The meaning and history of the name Taras. Name meaning - Taras Name Taras meaning

Laminate 21.01.2021
Birthday of Taras Birthday of Taras on March 10, 22; 26 of May; June 20; August 15; the 25th of October. Saints: Tarasiy Glushitsky, saint, abbot; Tarasius of Lycaon; Tarasius, martyr; Tarasius, Patriarch, Constantinople. The meaning of the name Taras Taras means "rebel, rebel" (this is a translation of the name Taras from the ancient Greek language). The origin of the name Taras Analysis of the mystery of the name Taras makes sense to start with its origin. The history of the name Taras has Greek roots. It came from the ancient Greek name ???????? (Tarasios), which translates as "rebel, rebel". There is another less common version of the origin of the name Taras - the name comes from the name of the city of Taras in Magna Graecia (now the Italian city of Taranto). The city got its name in honor of Taras, the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Satyrion. What does the name Taras mean according to B. Khigir In accordance with the interpretation of the name Taras by B. Khigir, the bearer of this name has a strong will, non-standard, somewhat paradoxical thinking, does not lend itself to someone else's influence. Stubborn, resistant to failures, accepts them as exactly as victories, but does not know how to calculate the situation many moves ahead. Taras solves tangled matters in one fell swoop, cuts the truth in the eyes and it is not very pleasant to those around him, but everyone knows that he does not hold a stone in his bosom. Taras is often very talented, but not always able to realize his potential. To achieve this goal is a direct and far from the easiest way. He is sociable, does not fit into the framework of the usual stereotypes, so many are disappointed in him. He must be accepted as he is, and then you will not regret your patience. He is often pursued by someone else's envy, but his enemies are clearly afraid of Taras. He has few close friends. Taras is laconic, but he will always find an approach to the right person. Not ambitious, reluctant to take on a new business. He willingly shares his ideas with others, although he himself is often deprived of the opportunity to realize them. Loves women and is loved by them. In the family, the leader, the wife will have to adapt to him. Homebody. He loves children, but his love is not expressed at all in indulging their whims, with children Taras is rather severe. Sex is considered as a means of satisfying love passion, considers it beneficial for health and mental balance, and painfully perceives the slightest setbacks. Taras' wife needs to show maximum patience, tact and delicacy. Characteristics of the name Taras by N. Zagovorova According to the description of the name Taras by N. Zagovorova, the man bearing this name is stubborn, even stubborn: once deciding to achieve success in any business, he immediately starts work and it is almost impossible to stop him. However, he can spend much more time on achieving the goal than common sense requires: after all, Taras always acts too straightforwardly, without resorting to any kind of diplomacy, and in the modern world one often has to look for a reasonable compromise in everything. Taras' defiant straightforwardness can give him problems in communicating with women, can create a difficult environment at work and with his family. The nature of the name Taras is such that the bearer of this name is quite proud, he perceives criticism painfully; if not for the natural humor, touchiness and explosiveness of Taras would have reached unprecedented heights, and it would have been too difficult to communicate with him. Derivatives of the name Taras Variants of the name Taras:Tarasiy. Diminutive of the name Taras:Taraska, Tarasik, Asya. The name Taras in different languages
  • Name Taras in English: Taras.
  • Name Taras in Ukrainian: Taras, Tarasi.
  • Name Taras in Belarusian: Taras, Tarasiy.
  • The name Taras in Czech: Taras (Taras).
  • Name Taras in Bulgarian: Taras, Tarasiy.
Famous Taras:
  • Taras Bidenko is a Ukrainian professional boxer in the heavyweight category.
  • Taras Dmitrievich Borovets is a Ukrainian nationalist, the leader of the so-called Bulbovites.
  • Taras Ivanovich Franko is a Ukrainian Soviet writer.
  • Taras Vyacheslavovich Chornovil is a Ukrainian politician.
  • Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko is a Ukrainian and Russian poet and prose writer, artist. Shevchenko's literary heritage is considered the basis of Ukrainian literature and, in many respects, of the modern literary Ukrainian language.
  • Taras Anatolyevich Shelest is a Russian footballer, midfielder.
  • Taras Fedorovich - hetman of the Zaporozhye unregistered Cossacks, an active participant in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the rule of Poland.
  • Taras Yuryevich Khtey is a Russian volleyball player, an out-player, captain of the Lokomotiv-Belogorye team, a player of the Russian national team.
  • Taras Nikolaevich Stepanenko is a Ukrainian footballer, midfielder of the Shakhtar club (Donetsk).
  • Taras Vladimirovich Mikhalik is a Ukrainian footballer, central defender of Dynamo Kiev and the Ukrainian national team.
  • Taras Bogdanovich Prokhasko is a modern Ukrainian prose writer, one of the leaders of the Stanislav phenomenon.

