How to cure thick toenails. Causes and treatment of toenail thickening. It is associated with other types of diseases

Frame houses 22.10.2020
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Thickening of toenails requires timely medical intervention, since the causes of the disease can lead to the development of complications, which is associated with difficulties in the treatment process. The reasons are congenital, pathological and physiological. The problem arises not only in adults, but also in children.

The health of nails depends on the state of the human body, but their thickening cannot be associated with an aesthetic defect. It can often be seen on the legs and not on the hands. Thickening of the nail plates is associated with impaired circulation in the toes, which leads to a deterioration in metabolism. Useful components are no longer supplied to the lower extremities in sufficient volume.

Causes of thickened toenails

People with polykeratosis are uncomfortable with thickened nails. An inherited disease is associated with an excess of keratin in the body. As a result, there is not only a change in the color of the nails, which turn yellow, but also an increase in their thickness.

Physiological causes

Injury is the most common physiological cause of nail damage. The defect can be discovered after wearing someone else's or tight shoes. When working with formaldehyde, pedicurists or specialists in other fields expose their bodies to metabolic disorders that cause thickening of the nails.

The problem also arises with constant work with aggressive compounds:

  • fertilizers;
  • chemicals;
  • detergents;
  • solvents.

The defect can be associated with poor diet or wasting diets due to anemia caused by insufficient intake of protein in the body. The problem can arise due to the low intake of calcium and iron in food. Toenail injuries occur in people who wear rough shoes.

Socks that are larger than necessary can disrupt the metabolism and cause a deterioration in the condition of the nail plate. An improper pedicure or constant overuse of varnish can cause thickening of the toenails.

It is important to constantly monitor the health of your nails and consume sufficient amounts of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. This will increase the body's immune defenses. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits in a timely manner, since nicotine in the body of smokers has a detrimental effect on the legs.

Pathological causes

Thickening of the toenails, the causes of which are more often associated with gout, rheumatism or atherosclerosis, requires timely treatment. If the nail plate is short, then the disease may be caused by micronychia. Pathology occurs in people suffering from the bad habit of biting nails, its development can be accompanied by trophoneuroses, genoin epilepsy.


On thickened nails, white stripes and spots appear, which are a symptom of leukonychia. An arcuate strip on the surface of the nail plate is a condition called transverse striation of the nails.

Among the characteristic causes of pathology, the presence of the following types of diseases can be distinguished:

  • inflammation;
  • infections;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • oncology;
  • measles or scarlet fever in childhood;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders.

The pathology is caused by dermatological diseases, which are autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis, the consequences of which can be severe. The disease can be caused by radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, as a result of which a symptom of Hippocratic nails can be observed.

It is associated with other types of diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lichen planus;
  • cancer of the esophagus, lungs, thyroid gland;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • intestinal inflammation.

Onychomycosis can cause changes in the appearance of the nail associated with the appearance of spots, furrows, growths. The nail plates begin to soften, exfoliate and crumble if the disease is neglected. At the same time, the legs sweat a lot, an unpleasant odor emanates from them, the person feels constant itching. Fungus infection of healthy toes can occur due to trying on someone else's shoes, poor hygiene.

Methods for diagnosing the problem

Thickening of toenails, the causes of which lead to increased elasticity of the nail plate and looseness of the skin at its base, requires timely medical diagnosis. A specialist in the field of dermatology not only performs palpation and visual examination, but also conducts a detailed study of the structure of the affected nail.

The initial stage of diagnosis involves the prevention of traumatic factors. If the cause of the patient's illness is associated with pathology, then the degree of its severity may be different.

A deep diagnostic study, carried out by a podologist or mycologist, allows you to exclude or confirm the presence of a particular disease. The physician should examine the patient's legs using an illuminated magnifying glass. This will allow you to study the color, shape and type of the edges of the nail plate.

Among the main research methods carried out by specialists, one can single out:

  • scraping for microscopic analysis (sowing for onychomycosis);
  • general and biochemical blood test (for the content of trace elements);
  • spectral analysis of the nail plate;
  • chest x-ray (if you suspect tuberculosis, pneumonia, various lung diseases).

To identify many types of diseases, complex diagnostics are needed. This will allow prescribing the correct course of treatment, the effectiveness of which depends on the patient's compliance with the doctor's requirements.

Types of drugs for the treatment of toenails: names, release forms, advantages and disadvantages

It is important for a dermatologist to know whether the disease has occurred in the past, the experience and duration of treatment. The choice of medication depends on the type of causative agent of the disease, which must be established during the diagnosis. The active component of each drug is capable of treating a specific infection. Under the influence of yeast or mold, the nail plate thickens.

Local varieties of medicines for the treatment of nail diseases are used externally. The systemic category includes drugs in the form of tablets or capsules used for oral administration and taken by mouth. They are effective if local drugs can no longer cure an advanced disease.


Highly active ointments act on the principle of the greenhouse effect created when the ointment is applied to the affected area. The film formed by the ointment prevents the penetration of oxygen to the area affected by the pathogen, causing its death. According to this principle, Lamisil and Mycosan ointments work.


The advantage of using Lamisil is associated with the action of an active substance called terbinafine. The ointment is effective for fungal infections, it does not cause negative reactions. The disadvantage of using the drug is the absence of any research related to the appointment of a medication to pregnant women.

Mycosan ointment is easy to apply, since the tube contains an applicator brush. The package contains disposable files. The advantage of the drug can be considered the presence of a diary in the set with the ointment for recording the schedule of procedures and a template that allows you to control the color of the nail.


The drug Lamisil, manufactured in Switzerland on the basis of terbinafine, is effective against onychomycosis. The product removes dermatophytes, yeasts and molds, preventing their reproduction. The therapeutic effect of the aerosol preparation is associated with the elimination of itching and inflammation. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days when using the spray 1 time daily.

A budgetary tool of Russian production can be considered a Bifosin spray based on befonazole, which is effective for the treatment of all known types of fungus. The duration of the course of drug treatment is 2-4 weeks. You need to use the aerosol once a day.


German spray Kanesten has a positive effect in the treatment of foot fungus. The destruction of the structure of the fungus occurs under the influence of the substance Clotrimazole. The treatment course should last 2-4 weeks with a daily single use of the spray.


Any remedy in the form of a medicinal varnish should be used after reading the instructions for it.

The main advantages of these drugs for the treatment of mycosis with a liquid structure are as follows:

  • ease of application;
  • deep penetration;
  • filling of microcracks;
  • fast drying;
  • durable coating.

For effective treatment with one or another drug, it is important to follow the therapeutic regimen shown in the table.

Nail polishes that are effective against fungus:

Name Active component Treatment regimen Course Cost, rub.)
Batrafencyclopirox every other day in 1 month;

2 times a week for 2 months;

1 time per week in 3 months.

6 months2200
Demictenformic acid aldehydeOnce daily1 month230
LamisilterbinafineTwo times per week6-12 months1300
Lotserilamorolfine1 or 2 times a week6-12 months1300
MycosanRye enzyme filtrate2 times a day4 weeks860
Oflomelideamorolfine1 or 2 times a weekuntil complete recovery900

Instructions for using the drug:

  1. Wash feet with household soap, wipe them dry.
  2. Degrease your nails using an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.
  3. Trim your nails as short as possible by removing loose particles using a custom file for all nail plates.
  4. Apply varnish and wait until it is completely dry from 30 seconds. up to 3 min.

Varnish is prescribed if no more than 60% of the nail area is infected. Side effects include itching, skin redness, and burning.

Oral preparations

Systemic therapy based on oral medications involves the ingestion of antifungal tablets. Many types of oral agents are ineffective against onychomycosis. They can inhibit the growth of fungi by having a fungistatic effect.

These include toxic drugs in the form of tablets or oral suspension Griseofulvin and Fulcin. Duration of toenail treatment is 9-18 months. The drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy, blood diseases, they should not be used by children.


The following drugs are effective against onychomycosis for oral use that partially or completely eliminate yeast, mold and dermatophytes affecting the toenails, replacing topical preparations:

  • Ketoconazole - the duration of the treatment course is 8-12 months;
  • Nizoral - duration of treatment is 6 months;
  • Itraconazole - foot nail therapy includes 3 courses with a break of 3 weeks;
  • Terbinafine - a course of treatment for toenails for 12 weeks;
  • Lamisil - the duration of the course is from 1.5 to 3 months.

Preparations in the form of tablets of 125 mg, 200 mg or 250 g are contraindicated in liver or kidney disease. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting are side effects from taking drugs. They can negatively affect appetite. If a negative reaction of the body occurs, it is necessary to stop taking these funds and consult a doctor.

Antifungal treatment

The presence of an infection often causes the nails to thicken. You can eliminate it thanks to complex treatment using medicines and folk remedies.

Medicines prescribed by a dermatologist for the treatment of pathology may be as follows:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycosan;
  • Terbizil;
  • Mifungar;
  • Betrafen.

They should be taken with great care. This will avoid side effects, since antifungal medications can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and liver. The product should be used according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor.

Post-traumatic therapy

On a thickened nail caused by a leg injury, it is important to reduce the load. If the injured area does not allow normal walking, it is best not to leave the house for several days. Otherwise, you need to apply a plaster to the damaged nail and wear open-toed shoes. Recinol can be used to treat infected areas.


The active component of the product has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Recinol restores tissue structures, which speeds up the healing process. An injured nail can be treated with medications using an ointment or gel. Suitable troxevasinic, heparin ointments, arnica. The processing of the nail plate should be performed several times a day for about a week.

