Dream interpretation young wolf. Why do wolves dream of a woman? Dream interpretation about wolves. Small Velesov dream book

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In many dream books, the wolf personifies such traits as courage, freedom and independence, although at the sight of a predator, other feelings may arise - fear, danger, cruelty. To see a wolf in night dreams is to receive signs from fate, and whether they are good or bad, depends on the details of the dream itself. How to correctly decipher such a dream, and why do wolves dream in a dream for a woman, it will be discussed further.

Why do wolves dream of a woman

Today there are many dream books, and each of them gives its own interpretation of the dream about wolves. To get an answer to this question, it is important to take into account a lot of details and nuances of a night dream. Perhaps the predator is in trouble, or maybe it personifies victory. Often the sleeper sees danger in him, but in fact, you should not be afraid.


For a married young lady, such a dream promises danger for all household members - the wolf predicts a latent threat to the family hearth.

If a married woman runs her own business, do not leave it unattended for a long time.

Let the wolf into your own home - it is worth waiting for betrayal from your spouse. In such a situation, it is important to change your own attitude towards the family, and not to bring the matter to a divorce and the collapse of the family idyll.

You see in a dream how you protect your child from a flock of predators - this indicates problems in family life: children can fall under bad influence and take the wrong path. Therefore, it is so important for a mother to show timely care and attention to her child.

Watch the video. Why is the wolf dreaming?


For an unmarried woman, such a dream carries several interpretation options. First of all, the dream promises the dreamer a quick marriage, and if the predator eats from her hand, the union will be strong, and the spouse will be kind.

If the wolf behaves very aggressively and attacks, this portends suffering in life and an unsuccessful union, an evil spouse.

Seeing an aggressive flock - on the part of the spouse's relatives, a woman will see a hostile attitude and misunderstanding.

I dreamed about a predator attack - you are worried about your fears in reality, and if the wolf has bitten you, you should expect changes in your personal life.


When a woman sees a wolf in a dream in a position, it means that she is experiencing strong emotional experiences in reality, vain anxieties and worries.

If a predator shows teeth, grins at a pregnant woman - such a dream portends a very difficult and difficult birth.

To the girl

For a young girl, such a dream promises a gentleman, whom she has long dreamed of, but if in a night dream she experiences fear, the sleeping person may not notice the betrothed in her environment or push him away with incorrect behavior.

5 out of 10 dreams bring negative changes

If a young girl constantly observes many predators in her dreams, this is a sign that she will meet an evil man on her way, stuffing herself into her gentleman, insidious and capable of betraying at any moment.

Dream interpretation

Miller's dream book

This interpreter says that surrounded by the sleeping person there is a very lazy and irresponsible person who is ready to betray and give out secrets by substituting the dreamer.

When a woman sees how she killed a wolf, in reality she can defeat a dangerous person.

Hear a wolf howl and at the same time do not see the beast itself - wait for the exposure of the conspiracy that friends or relatives have started. It will be useful to reconsider your own environment and conduct an analysis for hypocrisy.

Freud's dream book

In accordance with the version of this dream book, night visions in which wolves appear, no matter how many, give the sleeping person a warning. When you see a large flock of predators, you will survive many trials.

If in a dream a wolf bites a woman, in reality she will fail in business, but if she managed to defeat a predator, dreams portend wealth and success.

But the dream book gives the woman other interpretations - if an animal attacks and bites, then this promises an upcoming showdown. In this case, the role of the wolf will be performed by your beloved.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

If in a dream you see a dangerous wolf, you should take a closer look at your own environment, since a dangerous person who can cause significant harm has turned up among relatives and friends. And to see a flock of predators is a sign indicating that conspiracies are being woven against you.

When you watch from the sidelines how a wolf attacks someone, your business will soon fall apart, and business partners will begin to divide up its remnants.

Interpretation of Nostradamus

In his dream book, Nostradamus wrote that when interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account the color of the predator itself.

If you see a black wolf in a dream - a dangerous enemy has wound up in your environment, see how you feed him from your hands - a person who has planned bad things against you will be exposed.

Along with this, such a dream can be interpreted differently - in the near future a strong, independent person will be humiliated.

When you see a predator hiding among the sheep, take a closer look at your colleagues at work, perhaps they have conceived an intrigue against you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

In accordance with this dream book, a predator in a dream predicts big troubles and conflict situations.

If a woman sees in a dream a wolf aggressively disposed towards her, one should be prepared for the fact that a loved one will betray her.

In accordance with this dream book, a wolf in a dream does not carry a positive meaning at all.

Only the dream in which you see a wolf family behaving quite peacefully can be positively interpreted - such a night vision promises pleasant news. It is quite possible to receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

Seeing a wolf in a dream for a woman

Such night visions promise both pleasant victories and big troubles. It is impossible to say exactly what such a dream carries to itself - it is important here to take into account the smallest details of the dream.

In most cases, such a dream predicts trouble and danger - the wolf often personifies the enemy and aggression. But do not worry - it is better to correctly interpret the vision and make the right decision in real life, thus avoiding trouble.


A white wolf predicts pleasant events for the sleeper, and if he calmly watches the sleeper in a dream, expect pleasant changes in your life. It can be news of profit or good luck in business. For an unmarried girl, a dream portends a meeting of a future spouse and marriage.


Before proceeding with the interpretation of a dream in which you see the black suit of a wolf, it is worth evaluating the whole picture, not by individual details, but as a whole.

If the black wolf stands away from the woman, this indicates that she will be able to avoid problems or solve them with minimal losses.

But if the beast came as close as possible to you, you should be prepared for the fact that soon an enemy will appear in the environment, ready to strike, waiting for a better moment.


A gray predator is a symbol of everyday anger and minor troubles, problems that are exhausting.

You see how the wolf runs in the distance - in reality, you started your business, and this will eventually lead to many problems in the future. Therefore, you should not let everything take its course, then you will not have to complain about difficulties and moan from fatigue.


If a woman sees in a night dream an embittered and angry wolf, this portends her an unhappy marriage and a tough, oppressive husband, who will often raise his hand to her.

Watch the video. Who, when and why dreams?


A kind predator who dreamed in night dreams portends a sleeping woman the appearance on the horizon of a reliable person, very influential in his position.

If you dream of a tame wolf - soon you will be offered a marriage proposal.

In blood

To see the face of an animal stained with blood - a dream portends that you have nothing to worry about.

Such a dream suggests that the dreamer has an influential and reliable friend. Maybe a woman underestimates him, and therefore it is worth revising her surroundings, differently looking at her acquaintances, discerning their true essence.

This is especially important if in a dream you see a predator devouring game.


To see a dead predator in your own dreams, and at the same time be sure that you did not kill him - this promises in reality the spread of gossip and rumors by enemies. But you will overcome all obstacles and will not allow harm to your own reputation.


Often a flock of predators may appear in a woman's dream. For free ladies, this portends a quick marriage, successful and happy.

