A charmed man. Why dream of a love spell in a dream on a man Why dream that you have been bewitched

Plastic windows 21.01.2021
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Let's take a closer look at what the dream spell on a man is about - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Why dream of a love spell

Sometimes the plot of dreams is striking in its uniqueness. And why is there a love spell in a dream? Often a love spell promises a person an unexpected turn in business. He should be wary of the intrigues of enemies, which can take the client away from the dreamer or put a spoke in the wheel.

If a woman dreamed that she bewitched her husband in a dream, then in reality he can leave her. It's all the fault of the mistress, who in every way tries to bind him to herself. It will be very difficult for the dreamer to keep the family together. Perhaps it makes sense for her to turn to a magician who will help to reason with her husband. However, she will have to pay dearly for this, so she should think several times before resorting to this method.

What if a love spell is dreaming

According to the everyday dream book, a love spell suggests that a person is not all right in his personal life. He thinks that he was jinxed, so he is ready to turn to the witch. But the magician will not solve his problem, the dreamer must change himself, as soon as he does this, a white streak begins in his life. He can find a mate and move up the career ladder.

If a woman dreamed of a love spell, then she should be careful with new acquaintances. One gentleman will do anything to make her his mistress. But you shouldn't give himself up to him, otherwise the novel will not lead to good. It is better to try to come up with something that will alienate him from himself, otherwise the trouble will not escape.

What a love spell portends

According to the esoteric dream book, a love spell promises a girl an annoying gentleman. It will not be easy for the dreamer to get rid of him. However, one should not give in to him, since he will turn out to be not a very good person. A man should not make hasty decisions, otherwise he may find himself in a difficult position.

If you believe the female dream book, a love spell foreshadows a person's problems in his personal life. He should be more open, otherwise the dreamer will lose his beloved over a trifle.

To enchant a loved one in a dream is to part with him. You should not try to rebuild the relationship, as it is very difficult to do. But even a positive outcome of the event will not guarantee that the old feelings will return again.

Light love spell for sleep

A love spell for sleep is a very effective magical remedy that quite easily allows you to bewitch a loved one. This is due to the fact that you will simply appear every night to your chosen one in a dream and sooner or later he will come to you anyway.

In addition, a love spell for sleep is a relevant love spell if you are apart from your loved one and it is important for you that he always remembers you and misses you. It can also prevent accidental cheating.

Features of sleep spells

This type of love spells does not differ in the duration of the action. The maximum exposure period is two weeks. But at the same time, after a while it is quite allowed to repeat the ceremony.

It is important that this type of ritual is a means of white magic, so they cannot harm either the victim or the performer. It is also noteworthy that sleep spells do not break the will, but, most likely, are a reminder of another person. After such a ceremony, it is not at all necessary that mutual strong feelings arise.

Effective sleep rituals

There are a lot of options for sleeping rituals. But the main condition for their effectiveness is that such impacts must be carried out in a good mood and a positive mood. If you are upset about something, then the ritual should be postponed for another time.

The phase of the moon for carrying out love spells for sleep does not matter. But at the same time, it is advisable to spend approximately at the time when your chosen one should go to bed. You can clarify it, for example, by calling. An unobtrusive question about when a loved one goes to bed is unlikely to alert him. But, nevertheless, it is important that your chosen one does not suspect anything, otherwise the impact will not be effective.

With a mirror and a candle

To carry out a strong impact, you need the following attributes:

  • Small round mirror;
  • A small candle made of white wax;
  • Red marker.

All items that will be used in the ritual must be new. Moreover, in order to remove extraneous energy from them, they should be purified with fire or holy water.

You also need to stock up on a photo of your loved one in advance, it is desirable that it be new and there are no strangers on it.

The ritual consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to put a photo of your loved one in the center of the table;
  • On top of the picture, put the mirror face up;
  • On the mirror, you need to write the full name of a loved one.
  • Take a lit candle in your right hand and, passing it over the mirror surface, whisper the following magic words:

Spend about ten minutes on these steps. Do not get distracted during this time, think about your chosen one. You need to fully focus on thoughts of your beloved. In the process of carrying out the ceremony, you should have a feeling that your positive emotions, filled with sincere love and longing, left you and reached your loved one.

