How to attract buyers to the cafe rituals. How to make a conspiracy to attract customers? How a customer acquisition conspiracy works

House projects 21.01.2021
House projects

Simple conspiracies to attract customers and buyers can help lure business success. Even a person inexperienced in magic can carry out a simple conspiracy to attract customers, and the result will be quick. It is also important that when turning to white magic, you can not be afraid of the consequences of your actions in the future. Since such rituals are not aimed at causing harm to other people, their purpose is to prevent ruin, increase sales in their workplace. It is only very important to adhere to all these rules and recommendations.

In order for the conspiracy to work on customers, it is important to adhere to certain rules. This will attract a large number of buyers, improve business, trade, and money flow. In order for rituals to attract customers to work, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. For rituals to attract customers and good luck in work, so that customers come in a crowd, it is very important to choose the right day and time. Better will work a spell pronounced on Wednesday, Sunday, be sure to carry out rituals for good trade, for the flow of buyers during the waxing moon. So the light lunar energy will attract good luck in business and trade.
  2. Preliminary preparation is very important. Mistakes when casting a spell are inadmissible. Better to practice reading the words first. Experts, of course, recommend that you memorize the text. But if it does not work out, read from the cards, only clearly and without hesitation, having re-read the text several times beforehand.
  3. To have clients and trade to go well, you should tune in to positive energy. You should not think about your debts and problems during the ceremonies. It is important to believe in success, that luck will come very soon.
  4. You cannot conduct rituals to attract customers in order to take them away from competitors. You can't conduct a conspiracy so that there are many clients with evil intentions.
  5. Monetary rituals are best done with green candles and coins.

If you adhere to the listed rules, rituals for attracting customers and for luck in trading will be effective and will quickly work.

Effective rituals for customers and profits

Ancient rite

For clients to go in a crowd, the following ancient ritual has long been used. To have clients, honey is used to carry out the spell. You should buy natural honey in advance. Drop a few drops of the product on the threshold of your store, stall or kiosk, while reading the text from the cards:

“As everyone loves the sweet natural honey that bees give to people, so let the customers love the threshold of my store (the kiosk counter). As bees are always drawn to the nectar of flowers, so let the customers walk in turn to my store. Amen".

This ceremony is intended to attract luck for the conspirator, to attract customers to a beauty salon, shop, hairdresser. The client, conspired to honey, will come more and more often, making a profit.

For a comb

There is another powerful conspiracy to attract customers. To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a wooden comb on the day of the growing moon, it can also be made of bone, but not made of plastic. Every day, coming to the office, in the store, comb your hair to the very ends in front of a large mirror at least 30 times, while repeating the words of the comb conspiracy:

“There is a smooth path to my door. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good to people, and me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. As the hair lends itself to combing, so my business goes well. luck rushes to me. Let there be buyers in the morning, afternoon and evening. Amen".

Such a conspiracy is carried out only on the growing moon, it can be read daily to enhance the effect.

On a coin

To attract customers, choose a yellow coin and dip it in sweet-smelling essential oil. Go behind the counter, say these words:

“Trade roads lead shoppers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

"What is bought is paid for."

It is very good if someone from outsiders picks up this coin and buys something with it.

On poppy

A universal poppy plot is suitable for both professional sellers and ordinary people who want to realize any thing. He is one of the most powerful.

You need to buy a pack of poppy seeds, it is important to prepare the required amount without change. Choose a day suitable for the lunar calendar, take a pack of poppies and say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker into it.

If you are a store owner, sprinkle the poppy seeds in front of the counter, on the customer side. If you need to sell an apartment or a car, sprinkle accordingly, in front of the front door or around the car. You want the buyer to step on the poppy. Sprinkling poppy seeds, you need to pronounce the words:

"He stepped on a poppy and bought it from me."

On salt

How to attract good luck for a conspirator? This can be done using simple yet powerful magical rituals. When leaving for the workplace, take a handful of salt with you from home. When a couple of steps remain to the workplace, throw the salt over your head, while reading:

“I speak salt, I attract buyers! Grains fall, clients stand in line. No one will leave without the goods, they all bring me the money! Amen".

After the words are spoken, continue on your way and do not look back. The result will not be long in coming.

The second conspiracy for salt involves the use of pure water. Put a pinch of salt in a glass of water and say over it:

“I am standing on a mountain, looking at the red sun from afar. Get up, the sun is red, from the blue ocean to the sky, rise up, hold armfuls of gold. Full, full of your gold in my house, and in my garden, in my yard and in my oven. Full, full in the chest and underground, in the attic and in the entryway, on the table and in the crate and in trade. Neither the wind will blow, nor the rain will flood, nor the snow will chill, nor the heat will burn - your gold is around a hundred miles away. May it be so, I say, I take water and salt as witnesses. May it be so, I say, meeting your dawn. Amen".