According to Mendelev

Courageous, big and powerful name.

According to the signs of his name, Taras is a simple, strong and somewhat rude person. Life for him is both easier and more difficult than for many others. It is easier, because the enemies are subconsciously afraid of him and do not risk openly interfering. It is more difficult, because he is often pursued by someone else's envy, even in his youth, when, it would seem, there is nothing especially to envy.

Taras has a strong will and non-standard, sometimes paradoxical thinking. It is difficult to knock him out of his position, and it is simply impossible to instill in other people's views, although he is by nature open to all external influences - what is called an extrovert. He is inclined to openly express his opinion about them to people, which is not always pleasant. But everyone knows that he does not hold a stone in his bosom.

He does not know how to calculate the situation for many moves ahead, and does not strive for this, and he often cuts all sorts of tangled knots with one blow. To troubles, stands, takes them for granted, along with good luck. At first, he converges with people easily. Having got to know him better, some are disappointed, since Taras is difficult to classify and define with the help of stereotypes and labels, then they accept him as he is, and maintain the warmth of the relationship for a long time.

Taras is a lover and favorite of women, but he is unlikely to dare to drastically change his fate, habits and behavior because of anyone else. In family life, Taras's wife will have to adapt herself to him rather than try (uselessly!) To change her husband's nature.

He loves children, although outwardly it is not very noticeable.

He treats all loud political campaigns and slogans ironically and does not attach serious importance to them.

The name is widespread in Ukraine, but not forgotten and quite popular in Russia.

The colors of Taras are intense red, crimson.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

She is a sensitive and restless nature, prone to sexual attraction and love affairs. He knows the value of his charm and how to win a woman with it. And Taras is not one of those men who follow the one who calls. He must conquer a woman, moreover, worthy of himself and quite independent. Taras feels the need for strong experiences and intense pleasures, he is constantly in a state of excitement.

For him, sex life is not at all necessary what should crown love. He sees sex as a means of satisfying love passion, which is healthy and brings peace of mind. In intimate relationships, he loves to dominate, to lead a partner, in the caresses of a woman he appreciates the element of her "bestowal", weakness, guessing his desires. She loves her partner to admire him, his skill, and talk about it aloud. It happens that with his caresses Taras to some extent compensates for the fading sexual potential.

Taras' sexual need is largely determined by the partner's attitude to sex, her trust in him, and the higher the partner's professionalism, the stronger the feeling of happiness and satisfaction in him. "Winter" Taras has great sexual excitability,

his sexual biography is quite rich, this man is able to find an approach to almost any woman. He treats intimacy more simply than others, often resorting to it when you simply need to relieve sexual tension, "ease the soul." "Autumn" Taras is extremely painful for the slightest setbacks, his woman needs maximum patience, tact and delicacy.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek, means: restless, rebel, troublemaker.

Taras is mobile and stubborn in childhood. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on instructions and explanations - he will silently listen, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards the goal.

There are many smart and talented people among the Taras, but they do not always have enough activity to realize their abilities. Frightened by potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take on new business. Taras has a lot of ideas that he shares with others, since he himself cannot bring them to life. He has insufficiently developed ambition, and this also hinders practical success.

Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events of the world around him, but if he really needs a person, he will find an opportunity to get to know him closely, but he does it as if reluctantly. Taras is laconic; he likes to spend his free time watching TV, reading books.

Taras needs a wife who could compensate for his natural lack of initiative and hard work. He, one might say, will flourish as a family man if his wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes on most of the household chores. In this case, Taras will be completely engaged in making money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to controlling his wife's expenses. At the same time, he can show pettiness and stinginess. He often marries divorced women; children from his first marriage do not stop him. Drinks a little.

Unfavorable, marriage with Daria, Elena, Zinaida, Claudia, Nelly, Julia, Martha may turn out to be.

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Confusing", "Harassing the enemy" (Greek)

Name energy and character: Straightforwardness and stubbornness, bordering on stubbornness, are perhaps the most important features determined by the sound energy of the name. It is easy to see that the name Taras sounds rather harsh, one might even say defiant. It calls its owner to take decisive action, to achieve the intended goals, but at the same time it also presupposes increased sensitivity and vulnerability. The thing is that the rigid energy of the name is completely devoid of any plasticity, which usually makes Taras react rather painfully to external influences.

In addition to everything, the situation is complicated by Taras' significant pride, which is largely due to the rarity and common people of the name. It’s also good if, with upbringing, he develops a sense of humor, otherwise Taras risks growing up to be an overly touchy and explosive person, which will greatly complicate his life and complicate relationships with others. If he manages to avoid sharp corners and smooth out his pride with the help of good self-irony, then here the rarity and visibility of the name can play a rather positive role and distinguish Taras from the general environment. However, if it does not work out with the development of a sense of humor, then the situation can be corrected by simply learning to be a little softer towards people and a little easier - towards yourself.

The importance of all of the above can be understood from the fact that many carriers of this name, due to their painful sensitivity and inability to adapt to difficult situations, lose confidence in themselves and gradually turn into very indecisive people. Or, on the contrary, having achieved certain successes, they begin to value themselves so much that sometimes they do not think to walk over other people's heads. Both can hardly be called favorable for life, because even if Taras succeeds in his career, difficulties in relationships with others and loved ones will not allow him to be truly happy.

But, changing his attitude to life to an easier one and smoothing out his painful pride, Taras can finally find peace of mind and will be able to reveal really positive aspects of his character, such as perseverance, hard work and energy.

Secrets of communication: It happens that it is difficult for Taras to decide on something, but if he does make any decision, then, as they say, it is easier to kill him than to force him to turn off the road. If you suddenly have a heated dispute with Taras, be prepared for the fact that in this dispute no truth, except stubbornness, will be born. In general, in people, Taras most of all values \u200b\u200bloyalty, constancy and honesty.

Name trace in history:

Taras Shevchenko

Few people know that the famous Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) was born a serf, and only at the age of twenty-four he was redeemed from captivity. In general, the fate of this interesting, talented person can hardly be called simple. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he became a member of one of the secret societies, for which he was subsequently sent to the soldier.

The artist and poet spent ten years in the service, without ceasing to write. His magnificent works - poems, ballads, poems - are simple and at the same time deeply psychological. Singing lines easily fit the music, which is why many of Taras Shevchenko's poems have become folk songs, for example, "Testament", "My thoughts, my thoughts", "The wide Dnieper roars and groans" and many others. The favorite themes of the writer are love for the native land, heroism, courage, ideas of the national liberation struggle, national motives. Poems (the collection of poems "The Kobzar", the poems "Tarasov Night", "Gaidamaki", "Katerina", etc.), autobiographical stories and, finally, paintings make up the vast creative heritage of Taras Shevchenko.

What does the name Taras mean:
There are two whole reasonable interpretations of such a name as Taras. The first interpretation is associated with such clear definitions as a rebel, or a rebel, perhaps a troublemaker. And the second, is a kind of derivative from words such as calf, ox, or bull.

