If you dream what you say. Dream Interpretation: why dream Talk, see in a dream Talk what it means. What Conversation predicts in a dream

Calculator 21.01.2021

Our speech is one of the main ways of communication. With its help, we convey our thoughts, emotions and feelings. But what can I say, without communication a person simply cannot live.

Sometimes, of course, there are moments when you want to be alone with yourself and not see anyone. But, having rested, we again reach for people and conversations. In short, it is a very important and integral part of our life. And what does it mean to talk in a dream? These may be some small phrases that do not even remain in the memory after waking up. But sometimes the words spoken in a dream are a warning from above.

How to understand why we are dreaming about this? According to the dream book, the interpretation of such dreams can be both positive and negative. And in order to understand this more accurately, you need to remember as many details of the dream as possible. So let's get started.

Talking to you - why drink honey

Often in dreams we enter into a dialogue with. These can be our fathers, grandfathers, brothers, loved ones or just acquaintances. Most often, such a dream is interpreted as a sign of an upcoming trip or an interesting meeting.

It is also worth paying attention to what this familiar man told you, since what was said may turn out to be a warning, parting word or a hint for the future.... But it can also indicate the mistakes made, if the interlocutor is for something.

Many are interested in why a man is dreaming, performing a dreamer in his dreams. Such a dream promises the acquisition of something long-desired or the receipt of an equally desired gift.

It also happens that a male representative who appears to you in a dream is absolutely unfamiliar. Such a vision can be a hint of a real person who is somehow present in your life. Perhaps it will appear soon. But in any case, you need to try to remember what he looks like and what his facial features are in order to compare with one of your acquaintances or find out when you will meet him. After all, it is possible that the words he utters have a rather important meaning for you.

But for one man, seeing another in a dream means that in the very near future you will be able to establish what has not worked out well for a long time and did not work. But not all the words and deeds of the night guest in dreams have such a meaning. Resentment, insults and deception on his part say: you don't need to start what you have in mind, nothing will come of it, it's not time yet.

A conversation with a loved one, even a loved one, who is very pleasant to you, is a good sign. He points out that any difficult situation will be resolved in the most favorable way.

He knows how to stand and sit, and he knows how to talk

An equally good sign is communication in a dream with your loved one. If a girl saw such a dream, most likely, she really lacks communication with her boyfriend, and the subconscious mind gives it out in the form of night images. But details are also important here, which can change the interpretation of sleep. For example, remember where and how this dialogue took place:

  • Romantic date in a restaurant.
  • Communication by phone.
  • You hear claims from him.
  • In a dream, you receive a marriage proposal.

So, a dream about communicating with a loved one in a restaurant can be a messenger of an offer to marry him in reality. At the same time, if you are apart for a long time, talking with your loved one in dreams is just a reflection of your longing for him. Soon you will be together again, but for now it will not be superfluous to remind him of your feelings.

Now let's see why, according to the dream book, the dream is to marry your beloved guy. Most often, such a vision comes to those girls who often think about this event and worry about why the offer has not yet been received. In this case, the dream book gives only one piece of advice: do not rush things and do not jerk the guy in vain. Everything will happen in due time.

If you have already been offered a marriage proposal, then this dream is a reflection of your worries about how the event will go. Do not worry, this dream is a sign that everything will be at its best, the guests will be satisfied and will remember the wedding for a long time.

Those women who, in a conversation with their beloved, heard reproaches and claims from him, should think about this. Try to remember his words, because most likely they have confirmation in reality, just the partner does not dare to tell you this. Take them into account and do your best to correct the situation. This will help save your relationship.

Who did you dream to communicate with?

For young girls, a dream in which you communicate with your beloved boyfriend, as the dream book explains, means only that he misses you very much. He often thinks and remembers you, and this is reflected in dreams. The conversation with, perhaps, speaks of some unfinished business between you.

When the dialogue with the former beloved man ceases to be languid and turns into raised tones, most likely the relationship ended, but the emotions did not subside. Especially if after waking up you feel negative and irritated. Conversely, the dream book explains the dream in which you talked very well with your ex-boyfriend on any, even frank topics, as a sign that you have already let him go and are quite ready for a new relationship.