Sprinkle the entire room and yourself with a charmed liquid.

On the bell

The bell plot is very simple, but it brings good results. Take a small bell. Ring them, saying:

“I call people, come, they are waiting for you here. Good luck and profit to me, good purchases to you, good goods. Come in, my guests, but come out not empty-handed, but with purchased things! "

For the first client

Such a conspiracy for the first proceeds is suitable for those who have just started work, opened a store, beauty salon, works as a hairdresser, or decided to open any other business. As soon as you receive the first proceeds, you need to build a fan out of bills and wave it over your workplace or over a shop window with the words:

"Money for me, services for you or money for me - my goods for you."

Try not to spend the first proceeds and do not hand over change with it. This is done for good luck at work.

There is another version of the ritual for the first client. To carry out the ceremony, you need to buy sweets, cakes, it must be something of high quality and tasty. Put the treat on a platter and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I treat, treat, I invite clients to make it sweet for you, so that the business will benefit from money! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Be sure to treat the first customer with charmed sweets or cookies, try to make him satisfied with the product and service. In the same way, you can start talking a treat that will attract clients to the office. An alluring ritual is very effective. You can also carry out a conspiracy on business cards, whispering the following words on the cards: "You are mine, and mine is yours."

How to speak change

Often, customers do not take change, especially if the coins are small. They can be used as an attribute to attract new customers. In the same way, you can spend on a tip plot so that they multiply. Such a magical effect on money is carried out at home on a full moon. Read these words over change or tip:

“A full month, average month and young! Give me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, she swaddled me in the first diaper, So you too will give me a huge treasure! Amen!"

Do not spend the charmed coins. This will be your personal talisman. Carry them with you always, without telling anyone about how you achieved success.

Prayer for successful trading

For success in trade and business, you can also visit the temple, ask for help from higher powers.

You can pray to any Saint, but most often people associated with trade choose Nicholas the Wonderworker and Seraphim of Saronsky, the patron saint of trade.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read with and without fear of bankruptcy.

“Oh our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, godly and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in business. Behold my work and efforts, obedience and loyalty to the Lord God. Save from hardships and falls, add mind and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, let him save us from the intrigues of enemies and direct us on the right path. May you save us from temptations and dishonest deeds. May it be rewarded to us for our suffering, for our zeal and obedience. We sincerely hope for your help. We fall to the face of your saint with prayers. Cover with your wing from troubles, failures and sorrows, help not to perish in the abyss of sinfulness and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy. "

For a successful trade, you can pray to Saint Seraphim of Saron every day:

“O Perfect Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! All those who come running to You are our helper and intercessor, our patron! In the days of Thy earthly life, no one else is skinny and inconsolable from You, but all the sweetness was the sight of Thy face. To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing is abundant in You. When our Lord called you from earthly labors to heavenly tranquility, no more than any of Your fingers are from us, and it is impossible to count Your miracles, multiplied, like the stars of heaven: Behold, all over the end of our earth, God's people appear and grant them healings. With the same we cry to Ty, O pretiff and meek Grace of God, bold prayer to him, who never calls you to cut off! Lift up Your prayer for us to the Lord of Strength, may grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful to spiritual salvation, may protect us from falls, may teach us, in still unquestioningly inculcate into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom; glory, and there to chant with all the saints the life-giving Trinity for ever and ever. Amen".

One can make such petitions more than once. They will only benefit. But at the same time it is important to remember that when turning to higher powers for help, you yourself need to honestly conduct all your affairs. No one should be harmed, no one should be deceived or cheated. Otherwise, you will be punished.

Business doesn't always go well. It happens that you do everything right, but the money is not added. The flow of customers began to decline, costs increased, and revenues did not grow. Turning to magic is a surefire way to bring back business prosperity. Rituals are completely safe, because they are aimed at the well-being of affairs so that big money comes. Strong conspiracies to attract clients were known back in Russia.

Magic rituals will help businesses thrive

In addition to reading conspiracies, you can resort to another method - the cosmmatrix. For success in business, a series of numbers that are read in a specific sequence will help.