What problems does hardware cosmetology treat?

A therapeutic pedicure based on hardware cleaning is effective before applying a medication to a damaged nail plate. Modern methods of treating diseased nails in cosmetology involve the use of a basic pedicure machine with different types of tools, from blades and cutters to nippers.

The processing of the nail takes place under the influence of the attachment, which the apparatus rotates. It is effective in the most advanced cases. Removal of the damaged layer of the nail plate facilitates the penetration of antimycotic drugs into its structure.

Hardware cosmetology

The procedure is painless, which is the advantage of hardware processing of nails, which does not take much time. Cleaning with a pedicure device is not dangerous for patients diagnosed with diabetes, eczema or allergic reactions. It increases the effectiveness of fungus treatment by almost 95%.


The method of hardware cleaning is effective in cases of onychomycosis, when it is necessary to remove the nail damaged by the fungus. The method improves the treatment of nail plates infected with the fungus with various drugs, including ointments, varnishes or sprays.

It allows you to collect as much biological tissue as possible, providing an accurate diagnosis during laboratory tests.

The device has no side effects, it is safe to use. The method allows to prevent complications resulting from infection with a fungal infection. Hardware pedicure improves the appearance of damaged nail plates.


Various injuries to the skin of the feet or open wounds on the legs are contraindications to treatment with the apparatus method. This universal method must be excluded in case of dermatoses or possible allergic reactions, as well as neoplasms.

Cleaning the nail plates using the hardware method is not recommended for pregnant women. The method is contraindicated in patients suffering from liver and kidney diseases. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using hardware cosmetology as a method of treating mycosis.

How are the procedures, duration of treatment

Carrying out hardware cleaning of infected nail plates on the feet is based on the use of a standard set of materials and a special composition for disinfection, ethanol and peroxide. The kit should include a preparation that softens the nail plate. The procedure requires the use of special clothing by a health worker.

From the inventory you need to take a foot bath, spreads for fingers, napkins. The choice of cleaning technique depends on the diagnosis.

A medical professional performing a pedicure procedure using a hardware method must perform the following steps step by step:

  1. Examine the foot and nail plates in order to diagnose the patient's condition.
  2. Disinfect the skin of the toes and feet using the composition included in the kit.
  3. Treat the cuticle of each nail with a special oil to soften its structure.
  4. Immerse the patient's feet in an antiseptic compound to soften the skin.
  5. Process the nail plates using the apparatus and special attachments with cutters.
  6. Remove corns and calluses from the feet.
  7. Follow the procedure for exfoliating and scrubbing the feet.

After the treatment of nails and feet with the apparatus, an antifungal agent can be applied and a special massage can be performed to improve blood circulation. Further treatment will depend on the patient's conscientious observance of all the prescriptions of the attending dermatologist. The cost of processing one finger by hardware is on average about 150 rubles.

Folk remedies for thickening the nail. Recipes and reception schemes

To cure the pathology associated with a thickened nail, allow folk remedies, for the preparation of which various medicinal herbs are used. The composition of these funds does not have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver, and the treatment itself rarely causes allergies. Using the prepared product, you can make a foot bath or compress.

Foot bath

Recipes for folk remedies may involve a combination of different plants that are beneficial to the body or the use of certain types of herbs. A phytotherapeutic effect can be expected within 2-12 weeks. Medicinal herbs are especially useful in cases with advanced disease.

Apple vinegar

You can cure feet and toenails as follows:

  1. Cut 4 kg of washed and peeled apples into 4 pieces.
  2. Grind the slices in a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the apple gruel through several layers of gauze.
  4. Pour the juice into a 3 liter container, adding boiled water and 2 g of dry yeast.
  5. Pour in 50 g of granulated sugar, pour in 1 liter of vinegar 9%, mix the composition.
  6. Put a medical glove on the neck of the liquid bottle and put the product in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Homemade, chemical-free apple cider vinegar can be added to your foot bath water. The remedy is contraindicated if there are fresh lesions on the skin of the legs, for example, in the form of corns. If necessary, the product can be diluted with water in a 2: 1 ratio. The antiseptic effect of the acid causes the destruction of the fungus on the feet.

Birch buds

For self-made tincture on birch buds at home, you should prepare 1/2 tbsp. birch raw materials. The composition allows you to make effective compresses that soften your toenails. It is enough to take 1/2 liter of vodka and insist birch buds in it for 10 to 12 days, placing the container in a dark place.

Birch buds

The finished composition can be used to wipe the affected nail plates to soften them. The tincture can be used to rub the feet and apply compresses on them. After the procedure, the affected area can be insulated by wrapping it with a film. If necessary, the softened nail should be carefully removed so that a new one can grow in its place.

Decoctions and herbal infusions

Thickening of toenails, the causes of which are associated with mycosis, can be treated with decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants. They are useful at any stage of the development of the disease for their complex effect on the body.

The infusion can be prepared by adding vodka or ethyl alcohol to a container with chopped grass:

  • mint;
  • wormwood;
  • turns;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • celandine;
  • golden mustache.

The infusion during preparation must undergo heat treatment using water. The composition will be completely ready in 45 minutes. after cooling. The herbal decoction can be prepared by boiling for 20-25 minutes.

Decoctions and herbal infusions

You can prepare a decoction from the roots of the following plant species:

  • burdock;
  • celandine;
  • yellow root canadian.

To prepare a decoction from the root of calamus, pour 15 g of the product 0.3 liters of boiling water, after crushing the plant.

You need to cook the composition for 5-10 minutes. over low heat. Consume the cooled liquid 3 times a day for a month, 15 ml. The juice of the Canadian yellowroot containing the natural antibiotic substance berberine allows you to prepare a product in the form of a decoction with an antimycotic effect.

You need to cook step by step:

  1. Take dry Canadian yellowroot (2 tsp).
  2. Pour 200 ml with boiling water.
  3. Insist for about 4 hours.
  4. Drink the broth every 6 hours for 2 tsp.

The duration of the course of treatment with a decoction of the root depends on the recommendations of the attending dermatologist.

The most effective can be considered therapy with herbal decoctions taken orally. Medicinal plants in most cases have an immunostimulating and fungicidal effect. Tea made from 1 tsp is useful. field horsetail, brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water. You can cure a fungal disease with this drink within 2 weeks.

Decoctions and herbal infusions

Tea from 4 tablespoons helps. mixtures of the following types of herbs:

  • sage;
  • sagebrush;
  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • golden mustache.

Before drinking, the drink must be steamed by placing it in a water bath, and then drunk during the day, divided into 8 servings. The tool is effective not only in the treatment of nail fungus, but also for general health promotion. Prevention of complications of the disease is useful on the basis of tea with the addition of honey and cinnamon, 1 tsp.

Doctors recommend a medicinal echinacea decoction, which should be drunk for 10 days. After completing the course, you need to rest for 7 days, and then continue again. Additionally, it is useful to use walnuts, from which you can make lotions or use as a jam.

Celandine juice

A remedy that kills fungus on the feet can be made from celandine herb. Having chopped the grass and flowers of the plant in a meat grinder or blender, you need to squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Treatment should be carried out with a product based on alcohol 70% or more.

Juice mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, you need to treat the damaged area on the leg every day. The nail plate must first be cleaned.

It is necessary to apply the solution 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 2 weeks. An advanced disease can be treated within 4 weeks. Celandine juice is suitable for compresses. Keep the composition on the place affected by the fungus for at least 30 minutes. This will ensure timely oxygen supply to the damaged nail.


The bactericidal effect of lemon on the body in most cases can cure fungal diseases that cause thickening of the toenails. Citrus is effective against microorganisms and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Description of the procedure for preparing the lemon composition and treating it step by step:

Not only lemon juice can be used for therapeutic purposes, but also the peel. Before the treatment procedure, you should disinfect the skin of the feet by adding a little soda or salt to the water. You can use a baby cream to soften the skin when exposed to lemon juice.

The problem can be eliminated by daily lotions carried out 2 times a day. To do this, apply a cotton swab soaked in freshly squeezed lemon juice to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe leg. After drying, the cotton wool must be removed and warm socks put on.

You can mix soda paste and 10 drops of lemon juice to make cutting the affected nail easier. Having laid out a layer of the mixture on the sore area, it is necessary to withstand it for no more than 15 minutes. After removing the composition, you need to wash your feet with soapy water.


Iodine baths are useful to eliminate thickening of toenails. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil and iodine to warm water. Soak the legs in the solution for 10 minutes. The course of treatment consists of daily repetitions of the procedure. Therapy of the affected areas on the legs with alcohol tincture provides a positive effect of the treatment.

Iodine baths

To do this, make compresses from a mixture of 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 3 drops of water. You can mix lemon juice with iodine and soda, dissolving in warm water for baths. To apply the solution with the addition of iodine, the alcohol tincture can be applied using a sterile swab or cotton swab. The tool has an antiseptic, cauterizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Complex therapy of thickened nails infected with a fungal disease requires regular foot hygiene to completely eliminate the cause of the disease during the procedures. Topical or systemic medications can be prescribed along with folk remedies for more effective treatment.

Thickening nails video

Hardware treatment of onymycosis:

For a long time, toenails may not cause any complaints. And that's great until at some point you don't notice the change. They became thicker, harder than before, changed their texture, color, and even curved.

It is almost impossible to disguise this problem. In addition, thickened nails cause painful sensations and bring discomfort to their owner.

