Where to find a really good healer for treatment. The most famous healers of the Moscow region. Is it possible to contact traditional healers - an objective view of the problem

Concrete 13.12.2020

Belief in omens and devout religiosity, fairy tales and quackery, wisdom and simplicity - all this was intricately intertwined in the life of the Russian hinterland over the centuries. But for some decades everything went wrong: instead of faith, we have a hybrid of Orthodoxy and paganism, instead of wisdom - the all-knowing Google, and instead of healers - hospitals and doctors. Or is it all wrong? To answer this question, we went into the wilderness of Tver in search of grandmothers with secret knowledge of conspiracies and herbs, and found the whole world of Russia leaving us.

Are you baptized at all? Have you read the Gospel? Forget those witches, you don't need them. ”A pretty woman in her fifties looks so angry she’s ready to use her fists. - They should know that this is from the evil one. Or are you Satanists?

We did not expect such an answer to a harmless question. It would seem that finding a healer in the depths of the Tver region is an easy task. However, in practice, this turned out to be not so easy.


150, 5 km to the healer

"The witch lives in some ten miles from my house ... real, alive, Polissya witch! " This thought immediately interested and excited me. (A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

In the village of Ruchki there is a disabled school, a destroyed House of Culture and three shops. There is no church, and, as it turned out, there are no healers either. The local population goes to the feldsher's medical center for treatment. True, rarely. And in extreme cases, he calls an ambulance, which can travel from the regional center from twenty minutes to two hours.

Oh, daughters, there were such women, they were, but they died - one of the oldest residents of Ruchki, Baba Tonya, fusses around us, pushing either hot tea or a bowl of cookies. Her legs barely walk and pressure is naughty.

She does not turn to doctors or to healers with her illnesses. Because she is carried away with much more philosophical questions: why do her sons drink? Why is the village dying out? Why did greedy people plunder the collective farm?

And the healers? - Baba Tonya is distracted from her thoughts and looks at us carefully. - Well, try to go to Yamniki. There you will sooner find them.


148.5 km to the healer

There are witch doctors. In neighboring villages. At the cemetery, - sums up an elderly resident of Yamnikov, who introduced himself as Anatoly Dmitrievich. - There is no benefit from doctors, and even more so from healers.

How are you treated?

And we drink herbal tea. Here, there is mint and St. John's wort. Drink whatever you want, - continued the wife of our new friend, Nina Nikolaevna, who recently underwent bowel surgery. - It seems to help.

As it turned out, almost the entire population of Yamniki respects very much the "herbs" that replace medicines for the villagers, which the local paramedic was banned from selling several years ago.

None of the residents of Yamniki turns to healers. However, everyone agreed: in search of the witch, one must go to the countryside.


144 km to the healer

- What could she do? - I asked curiously. - Miscellanea. She knew how to heal, used teeth from teeth, spoke ore, she scolded if someone was bitten by a mad dog or a snake, she indicated treasures ... and you can't list everything. (A Kuprin, "Olesya")

The house of Nikolai Sorokin stands on the outskirts of the countryside. It does not look like an ordinary village hut. Pictures with bears, wood grouses, hazel grouses are hung on the outer walls of the building. A birch tree grows in the garden, on top of which two metal storks sit, just like living ones. Nikolai, in his sixties, regularly goes hunting and looks 45 at best. He treats us to apples and coffee and talks about his mother.

In her youth, she was paralyzed. The father traveled all over the neighborhood in search of a healer. And I found her here, not far from the countryside, in the forest. From this old woman - her name was Leboshi - my mother learned a lot. She was curious with me.

A whole collection of icons hangs in the red corner of the Sorokin hut. Next to the old St. George the Victorious is a brand new image of the Savior. The darkened face of Nikolai the Pleasant peeps out from under the golden robe.

Mom was a true Christian, she helped in the church, says Sorokin. - It seemed to everyone that she never gets tired. She loved her father very much. When he died, she never got married. She treated like this: she never said anything out loud, she just sat by the stove and whispered something, spat, then gave a rag with salt to throw it in the wind.

Alexandra Sorokina did not transfer her knowledge to anyone. Her relatives were not particularly interested in her abilities, and she did not want to impose on strangers. Shortly before her death, the old woman said: "And there is nowhere to go."


125km to the healer

- There was a lot of harm from her, fought with everyone, potion for huts

i poured in, knitted twists in life ...

(A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

Sluggishly, we trudge home through the village of Filizi. On the only local street, a gaggle of boys surrounded a man of about thirty. The smallest boy rolls a cigarette in the hole from the front milk teeth.

Our village is dying out, there is no use looking for someone. Soon only a couple of people and dogs will remain here, - the man reasons. A pendant dangles around his neck, on which a cross and a wolf's fang are adjacent. - Although ... you go to my wife. She's into something like that.

A couple of minutes later, Victoria comes out from behind the fence of a rickety wooden house.

I do black magic, - she declares without a shadow of embarrassment. The woman's face, as the poet would say, retains the remnants of its former beauty. Her nails are covered with peeling green glitter polish. With the same varnish on the board next to the gate there is an inscription: "Angry dog".

Vika's life is something like a downhill climb on the social ladder: childhood spent in Zelenograd near Moscow, a couple of years of study at the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, early marriage, widowhood, drunkenness, a prison sentence.

