All the benefits and harms of dairy products. Milk is good and bad for the health of the body. Types of dairy products

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Benefit and harmdairy products - a controversial issue around which the best minds of medicine continue to break spears.

But there are also skeptics linking dairy products to chronic disease.

Who is right?

Let's turn to the facts.

What do foreign health authorities recommend?

Due to its high calcium content, USDA experts consider the consumption of dairy products essential for all ages. The daily requirement for children 2-3 years old is two glasses a day, 4-8 years old - 2 ½ glasses, from 9 years old and older - three glasses.

Nutritional value of dairy products

Milk is an excellent source of potassium, calcium, vitamin D and protein.

The miracle product helps to maintain the structure of bones and teeth. It is especially important to consume enough calcium during childhood, when there is an intensive formation of the skeleton. After 40 years, calcium prevents osteoporosis.

Potassium in dairy products is essential for blood pressure control. Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is a natural regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Regular consumption of milk reduces the risk of hypertension, type II diabetes and cardiovascular events (stroke, heart attack).

The USDA stresses that it is desirable to give preference to low-fat or completely fat-free dairy products. Whole milk is high in fat and cholesterol, which can be harmful to your arteries.

Note: in the light of recent research published on the site, this statement can be called into question. Some scientists claim that moderate consumption of natural fatty dairy products does not affect the heart and arteries.

Can milk be called a natural product for humans?

You've probably heard the opinion that cow's milk is "unnatural" for homo sapiens, so it should not be consumed by humans. In fact, this product contains a lot of essential amino acids, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, thanks to which it is regarded as an analogue of breast milk.

Yes, strictly evolutionary milk is not an essential product for an adult. Ancient people did not know it until the time of the agricultural revolution (10-11 thousand years BC). Archaeological research shows that over the past millennia, our genes have changed, and the digestive system has adapted to the consumption of dairy products.

Hence the simple answer: today milk is a completely natural product.

Lactose intolerance

Considering the benefits and harms of dairy products, one cannot ignore lactose intolerance - a common disease in which a person is not able to consume dairy products. Perhaps this is not a disease at all, but only an echo of that very evolutionary inability to milk.

About 75% of the world's population and up to 25% of the population of European countries suffer from lactose intolerance. Their bodies are not genetically programmed to produce enough lactase, a special enzyme used to break down milk sugar.

After consuming dairy products, such people experience bloating, discomfort and pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Some patients are quite capable of consuming fermented foods (yogurt) and even fatty butter.

The least common problem with the digestion of milk occurs in people from Europe and Slavic countries. Most often - among the Indians, Chinese, some peoples of Africa.

Do fatty dairy products lead to heart attack?

According to current views, fatty dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream) contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular events. Despite the warnings of doctors, this theory has never been proven by real population studies.

Milk has opponents and supporters. Some claim that this product clogs the arteries and is almost a "white death". Others refute all concerns and claim that dairy products actually protect the arteries.

A meta-analysis of large projects did not reveal a connection between the consumption of fatty dairy products and the development of coronary heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis. These data call into question the theory of "bad cholesterol", forcing to look for the causes of cardiovascular mortality in something else.

There is evidence that free-grazing organic milk is safer for the cardiovascular system. A number of researchers blame not cholesterol for heart attacks, but synthetic additives that feed cattle.

Does milk strengthen bones?

The question is more complicated than you think. The fact is that countries with high consumption of dairy products lead in the incidence of osteoporosis.

What's the matter?

Two recent studies disprove the benefits of milk for bones. Scientists have found that milk lovers are more likely to end up in the hospital with a hip fracture.

Other experts claim that dairy products help preserve bone mineral density, thereby preventing fractures. The latter fact has been proven in randomized controlled trials, and this is a strong argument.

Don't forget about protein, phosphorus and vitamin K-2. This vitamin is found only in whole milk from free-range cows. Vitamin K-2 is of plant origin, and for its accumulation animals must constantly eat fresh grass.

Milk and chronic diseases

Milk prevents some diseases. On the contrary, it predisposes to others. Dairy products can be both a cause and a cure.


If you are a lover of whole milk, fat cottage cheese and sour cream, do not be surprised by the "ears" on your hips. Any fat is a sea of \u200b\u200bextra calories that must be used intensively. It is better for a sedentary modern person to refrain from such delights of a village diet.