But if the flock surrounded the dreamer and growls, it is worth taking a closer look at your own chosen one, since it is highly likely that he is hiding his true essence under a mask.

If a girl fell into a flock of predators, and they are trying to drive her away, you should not wait on the part of the spouse and his relatives for understanding.

To see a flock of gray predators - in reality, a real conspiracy is being assembled against you, and if the animals attack, then you should expect trouble from colleagues and acquaintances.

Why do wolves dream in a woman's dream

There are dream books that interpret a dream involving a wolf with a positive connotation, while some of them argue that such night dreams speak of the weaknesses of the sleeper.

In the woods

Some psychologists advise you to understand your subconscious, especially if you see wolves in the forest. The whole process of learning can be quite long and unpleasant. But if you admit your own weaknesses, then you can find strength and overcome them.

In a cage

Sometimes you can see a zoo in your night dreams. Walking along its alleys and seeing a predator in a cage - a dream foreshadows empty worries about trifles. In this case, the imagination played out out of the blue, and in every person you see a potential threat. In reality, nothing terrible happens, and therefore you can enjoy a quiet rest, go about your business.

If you were able to drive the beast into a cage, your kindness will be appreciated by your spouse, malicious attacks from the outside will stop, and peace and harmony will prevail in the family.

The inhabitants of the animal kingdom visit our night dreams always for a reason, but they carry important messages.

Such a predatory animal, like a wolf, can become in a dream both a harbinger of victory and promise trouble. It is not easy to say why wolves are dreaming - it all depends on the details of the dream.

Typically, such a dream, as a rule, indicates some kind of danger, and this predator himself most often personifies the enemy, evil, aggression. You should not be afraid - it is better to interpret what the wolf is dreaming of, and make the right decision in reality to avoid trouble.

"Wolf" dreams can be as follows:

  • You saw in a dream a predatory wolf or a whole flock.
  • Heard a wolf howl in a dream.
  • You saw the wolf sleeping or eating.
  • The wolves are after you.
  • I dreamed of a wolf hunt.
  • You killed a wolf in a dream, or ate its meat.
  • You feed a predator in dreams.
  • You eat with a pack of wolves.
  • You were bitten or attacked by a wolf in a dream.
  • You have caught the wolf and become its master.

In addition, in dreams, a predator can be not only gray, but completely black or white, evil or kind, ferocious or meek. The interpretation also depends on this - so before deciphering what wolves dream about, remember all the details of dreams.

See the beast

Consider such dreams in which the forest predator does not contact you, but only comes as a vision.

1. If in a dream you saw a big predatory wolf with a mouth in its blood - such an animal, oddly enough, symbolizes a faithful, reliable friend. There is a truly valuable and honest person next to you, appreciate it.

2. If you dream of a wolf who is sleeping - be very careful, your enemies are plotting something, they are not asleep. People who don't like you are plotting against you.

3. Hearing a wolf howl in your dream is a bad sign, especially for a woman. This promises loneliness, longing and tears. But this period is temporary, it will be replaced by joy.

4. It is curious why a pack of wolves is dreaming - such a dream is also a warning one. If you saw a dream in which wolves are sleeping in a flock, going somewhere, you see it from afar - be prepared for a collision with enemies, competitors, and the collision will be unexpected and can be unpleasant. Better prepare yourself so as not to get confused.

5. If you had a dream in which you saw wolves rushing in a flock somewhere, this means that a collision with ill-wishers will not only happen, but damage for you, loss, may follow. Be careful.

6. But to see in a dream a fierce, terrible predator that stands motionless in front of you is a good sign. The interpretation of such dreams is given by Vanga's dream book - it promises a profitable meeting with an official, with a person higher than you in rank and status. And the meeting will end very well for you.

7. If you dream of a wolf eating meat or biting an animal, expect an unfavorable, dark period full of difficulties and failures. But do not be alarmed - knowing the interpretation of such dreams, you have the opportunity, if not to prevent, then at least calmly meet and survive the black streak with dignity.

8. If in a dream you had a white beast, this changes everything. The white wolf is the leader, the most powerful predator. Therefore, sleep has the same meaning, but given that the predator is white, its role is enhanced.

  • If this is an enemy, then it is very strong and courageous.
  • If a representative of the authorities - then a very high status.
  • If a friend - then an extremely courageous, respected person.

A white wolf always means a powerful person, with principles, intelligent. But it is an evil enemy or a faithful comrade - it will tell you the interpretation of dreams, taking into account its details, and the white color of the beast is just an addition to the overall picture.

9. The black wolf is evil. In a dream, it can be an insidious, immoral enemy who is ready to go to low and vile deeds. Also, the black wolf symbolizes vice, deception, bad conscience, danger.

Contact with the beast

If you dream of wolves, but you not only saw predators, but also somehow contacted them - all the details are important here, and what the animals were like. What exactly happened in the dream between the wolf and you?

1. If in night dreams you had to be in a wolf pack, and you, like wolves or dogs, hunt, live in a hole, and so on - this promises in reality some kind of threat, danger.

The meaning of such dreams is in warning: be careful in everything, now a period is unfavorable, dangerous for you, you are vulnerable. Just be careful in everything, take your time if possible, rest, do not get involved in conflicts.

2.E if in a dream you not only live in a wolf pack, but also eat with predators, or the she-wolf feeds you, this promises to achieve some of your desired goals.

However, such a dream at the same time warns you - be honest, do not use insidious, dastardly methods to achieve your goals, do not go over your heads. This may not turn out well for you.

3. Hunting a wolf in your dreams is a symbol of the fact that in your everyday real life you are about to start a conspiracy against someone, a dark game.

Perhaps the meaning of such dreams is that in reality you have enemies or competitors who are hindering you, and you intend to launch a war against them. But be careful and weigh each step. Dastardly actions will ruin your reputation and will not lead to good.

4. If you happen to kill a wolf in your dreams, defeating him is a wonderful sign that promises you victory over the enemy. After such dreams, know that you are strong and can defeat the enemy. Do not be afraid of anything, especially if honor and truth are on your side.

5. Eating wolf meat in a dream is rather strange, but it's a good dream. He promises you the onset of a favorable, bright life period, when problems and obstacles disappear, and a white streak awaits you. Use this!

6. If in a terrible, disturbing dream, wolves rush at you, attack, you run away, try to escape - this only reflects your fears. You are afraid not only of your real enemies, but even of any difficulties, this makes you a weak person. You should be bolder, not be afraid of competitors, know your worth.

7. If a wolf bites you in a dream, expect losses or even illness. Be careful, your body can defeat ailments, so take care of your health.

8. And if you have a terrible, unpleasant dream in which a predator attacked you and tears you apart, you suffer in life from your own defenselessness and weakness. IN

everything that you can advise - get yourself together, take care of yourself, start to cultivate will and strength in yourself. Otherwise, you will be vulnerable to enemies and all sorts of problems, and you will not be able to live happily ever after.

