Nodes in conjunction with Saturn synastry. Synastric aspects, relationship astrology. Penny Thornton. Venus conjunct the Setting Node

Electric 13.12.2020

If there are similar aspects in the horoscopes of both partners, this, to some extent, may be a sign that in their relationship with each other they will freely reveal their potential, and even if negative aspects are revealed when comparing the horoscopes, their connection can be deep and fruitful for both. If in horoscopes there are the same or similar unfavorable aspects, each partner will be able to see the reflection of not the best sides of his personality in another, and thus understand how to cope with them. Of course, if a person does not like something in himself, and he sees it, moreover, in his partner, alienation and misunderstanding may simply arise between them. Although, on the other hand, it is in the unfavorable aspects that the greatest potential lies in terms of the possibilities for the development of the human soul.

Aspects when comparing horoscopes are mutual aspects.
Some aspects of the comparison are immediately noticeable, others - on the contrary, through careful peering at the map. Therefore, when working, it makes sense for an astrologer to build a graph-diagram of all the aspects he finds. The closer the planets and points forming aspects are to each other, the more important they will be for the relationship. Thus, the conjunction of Mars with Uranus within one degree is a stronger aspect than the same conjunction, but within, say, seven degrees.

Astrologers disagree about what an orbis should be in order to be considered effective, but everyone agrees that when comparing two horoscopes, it should be less than in the natal charts of each partner. But, however, even aspects with rather large such distances can, nevertheless, manifest themselves, affecting in a certain way on the relationship (even if their manifestations are not so noticeable).

Orbis in synastry

Therefore, we can assume:

7 ° for conjunction, trine and opposition,

6 ° for square and sextile,

5 ° for quinconx,

2 ° for karmic and creative aspects.

It will be difficult for a beginner astrologer to take into account mutual ones with a large distance between planets and points. And if you reduce the distances I proposed by another 2 °, then only a small number of them will have to be taken into account. At the same time, these remaining aspects will be the strongest and, therefore, most influencing the relationship between two people. Of course, an experienced astrologer can afford to consider even very insignificant aspects when comparing two horoscopes, while a beginner is better off dealing with the most noticeable and important configurations.

The first thing to consider so this is which aspect it is.

Favorable sextiles and trines (and sometimes conjunction) speak of the manifestation of positive qualities included in this connection of the planets, while the square, opposition and quinconx (arc of 150 degrees) - about their negative side predominantly.

The most powerful aspect of two planets is their connection, but sometimes the smallest half-sextile (30-degree arc) formed by planets in two horoscopes can strongly influence the basic configurations of planets in one of the horoscopes. Therefore, the astrologer should always be very careful.

People born in the same year , will most likely have the same aspects formed by slowly moving planets, so that the conjunction of Pluto in both horoscopes will make the manifestation of the basic principle of this planet even more vivid. However, the conjunction of Pluto of one of them with the Moon of the other will be of much greater importance for the relationship of two people. This will mean that Pluto's immense energy is interacting with the emotions and feelings (Moon) of the other person. Therefore, a person with such a Pluto will awaken very deep feelings in his partner, and will even be able to control and manipulate him.

In addition, if two people were born in the same year, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter occupy approximately the same position. Therefore, when these planets in one horoscope form aspects with the inner planets in another, they further intensify the manifestation of the aspects of these latter with the outer planets in the second horoscope. With an age difference of two or three years, this will no longer be (except, perhaps, the manifestations of the aspects of Pluto and Neptune).

The most important aspects in synastry.
As already mentioned, some aspects are more important when comparing two horoscopes, while others are less important. Always for the relationship of two people, the aspects formed by the axes Asc-Dsc and MC-IC, as well as the configuration of the rulers of the Asc and Dsc from one horoscope to another will be of great importance. If these two planets form a trine or sextile (and sometimes are in conjunction or opposition - it depends on which planets they are), then this is a wonderful sign that speaks of a happy and harmonious relationship. If the planets form a square or quinconx, then this aspect will also be important, although less favorable. Of course, there may not be an aspect between the rulers of the Ascendants, but since their interaction is of paramount importance for human relationships, then the position of them and other planets in some specific signs of the Zodiac will acquire great importance. For example, one of the partners may have an ascendant Aquarius, and the other may have Uranus to unite with the Ascendant; or the Descendant of one may be in Virgo, while the other may have the Sun in this sign. In his book On Human Relationships, Louis Sagent discusses these examples in detail.

Ideal aspect in astrology, no: there are aspects that are more likely to be favorable for the relationship of two people, and there are, on the contrary, rather unfavorable ones. And although with the predominance of these latter in the horoscopes of two, these people can enter into some kind of relationship with each other, they are most likely to be difficult for both. Venus and Jupiter, for example, go well together even in tense aspects, while any aspect of Mars and Saturn is likely to be unfavorable.

The ratio of favorable and unfavorable aspects in the horoscopes of two people can be established by studying all the significant connections of their planets. The favorable or unfavorable aspect is largely determined by which planets form it, which can be illustrated by the following example: Venus in Hitler's horoscope forms a square with the Sun in Eva Braun's horoscope, however, the solar and Venusian beginnings are close to each other, therefore their aspect can be considered although and difficult, but still not seriously complicating their relationship. In this case, this square means that Eve's temperament does not correspond to Hitler's idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal erotic partner for him, and that there may be discrepancies between their spiritual and social interests. Indeed, Hitler's love for art was the most important in his life, while Eve was less interested in the cultural and artistic world.

Aspects formed by the Sun and Venus in two horoscopes (especially if it is a connection, trine, sextile and opposition) - an excellent indicator of people's attraction and affection for each other. The ideal aspect, for example, is the coincidence of the Sun in the female horoscope with Venus in the male (and vice versa). Even the less favorable square and quinconx can indicate the attraction of people to each other, but this is often associated with an imbalance in their relationship to each other.

Another very good sign -coincidence of the Sun in the male horoscope with Mars - in feminine, and vice versa. Mars and the Sun in the female horoscope, along with everything else, speak of those qualities that will attract her in men. Therefore, in the case when the Sun in the male horoscope coincides with Mars (or with the Sun) in the female, this man will fully meet her requirements (similarly - in case of coincidences with the Moon and Venus in the male horoscope).At the same time, the aspects of the Sun and Mars in two horoscopes may not be ideal.

Forms. This speaks of possible aggression in their relationship: persistence, exactingness and dedication, embodied by Hitler's Mars, do not at all harmonize with the way of self-expression of Eve. At the same time, the favorable aspects of Mars and Saturn can be surprisingly productive. The sextiles and trines they form in horoscopes indicate that partners perfectly complement each other energetically, therefore, acting together, they can achieve a lot, and there will be no rivalry and quarrels between them.

A very important point when comparing two horoscopes is the aspects of the Sun and the Moon. And if there are no such aspects, the signs and elements in which they are located become significant.

The sun

The sun in both horoscopes speaks primarily of the interaction of partners on a superficial, external level. The aspects formed by the Sun in one horoscope and the planets in another indicate how the second partner supports and respects the personality of the first, and how he (or she) relates to his goals and temperament. Both Suns in harmonious signs is a good indicator of compatibility, but finding them in signs that are not uniquely compatible with each other may not be an obstacle to their interaction. There is a strong attraction between opposite signs of the same quality, and although sometimes misunderstanding is possible, favorable aspects can always somehow compensate for this. However, if there are too many unfavorable aspects, the non-harmonizing signs of the Suns will worsen the situation even more.

Both luminaries are in fixed signs, and both partners are characterized by persistence and stubbornness in achieving their goals. Eve - Aquarius - was very unpredictable and independent, while Hitler - Taurus - was more restrained and patient.

When the Suns are in a square or are located in signs, the distance between which is 90 °, partners, as a rule, will strive for different things, however, given the harmonious aspects formed by their Sun and Moon, this may not be a serious obstacle. When two Suns are in opposition, this indicates a strong attraction or dislike of partners for each other, while their sextile or trine speaks of a harmonious and balanced relationship.

Sun and moon
The connection between the Sun and the Moon in the horoscopes of two partners is the most important indicator of their psychological and emotional compatibility. The Sun - the dominant masculine principle in the horoscope - is naturally complemented by the feminine qualities of the Moon. A classic indication of a harmonious relationship is the conjunction of the Moon in a woman's horoscope with the Sun in a man's horoscope, and also vice versa: when the Moon in a man's horoscope is connected to the Sun in a woman's horoscope. Of course, the connection is the strongest aspect, however, both sextile and trine formed by the Moon in the horoscope of one partner with the Sun of another can speak of mutual attraction, harmony and good compatibility. An important factor is the houses in which the Moon and the Sun are located, even if they do not form a visible aspect. For example, if the Sun in one horoscope is in an air sign, and in another - in an air or fiery sign, then even without their obvious aspect this is a sign of harmony in relationships.

IN there are no aspects between the Sun and the Moon, just as there are none between both Suns and both Moons. However, the Moon of Eve in Virgo goes well with Hitler's Sun in Taurus - which speaks of their compatibility.

The opposition of the Sun of one partner and the Moon of the other often speaks of the attraction of partners to each other, while their square indicates problems and difficulties in the relationship. The one whose Moon is in the square with the Sun of another may find that his insensitive partner is suppressing him, while the latter will find him too sensitive. In fact, this corresponds to the difficulties in the relationship between the fire and water elements.

Sun and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Aspects of the Sun in the horoscope of one of the partners with the outer planets of the other are always very interesting and, as a rule, strong. Uranic contacts often involve a sudden, magnetically strong attraction of partners to each other (especially the connection of both). If Uranus of one is aspected by the Sun of the other, then the first partner stimulates the other, as if awakening him, although with too strong Uranian ties, the relationship is usually short-lived and rather unpredictable.

If the Sun of one of the partners is aspected by the other, then the first is simply fascinated by the second, who subtly feels and inspires him. indicates a highly spiritual kinship of people, but one should not forget that another aspect of it is associated with deception and disappointment, so a Neptunian person can often even undermine his partner's self-esteem, as well as his confidence in himself. Aspects of Pluto and the Sun in the two horoscopes are of great importance. The partner, whose connection with the Sun of the other, provides the latter with great opportunities for growth both internally and externally. Since any contacts with the inner planets are very intense, they greatly increase the level of these relationships, or, on the contrary, indicate conflicts and rivalry between the two egos.

In our example, Eve's Uranus is square with Hitler's Sun, and Hitler's Uranus is trine with Eve's Sun. This indicates that the relationship with Hitler contributed to the awakening of Eve's creative potential, the disclosure of her abilities and more complete self-realization. At the same time, the influence of her Uranus on the Sun in Hitler's horoscope is rather negative: in particular, it is known that her unpredictable temperament (intensified by the Sun in the sign of Aquarius and the trine of the Moon with Uranus) irritated him, and even to some extent threatened the image he created always an imperturbable leader. However, Eve's Pluto largely neutralized these tendencies unfavorable for their relationship, forming a harmonious sextile with Hitler's Sun. This suggests that Eve helped Hitler realize his ambitions, believing in his success and thus helping to strengthen his self-confidence.

In terms of marriage, the most important aspects are those that the Moon forms in the horoscopes of both partners. The moon is the embodiment of the unconscious in a person, it indicates his emotional world. If two Suns are in poorly compatible signs with each other, people usually conflict with each other, however, it can nevertheless be relatively easy for them to communicate. The situation is completely different with the Moons, which form a bad aspect or are in signs that are very different from each other. When this happens, neither partner will feel "at ease" with the other, since they are unable to satisfy each other's emotional needs. However, this will be present only at the level of sensation, and therefore their endless discussions, in which they will strive to come to some kind of logical agreement, will not lead to anything. If their Moons are in conjunction, or just in the same sign, partners will feel this as their natural belonging to each other, and if they are in a harmonious aspect or at least in well compatible signs, it will be easy for them to come to agreement and compromise.

In my work, I often had to deal with people who, despite the many favorable aspects between their planets, had a strained relationship only because of the bad positions of the Moon. Conversely, if two moons are in a favorable aspect and the other planets are in stressful aspects, then the relationship can be sustainable.

Of course, the best option is to find the Moons in conjunction in the same sign. This indicates that subconsciously people feel that they were created for each other, and harmony and mutual understanding reign in their relationships. In addition, the Moon in the horoscope symbolizes a person's past, his memory, living in the depths of the subconscious. Therefore, the Moons, which are in conjunction or in the same sign, indicate that partners can feel one path behind their shoulders, feel that they once knew each other, and not necessarily in real life. Some astrologers believe that people whose Moons are in conjunction (or at least in one sign) have already met in past lives, and the origins of love at first sight, this "instant recognition" of each other, may lie in the very, very distant past ...

Moons in opposition indicate a huge difference in the emotional behavior of partners, but at the same time they can be compatible with each other: they have a lot to learn from this relationship. If the Moon and Venus do not form a favorable aspect, partners will most likely be cold to each other, and their relationship will be tense and strained.