Studies show that whole milk drinkers have higher blood levels of vitamin D. On the other hand, they are more likely to be obese.

Type II diabetes mellitus

Although it is better for diabetics to avoid condensed milk, there is no reason to refuse natural dairy products - kefir, cheese, yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Employees of the Center for the Study of Diabetes at Lund University (Sweden) found that daily consumption of milk by healthy people reduces the incidence of type II diabetes by 23%. Their Harvard colleagues report that teenage milk drinkers are 43% less likely to have type II diabetes.

Prostate cancer

Some studies have linked dairy consumption to an increased risk of prostate cancer. This may be due to the high calcium content.

Again, no certainty. The British Journal of Cancer reports that the theory of calcium and prostate cancer is outdated and untenable.

Parkinson's disease

Harvard researcher Catherine Hughes has found that as little as three glasses of skim milk a day increases the risk of Parkinson's disease in older adults. However, the authors cannot explain the mysterious link between milk and neurodegeneration.

“The results show a modest increase in the incidence of morbidity among milk drinkers, in particular skim milk. It would be nice to limit these widespread products. "- says Dr. Hughes.


According to the Japanese scientist Ryoshi Nagatomi from Tohoku University, if you are depressed, you should change whole milk to skim milk. One to four servings of this product have a positive effect on the condition of patients, reduce the need for antidepressants and improve quality of life.

Memory, thinking, brain health

In 2012, an interesting comparison was made of the memory and thinking of people consuming different amounts of milk.

And milk lovers won outright!

This product contains type A2 beta casein protein. It has strong antioxidant properties and protects against neurodegenerative processes, pancreatic inflammation and several types of cancer.

So, we were not able to unequivocally answer the question about the benefits and dangers of milk. There are strong pros and cons. As with any food, moderation is required. If you tolerate lactose well, you should be fine.

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

Animal milk has been consumed by humans for thousands of years.

Recently, there has been a lot of debate about the benefits of milk and dairy products in general. They say that only children need milk, and it is unnatural for an adult to drink it, and can even be harmful to health.

Nevertheless, milk has been subjected to numerous studies, according to which, it has many reliable benefits, including for adults.

And the myth about its harm is associated with the fact that, on average, every fourth inhabitant of the planet has a certain degree of lactose intolerance. It is these people who should limit or completely exclude the product from the diet.

Milk is high in calcium and vitamins. According to various studies (links to them will be further in the article), the product helps to strengthen bone tissue and maintain oral health. Also, milk reduces the incidence of oncological and cardiovascular diseases, saturates the body with many essential amino acids.

The need for the constituent components of milk is significantly increased in children and elderly people.

The main beneficial properties of milk are due to the content of a wide range of valuable nutrients: proteins (including essential amino acids), fats, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamins (D, B2, B12, A).

Below are 7 proven facts about the benefits of milk for the human body.

1. Saturates the body with protein

1 cup of milk (200 ml) contains almost 7 grams of protein. Milk protein contains many valuable amino acids that are used by the body as “building blocks”.

Milk contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin K2, and also a lot of protein. It is these components that ensure the normalization of mineral metabolism in bone tissue, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

This feature is extremely important for men and women after 50 years of age due to progressive involutive changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Milk also contains vitamin D and magnesium - elements that increase the bioavailability of calcium in the intestine. Therefore, for various diseases of the skeletal system, it is recommended to take calcium supplements with dairy products.

Thus, milk helps to maintain the health of the entire musculoskeletal system, significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially in older age groups.

3. Helps to normalize body weight

According to the latest data, regular intake of milk and low-calorie dairy products reduces the risk of obesity and promotes weight loss.

  • cottage cheese.

More and more widespread are special dairy products, which in general. Research is also underway regarding the individual intake of the enzyme lactase in tablet form.


Thus, milk is an extremely healthy drink for most people, containing many valuable vitamins, macro- and microelements. Its regular use (at least 1 glass every day) normalizes the work of the digestive and endocrine systems, maintains the mineral strength of bones and teeth, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiological and oncological profile.

However, people with lactose intolerance should limit or eliminate milk from their diet.

Milk is the first product that we get to know from the day we are born. We grow on it until we grow up and do not stop loving this drink over the years. Milk is irreplaceable in conditions of hazardous production. And even in old age, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is useful for people to eat it.

