How to leave home at night. Teenagers run away from home. How to run away from home

Wallpaper 22.10.2020

“I’m going to leave home - my parents say that I don’t do anything around the house, I’m bad at school and I’m a freeloader. I'm in 7th grade, I'm 13 years old. I'm going to run early next Saturday morning. Who is with me ... ”- a standard post in communities dedicated to escape from home. Why do the children subscribed to them want to leave home, who is ready to shelter them and why, and what else, besides the groups of runners, parents need to monitor, read the Izvestia report.

On the VKontakte social network, there are dozens of active groups dedicated to escape from home - to the forest, to a desert island, or just anywhere. Most of the posts in them are emotional shouts of children and adolescents with promises to leave and looking for fellow travelers and fellow travelers. But those who are ready to settle the runners (as the search engines call such children) at home also leave records there.

Housing slavery

Some leaving home groups are more like job boards. They only offer them work without wages. Instead, they promise accommodation, and sometimes food. In fact, they are looking for slaves. “Free accommodation for help with household chores, procurement of firewood. In the near Moscow region. Russian family in their home. For you a separate room and all the amenities. Let's help each other", - writes , judging by the posts in the profile, extremely passionate about her summer cottage economy Daria.

Standing apart are those who are looking for people to build together, including the paramilitary. Any data, unlike those who spontaneously want to leave home, on their personal pages they do not indicate ... And often their profiles do are removed.

Sofa travelers

Among all these ads for free slaves and sex slaves, there are indeed many posts by those who want to leave home. Here and spontaneous searches for fellow travelers anywhere. “Help to escape from home. I don't know where ", - writes Ustina, 14 years old. "Hi. I want to run away from Go's house with me. Gender is not important. Moscow is desirable today." proposes Vladislav, 17 years old. "Write to me in HP, I want to leave the house, a kind girl, and we will leave forever. I'm 11, I live in Moscow, we'll meet and go!" - calling Eleanor, whose page lists the age of 13.

There are also more thoughtful, but therefore no less desperate plans to escape their home. Here is 22-year-old Kirill proposes :

Tell me which one you would choose, and who is ready to implement it with me. plan number one. Go to the forest together with someone, taking a tent, sleeping bags, all kinds of heating pads, thermal underwear. Anything so as not to die in the world 30. Although if you go to the southern forests near Sochi, this problem will disappear. And to live in the forest, provided that the parents will send us 3-4 thousand per month on the card. At least 3. this is already enough to eat canned food, cook pasta in a pot. (or spaghetti).

Kirill has other options to choose from. First, he invites some girl to get pregnant from him, to give the child into good hands, and to buy an apartment with maternity capital. Secondly, the same girl gets pregnant from a rich man, so that Cyril then blackmails him for money - but he can deceive. Thirdly, to build a "hut of concrete cinder blocks" on no man's land - but the squatter can be demolished. Fourth, it is expensive to equip a reinforced concrete garage. Fifth, to get into the trust of a lonely old woman, so that she rewrote housing on him - but "it is very difficult in 2018 to find such a grandmother." Sixth, to work as a loader and live in a hostel, saving money, and the mother will send money for food - but this option is "in the penultimate place in sympathy." Seventh, "it's stupid to rush to Africa", because "you will never freeze there, and there is something to eat" - but you can "be eaten by an African tribe." And finally, eighth, “buy a cellar or storage room in someone’s apartment or house”, where you can “use their toilet and shower when they are not there” and even “eat up their food”.

Cyril explains the need to choose something from this by the fact that his mother's neighbor, with whom they live, “survives” him. And there is no desire to study or work, although he "has experience as a loader, promoter, janitor and 11 years of education." “This is not laziness, it is just the inability and fear of society. And my father is mentally disabled. Perhaps I even got the disease, ”Kirill justifies.

Many subscribers of runner communities, like Kirill, remain active on the Web even after announcing their imminent escapes. They continue to swear and talk on abstract topics in the comments under other posts. Some promise to run away regularly, coming up with new routes. Go away to the monastery, changing the name from Lucy to Christina-Agnes-Polina-Lucia, or pretend a follower of Jehovah's Witnesses (a religious organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) and apply for asylum in Finland, changing both the name (to Christian-Lucien) and gender, or live in an abandoned village with a gypsy slave - the real ideas of one of the subscribers, put forward during the month. Of course, there is no belief that Lucy or Kirill really want to escape somewhere.