At the end of the ceremony, the candle must be blown out and simply thrown away, and the mirror and a photo of a loved one should be put under your pillow and try to fall asleep as quickly as possible thinking about your chosen one. In the morning, the attributes should be hidden in a secluded place for two weeks.

Lunar rites

As you know, the night luminary is often used as an assistant in love magic. And love spells for sleep are no exception. In order to dream of a loved one, you can turn to the Moon for help.

The simplest way

A simple love spell ritual provides for very simple but effective actions. You need to cross your mouth and looking at the moon, say magic words.

Such a conspiracy must be repeated several times until a subconscious feeling arises that the words have reached the goal.

Addressing the moon

You can use another love spell, which contains a direct appeal to the moon. Before reading it, the magic words should be written on a piece of paper.

They should sound like this:

Words are read from the sheet three times and each time they should sound the same. After that, the leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered through an open window.

The main thing for any love spell is a belief in magic. If you are by nature a person with strong energy, then the success of the impact is guaranteed.

Good evening! Please tell me what a dream in which my beloved man confesses his love to me can mean (the dream was after my love spell)

Sincerely, Elena!

It is very difficult to interpret your dream unequivocally. After all, the nature of the appearance of your beloved in your sleep, and even with such news, can be different.

As you know, through dreams we can communicate with our subconscious, and as a result of such communication, we learn new information about ourselves that was not previously known. But many also have clairvoyant abilities. Prophetic dreams allow you to see a lot that is destined to happen. What does it mean?

First. You are so in love that all thoughts are occupied by only one particular man. All your fantasies about living together, long mutual love do not pass without leaving a trace and are "imprinted". Thus, in a dream you see what you so passionately want.

But it can also be a good signal. Have you heard of visualization? Visualization is such a psychological technique that implies a wide flight of imagination in cooperation with an inner conviction of yourself in the reality of your desires. Thoughts are material, and therefore what you most often think about will happen sooner or later. The main thing is to think correctly.

Second. This is a kind of "notification" to you that your love spell was a success. Such cases also happen, it is not uncommon. Just as fortune-telling in Christmas dreams allows you to see a narrowed one in a dream, so love spells pass with a "report" in dreams.

And the third option - because of the important changes in your life, you have a chance to look at your future with one eye, so as not to go astray in the future, to be ready for changes.

All three hypotheses are quite real and, as you probably noticed yourself, add up in your favor. Therefore, you did the love spell correctly, which means tune in to romance and happiness. Your beloved is already beginning to realize how much he is in love with you. Very soon he will not be able to live without you.

Dream book ritual

Why is any ritual dreaming? In a dream, any ritual action has its own meaning. To get an accurate transcript, use the advice of the dream book: set the purpose of the event and take into account all the accompanying details.

Miller calls

The ritual in a dream is intended to remind you that you definitely need to deal with a case that you are constantly putting off. Miller's dream book insists: bring it to the end, otherwise you will get a lot of problems.

Don't give in!

Had a dream about how you happened to perform a certain ritual? In dreams, this action literally means the desire to achieve the goal by any means.

Did you have a chance to perform a witchcraft ritual? The dream book warns: do not succumb to temptations, you run the risk of getting involved in a dark business.

Had a dream that you intended to carry out a certain ceremony? In reality, failure will throw you off balance and you will unleash your anger on those around you.

What do you want?

Dreamed of a magic ritual? The dream interpretation suspects that you want to get something forbidden, as a result of which you lose the remnants of your sanity.

Happened to see a magic ritual performed in a dream by another character? To win the favor of the chosen one, you are ready for desperate but stupid actions.

What are you capable of?

Why dream of a magical ritual performed independently? You really have hidden abilities and can influence fate if you want.

Moreover, in a dream, performing religious acts literally means that your dreams come true.