Milk and dairy products: benefits for the body

Since childhood, everyone is aware of the benefits of milk. Perhaps this is the only product that is as healthy as it is delicious. And how many different products are obtained on the basis of its processing! Not a single child has a desire to skip taking kefir, refuse buns with butter, not put sour cream in the soup, or ignore another piece of cheese. Cottage cheese, which crowns the pinnacle of human taste preferences, stands apart in this milk feast. Dairy products can be listed endlessly, the body is so used to them that sometimes it takes it for granted. If you ask people about the benefits of milk, then everyone will answer with a learned phrase about the invaluable role of calcium in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.

Useful properties of milk

In fact, the benefits of the drink extend far beyond the phrase learned from childhood. By eating milk and dairy products, we get:

Collagen formation

Let us examine in more detail the question of the contribution of a healing drink to the beauty and youth of the body. It is especially useful to read about this to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is calcium that is responsible for the natural formation in the body of a substance such as collagen. And the more a person consumes dairy products, the higher the concentration of collagen in the tissues. This ensures excellent elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is extremely important for modern beauties.

Vitamins and minerals

We mentioned collagen and calcium, now is the time to talk about other beneficial substances. A dairy product (milk) contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which allows you to strengthen blood vessels, and also have a positive effect on the heart muscles. Vitamins B1 and B2 are able to raise the general tone of the body, and vitamin D fruitfully "works" in tandem with calcium. The drink also contains vitamins of groups A and E, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body, without exception.

Dairy products

Dairy production is booming. With the discovery of beneficial bifidobacteria, more and more useful fermented milk products appear on store shelves. Experts have long been inclined to believe that such products bring even more benefits to the body. By consuming them, a person enriches his body with beneficial bacteria, so necessary in the face of constant stress and snacks on the run. Also, not all people can tolerate dairy products due to individual allergic reactions, increased gas production or poor digestion. In this case, fermented milk products are seen as an excellent alternative, because they retain valuable trace elements in the required amount. Beneficial bacteria have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and are able to bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. For people prone to allergies, there is more good news. Now lactose-free milk has been created and launched into production. Everyone, without exception, can consume such a drink!

Source of natural animal protein

Scientists have found that the animal protein found in milk is much easier for the body to absorb than protein extracted from meat or eggs. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming protein after 18 hours due to its difficult digestibility. However, this peculiar prohibition does not apply to dairy products. In addition, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese appear in many protein diets. Absorb kefir for dinner and do not think about anything, there is no more useful evening product for your body.

Follow the figure

In the distant past, there were natural cow milk and even more fatty goat milk. Now the world is ruled by a low-fat dairy product that has retained all the valuable nutrients, only getting rid of unnecessary supplements in the form of increased fat content. American nutritionists have long been promoting milk with a fat mass fraction of no more than 1.2%, believing that it is this concentration that can bring the body the maximum amount of benefit. For special diets and fasting days, low-fat foods are offered. Dairy dishes based on low-fat cottage cheese and kefir will charge the body with energy and, at the same time, burn all excess deposits. People who are constantly looking for their figure should pay close attention to dairy products such as whey and buttermilk, which are low in fat.

  • Sour cream is served with cottage cheese only to improve the taste. For dinner, it is better to add low-fat yogurt to the curd.
  • Do not fix your preferences on one type of dairy products, try the entire range presented on the store shelf. Diversified consumption is much more beneficial.
  • For those who follow the figure, hard cheese is better seen as a "festive" product.
  • You will never know the true fat content of farmed or homemade cottage cheese. Buy cottage cheese in the store, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The content of vegetable fats in the product should not catch the eye.
  • Natural crumbly curd. If you crush the curd mass with your hand, it will not look like plasticine.

Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov called milk a complete food product. This is true: all young mammals that are not yet able to digest other food are fed with liquid.

Every year the inhabitants of the planet drink 500 million liters of milk. The product is actively used in cooking and cosmetology. But experts still have not come to one opinion about the usefulness of milk, especially for an adult body.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of milk

The composition of the drink may differ slightly depending on the age and breed of animals, the season, and the feeding habits of mammals. Nutritional value is directly related to the composition of the product. Average indicators:

  • fat - 2.8-5%;
  • proteins - 3.3% (albumin, casein, globulin);
  • carbohydrates - 4.6% (lactose);
  • water - 87.8%;
  • enzymes;
  • minerals and trace elements;
  • gases and hormones are present in small quantities.