I almost killed the guy she lived with - a smile slips across the woman's face. - We drank a bottle with him, and then I don’t remember. Only in the morning a bloody trail went through the entire corridor and along the entrance.

Vika says that she is mainly engaged in herbs. He can also tell fortunes, remove or spoil, and sometimes he takes orders more seriously, and completely free of charge.

Once a woman from St. Petersburg asked her peasant to make some byaka. I dissuaded her for a long time, but can you explain to such people? We did all the necessary manipulations, and the same evening the man burned himself, doused with gasoline.

Vika inherited her magic charms from her mother, a gynecologist. She was unbaptized, and rumored to be a witch.

In the hours free from libations, Vika is engaged in cultural activities - she writes the book "Black Magic and Occultism" in a cheap notebook-notes. Here are collected tips on how to find a drowned man using an icon and a candle, how to infuse your soul into someone else's body, and other useful recommendations. Wiki's style is no worse than that of the authors of popular encyclopedias on magic and folk medicine. “People only mock the supernatural. They laugh from the height of their imaginary mental greatness at the village healer, who knows how to take milk from a cow, spoil it, guess and fabricate love potions. We are taught sciences and a lot of things that can be easily dispensed with, and are left completely unaware of the invisible world and the mysterious forces surrounding us. "

Vika, can you tell us something - just not very scary?

Is that from twelve to three in the morning: at this time my strength wakes up. In general, it's hard for me now. Because I serve Satan, but I haven't renounced God yet.


99km to the healer

The next target is Maksatiha. Valya Andreeva lives somewhere between Krasnoarmeyskaya and Kolkhoznaya streets. According to popular rumor, she knows Karelian conspiracies, and in her free time from conspiracies (well, or vice versa) she works as a cleaner at the bus station. We found Valya, but, according to her assurance, she has nothing to do with quackery.

No, it seems, there are healers here, - another resident of Maksatikha, Sergey Pavlovich, supported Valya in absentia. - And if there were, I would not go to them. I'd better go to Tver. They are there too. And then you go, and everyone will know about your problems. And the matter is such a delicate one. Personal.

On the way back, near the Maksatikhinskaya hospital, we met the “patients” of the healer:

I went to the healer in Kostretsy, - the builder Lidia Alekseevna told us. - A long time ago, fifteen years ago. She treated me for radiculitis - she did a massage, she read some prayers. Good! I would have gone again, but Antonina Makarovna died. And you still go to Kostretsy. They say she gave the gift to her youngest grandson.


81 km to the healer

Relatives of Antonina Makarovna live in a good house, there is a car in front of him:

My grandmother died, and the people are still going, - says the granddaughter of the healer Natalia Kolypina. - She treated everything. She was always kind and sociable. There were many people around her. Even doctors came to her for treatment. She did not take money for the treatment, but, of course, people thanked her. She put everything in a special box, and then gave it to the church. By the way, the bells were cast with this money.

But Natalia did not know anything about the fact that the grandmother allegedly gave her gift to her grandson. As, however, none of her family.

Maybe someone will heal. In fifty years. We don't know anything about this yet ...

Reading prayers over "patients" plus bells at your own expense are strange terms for a quackery formula. In an attempt to understand them, we went to the former abbot of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sergei Hague.

Sergei turned out to be a fairly representative man of about forty years of age with literate speech and oratory skills much higher than average.

- Note that it is incorrect to mention me as a priest, since some time ago I submitted my resignation letter, and it was accepted. But I knew this healer well, - Sergey begins. - Antonina Makarovna was a person who understood people. For two years, when there was no priest in the church, she very zealously fulfilled the duties of the headman. But once, for example, Antonina Makarovna bought candles without asking for my blessing. This is not good.

Sergey also told about what was in Kostretsy and another herbalist, Antonina Mikhailovna. However, in popularity among the people, she was significantly inferior to her namesake. According to Sergei Hague, due to the fact that she "did not use a religious brand"

The proximity to the church played into the hands of Antonina Makarovna and added authority as a herbalist. However, I have repeatedly made comments to her. Once I saw on her table a saucer with a certain burnt plant fiber, similar to hair, and the book "Prayers and Conspiracies of Russia." I asked what it was. Makarovna evaded answering. But I did not bring the matter to open confrontation: Antonina Makarovna still helped the church, believed that her abilities were from God and enjoyed great authority among the villagers. In my opinion, God gives the gift of healing, but conspiracies and some kind of manipulation of the hands cannot be attributed to it. This is all from the evil one!

One way or another, before her death, Antonina Makarovna confessed and received communion, and then she was buried in the Maksatikhinsky church. So guess about the relationship between healers and Orthodoxy ...


32 km to the healer "Come to us to sit on the gravel, at our holiday

to listen to the ringing, and we ourselves will guess to have dinner with you "

(A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

It seemed that the path was over. Probably, indeed, all the healers in the cemetery, there were only drunken black sorceresses.

But suddenly the healer was found by a taxi driver who gave us a lift. It turned out that she lives in the village of Gorshkovo, in the wilderness.

Baba Shura's leaning wooden hut was found quickly, but no one responded to the knock.

