Divination for Christmas by the shadow meaning. Fortune telling on burnt paper and on paper by numbers. What can and cannot be used for divination by the shadows

DIY decor 22.10.2020
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One of the most common methods of looking beyond the curtain of the future at home is fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper. Of course, there are many different ways in which you can predict future events, but many of them require special knowledge, and the uninitiated are unlikely to be able to use them. Everyone can interpret the shadow from the paper.

Fortune telling history

The very first mention of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper refers to Ancient Egypt. It was from there that it began to spread throughout Europe and got into the territory of Russia. So this method spread a long time ago and is still popular among the population. From the earliest times, shadows have been associated with the dead world. And if you ask the representatives of the underworld correctly, they will definitely provide all the required information.

But fire is considered a purification according to many religions and cultures. But in order for fortune-telling to really make sense, you need to prepare everything for this. Moreover, there are many nuances that should be considered. First of all, a special atmosphere is needed, and, of course, all the rules of fortune-telling should be taken into account.

The influence of the moon and time on divination

The most important factor in conducting shadow divination is the time when the ritual is performed. Since ancient times, there have been many different opinions about when exactly it should be carried out. In principle, this can be done at any time of the year. Much depends on the day and day of the week. Those initiated into mystical mysteries recommend choosing the night from Friday to Saturday for fortune-telling.

Adherents of this opinion begin the ritual at the end of one day, and end at the onset of the next. According to skeptics, this is directly related to the fact that Saturday is a day off, so you can do anything without worrying about getting up early the next day. But in fact, the reason for such a choice of time in Saturn, which has an impact on our planet on this very night. It is believed that the giant is responsible for the lines of fate, luck, and creativity.

But for the Slavs, fortune telling by the shadow at Christmas is an old custom, and beliefs say that it is best to spend it during the Christmastide period or, in extreme cases, at the end of spring, when Mermaid Week begins. Firstly, in ancient times, people were very worried about how the coming year would pass, and they wondered exactly at this period in order to find out what to prepare for. And secondly, according to popular belief, it is at this time that the curtain of the future opens most of all.

Moon calendar

According to astrologers, when choosing a day when to start fortune telling by the shadows, it is important to take into account the lunar calendar. It is worth choosing the period carefully, since on the full moon (this is the fifteenth lunar day), experts do not recommend carrying out such rituals. The new moon period, the first, nineteenth and twenty-ninth days of the lunar calendar are also considered unfavorable. But the second, fifth, sixth, eleventh, twenty-fourth and twenty-seventh days, on the contrary, are ideal for conducting rituals designed to reveal the secrets of the coming time.


It is very important to take into account that each person interprets fortune-telling by the shadow depending on his individual worldview, atmosphere and emotional state. Therefore, it is very important to prepare for the process correctly and create an environment in which there will be nothing distracting or confusing.

If there are mirrors or any photographs, pictures that evoke associations and memories, it is better to remove them before fortune-telling. It is also very important to make sure that there are no drafts in the room that can distort the result. The person should relax before performing the ritual, get rid of obsessive thoughts and fully focus on the process. The attributes used for the ritual are very helpful in this matter.


The most basic element in shadow divination is candles. It is they who help, not only to see the symbols and get an answer to the question, but also to create the necessary atmosphere for the ritual. Many beginners in this matter are interested in which candles are best to use for the ritual. In magic, each color refers to a specific type of action, but if the goal is just to have a good time with friends, then ordinary candles in pink, purple, red or white are fine.

Masters do not recommend taking candles with decorative elements, they can distort the final result and harm the interpretation of fortune telling by the shadow. Also, don't use black candles. As for the paper, it is better to take completely clean paper without borders or cells.


Before starting fortune-telling, the paper must be carefully wrinkled. Since it will become smaller during combustion, it is better to take a large sheet right away. It is very important to choose a surface on which the paper will be burned; knowledgeable people recommend choosing an ordinary plate of the same color, without patterns.