Moon and Mercury
The good aspect of the Moon and Mercury in two horoscopes is one of the most favorable for human relationships. Their conjunction is even better than the conjunction of two Mercury, however, of course, not as strong as the two Moons. The Moon and Mercury indicate that partners understand each other on a subconscious level, and their harmonious aspect contributes to a long-term relationship, even if there are unfavorable aspects in the horoscopes of these partners. The opposition of Mercury in the horoscope of one of the partners and the Moon of the other may indicate that the second partner will be irritated by the desire of the first to rationalize and explain everything, and not live, completely trusting his intuition. Sometimes this aspect can stimulate the ability for creative thinking in the lunar partner. If the Moon and Mercury are in a square or quinconx, the Mercurian partner may not understand the feelings and moods of the other, reproaching him for being too emotional. The latter, however, feels insecure at the same time, and begins to get even more nervous.

Moon and Venus
The favorable aspects generated by these feminine planets are a very good sign for a loving relationship. Sextile, trine and the conjunction of the Moon and Venus indicate mutual respect for partners who are loving and devoted to each other. In fact, their good aspect is a wonderful sign for those who are about to marry, capable of neutralizing the manifestation of the unfavorable aspects. The opposition of the Moon and Venus speaks of a strong attraction to each other, however, the square and the quinconx indicate the difficulties of both partners in expressing their feelings. However, as is the case with the aspects of the Sun and Venus, the bad aspects of the Moon and Venus are unlikely to greatly spoil the relationship between the two, of course, if there are no other unfavorable combinations that can enhance this negative.

In the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, one of the most favorable moments is the conjunction of Venus of Eve with the conjunction of Lupa and Jupiter in the horoscope of Hitler, indicating their strong attraction to each other and the happiness of both in this proximity. This aspect actually neutralizes unfavorable configurations, explaining the duration of the relationship between Hitler and Eve - they did not part until death, and were together for sixteen years.

Moon and Mars
Aspects of the Moon and Mars may indicate the sexual attraction of partners to each other, but at the same time, quarrels and misunderstandings between partners, especially a square and quinconx. The partner whose Mars is aspected by the other's Moon may overly suppress his emotions, although at the same time he awakens strong emotional experiences in him. Obviously, the aspects of the Moon and Mars are favorable only for the physical side of the relationship of their lunar partner, an energetic and ardent Martian often hurts and offends. Although the good aspects of the Moon and Mars indicate a lot of creativity in this pair.

Moon and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Aspects of the Moon and in two horoscopes indicate a strong attraction of partners to each other. The one in whose horoscope Uranus is aspected by the Moon of another, delights his partner, opening new, unfamiliar dimensions for his emotional world, however, Uranus indicates instability and instability in the relationship. A partner, whose Moon forms a square, quinconx, opposition or conjunction with Uranus of another, feels a high voltage emanating from him - and for a while this is not bad, but it can be difficult to withstand it for a long time. Although the square of the Moon and Uranus in two horoscopes cannot greatly damage the already established relationship, if other Uranian aspects are added to it, then the intensity of communication between partners will be unbearable for both, and perhaps they will often part.

Partners with harmonious aspects in the horoscopes of the Moon and fit each other well. A Neptunian is able to intuitively guess the mood of a partner, although that is why the latter can become emotionally dependent on him. The conjunction of these planets is a wonderful sign for the union of two. At the same time, Neptune can be weak or defeated. Therefore, if he forms a square, opposition, quinconx, and sometimes a conjunction with planets from the partner's horoscope, he must be ready for misunderstanding and even deceit of the person next to him.

Aspects formed by the Moon and in different horoscopes can be both constructive and destructive, depending, first of all, on the people themselves. The one whose partner Pluto aspects the other's moon is capable of touching the deepest layers of his emotional world, although this can be painful for both. If Pluto forms a square with the Moon, quinconx and opposition, then this suggests that this partner can rigidly manipulate and control the emotions of his partner. Trine and sextile are of course more favorable aspects.

In our example, Hitler's Neptune trines Eve's Moon. This is a very good sign of their spiritual closeness and mutual understanding on a subconscious level. Further, its Neptune forms a double trine with the Moon of Eve at 26 ° 40 "Virgo and her Mercury at 28 ° 19" Capricorn, and although Neptune itself is in an air sign, and the Moon and Mercury are in earthly, their favorable aspect indicates a mutual their sympathy and emotional attachment.

Venus and Mars

Aspects of these planets speak primarily of the physical side of the relationship: connections, trines and sextiles are favorable aspects in this regard, indicating the sexual attraction of partners to each other, although the Martian partner can be overly aggressive and impatient. With squares, quinconxes and oppositions, physical attraction can be just as strong (especially from a Martian), but his rudeness and cruelty can scare the other partner, and tension and distrust of each other inevitably arise between them.

Venus in the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun form a trine, and Hitler's Mars and Venus of Eve are also in trine. If the aspect was more accurate (less distance between the planets), it would speak of harmony in their sexual relations. Although the distance is quite significant - about eight degrees, there are still indications of good compatibility of partners in the physical plane (all these planets are in earth signs). But the influence of the conjunction of Mars with Venus in Hitler's horoscope is restrained by Saturn in the chart of Eve, so it can be assumed that in the physical plane, not everything was good for them.

Venus and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Aspects formed by Venus in the horoscope of one of the partners and Uranus of the other indicate their attraction to each other. As already mentioned, the influence of Uranus is very unstable and unpredictable, although it can perfectly stimulate the manifestation of the qualities of those planets with which it is associated. His aspect with Venus indicates, in addition, a very passionate love relationship, intense, and maybe somewhat non-standard. Not only his favorable connections with Venus, but even their opposition and the quinconx speak of a magnetically strong attraction of people to each other.

However, a square, a quincunx, and sometimes opposition, and even a conjunction can also indicate that the excessive sexual inventiveness of the Uranian partner can unpleasantly shock and suppress the other, in order to neutralize this moment, many more favorable factors are needed, otherwise, their relationship may be too short-lived.

Aspects of Venus and Neptune speak of a deep and romantic relationship between two partners. The Nstunian is capable of self-sacrifice and deep devotion to his partner. Trine and sextile are a wonderful aspect of them, while union, square and opposition may indicate some kind of problem. The partner whose Neptune is aspected by another's Venus may seem surprisingly attractive and charming to the latter, although it is very possible that this is only an illusion. If Neptune and Venus in both horoscopes are in a double aspect (Neptune of one is aspected by Venus of the other, and vice versa), people can experience in love a state close to ecstasy. As with the configurations of Neptune and the Moon, these aspects indicate a deep, subconscious closeness of partners.

As for Pluto, then all the aspects formed by it with the inner planets, the astrologer should be carefully studied. Pluto can both surprisingly raise, and vice versa, suppress the Venusian principle in another partner. Therefore, there are both harmonious and happy couples with such an aspect, and vice versa. If these planets form a conjunction, square or opposition, then the one whose Pluto interacts with the Venus of the other may have possessive tendencies and manipulate his partner, who, in turn, may find him too vulgar, difficult to understand, and sometimes even mentally retarded. ... Aspects of Pluto and Venus can be very problematic in the field of sexual relations, since Pluto in this aspect indicates the high requirements of a person to his partner in terms of sex. In addition, such people absolutely cannot stand the coldness and alienation of those around them.

Mars and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

All aspects of Uranus with Mars are much less favorable than aspects of Uranus and Venus. If this aspect is also unfavorable (any, except trine and sextile), then it often indicates the inability of partners to reach a compromise and work together. If Uranus and Mars form an opposition or a square in the horoscopes of two, partners often turn out to be unable to transfer each other at all, and constantly quarrel. Their combination, to a lesser extent, opposition, indicates a strong attraction of partners to each other, but conflicts are not excluded here either. If there are more harmonious aspects between the planets and the two horoscopes (the Moon and Venus, for example, or Venus and Jupiter), then the aspect of Mars and Uranus will most likely refer only to the physical side of the relationship of these partners. In general, for any unfavorable aspects formed by Uranus with planets in a different horoscope, partners need to part with each other from time to time.

The configurations of Mars and Neptune for the relationship of two people are almost always unfavorable. An exception is the situation when both partners are engaged in a common Neptunian activity, or they share Neptunian interests (healing, mystical arts, drama, drawing, music, etc.). Neptune to a large extent sublimates the warlike aggression of Mars, and with favorable configurations (sextile or trine), the intuition of a Neptunian can even help a Martian in his vigorous activity. At the same time, their connection, opposition, quincunx and square can be fraught with deceptions and disappointments for the Martian, and the Martian himself is able to make his partner even more suspicious, constantly spurring his already rich imagination.

If in the horoscopes of both Neptune is strong, then the added influence of the aspect of Neptune of at least one of the partners with Mars of the other can lead to mutual misunderstanding of the two, and often to separation. If Pluto in one of the horoscopes forms an aspect with Mars in the other, then the fiery energy of the Martian may turn out to be simply threatening for his partner. Therefore, the latter, in turn, will try to control and control the Martian, against which he naturally rebelles. The square and opposition of Mars and Pluto in horoscopes are often fraught with physical collisions of partners, while with sextile, trine, and sometimes the conjunction of the planets, relationships can be very productive: the dynamism and energy of each partner is doubled in their union. The configurations of Mars and Pluto - as well as Mars and Venus - speak of the strength of physical attraction of partners to each other. However, Pluto's high-frequency energy can be difficult to tolerate in high doses, and its often unfavorable aspect with Mars leads the relationship to rupture.

In the example we are considering, Venus does not form aspects with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but Hitler's Neptune is in conjunction with Eve's Mars, and her Neptune is in the aspect of sextile Hitler's Mars. Neither is he. neither Eve was engaged in healing, and their interests were different (as already indicated by the square of the Sun and Venus in their horoscopes). However, the aspects of Mars with Neptune speak in their case about common mystical pursuits. It is now unknown whether Hitler listened to the advice of astrologers, especially since in 1941 astrology was officially condemned as a pseudoscience. Yet his use of the swastika - a symbol of the mystical - and the fact that some of his colleagues (including Goebbels) were fond of the occult, may serve as a basis for the anger of the assumption that Hitler himself was interested in mystical teachings. Therefore, it is likely that he and Eve did this together. The aspect of Hitler's Neptune and Mars Eve is quite accurate (in terms of the distance between the planets), and therefore more powerful than the configuration of Neptune and Mars Fuhrer. The Neptunian in such cases often seems to the Martian as an elusive deceiver, and this was the case in the relationship between Hitler and Eve: until the last moment he refused to marry her. Consequently, she could not force him to act as she would like: perhaps his presence alone was enough for her to involuntarily abandon her intentions and goals, this happens often with the aspects of Mars and Neptune.

Intellectual communication between two partners is a very essential factor for their relationship with each other. Even if it is difficult for them to understand the habits and actions of each other intuitively, relationships can take place provided they are in harmonious verbal communication. Hence the importance of the aspects formed by Mercury. If both partners have Mercury in badly combined signs or in unfavorable aspects with each other, then this does not only mean that they think differently, but also about that. that they also perceive the world in completely different ways, and therefore their relationship can be very, very difficult.

With a bad aspect of two Mercury, any trifle, any trifling disagreement can become a reason for a quarrel: people who look differently at the world, if they can somehow get along with each other, then, in any case, without mutual understanding. Therefore, their relationship is unlikely to be long-term and promising. If, moreover, both Mercury are in cardinal or mutable signs, the partners will constantly arrange verbal discussions, squabbles, while making sharp and caustic remarks to each other.

When comparing two horoscopes, astrologers usually consider the aspects of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars to be more important, however, all configurations formed by the two Mercury are very important, without exception. If Mercury in two horoscopes is in a square, especially being in fixed signs, then partners are unlikely to ever come to a compromise. Their constant criticism and disrespect for the opinions of each other frustrate both of them, and very soon their closeness ceases. Since Mercury never moves away from the Sun more than 28%, the square of Mercury speaks of the square of the Suns in two horoscopes, which further exacerbates the already deplorable state of affairs. If the Sun and Mercury in at least one horoscope are in different signs and not in conjunction, then the overall picture does not look so sad. However, if both Mercury are in inharmonious signs, albeit without forming a square with each other, it will not be easy for partners to find a common language, the only exception can be the arrangement of the planets in which one Mercury is in an air sign, and the other is in earthly: both of these elements have a rational principle. Mercury in opposition speaks of the objective view of partners at each other, while their connection is the best aspect for the compatibility of partners, indicating common interests, their mutual understanding and agreement.