Children's life on social networks

But there are also those who disappear from the Web after a post about leaving. Announcing this publicly, some of the children still run away, Irina Saltykovskaya, coordinator of the Liza Alert search unit, told Izvestia.

“We watch groups devoted to unauthorized exits. If we have any specific search, during which we find that a child is subscribed to such a group, we see that there is some offer that could interest him, then we can assume where he went. This helped in finding children, ”Saltykovskaya said.

According to her, it will not be possible to completely close such groups: “It is impossible to unmonitor them all. Most of them are fake pages. You monitor one, another appears, and watching them is not really our task. " Parents should be interested in the groups to which the child is subscribed, first of all, the interlocutor of Izvestia insists.

“Modern children spend a lot of time on social networks. And they certainly write something there. And besides the “leave home” groups, there are still many different communities that are worth paying attention to. For example, these are various groups of acquaintances, divided by age, in which, quite possibly, not only children are sitting, but also not very adequate adults who want to meet a girl or boy.

Groups of football fans. There is a harmless passion for football when we watch matches and cheer for our favorite team, and there are groups of aggressive fans, all sorts of ultras (organized groups of football fans - Ed.) Who go to football for the sake of street fights, for example. This is no less dangerous.

If a child is subscribed to some group with a bloody avatar, with an inverted crucifix, pentagrams, you should probably go in and see what it is, and talk to the child and react to the situation depending on the answer. Or “it's just that Sasha subscribed to them and sent me a quote, she sunk into my soul, and I also subscribed,” or you will find that your child has serious problems. We need to talk to him about the dangers of the Internet, because it’s strange if the child is already big enough to have an account on social networks, but in order to find out who the pedophiles are and why they need baby photos, it’s still small.

A standard situation on a search, when we start looking through the list of a child's friends in social networks, and there are completely incomprehensible people. We ask mom: "Who is this?" - "I dont know". "And this?" - "I do not know". But they were not added yesterday, not the day before yesterday!

A spontaneous escape from home is an easier situation to find because it happens without preparation. I got a deuce, my mother came home from work in a bad mood, yelled at the child, he said: "Oh so?" - and bang the door. This story, at least, is quite simple - either he is with friends, or sulking at the entrance.

And some prepared in advance stories, which are also planned in social networks, do not happen in a day, not in two. And it is not us who should monitor the networks. Parents need to track changes in their child, in his mood, behavior. We look at the child: what he is wearing, with whom he went for a walk, we try to monitor his friends in reality. Virtual life is exactly the same.

Madness in parenting chats

How seriously Saltykovskaya recommends taking what is happening on the pages of children in social networks, she is just as skeptical about the information that parents spread in chats in instant messengers. Adults scare each other by sending carbon-copy messages about pedophiles, and stigmatize anyone who doubts their reality.

“They love to send stories to various 'mom' chats, publics - it goes from city to city in waves. One of the reasons a wave of fake panic arises is to boost the popularity of a person. When someone posts such a record on their page, due to the number of likes and reposts, they simply increase the page traffic and its popularity, "the interlocutor of Izvestia said.

In 2016, the number of applications to Lisa Alert exceeded 6 thousand. Of these, 1,000 were about missing children (from 0 to 18 years old). The search engines found 45 children dead, but 72 did not. In 2017, 9406 applications were accepted for search, including 1867 for children from 0 to 17 years old. Of these, 63 were found dead, but one has not yet been found.

At the same time, according to Saltykovskaya, most of the tragedies with children are due to accidents. “According to our statistics, the most common cause of tragic stories with children, especially in the natural environment, is accidents, not the actions of third parties. If we are talking about the natural environment, then the greatest number of tragedies are caused by water and ice, ”she concluded.

Why do teens leave home

Irina Saltykovskaya found it difficult to name the most common reasons why children leave home - "how many searches, so many situations." “There are children from absolutely prosperous families who leave, perhaps because of a lack of adventure, or go to live with a friend - then this is a child who just hangs out with friends. There are cases when children are hiding in attics and entrances - it is clear that this is a different situation, more dangerous.

There are a lot of reasons: a deuce received, a lost phone, a damaged jacket, unrequited love, rejection of friends by parents - whatever. It all depends on what kind of contact between parents and children, what specific postulates in this family, norms of behavior, what prohibitions there are in it.