And granddaughter Anya took Baba Shura to Maksatikha, she had a microstroke, - said Baba Shura's neighbor. - Go to the market, try to find Anya there ...

We once again go around the house, the walnut door of which (our landmark!) Has been blown off its hinges by the wind ... Potatoes grow in the garden, and the grass around the house reaches my chest.

We reach an abandoned chapel. The entrance to it is blocked off with a stick on which a lock hangs. Inside - a few icons, rubbish and the smell of desolation. There is no one else to search here.

Maxatiha. 0 km to the healer.

We find Anya:

Yes, I have my grandmother now. Do you know the village? I'll explain to you how to get there.

Soon we find the indicated house, wondering how easily they let us into the doorway, nodding "yes, they often go to my grandmother for treatment."

Baba Shura, leaning on a crutch, comes out to us. She turns out to be a complete 80-year-old woman. Summer dress, headscarf, kind smile. Nothing magical.

Daughters, I don't use herbs. I only know how to speak.

Alexandra Vasilievna Rem ecall (nee Postnikov), as they would write in magic ads, hereditary healer. She was treated by her father, grandmother, great-grandmother. Baba Shura herself does not heal for long: “15 years in total,” although her grandmother began to “tell” her conspiracies when our heroine was still very young. And Baba Shura also turned to traditional medicine: in 1976 she was lying “under radiation”, now she is in the hospital, “there really is no use”. However, the old woman cannot heal herself.

While his father was alive, he treated. People came to him from everywhere. From Moscow, from Leningrad, Elekrostal, even from Tbilisi. But the grandchildren do not want to learn this. It is necessary, after all, not to let bad thoughts, so that there is no hatred, so that a person with faith is a person. She will protect everywhere!

Baba Shura sincerely believes that quackery in their family comes from God, does not take anything for treatment and laments that young people rarely go to church. The old woman herself used to often visit the local chapel.

Once the secretary of the district committee came to us, he wanted to demolish the chapel, so her village defended! All went out with a pitchfork against him, and he got away. And now our chapel is closed (sighs).

The old woman also helps only Orthodox Christians, and those who do not doubt that she knows how to heal, and she does not take anything for treatment, although she gives enough strength:

Sweat comes off me in drops! I'm taking someone else's energy ...

Baba Shura is worried that the people drink and do not want to work. She is sad that there is nowhere to work in the village. Alexandra Vasilievna herself worked from childhood to a ripe old age: she was a milkmaid on a state farm. Kept her cow, two sows and sheep.

Baba Shura does not answer the questions of what to do, and she does not know the conspiracy from alcoholism.

All the same, the century will end, daughters! My grandfather also spoke. After all, he read all sorts of Divine books, said that everything would be entangled in cobwebs, country roads would overgrow, men would walk with long hair, and women - with short ones and in trousers. That's all right, daughters! Wires are everywhere, and roads are overgrown ...

The healer also laments that people have changed:

In Soviet times, there was war and famine, but people were kind ... But now they are like snakes. And what is being divided? - the old woman sighs.

For the sake of the purity of the experiment, I ask the healer to speak to me of a wart on my finger, which neither drug from the pharmacy nor cauterization "took":

Pull a thread from my handkerchief, - the old woman instructs. - Eh, there is no silk thread. Still, it's hard in someone else's house, in my own house, I have everything ...

After that, the old woman wraps a thread around the wart and whispers something:

Gradually, everything will pass. Look, daughter. If anything, you do it yourself and say: "The thread will rot, the wart will disappear."

At parting, Baba Shura gave us tea and told us about our grandchildren.

And although I haven't noticed the manifestation of magic on my hand yet, we left Baba Shura like children who first saw Santa Claus: "She's real!" Real - in every sense.

WITH how many kilometers do you need to walk to find a real healer?

Belief in omens and devout religiosity, fairy tales and quackery, wisdom and simplicity - all this was intricately intertwined in the life of the Russian hinterland over the centuries. But for some decades everything went wrong: instead of faith, we have a hybrid of Orthodoxy and paganism, instead of wisdom - the all-knowing Google, and instead of healers - hospitals and doctors. Or is it all wrong? To answer this question, we went into the wilderness of Tver in search of grandmothers with secret knowledge of conspiracies and herbs, and found the whole world of Russia leaving us.

Are you baptized at all? Have you read the Gospel? Forget those witches, you don't need them. ”A pretty woman in her fifties looks so angry she’s ready to use her fists. - They should know that this is from the evil one. Or are you Satanists?

We did not expect such an answer to a harmless question. It would seem that finding a healer in the depths of the Tver region is an easy task. However, in practice, this turned out to be not so easy.


150, 5 km to the healer

"The witch lives in some ten miles from my house ... real, alive, Polissya witch! " This thought immediately interested and excited me. (A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

In the village of Ruchki there is a disabled school, a destroyed House of Culture and three shops. There is no church, and, as it turned out, there are no healers either. The local population goes to the feldsher's medical center for treatment. True, rarely. And in extreme cases, he calls an ambulance, which can travel from the regional center from twenty minutes to two hours.

Oh, daughters, there were such women, they were, but they died - one of the oldest residents of Ruchki, Baba Tonya, fusses around us, pushing either hot tea or a bowl of cookies. Her legs barely walk and pressure is naughty.