9. But if in a dream you managed to defeat a wolf after a struggle, this undoubtedly promises success and victory over difficulties.

10. However, being the master of a wolf in dreams is not a good sign, although it may seem like the opposite. If in a dream you caught and tamed a wolf, know that they are laughing at you behind your back, they are not taking you seriously, or they are mocking at some of your qualities. Try to find out the reason for such a reputation and fix the situation.

11. A dream in which you feed a wolf from your hands or from a bowl suggests that in real life you will be able to punish an evil person, bring the enemy to clean water, and expose.

As each dream book shows, often in dreams predators come to predict something dangerous or evil, to point out enemies or difficulties. But do not take this interpretation literally, do not be alarmed.

After all, this is advice, help, valuable instructions that you can analyze and accept, thereby influencing intelligently and competently on the course of your own life. But remember that a dream in itself does not change life, it is not one hundred percent prediction - it is only a code, a sign, a hint.

And your task is to understand it correctly, interpret it, draw conclusions and apply it in life. Author: Vasilina Serova

And a working day can bring more pleasure if during sleep you were able to fully rest and have a pleasant dream. Dreams behind their structure are different: colorful, with pleasant sensations, or vice versa, dull, short and with an unpleasant aftertaste. Undoubtedly, they both require interpretation.
Few people are superstitious now to be overly afraid of terrible dreams with the onset of morning. But sometimes it becomes very interesting why the wolf is dreaming, from whose gaze, I still want to hide and run away as far as possible. Such strange and sensitive dreams have an impact on the subconscious, due to real experiences, namely events from the past. Especially, such dreams help to tell a lot about upcoming events in the future.

The wolf is a terrible, strong, mysterious animal. If you see it in a dream, it will not be forgotten right away, and upon awakening you still break your head over what the wolves could dream of? It turns out that these animals are a reflection of fears, doubts experienced by the dreamer. But sometimes this predator can help predict future events and warn of impending dangers.

You can treat predictions in different ways, but you should not completely dismiss them if they do not contradict common sense and are based on the experience of many generations. Take a look into the dream book, not too lazy to find out why wolves dream. And he will tell you much of the previously unknown, incomprehensible.

Seeing a wolf in a dream

The wolf seen in a dream, in contrast to the one dreamed, from the point of view of business, carries with it rapid progress that will reveal many prospects in front of you. According to Miller, the wild beast shows you the dangers you should be wary of at work from your own employees.

Many of them are ready to sell your secrets to competitors, no doubt about it. If you dreamed of wolves howling, this is a good sign for you. Since all the intrigues of competitors will be exposed and justice will prevail.

According to the dream book, watching one wolf means being an independent person. Tame the Beast - you will soon learn about a dangerous criminal who will be imprisoned for terrible actions. Explains the dream book, wolves reflect years of suffering. If they took food from you, it means that people will appear who will help you change your destiny.

If the animal was guarding the prey, but could not get it, these are obstacles for you. Even with all your efforts, you better give up on the intended goal. A predator hunting a goat is identified for you in the need for outside help. But you should not rely on someone else's opinion if the wolf has not caught the prey in a dream.

A wounded beast portends a meeting with a person about whom you have heard only negative things. The dream tells you that expectations will not come true, and you will understand this person like no one else.
Behind the color variety, a black or gray wolf, especially for a man, is the appearance of a rival. Someone is trying hard to destroy your marriage. If you dreamed about a white wolf, then this is a meeting with an influential person. But for you, it does not bode well. One conversation with such a person will be enough.

Traces of a gray predator

The wolf is an unusual, legendary beast. Not without reason, fearing him, our ancestors, meanwhile, treated him with respect. The pagans endowed him with unusual, mysterious qualities. Sometimes this beast was personified with the bright qualities of a real warrior, protector. In many ancient religions, he is associated with wisdom, loyalty, power. Therefore, the wolf seen in a dream is not so simple. It is highly symbolic and ambiguous. The dream book offers a lot of rather contradictory interpretations. In each case, you need to take into account a lot of small details that you can remember upon awakening.

For example, Miller associates the gray predator with career and business. It is laws that resemble the way of a wolf pack that reign in the world of money and business interests. Why do wolves dream in this situation? They are associated with the enemies that are among your partners and employees in reality. Opponents sleep and see how to put you in a difficult situation and are even ready to betray by selling secret, corporate information to competitors.

Hearing the howl of the beast in a dream, in the interpretation put forward by Miller's dream book, is not bad at all. This suggests that the intrigues and intrigues of ill-wishers will be promptly suppressed, and your position in the business sphere will be unshakable.

The dream book considers it a wonderful symbol, when in a dream you managed to bravely fight an aggressive, attacking beast and defeat it. There is every reason to believe that your opponents will fail in the competition. Your company will occupy a worthy niche in the market, despite all the intrigues of unscrupulous colleagues.

If you havenโ€™t turned a big business yet, but just an ordinary employee, then after such a dream. Count on the chef's favor, and a promotion, with a corresponding increase in salary.

Take special care, attention, waking up from a dream in which you had to, frightened, escape from the wolf. Miller foreshadows incidents at home and at work. It is possible that even the day before you had bad feelings. Alas, they are not groundless.

Wangi's dream book does not give accurate predictions about wolves. Nevertheless, the famous fortuneteller did not disregard the werewolf animals. It turns out that such a creepy dream is a warning that you are near a two-faced, dangerous person. He is able to enslave you, literally penetrating into the soul.

It is likely that this is due to a strange belief that wolves dream of. They are the souls of suicides, doomed to the role of eternal wanderers - publicans. The only way to get rid of such a terrible omen is to defeat the beast. You will not need to fear any otherworldly forces, or the intrigues of completely earthly scoundrels.

Our subconscious mind is impartially able to evaluate people who are nearby in reality. A comrade, a relative, seen in a dream in the form of a werewolf, can bring troubles and trials to your fate. Moreover, if you try to give this subject an objective assessment, you will realize that he is not worthy of your trust. No matter how close the communication with him is, you have a latent premonition that he is ready to stab in the back.

One way or another, but so far you cannot stop all communication with this person. In addition, Miller also suggests why: having turned into a wolf in a dream, this sly man found a tail. This part of the body guarantees him extreme luck and longevity.

Nostradamus is pessimistic and even politicized in his predictions about dreamed wolves. On the one hand, he positively perceives these animals. Believing that they symbolize freedom and independence. He explains that to accustom a predator in a dream means soon to find out that a dangerous criminal, a maniac, has been taken into custody.

Beware of feeding the gray in his sleep. These are associations with a person who is extremely arrogant and arrogant. Which, due to a number of circumstances, should accept handouts from you, but will not fail to pounce on you and tear you to pieces, revenge, so for his humiliation.

The most curious prediction of those given by Nostradamus's dream book is a wolf in a red cap. Everything here is tied to big politics. The hint of the soothsayer is quite transparent, he does not recommend peering and passively pondering the meaning of such a colorful dream for years.

