilities.

Everyone loves to receive praise. The child will surely remember the sayings about learning, they will lead him to think that school is a really wonderful time in his life. Such reflections will lead the young genius to conquer new heights!

Good to know for everyone

In the daily rush, there is no time to read books. Information hunger is harmful in the same way as the wrong diet. You need to study printed publications at any age. Do not forget to set aside half an hour a day for this useful activity. Proverbs and sayings about learning include a whole cycle of phrases about books.

Instill in the young generation a love of books from the very first days of life. And do not forget to read yourself on the way to work, during a break, on a day off! Classics, science fiction, fairy tales, detective stories - read whatever you want. Each line has meaning and new knowledge! Raise your children on good proverbs and sayings, and they will become worthy people!

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