She does not turn to doctors or to healers with her illnesses. Because she is carried away with much more philosophical questions: why do her sons drink? Why is the village dying out? Why did greedy people plunder the collective farm?

And the healers? - Baba Tonya is distracted from her thoughts and looks at us carefully. - Well, try to go to Yamniki. There you will sooner find them.


148.5 km to the healer

There are witch doctors. In neighboring villages. At the cemetery, - sums up an elderly resident of Yamnikov, who introduced himself as Anatoly Dmitrievich. - There is no benefit from doctors, and even more so from healers.

How are you treated?

And we drink herbal tea. Here, there is mint and St. John's wort. Drink whatever you want, ”continued the wife of our new acquaintance, Nina Nikolaevna, who recently underwent bowel surgery. - It seems to help.

As it turned out, almost the entire population of Yamniki respects very much the "herbs" that replace medicines for the villagers, which the local paramedic was banned from selling several years ago.

None of the residents of Yamniki turns to healers. However, everyone agreed: in search of the witch, one must go to the countryside.


144 km to the healer

- What could she do? - I asked curiously. - Miscellanea. She knew how to heal, used teeth from teeth, spoke ore, she scolded if someone was bitten by a mad dog or a snake, she indicated treasures ... and you can't list everything. (A Kuprin, "Olesya")

The house of Nikolai Sorokin stands on the outskirts of the countryside. It does not look like an ordinary village hut. Pictures with bears, wood grouses, hazel grouses are hung on the outer walls of the building. A birch tree grows in the garden, on top of which two metal storks sit, just like living ones. Nikolai, in his sixties, regularly goes hunting and looks 45 at best. He treats us to apples and coffee and talks about his mother.

In her youth, she was paralyzed. The father traveled all over the neighborhood in search of a healer. And I found her here, not far from the countryside, in the forest. From this old woman - her name was Leboshi - my mother learned a lot. She was curious with me.

A whole collection of icons hangs in the red corner of the Sorokin hut. Next to the old St. George the Victorious is a brand new image of the Savior. The darkened face of Nikolai the Pleasant peeps out from under the golden robe.

Mom was a true Christian, she helped in the church, says Sorokin. - It seemed to everyone that she never gets tired. She loved her father very much. When he died, she never got married. She treated like this: she never said anything out loud, she just sat by the stove and whispered something, spat, then gave a rag with salt to throw it in the wind.

Alexandra Sorokina did not transfer her knowledge to anyone. Her relatives were not particularly interested in her abilities, and she did not want to impose on strangers. Shortly before her death, the old woman said: "And there is nowhere to go."


125km to the healer

- There was a lot of harm from her, fought with everyone, potion for huts

i poured in, knitted twists in life ...

(A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

Sluggishly, we trudge home through the village of Filizi. On the only local street, a gaggle of boys surrounded a man of about thirty. The smallest boy rolls a cigarette in the hole from the front milk teeth.

Our village is dying out, there is no use looking for someone. Soon only a couple of people and dogs will remain here, - the man reasons. A pendant dangles around his neck, on which a cross and a wolf's fang are adjacent. - Although ... you go to my wife. She's into something like that.

A couple of minutes later, Victoria comes out from behind the fence of a rickety wooden house.

I do black magic, - she declares without a shadow of embarrassment. The woman's face, as the poet would say, retains the remnants of its former beauty. Her nails are covered with peeling green glitter polish. With the same varnish on the board next to the gate there is an inscription: "Angry dog".

Vika's life is something like a downhill climb on the social ladder: childhood spent in Zelenograd near Moscow, a couple of years of study at the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, early marriage, widowhood, drunkenness, a prison sentence.

I almost killed the guy she lived with - a smile slips across the woman's face. - We drank a bottle with him, and then I don’t remember. Only in the morning a bloody trail went through the entire corridor and along the entrance.

Vika says that she is mainly engaged in herbs. He can also tell fortunes, remove or spoil, and sometimes he takes orders more seriously, and completely free of charge.

Once a woman from St. Petersburg asked her peasant to make some byaka. I dissuaded her for a long time, but can you explain to such people? We did all the necessary manipulations, and the same evening the man burned himself, doused with gasoline.

Vika inherited her magic charms from her mother, a gynecologist. She was unbaptized, and rumored to be a witch.

In the hours free from libations, Vika is engaged in cultural activities - she writes the book "Black Magic and Occultism" in a cheap notebook-notes. Here are collected tips on how to find a drowned man using an icon and a candle, how to infuse your soul into someone else's body, and other useful recommendations. Wiki's style is no worse than that of the authors of popular encyclopedias on magic and folk medicine. “People only mock the supernatural. They laugh from the height of their imaginary mental greatness at the village healer, who knows how to take milk from a cow, spoil it, guess and fabricate love potions. We are taught sciences and a lot of things that can be easily dispensed with, and are left completely unaware of the invisible world and the mysterious forces surrounding us. "

Vika, can you tell us something - just not very scary?

Is that from twelve to three in the morning: at this time my strength wakes up. In general, it's hard for me now. Because I serve Satan, but I haven't renounced God yet.