A bit of specifics

The dream book offers a list of rituals that will help establish the true meaning of vision.

  • Spiritualism is a health problem.
  • Summoning demons, the Devil - dark thoughts, dangerous games.
  • Inducing damage, curses - bad intentions, a desire to subjugate and rule.
  • A love spell is a solution to a problem, a gift.
  • Healings are a good deed, care, protection.
  • Fortune-telling is unverified information, anxiety.

Think about it!

Why is ritual murder dreaming? Walking through life, you are guided by extremely base passions.

Voluntary participation in a bloody sacrifice in a dream means submission (perhaps unconsciously) to someone else's ill-will.

Seeing a bloodless offering to the Gods is a worthy profit. If, in front of your eyes, a murder happened and the blood of a loved one was shed, then in reality you will lose him.

In the night, as in reality!

What is the dream of a real coven of witches with orgy and rituals? According to the dream book, this reflects the desire to go beyond the usual existence.

Had a dream about an initiation ritual performed over you? If in reality you are engaged in spiritual searches, then in a dream you really passed it. For ordinary people, it is a symbol of achievement, thanks to perseverance.

Did you have to perform some ritual actions in your dreams? This is an eloquent hint: you need to solve the problem with a non-trivial approach.

Performing an unfamiliar ritual in person means that it's time to get rid of wild prejudices and find a different view of the world.

Had a dream that incomprehensible ritual manipulations are performed by a stranger? The dream interpretation believes that you run the risk of becoming a victim of a negative program and submitting to someone else's will.

What is the dream of a burial service store? If in a dream you happened to be in it by chance, then events are coming that will help you find a completely different outlook on the world and life. But if you do not take advantage of this moment, then the dream book predicts complete spiritual degradation.

During the night, did you go to a funeral service store because of the death of a loved one? In reality, you will acquire new, completely unexpected qualities.

Only positive!

Why do cemetery wreaths dream? Most often, they promise the dreamer for many years. In general, the interpretation of the dream, in which funeral wreaths had to be seen, is positive.

But the dream book reminds: the specific meaning depends on personal actions. For example, carrying a wreath in a dream is a sign of luck, putting a product on a coffin - to the birth of a child or inheritance. Had a dream about the ritual of laying on the grave? In reality, make peace with an old enemy.

Love spell on a man - what I saw in a dream. "Back to the list of questions

And at first he was very cheerful, and then sour somehow (very often this isolation, sadness, closeness in my dreams about him).

Then a sequel: we are with him at the bus station in my city.

Question: what they told me in this dream (the girl about the love spell, he about the condition that they stay together) is pure information? Can it be taken literally?


Lunar dream calendar

Prophetic dream affirmation calendar

Joint dreams:

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Cotic, hello :) So the fact of the matter is that I live on, about which I wrote here more than once. And magnet previously said that everything is tired and I want to say goodbye to this situation. And I don't think so much about it. You can't shut up your subconscious :) In general, the experience of my dreams suggests that emotionality and thoughts have nothing to do with it. You can think a lot and get prophetic dreams. But life actually goes on. There is no doubt about it.

Aina, hello. I haven't visited the site for a long time, but then I went in and saw your dreams. You, of course, excuse me, but I completely agree with magnet here, she gave a very correct answer. It can be seen that your dreams are very filled with thoughts, it can be seen that you are not letting go of the situation, you are fixated on it. I don't see a relationship in these dreams either. You need to let go and move away from the situation completely, not think, and then your dreams will become more truthful and clear. Emotions may reflect what is in a dream, but not everyone has it. And plus, if you constantly want to get these emotions in dreams, then you will get them. Start living in reality, not dreams and hopes. And your dreams will become different and correct, and will give you clear information as before. Sorry that it is somehow very rude, but it is clear that you are stuck in this situation, and life is movement and you need to move on.