To attract customers, you need to make a little effort and follow all the simple recommendations correctly:

  1. It is important to choose a specific time and day of the week. Good days of the week: Wednesday and Sunday. Moonlight attracts the flow of money people, so rituals are performed on the growing moon. Do not neglect this rule, it has a strong effect.
  2. Competent preparation. Clarity and confidence in the voice. It is advisable to learn the conspiracies verbatim, you can read from a sheet of paper, then there should be no hitch.
  3. The power of words and thoughts works very well. All thoughts should be directed towards a positive outcome of the case. Think about pleasant business meetings, trips.
  4. Remember that conspiracies are read only for a good deed. If the purpose of your rituals is to take revenge on partners or competitors, forget about business prosperity, things will go even worse.
  5. Try looking for green candles - the color of green attracts money.
  6. To make buyers come in more often, you can attract with aromatic oils. Spray vanilla or cinnamon oil in a coffee shop, restaurant or dining room. To places where clothes are made - sandalwood or orange. Use vanilla oil in bookstores.

First profit conspiracy

Starting a new business needs a flow of customers. This conspiracy to attract customers will get you off to a good start to a successful business.

The first profit cannot be spent, a special ritual must be performed

As soon as you receive money for your first purchase, arrange the bills in order and fold them in a fan. Start fanning it over your desk or counter while saying the words:

"Mine is money, and yours are goods," or "Mine is money, and yours are services."

The secret is that you cannot use this money. Take it for yourself, settle accounts with customers, you can't even put it on your account. Just put them away so no one can see. You can use it after a month.

First client conspiracy

Also applies to a newly opened business so that customers go in droves.

Decorate a delicious culinary dish beautifully. It can be handmade sweets, cakes, cake. Lay out several options on a festive plate and say:

"I invite clients with a treat, it will be sweet to you, and business will lead to money."

Make it a tasting for your first client. The buyer will be delighted with such a surprise and will definitely bring money.

An ancient conspiracy for honey

It is not for nothing that honey is viscous. In the old days, it was used to attract buyers. "They flew like flies to honey" - they said about this unique product.

You can make a conspiracy for honey, and then smear it on the threshold of the store

Buy a jar of real honey, preferably from a farmer, in the market. You will also need black pepper and some candles. Combine the ingredients in a clay pot. For the office, it is enough to drop honey on the doorstep, saying:

“Everyone loves the delicious honey that bees give people. I, (name), firmly believe that customers will also love my store. As bees fly to flower nectar, so customers will be drawn in line to my store. "

A hairdresser or beauty salon is treated differently. The hairdresser's mirror is coated with abundant honey, and the beauty workers - their workplace or cosmetics.

This is a very simple conspiracy for customers, and it attracts buyers flawlessly.

Conspiracy for taxi drivers

Once the passengers have collected the money and hands it to you, say the word "Let's go" so loudly that everyone can hear you. Remember the prayer that you say to yourself:

“Now, and ever, and forever and ever, give! Yes, abide with the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart! He keeps you and me, a slave (driver's name) on the way, sends guardian angels on the road. For joy, light, peace, love. Amen".

After reading, calculate the amount, check the number of people in the minibus and put the money back.

Rite of salt

In simplicity, it is not inferior to the conspiracy with honey. It can be used not only by a businessman or director, but also by any employee.

In the morning, before going to work, you need to put some salt in the bag. As soon as a few steps are left to the place of work, pour the salt over your left shoulder, saying:

“I sprinkle the charmed salt, I sow the gilded salt. To fairy dust, from beginning to end, and from the end back to the beginning leads the buyer. He lures into the salty circle, makes everyone buy. Good to you, and money to me. Amen".

Think about profit when pouring salt. Continue walking to work without turning around.

Bell ritual

You can attract customers with a bell. Get a beautiful, small-sized bell.

Ringing a bell can make a profit for your business

At work, when everyone is gone, call them and say:

“I call people, come, they are waiting for you here. Good luck and profit to me, good purchases to you, good goods. Come in, my guests, but come out not empty-handed, but with purchased things! "

Come home in a good mood. Very soon the ringing will bear money. Cash flow awaits you with this powerful customer acquisition conspiracy.

Poppy rite

Calculate an even amount for buying a bag of poppy seeds. It is necessary to read a prayer to St. Nicholas over the poppy.

Sprinkle in your office or store so people can step on the grains. Ritual spells must be said during the poppy scattering:

"I stepped on a poppy - I bought it."

This conspiracy to attract customers has the strongest effect, the store will begin to bring in profit 2 times more than usual.

Conspiracy to the moon

On a full moon, any small object can be talked about. Choose what will serve as a talisman in the future.