It is also interesting to know why the dialogue with the former beloved man is dreaming, in which he asks you to return to him. You should not cherish in your soul the hope of a renewal of the relationship, this is only your desire, and he probably feels completely different. Try to let go of him and your feelings.

What is the meaning of the dream in which you conducted a dialogue with a person? He is not familiar to you, but you clearly understand that this is a dead man. Do not worry, this dream does not bode well. But you must remember everything he said to you. Through dead people in dreams, important information often comes to us - perhaps he wanted to warn you about something or convey something from your deceased relatives. In addition, if you are on the verge of making an important decision, such words will be a hint or advice.

Also, dead people often warn the living about impending disaster or trouble. The dream book advises not to overlook such a dream. Having deciphered it as correctly as possible, you will be ready for the upcoming difficulties, which means you can easily cope with them.

Most often, the deceased notifies about complications in the field of health, while the father comes to warn of possible material difficulties. Often, deceased people come into our dreams simply because you remember your family and miss.

Those who saw and talked in a dream with a deceased former lover will meet with a new love. This relationship promises to be long and sensual. Sometimes deceased relatives, loved ones and friends appear to us in dreams to say something important. For example, that they love us. Or other words that you did not manage to pronounce during your lifetime.

But it also happens that communication with deceased loved ones is just a projection of our subconscious. We miss them in reality, so we make up for this lack in a dream. Such an explanation is given by the dream book, when the conversation takes place on abstract topics that do not carry any meaning.

Unusual dialogue

Sometimes images of famous people come into our dreams: singers, actors, even. Why do we dream of talking with them? The dream interpretation explains this dream as a sign of upcoming changes in life, and they promise to be vivid and unforgettable.

Most likely, the president in a dream is a prototype of a person who will soon appear in your life. He will be influential enough to help you take a step towards new events. But it will not necessarily be a male - perhaps a woman or a child.

If in your dreams you greeted the head of state, expect support and help from a more influential person. In the case when your close friend or acquaintance is the president, you will help him. And don't expect gratitude in return.

Those dreamers who heard gratitude in the words of the president believe that they deserve more than they have. Did you get advice while talking with the ruler in a dream? Expect big profits in the very near future. And vice versa, material losses threaten those who themselves gave advice to the head of state.

Whatever way the president is present in your dreams, in any case, they lead to important changes. So you should pay special attention to them in order to be prepared for unexpected turns.

If in a dream you are talking to someone, it means that soon you will hear about the illness of your loved ones. In addition, trouble awaits you in business.

If you dream of people talking loudly, then. You will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seems to you that they are talking about you, the dream portends that you will encounter the ill will of others.

Conversation on the Family Dream Book

If in a dream you are talking to someone, you will soon receive news of the illness of someone close to you. And in business, not everything will be smooth.

If you saw people talking loudly, you will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seemed to you that it was you who were being discussed, then you will face the ill will of others.

Conversation on the Esoteric Dream Book

Hear is information for you; if you remember the topic of conversation - try to decipher the meaning.

Taking part in the conversation is the knowledge you need. We need to sharpen our attention.

Conversation on the dream book by Evgeny Tsvetkov


Conversation on the Modern Dream Book

A dream in which you are talking to someone portends unfavorable news from relatives. If in a dream you hear a loud conversation of other people, then be prepared to be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If the conversation is about you, then beware: you are threatened by illness and misfortune.

Conversation on the Eastern dream book

A dream in which you are talking to someone portends unfavorable news from relatives.

Hear loud conversation of other people - be prepared for the fact that you will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs. If the conversation is about you - beware: illness and misfortune threaten you.

Conversation on the dream book of Catherine the Great

Conversation - in a dream, you seem to be talking to someone - you will receive news about a serious illness of a loved one; also, this dream does not promise anything good in the business sphere; in despair you will begin to think that all the misfortunes have fallen on your head, but you will cost less losses than you initially assumed. It is as if you are talking to someone in a raised voice - someone will soon accuse you of being tactless or, even worse, of interfering in matters that do not concern you personally. You dream that someone is talking about you - those around you will not understand your intentions and will not treat you the way you would like; some of your words and actions will be perceived with condemnation.

Conversation on the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

It is good to talk to any living person; talking in a dream softens the evil meaning of sleep.

Talking in a dream with a baby, a woman or a crowd of people is especially good.