All the time I remember the story when a 13-year-old boy met a girl, she lived in another district of Moscow. And he went to see her off so that she would not return home alone. They were often delayed. Parents on both sides were very angry. And at some point this girl freaked out and said: "Well, that's it, I went!" And she slammed the door. The boy had a trusting relationship with his mother, he said: "She was kicked out, can she stay with us?" And they are 13 years old. Mom, of course, said: "No, what are you, how bad!" “Then I’m leaving with her.” I got myself together and went. He has his first love, he did not leave his girlfriend on the street.

From the point of view of the parents, I understand that there are basic rules of behavior, but, probably, one should also hear the children. The question arises: who do you want to raise? Your son is growing, would you like him to act? He said to her: “Okay, let’s stay on the street, and I went, I have a warm bed at home, and my mother will not let you in.”

Children and adolescents are maximalists. For them, if friendship, then it is for life. If love, then now and never will be like that. And parents also need to make allowances for this. We must try to be wiser. In my understanding, there are still no guilty children. Not in any situation. It is always adults who are to blame, because children are the responsibility of adults, ”concluded the coordinator of the search team“ Lisa Alert ”.

As a person grows up, he begins to dream of an independent life. Parental attention and care no longer seem so pleasant. In addition, looking at their peers who have been leading an active life for a long time, young people are increasingly asking themselves the question of how to leave their parents' home.

Understand yourself

Many people wonder how to leave home, guided by the example of their friends or stereotyped thinking. But before you jump into action, think about whether you really want to. You must be aware of the following things:

  • You will live alone (unless, of course, you rent an apartment with friends or a soul mate). Traditional conversations, sitting in front of the TV, family dinners will not be available to you.
  • You will have to pay on your own not only for housing, but also for food, hygiene items, clothes and much more. Are you wealthy enough for this?
  • The entire burden of housework will also fall on your shoulders. Before you leave home, you need to understand whether you are able to solve everyday problems. Cleaning, washing, cooking - all this will now have to be done independently.

If there are no problems with finances, and everyday issues do not scare you, you might well think about living on your own.

Talking to parents

Before leaving home, you need to have a thorough conversation with all family members. You need to carefully prepare for this event and set yourself up for the fact that your initiative may be perceived negatively. The conversation script should be something like this:

  • Start by talking about how much you love your family and how important a warm and strong relationship is to you.
  • Next, carefully lead to the fact that you are an adult who should not be burdened with your loved ones.
  • Try to argue in your favor. For example, you already earn a lot, and you can also take care of yourself at home.
  • Explain to your family that leaving your home does not mean breaking up your family relationship. Promise that you will see each other often.
  • Naturally, you need to give the floor to each of the family members.

How do you prepare your parents for your move?

Say "I want to leave home!" and banging your fist on the table is the wrong decision. Put yourself in the shoes of your family to see how difficult it is for them to accept this situation. To prepare loved ones for your move, you can do the following:

  • Become a business man. Do your own laundry and ironing. Clean your room yourself and even cook your own food. Firstly, you will take the burden off your relatives, and secondly, you will prove your independence.
  • Try to spend less time at home. Try to stay overnight with friends sometimes. If you receive any offer for a short business or leisure trip, be sure to agree.
  • In the course of family conversations, casually think about your acquaintances who already live on their own.

Ask for help

Parents are extremely painful when their child has left home. Even if he is already 20, 30 or as much as 40 years old, they want to give him their love and take care of him in every possible way. Therefore, try to smooth out the shock of your move as much as possible. For example, ask your family for help. This can be a search for housing, repairs, home improvement. Perhaps even some financial help from your parents can be accepted as a contribution to your new life.

However, parents sometimes try to keep their children at home by blackmailing them with finances. A confrontation arises: children are trying to prove something, but it does not always end well. If you are unsure of your ability to cover even the minimum costs, postpone the move.

Where to leave home

When all organizational problems have been resolved, it is time to decide on the place of future residence. Of course, the easiest thing is for young people who have just graduated from school. The main thing is to choose a suitable university in another locality, and for the next few years the problem of housing (dormitory) will be solved.

Buying their own apartment is rarely available to young people. And not everyone can handle the rent. If you are determined to rent your own home, but you do not have enough funds, try partnering with one of your friends. Together, it will be easier to solve financial issues, and it will also be easier to equip life, organize leisure.