Mercury and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Aspects of Mercury of one of the partners with Uranus or Pluto of the other can indicate both intellectually harmonious relationship, and unstable and difficult. The unfavorable configurations of Uranus and Mercury speak of fundamentally different types of thinking of both partners. They literally quarrel over nothing, and the Uranian partner does not at all listen to the arguments and excuses of the Mercurian. If Uranus and Mercury form a favorable sextile or trine, the partners understand each other simply telepathically, and the Uranian partner often broadens the Mercurian's horizons, encouraging his interest in everything unusual.

The favorable aspects of Mercury with Neptune (sextile, trine, and sometimes conjunction and opposition) also speak of excellent communication between partners on a subconscious level, while their square indicates the possibility of a Neptunian deceiving his partner, and (unconsciously) deceiving him.

The one of the partners, whose Pluto forms negative aspects with Mercury in another horoscope (square, opposition, quincunx, and sometimes conjunction) can often manipulate the thoughts of another. It also speaks of brutality on an intellectual level. At the same time, the sextile and trine of Pluto and Mercury speaks of a good understanding of each other by partners.

In the example with the horoscopes of Hitler and Eva Braun, Mercury is in square with each other, in the signs of Taurus and Aquarius, respectively. Another square - Uranus and Mercury - indicates that Eve's behavior and even the way of thinking could irritate Hitler. Without a doubt, he, whose Sun and Mars were in Taurus, considered Eve to be impermanent and superficial (in this horoscope, the Moon is in trine with Uranus, and Mercury is in conjunction with Uranus). In addition, Eve's Neptune forms a square with the Fuhrer's Mercury, which suggests that her behavior could often confuse Hitler's ordered mindset. All this, taken together with the square of two Mercury, indicates that it was often very difficult for them to understand each other. Although the unfavorable manifestation of these aspects was largely neutralized by the trine formed by Mercury of Eve with the conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Hitler's horoscope, as well as the sextile of Pluto Eve and Hitler's Mercury. Trine of Neptune and Mercury speaks of a rather strong deep connection between partners, in which the Neptunian (in this case, Hitler) inspires and intellectually stimulates the Mercurian (Eve). A good aspect of Pluto with both Mercury (in your horoscope and your partner's horoscope) indicates that the closeness of your partners can greatly affect their entire life.

Continuation of the material on the link:

The Pars of Fortune (Wheel, Point of Happiness) in astrology represents success and absence of problems. It symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest reward a horoscope owner can receive. In which field of the natal chart the Wheel of Fortune is located, the owner of the horoscope will feel the fullness of life there.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the second half of life.Like Jupiter, the Pars of Fortune promises abundance and joy. It pushes the person to the environment that works best for him and helps him figure out where to succeed.

The Parse of Fortune also shows a person's greatest need: what he needs most and where he will find the greatest joy. This point helps to look beyond the mind, reveals goals and helps to determine the ideals. It expresses the very essence of the Soul.

The Point of Happiness manifests itself in different ways in the hemispheres of the natal chart. If it is below the horizon, the satisfaction is giving. Only by sharing with others does a person achieve satisfaction. If the Pars of Fortune is at the top, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. A person deserves such a gift of fate thanks to the merits of the past incarnation. And the one who gives more now will receive benefits in the next life.

Pars of Fortune in houses

1 house.Joy brings independence and personal responsibility. Calls for help weaken Fortune's patronage. The blessings of life come through their own efforts and external attractiveness. It is recommended to build relationships with others on spiritual intimacy, and overestimated conceit, selfishness and a pronounced individuality bring harm.

2nd house. This situation gives great chances for material wealth. It will turn out to achieve it by understanding your own ideals. If a person lives by dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, luck will turn away from him. Financial wealth comes from business skills, ingenuity and calculation. At the same time, inheritance and the conclusion of a profitable marriage are not excluded.

is in exile. But it cannot be said that this is a weak position of the planet. In this water sign, she gives her all to the maximum and fully makes you feel the depth of feelings. The owners of this position choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like a little mysterious, passionate and outwardly noticeable people.

Feelings often go beyond self-control. It can be difficult to contain emotions, which ultimately lead to a loss of composure.Feelings and jealousy from scratch are exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically. This is more about the affected planet. In harmonious aspects, Venus is easier to restrain feelings and not go to extremes.

Venus in Scorpio breeds jealousy, dependence and domination. A person wants to control the life of a loved one. He limits his contacts, tries to influence the choices and desires of his partner. He does not tolerate when they argue with him and sees in this dislike for himself.

In relationships, they put sex and trust first. Not wanting intimacy means a lack of love. If a loved one is hiding something from such a person, it seems to him that he fell in love with another. Suspicions destroy the relationship if the partner is not ready for the intensity of passions and disagreements for him an unbearable burden.

Venus is a planet that has a lot to do with money. She is the ruler of Taurus, who manages the second house (her own material resources). Scorpio is a sign of other people's money. If the planet is not affected, its owner can count on good prosperity or a comfortable life. In the case of negative degrees, it can lead to bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Throughout her life, the feelings of such a woman do not allow her to relax. She needs to feel desirable and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the affairs of her lover or husband. In a calm relationship, she will be bored, and a woman can always create a situation in which she will be convinced of her love for herself. If this does not happen, she will torment herself and her partner. Ultimately, these interactions will lead to a protracted and painful breakup.

In astrology, the seventh house is responsible for marriage, the planet Venus, as the natural ruler of Libra, and the Moon. The latter, manifesting itself in marital relations, affects the livability, comfort in partnership and family life. If there are planets in the seventh house for a strong relationship, they should not have negative aspects. And if it contains Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person's desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: caring, economic and loving. Such people adapt well, tend to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely marry, which will be successful and strong. And the more harmonious aspects between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house are in the horoscope, the better family life will be.

The formulas indicate happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (love marriage).

A stable, long-term relationship is indicated by fixed signs standing on the cusp of the seventh house. Mutable people speak of impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - they force them to take offense at a partner, without delving into the problems of conflicts, contribute to a sharp break in relations.

Unpleasant moments of marriage can be brightened up by Jupiter. If this planet participates in synastry, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter / Sun, Jupiter / Moon, Jupiter / Venus, spouses will not feel unhappy.

Without the participation of Saturn in the synastry, a long-term relationship will not work. Aspects from this planet cement the connection, teach responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The conjunction holds together, but adds conflict if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, the Moon.

In the water signs, the Moon feels very comfortable. Here she shows the best qualities and gives her owner a subtle intuition, sensuality and a rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpio, the Moon is in the fall, and it can be difficult for her to find harmony and not succumb to gloomy thoughts. Its owner is prone to strong feelings, doubts and increased anxiety.

Moon in Scorpio endows the owner of the horoscope with touchiness, increased emotionality and vulnerability. Moon Scorpio is strongly tormented by feelings such as jealousy, envy and anger. He can be aggressive, irritable, hot-tempered and vengeful. This attitude is influenced by the planet Mars, which, along with Pluto, is the ruler of the Scorpio sign. The sensitive Moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and domineering.

A calm state is not for the lunar Scorpio. He is able to unconsciously create stressful situations for himself and others, in order to overcome them himself. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life, this is not life. But to shake things up, he doesn't have to start a scandal. Lunar Scorpio knows how to be eloquently silent, distributing negative to others. After the release of energy, there is a short respite, and then, emotions accumulate again on an increasing basis.

Report for the 2005 conference "Uranus in Pisces"

The purpose of this study is to identify the paths along which the karmic themes of the Clan pass, and not to interpret specific provisions in the natal charts of all representatives of the Clan.

Identifying connections along the family tree, we can find one, and sometimes several repetitive plots passed down from generation to generation. They are the most significant, one might say: the key tasks of Karma, accepting and solving which a person automatically activates the entire plan of Karma. In turn, this plan offers a person an event series that corresponds to most of the tasks assigned to him, and thereby helps to actively solve many life problems. And even if, in terms of Karma, the main task turns out to be very difficult and is repeated in the family tree in several generations, when a person begins to consciously work with this task, then all other life topics and plots are solved as if by themselves quite harmoniously. This is due to the fact that on condition of such a conscious acceptance and realization by a person of the main plots of Karma, it is from the karmic plane that natural support comes in solving all other problems. This phenomenon of facilitating the process of realization of many life themes is explained by the “interest” of karmic streams in changing our initial qualities. This is understandable, because the more we change, the more we create new experience that helps us actively contact the moment of Time (of course, we mean the positive aspect of work). In other words, when our Consciousness comes into contact with the plan of Karma, and we begin to act in Time, then, figuratively speaking, the delighted Lords of Karma send us their support, for they are always interested in our progress and in the speedy and successful completion of any task.

Entering the karmic plane, we must first of all consider the Lunar nodes, Selena and Lilith. This is the minimum of indicators by which we can penetrate into the deeper layers of our Karma. Moreover, given that the Nodes, Selena and Lilith are fictitious points, we can always combine them in any combination in our research, after which we will receive additional information about the most significant fragments of Karma.

At the same time, if we consider the connections of the Nodes with Selena, then we will enter a stream that gives information to a greater extent about the individual Karma of the Soul. If we start looking at the connections between the Nodes and Lilith, then we will go into the karmic stream of our Kin, for Lilith is still more related to generic programs and mainly determines the quality and capabilities of the flows that fill the ancestral Tree.

Thus, combining Lilith and the Nodes with each other, we can learn about the features of our Clan and the problems that accompany most members of the Clan. I must say that such work is very interesting, because it opens up opportunities for us to work not only with our individual tasks, but also to help both the Ancestors and Descendants in solving the most difficult problems.

Often, the isolation of fictitious programs formed by the connections of the Lunar Nodes and Lilith, and their awareness helps us navigate in life and understand where these or those complex problems come from. Moreover, by focusing on them, we can in some cases significantly soften the blows of fate.

When studying the relationship of fictitious points, several conditions must be considered.


General Provisions

Since we are dealing with generic programs passing from generation to generation, then:

· We should consider only blood ties and examine the horoscopes of only blood relatives;

· We must remember that when studying the karmic picture of the Kin, it is necessary to have the data of at least three, four tribes (even if not complete). This is the very minimum at which you can avoid gross errors in your conclusions;

· We should know that the most complete information is provided by the study of seven, eight tribes, "to get" which in our Time is very difficult;

· We must take into account that the transmission of special “karmic” qualities and programs along the family tree can sometimes be interrupted in one so-called “free knee”, or the transmission is skillfully veiled;

· We must accept the condition that most often the rhythm of the disclosure and interruption of the manifestations of the same qualities and programs is the following: two, three tribes contain the same qualities. As a result, the trunk of the Family Tree is filled and compacted with these qualities, forcing the representatives of the Family to actively use them in practical work in order to maximize the initial level of these qualities. Then the Tree is offered a rest from the too vivid manifestation of any "intrusive" quality (which sometimes still manages to penetrate the fourth knee). Then again, two, three tribes clearly denote and convey some qualities and programs, then these qualities are hidden again, and it can be very difficult to detect them. Sometimes they change significantly, which is a good sign, since this is what is required of us when working with generic programs. It is much worse when the qualities are not transformed, passing from one knee to another and, gradually becoming denser, give rise to serious disorders expressed in hereditary diseases. Sometimes information about especially "outstanding" qualities and programs are very carefully hidden, and we can learn about them through the positions of the planets-rulers of the signs of the Nodes, or by the position of the real ruler (s) of the house involved in solving generic problems.

Here it must be added that sometimes in several tribes in a row the same programs and qualities are transmitted almost unchanged, which indicates an increase in the Karma of the Family and that it is time for all representatives of this Family to be attentive to such programs.


Lunar nodes

Considering the Lunar Nodes in connection with generic Karma, we must accept the condition that the North Lunar Node is a force that transfers from generation to generation the qualities indicated:

· Planet-ruler of the North Node sign;

· A planet connected to the North Node;

· A planet located in the same sign with the North node.

In the presence of a connection, we take into account both conditions, considering both the planet of the ruler of the sign and the planet connected to the Node.

The southern lunar node takes the qualities of the Ancestors and introduces them into the lifestream of the Seed, demanding attention to them and using them in practical work. Moreover, information about these qualities is given:

· Planet-ruler of the sign of the South node;

· A planet connected to the South Node;

· A planet located in the same sign with the South node.

If there is a connection of any planet with the South Node, we also take into account both conditions.

If the sign has two rulers, then we must work with both planets and take into account their positions in the horoscope. Although, of course, the first ruler is the most significant in our research, and sometimes only his information is enough for the rest of his life.

Sometimes it happens that the same planet, being in conjunction with one or another Node, can transfer this aspect from knee to knee, until specific conditions are formed for the practical implementation of the program indicated through this planet.

Moreover, if in one of the generations we observe such a picture in connection with the North Node, then this is most likely just an indication of Karma to transfer the generic program to the Descendants, i.e. for future work. In this case, as soon as this planet is in one of the Descendants at the South Node, this will indicate that its qualities have entered the life-stream and require their practical use in solving current problems and for transforming the basic properties of the planet. This is one of the indications of the need to implement the debt program on an event plan. It can also be an indication of the end of the work of one of the debt programs located in the trunk of the family tree, or that the program should be completed in this tribe. Also, this situation can be viewed simply as a recommendation to complete the program and not pass it further.