What if my toenails become thick and hard and why is this problem?

Why do my toenails get thick?

This problem is due to the following reasons:

  • the most popular is nail fungus infection;
  • the presence of psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • age feature. For example, in the elderly, the blood supply to the nail bed is disrupted. This leads to its thickening, no matter how much;
  • very uncomfortable or tight shoes. For this reason, changes can affect not only adults, but also children;
  • the consequences of prolonged contact with water, as well as with chemicals, injuries;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that are associated with metabolism - for example, diabetes and anemia;
  • flat feet (including because it makes it very difficult to find the right shoes).

How to get rid of

To completely get rid of the defect, it is necessary to find out why the toenails have become hard and thick, and first eliminate the cause itself.

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If this happened due to the defeat of the nail plate with a fungus, then the first thing to do is cure it.

If the reason is flat feet, then you need to visit an orthopedist and, with his help, choose special shoes, thanks to which the nails will no longer be injured when walking, etc.

Whatever reasons contribute to the thickening of nails, it is still recommended to visit a doctor in any case. According to the condition of the nails, he will be able to determine the presence or absence of symptoms of some more serious disease.

How to soften your toenails?

You can use baths, home compresses and other folk remedies on your own. It is only important to select one or another recipe depending on the cause of the defect.

A number of general rules apply to all baths:

  • the water temperature should be between 36-38 degrees;
  • the duration of one procedure is 15-20 minutes;
  • at the end of the procedure, the nails should be well dried using disposable napkins. This will prevent further spread of the infection;
  • when the feet are dry, they need to be lubricated with cream. But it is best to use a special product designed to restore nails.

In no case do not use salt baths to soften the nail plate, because, on the contrary, they are designed to strengthen it.

Bath recipes

Now let's move on to the recipes for the baths. Perhaps one of these will do:

  1. Squeeze out two tablespoons of lemon juice in 5 liters of water and mix. Keep in mind that lemon juice causes a burning sensation, so you can use such a bath only in cases of diseases in which the skin on the feet and around the toes is not damaged.
  2. If problems with nails are a consequence of an injury, then dilute celandine juice in water: for two liters of water you need a tablespoon of juice. This tool is very effective. But after it, the nails may turn orange-yellow for a short time. Don't worry, the color will return to normal soon. It is also forbidden to use it in cases of nail fungus. The fact is that the juice will penetrate deep into the affected nail and this is likely to result in internal burns.
  3. If you need not only a nail softening agent, but also a disinfectant, then a bath with soap will do, but not with ordinary, but with tar. It is recommended to use it specifically for infectious lesions of the nail plate. You can find this soap at any pharmacy. It needs to be grated (always on a large grater). You will need about a quarter of the bar, which should be diluted with a little water. For more effect, you can even lubricate your nails with this solution before immersing them in water. As soon as you lubricate, wrap your nails for 10 minutes, and then proceed to the bath. During the procedure, do not forget to add hot water so as not to catch cold.


In addition to baths, compresses are allowed. And while they are also effective in softening nails, compresses have a drawback. The procedure takes quite a long time, from 8 to 12 hours.

On the other hand, if you apply compresses before going to bed, then in the morning you will find that your nails are softer.

So, choose the recipe you like:

  1. Grind a fresh aloe leaf into a gruel, then apply it to thick toenails. Next, wrap them in plastic and put on clean socks on top.
  2. Ripe and fresh pumpkin should be cut into small plates (their thickness should be about half a centimeter). Try to tie them to the nail plates as tightly as possible. Perhaps the pumpkin will almost completely dry out - this is normal, because it gives off moisture well.
  3. Combine a tablespoon each of vegetable oil, cornstarch, and potato starch. Apply the resulting gruel to your nails in a thick layer. They do not need to be wrapped in anything, just protect them so as not to accidentally erase the product. Bandage your fingers until morning, and in the morning thoroughly rinse the compress from the nails with warm water. Then apply a softening hand cream to them.
  4. Boil one potato, mash it and let it cool. After the resulting puree is mixed with honey (a teaspoon is enough). Everything is applied to the nail plate, and tight socks are put on top.

How to trim thick toenails

It is most reasonable to cut such nails only after you have softened them - any of the above methods will do.

As for circumcision, it is better to use nippers for this purpose, since ordinary manicure scissors often cannot cope with thick and hard nails.

Sometimes even with tongs is difficult, so there is another, albeit somewhat strange, option - scissors for cutting chicken. Sold separately or in kitchen knife sets, they help you trim thick nails with ease. Buy them especially for yourself, so as not to embarrass the rest of the household.

Until you get rid of the problems with your nails, give up varnishes and gels for nails, as these products prevent the free penetration of air into the nail and the disease only worsens.

Prevention measures

A professional pedicure is considered the most ideal for the prevention of thickened nails, but someone is not able to afford such expenses on a regular basis, while others are due to the lack of good masters in the place where they live.

If you also have problems with pedicure, then:

  • wash your feet daily in summer and every other day in winter;
  • after washing, always treat all nails with an emollient cream, sunflower or olive oil, an oil vitamin solution;

Of course, the nail plates on the feet are not as noticeable as on the hands. Especially in autumn and winter. And if a deformed nail appears, then the person will not particularly pay attention to it at first, considering that the thickening is just a cosmetic problem and going to an appointment with a specialist is a simple waste of time. But Tibetan doctors are sure, for example, that changes in color, shape, structure, as well as thickening of toenails have their own reasons and may indicate that some serious malfunctions are occurring in the body, the causes of which can be determined by a dermatologist.

In addition, the image of an aesthetically attractive, well-groomed person will not be complete if the condition of his hands and feet leaves an unpleasant impression on others.

Why do my toenails get thick, hard and yellow?

There are a large number of reasons why the nails on the legs thicken, become harder and acquire a yellowish tint. Some causes are eliminated without the intervention of doctors, others only with the help of a professional doctor.

  • Fungal disease. Fungal disease is a common cause of this type of problem. Such an infection simply cannot be overlooked. As the nails become much thicker, they also change their own shade. Also, pain appears on the spot. The skin near the nail itches and swells. And the legs themselves give off an unpleasant odor.
  • Stressful situations and disturbed diet. Severe stress can significantly weaken the human body. A busy schedule at work, strong emotions very often lead to mental distress. Nails become thicker, turn yellow, and also change their shape, exfoliate and break. Often there are small depressions or growths. The whole situation can be aggravated by a disturbed diet: after a strict diet or overeating.

  • Diseases in the body. Nails become thicker, loose and deformed very often due to eczema or psoriasis. If the marigold has become thicker, turned yellow, changed its shape, then it is necessary to think about impaired blood circulation. It can be caused by bacterial disease, metabolic disorders, or diabetes.
  • Blood circulation is impaired from tight enough shoes, and improper walking. Problems may still lurk in a family-inherited disease of the skin, for example, in polykeratosis. Due to the lack of keratin, the nail plates become thicker and denser over time.

Features and reasons

It should be noted right away that the condition of the nails can tell a lot about the health of the whole organism. They are a kind of indicator that can change depending on the diseases in a person.

Normally, the thickness of the nail should be 1 mm. If the plate becomes noticeably thicker, and this is not based on genetic characteristics, it is worth seriously looking for the cause of the pathology.

The following are the most common causes of thickened nails:

  1. Fungus damage. It rightfully occupies the first place in our list, as it is extremely common. In this state, a person may experience deformation of the nails, a change in their shade and structure.

It is very easy to catch the fungus. To do this, it is enough to visit a public place (pool, beach) without slippers or use someone else's shoes containing fungal spores.

  1. Deterioration of blood circulation in the legs, which can be observed with serious problems with blood vessels, varicose veins.
  2. Chronic skin diseases that provoke the death of the upper layer of the epidermis. Most often, psoriasis is displayed negatively on the condition of the nails, which does not lend itself to timely treatment with medications.
  3. A poor diet, in which the body suffers from a lack of nutrients. This contributes to the development of chronic diseases, serious metabolic disorders and deterioration of the condition of the nails. Also, with improper nutrition, human skin, hair, teeth, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems invariably suffer.
  4. Infectious lesions.
  5. Previous finger injury. In this case, thickening of the nail will be observed only in the area of \u200b\u200binjury. All other nails will remain unchanged.
  6. Damage to nerve endings.
  7. Wrong selection of shoes. It puts additional stress on the foot, thereby increasing the risk of calluses, corns and deformation of the nail plate. High-heeled shoes, too warm or too narrow models, are considered especially dangerous.
  8. Incorrectly performed pedicure, which can contribute to infection.
  9. Indirect effects of diseases in the body. This can be a negative effect of the flowing rheumatism, atherosclerosis, gout.

Toenail softener: a list of drugs

Nowadays, in the pharmacy you can see a wide range of products that soften your nails. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

  • Potassium permanganate. This tool is used for baths that help soften, plus disinfect each nail during mycosis. Prepare a weak solution from this product in order to avoid burns.
  • Salicylic acid. As a rule, it is used during nail fungal disease. The tool perfectly softens and removes a thick nail plate. Perform the procedure after you make a hot bath for the legs, with the addition of baking soda and soap. Apply a compress with this product once a day. Note that there is also a stronger fungicide that kills fungi.
  • Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. This tool softens the seals on the nails and eliminates purulent inflammation.
  • Nogtivitis. This drug softens the nails, relieves pain during fungal disease. Apply the preparation to the nail after you have treated your feet in a salt bath with the addition of soap. Cover the skin with a plaster or wrap it with a small piece of bandage.