It is also very important that the shadow of the paper is reflected on the white wall, where there are no paintings, patterns or other distractions. If you don't have one, you can simply hang up a cloth or sheet just to keep it clean. It is very important to remove from yourself all objects that bind energy. These can be hair ties, hairpins, jewelry and belts. It is also recommended to use church candles.

Divination by the shadows of the meaning of figures

The most important moment of fortune telling is the actual recognition of the figures and deciphering their meaning. There are two ways to interpret symbols. Firstly, you can listen to your own feelings, and try to understand your own perceptions and associations, and understand why they could arise and what they mean. Secondly, you can refer to specialized books where there are general interpretations of images. Basically, each symbol is interpreted based on its metaphorical meaning in different cultures. So, for example, in fortune-telling by the shadow, a bird means news, mountains symbolize obstacles on the way, and a ring means an imminent marriage, and other objects are interpreted according to a similar principle.

Interpretation of the main figures

A person can see any image: it all depends on his imagination and state of mind. But there are common symbols that people most often see and want to decipher. The most common images of the future are as follows.

  • The house is considered a good sign, it is calmness and stability, the solution of long-standing problems, sometimes it is interpreted as an early marriage in fortune telling by the shadow.
  • A tree has several meanings depending on the location of its branches. If they are aimed upward, then a joyful time awaits the person, he will be very lucky and his wishes will soon come true. If they look down, then this is a warning that some kind of grief will happen soon, and this is not a very favorable sign.
  • Ruins or figures that do not have a specific shape portend misfortune and misfortune. It is worth seriously monitoring your health, because fortune-telling speaks of a possible deterioration in physical and moral condition.
  • A vehicle (car, plane, etc.) portends a trip or journey. And not just a standard road, but a situation that will radically affect the further development of life and its change.
  • A wolf, a dog is a symbol warning of the appearance of a person who can change the life of a fortuneteller very radically. But it is not yet known whether these changes will lead to positive or negative development.
  • A cave, a pit is one of the most negative signs in fortune telling in the shadows. It symbolizes serious, long-term illness or death.
  • The silhouette of a person is a sign of the appearance in the future of a significant subject who plays an important role in the life of a fortuneteller. Moreover, it can be both a lover and a friend or like-minded person.
  • Animal - warns that your ill-wishers and envious people are intriguing behind their backs.
  • Cross - portends troubles, problems, illnesses.
  • The flower is a symbol of romantic feelings, adventure and love.

What else is worth considering

When deciding to perform this ritual, beginners often make mistakes. It is very important not to rush and watch the picture to the end, otherwise the interpretation may be confused and incorrect. Do not be distracted from the big picture, trying to remember insignificant moments, you can lose the thread of interpretation.

First, you should carefully consider all the shadows, and only after that begin to disassemble the symbols you see. Naturally, turn off your phone, close the curtains, and remove any distractions that might interfere with the ritual. In fortune telling by the shadows, the meaning of the figures can be different, much depends on how the person himself perceives this or that symbol.

Fortune telling on burning or burnt paper is a rather interesting and colorful way of fortune telling. Fire is a special force, subject only to nature, can tell you about the future, about love and your desires.

We have already considered several methods earlier, such as or. In this article, we will dwell on burning paper, which has a special energy that it takes from fire.

Simple fortune telling on burning paper

As always, let's start with simple fortune telling. Take a piece of paper and a match. Mentally make a wish or ask a question, then write it on a piece of paper. Take the leaf by the tip from below so that the leaf is upright and light it from above with matches. If the paper has burned out to the end, then the wish will come true, and the answer to your question is YES. Otherwise, it will not come true and NO.

Divination by the shadow of burnt paper

For the next method, we need a dark room and your imagination. Preparations remain the same, take a piece of paper and matches. Fasten the sheet between your fingers at the bottom corner, place it vertically. Light the top corner. Burnt paper will cast a shadow. Watch for shadow marks on the wall. You will see different images, people, animals, objects, faces. All this will meet on the way to your desire. For such fortune telling, you will need not only imagination, but also the ability to interpret these images. In this case, it all depends on the situation, the surest way is to memorize the sequence of images or record it on a dictaphone, after which, in a calm atmosphere, determine the connection between images and the situation.