Hello magnet! Thanks for your opinion) Honestly, I don't want anything in real life, I'm just tired. But I have a pattern: as soon as I make this decision for myself, I start to actively dream. And dreams with very good symbols. This is one of many. Yes, there is a detachment from the guy in him, but he is so closed in life too. I do not want to be deceived and wishful thinking, so I ask for help to see an outside opinion, for which I am grateful to you. An uninterested glance is very helpful. Sobering up.

But, if you look at the dream objectively, what about its ending? Isn't it emotions on his part and a desire to stay with me? Indeed, here, on the site, it has been repeatedly said that the main thing is emotions and the end of sleep. In reality, our relationship was more based on his actions. I'm glad you didn't see any signs of a love spell here. In principle, I don’t understand this, so I didn’t think about something like that in my life.

As for the fact that in all my dreams I try to see signs of a renewed relationship, then no, why hover in illusions. This is not a way to jump into the last car of a departing train. I do not post all my dreams here, and you, of course, cannot know the whole picture as a whole.

As for the help from my side, he also does not understand, because our communication at the moment comes down to the fact that he congratulates me on all the holidays, demonstrates a good attitude towards me, we intersect in social networks. I don't show any initiative at all. Again, actions on his part, not mine.

And the main question that we recently discussed with the girls is that it turns out that our dreams are just options for the development of events. There is a set of paths that we can follow. And it is far from the fact that everything will turn out like this in life. I got stuck in them due to the fact that earlier the vast majority of my dreams were prophetic. And literally. No affirmations. Once you dreamed, then it will come true.

I recently did an installation on symbols. I wondered if a stone is dreamed - that's all, the end, if trees - there is a chance. As a result, we sat with him at the table, ate, hugged and rescued his sister and child. It is clear that nothing is clear :)))

Aina, hello, if you have a version of interpretation according to the plot of the dream, it is difficult to bring your own for two reasons: because you are tuned in to a certain version of events that suits you and it is difficult for you to move away from it and look detached, and the second reason, the dreamer, in theory I myself must understand better what the subconscious mind is telling it, and here, in my opinion, it’s a trap, you need to ask yourself questions and answer them correctly, if you want to know exactly what the subconscious mind tells you, and not what it wants to see.

According to many signs and symbols, your ex is moving away from you and then he is in a bad mood, then he frowns and leaves with another girl. In the first plot with him, you see a dead woman and tell him about it, what can this mean symbolically? it shows that the emotional part of your relationship is in the past.

You take part in the game, according to the symbols, this may mean some kind of flirting and a relationship between a man and a woman, but he does not show interest and other similar signs. Sometimes words with information in dreams can be regarded as direct speech, but in your dream, there are not enough additional details indicating that the words about the effect on it are correct. It is by the details of the dream that I personally do not see the attributes of damage or love spell, as well as any signs pointing to it.

You asked the question - are you not deceived, you are in your feelings? I think you sincerely want to see signs talking about the return of the relationship, but so far, in my opinion, there are no arguments for this. There are moments of your help to him, he does not refuse this, maybe before your relationship was kept more due to your actions.

You do not write, did you see these dreams by affirmation? if not, try to do an affirmation, but with one clear question, for example, is there a love spell on it? with a specific symbol, if there is, let the earth dream, for example, and if not, then water, well, something like that, then on the "sincerity of the relationship", "look in the eyes" affirmations did you do? I do not remember, I will even advise you to do them again, in order to see and understand everything more clearly and then changes may occur in his plans and dreams that have been dreamed for a long time may lose their relevance. Maybe there will be more opinions? in my opinion, we should try to get additional information.

why dream of a love spell in a dream on a man

why is the object of a love spell dreaming?

- Because I do not like slaves.

But it can be much simpler. You often think about this person and it is not surprising that you dream about him.

1.the object you dreamed thinks, speaks about you,

2. this person leaves your life. (depending on the circumstances)

1.the object you dreamed thinks, speaks about you,

2. this person leaves your life. (depending on the circumstances)

I don't have that, but it's very interesting)

already ready for procreation. My feminine essence has matured.

It works pretty quickly.