If you have financial troubles, but an independent life is your dream, try carefully studying job search sites. For example, during the holiday season, many hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums offer temporary jobs with the provision of accommodation. True, for this you will most likely have to move to another city, but this will allow you to experience even deeper all the delights and disadvantages of independent life.

If everything is in order both with money and with mutual understanding, it's up to a little. There should be two criteria for choosing a home: proximity to the parental home and a convenient location relative to your place of work.

Sometimes it becomes a real tragedy for parents if a daughter or son leaves home. Someone silently experiences this problem, and someone begins to blackmail an adult child and reproach him for his loneliness. Such parents are encouraged to remember their youth. Surely maximalism also raged in you, you dreamed of career achievements and creating your own family. Agree that building a romantic relationship is much easier without parental supervision. In addition, a person should always have a chance for self-realization. If you tie your children to you, you risk making them unhappy. Sooner or later, they will blame you for all their failures.


How to leave home and live on your own? This is a difficult question that requires an individual approach. It will be easier for young people from complete families, where there are also younger brothers and sisters. But what if you are your parents' only consolation? Of course, this does not bind you to them for life. You just have to show more delicacy and understanding. Your parents will only be happy if you find a strong and loving family, reliable friends, and also achieve success in your work.

Child age: 12

How to escape from home?

Hello, my name is Elya and I am 12 years old, I moved to 7th grade. I really want to run away from home. I live with my mother, a wheelchair user of the 1st group. Parents have been divorced since 2009. Recently I ran away from home to my dad, but he already has a different family with a child who is 8 years old, grade 2 and another mistress (as it turned out, they were not even scheduled), so I didn't needed. I had to go back to my mother. He does not pay alimony and his debt is over 754 thousand. Mom humiliates me all the time, she used to beat me on the balcony, in the room, in the corridor, but after I told about it she stopped (she was scared), but she managed to get out. I studied the entire elementary school at the school that is in my yard, but my mother first transferred me to school 46 and passed me to a boarding school, where I studied for a year and took her because they wanted to deprive her of parental rights, as a result, I studied 6th grade in 44 school, I really don't like it there, all the children call me names, swear, it's impossible to concentrate on the lesson. Teachers explain poorly, but there are no additional lessons. As soon as I try to start a conversation about going back to Yard School 640, I immediately start yelling that I'm dumb, etc. etc. I have a favorite pastime, a circus studio, (aerial gymnastics and rubber (bending). But my mother said that I would never go there again (she does not name the reason). Today she again started talking about going to school so she said that I was rubbish etc. and that I will go instead of grade 7. Help me, please, how to escape from home?

Elya, hello.

I understand you, how hard it is for you, how you want care, love and understanding, how you expect support from loved ones. Indeed, it's hard.

But I don’t understand where you want to run? This is a very important question. I am sure that you understand everything perfectly, but I want to emphasize that your task is not to escape, but to be safe and comfortable. It is so?

I am very sorry that you have to solve such important issues for yourself, be responsible and choose. But. Thanks to this situation, you became the person who looks at you in the mirror. Judging by your letter, you know what you want, you have hobbies, you are very strong and brave. And this, believe me, is worth a lot! You could break down, give up, accept the situation as normal, but no, you are fighting. It is very cool! I'm proud of you!

But let's take a deeper look. It turns out that the parents have something to say thank you for?

By the way, I didn't fully understand the situation with dad. Yes, he has a new family. There is no way to pay child support, but this does not mean at all that he does not need you. Most likely, your expectations are simply higher than the possibilities. How do you know for sure? Talk to him. Explain to your dad how you feel, what help you need and why. I am sure that he will give what he has and will help where he is powerless. For example, if he has no money, then he can find it. Or if he cannot accommodate you, then he will help with the question of the school. Do you understand? There is a parable about green apples. There is no point in asking / demanding green apples from Masha. She simply does not have them. But there are pears. Think, maybe mom can't give support, she just doesn't know how, but she feeds. So? Perhaps it is worth now taking what is and continuing to look for something new? Or is it worth looking for a person who has the "green apples" you need. Aunt, neighbor, teacher? Think, I'm sure there is a person in your environment with a kind heart and the ability to help.

What am I calling you to? Try to “divide and rule”. See the situation as a diagram. What is the goal? Think about what you need? What is already there? Where to get the missing? The main thing is to think about where you are going, not from what. Sometimes it takes time, effort, and mistakes to complete a goal. This is normal. The one who does nothing is not mistaken. So try it.