  • Scholl. Reliably and carefully restores the structure of the nail until it is completely recovered. This preparation contains salicylic acid, plus sodium bicarbonate with glycerin, as well as a large number of vitamins. Apply the product to thick nails for about 10 minutes. Then trim your nail. If you use this tool regularly, you will never be bothered by this problem again.
  • Uroderm. The preparation contains urea, which softens the keratinized area of \u200b\u200bthe nail. Apply the cream 2 times a day with a thin layer in the area where the thick nail is present. During a fungal disease, apply the ointment for 30 minutes. before using the fungicide.

Reasons for thickening

Doctors explain why nails curl and thicken. All this is due to a systemic disease of the body with viruses, onychomycosis, or an injury. For these reasons, the nail can become flaky, hard, and curved. Most often, the plates on the legs are damaged, but the hands can also be injured.

Mechanical damage to the nail plate

Tight and uncomfortable shoes lead to nail damage, disruption of its normal growth. The surface of the plate is regularly injured, it begins to intensively regenerate, forming a thick protective layer.

There is nowhere to grow forward because of tight shoes, so the nail grows up, while noticeably thickens. It turns yellow with an uneven surface that can be cracked. The little toe nail is most often thickened by too small shoes.

The obstructed blood flow in the extremities also leads to deformation of the nail plates. They change shape, become hard and hardened due to trauma, inflammatory disease of the fingers or nail bed. Even an unsuccessful pedicure can lead to such a cosmetic defect. Flat feet or club feet also cause deformation and thickening of the nail.

The keratin plates on the legs become thick, yellow and thickened, usually due to an infectious or medical condition. A timely visit to a doctor will return the nails to a healthy look and help detect a serious illness in time.


Thick toenails occur most often with fungal diseases, from which one in four people suffer. Onychomycosis or fungus develops imperceptibly at first. The patient usually notices the signs of the disease in the later stages. Fungus treatment is not easy and time consuming. You need to see a doctor when you experience such symptoms:

  • the thickness of the nails increases, their color changes;
  • the plate is covered with cracks, begins to exfoliate;
  • spots of white or yellow appear;
  • an unpleasant odor occurs;

How to soften thick rough nails with folk remedies with vinegar, soda, vitamins?

Many people, even if they soften their nails, do so in rare situations when the need arises. But some people need such manipulation when their nails grow back.

Of course, the easiest way is to visit a beauty salon and get the help of a professional. But not everyone has the funds for such a service. If you also have this problem, you will need our recommendations.

Method one

The most accessible and simple method is a bath made of soap and soda:

  • Take hot water.
  • Pour soap shavings into it (better use household soap) and soda.
  • Take 3 servings of soap, 1 serving of soda.
  • Dip your feet into this compound.
  • After 20 minutes. your nails will become softer, therefore, you can process them without problems.

Method two

If the nail plate is not very thick, then you can soften it with ordinary vinegar 9%.

  • Soak a piece of cotton wool with vinegar.
  • Attach it to the nail for 2 hours. Follow the procedure carefully. Be careful not to get the vinegar on the skin near your finger.

Third method

The following tool would also be an excellent option:

  • Take the same amount of vinegar essence, iodine and glycerin. Add a little water to this composition 1: 2.
  • Then apply the product gently so that it does not touch the skin.
  • Leave the compress for 12 hours.

Symptoms: starts to turn yellow, dry skin, deforms the nail, coarse skin

The reasons for the thickening of the nail plate on the toes can be both a genetic predisposition, for example, congenital pachyonychia, and serious diseases:

  • psoriasis. Scaly lichen. It is not a contagious disease that affects the skin. Joints and internal organs are involved in the process. And in 80% of cases, deformation of the nails occurs, which can also be a symptom of the onset of articular psoriasis. Onychodystrophy and trachyonychia appear. The nail plates become brittle and thicken. Cracks, serrations, longitudinal grooves appear on them;
  • neuropathy. Nails exfoliate and thicken in diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Because, first of all, the nerve fibers of the legs suffer from neuropathy, since they are the largest in the body. The skin becomes dry, flaky, and the nails thicken;
  • multivitaminosis. With a lack of several vitamins in the body, a change in skin color begins, the hair does not shine and splits, the nails become thinner or, conversely, coarse, change their shade;
  • dermis diseases... The skin is affected, and then the inflammation passes to the nearby nail plates. The type of disease can only be determined by a doctor. However, how to prescribe the correct treatment;
  • stress. After prolonged stressful situations, the condition of the hair, skin, nails of the upper and lower extremities worsens;
  • vascular diseases... The formation of blood clots in the capillaries, poor peripheral blood supply can also lead to a change in the thickness of the nail plate;
  • fungus. Caused by pathogenic fungi. The source is the people around them, their things. Infection can occur while using someone else's shoes, washcloths, towels. Non-sterile instruments in the pedicure office. People who suffer from excessive sweating of the legs and abrasion of the skin are more at risk of catching an infection. Nails become dull, thickened, yellowish and begin to flake, crumble. Find out what is the best hand and nail cream here.

If your nails are thickening for no apparent reason, then you need to pay attention to your shoes. She must be:

  1. Made from natural raw materials.
  2. Fit comfortably to the leg.

The heel should be no higher than 6–7 cm. Regular pedicure and foot care should become the rule.

Baths for softening hard and thick nails: recipes

You simply have to try one of the folk remedies at home. For example, a bath. However, in doing so, you must follow these rules:

  • Only use water at a comfortable temperature of about 38 ° C.
  • The duration of one bath is 15 to 20 minutes.
  • When you do the bath, dry your feet thoroughly, preferably with disposable wipes. This will prevent the spread of the infection.
  • When your feet are dry, treat them with an emollient.
  • A pleasant, and most importantly effective procedure for softening nails is carried out using lemon peel.

Now we suggest you explore some good recipes for baths.

First option:

A bath with the addition of lemon juice is ideal during various diseases, with damage to the skin around the fingers, as well as for softening thick nails. Take about 50 ml of juice. Dissolve it in water (5 L).

Second option:

To soften thick nails, use herbal teas. You can use medicinal chamomile, mint, nettle, or calendula. Add 100 g of dried herbs or 300 g of fresh herbs to water (5 l). Brew the broth, leave for at least 1 hour.

Third option:

Euphorbia is a poisonous plant that softens nails. Take 1 tbsp. fresh product. Chop the grass, squeeze the juice out of it, add to the vodka (50 ml). Insist for 24 hours. Then add the infusion to warm water.

What problems does hardware cosmetology treat?

A therapeutic pedicure based on hardware cleaning is effective before applying a medication to a damaged nail plate. Modern methods of treating diseased nails in cosmetology involve the use of a basic pedicure machine with different types of tools, from blades and cutters to nippers.

The processing of the nail takes place under the influence of the attachment, which the apparatus rotates. It is effective in the most advanced cases. Removal of the damaged layer of the nail plate facilitates the penetration of antimycotic drugs into its structure.

Hardware cosmetology

The procedure is painless, which is the advantage of hardware processing of nails, which does not take much time. Cleaning with a pedicure device is not dangerous for patients diagnosed with diabetes, eczema or allergic reactions. It increases the effectiveness of fungus treatment by almost 95%.


The method of hardware cleaning is effective in cases of onychomycosis, when it is necessary to remove the nail damaged by the fungus. The method improves the treatment of nail plates infected with the fungus with various drugs, including ointments, varnishes or sprays.

It allows you to collect as much biological tissue as possible, providing an accurate diagnosis during laboratory tests.

The device has no side effects, it is safe to use. The method allows to prevent complications resulting from infection with a fungal infection. Hardware pedicure improves the appearance of damaged nail plates.


Various injuries to the skin of the feet or open wounds on the legs are contraindications to treatment with the apparatus method. This universal method must be excluded in case of dermatoses or possible allergic reactions, as well as neoplasms.

Cleaning the nail plates using the hardware method is not recommended for pregnant women. The method is contraindicated in patients suffering from liver and kidney diseases. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using hardware cosmetology as a method of treating mycosis.

How are the procedures, duration of treatment

Carrying out hardware cleaning of infected nail plates on the feet is based on the use of a standard set of materials and a special composition for disinfection, ethanol and peroxide. The kit should include a preparation that softens the nail plate. The procedure requires the use of special clothing by a health worker.

From the inventory you need to take a foot bath, spreads for fingers, napkins. The choice of cleaning technique depends on the diagnosis.

A medical professional performing a pedicure procedure using a hardware method must perform the following steps step by step:

  1. Examine the foot and nail plates in order to diagnose the patient's condition.
  2. Disinfect the skin of the toes and feet using the composition included in the kit.
  3. Treat the cuticle of each nail with a special oil to soften its structure.
  4. Immerse the patient's feet in an antiseptic compound to soften the skin.
  5. Process the nail plates using the apparatus and special attachments with cutters.
  6. Remove corns and calluses from the feet.
  7. Follow the procedure for exfoliating and scrubbing the feet.

After the treatment of nails and feet with the apparatus, an antifungal agent can be applied and a special massage can be performed to improve blood circulation. Further treatment will depend on the patient's conscientious observance of all the prescriptions of the attending dermatologist. The cost of processing one finger by hardware is on average about 150 rubles.

Compresses for softening hard and thick nails: recipes

The compress is very beneficial, even if used on thick nails. But it has one small drawback - the process itself takes a long time. It is necessary to withstand up to 12 hours to obtain a positive result.