Stuttering in a dream is a joy in business.

Snorting is well-being.

Twitter is the envy of a neighbor.

But to stutter so that you cannot utter a word - rash words will lead to evil.

Talking about iron in a dream is a disease in the house.

To ask the way is to listen to bad advice.

Talking to trees - wealth awaits you.

Inaudible to speak - sadness.

In a dream, keep speech - you have to vigorously resist someone's will.

Chatting incessantly is a success on the chosen road.

Lying in a dream is a benefit and a loss at the same time.

To brag in a dream is to expose your friend.

Telling an anecdote is a surprise.

Giving your address is a loss.

Alien - well-being.

Awking in a dream is to hear the news.

To tell stories is an unexpected joy.

Fairy tales will bring news.

To convey the news is sadness.

To groan in a dream - you will be slandered.

Giving thanks is an unexpected friend.

An insult to receive is good luck in business.

To insult is humiliation yourself.

To swear, the word to give is to deceive successfully.

To order - you will fool someone.

It's a joy to invite.

Asking is unexpected news.

Everything that angels, priests, dead parents tell you in a dream is true.

Conversation on the dream book of Prince Zhou-Gong

Conversation - The person says things that are very pleasant to you. - Misfortune is approaching, grief. Someone tells you about death. - portends longevity. A man calls you from the street. - portends misfortune. You want to enter public baths. - portends a loss or an unfortunate event. Someone forbids you to do something. - There will be great happiness. You are talking to a bad person, a villain. - There will be a quarrel, so the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you dream.

Conversation on the dream book of Artemidor

You dreamed Conversation - Conversation on the street with a stranger. For a woman - a dream that dreamed on Monday night - to gossip and empty talk; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will have to listen to a lot of useless advice; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this is a meeting with an annoying unpleasant person. For a man - a Dream, dreamed on Monday night, to an unexpected message; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he warns that you are being too gullible; a dream that you had on Saturday or Sunday night says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision. Long conversation with an old acquaintance. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night - to spread false rumors about your friends; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - for an incident that will bring up pleasant memories; a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a meeting with a person with whom you have not seen for many years (or receiving some curious news about him). For a man - A dream that you had on Monday night reminds you that you keep forgetting to do something important; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have the opportunity to fulfill your long-standing desire; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to pleasant memories. A conversation at work A dream that dreamed on Monday night - to small failures in business; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to boredom and despondency; and on Saturday or Sunday night - to chagrin. Conversation in the subway car The dream, dreamed of on Monday night, means that because of some trifle you will have to go to the other end of the city; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday foreshadows that rumors will reach you that will alarm you; If you had a dream on a Saturday or Sunday night, you will have to ask strangers with requests. Conversation on the bus, trolleybus or tram A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will find yourself in a noisy company; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to boredom; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night - to long and tiring negotiations. Conversation with the taxi driver. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night portends the opportunity to change her life for the better; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to well-being; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, - means that unfamiliar people will give you advice. For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision; and seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - he is at a loss and not knowing what to do; a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday warns that you are being overly gullible.

Conversation on the dream book of E. Erickson

Conversation to what it is. 1. To be aware in dreams that people are talking gives the feeling that we ourselves can easily communicate. In a dream, we are able to clearly express what we think, whereas in real life we \u200b\u200bmay not feel confident. 2. Perhaps we are afraid that we will not be heard properly, and this excitement can be expressed by eavesdropping on other people's conversations. The words themselves are not necessarily important; what they say makes more sense. 3. Spiritual communication.

Conversation on the Women's Dream Book

Conversation - Talking with someone in a dream - to the news of the illness of people close to you. Also, troubles in the professional sphere are possible. If you dream of people talking loudly, you may be accused of meddling in other people's affairs. If in a dream someone discusses you, most likely you will encounter the ill will of others.

Housewife's dream book

Conversation is an expression of feelings and beliefs.

Conversation on the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun

You are talking to a bad person, a villain. - There will be a quarrel.

Someone forbids you to do something. - There will be great happiness.

Someone tells you about death. - portends longevity.

The person says things that are very pleasant for you. - Misfortune is approaching, grief.

Deceased ancestors test you or ask you for food. - Fortunately.