Sometimes it happens that in several generations the same planet ends up on the South Node. Such a planet tells about some of the special qualities of the Ancestors, repeating these qualities in each next generation and requiring thorough practical working out of some of the tasks it has designated. Then the same planet may appear at the North Node of the Descendant. In this case, we can assume that:

In this tribe there are no conditions for an active change in root qualities on a practical level, and they must be passed on to the next generations (although, of course, it is necessary to strive to master the topics proposed by the planet in any case, since the individual North Node and the planet are in conjunction with they point out not only to generic themes, but also to the need to use this position in connection with the disclosure of individual karmic assignments);

· These qualities will manifest themselves most actively in the next generation. Here we can consider such a transfer of the program by connecting the planet to the North Node as a warning that the Descendants will be forced to come into contact with this program.

The following should be added here. If one and the same planet, having a connection with one or another Node, accompanies three or more generations, then it can be considered a "conductor" working in the trunk of the ancestral Tree. It carries an additional load in the horoscope, and it should be considered not only in connection with the psychological portrait of a person, but also as a planet that forms and shows the karmic paths of the Soul and focuses on specific life topics typical for this Kin. Such a planet carries through itself one common quality that binds several generations with promissory notes, and with its specific position in the natal chart, it informs about certain features inherent in several generations.

Such a planet requires special attention when it passes in a row in four knees as a guide. In this case, she emphasizes the same quality four times, filling the trunk of the family tree with an increasingly heavy substance (qualities) and forming a person's strongest dependence on it.

Fixing itself in the trunk of the Tree and using the conditions indicated by the generic rhythmic pattern, which allows the repetition of certain qualities in several knees in a row, the planet can form difficult problems in the fourth knee. Accordingly, starting from the fourth generation, it becomes necessary to transform the planetary qualities and take them away from the Karma fragment accented by such a planet. On the event plan, this looks like an emerging obligatory and, as a rule, a very unattractive life plot (like two drops of water similar to a grandmother, aunt, uncle, dad, etc.), which has to be dealt with very carefully and which is impossible do not understand. Here we come into contact with the fatal need to solve a problem, almost always under difficult conditions.

For example, if the Moon turns out to be the guide, then in addition to its usual natal "duties", it indicates some lunar problems inherent in several tribes. This can be expressed in the form of excessive vulnerability of nature, emotional dependence, sentimentality, which is inherited, increasing, or gradually disappearing. Also, the Moon can transmit information to several tribes about the need to work with the lunar programs, possibly, to harmonize relations with the mother, or any woman who is a blood relative. The Moon also tells us that excessive dependence on the mother is possible and a lack of understanding of this dependence, manifested in several generations. Sometimes the inability to deal with their home, which became fatal in one of the knees.

I must say that often there are several guide planets, which gives a lot of additional information about the tasks of the Rod and significantly burdens the Karma of the Rod. Sometimes you can observe how the guide passes the baton to another planet, freeing himself from karmic responsibilities.


In studying Lilith, we must consider the connection of the fictitious point with the planets through the aspects of conjunction, opposition and square. Very often this particular set of aspects is inherited. Moreover, this can be a direct transfer of an aspect. For example, the father of Lilith is in conjunction with Uranus, the daughter or son of Lilith is also in conjunction with Uranus. But more often we can find that the connection of the father has turned with the son into an opposition or a square, etc.

If any planet has a connection with Lilith, then this speaks of a certain mission of this planet. Accordingly, we must consider it not only as revealing to us the specific facets of the psychological portrait of a person and not only as a ruler of certain life topics, but also in connection with generic Karma. Accordingly, such a planet will always carry an additional burden, and we must take this into account when considering the paths formed by the family tree.


When examining the connections between dummy points, we need to use the following aspects:

· We must take into account the connections of the planets with the Nodes, as well as squares to the Nodes;

· In connection with Lilith (as already mentioned) we need to use conjunction, opposition, Lilith square to the planets, as well as conjunction and squares to the Nodes;

· All the planets in the signs of the Nodes and in the sign of Lilith should be considered as a kind of conditional connection with fictitious points. For, being in the same sign, although not in the aspect of connection with the Node or Lilith, the planet, nevertheless, very actively influences any fictitious point, offering to use its capabilities to form karmic programs.

A special condition concerning work only with generic programs: all planets that are within thirty degrees from the Nodes and Lilith must be considered as having the most direct relation to the fictitious points. The qualities of these planets and their features must be taken into account, because they participate in the formation of tasks related to generic Karma.

Direct links between Nodes and Lilith formed

1) the aspect of the connection;

2) either in squares - Lilith, "tightened" by the Nodes.

· Aspects between Lilith and the ruler of the sign of one of the Nodes (much less often both Nodes, which indicates a significant strengthening of debt programs).

· Aspects between the ruler of the sign of any Node and the Node itself.

· Aspects connecting the planet-conductor with Lilith or with the Nodes.

· Aspects connecting the planet-conductor with the ruler of the sign of this or that Node, or associated with the ruler of the sign Lilith. (The latter is less significant).


Union of Nodes and Lilith

Studying the connections of the Nodes and Lilith, it is necessary to understand that all these connections form debt programs through which we enter the plan of generic Karma. The plot itself can only be considered debt when there are connections between fictitious points. And I must say that, as a rule, when connecting the Nodes with Lilith, we mainly come into contact with difficult programs that always require great attention from us, delicacy and some, sometimes very significant, "energy" investments in the form of patience, perseverance, and so on. Usually these are programs that distort the process of a person's external manifestation in an event, or do not allow him to fully realize some of his imperfections. Also, these are programs that distort a person's idea of \u200b\u200bthe most promising possible ways to solve a problem and prevent him from actively realizing any karmic task.

So, in order to learn about the karmic tasks of the Kin, we need to combine fictitious points into a single information system, consisting of two main positions.

First. Direct connections between Lilith and the Nodes

As already mentioned, they manifest themselves through the aspects of Lilith's connection with one of the Nodes, or through squares to the Nodes (Lilith, "tightened" with Nodes). At the same time, such connections will indicate that the program designated by them has obvious flaws, that the Ancestors could not form a stable positive experience on the themes of the house of Lilith and that it is necessary to pay special attention to these topics, because they can greatly inhibit the natural development of all other themes of incarnation , and will also hinder the harmonious development of some qualities in the Descendants.

In connection with the aspect of connecting fictitious points, it can be assumed that the owner of Lilith at the North Node conveys information to the Descendants that the repetition of the unfinished root program is expected in future generations and that it will most likely become heavier, more complicated, and work with it, rather all, will require significant efforts from the Descendant.

Considering the connection of Lilith with the South Node in connection with ancestral Karma, it can be assumed that some very difficult experience was laid in the bowl of the South Node with the participation of Lilith (or it is completely absent), which the Ancestors could not (did not want) to deal with. As a result, a persistent misunderstanding of the meaning of the tasks proposed to them once was formed, which they passed on further along the Family, having put their "own" Lilith in the South node of the Descendant. Perhaps the owner of such a position should learn again, from a "blank slate" to work with the tasks indicated by the position we are studying.

Second. Indirect connections between Lilith and the Nodes

Such connections arise when Lilith connects with the planet-ruler of the sign of one or another Node. And although we call such connections “indirect”, nevertheless, they often work no weaker than direct connections between Lilith and the Node. (Here we must take into account both the first and second rulers of the sign).

At the same time, if Lilith is connected with the ruler of the North Node, then in connection with individual Karma, such an aspect is usually related to the implementation of goals, plans, to clarify the main karmic direction. In this case, he warns that when implementing the plan, mistakes may occur, and a person may constantly choose the wrong guidelines when solving problems. They may be mis-prioritized or distorted in the value system.

In connection with ancestral Karma, one can also trace the path of such a planet-ruler of the North Node along the ancestral Tree and find many similar combinations confirming the existence of the same program passing from generation to generation. Moreover, in this case, there is always the danger of transferring further the problems associated with the planet and distorted Lilith.

If Lilith is associated with the ruler of the South Node, then she talks about the fact that the person may have brought with him a very unattractive "inheritance", and he will have to be dealt with very carefully. This connection warns that there are some flaws in past experiences, and revitalizing them is not always helpful.

In connection with ancestral Karma, such a planet can provide information about some past shortcomings and mistakes made by the Ancestors. Moreover, this position recommends dealing with the tasks that came from the past and not passing them on.

Required condition. When working with Nodes and Lilith, it is necessary to take into account the signs and houses in which the fictitious points are located.

Additional condition. If there is no exact Time of birth, you can put the Ascendant on the North Node, or be content with the cosmogram.

So, in order to understand how karmic paths are formed in the ancestral Tree, one must study the positions of the Nodes and then investigate the position of Lilith.

Consider the following generic composition: mother, son and two grandchildren.

# 1. Mother - 03/19/1924, time unknown.

# 2. Son - 05/01/1947, Leningrad. Time 14:45:00.

No. 3. Senior grandson - 01/18/1972, Moscow. The time is 17:00:09.

No. 4. The junior grandson - 11/25/1987. Moscow. Time 11:30:00.

We need to find out what programs are transmitted in this particular genus. We look at the oldest known representative of the Family - in this example, this is the mother.

Card number 1

Near the North Node is the Moon. It can be assumed that the mother transmits lunar programs further along the Family. We study her South Node and see what was passed on to her by her Ancestors. It turns out that in the sign of the South Node - Pisces - there is Uranus, then Mercury and the Sun. Having no more information about the ancestors, we can assume that the Uranian, Mercurian, or solar principle should be emphasized in the root system. Moreover, any of these planets can turn out to be a conductor, passing on its qualities to the next generations and reminding that it performs additional functions of connecting the branches of the ancestral Tree. As already mentioned, one should always pay attention to such planets, considering precisely generic programs.

We can also consider the Moon, which has the aspect of connecting with the North Node. It is possible that in the future she will lead the Descendants, pointing out some details of their ancestral Karma.

Next - Lilith in Taurus. Venus is in the same sign, which gives us additional information about the most significant generic problems. Moreover, Lilith makes squares to the Nodes, actively introducing the themes of Venus into the plan of generic Karma and demanding great attention to them. It is also information that these topics have already "sounded" in the past, and that these topics will be accentuated in future tribes. It is likely that it is the themes of Venus that will be most pronounced in the life of the Descendants, and they can also become the most difficult when they are directly implemented. Further, Lilith may have (subject to the exact time) a square to the Moon - a planet transmitted to the Descendants of information about itself through the North Node, which may turn out to be a guide. Thus, the themes of Venus and the Moon are tied into karmic debt knots and with the help of their qualities debt programs are formed. After which it becomes clear that the themes of Venus and the Moon and the problems associated with them will necessarily repeat themselves in the Descendants, since there are corresponding aspects between them, the Nodes and Lilith.

If we return to the South Node, then we must take into account Uranus, Mercury and the Sun, which also participate in the formation of stable karmic connections. This is especially true of Uranus, as the planet closest to the Node, leading to the root system.

The following should be clarified here. We do not have an exact time of birth. Nevertheless, the Moon in the chart we are studying in any case turns out to be either in the sign of the North Node, or in a fairly accurate conjunction with it. This is quite enough to talk about the belonging of the lunar programs directly to the tasks designated by both Lilith and the Nodes, since Lilith herself is tightened by the Nodes.

Having examined the mother's card, we turn to the son's horoscope - the second knee.

Card number 2

The nodes along the Sagittarius - Gemini axis, and interestingly, Uranus is in the sign of Gemini. Thus, Uranus, which is in the mother's sign of the South Node, turns out to be connected with the North Node of her son. Here one can speak more confidently about Uranus as a possible guide along the family tree, which requires great attention to this planet.

Further, Lilith in the IV house of her son makes the aspect of the square to Venus (VII house), which further enhances the themes of this planet and forces us to conclude about possible flaws of the Ancestors associated with the Venus theme. On the other hand, there are no karmic debt-reinforcing aspects between Lilith and the Nodes or Venus and the Nodes. Accordingly, it can be assumed that, despite the fact that the map is very heavily loaded with information, nevertheless, the conductor Uranus at the North Node allows the transfer of debt further along the family tree. We can say that Uranus offers its owner some freedom in working out karmic tasks, showing that part of the debt program is being passed on to the next generation. On the other hand, the planet warns that this program is very difficult, and one generation cannot cope with it. Actually, that is why it “stretches” along the tree trunk and requires the attention of several generations.

The next very important position is the Sun within thirty degrees of the North Node. It allows us to assume that the luminary can become a guide in the future and play an important role in the formation of karmic paths.