99km to the healer

The next target is Maksatiha. Valya Andreeva lives somewhere between Krasnoarmeyskaya and Kolkhoznaya streets. According to popular rumor, she knows Karelian conspiracies, and in her free time from conspiracies (well, or vice versa) she works as a cleaner at the bus station. We found Valya, but, according to her assurance, she has nothing to do with quackery.

No, it seems, there are healers here, - another resident of Maksatikha, Sergey Pavlovich, supported Valya in absentia. - And if there were, I would not go to them. I'd better go to Tver. They are there too. And then you go, and everyone will know about your problems. And the matter is such a delicate one. Personal.

On the way back, near the Maksatikhinskaya hospital, we met the “patients” of the healer:

I went to the healer in Kostretsy, - the builder Lidia Alekseevna told us. - A long time ago, fifteen years ago. She treated me for radiculitis - she did a massage, she read some prayers. Good! I would have gone again, but Antonina Makarovna died. And you still go to Kostretsy. They say she gave the gift to her youngest grandson.


81 km to the healer

Relatives of Antonina Makarovna live in a good house, there is a car in front of him:

My grandmother died, and the people are still going, - says the granddaughter of the healer Natalia Kolypina. - She treated everything. She was always kind and sociable. There were many people around her. Even doctors came to her for treatment. She did not take money for the treatment, but, of course, people thanked her. She put everything in a special box, and then gave it to the church. By the way, the bells were cast with this money.

But Natalia did not know anything about the fact that the grandmother allegedly gave her gift to her grandson. As, however, none of her family.

Maybe someone will heal. In fifty years. We don't know anything about this yet ...

Reading prayers over "patients" plus bells at your own expense are strange terms for a quackery formula. In an attempt to understand them, we went to the former abbot of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sergei Hague.

Sergei turned out to be a fairly representative man of about forty years of age with literate speech and oratory skills much higher than average.

- Note that it is incorrect to mention me as a priest, since some time ago I submitted my resignation letter and it was accepted. But I knew this healer well, - Sergey begins. - Antonina Makarovna was a person who understood people. For two years, when there was no priest in the church, she very zealously fulfilled the duties of the headman. But once, for example, Antonina Makarovna bought candles without asking for my blessing. This is not good.

Sergey also told about what was in Kostretsy and another herbalist, Antonina Mikhailovna. However, in popularity among the people, she was significantly inferior to her namesake. According to Sergei Hague, due to the fact that she "did not use a religious brand"

The proximity to the church played into the hands of Antonina Makarovna and added authority as a herbalist. However, I have repeatedly made comments to her. Once I saw on her table a saucer with a certain burnt plant fiber, similar to hair, and the book "Prayers and Conspiracies of Russia." I asked what it was. Makarovna evaded answering. But I did not bring the matter to open confrontation: Antonina Makarovna still helped the church, believed that her abilities were from God and enjoyed great authority among the villagers. In my opinion, God gives the gift of healing, but conspiracies and some kind of manipulation of the hands cannot be attributed to it. This is all from the evil one!

One way or another, before her death, Antonina Makarovna confessed and received communion, and then she was buried in the Maksatikhinsky church. So guess about the relationship between healers and Orthodoxy ...


32 km to the healer "Come to us to sit on the gravel, at our holiday

to listen to the ringing, and we ourselves will guess to have dinner with you "

(A. Kuprin, "Olesya")

It seemed that the path was over. Probably, indeed, all the healers in the cemetery, there were only drunken black sorceresses.

But suddenly the healer was found by a taxi driver who gave us a lift. It turned out that she lives in the village of Gorshkovo, in the wilderness.

Baba Shura's leaning wooden hut was found quickly, but no one responded to the knock.

And granddaughter Anya took Baba Shura to Maksatikha, she had a microstroke, - said Baba Shura's neighbor. - Go to the market, try to find Anya there ...

We once again go around the house, the walnut door of which (our landmark!) Has been blown off its hinges by the wind ... Potatoes grow in the garden, and the grass around the house reaches my chest.

We reach an abandoned chapel. The entrance to it is blocked off with a stick on which a lock hangs. Inside there are a few icons, garbage and the smell of desolation. There is no one else to search here.

Maxatiha. 0 km to the healer.

We find Anya:

Yes, I have my grandmother now. Do you know the village? I'll explain to you how to get there.

Soon we find the indicated house, wondering how easily they let us into the doorway, nodding "yes, they often go to my grandmother for treatment."

Baba Shura, leaning on a crutch, comes out to us. She turns out to be a complete 80-year-old woman. Summer dress, headscarf, kind smile. Nothing magical.

Daughters, I don't use herbs. I only know how to speak.

Alexandra Vasilievna Rem ecall (nee Postnikov), as they would write in magic ads, hereditary healer. She was treated by her father, grandmother, great-grandmother. Baba Shura herself does not heal for long: “15 years in total,” although her grandmother began to “tell” her conspiracies when our heroine was still very young. And Baba Shura also turned to traditional medicine: in 1976 she was lying “under radiation”, now she is in the hospital, “there really is no use”. However, the old woman cannot heal herself.

While his father was alive, he treated. People came to him from everywhere. From Moscow, from Leningrad, Elekrostal, even from Tbilisi. But the grandchildren do not want to learn this. It is necessary, after all, not to let bad thoughts, so that there is no hatred, so that a person with faith is a person. She will protect everywhere!