Conspiracy on any amulet item on the full moon

At 12 o'clock at night, the amulet is placed against the window so that the moon illuminates it. You need to read the plot by looking at the subject:

“To you, moonlight, I turn, to you, heavenly body, I turn. Since ancient times you are famous for your strength. So they put it on me three times. I have received clients who are compliant and uncorrupted. Deny failure in business, the power of the amulet is the subject of this charge. As soon as I hide him from people, I will immediately attract clients. As the heavenly body shines, so a difficult matter is argued. So be it! Amen!".

Bring the talisman to work and don't tell anyone about it. The magical effect will gradually stop, then repeat the ceremony again.

Conspiracy on an anthill

The venue is the forest. On the anthill, you will see several sticks that need to be collected in a scarf. Sprinkle a handful at work, saying:

"Let as many buyers come to me as ants live in an anthill."

Remember the moon, it should rise, not wane.

Coin Conspiracy

You will need a coin and an essential oil. The color of the coin is certainly yellow. Dip it in a glass of butter and say:

“Trade roads, take customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!".

Flip a coin so that it falls to the doorstep. If someone makes a purchase on it, the effect will be better.

Comb conspiracy

Another option is how to attract customers. To get customers to go in droves, there is a simple comb method. There may be several options.

When things start to go wrong in business, you need to comb it with a charmed comb.

Buy a new wooden wide-toothed comb. Standing in front of the mirror, say the words:

“The scallop has frequent sharp teeth, let it lead me to people who have large scars. You stroke, comb, my every hair, so as to bring many new clients to my doorstep. People come and go to me, do not leave me. They happily give me the scars for my product. Good luck to me, but change to the buyer. Everything is for the client, and I have money in my wallet. All thanks to the hair and the comb. "

Whenever you feel things are getting worse, brush with a charmed comb. It is recommended to perform the ceremony every month and only on the new moon.

We all want to get high income. But fate is not always favorable. Failure can haunt you, and it's important to stop it in time. In such matters rituals and spells are effective. It will become much easier to attract buyers. Try to experience the power of magical effects.

In the struggle for a client, successful managers attend various trainings and hone their skills, bosses negotiate large deals, shopkeepers come up with various promotions and discounts and all in order to attract a consumer.

In a highly competitive environment, in addition to the efforts of people interested in success, luck takes a huge place. Without a smile from Mrs. Fortune, deals are thwarted, and the buyer chooses a nearby store in search of the right product. Simple conspiracies to attract customers and buyers can help lure business luck.

Reading a conspiracy, conducting a simple ritual to attract good luck is already magic that does not tolerate mistakes, try to follow the general rules so that your ultimate goal is achieved.

First profit conspiracy

Such a conspiracy is suitable for those who have just started work, opened a store, beauty salon or any other business. As soon as you receive the first proceeds, you need to build a fan out of bills and wave it over your workplace or over a shop window with the words:

"Money for me, services for you or money for me - my goods for you."

Try not to spend the first proceeds and do not hand over change with it.

First client conspiracy

This method is suitable for people who have recently opened their own business or are just planning to do so. To carry out the ceremony, buy a tasty treat, it should be something of high quality and tasty, not cheap toffee. Lay the treat on a beautiful dish and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I treat, treat, I invite clients to make it sweet for you, so that the business will benefit from money! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Be sure to treat the first customer with charmed sweets or cookies, try to make him satisfied with the product and service. His positive attitude will attract more satisfied consumers to you.

Conspiracy to attract customers to the store

Such a conspiracy is suitable if you need to attract customers to the store. Choose a gold-colored coin and dip it in essential oil, preferably with a bright, pleasant scent. Go behind the counter, where customers usually are and say the text of the conspiracy:

“Trade roads lead shoppers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

After that, throw a coin on the floor to make it ring and say: "Purchased, paid!" Do not lift the coin, let it stay in place and attract money to the store. It will be great if the customer picks it up and buys something in your own store.

Salt conspiracies to attract customers

Anyone can use such a conspiracy: from a manager looking for new customers to a salesperson with a percentage of the store's revenue.

When leaving for work, take a handful of salt with you. When there are a few steps left before entering an office or store. You need to throw the salt over your head back and pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“I speak salt, I attract buyers! Grains fall, clients stand in line. No one will leave without the goods, they all bring me the money! Amen."

After the words are spoken, continue on your way and do not look back. The result will not be long in coming.