Why dream of a wolf in sheep's clothing? A textbook character is the treacherous behavior of a seemingly allied, friendly state. The fight between the wolf and the fox means that. That in reality, the two opposing sides fought undercover battle for a long time, but soon it will develop into a frank, open conflict.

What does Freud's dream book promise to someone who openly panicked in a dream when he met a wolf? Here it is necessary to turn to the area of \u200b\u200bintimate relationships, in which, as the doctor believes, there is an outright boredom, a dreary habit. Just do not rush to look for a new partner in search of new sensations. Judging by the picture of the dream, with your current heart friend you will again experience extraordinary, vivid feelings. Think about it, because a lot depends on you. Go for it and enjoy.

Fred warns that wounds received from a predator in a dream predict love tragedies - disappointment, betrayal. It's time to take a closer look at your partner and think if you're idealizing him too much?

But to notice the bloody marks inflicted by a predator on another person means to understand that there is someone nearby suffering from your indifference, inattention. This is the most devoted admirer, ready to wait for your location for years, tormented by jealousy and misunderstanding. Have pity on him, show a little understanding, participation.

About vices and virtues

Why do wolves dream in the forest? The dream should push you to the most close and frank analysis of your I. It is difficult to admit your shortcomings, vices, but without this you will not be able to move forward, develop, improve, and eventually reach the desired heights in your career, arrange your personal life. Such insight, without fanaticism, despair, is sometimes very useful. Don't be afraid to admit your sins.

At the same time, such a dream can warn of impending disaster. Realizing that danger looms over you, diligently drive these thoughts away. And in vain, because the wolf, as it were, suggests that you need to be more careful, more vigilant.

You already know that this predator is identified with the enemy with which to fight. This is a strong competitor in the field of business interests, or an unprincipled colleague, ready for any tricks, just to get a profitable job.

This means that it is very important to remember what the attacking wolves dream of. A whole flock of ruthless critters - your many powerful, insidious ill-wishers. The forces, admittedly, are unequal, but there is a chance to eliminate and destroy them, showing remarkable talent, ingenuity, courage.

If the sleeper surrenders, fleeing in panic from the wolf, then he admits his defeat. Unfortunately, this turn of events leads to a sad ending. You can find yourself cornered, later reproaching yourself for the shown cowardice and cowardice. As a result - losses, losses, humiliation and problems.

Another interpretation of this vision says that you are in an extremely precarious position: in search of a permanent job, or are forced to fussily carry out countless errands.

The conclusion is unambiguous - escape from predators in night dreams is your position in life. You habitually remove yourself from problems, clashes with opponents, naively believes that difficult issues can be resolved on their own, without effort on your part. No, this is fundamentally wrong, reckless, shortsighted.

It is great if in a dream you were not afraid and openly entered into a fight. Then in reality you will give a worthy rebuff, standing up for yourself.

There is an even more intriguing interpretation of the dream of fighting wolves. The phantasmagoria only shows that in reality you have almost passionate feelings for a person distinguished by cruelty and deceit. It looks like masochism. But you are waiting for parting with this person, and suffering. Dream interpretation, referring to the well-known proverb that everything that is done is for the best.

A fight in a dream with a whole pack of wolves leads to trouble. But a protracted fight with one animal is a visit from relatives who will stay in your house for a long time. Such a strange explanation of the dream, perhaps because sometimes it is the closest people who are worse than enemies. You can expect anything from them.

Victory over a predator in a dream symbolizes the complete defeat of enemies in the present. You have no barriers to your happiness, fame and wealth. Did you manage to kill the beast in a dream? Then you got ahead of yourself in reality and managed to recognize the hater in advance, frustrating his dark plans.

It is clear what the dead wolves are dreaming of, to the fact that there are no obstacles ahead, Fortune is clearly on your side. It turns out that the wolf is a symbol of such a bad quality as greed. He may appear in a vision, warning you against an unclean person working with you. Theft is likely, and business relations with an unusually stingy, perfidious partner. Beware of rash, impulsive decisions.

Did you dream that you were feeding the wolf? Then don't be surprised if you become a target for ridicule and teasing overnight.

The most non-trivial explanations of unusual dreams

No matter how surprised you find out why evil and good wolves dream! It turns out that kind and cute animals foreshadow you a fiasco in rivalry with more nimble, punchy competitors. You comfort yourself with vain hopes, thinking that everything is under control. And cunning citizens will not hesitate to take advantage of this, doing their dark deeds right under your nose. Evil predators are one hundred times the best sign that everything is in order.

Did you see a friend in wolf form? Evil tongues will do everything to break your companionship. When a predator bites, there is a reason to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people. Did he bite the child? To the news from a distant relative. Did the wolf sink its teeth into your hand? Toward a New Turn in Personal Life Freud is of the opinion that wolf wounds are not a good omen. The psychiatrist's explanations boil down to the fact that the dreamer allegedly does not believe in the existence of the spiritual world, hence the absence of divine providence.

Almost all seers are sure that the gray wolf will bring only misfortune, need and loneliness to the sleeping person. Not true! If the beast growls, then your friends will soon share some joy. The head of the wolf is seen by the one who is unscrupulous in choosing his comrades. A dog that resembles a predator can portend a serious illness.

One cannot but pay attention to the color of the dreamed animal. The red wolf is about adventure and innovation; gray - fears and doubts; white guarantees that you will withstand any trials with dignity, without sacrificing your moral principles and maintaining physical and psychological health.

Rejoice if, while sleeping, you saw a black wolf, this is a sure sign that you will receive unheard of wealth, moreover, without making any special efforts, without intriguing.

The wolf pack is an image of the family and its welfare. If the predators were seen by a girl in the power of Morpheus, and even on the eve of the wedding, then the marriage will be long, happy. Her chosen one will be faithful, devoted, reliable.

Summarizing all of the above about what wolves dream of, one can only give advice that will come in handy when interpreting dreams. After awakening, do not rush to be afraid or think about bad things. Emotions experienced in a sleeping state, what you paid attention to, can completely change the meaning of the dream.

After all, we know about the possibility of thoughts to materialize. The saddest of omens already warns of danger. If so, it is within your power to make an effort to avoid disaster. You have been warned and received the most powerful weapon. Believe in luck and goodness!

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and on the day of the week, one can assume whether the dream prophecy will come true.

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Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. Chances are high that this particular night will help to find a solution to a long-standing problem, ...

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A wolf that appears in a dream causes a storm of emotions in a person for a reason. The vision in which this beautiful, but such a terrible beast was, can carry different meanings. And the majority of people who saw in their dreams a forest predator carrying mortal danger consider such dreams to be a bad omen. But this is not always the case, because the wolf has long been revered as a strong, brave and incredibly wise hunter. Therefore, not all the visions in which the wolves were can be considered threatening prophecies.