The origin of the name Taras:
Here again, there are exactly two different versions. The first claims that this name came from such an ancient Greek name as Tarasios, which literally means - restless, or confusing. And the second version indicates that this name has exactly Latin roots and, first of all, correlates the name Taras with such a word as "taurus" - or bull.

The character conveyed by the name Taras:
The character of little Taras fully justifies both his first and second interpretation and meaning. Taras is incredibly stubborn, independent and extremely freedom-loving. He will never obey someone else's will, and until the very end he will always stand only on his own. Taras will never be silent if it suddenly seems to him that something is not entirely fair to him - he will definitely express absolutely everything in person. Taras is always a smart person and, in many ways, talented. In addition, he is an indisputable generator of new ideas, which must be said to be actively shared with everyone around him, but unfortunately, he himself never has enough sense of purpose, organization or ambition to be able to translate all these ideas into reality and reality. Taras, as a rule, has very few close friends, since he is extremely laconic and most of all loves loneliness. He often prefers an evening at home, perhaps with a book or just watching the TV, than some noisy company.

Taras is often prone to meditation and various dreams. His rich inner world seems to him much more interesting or significant than the daily bustle and boredom of this outer world. And those few devoted friends who still remain with him, as a rule, appreciate him just for such an incredible depth of his nature.

In addition, Taras, as a rule, even has several marriages, however, if his wife is still economic, completely non-conflict and as hardworking as possible, he will be able to happily live with her alone for many years. He often takes absolutely all the worries about the material and financial support of the family only on himself and is unusually tight in control of expenses. And in general, in everyday life he is very economical, and sometimes even stingy. He always treats small children well, as to his own, so it should be noted also to strangers, and he also often marries a divorced woman with a child.

According to Mendelev

Courageous, big and powerful name.

According to the signs of his name, Taras is a simple, strong and somewhat rude person. Life for him is both easier and more difficult than for many others. It is easier, because the enemies are subconsciously afraid of him and do not risk openly interfering. It is more difficult, because he is often pursued by someone else's envy, even in his youth, when, it would seem, there is nothing especially to envy.

Taras has a strong will and non-standard, sometimes paradoxical thinking. It is difficult to knock him out of his position, and it is simply impossible to instill in other people's views, although he is by nature open to all external influences - what is called an extrovert. He is inclined to openly express his opinion about them to people, which is not always pleasant. But everyone knows that he does not hold a stone in his bosom.

He does not know how to calculate the situation for many moves ahead, and does not strive for this, and he often cuts all sorts of tangled knots with one blow. To troubles, stands, takes them for granted, along with good luck. At first, he converges with people easily. Having got to know him better, some are disappointed, since Taras is difficult to classify and define with the help of stereotypes and labels, then they accept him as he is, and maintain the warmth of the relationship for a long time.

Taras is a lover and favorite of women, but he is unlikely to dare to drastically change his fate, habits and behavior because of anyone else. In family life, Taras's wife will have to adapt herself to him rather than try (uselessly!) To change her husband's nature.

He loves children, although outwardly it is not very noticeable.

He treats all loud political campaigns and slogans ironically and does not attach serious importance to them.

The name is widespread in Ukraine, but not forgotten and quite popular in Russia.

The colors of Taras are intense red, crimson.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

She is a sensitive and restless nature, prone to sexual attraction and love affairs. He knows the value of his charm and how to win a woman with it. And Taras is not one of those men who follow the one who calls. He must conquer a woman, moreover, worthy of himself and quite independent. Taras feels the need for strong experiences and intense pleasures, he is constantly in a state of excitement.

For him, sex life is not at all necessary what should crown love. He sees sex as a means of satisfying love passion, which is healthy and brings peace of mind. In intimate relationships, he loves to dominate, to lead a partner, in the caresses of a woman he appreciates the element of her "bestowal", weakness, guessing his desires. She loves her partner to admire him, his skill, and talk about it aloud. It happens that with his caresses Taras to some extent compensates for the fading sexual potential.