It should be noted here that, naturally, our research is very incomplete, for we cannot consider all the connections formed by the positions of the Nodes and Lilith, since we do not have data about the father of the owner of the card - the mother's wife. Nevertheless, the study of even such incomplete knees by the proposed method will help any representative of this Clan to see the causes of certain recurring problems from generation to generation, and will also help to solve them as harmoniously as possible, deliberately penetrating into the depths of ancestral Karma.

I must say that, having studied even two incomplete tribes, we can already say a lot about the problems that will accompany the representatives of the studied genus. One of these issues has to do with the topic of partnership, and it really is present in the life of both mother and son. Moreover, as we will see later, it is intensified in the Karma of the grandchildren.

So, we found connections in two tribes between the Nodes and Uranus - a possible conductor of Karma, as well as connections formed by Lilith and Venus, confirming the karmic significance of Venus. These connections allow us to assume that Uranus will carry out the tasks indicated by Venus onwards.

Now consider the card of the eldest grandson. And, since we have instructions regarding the transfer of some Uranian qualities further along the lineage through the North Node of the son, then, studying this map, we must, first of all, pay attention to the Uranus of the grandson.

Card number 3

It turns out that the Nodes in this map are located along the Leo - Aquarius axis. The north node in Aquarius speaks of the direct interaction of karmic tasks with Uranus, as the first ruler of the sign. Next, the North Node is in conjunction with the Descendant. Uranus is in Libra in conjunction with Lilith in the 4th house, which further strengthens the debt obligations associated with the Venus theme.

Thus, we have a situation in which Lilith is in conjunction with Uranus - the ruler of the North Node and Descendant, greatly complicating the task of partnership. Moreover, being in the 4th house, she reminds us that this program belongs to the generic Karma.

So, along the trunk of the Family Tree in three tribes in a row the same theme-plot is carried out. Accordingly, the karmic debt, designated as a partnership problem, is in the phase of its natural development and some compaction through the repetition of the Venus theme in a row in three tribes. Naturally, such a debt plot requires mandatory implementation in practical terms, i.e. a person needs to work hard on the topic of partnership and solve the problem, consciously harmonizing the relationship. Moreover, we already have every right to consider Uranus as a conductor, since it identified the same problems three times (twice the planet was next to the Node, then passed into the phase of managing the North Node sign).

On top of that, in this chart we again have the Moon next to the North Node, like a mother's, which is a reminder of the presence of certain lunar qualities in the trunk of the Tree of a given Clan, which are repeated through a generation. Accordingly, we can assume that the transmission of the programs designated by the Moon may stretch over several generations. Perhaps these programs are very "ancient", and two or three generations cannot cope with them.


In this chart, the Sun is within thirty degrees of the North Node. If we remember that the mother has the Sun in the sign of the South Node, and the son has within thirty degrees from the North Node, then we can assume that the star also plays a very important role in the formation of karmic paths in the ancestral Tree. Moreover, in the future, it may turn out to be not only a conductor, but also a planet that forms new debt programs of the Sort, since the grandson has the square of the Sun to Lilith. In addition, the Sun is the ruler of the South Node sign, and this alone already suggests that the solar programs of the Ancestors are stored in the Node bowl, which cannot be ignored.

Now we need to examine the map of the youngest grandson.

Card number 4

The axis of the Libra knots is Aries. Here you can immediately draw attention to the fact that Karma came again from Venus - the ruler of Libra and the South Node, although there is more significant confirmation of this through other positions in the horoscope.

First. Venus is directly conjunct Uranus. Thus, the conductor was united with a representative of one of the main debt programs of the Family (it must be remembered that grandmother has Venus in the sign of Lilith).

Second. There are hidden squares of Venus and Uranus to the Nodes.

Third. Lilith is in the 7th house, which indicates the need to go through the partnership plot without fail, because this plot is super-long, and it is impossible to get away from it.

So, we have considered one karmic path along the trunk of the ancestral Tree. However, in the Karma of any of us, there are always several lines of debt. If we go back to our ancestry, or rather to its three incomplete tribes, we can find another bright debt plot.

Again we consider the map of the mother, considering that the connection of the planet with the Node is a specific indication of certain karmic predispositions. In other words, such a planet has the status of a karmic indicator in the horoscope. In our case, the Moon is near the North Node. This position tells us that we should pay attention to the lunar programs that are transmitted further down the Kin.

Accordingly, we can consider the son's card no longer only in connection with the themes of Venus, but also the themes directly proposed by the Moon and all its additions: the IV house, the sign of Cancer, the real ruler of IC, as well as the house whose cusp is in Cancer.

First. Lilith is in the 4th house.

Second. The moon rules the XI house - again the theme of Uranus.

Third. IC in Sagittarius, South node also in Sagittarius.

Moreover, Jupiter itself is next to the South Node in a distant conjunction across the sign. But, as we remember, our research began precisely with the South node of the mother, which is in Pisces, the second ruler of which is Jupiter.

Continuing our research, you can consider the map of the eldest grandson. Here we also find confirmation of the second karmic theme.

First. Just like her son, Lilith's grandson is in the 4th house in conjunction with Uranus.

Second. As already noted, the Moon in the sign of the North Node - Aquarius - is directly related to Uranus.

Third. IC in Libra, which again enhances Venus Karma.

Fourth. The moon is the real ruler of the XII house, which indicates an even greater karmic load on the night star.

Fifth. We can see the hidden conjunction through the sign of the Moon and Venus.

The younger grandson can also find many karmic "coincidences" associated with the lunar programs.

First. IC in Taurus, which speaks of the hidden connections of the Moon with Venus (for grandmother Venus in Taurus).

Second. The moon is in the first house, like his father's.

Third. The moon is the real ruler of the VII house - DSC in Cancer. Here we again have a connection with Venus on the topics of partnership.

Fourth. Lilith is in the VII house, the real ruler of which is the Moon.

In addition to all that has been said, the themes of the XII house, Neptune, can be added, since our research began with the sign of Pisces and the South node of the mother. We can trace very subtle connections of Neptunian themes across all the tribes, and this will be a very useful addition to our research.

Everything described above can be turned over and the birth streams can be considered in the opposite direction, starting with the grandchildren and returning to their grandmother. In this case, our research may be triggered by the question of the elder grandson: “Why do my relations with partners do not go well, why am I alone and cannot (cannot) marry?”.

After that, we will look at his chart and see that his Descendant, describing the question posed, is ruled by Uranus, which is in conjunction with Lilith in the 4th house in Libra. And this is already information for serious reflection, for the position of Lilith in Libra in the 4th house alone is more than enough to understand that there are problems in the root system related to the topic we are studying. Investigating this position, we see that the representative of the partnership program - Uranus (the real ruler of the VII house) - is “lowered” into the IV house. This gives us the right to think that the designated program is located in the trunk of the Family Tree and carries significant distortions.

In addition to the above, we can study the connections according to the Sun, since it is located next to the North Node and controls the sign of the South Node, showing us the path to the Ancestors through the Sun (remember that grandmother has the Sun in the same sign with the South Node). Note that the Sun is in conjunction with the North Node. This means that there is an indication of Karma, it is imperative to deal with the partner theme and root programs, for it is possible to transfer further along the line of these programs, and they must be cleaned as much as possible. Moreover, this is an indication that the owner of the horoscope can adequately implement these tasks, for the solar principle presupposes the active participation of Consciousness in solving all kinds of problems. At the same time, this is a warning that laziness and unwillingness to deal with partner problems can provoke negative manifestations of solar programs (one of them concerns the continuation of oneself in children).

After that, we can explore the Ancestor cards. In them we will see that in the first tribe the Sun is directly in the sign of the South node, in the second knee the connection with the star is indicated by its position within thirty degrees from the North node. And, as it turned out, the grandson's Sun is in conjunction with the North Node. All these "coincidences" once again confirm how tightly all representatives of the same Clan are connected into a single karmic "composition".

I must say that all the information found is already enough for a conversation "on topics" with a young man. But also this information should lead us to a conversation with his father and grandmother, because they are guides for him to the root programs.

The following should be noted here. If there are several children in the family, then each child can receive his own fragment of the general debt program of the Kin, i.e. one may have a more pronounced program associated with the planet-conductor, the other will have a very accentuated program indicated by the planet that has connections with Lilith, the third may unite these programs, etc.


If we consider the theme of astrological houses in connection with generic programs, then we can assume the following.

House I always talks about our capabilities in the development of basic personal programs. This is "I", which manifests itself very actively and also actively develops.

The V house invites “I” to continue myself in children. And this is the second knee from the "I" itself.

House IX proposes to strengthen the program of continuation of the Family in the person of grandchildren. Here we can consider this house as a derivative of the V house, i.e. children of children, or conditionally "distant children", or more precisely "distant" I ". We can say: the twice extended “I” is the third knee.

If we look further, the fourth tribe will again be described by the I house, because the I house is twice derived from the V house. In this case, we are forced to admit that our great-grandchildren actually show our main qualities, but at a new level and in a different Time. Any great-grandson is our “I” in the future, which apparently received the maximum number of new infusions over three generations and retained only the most important and most viable qualities. It is these qualities that we need to keep in mind.

Thus, the thrice-continued "I" expressed by the generation of great-grandchildren tells about how the work with the qualities of our "I" took place, how it reacted to the infusion of new qualities, and in what direction they changed. By the way, by the level of these changes it is possible to determine how successful the new infusions into the family tree were and how successful the work with them was. If our great-grandchildren's programs turn out to be strengthened in the direction of aggravating the problems, then we can assume that our “I” was very careless about these tasks in “my Time”. And this is information for us that we urgently need to get down to business before it's too late.

In connection with all of the above, it can be assumed that it is the fourth knee that is very significant for the development of generic interactions. Actually, this is probably why the 3: 1 generation rhythm works so actively. Probably, it is in the fourth generation that the main qualities of the progenitors are most clearly indicated and fully revealed. Moreover, probably three knees are enough to change the initial level of qualities as much as possible. It is also possible that the fourth knee is a kind of quintessence of "I", ie we can learn through our great-grandchildren about the most important programs of the Family and about those qualities of ours that have been "processed" by Time and have experienced the influence of other qualities, interacting with another blood. In addition, we can “admire” them from the outside and evaluate ourselves with all the rigor and objectivity.

So, now it becomes clear that the trunk of the Family Tree is a kind and very complex system of interrelationships that uses the mechanisms of preserving and transmitting the basic qualities of the Family to change and improve them. These mechanisms, their capabilities and their work are described by fictitious points. Exploring the interconnections of fictitious points, we receive information that helps us to consciously work with root programs, thereby helping all representatives of the Family to correct the mistakes of the Ancestors, and creating favorable Karma for their Descendants.

I offer the reader an excerpt from the interesting work of A. Podvodny


For beginners in astrology, I will say right away: when in 2007, starting to study astrology more deeply, I read this book, a strange combination of amazing acceptance and understanding formed in my head, and at the same time a feeling of amazing own ignorance))))

When in 2010 I read it for the second time - or rather, I didn’t read it anymore, but dealt with various aspects in detail and in detail, taking for consideration my own synastries with three people, the synastry of a friend with her husband (and I know this couple, well, very close (we once even lived in the same apartment) now for 40 years))) - and so at that time, sitting and calculating in detail the aspects, orbs and writing down my observations, I understood clearly and clearly: WORKS. And HOW it works!)))

Therefore, I highly recommend that after reading, be patient (well, take it from those bins where it is stored))), take a piece of paper and a pen, open the synastry you are interested in, write down all the degrees of the planets in them, calculate whether there are aspects between them , and .. start thinking ... :)


The level of a couple, as a rule, is not higher than the level of partners - but, unfortunately, it can be significantly lower. In any case, this concerns their understanding of their union, which is often perceived by them as imperfect and unsatisfactory in comparison with what it could be. At the same time, as the pair evolves, qualitatively new effects and influences, both tense and harmonious, are included, and the internal problems and external tasks of the pair change significantly, and this is clearly seen on the corresponding synastric maps. Below the levels of the pair are called cosmic initiations (first, second, etc.), in accordance with the general concept of the book "Kabbalah of numbers"); there is also a formula for calculating the orbis of aspects for each initiation; It should be noted that in the proposed concept the orbs are exact, and the strength of the aspect does not depend on how close it is to its standard value - it is only important that it be within the orbital interval.

So, each couple is, depending on the awareness of themselves and their relationship with the paired egregor, on a certain cosmic initiation. Let us consider them and their corresponding arc synastric aspects sequentially.


(keywords: joint recreation and entertainment)

For the first initiation, the relationship is completely uncontrollable: partners take each other for granted and pay attention mainly to their own person, giving her full field and freedom. There are no ideas about a paired egregor, as well as responsibilities to each other or to oneself in connection with a partner; joint meditations, both positive and negative (scandals, physical and astral fights) are experienced as an absolute given, which cannot be changed. Relations in such an alliance develop in strict accordance with the rigid program of the paired egregor; partners can "accidentally" converge, disagree, reconcile and quarrel, but this process is absolutely uncontrollable by them.