The first thing to do is to forgive your parents. Believe me, I'm not saying this now so that it becomes easier for them to live, but so that you can think without emotions (they obscure our eyes and provoke rash actions). And second, on our website you can find the addresses of free psychological services in your city. Also, you can call the helpline 8-800-2000-122. It's free and anonymous. They will definitely support you and help you make an adult decision. All the best! I believe in you!

Olga Dorokhova,
psychologist of the site "I am a parent"

On the news every now and then there are reports of teenagers missing. The girl disappeared from the house, taking her passport with her. The guy left, taking a small sum of money ... Why and where do they go and why do they return?

My friend, sixteen-year-old Kira, told us her story of leaving home:

“I turn off the music, listen, my heart begins to pound. There are screams in the other room, mom is crying. I run out of the room - there is a fight. I jump between mom and dad, scream, roar, try to separate them. Until two in the morning I calm my mother down, she smokes and cries. I go to bed and listen to my parents cursing more. After a few years of such a life, I want to run away from home. And this is not a desire for adventure and play, as in Zoshchenko's stories about Lelka and Minka's "round-the-world" journey, but a desire for a quiet life, without shouting and swearing.

The reasons for the "escape" of a teenager can be very different, but more often it is either an unfavorable situation in the family, or misunderstanding on the part of the parents: their indifference or, conversely, endless claims.

For example, seventeen-year-old Alina wants to leave home because she regularly argues with her mother. The girl is only stopped by the lack of her own income.

“My young man could help, but he asks to think it over, because there will be no turning back. If only he understood that I want to leave also because my mother is against our relationship with him. When I tell her that it’s hard for me to live with her, she begins to "shpyny" me that I still do not earn money myself. She is always unhappy with something. Either by estimates, now by the fact that I am sitting at home, the fact that I am not at home, - complains Alina.

Parents' reproaches are sometimes valid and not very good. Sometimes it happens that they are so worried about your future that they start to go too far, negatively assess all your friends, suspect you of what you are not doing.

Ilya is 17 years old, he lives with his grandmother, mom and dad. His parents called him a drug addict and a bum. Every time he came home from college, someone tried to tell him that his eyes were "not like that." Parents forced him to take an analysis for the content of drugs in the blood - their fears were not confirmed, but time after time unfair reproaches fell on the guy's head. After two months of such a psychological shock, he stopped going to the technical school. Instead of a heart-to-heart conversation, a convoy in the form of a grandmother was assigned to him, who accompanied him to his place of study. The effect was achieved - Ilya began to leave home for two or three days. And what was worth waiting for? Parents, without realizing it, provoked him to such actions. After two such departures, my mother suggested that Ilya go to a family psychologist. She went there with the idea that her child was wrong, but found out that she herself did not trust her son enough.

For some teens, leaving home is becoming a regular occurrence. Psychologists define this as vagrancy syndrome or dromomania. Because of the psychological trauma received by the child, he escapes for the first time, then the escapes become habitual. If the mother shouted at the child because he didn't wash the dishes, he reacts instantly - he leaves the house.

Getting away from problems is not necessary by leaving the walls of the apartment, and this is no less scary. Schoolchildren often go to computer games, social networks. Such teenagers do not care about anything, except that it is necessary to organize a clan in an online game. But behind this, everything that worries in reality is forgotten.

Escaping conversations and problems is always easier. But sooner or later you will have to return to them, and then your act can only aggravate everything.

- I prepared in advance for the next quarrel of my parents, - continues Kira, in the book there was already a stash for a taxi to her friend. I got dressed, threw the essentials into my bag, looked into the "room of discord" and left. She moved quickly, not looking anywhere. And suddenly I realized that I could not leave: this is my home, this is my family and these are my problems. Only weak people run away from problems. What about parents? What will they do without me? Who will stop them, arrange for them "evenings of revelations" after quarrels, where everyone must express their claims without offense? They need me, and I need them, no matter what they are and no matter how difficult it is now.