At different times, the attitude of people towards wolves was ambiguous. Beauty, wisdom, strength and courage were noticed in this predator. But the forest robber was also able to instill fear and anxiety in hearts. As for the famous dream books, they also interpret the image of a wolf in different ways. Many interpreters see in such dreams a bad sign:

  • Miller is sure that a wolf in a dream warns of an ill-wisher in the dreamer's close circles. Perhaps this person is capable of stealing or simply spreads unnecessary rumors. However, the battle with the beast and the victory over it speaks of the exposure of the conspiracy.
  • The appearance of an insidious enemy behind the back is prophesied by Hasse's dream book when interpreting visions of a wolf. In this case, the enemy can turn out to be strong and influential, and it will not be easy to deal with him, because the gray predator personifies betrayal and deception. An animal that chases a person and overtakes him in a dream warns that there will be several enemies. If the wolf howls, then the dreamer should be prepared for an attack in real life. And the beast, tormenting its prey, speaks of the confusion of a person. He needs to pull himself together and make the right decision.

A wolf in a dream means an enemy in reality

  • Clairvoyant Wang is also convinced that a wolf in a dream is a warning about the appearance of an enemy. In addition, the forest hunter, wandering with the herd, portends a particularly cunning and cunning enemy. Most likely, for a long time no one will guess about his plans. But a man who hunted wolves in a vision will soon be able to reveal evil designs and save his reputation.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a person who dreamed of a wolf will soon see a strong and influential rival, endowed with power, next to him. It is better not to get in his way, as he can easily "break" anyone.
  • Antonio Meneghetti also considers the appearance of a gray beast in a dream as a bad sign. So, a grinning predator that growls portends difficult lawsuits related to crime. The dreamer will have to spend a lot of effort to defend his reputation. A person who saw an animal hunting a sheep or a goat in a dream may not expect help from relatives and friends in reality. Mortal danger threatens those who dreamed that the wolf overtakes and tears its prey.
  • According to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book, a gray robber who appeared in a dream foreshadows a serious conversation with the authorities. The nature of this conversation can be judged by how aggressively the animal behaved in its sleep.

There are dream books that claim that visions of wolves do not at all warn of the impending danger over a person. Some dream interpreters are convinced that dreams in which a forest predator appeared are born somewhere in the depths of the subconscious and show the dreamer's weaknesses:

  • Loff's dream book says that such wolf dreams report the inner loneliness of the dreamer, the lack of attention and understanding on the part of loved ones. The forest animal shows a subconscious distrust, and if the animal also tries to escape or hide, then these suspicions are not groundless. Most likely, there are people around a person who are trying to use him for their own benefit.
  • According to Medea's dream book, the wolf personifies greed and fear. Perhaps a person is tormented by one of these qualities, interfering with leading a normal life. Anyone who has seen such a dream should think about it.
  • Simon the Canaanite in his dream book tells about the wolf as a furious and furious beast. The Orthodox interpreter warns of possible outbursts of aggression in the dreamer. If he does not learn to control his emotions, he can greatly regret in the future.

Wolves in a dream personify such a human vice as greed

There are also such interpretations that explain the appearance of the gray owners of the forest in dreams as a good sign:

  • Freud sees in the wolf an irrepressible animal passion. Therefore, even if a predator bites in a dream, for a person this will mean the beginning of a new relationship and ardent love. But the one from whom the beast escaped in a dream may be disappointed in his soul mate.
  • The esoteric dream book also sees nothing wrong with visions with wolves. On the contrary, such dreams inform that a person has nothing to fear in the near future.
  • According to the Chinese dream book, a meeting with a ferocious forest hunter in a dream means a reception at a high-ranking person in real life.

Lone wolf or pack, the size of the animal in a dream

Most interpreters agree that the larger the wolf from night vision was, the more serious troubles will await a person in reality. But you should not make hasty conclusions, because such dreams also indicate that fate gives the opportunity to acquire a true faithful friend. It is worth taking a closer look at the immediate environment, because it is possible that this person is very close.

The larger the wolf in a dream, the more serious problems await a person.

A young wolf of small size, light color, portends a new romance for a woman, and speaks to a man about the loyalty of his chosen one. A little cub playing at the dreamer's feet means the appearance in his life of a person with whom he will have common interests and sympathy. Anyone who had to rescue a wolf cub from trouble in a dream, in reality, will have to help a relative who is facing difficulties. Feeding a young animal speaks of a new employee who needs to be taken under protection. But caring for a wolf offspring suggests that a person will have to sweat doing hard work. However, his work will be generously rewarded.

A dreamed adult large wolf can warn of the enemy. Moreover, the dreamer needs to pay attention to his behavior, because it is this that can cause the ill will of others.

Wolf loyalty is often compared to swan loyalty. Predators choose their mates for life and always remain loyal to each other. This is why women who have strong relationships often see these animals in their dreams.

A pack of wolves in a dream on the eve of the wedding means a strong family.

A man who dreamed of a flock will face troubles in the professional sphere in the future. Because of this, he will suffer financial losses. A woman who has such a dream should be wary: perhaps her rival will try to take her husband away from the family. A girl who has observed many wolves in her visions will meet on her way an evil and insidious person capable of betrayal. Only for newlyweds, dreams of a wolf pack can be a good sign. Future spouses are promised a strong family, whose members will be faithful to each other to the end.

The color of the wolf in a dream

Predators with white hair always appear in dreams that prophesy something pleasant. So, a light wolf, calmly watching a person in a dream, always portends good events. It can be good news, profit, or business success. For people whose activities are related to trade, such visions can promise a beneficial partnership or a successful contract. An unmarried girl who meets a white beast will soon meet love and marry.

White wolf - good dream

Before interpreting dreams about black wolves, you need to evaluate the whole picture. So, an animal with dark hair, standing far from the dreamer, predicts the avoidance of serious problems or their solution at the lowest cost. A person, to whom a black predator came too close in a dream, should prepare for the fact that an enemy appears among his loved ones, preparing for a strike. And he is currently biding his time. For entrepreneurs, such a vision means the danger of an upcoming deal: it is likely to be a losing one.

A black wolf in a dream portends failure

Gray wolves in night dreams speak of man's imaginary fears and anxieties. Perhaps some events will make him very worried, but in fact, all worries will be in vain. The lucky one is the one who dreamed about the amazing red wolf. Such a vision foreshadows an exciting and memorable adventure.

Good disposition or evil nature

A man will be trapped by failure in business if he saw an aggressive bristling wolf in a dream. A vision in which a grinning predator ended up in his house predicts quarrels and disagreements in the dreamer's family. An embittered beast warns a woman of an unhappy marriage and a cruel husband who may dare to raise his hand against his spouse.

Visions in which a ferocious wolf bites a person always leaves unpleasant impressions. Despite this, such dreams are not a prophecy of something terrible. The dreamer will face minor health problems. If the legs have suffered from the teeth of a predator, then you should beware of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pelvic organs and the gastrointestinal tract. In the case when the arms have become the target for the wolf's attack, you need to think about the health of the respiratory system and heart.