Shadow from a candle, burning and burnt paper

The method is similar to the previous one, but we put a piece of paper in a saucer and set it on fire there. Light a candle from the burning paper and place it next to the saucer. The shadow of the paper flame will be clearer and the images more accurate. After the sheet goes out, you will have a piece burnt paper, which will give a shadow to the light from the candle flame. The new, distinct shadow matters the most. You can see the face of a person, animal, mythical images. By comparing your situation and the images from the shadow, you can find out what awaits you on the way to the goal, what hinders, what helps. To interpret, you need to show imagination and wisdom, having knowledge of the current situation and your desire. Negative images such as devil, snake, teeth speak about problems, about future experiences. Images of people - support on the way to the goal, images of pets - comfort, protection, help from relatives. Home, wind - travel.

Difficult fortune telling by burning paper

In this way fortune telling by burning paper you will need matches and 13 identical pieces of paper. Write on each one of the options for completing the events, put them in a glass of water at the bottom. The first one that pops up will give the correct answer. After reading the answer, you must burn all 13 pieces of paper. It is important that the sheets are exactly the same.

Wish for the new year

Finally, the most famous way to make wishes is with burning paper. Almost every one of us makes wishes for the New Year without hoping that they will come true. We will need a glass of champagne, a piece of paper, matches and a pen and New Year's chimes. Make a wish in advance. At the moment of the first blow, start writing your wish, at this time you should be poured champagne (if not already poured). Burn the paper with a match and pour the burnt paper ashes into a glass. After that, you need to drink the glass in one gulp and have time to do it before the 12th blow!

Among the thousands of methods of fortune telling, there is one old and proven one - fortune telling on paper using shadows. This method of fortune-telling is fanned with special mystery and mysticism, since it must necessarily take place in the dark, preferably at midnight. In order to get an accurate prediction, the fortuneteller must be completely alone and quiet. Fortune telling on paper can, with great accuracy, answer the question of interest.

In order to tell fortunes, you need to wait until nightfall, draw the curtains, close all doors and make sure that no one will disturb you during fortune-telling for the future. For fortune telling, you need to take a sheet of paper or a newspaper, a wide dish and a candle. Light a candle, then take a piece of paper and write on it your question about your future. It should be as clear and short as possible. For example: “what awaits me in a year”, “will I be happy in my family life”, “will I get rich”. You can specify the time frame of the prediction yourself on paper. For example, if you are interested in what will happen to you in five years, then you need to write the exact period on the sheet. After you have formulated your question, the paper should be crumpled to form a small ball.

After the ball is made, place it on a platter and place it next to the wall. Light the paper ball. The answer to your question will be the figure of ash that forms after the paper is burned.

The interpretation of fortune-telling is the most difficult stage. In order to correctly predict your future, you need to connect all your imagination and fantasy. The shadow on the wall from the figure will be the answer to the question. In order to see the prediction, you need to carefully look into the shadow of the figure. If the image looks like nothing else, you can slowly and carefully twist the dish of ash in a circle until you clearly see some recognizable image.

The figures on the wall can be different. However, there are certain symbols on which the interpretation of fortune-telling is based. So, here are the main figures that can most often be seen as a result of this fortune-telling for the future:

House - this is a good sign. He predicts stability, calmness, problem solving. For a girl, this is a sign of marriage.

Trees - can portend both grief and happiness. If the branches are directed upwards, this is a sign of good luck, joy and fulfillment of desires. If the branches are directed downward, then nothing good should be expected.

Ring or candle - marriage, wedding.

Ruins and shapeless figures - bad sign. This is a harbinger of sadness, tears, trouble and illness.

Transport (plane, ship, car, train, etc.) - a sign of a trip or trip that will become significant in your life.

Bird - good news or a happy coincidence.

Dog or wolf - a person will appear in your life who will radically change your life. However, it is not known whether these changes will be positive or negative.

Mountain - difficulties and obstacles await you. There is a possibility that your plans will come true, but for this you will have to show endurance and patience.

Pit or cave - a terrible sign. It portends a long, serious illness or death.