First option:

  • Take an aloe leaf
  • Grind it to get a homogeneous gruel.
  • Apply the product to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail
  • Wrap plastic on top and put on a sock

Second option:

  • Take a ripe pumpkin
  • Cut it into 5 mm thick slices
  • Tie a compress

Third option:

  • Grate raw potatoes, add a little vegetable oil, such as olive oil, to it.
  • Apply the mixture to the nail plate. By the way, this remedy is suitable for treating cracks on the heels.

Fourth option:

The next version of the compress will seem difficult to you. But believe me, it's very useful. Prepare the product in advance and store it in a cool place in a well-closed jar.

  • Take glycerin (10 g), iodine (10 g), vinegar essence (10 g).
  • Mix all components, shake them, add water (50 ml).
  • Before using the product, shake it thoroughly and gently apply it to the nail plate.
  • Fix the compress immediately with a plaster.

Fifth option:

  • Cut the kombucha into 5mm thick slices, about the size of a nail plate.
  • Attach it tightly to your nail.

Sixth option:

  • Boil the potatoes, mash them
  • When the gruel has cooled, add honey (1 tsp)
  • Lubricate the nail, put on a tight sock

Types of drugs for the treatment of toenails: names, forms of release, advantages and disadvantages

It is important for a dermatologist to know whether the disease has occurred in the past, the experience and duration of treatment. The choice of medication depends on the type of causative agent of the disease, which must be established during the diagnosis. The active component of each drug is capable of treating a specific infection. Under the influence of yeast or mold, the nail plate thickens.

Local varieties of medicines for the treatment of nail diseases are used externally. The systemic category includes drugs in the form of tablets or capsules used for oral administration and taken by mouth. They are effective if local drugs can no longer cure an advanced disease.


Highly active ointments act on the principle of the greenhouse effect created when the ointment is applied to the affected area. The film formed by the ointment prevents the penetration of oxygen to the area affected by the pathogen, causing its death. According to this principle, Lamisil and Mycosan ointments work.


The advantage of using Lamisil is associated with the action of an active substance called terbinafine. The ointment is effective for fungal infections, it does not cause negative reactions. The disadvantage of using the drug is the absence of any research related to the appointment of a medication to pregnant women.

Mycosan ointment is easy to apply, since the tube contains an applicator brush. The package contains disposable files. The advantage of the drug can be considered the presence of a diary in the set with the ointment for recording the schedule of procedures and a template that allows you to control the color of the nail.


The drug Lamisil, manufactured in Switzerland on the basis of terbinafine, is effective against onychomycosis. The product removes dermatophytes, yeasts and molds, preventing their reproduction. The therapeutic effect of the aerosol preparation is associated with the elimination of itching and inflammation. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days when using the spray 1 time daily.

A budgetary tool of Russian production can be considered a Bifosin spray based on befonazole, which is effective for the treatment of all known types of fungus. The duration of the course of drug treatment is 2-4 weeks. You need to use the aerosol once a day.


German spray Kanesten has a positive effect in the treatment of foot fungus. The destruction of the structure of the fungus occurs under the influence of the substance Clotrimazole. The treatment course should last 2-4 weeks with a daily single use of the spray.


Any remedy in the form of a medicinal varnish should be used after reading the instructions for it.

The main advantages of these drugs for the treatment of mycosis with a liquid structure are as follows:

  • ease of application;
  • deep penetration;
  • filling of microcracks;
  • fast drying;
  • durable coating.

For effective treatment with one or another drug, it is important to follow the therapeutic regimen shown in the table.

Nail polishes that are effective against fungus:

Instructions for using the drug:

  1. Wash feet with household soap, wipe them dry.
  2. Degrease your nails using an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.
  3. Trim your nails as short as possible by removing loose particles using a custom file for all nail plates.
  4. Apply varnish and wait until it is completely dry from 30 seconds. up to 3 min.

Varnish is prescribed if no more than 60% of the nail area is infected. Side effects include itching, skin redness, and burning.

Oral preparations

Systemic therapy based on oral medications involves the ingestion of antifungal tablets. Many types of oral agents are ineffective against onychomycosis. They can inhibit the growth of fungi by having a fungistatic effect.

These include toxic drugs in the form of tablets or oral suspension Griseofulvin and Fulcin. Duration of toenail treatment is 9-18 months. The drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy, blood diseases, they should not be used by children.


The following drugs are effective against onychomycosis for oral use that partially or completely eliminate yeast, mold and dermatophytes affecting the toenails, replacing topical preparations:

  • Ketoconazole - the duration of the treatment course is 8-12 months;
  • Nizoral - duration of treatment is 6 months;
  • Itraconazole - foot nail therapy includes 3 courses with a break of 3 weeks;
  • Terbinafine - a course of treatment for toenails for 12 weeks;
  • Lamisil - the duration of the course is from 1.5 to 3 months.

Preparations in the form of tablets of 125 mg, 200 mg or 250 g are contraindicated in liver or kidney disease. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting are side effects from taking drugs. They can negatively affect appetite. If a negative reaction of the body occurs, it is necessary to stop taking these funds and consult a doctor.

Antifungal treatment

The presence of an infection often causes the nails to thicken. You can eliminate it thanks to complex treatment using medicines and folk remedies.

Medicines prescribed by a dermatologist for the treatment of pathology may be as follows:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycosan;
  • Terbizil;
  • Mifungar;
  • Betrafen.

They should be taken with great care. This will avoid side effects, since antifungal medications can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and liver. The product should be used according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor.

Homemade vitamin cream recipe for softening nails

As a rule, creams are used not only to soften the nail, but also to eliminate fungal disease. In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made Fundizol cream. But such a remedy can also be prepared independently, using improvised means and preparations.

To prepare a healing cream, take the following ingredients:

  • Aloe leaf
  • Clove of garlic
  • Onion
  • Beeswax
  • Butter

Foot cream

Cooking process:

  • Grind aloe leaf with garlic and onions
  • Boil the ingredients with beeswax
  • Add oil and boil the composition for another 3 minutes

Apply the resulting product to the affected nail, cover with a leaf of cabbage and fix with a bandage. The duration of the procedure should be up to 8 hours.

Prevention of nail disease

A health problem is easier to prevent than to cure. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, follow these simple rules:

  1. Compliance with hygiene. Regular water treatments using hygiene products prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria that can lead to nail disease.
  2. Using a personal towel.
  3. You cannot wear, try on someone else's shoes.
  4. When buying new shoes, use socks; when purchasing, treat from the inside.
  5. When visiting a sauna or swimming pool, wear special rubber shoes.
  6. Feet should be shod comfortably, fingers not cramped, monitor the quality of the material used.
  7. Rinse the inside of your shoes regularly.
  8. Socks are prescribed to be changed daily.

Excessive sweating of the feet promotes the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, provoking the development of fungal diseases. A decoction of oak bark will help to cope. Prepared in a proportion of 100 g per 1 liter of water, heated in a water bath for twenty minutes. Should be applied cold. Using baby powder will help prevent excessive sweating. It is enough to pour a small amount into socks or shoes before leaving the house.

Regular use of foot baths using sea salt, various herbal decoctions with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties will put an additional barrier on the path of developing diseases of the nail plate. Remember, if you find a change in the nail, it will help to see a doctor.

Fungus infection often occurs as a result of neglect of the listed personal safety measures. Take care of your own well-being, do not ignore the reasonable advice of experts and be healthy.

Homemade healing ointment recipe to soften nails

Dealing with a problem such as a hard nail is not always difficult. After all, ointments prepared at home can come to the rescue.

First option:

  • Take equal amounts of olive oil, honey, sour cream, and lemon juice.
  • Stir the ingredients.
  • Apply the resulting composition to the nail plate, hold the ointment for about 3 hours.

Second option:

Prepare this ointment with simple mayonnaise. Take a little of this product, add water to make the mayonnaise more liquid. Add essential oil (2 drops), stir, apply on the nail for 1 hour. Rinse with water.

Methods for diagnosing the problem

Thickening of toenails, the causes of which lead to increased elasticity of the nail plate and looseness of the skin at its base, requires timely medical diagnosis. A specialist in the field of dermatology not only performs palpation and visual examination, but also conducts a detailed study of the structure of the affected nail.

The initial stage of diagnosis involves the prevention of traumatic factors. If the cause of the patient's illness is associated with pathology, then the degree of its severity may be different.

A deep diagnostic study, carried out by a podologist or mycologist, allows you to exclude or confirm the presence of a particular disease. The physician should examine the patient's legs using an illuminated magnifying glass. This will allow you to study the color, shape and type of the edges of the nail plate.

Among the main research methods carried out by specialists, one can single out:

  • scraping for microscopic analysis (sowing for onychomycosis);
  • general and biochemical blood test (for the content of trace elements);
  • spectral analysis of the nail plate;
  • chest x-ray (if you suspect tuberculosis, pneumonia, various lung diseases).

To identify many types of diseases, complex diagnostics are needed. This will allow prescribing the correct course of treatment, the effectiveness of which depends on the patient's compliance with the doctor's requirements.

How to soften nails with Scholl thickened nail softener?

Scholl nourishing cream, which softens thickened and hard nails, fully nourishes the skin around the nail, plus moisturizes it, strengthens the structure of the nail. The product protects the legs from corns and rough skin.

This drug contains a large number of beneficial elements, for example, allantoin, vitamins and bisabolol.