The calorie content of milk is on average 60-65 kcal.

Milk forms

Fresh milk is an untreated product usually sold in the markets. The raw drink has a higher content of fats and proteins, more vitamins and microelements. But raw milk can be dangerous. The "pure" product maintains favorable conditions for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms: E. coli, salmonella, helminths.

Baked milk is a drink obtained by boiling and subsequent heating for a long time. The product has a characteristic beige color and a sweet smell. During boiling, the amount of vitamins B1 and C decreases. But vitamins A and D, on the contrary, are becoming more, which makes the clarified liquid especially useful for the nervous and immune systems.

Pasteurized milk - processed by high temperatures in an industrial environment. Sterilized containers are used for packaging the drink. Some of the nutrients are destroyed by heat treatment, but such a product is safe and does not need to be boiled.

Sterilized milk - is obtained by strong heating and subsequent instant cooling. Such treatment destroys all microorganisms contained in the liquid: both harmful and beneficial. The product can be stored for up to a year. You can use a sterilized drink without fear, but there is almost no benefit from it.

Condensed milk - a product mixed with sugar and lactose. The delicacy is characterized by a creamy color and a uniform consistency. Processing features allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of the dairy product. Only excessive hobby can be dangerous: there is a lot of sugar in the delicacy.

Useful properties of milk

The main feature of the drink is its high calcium content, which is absorbed by the body by 97%. No other product has these properties.

The composition of milk is good for the human body as a whole:

  1. Reduces the acidity of the stomach. The drink is recommended for ordinary heartburn, and for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases.
  2. The amino acids in milk are involved in the production of serotonin. A glass of drink at night can help cope with insomnia and general anxiety.
  3. The product contains glutathione to help detoxify the body. Milk is capable of removing quite serious substances: pesticides and heavy metals. People whose work is related to hazardous production are entitled to free milk delivery in Russia.
  4. Strengthens the immune system.
  5. Promotes the normal functioning of the heart muscle, liver, kidneys.
  6. Quenches thirst better than water.

The drink is useful for osteoporosis and hypertension.

Milk is also recommended for type 2 diabetes: just one glass of the product contains the daily potassium requirement, which is necessary for the disease. Diabetes is often accompanied by gastrointestinal problems. Then the drink can be replaced or supplemented with dairy products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • buttermilk, which is especially beneficial for older people.

Harmful properties of milk

The product has enough opponents who are confident that milk can seriously harm a person. The lactose in the liquid is really poorly absorbed by many people, especially after 50 years. Milk can be harmful to health when the daily dose of the drink exceeds 1 to 2 glasses:

  • possible gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders;
  • the level of glucose in the body rises;
  • allergic reactions may occur;
  • can provoke obesity.

For people with lactose intolerance, it is better to replace animal milk with plant milk: coconut, rice, oat.

Milk for women

Ladies not only drink the drink, but also use it for cosmetic purposes and add it to culinary dishes. For women with headaches, a glass of milk works better than pills.

The product must be included in the diet of expectant mothers and girls who adhere to proper nutrition.

Milk during pregnancy

The composition of the drink is useful for the health of a pregnant woman and an unborn baby:

  • calcium and phosphorus form the bone tissue of the fetus and help preserve the teeth and nails of the young mother;
  • milk protein helps build the tissues of the baby's body;
  • fatty acids are involved in the development of the fetal nervous system;
  • magnesium and sodium have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Pregnant women with diabetes can substitute goat milk for cow's milk: it is better absorbed and does not contain glucose.

Expectant mothers should give up the drink with lactase deficiency, enteritis and ulcerative colitis. Benefit can be derived from other dairy products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk,.

  • drink the drink in small sips;
  • before going to bed, add honey to a glass of milk;
  • avoid products of unknown manufacturers;
  • do not drink a drink immediately after a meal;
  • milk is best used diluted: with tea, cocoa, cottage cheese.

It is advisable to reduce the proportion of the product in the diet during the third trimester. The drink can contribute to the excessive strengthening of the fetal skull - this will complicate labor.