The second conspiracy for salt involves the use of pure water. Put a pinch of salt in a glass of water and say over it:

“I am standing on a mountain, on a mountain-hill, looking at the sun, the sun is red. Get up, the sun is red, from the blue sea to the blue sky, rise up, carry handfuls of gold full. Full, full of your gold in my house (name), and in my garden, in my yard and in my oven. Full, full in the chest and underground, in the attic and in the entryway, on the table and in the crate and in trade. Neither the wind will blow, nor the rain will flood, nor the snow will chill, nor the heat will burn - your gold is around a hundred miles away. May it be so, I say, I take water and salt as witnesses. May it be so, I say, meeting your dawn. Amen".

Then put some charmed water in your mouth and spray the counter, display case, or work table. After that, be sure to spray yourself.

An ancient conspiracy with honey to attract buyers

Such a conspiracy was popular among merchants in ancient times, it was believed that honey could attract buyers like flies.

To do this, you need to find and buy a jar of natural honey, do not skimp, it must be a real good product. Drop a few drops on the threshold of a store or office and pronounce the text of the conspiracy.

“Everybody loves sweet natural honey, given to people by bees. I, the Servant of God (my own name), claim that this is how customers will love the threshold of my store (my counter). As bees reach for flower nectar, so do customers in a row to my store (to my counter). Amen".

Poppy conspiracy for sellers

A universal conspiracy is suitable for both professional sellers and ordinary people who want to realize any thing.

You need to buy a pack of poppy seeds, it is important to prepare the required amount without change. Choose a day suitable for the lunar calendar, take a pack of poppies and say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker into it.

If you are a store owner, sprinkle the poppy seeds in front of the counter, on the customer side. If you need to sell an apartment or a car, sprinkle accordingly, in front of the front door or around the car. You want the buyer to step on the poppy. Sprinkling poppy seeds, you need to pronounce the words:

  • "Step on a poppy - you bought it from me."

Comb conspiracy to attract clients to the office

To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a wooden comb on the day of the growing moon, it can also be bone, but not made of plastic. Every day, when you come to the office, you need to comb your hair to the very ends in front of a large mirror thirty-three times, while repeating the words of the conspiracy:

“There is a smooth path to my door. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good to people, and to me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. Amen."

February 7th Conspiracy for All Year Trade

This ritual came to us from distant times, merchants used it for successful trade all year round. The date was not chosen by chance, on this day it has long been accepted to solve financial issues.

The ritual is held once a year - on February 7th. You will need a lump of sugar and an oven with a blower. If there is no stove, you should be puzzled and find a house or cottage with it, you can rent it.

Before dawn, you need to put a lump of sugar in a blower and melt the oven with aspen wood. When the fire flares up, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

Fire-fire, don't touch my sugar,
And touch people, move them, they went to get their goods.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After removing the sugar, do not clean it from burning, carefully wrap it in a cloth and take it with you to the workplace. It must be positioned so that it does not catch the eye of anyone. Sugar will attract customers all year round. Eleven months later, the ritual is repeated, and last year's sugar cube must be buried under any fruit tree.

An anthill conspiracy to improve sales

There is another powerful conspiracy to drive sales. To do this, you need to go to the forest, any time of the year is suitable, except for winter, since you will not find an anthill under the snow.

In the forest, take some sticks from the top of the anthill and put them in a cloth bag. Arriving at the store, sprinkle the product that you want to sell from the bag, while saying out loud:

  • « As many ants in that house, as many buyers sent me, God. Amen».

It is believed that there will be as many buyers as there are ants in the nest.

Surrender conspiracy

It often happens that the buyer does not take the change as change, refuses it. This can be used to attract new customers. Take the change home with you and read the conspiracy over it three times:

“A full month, average month and young! Give me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, she swaddled me in the first diaper, So you too will give me a great treasure! Amen!"

You don't need to spend coins, put them in a separate pocket in your wallet and carry them. They will attract financial luck to you.

A strong ritual for a successful trade

Such a ceremony should be performed on the waning moon. Take an old inconspicuous rag and dust it off the counter or table, saying the words of the prayer three times

“Dashing beggar, dashingly unsold, don't touch me, don't touch my goods! Away from me, away from here through the water, through the forest, through the swamp, Don't call me with you, take the dead crab and lie under the snag. So that I do not know poverty, my goods do not lie low, I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Power, water, tongue. Amen!"

The rag should be thrown into a body of water, preferably with standing water. Remember to return home without turning around or talking to anyone.

Prayers for successful trading

There is nothing wrong with successful trading, so you can go to church and pray for her.

You can pray to any Saint, but most often people associated with trade choose Nicholas the Wonderworker and Seraphim of Saronsky, the patron saint of trade.