Strongest Gypsy Magic

Many are interested in the question of how dreams change when there is a magical effect on a love spell. Can there be prophetic dreams that tell about what is happening with the situation.

In this matter, from my own experience, I can tell you for sure that everything depends on how receptive a person is. Look, a love spell is done on a person. That is, it does not affect binary, but precisely on the one who needs to be bewitched. Therefore, the customer of the love spell is not involved in magical work in any way, the effect of magic does not occur on him.

On the other hand, if the customer is sensitive, he has a well-developed intuition, then he can unconsciously receive information about a loved one, know and feel what is happening to him. And since this sensitivity increases in a dream (consciousness does not interfere, the subconscious is actively working), so-called prophetic dreams may appear.

A prophetic dream is when in a dream you receive real information about what is happening in a relationship, with a person or in a situation that worries you the most.

A prophetic dream can be of direct meaning and vice versa.

Prophetic dream of direct meaning - this is when something is, then a person feels. That is, there is an intensification of a person's feelings, his love intensifies - you yourself feel and experience the same thing in a dream.

Prophetic dream of the opposite meaning - this is when information comes "upside down". That is, you see in a dream everything is the other way around, you quarrel, swear, hate each other, disagree, and so on, but in reality, in reality, everything is the other way around. Such a dream can come in cases where you or the bewitched person experience extremely strong feelings, often changing, uncertain. Then the subconscious mind gets a little confused and confused, shows you your fears, reinforced by the energy coming from the love spell.

That is why you do not need to be upset immediately if you saw something bad in a dream, at the same time, very intensely, that even from this dream you suddenly woke up.

And the last moment. It happens immediately after a love spell (within a week after the ritual) that dreams come confused... Then you should not rely entirely on the data obtained from sleep. It just suggests that a person is sensitive to magic, can receive information during sleep. But during active magical work, the data may not always be accurate.

Dream interpretation online - a detailed interpretation of dreams

I have collected several dream books for you. You can use the alphabetical index provided after the description of each dream book to see explanations for specific images of your dreams.

Or you can write a description of a dream (see the form below) and conduct a sleep analysis by choosing the dream book that interests you.

You can also download dream bookthat interests you, and some of the dream interpretation programs from the Library.

Why dream of damage

Sometimes in a dream people see nightmarish pictures that can tell a lot. And what is the dream of damage? Let's figure out what exactly burst into your night vision and explain the meaning:

  • you spoil;
  • a glamor is sent on you;
  • you are cleared of negativity.

What does a dream mean where you cast witchcraft on someone

Such a dream promises that you feel hostility, unfriendliness, disgust, anger towards a certain person. First of all, it threatens you yourself, since these feelings have a destructive character that negatively affects your own health.

It is necessary to get rid of such a burden. Let go of all insults to your offender, do not hold anger at him, and you will see how your soul will become easier.

In a dream, a curse was sent to you - what is it for

A dream of this kind can be interpreted as a tendency to blame other people for their troubles and defeats. All those around you seem to be enemies and enemies, although they are neutral towards you. Even if someone is attracted to you, you will not let that person near you.

You explain all ailments and impotence by the fact that this is the influence of ill-wishers, although in fact, the causes of diseases lie in you, because of your negligent attitude towards yourself.

What is the dream of a witch who puts damage on you? This suggests that you doubt your strengths and capabilities. To solve any problem, you will ask for help from an influential person, but be careful, as she is not trustworthy.

Such nightmarish visions can also portend a deteriorating health condition. Intuition, as it were, suggests that it is imperative to consult a doctor and undergo an examination in order to stop the development of any diseases that have already begun.

It is necessary to periodically do rituals, purification from negative energy, so that it comes out and does not accumulate in the body.

Damage is removed in a dream - how to understand

Waking up in the morning, you ask yourself the following question: "In a dream they removed the damage to me, why would it be?" This section has an answer related to this topic.

If you dreamed that you asked for help from the witch, this predicts sharp turns in fate, enemy tricks, intrigues from ill-wishers. But you do not need to worry, since the vision you see about the removal of damage by a specialist indicates that you have enough strength to cope with all the problems.