Taras' sexual need is largely determined by the partner's attitude to sex, her trust in him, and the higher the partner's professionalism, the stronger the feeling of happiness and satisfaction in him. "Winter" Taras has great sexual excitability,

his sexual biography is quite rich, this man is able to find an approach to almost any woman. He treats intimacy more simply than others, often resorting to it when you simply need to relieve sexual tension, "ease the soul." "Autumn" Taras is extremely painful for the slightest setbacks, his woman needs maximum patience, tact and delicacy.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek, means: restless, rebel, troublemaker.

Taras is mobile and stubborn in childhood. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on instructions and explanations - he will silently listen, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards the goal.

There are many smart and talented people among the Taras, but they do not always have enough activity to realize their abilities. Frightened by potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take on new business. Taras has a lot of ideas that he shares with others, since he himself cannot bring them to life. He has insufficiently developed ambition, and this also hinders practical success.

Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events of the world around him, but if he really needs a person, he will find an opportunity to get to know him closely, but he does it as if reluctantly. Taras is laconic; he likes to spend his free time watching TV, reading books.

Taras needs a wife who could compensate for his natural lack of initiative and hard work. He, one might say, will flourish as a family man if his wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes on most of the household chores. In this case, Taras will be completely engaged in making money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to controlling his wife's expenses. At the same time, he can show pettiness and stinginess. He often marries divorced women; children from his first marriage do not stop him. Drinks a little.

Unfavorable, marriage with Daria, Elena, Zinaida, Claudia, Nelly, Julia, Martha may turn out to be.

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Confusing", "Harassing the enemy" (Greek)

Name energy and character: Straightforwardness and stubbornness, bordering on stubbornness, are perhaps the most important features determined by the sound energy of the name. It is easy to see that the name Taras sounds rather harsh, one might even say defiant. It calls its owner to take decisive action, to achieve the intended goals, but at the same time it also presupposes increased sensitivity and vulnerability. The thing is that the rigid energy of the name is completely devoid of any plasticity, which usually makes Taras react rather painfully to external influences.

In addition to everything, the situation is complicated by Taras' significant pride, which is largely due to the rarity and common people of the name. It’s also good if, with upbringing, he develops a sense of humor, otherwise Taras risks growing up to be an overly touchy and explosive person, which will greatly complicate his life and complicate relationships with others. If he manages to avoid sharp corners and smooth out his pride with the help of good self-irony, then here the rarity and visibility of the name can play a rather positive role and distinguish Taras from the general environment. However, if it does not work out with the development of a sense of humor, then the situation can be corrected by simply learning to be a little softer towards people and a little easier - towards yourself.

The importance of all of the above can be understood from the fact that many carriers of this name, due to their painful sensitivity and inability to adapt to difficult situations, lose confidence in themselves and gradually turn into very indecisive people. Or, on the contrary, having achieved certain successes, they begin to value themselves so much that sometimes they do not think to walk over other people's heads. Both can hardly be called favorable for life, because even if Taras succeeds in his career, difficulties in relationships with others and loved ones will not allow him to be truly happy.

But, changing his attitude to life to an easier one and smoothing out his painful pride, Taras can finally find peace of mind and will be able to reveal really positive aspects of his character, such as perseverance, hard work and energy.

Secrets of communication: It happens that it is difficult for Taras to decide on something, but if he does make any decision, then, as they say, it is easier to kill him than to force him to turn off the road. If you suddenly have a heated dispute with Taras, be prepared for the fact that in this dispute no truth, except stubbornness, will be born. In general, in people, Taras most of all values \u200b\u200bloyalty, constancy and honesty.

Name trace in history:

Taras Shevchenko

Few people know that the famous Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) was born a serf, and only at the age of twenty-four he was redeemed from captivity. In general, the fate of this interesting, talented person can hardly be called simple. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he became a member of one of the secret societies, for which he was subsequently sent to the soldier.