“Oh our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, godly and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in business. Behold my work and efforts, obedience and loyalty to the Lord God. Save from hardships and falls, add mind and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, let him save us from the intrigues of enemies and direct us on the right path. May you save us from temptations and dishonest deeds. May it be rewarded to us for our suffering, for our zeal and obedience. We trust in your petition, we ask for help. We fall to the face of your saint with prayers. Cover with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help not to perish in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy. "

“O Perfect Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!A hasty helper to all who come running to You!In the days of Thy earthly life, no oneyou are skinny and inconsolable when you leave,all in sweetness was the vision of Thy face and the godly voice of your words.

To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, dar of the weak souls of healing are abundant in You.When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly tranquility, nif any, your fingers are from us, and it is impossible to eat your miracles,multiplying, like the stars of heaven:

Behold, all over the world, our lappear to the people of God and grant them healing. Twe eat and we cry out to Ti, oh preppy and meek Servant of God, da bold prayer book to him,ikolizhe calling thee off!

Raise up your blessed prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, dbut gives us all that is useful in this life and all useful to spiritual salvation,but will protect us from the falls of sinful and true repentance teach us,about yet unquestioningly eternal Heavenly Kingdom, anddee Thou art now in the everlasting glory, and tamo chant with all the saintsand the original Trinity forever and ever.Amen".

Do not forget to share some of the profits with those in need, make donations, buy gifts for children from poor families. Live in accordance with your conscience and pure thoughts, wish people only good, and you will notice how your affairs will begin to improve, and your whole life will come into harmony as a whole.

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Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for good luck will help you promote your business and attract buyers and customers. Even a beginner can do this, and the result will be the same as when contacting magicians and psychics. In addition, you will use white magic, which means you do not need to be afraid of the consequences. After all, you do not wish anyone harm, but only want to avoid ruin and increase sales at your outlet. It is only necessary to adhere to all the rules when carrying out such rituals.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals will help attract money to business. There are other ways to attract customers and buyers.

Conspiracy to attract customers and buyers

Read the conspiracy while standing and aloud. If this is not possible, then sit down in a chair and say the words in a whisper or to yourself. There are times when these cherished words need to be pronounced spontaneously, then there is no need to choose a specific day and time. You must believe in the success of the ritual for it to be successful and effective.

This conspiracy to attract customers and buyers is good because you do not need to prepare for it for a long time, it is enough to find a piece of old matter. A rag is suitable, with the help of which wet cleaning is carried out in the commercial premises.

When dusting your workplace, say the following words:

CONSPIRACY: “Get away from my product and from me dashingly unsold and someone else's poverty! Away from my workplace by river, by land, by forest. Lie under a forest snag, don't call me to you! With a rag I sweep away all the failures, I send poverty away - in the forest, along the river, on water and land! My product does not lie, but is instantly sold, because the power is in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer the goods. Amen!"

Repeat this conspiracy three times, and throw the rag into any body of water or burn it. You will see the result immediately if you speak all the words clearly and without hesitation.

Prayers to attract customers and buyers

Read prayers twice every day. This will help consolidate the effect and help attract buyers. If you are selling in any field, read this prayer:

Bring clients to me, Lord,
Let it go smoothly
May luck come
Profit, a lot of money,
Let the star burn in the forehead of my business,
May it always be so! Amen!

Such a prayer for good trade will cheer you up, you will feel more confident and customers will come in droves. You will immediately want to find constructive solutions for interacting with people.

There is another powerful prayer for attracting customers and customers that will help you increase your sales:

Come to me clients,
Give your money away
Here is my product for you,
The profit is in my pocket. Amen!

Rituals to attract customers and buyers

You can use an effective ritual for money. It attracts customers and helps increase product sales. Spend it in the sales area where the product is on display or next to the counter, but you will come out to the other side of the counter where the customers are standing.

Rite of passage to attract customers and buyers for money

RITE: Take a yellow coin (medium or large denomination), dip it in any scented essential oil (eucalyptus, orange, rose) and stand in the middle of the room, holding the coin in your right hand.
Then read these words:

“Trade roads lead shoppers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

When these words are pronounced three times, you need to throw a coin under your feet and loudly shout "Paid". You do not need to remove the coin, let it lie on the floor. It will be good if a client raises this money in your store and pays them for the purchase.

