The predictions of the French girl Kaede Uber, the heiress of Wanga. The heiress of Wanga Kaede Uber: biography and predictions French clairvoyant girl

Cement 22.10.2020

At one time, the Great Vanga said more than once that she did not, and would never have, disciples, that gift, and perhaps even a curse, which she honestly admitted and did not understand until the end of her life, is given from Above. Before her death, she bequeathed that her gift would go to a simple little half-blind girl. They were looking for her for 15 long years, but now most people admit that it is Kaede Uber who is the heir to Vanga's gift, and a lot of what this half-blind girl from France says comes true.

The main predictions of the French girl

A little half-blind girl does not always have the right words to answer all complex adult answers and correctly convey to us what she saw in a dream, and therefore she often uses her notebook, pencils and other means.

Kaede Uber rarely makes mistakes in her predictions; it is reliably known that she predicted terrorist attacks in France, but in the future, she said, the same danger awaits the United States.

A few months before the terrorist attack in Nice (July 14, 2016), a French girl was asked: "Which country is in danger?" To which she replied: "France." And then something happened that we all already know, a terrorist in a truck crashed into a crowd of people who at that time watched the fireworks in honor of the French national holiday - Bastille Day, almost a hundred people were killed and more than three hundred were injured.

When asked what exactly threatens the United States. The French girl replied that she saw in her visions a suicide bomber with explosives. Here it was clearly a matter of a terrorist attack, and when asked when it would happen, the girl replied that in four months. Indeed, in January, one of the terrorists took several hostages in a store.

Not all predictions of a French girl can be prevented, the fact is that because of her young age she was simply afraid to tell her mother about them, and not everyone and not always she talks about her visions, we all remember how skeptical they were about her at first. Today, she is very much afraid of migrants from the East, in her opinion, together with them, a latent terrorist threat can penetrate into Europe and her country, there will be many victims in the future.

When asked what he would do, Barack Obama after leaving the post of US President, she replied that she did not see him in her visions. From which we can conclude that, most likely, he will not be engaged in any serious political activity, and therefore, he will not have a big impact on the world, which will undoubtedly please many.

If you believe the predictions of the French girl, then in 2018 all sanctions will be lifted from Russia, there are no serious prerequisites for this, but let's hope. But Ukraine in the same 2018 will face new shocks and a new coup d'etat.

Predictions for Russia for 2018

Judging by the predictions of a French girl, in 2018 our country will not be able to get out of the economic crisis, the ruble will be more stable in comparison with previous years, but some fluctuations, including those for the worse for us, are possible. Oil will rise in price, but not very much, rather insignificantly, but some beneficial effect on our economy will still play.

New victories await Russian athletes in 2018, in many competitions in which they will take part, they will end very favorably for them and for Russia as a whole. A lot of medals will be brought to our homeland by the participants of the competitions, which will once again confirm the high international status of our country in this regard.

A girl from France believes that in 2018 V. Putin will leave the post of President of R.F., and in exchange a completely new person will come, in many respects the complete opposite of him. By the way, many of the predictors predicted the departure of V. Putin in 2018, the same P. Globa, for example, but for me everything will remain the same, no surprises or unexpected turns in this regard are expected and V. Putin will become president again. Judging by the words of V. Putin himself, we can even say that V. Putin "stuck" to power, however, this is not about me and not about my reasoning.

But the predictions of the French girl promise a big surprise for Russians in terms of elections, whose outcome will surprise everyone. The new leader will strengthen relations with Europe and the United States, and there will be no doubt that relations will become warmer. Also, the new leader will be able to favorably influence the internal economic situation in the country.

Predictions for the world for 2018

Kaede Uber strongly discourages all of us from going to the countries of Southeast Asia this year, especially not to visit Hong Kong, in her opinion, it is there that a very terrible and at first incurable virus will arise that will cover almost the entire world. The cure, of course, will be found, but not immediately, and many people will die first. The virus will affect Russia the least, and therefore, if possible, Kaede Uber recommends not leaving the country in 2018.

Another wave of terrorist attacks will sweep across Europe and the United States, the reason for this will be terrorists who have legalized themselves as migrants from the Middle East. Moreover, the United States in this regard will suffer the most, thousands of people will die.

Also, the French girl calls for more careful treatment of nature and natural resources, in her opinion, in the future, people may not have enough drinking water and it is likely that this may even begin in 2018.