Milk helps to get rid of extra pounds due to the large amount of calcium: a deficiency of the element slows down the destruction of fatty deposits. An additional plus - the drink helps to reduce hunger.

For weight loss, there are effective milk-based diets:

  1. A mono-diet involves eating only milk. Duration - 7 days, effect - minus one kilogram per day. The option is suitable only for young and healthy women, for the rest it is better to choose more gentle methods of losing weight.
  2. Banana diet. The daily diet includes 1 liter of milk and 4 bananas. Duration - no more than a week.
  3. Milk and vegetable. The menu is allowed to diversify with eggs, vegetables, fruits. The serving size of the dish should not exceed 200 g, the interval between meals should be 3 hours.
  4. A sparing diet allows you to combine milk with vegetables, cereals, yoghurts, curd casseroles.

When following a dairy diet, fruits included in the diet should not be acidic. Peaches, pears, sweet apples go well with the drink. Not recommended during diet kiwi, citrus, pineapple.

Women who do not tolerate dietary restrictions can try fasting days: it is allowed to drink a liter of medium fat milk per day. It is allowed to supplement the menu with tea and coffee without sugar. Weight loss after a milk fasting day - up to one kilogram.

Milk for men

The lifestyle of a strong half of humanity involves regular physical activity. The chemical composition of milk helps maintain an active male body:

  • positively affects the nervous system and heart function: men are more susceptible to depression and stroke than women;
  • strengthens bones that can be damaged by physical activity;
  • vitamins and folic acid contained in milk strengthen potency;
  • helps build muscle mass.

The product is contraindicated in men only with individual intolerance. It is not recommended to consume milk in case of kidney problems: you can replace the drink with fermented milk products.

Milk for children

For babies up to one year old, only one milk is useful - breast milk. It is difficult for a child under 12 months to digest an animal product: there is too much calcium and phosphorus in the drink for an organism that has just begun to form. Even if it is not possible to breastfeed a baby, it is worth giving preference to adapted formulas. You can diversify the menu with children's yogurt and cottage cheese.

Gradually, milk can be introduced into the child's diet not earlier than the first birthday. It is better to give preference to goat milk or milk made especially for children. A classic drink from under a cow can be drunk not earlier than 3-4 years: it must be boiled milk.

As they grow older, the proportion of dairy products in the child's diet decreases: at 4-5 years old, the body needs a drink much more than at 11-12.

Influence of milk on the body of an adult

Researchers have had doubts about the benefits of the product for a long time. Experiments and surveys were carried out, but no reliable facts about the dangers of milk for the human body were found.

Arguments of opponents of the drink and denials of opponents from the Dairy Association:

  1. The prevalence of cancer is associated with hormones that enter the body with food. But milk contains fewer harmful substances than other products. The amount of hormones that can trigger the development of cancer is significantly higher in red meat.
  2. Milk protein causes type 1 diabetes - an unproven fact.
  3. Osteoporosis is less common among residents of the East, who almost never drink the drink. But Asia has a different type of food in general.

The global study was conducted for 28 years among 400 thousand people from different countries. The results showed that milk drinkers suffered less from cardiovascular disease than those who chose to skip the product.

Calcium from milk is really hard for many people to digest. The problem is solved by taking vitamin D regularly.

Milk drinks

The product is often mixed with other drinks. Sometimes such a connection is beneficial, in some cases it can harm:

Green tea with milk in Asian countries they always drank. They consider this combination to be one of the most useful. Green tea reduces the risk of heart attack, is good for teeth, and helps to lose weight. The milk added to the hot drink promotes the complete assimilation of the substances contained in green tea.

The compound also preserves the nervous system: milk neutralizes the stimulating effect of tannin, which is sufficient in tea. The drink has a strong diuretic effect, it is undesirable to drink it in case of kidney disease. Green tea with milk is also useful for those who want to lose weight. The drink suppresses appetite well.

Black tea with milk. The main feature of the drink is an increase in vitality and restoration of strength after physical exertion. Those who like to add milk to black tea are less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. The drink relieves the symptoms of poisoning. For tea to bring maximum benefit, it should be prepared like this: first pour milk into a cup, and then add tea leaves.

Chicory with milk - a successful combination that allows you to easily assimilate nutrients from both products. The drink is especially useful for the elderly. Chicory normalizes blood pressure, improves digestion, and has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Milk softens the specific taste of the product.