Aggressive wolf in a woman's dream means a harsh husband

Unusually, self-confident people often dream of outwardly formidable, but good-natured predators on the inside. This speaks of the dreamer's ability to cope with any difficulties, as well as his ability to easily make new acquaintances.

A kind and affectionate wolf, appearing in a dream, predicts the appearance of a reliable and influential person in the dreamer's life. For a man, such a friend will help to settle all matters and deal with the problems that have piled up. A woman who dreamed of a tame wild beast will soon find a caring and gentle husband.

A dream in which the wolf slept is considered bad. Such visions warn of trouble looming over the dreamer. The worst thing is that friends, with all their desire, will not be able to help him.

Sleeping wolf - to trouble

A person who has heard a wolf howl in a dream has a lot to go through. A hard time of troubles, tears and disappointments awaits him. Probably, the owner of the dream will have to work hard to regain his good name.

Confronting the wolf in a dream

The battle with a forest hunter is often interpreted by dream books as a person's ability to fight evil, most often hidden. A good sign will be a vision in which a person will prevail over the beast. In this case, sleep will mean solving problems soon. A person who dreams of killing a wolf needs to prepare for a difficult struggle for their reputation, financial well-being or health.

An animal wounded during a fight warns the owner of the dream that there is a person in his environment about whom the wrong opinion has been made. Perhaps some people will turn the dreamer against him. In this case, you need to carefully look at your society and try to give a correct assessment to each of its members. The same vision for a woman will mean the illness of one of the relatives.

A person who in a dream decided to fight back the wolves in reality will be able to overcome any difficulties

A dream in which a man tried to catch a wolf promises an early reconciliation with the sworn enemy. And to those who watched the beast in a trap, a secret will be revealed that can radically change life. An animal driven into a net or a hole encourages the dreamer to be more careful, since in the near future, ill-wishers will try to use it for their own purposes.

The person who shot and hit the gray robber can count on luck. Conversely, fortune will turn away if the bullet whizzed by. But the one who killed the beast with a shot, in real life, seeks to be independent and not depend on anyone. Killing a wolf with a knife says that the dreamer is not afraid to "get his hands dirty" in order to move forward. A man who strangles a formidable predator with his bare hands will have a long and difficult struggle. If at the same time the hero of the dream felt hatred for the animal, then in life he will have to face a lot of problems before the top is reached. Murder without much emotion, or out of fear of death, means minor troubles that cannot spoil the taste of victory.

Man is a friend to the wolf

A dreamer who dared to stroke a wild wolf in a dream will be able to prevail over all enemies in reality. And the one who makes friends with a gray predator in a dream will make peace with all enemies in real life.

Whoever managed to make friends with a wolf in a dream will be able to overcome all his enemies in reality

A dream in which a person fed the beast from the hand is also considered good. Such a vision means that all the machinations of ill-wishers and attempts to harm the dreamer will be in vain. A woman who has treated a wolf will in fact meet a man who becomes a caring and loving husband.

Anyone who, during night dreams, healed a wounded wolf, may meet a person surrounded by bad rumors. However, during communication with him, the dreamer will see that the opinion of those around him was wrong.

A dream in which a person felt great in a pack of wolves and was a full member of it promises the achievement of life goals. However, a person should learn to be open and sincere, otherwise failure cannot be avoided.

The dreamer, with whom the predatory beast shared its prey, will soon discover the secrets that contribute to his spiritual growth and development.

With whom the wolf shares prey in a dream, a secret will be revealed to him in life

Details of wolf dreams

Dogs running among wolves in a dream, in reality, mean thieves and robbers. A person after such a vision should be vigilant so as not to suffer from robbers. And if in front of the sleeping forest predator turns into a domestic dog, then the dreamer in reality can count on the help and support of loved ones.

Dogs surrounded by wolves foreshadow robbery

If in night dreams the fox tried to take food from the wolf, then in life a person needs to show natural ingenuity and resourcefulness in order to achieve certain goals. But the fight between the red-haired robber and the gray hunter in reality can turn out to be a serious conflict, from which it will not be possible to get out of it without losses. A person who watched a fox and a wolf in a dream and managed to hide from the eyes of this couple, in fact, can avoid big trouble.

The wit will have to be shown to those who saw how the fox takes food from the wolf

If in a dream such formidable animals as a bear and a wolf are walking around peacefully, a person should prepare for a difficult conversation with his superiors. However, there is nothing to worry about, because the negotiations will be successful. If both animals suddenly appeared before the dreamer, then in life he will have to face difficulties that will fall on his head like snow. The chase of a wolf and a bear for a person also warns of danger. In this case, the owner of the dream himself, who does not know how to restrain his emotions, can cause enmity that has flared up. The fight of these powerful animals for prey for young people means the appearance of a rival on the love front. For a married couple, such a vision can prophesy a divorce.

A werewolf in a dream personifies a hypocrite

According to the ancient belief in the guise of werewolves, the souls of suicides come to a person in dreams. If among the dreamer's loved ones someone recently took their own lives, then you should not be surprised at such visions. To lighten the heavy burden of the sinner, you can pray for the peace of his soul.

A person who has turned into a wolf himself may suffer in life from being accused of a crime he does not commit. The wolf's head, which appeared in a dream, warns of the need to be careful when meeting new people. There is a risk of being embroiled in an unpleasant story. Anyone who has managed to ride a fanged predator in night dreams will also be able to defeat rivals in reality.

The wolf is an unusual animal that has earned an ambiguous attitude towards itself. This beast is simultaneously the embodiment of freedom and ferocity, devotion and bloodthirstiness. With equal success, the wolf is called the gray robber and the orderly of the forest. If we talk about dream books, then well-known interpreters most often see these predators as warnings of trouble. However, having seen a wolf in a dream, you do not need to panic, because you can correctly interpret a dream by carefully studying all its details.

As the dream books admit, wolves symbolize cruelty and dexterity. Why is their power dreaming? Alas, she personifies the strength of the enemy rather than the greatness of the dreamer. However, their appearance in a dream is extremely useful - after all, the details of what is happening indicate future problems and their warning.

Miller: see and destroy intrigue

Miller's dream book regards the image of a wolf as a symbol of deceit and hostility. For businessmen, this is a sign that a "rat" has started up in the company, handing over secrets to competitors. A wolf howl means exposing a spy - it will be possible to understand who is leaking information and in what way.

If you saw a fight or a hunt, it is important how it all ended. Why dream, for example, to kill a beast? First, it will be possible to defend the company's reputation. Secondly, there will be one less competitor in the market. If a wolf has bitten a person in a dream, Miller warns of difficulties.

Eastern interpretations

In the eastern tradition, a huge wolf is associated with a cruel ruler. If he dreamed, then according to the Islamic dream book, the dreamer faces disfavor of the boss. There may be a conflict with the harsh law.

The second Muslim interpretation of a predator is the image of a robber, a thief. Even if you do not yet guess who exactly we are talking about, this rogue will knock on the door of your house in the coming days. To run away from a wolf in a dream is to do without damage in reality, and to suffer is to lose property or honor.