Rite of passage to attract customers and buyers to salt

Aspiring EntrepreneursThose who are just planning to open their own store or retail outlet can use such a ritual for salt. It helps to attract good energy, which means profit and success in business.
RITE: When leaving home for work, take a handful of salt. When there are a few steps left before entering the store building, throw a handful of salt over your head and say the following words:

“I speak salt, I attract buyers! Grains fall, clients stand in line. No one will leave without the goods, they all bring me the money! Amen."

After such words, go to the store and do not look back. The result will be one hundred percent, and you will immediately see the influx of people behind the product. These rituals for attracting customers and buyers are considered effective, they will help increase sales and you can get more profit.

Other ways to attract customers and buyers

Social networks... Sign a contract with a show business star and place your advertisement on her page. All friends and subscribers will immediately turn into potential customers and buyers. Create a separate page and invite many friends. With their help, you can expand your customer base.

Creating your own resource on the Internet... Many people on the net look for answers to all questions and make purchases. Therefore, the site will be an excellent vehicle for you to attract buyers. Make a stylish design, put quality information on the resource pages.

Emails... This is a great way to attract customers. Do not think that such mailing is annoying people, they open letters and read them. After that, half of the people are removed, and the other half will become your potential customers. This method works, and within a certain period of time your business will have a new clientele.

There are many other ways that actually work and help increase your bottom line.

You need to give free rein to fantasy. If you don't have time to think, then use daily prayers or one-time rituals to attract success in business. Unique conspiracies and self-belief will help attract money and earn good capital!

Video: Ritual to raise money urgently

Business is driven by customers. The client is always right, without him anywhere. The ritual for attracting customers is very popular with the owners of outlets and sellers. Magic opens up financial flows, attracts luck.

Anyone can carry out the ritual to attract customers, without magical skills and training. Buyers are attracted through a variety of conspiracies, signs, money talismans.

Money signs for a successful business

You can attract customers to a store, customers to a hairdresser's, visitors to a cafe using expensive advertising and a variety of marketing moves. But the business world, even small and medium-sized, is cruel. Competition prevents many from making good profits. Rituals help business owners to increase customer flow and profits.

Money magic, rituals for attracting customers, have always been very popular. The people have accumulated many simple rituals and signs to attract visitors and their money.

The most effective signs that will help attract buyers and visitors:

  1. The profit received from the first visitor of the day cannot be spent and given away on change.
  2. When the first customer pays for the purchase and leaves, you need to discreetly spend money around the entire product and say:

"Take the goods, bring the money to us."

  1. To direct the financial flow towards your business, you need to glue a coin, preferably yellow, under the threshold of the institution.
  2. Gold symbolizes wealth.

Simple rituals help open up and direct cash flows in the right direction. Customers will not be able to pass by and will happily buy the product they need (or completely unnecessary).

Money loves neatness, it is a sign of respect. You need to store the proceeds in a clean and beautiful place.

Talismans to attract customers

A variety of strong talismans help you to trade successfully and conduct any other business. You can choose any magic item you like.

Financial talismans help to easily conduct business, feel confident in the competition. The magic works to attract customers flawlessly, if you believe in the power of the attribute.

For good luck in attracting customers and opening cash flows, you can use amulets:

  1. Runes. The most commonly used rune of fertility and wealth Fehu. You can also use the runes of Yera and Dagaz.
  2. Coin tree. A symbol from the culture of Feng Shui.
  3. Coins on a red thread. Three Chinese coins tied with a red thread attract cash flows to the business.
  4. Sailboat. The bow of the sailboat must be turned towards the middle of the room.
  5. The fountain. Flowing water creates movement, symbolizes the cycle (people, money). You can purchase a small indoor fountain for a shop or cafe.

Also, very often they use goldfish to attract money and good luck. They should live in a beautiful aquarium with clear water. This is a multipolar talisman. Goldfish are a symbol of the fulfillment of desires. They create water circulation, constant movement. If the fish are also fat, then the perfect combination is created. Fullness is a symbol of fertility.

Strong talismans only help in fair deals. They do not contribute to deception and fraud.

The magic of candles to attract customers

Experienced magicians recommend a powerful rite of passage for attracting clients. Its power is based on the magic of candle fire. The element of fire is often used in witchcraft. It carries within itself creating and destructive energy at the same time. Together, they powerfully fuel any conspiracy.

To conduct a ritual to attract new customers - conspiracies for business success, you need to prepare magical attributes:

  • three candles - red, brown and green;
  • three dense threads - red, brown, green;
  • red wool thread;
  • white saucer;
  • conspiracy words.

The color of the candle also has ritual significance. Brown is a symbol of success, growth and development. Red is the color of victory in the competition. Green is a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

The threads for the ritual need long, up to one meter. And it's best to take natural materials.