In a harmonious version, it can be a pleasant, easy friendship, not too close, and giving me and my partner not much, but not so little: the opportunity to pleasantly structure our free time, for example, over a cup of tea, a card table or on a forest walk. However, any relatively intense and meaningful interactions for partners at this level will bring them a lot of trouble (possibly positive emotions as well), mainly due to unwillingness or inability to at least somehow adapt to a partner: for example, learn not to insist in situations that in general, they are indifferent to me, but for some reason they are very important to the partner.

Unions of the first initiation are rarely equal (except for very distant and cool relationships): most often one of the partners is a cruel leader and dictator, and the second is his obedient or rebellious slave. At the same time, the inner, subconsciously felt sense of the relationship may be the opposite, that is, the visible slave is the master, and the master is a puppet. Sometimes partners share spheres of influence, but relations within each of them still follow the described type.

Such unions are characterized by a feeling of complete helplessness, a kind of fatalism in front of unfolding events, which both the partner and the person himself imagine to be absolutely incomprehensible and uncontrollable; but, of course, this kind of feeling is rather unpleasant and is often repressed into the subconscious.

The characteristic effects of relationships on the first cosmic initiation are represented by four synastric aspects: conjunction, opposition, trine and square.

Synastric connection

This aspect gives the coordination of the energies of the planets, and we have the effect of community and good, sometimes even too good, mutual coordination of roles and actions in them with a partner. Here the interpretation depends not only on the kind of planets in conjunction, but also on the general distribution of our roles and accentuation and aspects of the planets in natal charts.

The general meaning of connection at the first initiation is a dead cohesion, that is, the activation of my planet necessarily entails the activation of the partner's planet, and the nature of the interaction practically does not depend on us; what he is, can be judged by the natal and synastric aspects to the connection.

The synastric connection is an energetic aspect, that is, tension arises between the planets, like between boxers in a clinch, and its resolution is uncontrollable by us - the paired egregor puts his experiments on us, and those around them can watch them with interest. However, a powerful outflow of energy can also occur through the synastric connection, especially if Saturn, Pluto, Neptune or the Moon are involved, and then repeated negative meditations will literally exhaust the partners, and sometimes the outside world around them.

The synastric connection of even the planets of the same name does not give rivalry - here we are one with partners, and the paired egregor is in charge of the distribution of energy. For example, for the synastric connection of my Sun with the Sun of a partner, volitional control is characteristic - say, I command - the partner obeys, but does it as if reflexively, that is, without resisting or opposing his initiative to my intentions. And if at some point he turns out to be stronger, I will submit my will to him also reflexively.

Personal effects from synastric conjunctions need to be determined by the natal aspects of the planets. Of course, in the beginning we will be attracted by synastric connections of harmonious planets, but their energy quickly becomes boring. Very peculiar effects arise when my harmonious planet unites with the affected planet of my partner - at first, his tension is relieved, and he feels great help and support from me without any of my efforts; I am also very interested and instructive with him. However, these initial advances and hints of a paired egregor, who means my real help to a partner, are quickly depleted, and our partner and I become mutual disappointment; however, with a strong inclusion of the affected planet and the accompanying significant troubles and experiences, he may again turn to me, and I will most likely do something for him. The combination of the affected planets gives a lot of mutual displeasure and claims, and we will instinctively avoid their inclusion, which, however, will not always be successful for us and will raise the question of personal elaboration of these planets at a height: that is, each of us will understand that this is from a partner only trouble, and you need to do something yourself.

Synastric opposition

The aspect of irreconcilable, but fruitless battles with a partner and the constant sharing of the energy of a paired egregor. If there are softening trines (natal or synastric) to the opposition on both sides, then these battles can initially give partners a lot of joy and fun, since they will not be taken seriously and resemble sports, however, over time, when the relationship begins to exhaust itself (and for the first initiations are a regular rule), elements of antagonistic rivalry and attempts to pull the blanket to their side will arise more and more often and partners will experience more and more intensely.

Careful observation (to which the partners, however, will not be inclined) will show that clashes and rivalries in the struggle will be crowned with visible success of one partner, then another, regardless of their efforts: it is just that in some periods the first is stronger and more successful, in others - the second. ... The most intense option is the synastric opposition of the affected planets - then the defeated one cries bitterly and may be forced to move on to working out the corresponding planet in his personal chart - and this will certainly benefit him, even if he remains irreconcilable in relations with a partner.

The most severe variant is obtained when the harmonious planet of one partner stands in opposition to the affected planet of the other - a kind of cat and mouse appear, in which a merry win-win game of one turns into torment of the other, which will most likely pass completely unnoticed first. However, in this case, after a while, the first partner receives a karmic return, which can be broadcast through other synastric aspects (or even occur in other plots, that is, not related to this partner).

The second meaning of synastric opposition - the antagonisms and opposition of the couple to the outside world - have little effect on this union simply because the couple rarely feels like one. But if this does happen sometimes, then such opposition can serve as a completely fatal reason for a split.

The synastric opposition of the female and male planet, for example, my Moon to my partner's Mars, is manifested in a peculiar way. Here I will tend to put my partner in a dilemma: either he directs all his energy to caring for me, or I completely ignore him, and my last reaction will infuriate him, since in his reality my main function is to support his actions, and how as soon as I start to shy away from it, he pounces on me as urine as possible, accusing me of indifference, selfishness, and so on.

However, if I am an experienced vampire, I can simply consume all his energy, and he remains in complete exhaustion and despair, and I am full, but with large bruises on the astral, etheric, and sometimes physical body.

Synastric trine

The aspect of joyful and harmonious joint relaxation and generally unclouded consumption of the energy of a paired egregor, and if possible, the whole world around us, which may strongly dislike this aspect of ours.

When the synastric trine is turned on, it may be just good for partners - they take a break from both their own problems of each of them, and from mutual conflicts and contradictions; here the tension subsides and you can enjoy life and each other for a while. True, over time, the trine can get bored, but if the planets that form it are not entirely harmonious in the partners' cards, then this will not happen for a long time. Here the danger is more likely from the outside world, from which the synastric trine takes a fair amount of energy and harmony.

The fact is that at the first initiation, the harmony of relationships is always achieved at someone else's expense - either a paired egregor, or the outside world, which around partners is filled with dullness and despondency or falls into depression. So, for example, two young ladies with a synastric trine between Venus can feel very comfortable in any environment and, accepting fleeting male signs of attention, do not pay attention to their immediate sources, but be completely absorbed in each other, in their beauty. wit and brilliance - and after a while the stronger sex begins to feel extremely uncomfortable and out of place, being unable to break the seductive tandem and draw its attention to itself.

In general, four main phases can be distinguished in the evolution of the synastric trine at the first initiation:

Phase 1 - energy is transmitted by a paired egregor and the world around, and partners are unreasonably comfortable and good with each other;

Phase 2 - the energy of a paired egregor is naturally consumed by one of the partners, the second gets almost nothing, although by inertia he expects something;

Phase 3 - the energy exchange goes very naturally, but horizontally, that is, one of the partners acts as a vampire, but it seems to both that it could not be otherwise;

Phase 4 - gray meditation, that is, when both partners interact, a slight comfortable depression takes possession, and both lose their energy.

For example, the synastric trine of Venus of the husband to the Moon of the wife can give them many joys at the beginning of their life together, and not only sexual; for example, they can delightfully entertain each other in this way: the wife cooks dinner, and the husband serves the table with taste, after which the dinner is eaten with enthusiasm, and the spouses look at each other adoringly all the time. However, the trine gradually loses its strength, and gets a kind of sluggish obligation modality: "And so that you don't feed your hungry husband." - "And what would you not set the table." Both are being done, but without the same enthusiasm. In the second or third phase, both responsibilities can already be transferred to someone else, and in the fourth, hateful everyday life begins, and even the usual sexual harmony does not cause anything but boredom.

Synastric square

The synastric square on the first initiation is an aspect of a fatal misunderstanding of each other and various troubles and obstacles, the reasons for which each of the partners is inclined to see exclusively in the other. For women, the synastric squares of their Moon and Neptune are especially painful, for men - the Sun and Mars, and for all without exception - Venus, Saturn and Pluto.

If the synastric square is formed by the constantly active planets of partners, then, after suffering for some time, they are likely to hate each other and disperse, unless they find a common field of purposeful activity and move on to the second initiation - there the square will either disappear, or it will sound completely -other.

If the planets in the synastric square are not included too often or are harmoniously in natal charts, partners can still tolerate his influence, or materialize his energy in ugly scandals or scenes of jealousy, the dirty vibrations of which will help them to assimilate harmonious natal aspects.

The positive (in some way) influence of synastric squares can be expressed in the desire of partners to unite and direct the aggression, anger and other similar feelings that arise between them to a third person or the outside world as a whole. Then they can become conductors of a very tough egregor, which, nevertheless, will unite them in their own way - for example, against their own child.

However, negative paired meditations still act destructively, and not only on the external environment, but also on the relationship between partners and on themselves, and they begin to degrade.

Of course, when interpreting a synastry, one should take into account not only individual aspects, but also their arrangement, always very bizarre, in general, as well as the fact that in reality relations within a pair of the first initiation aspects and even planetary principles are most often poorly differentiated - this must be done by himself astrologer in the consultation process. However, most often it is possible to single out one or two synastric aspects, around which the exciting plot of the partners revolves, and explain to them what the matter is - and yet, at the first initiation, constructive work with clients is almost impossible, at least if they insist on purely consumer relationship to each other and the outside world. In the end, the Universe is not a chocolate candy that needs to be turned more comfortably and, with your mouth wide open, as in the famous fairy tale the fox - Kolobok, deftly swallow.


(keywords: joint specific-purposeful activity)

This is a partnership, the main meaning of which the participants see in achieving a certain goal; it is agreed by them or silently implied, and for the sake of it the partners agree to some sacrifices, in particular, they tend to spend energy and time on coordinating their actions and adapting to each other.

At this level, there is no question of their awareness of the paired egregor yet; on the other hand, partners notice that the process of achieving a goal and overcoming difficulties significantly brings them closer and softens mutual contradictions, which, however, immediately arise again as soon as the goal is achieved and the tension subsides.

There are many couples, especially married ones, who are able to exist more or less normally only if they live at the level of mooladhara, that is, the struggle for survival. As soon as the problem of survival ceases to be relevant and a minimally well-fed and safe life begins, mutual understanding between partners disappears and the relationship is hopelessly deteriorated.

Speaking in the language of cosmic initiations, such couples are categorically contraindicated in the transition from the second initiation to the first: apparently, the second has much more harmonious aspects, and then the astrologer (and also just an experienced family friend in everyday affairs) can give partners useful advice: find yourself a fairly serious and an elusive goal and get close to realizing it. What should not be done to solve any family problems is to have another child. There are reasons for this both at the everyday and at the karmic level of consciousness. Speaking at an everyday level, such a "target" child may, perhaps, cancel some of the problems of the spouses, but bring in return much more difficult ones; from the point of view of karma, children are born into a family, having their own program of evolutionary development, and the target setting of the parents puts a rigid obstacle to this program, which often cripples the life of both the child and himself, but this does not affect immediately, sometimes after several years and even decades.

The second initiation contains most of the types of partnerships common in society: these are not only parents raising their children (goal: decently marry a daughter or give a good education to their son), but also teacher-student pairs, doctor-patient, director-actor, robber - victim, etc. This initiation is characterized by an emphasis on efforts to coordinate external actions between partners and only subconscious mutual psychological adaptation - but it rarely enters their consciousness, since the partners consider a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities, coordinated reactions when interacting with the outside world to be the main method of solving all problems etc.

With the transition of relations from the first initiations to the second, some of the problems disappear without a trace (the orbis of the square decreases, see Appendix 2), but qualitatively new effects appear, both positive and negative, symbolized in the synastry by new aspects: quintile, sextile, septile, semi-square and their multiples. In addition, on the second initiation, the aspects that figured on the first are perceived in a completely different way, that is, the conjunction, opposition, trine and square. The main difference is that they become less fatal: the partners receive the first, while still small, opportunities for their development and constructive use in their lives. But still, on the second initiation, there is no talk about the conscious building of relationships as a clear goal of the couple: here aspirations are necessarily external, and relationships are built along the way, only in order to facilitate the achievement of the goal; it is felt even in (second initiation) alliances of the teacher-student or parent-child type.

Below are some of the characteristic features of the synastric aspects of the second initiation, corresponding to simple fractions, that is, whole parts of the 360 \u200b\u200b° arc. Something about their multiples, for example, biquintile, triseptile and others, can be found in Appendix 1.

The synastric connection on the second initiation is often referred to as a very successful agreement, which also gives partners a large amount of creative energy. However, a variety of complications are possible here, associated with the lack of skill of partners to combine planetary principles, as well as a poor ability to understand and spare another - especially if they have a connection in different natal houses.