Why is the wolf dreaming - Vanga's predictions

The prophecies of Vanga's dream book are often political, but you can learn a lot about your personal fate. Why dream of seeing a wolf, what events?

  • A flock attacks - new friends are plotting reprisals.
  • A lonely leader is in wait - you will meet a cruel sly.
  • Two wolves - the enemy at a crossroads, in indecision.
  • She-wolf with a wolf cub - contact a bad company.
  • A wild flock tears up a victim - a raider takeover of the company.
  • Hunting for a flock is a resonant corruption process.

Wolf hunt in a dream: weigh your strength

Knowing what the pursuit of prey is about in a dream, you can determine whether you should rely on your own strength or you need to enlist the support of a friend.

Interpretations of dream books about the pursuit of prey depend on the outcome - if the wolf caught up with the victim in a dream, then you can cope with the intended task alone. If, for example, a goat, which lagged behind the herd, managed to dodge the chase, then this means that it is necessary to assemble a team of assistants.

Many wolves chase and surround the animals that have strayed from the herd, and then bully and strangle them? The significance of these events is a brilliant solution to a complex problem together with like-minded people.

I dreamed of meeting face to face

For a person, to see a wolf running towards him in a dream means the appearance of a tight-fisted client who will try to drop the price. If the wool was white, the buyer would be fooled. If the animal was weak, old, then the bargaining will end with a benefit.

Why dream of being surrounded? Receive threats to you. And if you flee, then, according to the interpretation of the dream books, you will find yourself face to face with a dangerous enemy.

Killing a beast in a dream saves you from dangers in reality. According to various versions, dream books predict the exposure of villains or just a good combination of circumstances in which your roads will not cross.

We saw a werewolf - it means you have a fight

In a dream, becoming a wolf is not as scary as it is mysterious. In fact, this transformation predicts a situation that will infuriate you - and this is where the warning from the Enigma dream book comes in handy. By holding back your anger, you will benefit as a result.

When another person turns into a werewolf in a dream, you need to be ready to fight back - in a real situation you will see him angry. If this is one of your acquaintances, then a conflict will happen with him.

You cannot count on the sincerity of this character; most likely, he has a stone hidden in his bosom. But if she had a chance to talk to him, she would blur out everything that she was hiding. A talking werewolf in a dream, as the dream books hint, is real good luck for a person with an unfriendly environment.

Dream interpretation about hunting and round-up

To hunt a wolf yourself means to quarrel with someone, to watch from the side - to witness a quarrel between friends. If you managed to catch it in a dream, it will come to a fight. They tried to strangle them with their own hands - dream books portend a conflict with colleagues or neighbors.

Why dream of shooting a wolf: this is a sign of decisive intentions to defeat competitors. A wounded animal in a dream does not pose a danger, just as a weakened enemy cannot cause trouble. But if a predator growls, then a criminal showdown cannot be avoided.

From bites to hand feeding

If you dreamed of saving, catching and taming a wolf, then in reality there will be a chance to seize the initiative. Home represents the seat of personality. To bring a wolf into the house is the same as to plant anger and deceit in your soul. What do dream books say about the twists and turns of a dangerous friendship?

  1. A tame hardened beast is a symbol of a tamed enemy.
  2. Hug - restrict a competitor's options.
  3. Play - force the enemy to act by their own rules.
  4. Hiding as a joke from a wolf means unwillingness to see danger.
  5. To fight off caresses is to keep your partner at a distance.
  6. Sincerely to be friends is to risk your position.
  7. Get Bites - A former adversary prepares to strike.
  8. To feed - empty hopes for the loyalty of a new ally.
  9. Patting on the head is the protection of a former enemy.

What images mean sexuality

Erotic fantasies in a dream manifest themselves much more freely than in reality, but are reflected through allegorical images. The big wolf is a complex symbol that combines heightened sensuality and deep complexes. To chase him away is to let prejudice take over.

Why dream that the wolf is sitting on a chain or in a cage? Freud's dream book sees this as suppression of desires. To see violence, an attempt to beat an animal, must be interpreted as an internal struggle with inclinations to sadism and masochism.

The little puppy, the wolf cub, reflects an attempt to transfer the unspent sexuality to the child. If a baby dreamed of a lonely woman, she wants to get pregnant. The thirst for motherhood is especially evident when it is necessary to protect or save the puppy.

Related dreams ๐Ÿ‘‡

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Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? ๐Ÿ”ฎ Who dreamed just today. It was on this night ๏ธ ๐ŸŒƒ.

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Questions to the author


    7-Feb-2020 Christina:

    I dreamed as if a wolf would not let me in, on purpose, as if he was guarding me so that I would not go further, I was able to overcome him and walked through, and saw there a killed person, a very old friend of mine.

    Hello. In a dream, a pack of wolves runs at me, among them a tiger. I can feel animal fur on my feet. One wolf bites hands, no blood. I drive away from them in the director's car and I am always afraid that something will happen to the car. Son is driving, it is raining. We got very wet.

    • You will feel sorry for your opponent and feel empathy for him. Your mutual confrontation may well end in friendship! If you yourself want it. ๐Ÿ™‚ The choice is yours!

      A pack of wolves are running towards the house where I am. One of them breaks the glass and jumps into the house. I run into him and kill him.

      • Don't be afraid to go against everyone alone when it comes to honor. One has only to show your determination and firmness once - and no one will touch you again and will not look crookedly in your direction. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        Good day. I dreamed that I was in a hut deep in the forest. Somehow the whole flock got inside the dwelling, and I fought them off with logs to light the stove. All were scared and ran away, except one. He tried to open his mouth, but I closed it with my palm. The wolf calmed down. What do you think, why such a dream?

        • The most vile and worst enemy will unexpectedly arouse your sympathy and interest. You can even become allies in some business. But still remember that this is a dangerous person, you should not particularly trust him.

          20-Sep-2019 Ksenia:

          I dreamed that 3 wolves attacked me ... I was alone and there was no one to help me ... I was very scared, but the self-preservation instinct worked ... I killed them myself with my hands and teeth ... I saw snow and the blood of wolves ...

          11-Sep-2019 Yulia Vladimirovna:

          I dreamed that at the moment when they wanted to beat me, a pack of wolves appeared, which chased my offenders, I hid from fear that they would run after me, but one of the wolves just sniffed me and ran to attack the people who were trying to beat me. What does this dream mean?

          7-Sep-2019 Alena:

          Good day! I dreamed of a light gray wolf with darkish hair on the tail and back, huge and with green eyes. I tried to kill him with a gun, but hitting him several times (in the body, head and chest), he did not die, but he did not get angry, but only looked sadly into my eyes. Why is this dreaming, because I did not defeat him and even felt guilty for trying to kill him?

          5-Sep-2019 Barno:

          Hello. In a dream I met a beautiful young wolf. The coat had a reddish tint, the tips of the coat shone unusually beautifully. Frightened, but did not run. The wolf jumped up and, like a dog, tried to flirt with me. In general, his behavior was very cheerful. Thank you.