  • Allantoin softens the skin.
  • Bisabolol relieves inflammation, soothes the epidermis.
  • Vitamin complex heals small wounds, fights early cell aging

The cream also softens the nails and improves their overall structure.

Apply the cream in the morning and a second time before bed. During application, try to gently massage the skin and nails so that the product is absorbed more actively.

Treatment methods

Among the known effective methods of eliminating the problem are medications aimed at combating fungal infections, as well as folk recipes that have an antimicrobial effect and soften the plate. Excellent quality + low price \u003d Avon foundation.


If the deviation of the thickness of the plate from the norm is due to a fungal infection, a specialist prescribes treatment with medicines in the form of an ointment or tablets. An even tone without clogging pores - Vichy foundation.

The most popular ones are:

  • Terbinafine;
  • Binafin;
  • Terbizine;
  • Mikomax;
  • Orungal;
  • Mycozoral and others.

The course and features of treatment are established by a dermatologist. Usually, treatment is carried out in conjunction with the intake of calcium and iron-containing drugs, vitamin complexes.

Thickening, thickening of the toenail and toenails, ingrown toenails: treatment

In such a situation, it is necessary to use powerful methods that can soften even very thick nails.

  • Special varnish. For example, Luceril varnish is considered an excellent option. When applying the drug to the nail, make sure that no water gets on it.

  • Aloe leaf. This plant can easily soften the nail plate. Proceed as follows: clean the sheet from thorns, divide it lengthwise, fix it on the affected nail with an adhesive plaster. Leave it until morning.
  • Keratolytic plaster. An excellent remedy that will also help destroy nail fungus. Treat them with an antiseptic first. Apply the plaster. Remove it after 3 days. If you need to remove the nail completely, extend the course to 6 days.

Characteristic signs

Depending on the root cause of the lesion, a change in the state of the nails may be accompanied by the following characteristic signs:

  • yellowing of nails;
  • changing the structure and thickness of the plate;
  • the appearance of yellow or brown spots;
  • delamination;
  • unpleasant odor of feet when affected by a fungus;
  • the formation of an uneven surface;
  • dullness.

Attention! In most cases, a bunion builds up gradually. First, the tips of the plate are affected, after which the formation of white spots can be noted. Over time, they spread to the entire surface of the nail.

If you want to avoid these kinds of troubles, just minimize the risk of them occurring.

  • Choose the right size shoes. Make sure that it does not press, does not bring discomfort while walking.
  • Never use someone else's pedicure accessories.
  • When exercising in the fitness center, wear rubber flip flops in the shower.

  • Try to practice good personal hygiene.
  • Use baths with the addition of soda as a preventive measure.
  • If there are wounds on the skin near your nails, treat them regularly with an antiseptic.
  • Take care of your own health. Eat right.

How to treat seals on the nail plate

You can replace your shoes with more comfortable ones. And if there is a lack of vitamins at any time, it is not a problem to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, then psoriasis, mycosis can only be cured by a doctor and the means correctly selected by him. Find out how to choose a cream for odor and sweating feet in this material.

Medication treatment

A thickened toenail can be a symptom of a certain medical condition. If the nail begins to turn yellow, then this is most likely a manifestation of mycosis. This disease can be treated with medication.

Ointments for thinning

If fungi have become the reason for the deterioration of the appearance of the nail plate, then the appropriate drugs for nail bending, which are divided into two groups, will be effective means in the fight against them:

  • azole. Active substances destroy the cell membrane and thus prevent the synthesis of harmful microorganisms. Example: Miconazole, Fundizol and others;
  • allylamic. They penetrate into the nail plate and destroy the fungal colony. This group includes the ointment Exoderil, Mikoseptin, Lamisil, Mikospor and others. A new nail plate grows at the site of the affected nail after treatment.

Mikospor is a cream for removing the affected nail. The active substance is bifonazole. For the tool to help, you must apply it correctly.

To do this, thoroughly wash the thickened and yellowed nail. Apply a cream to it, and fix a waterproof plaster on top. After a day, a special scraper needs to remove the affected area. Find out how Mycostop cream works here.

The procedure should be carried out regularly once a day for a month.

Cosmetical tools

Eveline Cosmetics (Poland). "Means for effective and fast regeneration of nails 8 in 1".

It must be used according to a certain scheme. Process on the first day. On the second day, apply the product again. On the third day, wash it off and repeat the procedure.

Naomi (USA). "Reconstructor for nails". The tool saturates nails with vitamins and minerals. They restore their structure. Give elasticity to the nail plates. You can find out about other American cosmetics in the article.

Naomi (USA). "Reconstructor for nails".

Gehwol (German cosmetics). Means for nail care "Gerlan". Perfectly restores the most damaged nails. It contains wheat germ oil, medicinal chamomile extract and vitamin E. This is an effective protection against harmful bacteria and fungal diseases.

Gehwol against fungus.

The Gerlan nail care product is more suitable for those who have exfoliated nails.


The use of oils for the improvement of the nail plate is justified. They have a wide spectrum of action and eliminate the root cause of the disease. Among the most effective remedies are oils: lavender, tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, cloves.

  • Tea tree oil. It is an antiviral and antifungal agent. In addition, it also has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect. Therefore, it can help even in the most advanced cases.
  • Lavender oil. It manifests itself as an antimycotic, antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory agent. These properties are especially enhanced in tandem with tea tree oil.

Oil can be used both diluted, except lavender, and pure. First, before use, you must hold the bottle with the product in a water bath for about 30 minutes.


Lotseril. As part of the product, the active active ingredient is amorolfine. In the process of application, the nails become thinner, acquire a normal color. But getting rid of mycosis is not at all easy, so the doctor may recommend using pills of the same name in parallel.

Antifungal varnish Lotseril.

The course of varnish treatment can be from two to three months. And in advanced cases, even up to six months.

Lac Batrafen.

There may be nail flaking when using polish. The varnish is contraindicated for use in children under 10 years of age.


Proven and effective recipes can be found in the Handbook of Traditional Medicine by TN Yukalo (pp. 114-115).

Apple and wine vinegar. Hold your fingers in a strong solution. Before the procedure, wash your feet well, wipe dry. Do in the evening before bedtime. To immediately put in order and heels, you can lubricate them with a callus remover.

Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix in equal proportions with natural butter. Put on the nail, on top of the plaster and change every day.

Pour a bunch of milkweed with three liters of boiling water and let it brew for at least 3 hours. Dip your feet in hot liquid and keep them there for 30 minutes. Repeat after two days. And so on until the fungus completely disappears.

A very effective remedy is celandine herb. Put a spoonful of natural raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Remove the container and wrap it up in order to infuse. Wipe your toenails morning and evening.

Celandine is a very poisonous plant. Therefore, using it even for external use, you need to adhere to the exact dosages.

As strange as it sounds, thick tomato juice can help in getting rid of fungal diseases of the toes.

Combine tar, goose fat, sulfur in equal proportions. Add the same amount of burnt copper sulfate (the color should not be blue, but white-gray). Lubricate the affected area regularly. Find out how tar shampoo affects hair here.

Pour a glass of alcohol into a dessert spoon of lilac flowers. Insist for two weeks. Lubricate your nails liberally. It will take one to two weeks to recover.

Hardware cosmetology

Just a few years ago, nails affected by the fungus were simply removed. Now the technique has changed a bit. No one can make nails thinner - even if you cope with the fungus, the nails grow very slowly. And until the thickened plate leaves, it will take a long time. But it is possible to remove the affected areas and make the nail plates aesthetically attractive with the help of a medical pedicure. The procedure is painless, but it is carried out in salons, not in hairdressing salons. And only a specialist with secondary or higher education. The instruments are disinfected in three stages.

How to trim hardened nails

Before you start trimming thickened nails, you must first steam them. It is for this purpose that several recipes for home baths have been presented. Otherwise, without steaming, the coarse nail may crack, damage and cause pain during the procedure.

The main steps for properly trimming toenails in older people are as follows:

  1. All instruments required for a pedicure are carefully processed to avoid infection on possible injured areas.
  2. The stratum corneum is not cut very short; care must be taken to ensure that the edge of the nail covers the pad of the finger. Cut carefully without sudden movements. The corners of the nail must be rounded to avoid ingrowth into the skin.
  3. Alternative methods are used for severe stiffness and compaction. The softened areas must be removed, the ingrown edges are pushed off with a file until the corner of the nail appears. For older people, it is recommended to use special nippers rather than nail scissors.

Nail clipping
Almost all elderly people face deformation and thickening of the nail plate. Over the years, this factor becomes a regularity, which, it would seem, cannot be changed. However, constant care with all kinds of steaming procedures and removal of the accumulated layers of the nail allows you to preserve the former "youth" of the legs.

Reasons for changing the color and thickness of nails

The color of the human nail plate is always in harmony with the color of the skin. It happens that for some reason this harmony is violated, and the nails turn yellow and thicken. This happens more often on the legs.

Nail color should be in harmony with skin color

Before starting treatment, it is worth understanding why this happened. After all, perhaps, first you need to eliminate the causes, and then take up treatment. Otherwise, the problem may return, or not be eliminated at all. And there can be many reasons.


Nail injuries can be acute or chronic. It all depends on the strength of the impact on the nail at the time of injury.

Acute trauma means a physical impact that instantly causes damage in the form of a pinched or even torn off nail. The reason for such consequences can be the fall of something heavy on the leg, or a strong kick with the foot on something hard. For example, football players constantly kick the ball, which can cause acute injury.