For example, the conjunction of the wife's Moon with Uranus for the husband will create conditions for them to support his scientific career, if this is the main goal of the couple, but the wife will still suffer greatly, since Uranus is heavy, and at times simply unbearable for the Moon, and the wife can unnoticed for the husband, an irrational phobia or repressed aggression against her husband arises, which at the same time is the main content and meaning of her life. However, mutual psychoanalysis in couples of the second initiation is not accepted (except perhaps in the families of psychologists, where it is still purely formal).

Another example is the conjunction of my Saturn with partner Mars. Generally speaking, this is in many ways a positive aspect - I will discipline my partner and direct his energy - if I do not suppress it at all, which is likely if, say, the conjunction is in Taurus or Libra, where Saturn is stronger; if it turns out to be in Scorpio, then the actions of my partner can cause me a subconscious horror, which will be very difficult for me to admit, but it is clear that the achievement of the goal will be slowed down.

In general, we can say that at the second initiation the planets in synastric conjunction are not yet differentiated by partners, but their energy is already partially used for constructive external purposes - this is so possible without joint work on understanding and correcting the moments of the relationship corresponding to the connection.

Synastric opposition at the second initiation

can be very constructive if partners manage to assign roles, spheres of influence and responsibilities. Therefore, the most conflicting synastric oppositions of the Sun-Sun or Mars-Mars type at the first initiation, when passing to the second initiation, unexpectedly give greater stability and even coherence in work: I am responsible for one part of it, a partner for another.

The situation with the synastric opposition of the male and female planets, say, Mars-Moon or Sun-Venus, may turn out to be much more complicated. Then the distribution of energy and benefits may be visibly unfair, and the owner of the male planet may have a protest such as resentment or jealousy, and the owner of the female planet may have a feeling of oppression, and this usually leads to hidden tensions, and sometimes conflicts over the goals of the couple, and also harsh recriminations. The situation that arises with the oppositions Moon-Moon or Moon-Neptune can be even more difficult, since they provoke various hidden energy games, the true goal of which is to increase the personal share of consumption, and to figure out who is right and who is to blame, and who did more to achieve a common goal, and therefore has the right to a larger piece of the pie, can be very difficult - both for the partners themselves and for third parties. However, oppositions of this kind are practically not worked through on the second initiation, and the only option when they manifest themselves constructively is a sharp increase in the load on the couple as a whole, when it falls to the level of survival or close to it.

Synastric trine on the second initiation

In addition, the effects of the vampiric type, given in the description of the trine on the first initiation, persist on the second initiation, although not in such a pronounced form - but too free and harmonious flow of energy from one partner to another always creates a certain temptation, and while this moment it is not revealed and brought into consciousness (which does not happen at the second initiation), it cannot be overcome, and, of course, spoils the relationship and hinders the achievement of common goals. However, this is more noticeable already at the end of the path; and at the beginning, when difficulties abound, the synastric trine helps a lot to overcome them and, in general, manifests itself extremely positively, and the partners simultaneously think, "How good it is that we found each other!"

Synastric square on the second initiation

perceived by partners is far from being so fatally hopeless as in the first one. In general, at each initiation, the most difficult aspects seem to be the tense aspects that arise for the first time on it - in this case it is a septile, and to some extent a half-square. The perception and effects of a square to a large extent depend on the kind of planets that form it, but first of all on how much the obstacles caused by it are viewed by partners as objectively standing in the way of achieving their goal.

The union on the second initiation is characterized by the desire to achieve certain goals, which the partners certainly have in mind to achieve not for free and not immediately, but at the cost of their coordinated labor and even some sacrifices. In other words, they understand that they have to overcome a certain resistance of the external environment, and some of their synastric squares may well manifest themselves in this way; this especially applies to the synastric squares between the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Pluto (that is, between any pair of these planets). Thus, partners well understand the action of the synastric square as the need to overcome external resistance - but they react much less adequately and amicably to the internal manifestations of synastric squares, especially if the latter relate to such vulnerable planets as the Moon, Venus, Jupiter (pride!) And Neptune. At the same time, negative internal reactions can go unnoticed for the person himself (and even more so for the partner), but, gradually accumulating and not having a way to resolve, they will poison his subconsciousness and attitude towards the partner.

Consider, for example, a married couple in whose synastry the wife's Moon is in a square with the husband's Jupiter. In general, this is a hint of marriage with a strong misalliance (not necessarily social), and in the early years the family could actively fight against its non-recognition from all relatives; then the born children brought numerous difficulties, but even here the spouses could attribute the difficulties of their lives exclusively to the objective existing and amicably overcome external obstacles. However, closer to the twentieth anniversary of marriage, when the children grow up, the spouses' personal claims to each other begin to emerge, which, it turns out, existed from the very beginning of their marriage, but seemed insignificant: the self-affirmation of the husband due to the constant humiliation of his wife, her negative attitude towards any of his activities and even the most innocent hobbies besides family and work, and many other things that they themselves do not understand well, but to a very large extent poisons their life together. However, the spouses are not able to figure out what is the matter here - the only thing that can help them (except for the transition to the third initiation) is a new exteriorization of the synastric square, for example, the spouses open a hospitable home and forget everything else in their cares about it, in particular , mutual personal claims.

The following aspects only appear on the second initiation., and partners perceive them as more subtle, but also more interesting. Here, the energies of planetary interaction are not so fundamental, but they adorn the union with completely different, unexpected colors and shades that give the partners a sense of the uniqueness of their relationship - this usually does not happen at the first initiation, and all partners of a person seem to him to be the same person.

Synastric quintile

This aspect exceptionally enlivens the relationship between partners, for example, helping them to overcome the inertia of the cliches of the social subconscious that regulate the average person (and even more so a couple) his whole life: both external and internal. In the field of personal relationships, the quintile gives partners a feeling of constant freshness of perception and a certain mutual freedom: here they do not embarrass each other, but they also do not lose connection with each other. The sense of humor of the synastric quintile can soften the couple's bitterness of external defeat and the difficulties of natal and synastric squares.

A significant mistake that partners can make, especially with severe defeats in the synastry, is to assign too many uncharacteristic responsibilities to the synastric quintile. Still, it is more like grass sprouting between the cobblestones than a mast pine forest: the quintile often gives a relaxed creative and even joyfully accepting attitude towards a partner, but it is almost impossible to build anything on it: young grass is a bad building material. For example, the synastric quintile between the wife's Moon and the husband's Sun gives easy relationships in the family, a lot of humor and the partners' disinclination to ordinary family squabbles and clarifications, but there will probably be very little order in the family, and the spouses will feel their very little power over the children and houses as a whole, which is unlikely to be closed in the English manner, but rather to open in the Italian or Russian style.

Over time, the uncontrolled vegetation of partners can cause mutual irritation, since it still strongly interferes with a clear coordination of actions, especially with quintiles between the Sun and the Sun, the Sun and Mars or Saturn and Saturn - in the latter case, for example, the seriousness and clear thoughtful planning of each partner will be very much to animate the other, but more in the sense of criticism and creation of alternative options, and it will be very difficult for them to agree. The quintile between the Sun and the Sun or the Sun and Mars can provide a plot for a comedy film about a couple of unlucky crooks who cannot clearly coordinate their actions, as a result of which they regularly find themselves in the most unexpected and funny situations for the audience.

Synastric sextile

as if specially created for partnership at the level of the second initiation - it gives the opportunity for constructive cooperation with specific goals, but at the same time provides partners with a certain freedom, both in relations with each other and in choosing specific ways to achieve the goal.

The symbol of sextile is the construction of a house: there are several options for a building, there are also building materials: all that remains is to choose the final project and start its implementation - in the course of which, of course, their own, but outwardly solvable, problems of choice will arise.

Sextile provides partners with support in difficult situations, but, unlike trine, it is not free, but requires some effort from them. If these efforts are perceived by partners as part of a program to achieve their common goal, then, as a rule, the necessary forces are found and adequately applied.

If, however, the nature of the necessary efforts is suspicious for the partners and, in their opinion, is such that it is not directly related to their goals, then the partners can easily miss the opportunities offered by the sextile, which will certainly complicate their joint karma. The latter is typical of the complexities of their internal relationships, which objectively always arise, but on the second initiation they do not become the focus of the partners' attention. Therefore, they may miss the favorable opportunities for building relationships, opened up to them not only by sextiles such as the Moon-Moon or Moon-Venus, but even the Sun-Sun.

In theory, the sextile of a woman's Moon to a man's Sun gives spouses wonderful opportunities to build a house in the best sense of the word; however, for this it is necessary not only to cut down the hut, bring water, heat the stove, store firewood, give birth to children and distribute responsibilities around the house: you also need to establish personal relationships and learn at least not to offend each other, which in this case helps to some extent make sextile, but this help must be used - and the latter may occur to partners concerned about their own success when it is too late, and this is the hidden danger of sextile - but most often it goes unnoticed, and partners perceive this aspect as very positive and constructive. Here, happiness seems to be honestly earned, and does not float into the hands suspiciously easily, as in the case of trine. This is true; but the second initiation has its own specific difficulties, represented by the next aspect.

Synastric septile

An aspect that manifests itself at the level of the second initiation as a requirement for purity in the relationship between partners, as well as in their interactions with the outside world. In other words, the synastric septile shows conscience in partners - and they definitely need to listen to her voice, otherwise they will attract the direct attention of the punishing God, who will clean out the spheres of the synastric septile independently and mercilessly.

Septile effects, on the one hand, are well known, but on the other hand, they amaze people with their convincingness. Here astrology refines humanitarian ethics. Everyone knows that one must live honestly, not deceive, not steal, keep one's promises and not engage in empty chatter and backbiting, and everyone often forgets about this - but in the spheres of action of the septil it turns out that, indeed, violation of the basic commandments of morality should be followed by a quick return blow fate, making a person regret what he did.

The astrologer's answer: "Because their septile stands between another pair of planets." In general, partners feel the need for purity in the areas of the synastric septile, but life sometimes, it seems to them, forces them to break it - and the consequences will not slow down their manifestation, although it may be difficult for partners to imagine that the cause of their troubles is purely moral in nature.

Sun-Sun synastry septile: partners must be honest in their joint initiatives, as well as in managing each other: the slightest self-interest leads to the failure of the enterprise in the first case and strong alienation in the second (for example, they may have an unreasonable aversion to each other). But if the partners manage to improve relations and create, say, a banking or notary office, it will enjoy great trust of customers, and fraudsters and owners of dishonestly acquired money will instinctively avoid it.

If the wife's Venus is in the septile to her husband's Mars, he will not tolerate her behavior in society to be ambiguous; she will accept as an insult any of him, even a little rude or not entirely honest and clean treatment of her as a woman - this especially concerns their relationship in love.

Septiles of the Moon-Neptune, Venus-Pluto, Moon-Moon types are worked through with difficulty at the second initiation, since they require special discussions and a search for mutual understanding between partners, to which they are not inclined, considering that the main task is to achieve specific external goals. But nevertheless, over time, partial subconscious adaptation occurs - and for the shortcomings one has to pay off both by the damage of moral feeling displaced into the subconscious, and by taking on the wrath of the Lord, cleaning what the hands and souls of partners do not reach.

Synastric half-square

gives partners great opportunities, but they should not be abused, otherwise the aspect quickly acquires a negative sound. In general, the key words here are model, scheme, logic, rigid control. For example, the action of the Mercury-Sun synastric half-square can manifest itself in some of my very clear and clear ideas about a partner, his role in my life and possible ways of our cooperation; he will also have an exact mechanism of volitional influence on me, first of all, on my thoughts (since the figure eight controls instrumental magic, here we can assume a certain hypnotic power of the partner's will over my thoughts, or, conversely, its subordination to my mental sendings, in depending on which of the two planets under consideration is stronger). For the correct interpretation of the half-square, it is important to understand whether its energy is used to overcome a pair of external obstacles - then the half-square becomes a powerful weapon, or this aspect is subconsciously used to control a partner or even confront him. In the second case, mutual understanding and humane feelings quickly disappear, and the partners begin to seem to each other as meaningless and ruthless automata - an image characteristic of the lower octave of a semicircle.

With good agreement with a partner, a half-square of the Sun-Sun or Sun-Jupiter type leads to the emergence of couples sometimes well-structured, but still rigid plans and methods for achieving goals, and when this rigidity turns into straightforwardness, inefficiency, cruelty and inadequacy, partners can be very difficult to stop in time, and then they will cause a lot of harm and senseless destruction to themselves and the world around them. A typical example of such a half-square action is the atomic arms race after the "nuclear winter" effect was discovered and generally recognized.