Conversation on the Islamic dream book

An interlocutor speaking in a dream means a person who is pleasant to talk to, according to the words of the Almighty: "We will tell you with the best story." If someone dreams that he is telling something, he will be freed from fear, for the Almighty said: “And when he came to him and told him the story, he said:“ Do not be afraid. ”The merchant who saw such a dream will be saved from loss ...

Conversation on the dream book of the XXI century

Conversation - Hearing conversations in a dream - to unpleasant news about the illness of someone close to you, troubles in business, very loud conversations - a sign that you will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs. Hearing in a dream the conversation of people whom you do not see is to the insincerity of the people whose voices you hear.

Conversation on the Slavic dream book

Conversation is an unpleasant experience. Damaged Uranus.

Conversation on the dream book Veles

The conversation of gods, parents, old people, the dead - means exactly what they talked about; people, animals - deception, excitement; talking to oneself - an unclear position, troubles, displeasure; to speak clearly is profit.

Conversation on the Ukrainian dream book

Clearly, clearly speaking in a dream - profit. Talk about iron - heralds illness in the house

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you are talking to someone, it means that soon you will hear about the illness of your loved ones. In addition, business troubles await you. If you dream of people talking loudly, it means that you will be accused of meddling in other people's affairs. If in a dream it seems to you that they are talking about you, the dream portends that you will encounter the ill will of others.

Why is the conversation dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why do voices dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

illegible - gossip, deceit in cases with documents; clear voice - extraordinary news; for good or bad, depending on the tone; words - indications of the future; encouraging voices - to dishonor; conversation is an invitation.

Why is the virgin dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

happy event. It is better to see an icon with a picture than alive. The Lord or the Mother of God in an unusual form or place, not looking like in tradition, is not good and deceiving.

I had a speech

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing the speech of a government person in a dream means that you will quarrel with a friend. If you dream that you are discussing someone's speech, then you are facing a sad adventure. If in a dream you are trying to remember someone's speech, it means that unexpected complications await you. Repeating, analyzing someone's speech in a dream portends that before you achieve what you want, you have to overcome very serious obstacles.

Dreamed of a voice

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and consent; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to hurt a loved one. The voice of God will awaken you to the noble effort to rise spiritually, to gain your own respect and recognition from others. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be ready for sad events. Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means the approach of a series of failures, to which you must gather your courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

See god in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Recently, two notable images of God have emerged in pop culture. The first was created by George Burns, assisting John Denver in Oh God! And the second by James Earl Jones, giving special orders to Roma Downey and Della Reese on the TV show Angel Touches. In the first case, God is presented available and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God manifests itself in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the guise of a person, but as something endowed with a divine principle, for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, and so on. After all, sometimes in a dream there is simply a sense of divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem that we faced in our dreams. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This is especially the case when we are faced with a choice leading to a forbidden act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbolism deserves close attention. In the waking state, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and inclined to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appeared in a dream correspond to the ideas about him that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps determine how conscientiously the orders of the officer corps are executed. You may need to resort to this identification method before pinpointing for certain that a Supreme Being has visited you in your dream. Before you follow what has been revealed to you, check its content against the character and nature of God. The divine symbol frightened you, did it threaten you? Try to find a reason for your feelings. Did the Midnight Guest try to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining if the dream was visionary.

Speaking in a dream, or sleep-speaking, or somniloquia - this is the name for speech activity during sleep. This is parasomnia or abnormal behavior, a phenomenon that occurs during sleep. The phenomenon is on a par with sleepwalking, teeth grinding, restless legs syndrome and other disorders. However, compared with other pathologies, it is observed often, usually does not worsen the quality of life, therefore it is not considered a particularly serious medical problem.

Talking in a dream is not dangerous to health, no matter what the speaker is talking about. Speaking can last no more than half a minute, but in some cases it can be repeated more than once a night.

Night speech can be very clear and even eloquent, but sometimes it happens that it is difficult to make out speech. It can be a long coherent sentence or, conversely, mumbling, separate sounds. Sometimes even monologues were observed during certain phases of sleep. People can whisper, they can scream without waking up. Stutterers can speak fluently. Sometimes the sleeping person's speech is similar to dialogue, as if he is talking to someone. Sometimes this dialogue can even be continued by wedging into the conversation of the person talking to himself. When pronouncing the phrase, the speaker himself does not wake up and after waking up does not remember that he communicated with himself, and even more so about what.