The artist and poet spent ten years in the service, without ceasing to write. His magnificent works - poems, ballads, poems - are simple and at the same time deeply psychological. Singing lines easily fit the music, which is why many of Taras Shevchenko's poems have become folk songs, for example, "Testament", "My thoughts, my thoughts", "The wide Dnieper roars and groans" and many others. The favorite themes of the writer are love for the native land, heroism, courage, ideas of the national liberation struggle, national motives. Poems (the collection of poems "The Kobzar", the poems "Tarasov Night", "Gaidamaki", "Katerina", etc.), autobiographical stories and, finally, paintings make up the vast creative heritage of Taras Shevchenko.

The fashion for names has existed at all times, therefore, at certain times, newborns were named exactly as it was then accepted. In the days of paganism in Russia, babies were called by ancient names that came along with the first gods. Christianity has given the tradition of focusing on Christmas time, and modern parents often look for something unusual for their newborns that will definitely distinguish their child from the crowd. This fashion brings back to life long-forgotten names that were common in the thirties and forties of the last century.

According to the registry office employees, in recent years, boys have become much more often called Taras. The meaning of the name, character and fate of a child named in this way, we will discuss in our today's article. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that by naming our long-awaited child, we practically predetermine his future, therefore it is so important to treat this process with all seriousness and responsibility.

The meaning of the name Taras for a boy

Despite the fact that this name was widespread in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it came to our language from distant Greece. This is what experts studying its morphology think. The meaning of the name Taras is very characteristic, it symbolizes strength, stubbornness and resistance.

Literally translated from Greek, it means "troublemaker", "rebel" or "rebel". But in addition to the widely known and widespread meaning of the name Taras, there is another one that is rarely voiced on the Internet or in books. Some believe that it translates as "bull" and "ox", while referring to Latin.

Of course, both versions have the right to exist, so parents can choose for themselves the one that is closer and more understandable to them.

The name Taras: origin and meaning

According to the legends of Ancient Greece, the god Poseidon had many children. Most of them were born from sea nymphs, who were distinguished by their beauty and willfulness. The nymph Satyrion gave the powerful god a son of Tarentum. The Greeks even named cities and rivers in his honor. Over time, the name transformed into Taras and left the borders of Ancient Greece, becoming very common in other countries.

According to another version, already voiced by us, the meaning of the name Taras is closely related to Latin, therefore, we can assume that it arose among people who speak this language. This theory is also supported by the fact that the Latin language has the word "taurus", which is consonant with the name we are describing. In translation, it is interpreted as "ox". It is interesting that this is exactly what the constellation Taurus is called. Until now, astronomers use the Latin pronunciation for all the known constellations in the night sky.

Historians also confirm this version, saying that in ancient times there was a Taurus gorge, stretching among the mountain range of the same name. It was located between Cappadocia and Cilicia, where the locals were actively engaged in breeding livestock.

Little Taras

The meaning of the name Taras for the boy and his fate are closely interrelated. From early childhood, the boy feels the influence of his name and manifests himself accordingly. Little Taras literally harasses all his loved ones with obstinacy and stubbornness. It is absolutely impossible to pressure him and force him to do something from a position of strength. The kid is extremely mobile and quick-witted, he perfectly understands what adults want from him, but he still does it at his own discretion. This is very important to him. However, you can always negotiate with the boy. If you want to turn the situation in your favor, then talk more with Taras and pick up weighty arguments that will turn the case in your favor. In this case, the baby will easily make contact and will do everything necessary from him.

All those around him notice how smart and talented Taras is, but the meaning of the name is almost completely predetermined by character. Therefore, a boy, naturally endowed with curiosity and a rare ability to generate ideas, rarely brings them to life. He lacks determination, ambition and willpower. Often Taras shares his ideas with peers to see their implementation. After all, he himself will never be able to complete the matter.