To draw conclusions briefly, judging by the predictions of the French girl, we Russians, unlike the inhabitants of Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States, have nothing to fear. Well, perhaps the continuation of the financial crisis and a new leader at the head of the country, but his arrival, judging by the promises of Kaede Uber, will only benefit our homeland.

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Kaede Uber is a French schoolgirl who has been christened by Russian television as "the second Vanga." According to the NTV channel, before her death, the Bulgarian seer bequeathed to find her successor in Western Europe. It was only in 2009 that the world learned about Kaede, who foresaw the terrible terrorist attacks and economic crisis in Europe and the United States. Her predictions for the future are fearsome. But is it worth believing the girl's words? ..

Biography of Kaede Uber

There are very few reliable facts about Kaede. She was born in 2003 in the city of Montpellier in the south of France with a severe genetic disease that caused problems with speech and vision. According to her parents, Kaede made her first prophecy at the age of five. She predicted that her cousin would break his leg, which he did. At first, Kaede guessed what would happen to her family, then she began to foresee world events. The girl recognizes the future in a dream, where the shadows tell her about future events.

Russian TV channels dubbed Kaede the heiress of Wanga

NTV says that Kaede was aware of the financial crisis, the fall of Gaddafi, the explosions in Nice ... Nobody knows the girl in her homeland. The seer's family believes that the Europeans will not believe Kaede. But in Russia, the clairvoyant received immense fame. Since 2011, it has been "promoted" by the NTV channel, known for its love of hoaxes. She first appeared on the screen in the program "Wang Returns", where Kaede was presented as a follower of the famous seer. Since then, the girl often appears on NTV.

Prophecies of Kaede Uber for 2017

The girl made the last predictions in September 2016 for the notorious TV channel hoaxer. Kaede saw a major terrorist attack that will take place in January 2017, most likely in the United States. The clairvoyant's parents noticed that she began to fear the Muslims she encounters every day at school or in the city. The girl repeats that they bring death.

Young prophetess sees the threat from Muslims and warns of it

In addition, Uber promises that in the coming months the Russian Federation will not leave, Europe will tighten sanctions, and Putin will leave power. Kaede also foresees the spread of an incurable disease throughout the world. The epidemic will begin in Hong Kong.

Unfulfilled predictions of Kaede

Although the Uber family claims that the girl foresaw many events on a global scale, her words are often wrong. In 2011, she spoke of ending the war in the Middle East, but the conflict only escalated. The next year, Kaede promised a nuclear bomb explosion - luckily another miss.

Kaede's predictions about the use of nuclear weapons did not come true

The girl promised Hillary Clinton the victory in the US elections. The price of success was to be the grave illness of the first woman president. But the clairvoyant was wrong again. One of the latest prophecies says that in 2016 the Russian president will fly to "warm countries". It is difficult to imagine the reason that will push Putin to do this.

Note that Kaede is not the only "reincarnation" of Wanga. According to Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova, in Bulgaria alone, there were half a thousand swindlers who were called followers of the clairvoyant. The seer said that she could not convey her gift or teach someone to clairvoyance. After all, no one told her how to look into the future.

What predictions for Russia for 2019 are now known from a French girl? This is of interest to many residents of the country. Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga in 1996 prophesied the appearance of a child with unique abilities. She claimed that the girl would be born during the fires. It will happen in a city located on the hills. And so it happened. In 2003, the city of Montellier was on fire. At this time, Kaede Uber was born.

Kaede was born in France. The child has many similarities with the famous Wanga, their fates are similar. The girl had the gift of clairvoyance at the age of 5. She prophesied the death of her relatives. Several years before this event, the child's eyesight deteriorated.

15-year-old girl lives in France. She works with black figures that inform her about upcoming events. Kaede's similarity with Wanga is striking. She uses her index finger in conversations, throws her head back, falls into a trance.

With each new vision, the girl's eyesight deteriorates. In addition, she has hearing problems. Kaede not only foresees the future, but also heals people. Her prophecies come true after a while.

The whole world is waiting for information from a French girl. Interest in the child has not faded for many years in a row. The teenager is invited to television, journalists do not get tired of writing in detail about the fate of the young fortuneteller. In due time, Kaede never stops helping people. Several of her prophecies have already come true.

The girl spoke about the terrorist attacks in Nice, about the tragedy in America. The soothsayer did not pass by the East either. She claims that the people of the eastern countries will become the cause of world conflicts. Because of them, there will be a war.

The girl mentioned a virus that would come from Hong Kong. You have to be careful to save your life.