To date, it has not yet been possible to find out the reason for the dreaming. It is noticed that, like sleepwalking, the phenomenon is inherited and is more common in males than in females. Only 5% of the adult population is affected by this phenomenon.

More often, parents find out that their child is talking in his sleep. This does not mean that the children are sick and the child should be immediately followed up by specialists, carry out diagnostic tests and be registered. It's just that the child, most likely, has suffered some kind of stress the day before or has undergone emotional overexcitation. Half of the kids between the ages of three and ten (mainly from 6 to 8) conduct conversations in their sleep, and in childhood, girls hold the palm in speaking. In most cases, the fact that a child speaks in a dream refers to the process of growth and development of the brain, and children simply outgrow this period. No treatment needed.

How to identify talking in a dream

The speaker himself usually does not even suspect about his nocturnal sociability. His girlfriend, parents, neighbors in the hostel can enlighten him in this matter. If the husband talks in a dream, naturally, his spouse will tell him about his problem. There is a certain point of view of physicians who have faced this problem that if a person talks in a dream, then he either speaks out the impressions of the day, or subconscious feelings, or repeats what he said that day. This is perhaps the only inconvenience of this phenomenon - the ability to blabber.

Reasons: why a person talks in a dream

Sleep talk is usually observed during 2 different phases of sleep: during the 2nd phase, when the flow of thoughts is not associated with dreams, or during the rapid eye movement phase, which is accompanied by active dreams. If a person speaks during the rapid eye movement phase, it is easy to wake him up, and he will stop talking. If he speaks during the 2nd phase, it will be difficult to wake him up.

During any phase of sleep, dreaming usually has nothing to do with dreaming. Dr. Kohler, director of the Florida Sleep Institute, emphasized that speaking can reflect the problem of dreaming, or it can be completely unrelated to it.

There is another version of the dream. Many researchers of the problem believe that this is a compensatory reaction that helps the body move from one phase of sleep to the next. It is known that sleep is divided into 4 phases: 3 of them are slow-wave and one is fast-wave. More often, conversations are conducted during the shallow phase. The phases alternate almost all the time while the person sleeps, going through the cycle in one and a half to two hours. About 5% of the time falls on the 1st phase. That's 3-4 minutes for every 2 hours of sleep. Saying something during this time, a person falls asleep deeper.

Dreaming is mostly harmless if it is not associated with a more serious pathology. The main pathologies that cause doubt are:

  • violation of the sleep phase with rapid eye movement;
  • night fears.

If a person has night fears, shouting, tossing and turning, sharp movements of the legs can accompany the speaking. It is very difficult to wake a sleeping person at this moment. Children with nighttime fears can not only talk, but also walk without waking up.

People with impaired REM sleep can scream, or scream, sometimes behave aggressively during sleep. This type of somniloquia can be accompanied by sleepwalking, an eating disorder (a person eats in a dream, reaches the refrigerator, without realizing and not remembering).

Well the most unpleasant reason when a person speaks in a dream with various pathologies... Paroxysmal sleeping is a form of epilepsy. It differs from the described neurotic: it arises at the same time, is accompanied by aggression, the patient is almost impossible to wake up, that is, there is a great depth of clouding of consciousness. This is the only option when an examination by a psychotherapist is required.

Why do people talk in their sleep? The following reasons can also contribute to speaking:

  • taking certain medications;
  • stress and seasonal depression;
  • heat;
  • substance abuse and drug addiction.

In extremely rare cases, talking in a dream can be observed with depression, schizophrenia, constitutional nervousness, psychopathy and other mental disorders.

Treatment: how to get rid of the problem

There are no special regimens for the treatment of somniloquia. It is worth going to the doctor only if the phenomenon interferes with deep sleep, if it bothers others, if it is accompanied by sudden movements or even walking, a feeling of fear.

If a child talks in a dream and the phenomenon continues for a long time, and in the opinion of the parents, the reasons are not related to his emotional overexcitation, you can contact a pediatrician, neurologist or somnologist. To make the conversation more substantive before visiting a doctor, it is worth observing the child for two to four weeks and writing down everything that happens in a diary - stress, taking medications, how many times the child spoke in a dream and how long this state lasted.