Man - in the future, a new person will appear in your life who will play a significant role in your life. Perhaps you will have a friend, like-minded people or a new lover.

Animal - a bad sign. Expect intrigues from envious people and ill-wishers.

Flower - romance, new adventure, feelings.

Cross - troubles, illnesses and problems.

Fortune telling on paper should not be taken literally. If something is not good for you, then it is not a fact that it will actually happen. If you try, you can avoid any unpleasant turns of events. After all, fortune-telling exists in order to find out your future and, on the basis of the information received, to build it so that it is cloudless and happy. Useful article? Then be sure to put and

03.10.2013 16:40

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient table of predictions. This...

Christmas is a time of magic and mystical rites. On this day, even adults are imbued with an atmosphere of magic. Our ancestors believed that during Christmas time, even a person who does not possess mystical powers is able to find out his future and predict changes in life. There are various ways of divination. One of the simplest is fortune telling on burnt paper. Fire is a strong natural element that gives a person the opportunity to look into the future and find answers to all questions. The main methods of fortune telling:

  • With a candle.
  • To desire.
  • For the future.
  • In the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling on burnt paper is an easy way to predict the future

Fortune telling on burnt paper with a candle is an easy way to find out your future. It is best to perform the ritual from January 6 to 7 after sunset. In the room where it will pass, you need to remove all the icons, hang the mirrors with black cloth, close the windows and doors. The light must be off. You will need:

  • matchbox;
  • white paper;
  • porcelain saucer;
  • white candle.

Take a piece of white paper, place it on a saucer and light it. When it starts to burn, place a lighted candle near the saucer. The flame of a candle will make the shadows cast by the leaf more distinct and visible. Concentrate on the fire and imagine how all your wishes are being fulfilled. After the paper burns out, you need to carefully examine its shadow.

If you don't see clear images, you can twirl the saucer. But this must be done very carefully so that the sheet does not disintegrate. Images of shadows will tell you how the situation will develop and give answers to all your questions.

Divination on burnt paper - the meanings of shadows (decoding of fortune-telling)

  • Seeing the image of a horned creature promises big trouble;
  • the image of the house portends a quiet family life and material wealth;
  • mountains are a harbinger of difficulties;
  • a swan or dove denotes happy love and romantic relationships;
  • horse rider - success and luck in all matters;
  • bag - profit and wealth;
  • tower - a successful career;
  • a bride or a veil foreshadows a wedding;
  • weapons promise quarrels and conflicts;
  • monkey or elephant - soon your life will change, you will meet an important person;
  • a car or ship promises a long journey;
  • the face of an angry woman suggests that some female person is intriguing you;
  • turtle - nothing will change in your life;
  • a rose or other flower portends success in personal life;
  • baby - wait for an addition to the family.

Divination by burnt paper for a wish

For the ceremony, take a sheet of white paper, a red pen, matches and a saucer. Write your cherished desire on the sheet. Then grab it by the bottom edge so that it stands upright in your hand and set it on fire. If the paper burns out completely, it means that your wish will come true. If the fire goes out, then you will have to wait until next year to get what you want.

Christmas divination of our great-grandmothers

This method of fortune telling by burnt paper was known to our grandmothers. The ceremony is best performed during Christmas time. There is really something mysterious in the ritual of divination by shadows. Since antiquity, the flame has brought mystical images and symbols to people.
You will need a sheet of white paper and a box of matches. Take the sheet by the edge so that it is vertical and light the upper left corner. Stand near a wall so that the paper casts a shadow on it. By what images a person sees, they predict the future. The interpretation of shadows can help predict how your life will change in the next year.

Find out the name of the betrothed by burnt paper

A simple ritual will help you find out the name of your future husband and predict what your married life will be like. Before you guess, take off all jewelry and loose your hair. There should be no strangers in the room. Divination is best done after midnight. To do this, you will need:

  • white paper;
  • scissors;
  • matchbox;
  • candle;
  • a pen;
  • saucer;
  • mirror.