Whether to believe the visions of the young fortuneteller or not, each person decides for himself. We only know that her predictions come true gradually. Some of them are misinterpreted by humanity, which leads to the opinion that the information is unreliable. At the same time, the public's interest in Kaede does not subside, everyone wants to know about what to expect in the future.

According to heiress Vanga, 2019 will be a difficult year for everyone. The world will be subject to terrorist attacks. In this regard, the flow of refugees from the East and Europe will increase. The girl has a negative attitude towards dark-skinned people, she sees danger in them.

An environmental problem will appear in 2019. Water scarcity will cause numerous deaths. As far as America is concerned, the attacks will claim hundreds of lives. There will be a lot of blood, the Arabs will bring death to the country. Unknown diseases will also cause death.

The world economy will be unstable, a crisis is possible. The only good news is that this phenomenon is short-lived. The situation will soon change for the better.

According to Kaede, 2019 will be a difficult year. This applies to all countries. Terrorist attacks, diseases, environmental problems will make themselves felt with renewed vigor. You need to be careful, take care of your health and the well-being of your family.

The predictions for Russia from a French girl for 2019 are already known. The new period will be quite successful, many problems will be left behind. We'll have to make every effort to make the country prosperous. The goals set will be achieved, and the Russians will be happy in the New Year.

According to Kaede, the following awaits Russia in 2019:

  1. The country led by Putin will be able to cope with all the problems. Despite the fact that the ruble will begin to fall, the situation will soon change for the better. Most likely, the crisis will be temporary, residents will not even notice it.
  2. Many countries will lift sanctions, Russia will be able to freely trade with other states.
  3. As for Russian athletes, the problems with the ban have been successfully resolved. Team leaders will be able to start training, and will soon show a decent result.

Predictions from a French girl for 2019 are interesting for Russia to many residents of the country. You can familiarize yourself with them now. Overall, the year will be successful. Ups and downs are expected. But the country will be able to get out of critical situations and become prosperous again.

Other predictions

Kaede in her visions mentioned not only Russia. She did not disregard Ukraine, America, and the countries of the East. It is these states that are of interest to the whole world.

Wars and terrorist attacks on the territory of states terrify people. They are accompanied by the death of innocent people. Countries have been unable to share power for many years, and human blood is being shed as a result.

The young fortune teller told about her visions.

  • The threat from Islamists will only grow every year. People from the East will stop at nothing until they get what they want. Kaede saw a sea of \u200b\u200bblood. She also spoke about her fears. The girl will also be in danger.
  • The terrorist attacks in Germany and America will plunge humanity into horror. The worst terrorist attack will be associated with an explosion, it is expected in the United States.

  • For Ukraine, the heiress of Vanga predicted a third Maidan. It will be larger in scale than the previous two. The country is facing a crisis. No innocent people will give their lives in vain. Poroshenko will leave the presidency, the country will be run by the Americans. Nothing good can be expected from this. Donbass, as before, will move away from Ukraine. The best option is to improve relations with Russia.
  • The elections in America will bring a lot of discontent. The young fortuneteller is sure that a sick woman will become the new president. As for Clinton's fortune, she fainted on 9/11. Otherwise, the prophecy has not yet come true. But who knows how this story will end.

The French girl is confident that next year will be difficult for everyone. The threat from the East and America will only increase every year. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you will have to make every effort.

Predictions for Humanity

What awaits Russia in 2019 is already known. What visions did Kaede have about other countries, how will specialists be able to interpret her predictions? All these questions haunt many people. Having learned the answers to them, you will be able to find peace.

The clairvoyant talked about what the year will be for all of humanity. She saw a lot of blood. Experts find it difficult to explain this phenomenon. Perhaps red is associated with flowers. But there is an assumption that the world will be gripped by terrorists. It is the blood that will become the personification of the red hue.

America and the West

Kaede's latest prediction is a massive carnage. Hundreds of civilians will become victims. Terrorist attacks, explosions will cover countries. The largest explosion is expected in the United States. News from Germany will not be comforting either. Many people will give their lives.

The threat from the East will increase every year. By the end of the year, the influence of Islamists on the world will grow to incredible proportions. The girl saw a bloody sea that would appear due to political showdowns with the East.

Kaede mentioned the Third World War. Representatives of eastern countries will initiate bloodshed. In addition, they will create biological weapons that will be dangerous for all of humanity.

The young fortuneteller encourages people to direct their energy towards creation. Otherwise, nature itself will begin to rage. A deadly typhoon will sweep across the East, claiming millions of lives.

Everyone knows the flu from Hong Kong. The virus has already threatened humanity. The first symptoms of the disease are high fever. Then hallucinations appear, the person loses consciousness. After seizures, hemorrhage and death occurs.