Useful recipe: 1 tbsp is added to a glass of milk. l. chicory. The mixture is brought to a boil, infused for 3-5 minutes, filtered.

Cocoa with milk reduces the risk of blood clots, improves dental health, prevents cancer development, stimulates mental activity and improves mood. The drink is useful for men: it helps to produce testosterone, protects against prostatitis.

Women who want to lose weight can safely add sugar-free cocoa with milk to the menu. The low-calorie food reduces sugar cravings. It is undesirable to drink cocoa with milk for pregnant and lactating women: the drink contains a little caffeine.

Coffee with milk is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The rest of the drink will not harm. Milk reduces the stimulating effect of caffeine, softens the taste of the drink. Coffee suppresses appetite, increases efficiency, improves the condition of the digestive tract. With the help of milk, you can create different types of drink: mocha, latte, cappuccino.

Milk with honey is the best sedative that is useful for people under prolonged stress. Drank in the morning, the drink, on the contrary, is able to awaken the body. Honey in combination with milk strengthens bones, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and increases endurance. Both products are also used externally: honey and milk improve skin condition.

Prescription for insomnia: 1 glass of milk is heated over low heat, poured into a cup. 1 tbsp is added to the liquid. l. honey.

Useful recipe: 1 cinnamon stick is added to 1 glass of milk. The mixture is supplemented with 5 drops of vanilla and 1 tsp. honey.

Porridge with milk

Nutritionists advise to cook cereals only in water. But cereals with milk have their advantages: the dishes are tasty and children like them, they are more nutritious and better absorbed.

The most popular cereals with milk:

Millet porridge cleanses the body. The dish is capable of removing even heavy metal salts. Millet porridge with milk and while taking antibiotics is useful. The dish improves bowel function, so doctors recommend including porridge in the diet for pregnant and lactating women.

Recipe: 1 glass of millet is boiled until the water boils away, milk, sugar and salt are added to taste. The dish is cooked for another 20 minutes over low heat.

Rice porridge retains all the beneficial properties during cooking. The dish helps to remove toxins from the body. allowed to use even people who have suffered poisoning. Rice porridge with milk is useful for pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidney failure.

Recipe: 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water are poured into a saucepan, salt is added to taste. After boiling off the water, milk and sugar are added, all components are thoroughly mixed. The dish is cooked until the milk boils.

Oatmeal, unlike most others, does not contain gluten, therefore it is useful even for diabetes, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Oatmeal with milk lowers blood sugar levels, gives a feeling of fullness, improves digestion. The dish has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Recipe: 1 cup of cereals is soaked in cold water for one hour, filled with 2 cups of milk and cooked over medium heat. After boiling, the dish is cooked for another 15 minutes with constant stirring.

Semolina porridge has a positive effect on mental activity and the state of the nervous system due to the high content of B vitamins. The dish is useful for recovering from a serious illness. Semolina porridge with milk normalizes the digestive tract and relieves fatigue. The product is not recommended for children under one and a half years old and overweight people.

Recipe: Milk is brought to a boil. Groats are added in a thin stream at the rate of 10 mg per 100 ml of milk. Porridge is cooked for 2 minutes with continuous stirring.

Buckwheat porridge is considered one of the most useful: the dish lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens blood vessels, relieves fatigue. not recommended for diabetes mellitus and kidney failure - there is a lot of starch in cereals.

Recipe: washed cereal is poured with milk in proportions 1: 4, the dish is cooked for half an hour.

Corn porridge is good for normal bowel function. The dish helps to lose weight and improves skin condition. Corn porridge with milk can be included in the menu of children and pregnant women.

Recipe: cereals are poured into water, proportions - 1: 2. After boiling, milk is added, salt and sugar are added. The porridge is cooked over medium heat until thickened.

Milk should not be abused, then the drink will only benefit. The best option for those who care about health is to diversify the diet with tea, cereals and cottage cheese with the addition of milk.

What is the benefit or harm to the body from the use of dairy products. Who can and who can not use milk for weight loss.

Dairy products are always surrounded by rumors. While some experts in the field of healthy nutrition praise the benefits of milk for bones and muscles, while others, on the contrary, claim that it can cause obesity, bone destruction, leaky gut syndrome and even some types of cancer. But before giving up milk forever, study the scientific facts and decide whether or not you can eat milk for you.