Place the mirror on the table, light a candle in front of it. Take a sheet and cut it into as many pieces as you have at the moment. Write their names on each one. Then, light the sheets with a candle flame while holding the paper upright. Set aside those names that do not burn out to the end. Then place the sheets on a saucer. Concentrate on the flame of the candle and say, looking in the mirror: "My betrothed, disguised, come to me." The candle must be left to burn out and not extinguished.

The future husband should come in a dream at night. After the ritual of fortune telling on burnt paper, the sheets with the names must be burned in a certain way: take them vertically in your hand and set them on fire. From the shadows they cast, you can predict your future family life:

  • the image of a tree means a strong marriage;
  • if you saw a knife - family life will be hectic;
  • to see a broom - the mother-in-law will not love;
  • a horse portends a rich life;
  • home is a strong marriage;
  • a bird is a harbinger of love and happiness;
  • well - many children.

There is a very interesting kind of divination, which consists in the fact that you set fire to the paper and look at the shadow it casts on the wall. If you can see some figure in this shadow, you need to interpret what you saw.

So, a sheet of plain paper is taken and crumpled into a ball. This lump is placed on a metal tray and ignited. The room should be dark, and you should position yourself so that the burning paper casts a shadow on the wall. Naturally, the wall should be smooth, unadorned.

The interpretation of shadows

Sitting man. If the shadow resembles a seated figure of a person, this suggests that you can finally solve the problem that you have been struggling with for a long time.

Outlines of the house. This is also beneficial. You yourself will resolve the situation. No outside help.

Horse. Means that a person you know will gossip about you.

A dog or a monkey. This shadow indicates help that will come from a friend.

Wood. Indicates that there will be changes for the better. Foreshadows career growth.

Bottle. To a quarrel. Conflicts in the family or at work.

Libra. You are in a balanced state. Nothing should be changed at this time.

Goal. New beginnings await you.

The Dragon. You cannot control the situation. It develops without your participation.

Snake. Indicates the influence of dark forces on your life.

Star. You have a goal, but it is difficult to achieve it.

Ring. You are stumped and do not know what to do.

Rat. You are going to spend big money.

Human profile. Your thoughts are occupied by a person dear to you.

Fan. Trouble will happen at work.

Grapes. Such a shadow speaks of love, friendship and prosperity.

Mushroom. Has the same meaning as wood. That is, it indicates a change for the better.

Bell. Good news awaits you.

Basket. A certain period in your life ends.

Tree leaf. Intrigue and envy are all around you.

Jellyfish. There are too many secrets.

Hammer. "A lot of effort - no mind." Do something without thinking about the consequences.

Ruined bridge. Be wary. You can get sick.

Glasses. A mistake has been made, but you refuse to believe it.

Bee. The goal will be achieved through work and perseverance.

Sink. You have problems with the opposite sex, but this is temporary.

Elephant. Indicates your strength. (both physical and mental strength).

Turtle. Shows that you are acting wisely. But you need to be a little more active.

Ball or ball. You are doing well at the moment. You don't need to change anything.

Egg. Indicates your fears, as well as the fact that you will be reborn (a radical revision of your views on life).

An Apple. Someone is trying to tempt you. Don't get caught!

Mountain. A journey or a move awaits you.

Hare or bunny ears. You will meet a new person.

Ship or sail. Get ready for a pleasant surprise and for the realization of your dreams.

Cat. The enemy should be feared.

Wings or birds. Good news awaits you.

Church domes. Fateful trials await. It is recommended to repent.

Tiger. You are realizing yourself.

Flower. Indicates love affairs.

Heck. Trouble awaits you.

Divination using fire known from ancient times in different versions. It is recommended that you first get in touch with the spirit of fire (or natural element). You can do it this way:

On the same metal tray, fold the chips, light them and turn to the fire with a request to answer your questions. One should thank the fire with an offering. For example, throw some wine into the fire.

If done correctly, the predictions are pretty accurate. It is only important not to try to see exactly what you want, but to interpret exactly the shadow that appeared. However, it may also happen that there is nothing intelligible. In this case, you need to stop fortune-telling, thank the fire and try another time.

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