          I dreamed that the wolves were next to me, but they were kind and I was not afraid of them, but on the contrary I felt kindness and stroked them.

          The wolf - polished, healthy and beautiful, with unusual curly hair at the ends, red hair - passes by, but nearby. There is a spruce branch in his teeth, and a crow sits on his head.

          21-Feb-2019 Elena:

          In a dream, I see a black wolf howling and asking for help to his female and puppy, and I help the puppy to get free. Wolves don't attack, they are waiting for help.

          I see myself in the village with my grandmother: I am standing in the backyard (where the chicken coop, shed, etc.), and suddenly, in appearance, either a reddish-gray wolf, or a dog appears in front of me, but it feels like a wolf. I was frightened and froze so that he would not attack me. And the wolf just stood and looked at me. Then another one came running to him, and the two of them were already standing and looking at me. I understand that this is a pack, and there will be even more wolves soon, and I urgently need to do something. And then next to me I find an old rusty metal door, like from a closet, it is light, but wide and long, I grab it and start waving it, as if driving a wolf away from me, but he does not growl in response, but wrinkles his nose, and his eyes were kind of white. Probably, I managed to fight back, because I already found myself in the barn and managed to lock the door behind me. I am scared, I am afraid that the wolves will climb to me, I hear them scratching the wooden door with their claws to get to me, and it seems to me that the door will not last long.

          24-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

          I dreamed of wolves in the forest, I ran home, a wolf puppy ran after me. I caught him and beat him with a stick and threw him out into the street.

          19-Feb-2017 Jan:

          I dreamed that my brother and I were trying for a very long time to fight off a pack of wolves. We fight with them, they bite us, but no wounds are visible. We fall in the snow, wallowing, trying to defend ourselves. Why did this dream? Considering that we don't communicate closely with my brother.

          11-Feb-2017 Madina:

          I dreamed about how my friend and I ran away from a pack of wolves, then crossed a small water, two men on horses saved us, but somehow then I was left alone and sit on a high tree, and the wolves jump at me, that's all.

          I dreamed of a wolf and a bear, they attacked me and bit my hands, but through the blanket, there was no wound. I fought with them, screamed in my sleep and woke up from my scream.

          I just can't get away from sleep. I and my children, they are small, 3 and 1.5 years old, we ride some kind of slides in trailers. And then the trailers go off the rails and begin to go down the hill into the forest. There are not many people, but who were sitting in the trailers or fell out, or the trailers unhooked. We are in the first one, pressed against each other and then I understand that we stopped at the site in front of the cliff. We went out, the children are screaming and crying. There is no one nearby, no roads. A lot of snow. I put the children on my back and start walking through the snow looking for a way. Found the way, easier to go. I take off the younger one, I want to take off the older one, and then a pack of wolves comes running, about 4-5, grab the younger by the leg and run with her into the forest. I understand that they will bite her, but if I leave the older one, then they will bite her too. I put the older one on a tree, I say climb, otherwise they will eat it, and run after the younger, I hear her crying. I'm afraid I won't be in time. I am waking up.

          Help solve the dream please !! 08/09/2016 fell asleep at 22:30. I have a dream that we are at home, a tail and a hen are sitting on eggs. And then the chicks hatch. I carry a few eggs from the house, with almost hatched chicks. And then I came the next time, but there was no tail and no chicken. Instead of a chicken, a tail sits, and the nests are empty, just a couple of eggs, and this tail bit my leg. I start screaming "mom, they stole them", mom just comes up and says "we will look." And we went outside the street. We are sitting here, there is a man with a little girl (daughter), and I start to play with her. And the man says that he is a Russian intelligence officer, they say, where he wants, he lives there. Then I look towards the street and see his training. Then he took his daughter and walked away from us. Then we stayed behind the street to wait for the one who stole my mother and I. Mom fell asleep. It's almost evening. I look away and see a big black wolf behind the bush. I start waking my mother. I look at the wolf, he looks at me, and wags his tail. Mom says โ€œdo not be afraid, he will not come, but the wolf starts walking towards us. I was scared. Near the last house from the street. In this house, the gate is closed. I don't know how to climb, I pick up my mother and forcefully throw her into the yard through the gate. Then she climbed over. Walking along the path in the yard, I look at the second side of the fence, but it is not even, there is no fence, I tell my mother that he can easily cross. And we go towards the door to the house. I ring the bell, and then I look, and the wolf is nearby, on his head or on his face he had a white rag with a bandage, I start to run with my mother, but I don't know where to hide. We hide in the barn. But there the doors are some kind of rubber, not strong, we prop them up with pitchforks, and the second doors are strong, they are closed by my mother. Then this wolf came to the door, and I woke up. I woke up at 23:57. 09.08.2016.

          Hello, please tell me. I had a dream where I, in the guise of a huge black wolf, run through the forest, run and enjoy freedom, and jump over everyone and bump into my friend who is under the ice and try to pull him out, jump on the ice and take out my friend, hug him to me to keep warm.

          Hello, today I had a dream, it was very dark, but after a while a big huge wolf comes, and he himself, as it were, glows with a blue tint, white and glows with a shade of blue, he just looked or attacked, I got scared and left, then came back, and he looked at me, he was delightful and very, very handsome, I have not seen such people anywhere even in anime.

          I had a very strange dream! I dreamed of a forest! The hut that stood in this forest! For some reason I ended up in it! It was all very strange! I heard rustles, went outside and saw a white wolf, he was lying and just looking at me! His look gave me goosebumps! I grabbed the first stick I came across and started waving in front of him with the words go away, and he just got up and went! I went back and again heard steps! I got scared and looked out the window near the trees there was no longer a white, but a red wolf! I wanted to drive him out too, but he didn't leave! I chased him, he ran, I ran after him and soon woke up! Why did I have this strange dream?

          Hello. I supposedly saw in the jungle and looked ahead, and there it was as if the world was changing and everything was gloomy there. But there are also palms, but black, and from there a wolf-shaped dog looks at me or something. And I climbed onto a palm tree and swayed, trying to kill. And then he caught on my sock, in my opinion, like a cat. I barely tore it off, and it fell. I was very afraid, swinging, I somehow ended up in the room where my parents were and from there I looked at the wolf. And the wolf could not cross the threshold. And then I woke up.

          I dreamed of a flock of scary wolves, not similar to ordinary wolves, I was riding a hill with my friends and suddenly these terrible wolves, such tall ones, began to attack us, it was as if there was a big refrigerator next to it, like there is a store in a store with transparent doors climbed up with a friend, and these wolves are running past us, they bitten a dog, then they took out a chicken from somewhere and ate it. My friend and I were saved ๐Ÿ™‚ What does that mean? This dream was dreamed from Thursday to Friday ๐Ÿ™ Who knows what this means, please write ๐Ÿ™‚ Natalya.

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