Marina BUNTAKOVA, child psychologist:

- My opinion on the issue of leaving home for teenagers is unequivocal. Parents, family situation and parenting style are to blame for leaving. A teenager, not having adequate patterns of behavior, begins to use the simplest and most elementary. The easiest way is to leave home. In order to stay and try to solve problems, to make peace, to understand each other, you need strength, prudence, and a teenager can only have them if he grew up in a favorable environment. If there is indeed a problem that can provoke withdrawal and it is significant, it should be tried to be discussed. Moreover, not only children should pay attention to it, but also parents, who are often either too busy to pay attention to the child, or complain too much about their life in conversation with him and try to "shift" their personal problems onto him.

Violetta MODELKINA, juvenile affairs inspector of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Yekaterinburg:

—If a teenager left home, parents should contact the police immediately. It often happens that relatives first wait for the child to return, then try to look for him on their own from friends and in the yard, and then, after failing, waiting until darkness falls, they call the police. This complicates the search - all the acquaintances are already asleep, no one to interview. Of course, each case needs to be considered individually, but if the child promised to return at two o'clock in the afternoon and he is not there, there is no need to wait for the evening, and even more so for several days.

As soon as we receive a message, and the fact that the child left home and did not return, we immediately begin to act: we go to the place with the dogs, they sniff the child's things, remember the smell, in order to recognize it on the street if something happens. We are looking to see if the child has traces of blood in the apartment, suddenly someone raised a hand to him. Then we inspect the area, especially the places where teenagers gather, we interview neighbors, acquaintances, and teachers. We check how the child has behaved in the last days on social networks, to whom he wrote messages, when he last went online. If the child is not found, we draw up a composite sketch and put him on the wanted list. If a teenager is not found within 24 hours, he is put on the federal wanted list. Databases of hospitals, railway stations are being "made through" - and this is only a small part of the whole work.

We carefully ask parents how the teenager behaved during the last days, what he took with him on the day of leaving. For example, before the New Year, the mother of a 15-year-old girl contacted us. Her daughter was very modest and never left home, but suddenly disappeared. Mom mentioned that the day before the girl had taken her passport from the house, saying that the school asked to take a photocopy and three thousand money - supposedly to hand it over for a school holiday. Our employees immediately guided themselves to check if she had bought train tickets. And it turned out that the girl was on her way to Moscow, she was detained at the Kazan station. The day before, she met a young man on social networks and went to meet him. Mom flew to Moscow and took her away.

All the children, whom the police were looking for, are registered, a psychologist works with them, and their fate is carefully followed afterwards. Quarrels with parents are the most common reason for leaving.

Many want to leave home, but not everyone decides on this act. And those who do it often come back, because they do not know how to build their life differently. After all, it is necessary to think over a lot of questions, for example, where to go, on what means to live further. If you prepare everything in advance, leaving the family will be easy and no one will worry.

The financial side of the issue

To live separately, you need funds. Money will be required for food, clothing, housing. Calculate how much finance is spent on these expenses per week. Complement all this by paying for a mobile phone, the Internet, buying sweets, magazines and other things that complement the world, make it brighter. When the amount is determined, you need to start looking for work.

You should not drop out of school, as life is long, and a diploma of education will come in handy. Therefore, you need to look for funds, but choose a convenient schedule. Today, many fast food chains invite people to work, you can be a waiter in a cafe or wash floors in any institution. There is a job as a promoter, an interviewer, they generate income, but they can hardly be called stable. Pay attention to freelancing: this is a remote Internet job that can be performed even at night.

When a source of income is found, you need to hold out for 3-4 months and see if it will turn out to live in such a rhythm. The combination of study and work will not leave time for personal life, for walks with friends, for parties. But at the same time it will give material freedom. If during this period you realize that you are really coping, that you can live in such a rhythm for a long time, then you should further think about how to leave home.

Where to go

With your own funds, you can rent a home for yourself. A one-room apartment is enough for one person. You can also choose a cheaper option - a room in a hostel or in an apartment with a hostess. But leaving some people, suffering from their misunderstanding, you may face the demands of a stranger. That is why try to move to a separate space. Be prepared to be asked to pay several months in advance. To cut costs, you can rent a house for two, for example, with a friend or girlfriend.

Moving to a new home will be a holiday for many. But at the same time, it is necessary to notify all household members that you will be living separately. It is not necessary to provide the address, but it is important to say that everything is fine with you, that you are not going out into the street, but in a comfortable place. At the same time, you need to regularly call, say that everything is in order, talk about the successes and features of your life. Such care will not hurt anyone, and you will find yourself in good conditions, and your family will not worry.

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