Adult Taras

Since childhood, the boy has been reputed to be unsociable. It is interesting that he is quite sociable and he is pleased to communicate with other people, but he very carefully selects his friends and close circle. In adulthood, this trend continues, so the young man always prefers reading a book or watching TV to noisy companies.

Over time, it becomes more and more noticeable how much Taras lacks composure and energy. He is reluctant to take on new things, with difficulty brings them to the end and does not like situations when he needs to meet new people. Despite all this, the young man perfectly reads human souls and easily determines which person could be useful to him. He is easily able to make contact with him and even achieve what he wants, but Taras always accompanies all this with internal torment.

As he grows up, the young man begins to feel his great destiny, but he is very worried if the premonition turns out to be false. The young man begins to clearly show stubbornness, the ability to calculate the situation several moves ahead, the desire to tell the truth. He is often afraid for these character traits and is envious of how easily he solves any problems. In fact, Taras has to work very seriously on himself to create such an impression. He would not take on any difficult business with great pleasure, but life forces him to do it regularly.

Positive character traits bestowed on Taras

For the name Taras, the meaning of the name and fate are extremely closely intertwined. From here, each child receives a number of positive and negative qualities that can be corrected in the future. However, it will not be possible to completely get rid of them, because they become part of fate. Of the positive character traits, the following can be distinguished:

  • determination;
  • self-will;
  • a set of leadership qualities;
  • charisma and attraction for the opposite sex.

A number of negative character traits

Do not forget about the negative qualities that the name Taras gives to its owner:

  • doubts about their abilities;
  • gloominess;
  • lack of a sense of humor;
  • phlegm;
  • isolation from other people.

I would like to note that depending on the upbringing and the environment in which the boy will grow up, these or those traits of his character manifest themselves in different ways. Therefore, you can always reduce the influence of the negative hidden in the meaning of the name Taras.

Choice of profession

We have already mentioned that Taras dreams of great achievements and needs recognition of his strength and masculinity. Therefore, a military career would be an excellent choice for him. In this field, he will be able to show the best traits of his character and feel his need. The profession of a rescuer and a doctor is also well suited to him, here he too can realize all the best in himself.

Many people say that Taras is always lucky with money. He easily earns them, knows how to save and invest in a profitable business. However, he rarely achieves the heights of career growth, as he hesitates for too long before starting something new. A man with this name always carefully weighs all the pros and cons and only then can proceed to the task. Such slowness often translates into the loss of promising offers, which, however, does not upset Taras, who is not eager for big money and a high position in society.


Girls will always like Taras. They are attracted to him by charisma, masculinity and assertiveness, which he has in full measure. But from his youth, a young man with such a name does not pay attention to simple and accessible girls who are easy to contact.

Taras needs to seek a woman, look after her, so he always chooses the most worthy representatives of the fair sex. They are often captivated in a young man by the ability to wait for the first sex for a long time. The fact is that a man treats intimacy quite calmly, not considering it the pinnacle of bliss. Rather, in Taras' view, it is something natural that has a good effect on health. But in his understanding, sex is good only with a loved one. This approach significantly distinguishes the young man from his peers and arouses the interest of girls in him.

Taras is rarely alone, he is always surrounded by girlfriends and admirers. But he chooses his only one very carefully, often marries several times until he finds his real ideal.

Family life

A man named Taras is just a great family man. He is devoted to his wife and loves children very much. Moreover, he never makes a distinction between his own and other people's children, so he often marries a divorced woman who has a child from her first marriage.

Usually such a man chooses a fragile, intelligent, active and economical woman who will be able to completely bend under her husband. Her energy will fuel Taras, allowing him to focus on making money. The wife, in turn, must completely free him from household chores. In such a union, happiness and love will reign for many years.

Taras is a little harsh towards children, but he always actively takes part in their upbringing. He intuitively knows what exactly they really need, and always enjoys spending time with them.

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