Baba Shura sincerely believes that quackery in their family comes from God, does not take anything for treatment and laments that young people rarely go to church. The old woman herself used to often visit the local chapel.

Once the secretary of the district committee came to us, he wanted to demolish the chapel, so her village defended! All went out with a pitchfork against him, and he got away. And now our chapel is closed (sighs).

The old woman also helps only Orthodox Christians, and those who do not doubt that she knows how to heal, and she does not take anything for treatment, although she gives enough strength:

Sweat comes off me in drops! I'm taking someone else's energy ...

Baba Shura is worried that the people drink and do not want to work. She is sad that there is nowhere to work in the village. Alexandra Vasilievna herself worked from childhood to a ripe old age: she was a milkmaid on a state farm. Kept her cow, two sows and sheep.

Baba Shura does not answer the questions of what to do, and she does not know the conspiracy from alcoholism.

All the same, the century will end, daughters! My grandfather also spoke. After all, he read all sorts of Divine books, said that everything would be entangled in cobwebs, country roads would be overgrown, men would walk with long hair, and women - with short ones and in trousers. That's all right, daughters! Wires are everywhere, and roads are overgrown ...

The healer also laments that people have changed:

In Soviet times, there was war and famine, but people were kind ... But now they are like snakes. And what is being divided? - the old woman sighs.

For the sake of the purity of the experiment, I ask the healer to speak to me of a wart on my finger, which neither drug from the pharmacy nor cauterization "took":

Pull a thread from my handkerchief, - the old woman instructs. - Eh, there is no silk thread. Still, it's hard in someone else's house, in my own house, I have everything ...

After that, the old woman wraps a thread around the wart and whispers something:

Gradually, everything will pass. Look, daughter. If anything, you do it yourself and say: "The thread will rot, the wart will disappear."

At parting, Baba Shura gave us tea and told us about our grandchildren.

And although I did not notice the manifestation of magic on my hand, we left Baba Shura like children who first saw Santa Claus: "She is real!" Real - in every sense.

Is your life ruined by constant failures, deception, ridiculous accidents, unexpected injuries, illnesses? Is it difficult to find a lover, to get married, is it impossible to conceive a child? Damage can have this effect. Such a magical problem cannot be eliminated in traditional ways - you should seek help from people who have a mystical gift. It is best if this kind of help is provided to you by grandmothers-healers. The magic of village sorcerers is considered both strong and safe, and should be addressed first.

It's easy to figure out where to find a grandmother to remove damage. Refer to the following sources:

  • To relatives and friends. If they have contacts of a trusted healer, they will most likely be willing to share them with you.
  • To thematic forums on the Internet. Avoid advertising for "professional" fortune-tellers and healers. Read other people's posts, they often contain information about good healers. If you find a similar message, contact the author directly and ask for clairvoyant contacts.
  • To residents of small villages, cities. If they point to a certain old woman, immediately ask what is better to give her as a gift, what are the conditions of admission, whether it is necessary to take certain things to the appointment: fresh linen, food, an additional set of clean clothes.

Pay attention to information about herbalists, chiropractors, people who speak water. Among them there are many knowledgeable grandmothers who are able to resist corruption, the crown of celibacy, and ancestral curses.

How to distinguish a charlatan from a specialist?

To understand who is in front of you: a charlatan or a sorceress, the first meeting with a clairvoyant will allow. A number of features indicate that a person has real magical power:

The above signs should be taken into account, regardless of what question a person turns to a healer with. These signs will define a real spiritually gifted person.

What if the damage or the evil eye is not gone?

Not always grandmothers who remove damage can successfully cope with such a task. If it so happened that after a visit to the chosen healer you did not feel better, wait a few days (it may take for the spell to take effect) and contact another healer.


You can hope for a quick, effective disposal of damage, evil eye, generic negativity when contacting traditional healers. It is not difficult to find clairvoyants of such a plan in small towns and villages. These people, who do not give colorful advertisements about their gift and do not attract television and other media, can provide real help in extreme life situations. It sometimes takes a lot of time to find a healer, but the result of such treatment always justifies itself.

Before thinking about the question of where to find a healer, it is important to first determine for yourself what services of a healer you want to receive. The help of a healer is different, as well as the result of her efforts. When a healer is needed, Moscow can offer many options to the residents of the capital, but a real healer is a rarity today.

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A witch doctor can resort to various techniques: white or black magic, witchcraft, potions, conspiracies, love spells, etc. If this is a healer, a sorceress, she will never use the learned manipulations of psychology or black magic in her practice, if such a healer has a gift as an inheritance. Here you will learn how healers healers work, and you will always know where to find a good healer and addresses of healers.

Medicine women of Russia, who knows a medicine woman

Witchcraft healing is gifts to special people chosen by God who become what the people call healers healers. Such healers of Russia never confuse the concepts of quackery and witchcraft, feeling in themselves a driving force that is directed because of good intentions to make the world more beautiful. There are such healers in the suburbs, one of whom is Maria - a real healer who received the gift of healers as an inheritance from her great-grandfathers - the strongest healers of her era. Advise the medicine woman Maria to everyone who needs a medicine woman, advise a good medicine woman to those who have problems and only a gifted person can solve them.