However, you can accidentally stumble over something. As a result of such a bruise, most often, the vessels are damaged at the location of the nail, or in the area where it grows. Therefore, bleeding occurs and a hematoma is formed.

A bruised nail, as a rule, provokes a change in its color (turns blue) and thickening

At best, the consequence of an acute injury will be the detachment of the nail plate from its bed. When the nail grows back, everything returns to normal. But severe damage to the growth zone of the nail can cause changes in the shape of the nail. Such defects can not only bear an unaesthetic appearance of the fingers, but also lead to other problems, for example, yellowing and thickening of the nail plate.

While walking, the toenails are constantly stressed. Therefore, a deformed thickened nail can easily grow into the tissue of the toes, which will cause pain and can have many unpleasant consequences.

A deformed thickened nail during walking receives a load and can grow into the tissues of the toes

Chronic trauma is defined as injury that is acquired gradually. Therefore, more often than not, this happens unnoticed by the victim. Such an injury can have several reasons: uncomfortable shoes, exposure to cosmetic nail coatings that have a chemical composition. It can also lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of a yellowed misshapen nail.


It happens that, to the detriment of comfort, some people (more often women) prefer beautiful shoes. A woman can spend the whole day in uncomfortable and tight-fitting stiletto heels, emphasizing her femininity and elegance. Treatment can be a consequence of such beauty, because blood flow will be slowed down in the toes that are compressed at this moment, and as a result, the toenails turn yellow and thicken.

Tight and uncomfortable shoes also cause deformation of the feet and nails, including

In pursuit of a neat appearance of the leg, a person buys shoes that fit too tightly, hoping that over time it will become looser. It is only while the shoes are being carried that the nails are compressed, and yet they suffer. And not everyone remembers when buying that the human foot tends to change in volume.

For example, with prolonged exertion, or if the legs are hot, the foot swells. If the shoes do not provide for a small free space, then the toes will be squeezed, and with them the nails. If a person happens to run, jump, or go downhill in such shoes, then the foot shifts forward, and most of the load inevitably falls on the toes and nails. In tight shoes, the nails at this moment suffer greatly.

As a result, the toenails turn yellow and thicken. The treatment of such a problem should start with the choice of comfortable shoes.

It should be added that compression stockings or tights can cause similar damage to nails, since they also squeeze fingers and toenails.

Chemical damage

Every woman wants to look perfect to her toes. Therefore, pedicure has become an integral part for them.

Frequent use of varnishes and liquids to remove them negatively affects the health of the nail plates.

Only not everyone thinks that, in addition to beauty, it can also bring harm. Nail polishes, nail polish removers have a chemical composition, which means they can damage the health of nails.

This is especially true of such moments when the nails are coated with a persistent varnish, which has the property of tight adhesion to the surface of the nail. And to remove it, very aggressive solvents are used, which leads to a thinning of the nail.

With prolonged abuse of such products, the toenails can be seriously damaged, they turn yellow and thicken. Therefore, in order to avoid treatment, sometimes it is worth taking a break and not applying a decorative coating to the nails.

Bad habits

Smoking has never been beneficial to anyone.

However, this is the smallest fraction of the harm of nicotine to human health. If you get rid of the bad habit in time, the nails will return to their healthy color as nicotine is removed from the body.

Fungal infection

The most common cause of nail discoloration and shape is fungus. But it does not appear by itself either. More often it is preceded by provoking factors:

  • excess weight and an inactive lifestyle reduce the level of blood supply to the lower extremities. For a fungal infection, these are favorable conditions;
  • shoes that do not have ventilation, are narrow and uncomfortable, in combination with synthetic socks, will provoke sweating of the feet. And wet feet are the most favorable environment for the development of fungus;

Being in crowded places, damp feet, poor hygiene are all factors that contribute to the development of nail fungus

  • being in crowded places (such as a swimming pool, sauna, fitness club) with bare feet puts you at risk of fungus infection;
  • diabetes mellitus puts a person at high risk of contracting a fungal infection;
  • uncomfortable shoes can lead to cracks and calluses. These are good conditions for the development of the fungus;
  • the hot season increases sweating;
  • smoking leads to problems with blood vessels. Poor circulation is beneficial for the life of the fungus;
  • other people's hygiene items, clothing, and especially shoes can give a person a fungal infection.

It is important to know! A fungus is an infection that can easily spread from one person to another. Therefore, if you notice signs of a fungal infection, you should consult a doctor. After all, it is possible to finally determine whether it is a fungus or not only with the help of laboratory analysis. The same analysis will allow you to determine the causative agent of the fungal infection, which is important for the correct treatment.

Possible symptoms of a fungal infection include:

1. The nail changes color.

2. The thickness of the nail changes (thickens or becomes thinner).

3. The nail begins to exfoliate.

4. The nail is crumbling.

5. The appearance of skin redness around the nail plate.

Chronic diseases

Often, the problem of an aesthetic plan is actually embedded within the human body. The processes taking place inside, undoubtedly, affect the appearance.

Because of liver problems, both skin and nails turn yellow. Diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, metabolic problems or with lymph nodes can affect the appearance of the nails.

In the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, nails can also change their color and structure.

In other words, the nail can be affected by onychodystrophy - a disease caused by other diseases occurring inside the human body, or metabolic disorders.

Medicines and poisons

Excessive use of antibiotics can lead to problems with the lymph nodes, which in turn affects the condition of the nails.

Some drugs, especially those containing arsenic, in excess in the body, adversely affect the health of not only some internal organs, but also nails.


It is so designed by nature that the older a person is, the more health difficulties he has... It is more difficult for the metabolism to occur, blood circulation is disturbed, the nail plate grows longer. The nail no longer receives many of the essential nutrients, so it may change in color and structure.

With age, women change their nail plates in color and structure.

In addition, immunity decreases, and the nails reduce their protective functions, they often begin to thicken and acquire a yellow tint due to the growth of the stratum corneum. For all these reasons, an older person is already more at risk of developing a fungal infection.

Of course, age is not a prerequisite for nail problems. But this is a reason to be extremely caring about your own health.


Like other parts of the human body, the nail needs nutrients and vitamins. The state and appearance of the nail plate directly depends on the level of their number.

Due to the lack of essential vitamins, the toenails turn yellow and thicken. Treatment in this case should be started by replenishing the vitamin deficiency in the body.

The lack of vitamins is reflected not only on the state of health, but also on the condition of the nails

Other reasons

There are many more reasons leading to a nail defect. This may be a consequence of a difficult operation.

It can be a disease of the nail plates themselves - dystrophy, which is a consequence of severe infectious diseases, or disorders of the nervous system. Especially if there is a habit of biting nails (more often this applies to children).

Age-related changes in the nail plate

  • Ingrown nail.

The most common defect in ingrown toenails in the elderly. This is why a regular visit to the pedicure office every four to five weeks is the best solution.

If shape changes such as onychogryphosis (curved nails) or onychocryptosis (overly ingrown nails) are present, treatment in a medical facility is necessary.

To prevent ingrowth from happening (this is known to all pedicure masters), you need to cut the plate without rounding, but straight across.

  • Onycholysis.

When a person gets old, the following happens: the nail plate begins to move away from the bed and, even when doing simple daily activities, there is a risk of losing the nail. This process is called onicholysis. This often happens in people over 50.

To avoid problems during a manicure, you should carefully handle the lower area where the nail is attached to the skin. Onycholysis can be the result of very strong pressing on the delicate place under the plate.

It is better not to clean with sharp metal tools if you see that an elderly person has weak nails and can come off. But even if onycholysis is not observed, it is dangerous to go deep. Be extremely careful not to press on the bottom.

In addition, an old man should not grow long nails so as not to create traumatic situations.

  • Impaired blood circulation.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle in old age, blood circulation slows down. Blood flow in the upper and lower extremities is impaired. The changes also affect the structure of the nails: they become drier and more brittle.

The master cannot change the lifestyle and general health of an elderly person, but he may not use solutions with acetone or formaldehyde, which dry out the nail plates. Thus, it is possible to slightly improve the problem situation. Vitamin-mineral complexes added to nutrition will strengthen hair and nails, normalize skin condition.

  • Growth of nails.

How fast does a person's nails grow? At a young and young age, it is about 1-3 mm per month. Those who have children know that they often have to trim their marigolds. Then, from about age 25, growth begins to decline by 0.5% per year. But don't be upset about this. The plus is that your beautiful gel polish manicure will last longer.

Well-groomed nails can improve the mood and well-being of older people, since they do not cause physical discomfort, and a positive state of mind is always a guarantee of health. Therefore, if you decide what to present to your beloved old grandmother, do not think about a new cup for tea, but pay for a manicure or pedicure session.

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Huge yellow or black nails on the hands and feet that resemble animal claws are not a very pleasant sight. They are so hard that it is impossible to cut them off, disfigure their legs, and terrify people. Thick nails are so hard that they cannot be cut with scissors. Summer shoes become unavailable. For women, this is generally a tragedy. They don't know what to do with it, panic and hysteria begins.

Why did the nail plate on the big toe of each foot change its structure and become thicker? Thickening and discoloration of nails can provoke various diseases.

Causes and symptoms of thickening:

Fungus remedy

1.The most common reason for this trouble is fungus... Fungus symptoms are very easy to recognize, as your toes begin to itch at first.

An unpleasant odor emanates from the feet, the appearance of the nails deteriorates. This disease is easy to catch. While visiting beauty salons, gym, solarium, swimming pool. It is more careless to wear someone else's shoes. What to do if the toenail is slightly yellow and thicker?