For a more accurate diagnosis, a specialist may suggest polysomnography, especially if other sleep disorders are observed. With normal, harmless speaking, no treatment is prescribed. If speaking is the result of another complex and serious disorder, then the underlying disease is treated.

How to stop talking in your sleep

To avoid your nocturnal sociability and not to give away secrets and secrets, you should completely relax before going to bed and carry out relaxing procedures. This will help a hot bath, sex, massage, airing the room before going to bed, and even better, walking. No need to watch TV before going to bed, listen to emotional music on headphones. If the day was busy, you should take a sedative. You should not overload the stomach before going to bed - you do not need to eat heavy and fatty foods, spicy and sweet 2-3 hours before bedtime, you should limit yourself in the afternoon to drinking coffee and strong tea.

In order not to overstrain the already sensitive nervous system of the child, do not:

  • play with him before going to bed in active games or games that cause him vivid emotions;
  • you should not scold the child before bedtime;
  • no need to scare him with a babayka and other horror stories;
  • no need to allow the child to watch TV for an hour and a half before bedtime, and, moreover, fall asleep under it;
  • air the nursery well before bed.

Following these tips in some cases helps to wean from speaking in a dream.

Video on the topic of the article.
If you have any questions, you can watch the interview with Dr. med. Sci., somnologist Roman Buzunov

List of used literature:

  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya. I. Levina M .: "Medforum", 2016. 518 pp.
  • A.M. Petrov, A.R. Giniatullin Sleep neurobiology: modern view (textbook) Kazan, State Medical University, 2012, 83 pp.
  • Under the general editorship of Doctor of Biological Sciences EV Verbitsky Collection: "Sleep and anxiety" Rostov-on-Don. Publishing house of the SSC RAS. 2008

A conversation in a dream - Basically, conversations dream of strong excitement in relation to you.
Conducting a conversation with a person whom you have not seen, then such a dream portends the unexpected loss of a close friend.
If you dreamed of a conversation in a dream, then such a dream may portend bad news about the illness of a loved one or loved one. such a dream can promise big trouble in important matters.
If someone forbids you to do something in a dream - expect great happiness, your life will improve.
If in a dream someone forbids you to talk, then expect great happiness in the family circle.
If in a dream you see people talking loudly, then someone will soon accuse you of meddling in your own business.
If in a dream you talk about iron - take care of the health of loved ones, as a dream portends an imminent illness of someone in the house.
If in a dream you are talking with someone, then this dream portends sad news about the death of your loved ones and relatives. It is possible that the troubles will not end there, and failures will await you at work and in entrepreneurial endeavors.
If in a dream you speak clearly and clearly with someone, then you will have financial independence and unexpected profits.
If in a dream other people discuss you and your behavior - in reality, those around you will begin to treat you unfriendly.
If in a dream someone says compliments or other pleasant words to you, then grief and misfortune await you.
If you are talking in a dream with a bad person, a criminal, you will soon have a quarrel with a person you love.
If you hear death talk - you will have many years of life.
If you only spoke but did not eat - you will be very significant to the people around you.
If you hear very loud conversations, then be prepared to be accused of lying, and even your friends will turn their backs on you.
If the conversation was rude, tense, then in reality you can have a big quarrel with a loved one.
If the conversation was about you - there is an opportunity to face ill-wishers and enemies. To carry on a conversation in a dream calmly, quietly, in a friendly tone - the situation will soon return to normal and everything will fall into place.
Talking at the table while eating can have stomach problems.
Talk to the animal - great worries and worries await you.
Talking to a certain person - you are loved.
A conversation in a dream will most likely bring you sad news from distant relatives or friends.
A conversation with an unpleasant person for you portends a major quarrel at work.
Hearing voices in a dream, but not seeing who pronounces them, will lead to the fact that those people whose voices you heard and could make out will lead to the fact that everything in your life will turn upside down, and these "comrades" will push you to unpleasant skirmishes with unfamiliar people. Also, you need to remember what about what is being discussed in the conversation you hear. This will help you sort out a difficult situation.
To dream of people who were talking very loudly, then wait for accusations that you interfered in other people's affairs.

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