Rite of passage to attract customers

Runic becoming "Attracting customers"

A ritual to attract customers.

How to conduct a candle ceremony

Business magic for inviting and luring customers works flawlessly when performed in secret and in complete solitude.

The candle ritual is carried out directly in the office, retail outlet, cafe, hairdresser, etc., when the working day is over.

Performing a customer calling ritual is simple:

  1. Tie three candles into a single whole with threads of different colors.
  2. Step over the threshold of the establishment.
  3. Tie three knots on a red thread.
  4. Put the thread on the threshold.
  5. Slowly cross the thread, reading the conspiracy:

“Let my business (to clarify which one) be strong, like knots on a red thread. Let the work flow smoothly, bring profit. As I (my name) cross the threshold, let the clients flow through this threshold. What has been said will come true. "

  1. Raise the thread from the threshold.
  2. Light the flame of three candles, burn the thread.

Place the ashes that remain after burning the thread in a white saucer. Then you need to sprinkle ashes on the threshold of the institution.

Changes for the better will be noticeable the very next day, after the performance of the witchcraft. New and regular customers will appear.

Ritual for successful trading

There is a strong ritual for attracting customers to trade. It is recommended by practicing magicians. Magical actions for calling generous buyers and regular customers to a retail outlet must be carried out during the growth phase of the moon. From the days of the week, it is better to choose Wednesday or Thursday.

What is needed for the ritual

You can call buyers and generous customers to a retail outlet or store using witchcraft attributes:

  • small money (change from purchases);
  • prayer text.

Prayer must be learned by heart. If it does not work out then it is better to just read the hex from the sheet.

Business magic for attracting clients is the simplest, but most effective method to quickly attract good luck and wealth to your home. Trading should be consistently profitable.

How to conduct a ceremony

The sequence of actions will help to carry out the ritual of attracting customers and a successful business:

  1. Choose three retail outlets with a large flow of visitors.
  2. Buy a product at every point. It is necessary that the change be small money.
  3. Spread out the change from purchases in the four corners of your store.
  4. Stand in the middle of the room.
  5. Turn to every corner and say:

“I bought goods from rich merchants, I took my money to them. As people come to them, let them come to me, they carry their money for my goods. Amen".

A trifle must be laid out in the corners so that it is invisible to the prying eye. You need to make sure that no one takes away the money, otherwise the ceremony will need to be repeated.

The ritual takes place instantly. The flow of buyers will increase.

Attraction of new clients

Rituals of attracting new customers - conspiracies for trade are very popular. A powerful and effective ritual can be repeated once a month, on any day. There will be no end of clients. New people will constantly come.

What is needed for the ceremony

To invite new buyers and business partners, you need the following magical attributes:

  • money (sales proceeds);
  • words of conspiracies.

The ceremony can be repeated, so it is better to learn the words of conspiracies by heart.

How to conduct a ceremony

It is very easy to carry out the ritual to attract new customers yourself:

  1. The first money received from the sale of the day to speak:

“Money to money. For the first buyer, five new ones will come, for the second, ten rich ones. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

  1. Put the proceeds under the counter.
  2. When the last customer leaves, get the proceeds from under the counter, put them in the general cash register.
  3. Cast a spell:

“Money runs to money, money is cozy here. People bring money, take my goods. What was said will come true. "

New moon conspiracy

On the growing moon, ceremonies are held aimed at growth, development, renewal. Conspiracies for the young month help to encourage clients and cash flows in any area of \u200b\u200bbusiness.

What is needed for the ritual

For a conspiracy to turn good luck in business, no magical trappings are needed. The only mystical subject is the young month.

The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. Sight-reading is also possible, but you can't stumble and get lost.

How to conduct a ceremony

The ceremony to call buyers and profits is held only on the third lunar day.

The procedure is very simple:

  1. As soon as the young month lights up in the sky, go outside.
  2. Look at the moon and speak the words:

“The young month is growing, and let my profit grow. The moon is coming, and let the clients come to me. Amen".

  1. The work of the ritual will be visible the next day.
  2. If the sky on the third lunar day is covered with clouds and the crescent is not visible, the ceremony cannot be performed. We must wait for the next time.

Conspiracies and rituals to attract customers will help you run your business successfully. They are simple, anyone without magical skills can hold them. In order for the ceremony to work, one must carry out with faith in execution. Conspiracies are light magic, they will not help eliminate competitors or get money fraudulently. Rituals create a favorable environment for people and material goods.

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