The fungus is easy to treat like this. Even if you don't have a fungus, it won't do any harm, and prevention won't hurt.

2.Lymph circulation disorder is the second cause of this problem. Toenails usually suffer from it. The elephantiasis of the feet disrupts the uniform supply of nutrients, therefore the toes experience hypoxia, the nail plate becomes much thicker, then darkens.

Thickening and yellowing of the nail

3.This trouble can cause diabetes... During the course of this disease, the blood supply is disrupted, the nail on the thumb lacks nutrients, becomes thicker, its color and structure change.

4.Endocrine diseases, change the color and thickness of the nail plate. During a disruption of the endocrine system, the normal production of hormones is disrupted. Some are produced in excess, others, on the contrary, are not enough. If there are not enough hormones responsible for the growth and health of nails, then they become thick and change color.

5. Liver diseaseoften lead to this problem. Seals, yellowness, roughness, grooves on the nails are one of the signs of liver disease.

6.Cardiac ischemia, leads to a stop of blood circulation, because of which the whole body suffers, including the nails. They thicken strongly and acquire a yellow-gray tint.

7. Disease of the nervous system neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The peripheral type of this disease leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the lower extremities, they are more prone to dryness than the rest of the body. You need to watch every nail. If it has changed color and became thicker, then you must definitely visit a dermatologist.

Fungus on the nail

8. It so happens that yellow and thick nails on the feet or hands of a person are his innate feature. Violation of normal blood circulation leads to the fact that they turn yellow and thicken. This disease is called - onychogryphosis.

8. Because of lack of vitamin B and calcium, toenails turn yellow, become streaked, become thicker.

9. The nail on the thumb became painful and yellow, all the fault wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes... In addition to being yellow, it can have blue and black spots. Over time, the nail falls off the skin. In order for a new nail to grow healthy, you need to wear comfortable shoes.

10. Advanced age. In people over the age of sixty, the nails on the hands and feet become thicker. This is rather due to the fact that older people suffer from one of the above diseases, or metabolic disorders.

All these causes are successfully treated. In order for each of the nails to become healthy again, there are folk remedies, as well as modern medicine.

Folk remedies for thickening nails:


Before making baths and compresses, it is worth remembering that not all diseases can be cured with folk remedies. Traditional methods, usually treat the fungus of the nail plate.
Apple vinegar together with potassium permanganate, it is added to the water in which the feet are washed. Such baths need to be done for exactly a week in order to restore a healthy look to the nails.
Tea tree oil - a good remedy for fungus. Treatment: you need to smear yellowed, toenails, every day.
Herbal collection, consisting of horsetail oak bark and calendula, is successfully used for baths, has a quick and durable effect.
Garlic - a product known for its antibacterial effect. In order to fight fungal diseases, garlic must be mixed with alcohol, making a tincture from it, then wipe your feet with it two to three times a day.
For a good effect, it is better to use two methods of treatment at once. For example, first do a bath, then apply oil to your nails.

After taking the baths, the steamed toenails should be treated with oil.
For the treatment of internal causes, use:
Ivy leavesfilled with a liter of vodka or alcohol. They are first insisted for three days, then taken one tablespoon per day. This helps to normalize the endocrine system.

Field clove tea cleanses the blood and normalizes the adrenal glands. It is an excellent treatment for many diseases, but this clove grows only in France.

If the nail has become thicker due to a violation of lymph outflow, then it is treated decoction of plantain... Making a decoction is very simple. It is necessary to pour one hundred grams of dried plantain leaves with a liter of water, bring to a boil, then cook over low heat for another ten minutes. You need to take three tablespoons a day.

Honey with garlic

You can also mix chopped garlic with honey and take it three times a day.
For some liver diseases, people are treated with fasting, or a special diet, as well as an herb called milk thistle, which must be taken before every meal. After a month of treatment, the liver is cleansed, and the signs of the disease disappear.

Worst of all, when this problem is congenital then treatment is required constantly.
Congenital thickening can be treated with kombucha... Before applying the compress, you need to steam your feet, then treat each nail with Kombucha for 8-12 hours.

At the initial stage of onychogryphosis, the steamed nail plate is processed lavender oil... This treatment is good for prophylaxis (until the nail becomes thick). If the nail plate on the feet has already hardened and taken an acute shape, it is better to consult a doctor.

Gives a good effect aloe leaf compress.

Congenital disease does not mean that a person has this shape and color of nails. They usually get thicker due to lack of nutrients or some kind of internal organ problem. Therefore, you must first identify and eliminate the cause. Treatment with folk remedies is good, but not always effective.

Diagnosis and treatment of a thickened nail

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the exact cause, and not guess it, self-medicating and wasting time in vain.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist, from him to get a referral for the appropriate tests. After passing all the tests, when the reason becomes known. The doctor may have to be changed. A thick nail is taken for analysis, or rather a small piece of it.
Thickening of nails, which appeared due to fungus, lymphostasis, lack of necessary vitamins, can be treated with folk remedies. But if the thickening happened due to liver disease, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases of the nervous system, it is better to treat them in the ways that the doctor prescribes.

To maintain the health of the whole body, it is necessary to monitor the condition of not only the hands, but also the feet. A problem such as thick toenails requires special attention. The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in various factors that require immediate human intervention.

Ideal condition

The nail, in its ideal, healthy state, has an even structure, normal thickness and a pleasant pink color. Any extraneous signs indicate malfunctions in the body. To eliminate them, professional treatment is required, but first it is necessary that the cause of the thickening be established.

Most often, the nail plate becomes thicker due to an injury - a bruise, or if you pinch your fingernail. In this case, caked blood may accumulate under the nail plate, a hematoma or bruise may form. Treatment in this case does not require special measures - the nail will gradually grow back by itself, and all defects will disappear.

It is also worth considering that in older people the nails become thicker and harder due to irreversible degenerative changes in the body. It is impossible to fight this - these are age-related changes.

But if the nails on the fingers become thicker and harden for no apparent reason, then the treatment involves the obligatory help of a specialist, because such signs can indicate serious violations within the body.

The first reason is fungus

The other most common is a fungal infection. At the same time, other symptoms appear: the nail has changed color, has become hard, the skin around is peeling, the skin folds turned red.

It is quite difficult to cure a fungus, so the earlier you see a mycologist, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

It is necessary to treat such a disease with a diagnostic study. This will identify the type of fungus that has affected your nail and will be prescribed the appropriate medications. It is possible to facilitate treatment with folk remedies, but it is not recommended to use them in isolation from the main methods.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that wanders throughout the body and can manifest itself in different parts of the body. Most often, the development of the disease begins with damage to the nails, which become hard and thick, crumble at the tips.

It is necessary to start treating the affected nail with local agents. More often than others, cortisone is used, mixed with vitamin D. The only way to cure the ailment is by systematically applying the ointment to the affected nails - usually before bedtime.

If the horny plates on the legs are affected in large numbers, then immunosuppressants are also used, but they have side effects:

  • methotrexate can be included in the main treatment, but it is prohibited during pregnancy and does not allow girls to become pregnant even 90 days after the end of the intake;
  • cyclosporine can cause hypertension, kidney failure, and other ailments, but it is more effective;

Hard and thick nails can be treated by injecting cortisone directly into the surrounding skin. But only doctors are allowed to do such events.

Dysbacteriosis and vitamin deficiency

Dysbiosis is a change in the balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines. Often the consequence of such a reason is the thickening of toenails, but it should be understood that this is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of another ailment or a consequence of antibiotic treatment.

To treat dysbiosis, they begin with the preparation of a special menu, which includes, without fail, fermented milk products with bifidobacteria. In some cases, when the harmful bacteria began to outweigh the useful ones by a "large margin", bacteriophages are prescribed. These means manage to suppress their reproduction. Treatment usually lasts about 60 days.

The intestinal microflora is directly involved in digestion. A lack of beneficial bacteria leads to vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamins, which makes it even more difficult to cure a thickened nail.

To replenish the supply of vitamins and trace elements, nutrition is also adjusted and the intake of vitamin complexes is prescribed.

Avitaminosis can result from malfunctioning of the stomach or pancreas, gallbladder. In this case, it is the incapacitated organ that begins to be treated, while accompanying the measures with the intake of vitamins.

Circulatory disorders

Circulatory disorders in the lower extremities can answer why the toenails have become thicker and harder. This happens because the matrix - the basis of the nail plate, does not receive sufficient nutrition, due to which the nail changes its growth characteristics and begins to "get fat".

It is possible to treat impaired blood circulation only by acting on the cause that caused it. This can be the deposition of salts and fat cells on the walls of blood vessels or malfunctions of the heart. In any case, it is possible to do any activities, including using folk recipes, only with the permission of a doctor - a cardiologist.

Thickening in children

Why did the child's nail become thicker? The reasons for this may be the same as in adults. However, such defects of the nail plate should be treated under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. Taking medications for adults is contraindicated, and not all medications for a child can cope with the disease.

The most common cause is fungus, which often first appears on the hands and then spreads to the legs. Such an extensive lesion is due to the child's underdeveloped immune system.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat the skin on the hands and feet with special antifungal compounds, to make food rich in vitamins. These same measures can facilitate treatment. If the thickening of the nails is caused by other factors, then you cannot start doing any activities yourself.

The thickening from the toenails can move to the horny plates on the hands. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment on time together with a doctor. In addition, this will avoid relapse and other problems.

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