Dairy products and weight loss

Recently, scientists have concluded that dairy products, while limiting total calorie intake, contribute to some weight loss. What's more, in another study, subjects on a high-dairy diet performed better in weight loss and muscle gain than a control group.

This is partly due to the fact that calcium, in the presence of magnesium and phosphorus, prevents the deposition of fat reserves and accelerates fat burning. It is these minerals that are found in milk. And whey protein, also found in dairy products, helps burn fat while preserving muscle.

Moreover, in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to limit yourself to skim milk. Surprisingly, the fatty milk of farmed cows contains five times more CLA than the low-fat store milk, and is significantly richer in omega-3 acids! Scientists have found that CLA has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and helps to reduce the percentage of body fat. Omega-3 fatty acids, of which there are so many natural fatty acids in milk, reduce the risks associated with obesity, in addition, their use has been proven to lower blood pressure and "bad" cholesterol levels.

Useful article:

Lactose intolerance

Dairy intolerance arises from a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar (lactose). In case of lactase deficiency, consuming large amounts of milk can cause bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.

Lactose intolerance affects mainly adults, and the extent of its prevalence depends on the specific ethnic group. For example, in northern Europe, this condition occurs only in 15% of the population, while in Asia and Africa it is observed almost without exception. On average, around the world, lactose intolerance occurs in about 75% of the adult population.

However, even if you are lactose intolerant, this does not mean that you will have to completely avoid dairy products. People with a mild degree of lactase deficiency normally digest fermented milk products and cheeses. And the gradual addition of dairy products to the diet and the intake of digestive enzymes can help reduce symptoms of intolerance.

However, this phenomenon should not be confused with milk allergy, which is much less common and characterized by a systemic allergic reaction that can lead to anaphylactic shock and even death.

Strong bones

There is evidence that osteoporosis is less common in countries with lower dairy consumption (such as China) than in countries with high milk consumption. From this, some were quick to conclude that milk is supposedly harmful to bone health.

However, so far, no study has shown evidence that milk can weaken or even more destroy bone tissue. On the contrary, there is evidence that in older adults, dairy consumption increases bone density, osteoporosis and fractures.

But, of course, if you have severe lactose intolerance, or even more allergic to milk, you should choose another source of these micronutrients.

Calcium is found in many foods, such as leafy greens, almonds and sesame seeds, and some marine fish. Salmon and egg yolks are also good sources of vitamin D. And vitamin K is produced by our own intestinal microflora, or it can be obtained from the same leafy greens.

Useful article:

Heart diseases

It used to be thought that because of its saturated fat content, dairy products increased the risk of heart disease, but this theory has not stood the test of time. Modern research shows that the use of milk does not lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, some studies even report that whole milk, cheese and yogurt have a protective effect on blood vessels. Although other scientists draw more restrained conclusions. For example, that consuming large amounts of fatty milk simply does not have any effect on the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy gut

One of the most compelling arguments against dairy products is their ability to aggravate digestive problems. However, this primarily applies to people suffering from lactose intolerance. In other cases, fermented milk products, such as young cheeses, yogurt and kefir, can, on the contrary, be very beneficial for intestinal health.

Fermented milk products contain probiotics that promote the growth of favorable microflora in the intestines.

In turn, the intestinal microflora supports the immune system and the health of the gastrointestinal tract by preventing the absorption of harmful substances.

Dairy products and oncology

No direct link has been found between dairy consumption and cancer.

Some scientists, however, speculate that milk can induce tumor growth by stimulating the release of insulin and insulin-like growth factor IGF-1. These hormones inhibit genetically programmed cell death and stimulate cell proliferation.

In addition, one study found a link between consuming large amounts of dairy products and an increased risk of prostate cancer. However, more recent work showed that this risk is not associated with a dairy diet, but with the predominance of calcium in the diet.

Conversely, other studies suggest that casein and whey proteins may be protective against certain cancers. And, finally, many micronutrients found in natural dairy products (vitamins A, D, E, K) have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

So, despite the fact that milk as a whole cannot be considered an irreplaceable food product, which, moreover, is not digested at all by some, many of its components can bring tangible health benefits. The scientific evidence reviewed in this article suggests that if dairy products do not cause intestinal problems or manifestations of allergies in you, then you can use them with peace of mind.

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