After reading the predictions of a teenager, a not rosy picture emerges. The world will be gripped by wars, terrorists, diseases. What will be really time will tell. But some of the visions of the young soothsayer have already come true. Therefore, one should not mistrust her visions.

Should I believe the French clairvoyant

Interest in the young fortuneteller has not subsided for many years in a row. Her visions are so true that even skeptics are sometimes surprised. Is it worth believing the words of a teenager who pretends to be a seer? To this question, a person must answer for himself.

Kaede is known as the heiress of Wanga. They have many similarities. In addition, the Bulgarian clairvoyant herself spoke about the appearance of a child with unique abilities. Is there any reason not to trust Vanga? After all, for many years she spoke about world problems, helped people, warned humanity about danger.

Kaede prepared her prophecies. Many of them are terrifying. According to the teenager, the whole year will be difficult. Death, illness and conflict - all this awaits people.

Should the girl's predictions be believed or not? On the one hand, many of her visions turned out to be true. On the other hand, there were also mistakes. The main thing is not to forget about common sense and not to get depressed. Only time will tell how Kaede was right in her visions.

Interest in the young clairvoyant has not subsided for many years. Journalists, television are happy to study her prophecies and work with material. The girl's predictions for 2019 for Russia are already known today. In general, nothing threatens the country. The head of state will be able to change the situation for the better and take care of his citizens.

As for the visions for the world, the forecasts are disappointing. You will have to make every effort to maintain your health. Environmental and biological problems will make themselves felt with renewed vigor.

Time will tell what to expect from 2019. You should not tune yourself only to the negative. Perhaps Kaede was mistaken on some issues, and the future will not be so tragic.

Previously, we were not very concerned about the future of our country and the world as a whole. But 2019 promises to be the most difficult year for the world and Russia in particular.

And what events will take place are known only to God himself and the French girl, who has so much in common with the famous fortuneteller.

French Wang

This is how this girl will be christened in the future. And for a reason. The fate of the girl, who was born and currently living in France, painfully resembles the fate of the Bulgarian Vanga. Judge for yourself. Like the famous Bulgarian fortune teller, the French girl, having just learned to speak, already predicted the death of her relatives. In just a few years after that, her vision and health in general are rapidly deteriorating.

Also unique is the fact that, dying in 1996, Vanga prophesied the arrival of a new fortuneteller in the role of a girl. She claimed that the child-fortuneteller would be born in the city, which is located on the hills and is the place where Nostradamus himself predicted, during severe fires.

Surprisingly, this is what happened. In 2003, severe fires raged in the city of Montellier, then the heiress of Vanga was born, who at the moment, almost unmistakably, predicts the future for the whole world.

What will happen in Russia in 2019

But Little Kaede Uber predicts not only terrorist attacks in Europe and the world in general. After visiting Russia, she took part in a program on NTV, and after that she walked around Moscow. Those who were lucky enough to meet her were able to ask questions about the future of Russia itself. Some of them shared her answers with reporters.

Thanks to the current President Putin, Russia will solve most of its problems in 2019, although the depreciation of the ruble is still unavoidable.
About the sanctions against Russia, the little soothsayer responded with a reliable: soon they will be canceled, the first to resume trade.
Russia will win the 2018 Ice Hockey World Championship.
Final reunification of Donbass with Russia.
A critical deterioration in relations with Ukraine and a huge likelihood of a full-scale war in 2019 for the selected territories.

Of course, the media could not convey her words verbatim, but the meaning remains the same. But ordinary onlookers noted the incredible similarity between little Kaede and Wanga. When predicting, she also raised her index finger, like the famous Bulgarian soothsayer. Unfortunately, the French girl is already experiencing motility disorders in her arms and legs.

Still unfulfilled prophecies

Uber predicted that a sick woman would become the next president of the United States. Now it is obvious that she was mistaken, or this prediction has not yet come true. In Germany, a huge terrorist attack is expected in 2019, which will only be the forerunner of an even larger explosion in the United States.

The French fortune teller, in her visions, saw threats against her

In Ukraine, another Maidan is expected, which will finally destroy the country and lower it to the level of the eastern ones. And in the east, confrontation will grow at a tremendous speed, which will increase the Islamist organization to incredible proportions at the end of 2019.

Summarizing, the girl shared that she sees 2019 in red. Having lived the entire year to the end, we have to find out: was it the color of something good (for example, red flowers) or is it the color of blood.

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