Commentary of Maria Svetlaya in the program of the First Channel “Good Morning” on the issue of planning the sex of the child in folk ways:

Maria Light

A strong witch doctor Maria is a witch doctor in the Moscow region, who many residents of Moscow and the surrounding area know firsthand. She offers the services of a healer, possessing not only the ability to invoke happiness, love, work miracles of people, but also has a wealth of knowledge, therapy, psychology. Having received the gift of healers as an inheritance, Mary has the ability of clairvoyance, fortune telling and fortune-telling, healing with the purity of her heart, mind and prayer. Hearing "I am looking for a healer!", Immediately tell me how to find a healer Maria, because now you are the one who knows a healer who can help in non-hassle.

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It does not matter what her patient needs, alcoholism as healers or pleading for happiness, attracting good luck or returning love, which the real healer Maria Svetlaya is capable of, she never turns away from someone who needs her. A good healer is always ready to help, listen, take part in restoring fortune and health, which is what a healer does in the Moscow region and with clients from other cities and even countries.

Maria can carry out her help to the healer even at a distance, giving substantial advice and consultations, which healers in the Moscow region do not do, and indeed all healers in Russia. She knows witchcraft and witchcraft in all their manifestations, knows how to choose the best way to solve any problem, be it physical pain or mental torture.


The witch doctor carries out with the help of prayer, knowledge of the benefits of herbs and roots, using magical techniques and influencing the inner world, purifying it spiritually and filling it with life-giving energy. Witchcraft and magic, which are used by Mary, do no harm and are sent from heaven, since Mary the Bright is the woman who conducts the word and message of God to earth. Begging for help to a neighbor in Orthodox prayers, using knowledge in all human spheres and anatomy, resorting to the help of nature and her strong word, the healer the healer Maria influences the fate, health, the inner world and the future of a person who needs the help of a healer.

One of the main areas of Mary's practice is quackery, the recipes of which were inherited by her, just as her ancestors inherited quackery, healing and clairvoyance. Maria was able not only to discern in herself the abilities that healers, healers and magicians have, but also to become the one that today is called a good healer Moscow is grateful for her good intentions to free mankind from pain and suffering.

I am looking for a healer, a real healer

Where to find Mary the Light.

This site is a portal not only to tell, the sorceress conducts today, what gifts and talents, abilities and experience the strong sorceress Maria is rich in, but also to tell where to find a real sorceress, when a sorceress is needed, to return happiness, joy, freedom of life. On this site you can also see how the healer works, a video demonstration will help you get to know Maria better. After seeing which healer, the video will tell you about what methods the healer uses in the Moscow region, attracting or materializing desires.

where to find a sorceress, a sorceress in the Moscow region, a sorceress from Moscow, sorceresses in the suburbs, sorceresses of Russia, looking for a sorceress, who knows a sorceress, a sorceress, a real sorceress, tell me where to find a good sorceress, the help of a sorceress, advise a sorceress, a strong sorceress, a good sorceress

The main task of this site is to tell about the seer, healer and witch doctor, tell you where to find a witch doctor and give a complete picture of the miraculous woman who is a good witch doctor in Moscow, Maria Svetlaya, tell about what witch doctors do and how to get the services of a witch doctor.

Healer in the Moscow region, healers in the Moscow region

Here a good healer can answer all the questions of interest that healers who have been tested for years in the Moscow region receive through e-mail. Those who need alcoholism as healers come here, who want to carry out a love spell. Here you can watch a demo of how the healer works. The video with her sessions is available to everyone. Strong healer Maria accepts phone calls that are listed on this site, the same is indicated and the addresses of healers who can help you.

Be sure to bookmark this site so that you know where to find a good healer at any time. After all, only a good healer is able to cleanse. The witchcraft and magic that the healer is gifted with, her open heart and desire to help attract many who need help. Maria's sincerity and pleasant conversation helps to quickly get a person's disposition, and this is one of the steps, which is extremely important when you need alcoholism by healers or weaning from bad habits.

The witchcraft and magic of Mary the Light, her ability to pray, clairvoyance and fortune-telling will help you get rid of the difficulties of both physical, physiological and mental wounds. If you need a healer, you can always contact her on this site. Here are the addresses of the healers, where you can always find the healer Maria Svetlaya.

Help of a witch doctor, tell me where to find a good Witch Doctor

Tell your friends and family where to find a good healer, advise the healer Maria and tell about her abilities. If your loved ones want to master quackery and witchcraft, then tell them a good healer Maria, because she conducts not only sessions, but also practices teaching people who have the ability and want to learn quackery and healing. Maria is ready to pass her witchcraft recipes to those who will worthily continue her good deeds. This woman is a good healer Moscow has known about for more than 10 years, and everyone who has been helped by this strong healer no longer looks for where to find a real healer to help them.

If you need a healer or you know someone who cannot find a healer, this site will give you all the information about where to find a healer and how to get help from a healer of Russia. Lend a helping hand to your friends, relatives and acquaintances, advise a good healer Maria, tell and help find a healer. Knowing where to find a real healer, you can turn to her at any difficult moment and get the help of a healer. Knowing the addresses of the healers and where to find the healer, you can always help your neighbor, which means you will do a good deed that will be credited to you. Tell a good healer to those in need and you will feel the warmth in your soul, what the healer the healer Maria feels when helping people.