The main opponent of the semi-square, in a sense, is the quintile, and until the partners understand that the methods of the first cannot be suppressed by the second, they will be constantly injured by their own weapons. A typical example is the use of antibiotics by mankind in the fight against infectious diseases. As a result of the intensive forty years of bombardment of human organisms with penicillin and its derivatives, AIDS arose, in the course of the fight against which (as the author hopes), mankind will find reasonable restrictions on the use of most powerful drugs, which will mean the development of a semi-square in the synastry of Man - Malicious Microorganism.

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One of the most popular topics on our wall: what does my node mean, Lilith or Selena, which got to the nodes or planets of a partner in the synastry? Is it really a karmic relationship, a fatal meeting and he is mine, the same, the only one in the whole world, a kindred spirit?

Sure, it’s very nice to think so, but looking for deeper meaning among everyday things, you can go too far. Therefore, you will have to disappoint you a little - almost every first relationship is fateful, every person in your life has already played on the same stage with you, you just played different roles in relation to each other. Usually it goes something like this: in this life you are a guy and a girl, in the previous one you are a son and a mother, and in the next you will become a victim and a murderer. Injections of new characters into the current cast are much less common. So the souls around you remain the same, but the spacesuits and parties are new. What is this for?

Nobody will give a 100% answer, the process of creation is an exciting and very controversial thing. But personally, I am of the opinion that the big bang, from an esoteric point of view, was the splitting of the creator into many cells (Horcruxes, if you will)) with the goal of gathering experience in this dimension as quickly as possible. Thus, each of us is a part of the creator, the task of which is to try on a bunch of different roles, to develop in each bag of trial and error experience, skills and talents.
In the process of collecting, you are touring in one cast, where all souls gradually become familiar to you and thanks to them you also get to know yourself in a variety of guises, putting on various plays with each other and exchanging roles each new incarnation in order to feel all the strings of your souls. When you have played enough lives in one line-up, then move on to the next, where new people, a new kind, new conditions, and even the temporal dimension may be completely different (you can calculate how long you have been hanging out in the current cluster-kind by the lunar day:\u003d9429)

Thus, it is quite natural that we constantly meet "karmic" partners, boil among the same characters in new masks. If you carefully study the synastry with all your loved ones, you will find many karmic ties in each. Let's discuss them in more detail.

✅Connections with the South Node in the synastry \u003d one makes the other subconsciously "remember" those pleasant or unpleasant moments that you experienced together in past lives, and this becomes a reason for revenge, rejection, or, conversely, interaction in this life. Usually, it is the owner of the south node that launches all the pain, hatred or gratitude in the soul of a partner, which is associated with the natal aspect of his planet. It is in this aspect that the clue of the current relationship of the owner of the planet to the owner of the node lies, he is like a reminder scar in his soul, which was stirred up.

But how to find out what of the above you have experienced with each other in the past, who you were for this person and who he was for you, what you could owe him - a detailed analysis of the planet at the southern node of your partner will tell you. Each of them has many options, so you need to start with a natal karmic analysis of each of you. In short:
🔅South node + dispositor, their signs, houses and aspects \u003d past life circumstances, for example, south node at 9 in Leo, its dispositor Sun in Taurus at 6 square with Saturn \u003d it seems that in a past life you experienced a number of restrictions from law, bosses and authorities, they tried to break your will, property and position in society, and in this life this square forces you to collect yourself in pieces, strongly derbanates self-esteem, gives a lot of fears, excessive caution, you want to sit and not show your nose so that you just did not notice.
🔅Lilith and the cross of fate, their sign and house \u003d the cause of the most memorable death in this cycle of incarnations and the most acute problems of past lives. For example, Lilith in Capricorn in the 12th house - death most likely occurred in prison, alone, in shackles, poverty, hunger, cold.
🔅More details about the aspects between dispositors and nodes, planets on nodes in natal: and

Now you can move on to the connections of your South Node with the planets of your partner and vice versa: it is important to take into account which of your houses his planet came to, in what sign this connection and how it is aspected in his natal. All of this concretizes the role of the owner of the planet in the past life of the owner of the Node.

Let's briefly go over the roles of the planets:

🌟YUU in conjunction with the Sun - the owner of the Sun was for the owner of the node either a father, or a child, or a husband. For example, the Sun of your mother in conjunction with your south node in your 11th house may indicate that she was a child of your husband or your friend in a past life, may be your stepdaughter. How did the relationship unfold between you - the aspect of the mother's Sun in natal. Let's say she has a square with Saturn - it looks like you were a strict and cold educator in relation to her, often blamed her for something, limited her, pulled her back, etc. In this life, she will probably do the same to you.

🌟Yuu in conjunction with the moon - the owner of the Moon played for the owner of the node the role of a wife, mother, older sister or an age friend, or maybe an unborn child.
For example, the Moon of your husband on your South Node in the 10th house in Cancer can say that in a past life he was your mother, while in Natal his Moon has a trine with Jupiter, which means you could be very generous and kind in relation to him as a mother, and now she, as a husband in this life, is trying to be the same in relation to you.

🌟YUU conjunct Mercury - the owner of Mercury visited the owner of the node in trade relations, could be his servant, buyer, doctor or just an acquaintance, classmate, student or sister / brother.
For example, the Mercury of a guy on your South Node in the 12th house in Virgo may say that there was some kind of trade between you, but a secret connection, maybe it was illegal trade, maybe he communicated with you on the sly from someone, maybe he was as a servant in your husband's house, his driver or a doctor, most likely he seemed to you a poor or too simple person, in this life, by inertia, a similar impression remained that he was too simple for you.

🌟YUU conjunct Venus - the owner of Venus visited the owner of YU as a lover or girlfriend, possibly a daughter.
For example, his Venus is on your South Node in your 5th house in Libra - in a past life this guy could play the role of your beloved, but this is how it ended up - the aspect of Venus in his natal will tell. If she is beaten by Uranus, it means that he remembered how he was thrown, this case was postponed so much that he brought it in the form of an aspect of this life. And since part of this aspect is on your site, it means that it was you who could cause such troubles. Now do not be surprised if he does the same with you in this life - it is his turn to return the favor.

🌟Yuu conjunct Mars - the owner of Mars played the role of an enemy or even a killer for the owner of the Node, at best the role of a son or brother.
For example, Mars of your stepson is on your South Node in Pisces and you cannot understand why this cute boy annoys you so much, even to the point of wanting to kill him. Blame yourself, move away from him, and your relationship with your husband deteriorates. And it would be worth visiting a regressologist, because most likely an innocent kid in a past life in the role of Mars caused you a lot of trouble and pain from the back, especially if Mars in his chart poorly aspects Venus, the moon, etc. It is natural that in this life your hands itch to take revenge on him for your past pain. And a good option for working out would be to do it regularly in the game, computer, airsoft or any where you can legally kill him for fun.

🌟YUU conjunct Jupiter - the owner of Jupiter could be an idol, teacher, authority, just a generous person for the owner of YU. What exactly are the aspects of Jupiter in the natal of its owner. For example, your brother's Jupiter is on your South Node in Gemini and in a past life he expanded your worldview in every possible way, maybe he was your mentor at school, but this Jupiter strains Mars in his chart, which means you often argued with his point of view, rude to him, contradicted , rejected his views, so in this life the brother expresses his point of view in a particularly coercive form, and it is very difficult to argue with him, he is used to waiting for contradictions in his views and begins to aggressively defend them in advance.

🌟YU in conjunction with Saturn - the owner of Saturn could be a grandfather, boss or murderer in every sense for the owner of YU. In what exactly he played the role of a manager / abusive person with you - his aspects in natal.
For example, Father's Saturn on your South Node in Pisces reports that in the past he could be your grandfather and also limit and force him to grow up in some way, so you treat him with coolness from childhood, keep subordination and avoid close, warm relationships, even if in this life dad is already trying to behave with you in a completely different way.

🌟YuU conjunct Uranus - the owner of Uranus played the role of a friend, like-minded person, ally, liberator, in the worst case, an extremist or a thrower for the owner of YU. In what situation - aspects of Uranus in natal. For example, Uranus of your friend at your South Node in Scorpio and in a past life he left you to fend for yourself in some very unpleasant situation, you remember this and try to stay away from him, but he sincerely does not understand why you do not want to be with him be friends.

🌟Yuu conjunct Neptune - the owner of Neptune could be a grandmother for the owner of YU, or a secret enemy (swindler, robber, deceiver, etc.), or maybe just one of the crowd of strangers. In what for you Neptunil this person is an aspect with him in natal. For example, your Neptune on the YU son in the 2nd house in Capricorn square with Venus in natal: perhaps in a past life you, as a boss, deceived him for money, and in this one he also secretly drags change from your purse and pockets in revenge for your past jambs.

🌟YuU conjunct Pluto - the owner of Pluto could be a rapist, murderer, lover or politician in the country where you lived, perhaps you personally did not come across him, but the memory of him has survived. What you remember so much about him is the aspecting of his Pluto in natal. For example, Pluto is a man in opposition to Mercury and is in your 4th house: perhaps in some of the lives he killed all your relatives, but not personally himself, but simply was a warrior of the country with which your country was then at war.

🌟Yuu conjunct Lilith - the owner of Lilith could play for you the role of a seducer, tempter, an aborted child, someone else's spouse, forbidden fruit, or just a person who caused a lot of unpleasant torments. For example, your Lilith in conjunction with the South Node of her husband in his 4th house in Leo means that in a past life you could be an employee of a brothel for him, a bad mother, an unborn child, etc. And he will most likely be strongly drawn to you in this life, because in the past you remained an unresolved task for him.

🌟Yuu conjunct the White Moon - the owner of the white moon could play the role of a mission for you, but punitive or saving - you need to analyze everything in a complex. If the white Moon of a partner is in conjunction with his own Mars at your southern node, then most likely he played exactly the punitive mission for you.

As you understand, we are not talking specifically about the last life, perhaps it was in one of many lives, especially if we talk about generational planets. Orb for them in this angle is better to take no more than 1 degree. For the rest within 5.

✅Now let's say a few words about the synastry connections with the North Node. The principle is essentially the same - the owner of the planet plays in this life for the owner of the node a certain role that can lead to his tasks for SS. In other words, the owner of the planet for the owner of the North Node is a flashlight, guide, beacon, pointer on the path of life, he helps him to gain the necessary experience in the current incarnation. True, the analysis of the planet in conjunction with the SU will tell by what means the delivery to this experience is organized. If she is affected or is a male factor, then the method may not be the most pleasant, for example, through conflict, breakup, illness or even death, but it is these situations that will bring you closer to the necessary destination, where you will have to gain experience. In total, the sign of connection informs about the direction, and the symbolism of the planet, its aspect and connection with houses in natal specifies how the owner of the planet will bring the owner of the SU to the solution and knowledge of his karmic tasks.
For example, Jupiter of a partner in conjunction with your SU in Pisces - he is a teacher for you, a reason for a broader knowledge of the meanings of the sign in which the conjunction is located. If this is a fish, thanks to him you can plunge into esotericism, or by interacting with him you can learn compassion, or maybe thanks to him you decide to go on a long journey.
Or, say, the struck Sun of a person at your northern node will teach you by example how not to act, for example, a connection in the sign of Taurus and you see how a person with this interrupted channel on your node plays Plyushkin, accumulates unnecessary trash and spends all the money for shopping, while things do not last long with him, watching his degradation, you understand that such floors of Taurus are definitely not suitable for you, and try to choose other more sensible angles of this sign.
Or, your North Node in Virgo in conjunction with the son of Saturn and his serious illness makes you turn to a medical reference book, start studying more closely the issues of treatment, even go to study to be a doctor. Yes, the situation is terrible, but it was thanks to it that you began to walk on the SS.

✅Connections with Lilith in the synastry have already been discussed here: This hole is essentially a conduit tube between horoscopes, as if you were forming a connecting channel. Who will pump energy through this channel depends on the nature of the planet with which Lilith connects. If the planet is Yin, that is, absorbing energy, such as Venus, Pluto, Moon, Neptune, Saturn, then its owner will become dependent on you emotional, material, everyday, intellectual - but whatever - depends on the symbolism and the house of the planet in natal ... If the planet is Yang, that is, one that gives off energy, such as the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Mercury, then the owner of Lilith will be attached to the flow of the partner's energy and will not want to leave. Good or bad is an ambiguous question. For example, for a student-teacher synastry, the student's Lilith connection with Jupiter or the teacher's Sun is simply magnificent - the teacher must be a donor of knowledge and energy, and the student must absorb it like a sponge. If we are talking about love relationships, where the husband supports his wife and for them this is the norm, then again, it's great if the wife's Venus in conjunction with the husband's Lilith sucks money out of him through this black tube. But if Lilith is a friend on your Mercury, then such communication can exhaust you faster, and you will obviously not be enough for her.

Thus, no matter what karmic connection we are talking about, the moral of this fable is such that every relationship in our life teaches us something through thorns and troubles or love and goodness - from any situation we need to gain experience, get to know ourselves and this life in new perspectives, grow and become wiser.

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