God forbid only to walk on grandmas !!!
You can always get to hell, don't worry. Take care of your soul to begin with, and think, why "suddenly" all these sores fell? Usually, "suddenly" nothing happens. Think about what keeps your daughter from being sick? What would she do, how would she spend her life, if she was absolutely healthy? She received a brilliant education, a dizzying career, ran with handsome boys through expensive restaurants, discos, clubs, etc. I lived "to the fullest for my own pleasure," as they say now. Maybe, all the same, this disease is holding your daughter, her soul, from some kind of misfortune that you do not understand? You said yourself - the disease is not fatal, so this is another proof that it was given for admonition. Perhaps, only in this way is it possible for you to think about the main thing - about the soul, about God, about the meaning of life (not to be confused with the complete satisfaction of your "I" and the comfort of the body)?

Read carefully what is written below to the end. And there - decide for yourself where you want more - through sorrow to joy, to the Lord, or through gratification of your passions and desires - behind Satan, to hell? The Lord came to give a person a choice, and you have it. Read ...

It was from Me

Have you ever thought that everything that concerns you concerns Me? For that which touches you touches the apple of my eye.
You are dear in My eyes, precious, and I have loved you, and therefore it is a special joy for Me to educate you.
When temptations come upon you and the enemy comes like a river, I want you to know that it was from Me.

That your weakness needs My strength and that your safety is to enable Me to protect you.
Whether you are in difficult circumstances, among people who do not understand you, do not take into account what is pleasant to you, who remove you - it was from Me.

I am your God, who disposes of circumstances, and it is not by chance that you ended up in your place, this is the very place that I assigned you.
Have you not asked me to teach you humility? And so I put you in that very environment, in that school where this lesson is taught.
Your environment and those who live with you only fulfill My will. Whether you are in financial difficulty, it is difficult for you to make ends meet, know that it was from Me.

For I dispose of your means and I want you to resort to Me and know that you are dependent on Me. My reserves are inexhaustible. I want you to be convinced of the faithfulness of My and My promises.
Let there not be something that they could say to you in your need: "You do not believe the Lord your God." Have you lived through the night of sorrow? You are separated from those who are near and dear to your heart, - From Me it was sent to you.

I am a man of sorrows, who has experienced illness, I allowed this so that you could turn to Me and in Me could find eternal consolation. Whether you deceived yourself in your friend, in someone to whom you opened your heart, it was from Me.

I allowed this disappointment to touch you so that you would know that your best friend is the Lord. I want you to bring everything to Me and tell Me.
Whether anyone has slandered you, leave it to Me, and cling closer to Me, your refuge, your soul, to hide from the bickering of tongues, I will bring out your truth and your fate as a light, like midday.
Your plans have been ruined, you have lost heart and are tired - It was from Me.

You created a plan for yourself, you had your intentions, and you brought them to Me so that I would bless them. But I want you to leave Me to dispose and control the circumstances of your life, since you are only an instrument, not an actor.
Whether unexpected failures of life have befallen you, and despondency has seized your heart, know that it was from Me.

For I want your heart and your soul to be always aflame in my sight, and to overcome all cowardice in my name.
You do not receive news for a long time from people close to you, dear to you, because of your indifference and lack of faith, you fall into murmur and despair, know - it was from Me.

For by this vexation of your spirit I will test the strength of your faith in the immutability of promises and the power of boldness of your prayer for those who are close to you, for did you not put the care of them on My providential love? Are you not now presenting them to the Protection of My Most Pure Mother?
Whether you suffered a serious illness, temporary or incurable, and you found yourself chained to your bed - it was from Me.

For I want you to know Me even more deeply in your bodily weaknesses and not grumble for this test sent to you, and that you do not try to penetrate into My plans for the salvation of human souls in various ways, but resignedly and humbly would bow your head under My grace. about you.
Whether you dreamed of doing any special deed for Me and instead of that you yourself lay down on the bed of illness and weakness - It was from Me.

For then you would be immersed in your deeds, and I could not draw your thoughts to Me, but I want to teach you my deepest thoughts and lessons, so that you would be in my service. I want to teach you to realize that you are nothing without Me.
Some of my best sons are those who are cut off from living activities to learn how to wield the weapon of unceasing prayer.
Are you called to unexpectedly take on a difficult and responsible position, relying on Me? I entrust you with these difficulties, and for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your deeds, in all your ways, in everything your Lord will be your Guide and Instructor.
This day into your hands, my child, I have given this vessel of sanctified oil, use it freely.
Always remember that every difficulty that arises, every word offending you, every vain and condemnation, every hindrance in your work that could cause a feeling of annoyance, disappointment, every revelation of your weakness and inability will be anointed with this oil - It was from Me.

Remember that every hindrance is God's instruction, and therefore put in your heart your word, which I announced to you this day - it was from Me.

Keep them, know and remember - always, wherever you are, that every sting will be dulled when you learn to see Me in everything.
Everything was sent by Me for the perfecting of your soul - everything was from Me.
Spiritual testament
hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky
(it contains a reflection of the deepest prayer secret,
revealed in the conversation of God with the soul of man)

10/12/2006 02:35:53, Natalia D.

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