A young girl who has such a dream is in for useless jealousy. You should not despise your young man, because cleaning from a destructive program testifies to its protection by the Guardian Angel and rivals do not pose a danger.

Having learned what the damage is about in a dream, we can conclude that the subconscious mind warns you about something unpleasant and invites you to be careful.

Good evening! Please tell me what a dream in which my beloved man confesses his love to me can mean (the dream was after my love spell)

Sincerely, Elena!

It is very difficult to interpret your dream unequivocally. After all, the nature of the appearance of your beloved in your sleep, and even with such news, can be different.

As you know, through dreams we can communicate with our subconscious, and as a result of such communication, we learn new information about ourselves that was not previously known. But many also have clairvoyant abilities. Prophetic dreams allow you to see a lot that is destined to happen. What does it mean?

First. You are so in love that all thoughts are occupied by only one particular man. All your fantasies about living together, long mutual love do not pass without leaving a trace and are "imprinted". Thus, in a dream you see what you so passionately want.

But it can also be a good signal. Have you heard of visualization? Visualization is such a psychological technique that implies a wide flight of imagination in cooperation with an inner conviction of yourself in the reality of your desires. Thoughts are material, and therefore what you most often think about will happen sooner or later. The main thing is to think correctly.

Second. This is a kind of "notification" to you that your love spell was a success. Such cases also happen, it is not uncommon. Just as fortune-telling in Christmas dreams allows you to see a narrowed one in a dream, so love spells pass with a "report" in dreams.

And the third option - because of the important changes in your life, you have a chance to look at your future with one eye, so as not to go astray in the future, to be ready for changes.

All three hypotheses are quite real and, as you probably noticed yourself, add up in your favor. Therefore, you did the love spell correctly, which means tune in to romance and happiness. Your beloved is already beginning to realize how much he is in love with you. Very soon he will not be able to live without you.

Sincerely, Elena!

Sincerely, Elena!

Calling a loved one in a dream has long been used to induce the chosen one to think more often about the girl he dreamed about.

Psychologists agree with parapsychologists: dreams reflect a person's subconscious, including his latent desires. That is why sometimes dreams do not give us rest during the day, forcing us to think about dreams with fear or, conversely, with pleasant anticipation. Seeing a girl in a dream, a man involuntarily begins to think about her, and if a love program was also included in the dream, the dreamed object becomes attractive, desirable, you want to see it in reality and embody what was happening in a dream. A man begins to look for a meeting with the one he dreamed of, interest awakens in him, which in the future can develop into a passionate feeling.

Usually, conspiracies to dream of a loved one are considered magical challenges, but there are some that can be considered white love spells. An experienced master of love spells in Krasnoyarsk, parapsychologist Nikolaev Igor Leonidovich, advises novice magicians to conduct such harmless rituals. It is better for inexperienced not to perform strong love spells on their own, so as not to accidentally harm themselves or their chosen one.

Calls of a loved one in a dream should be performed on a full moon. Solstice days are also good for "sleepy rituals".

Conspiracy challenges

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The ritual can be performed no more than three times a month.

“Go, smoke, to the slave (name of the chosen one). As the haze whirls strongly in the wind, so let my dear love dream of my love. Amen".

To the full moon

This conspiracy must be read three times, looking at the moon through an open window, and then throw a crumpled piece of paper into it and go to bed.

“Servant of God (name of the chosen one), wait for me, I am coming to you, I will be with you in my sleep all night until morning. Amen".

“Eat-taste my sweets, let you dream of my delights. Eat and taste the sweetness of honey, I bind your dreams with pood chains. Your spirit will take over, and my heart will ache for me. For ages I will dream and see you ”.

People with strong energy can even compose a dream themselves by sending it to a loved one. Sometimes, in this case, both have the same dream. The ritual is carried out at night (preferably from Thursday to Friday), in the dark, and you must be sure that your chosen one is already asleep at this time.

After that, concentrate and start composing a dream, mentally sending it to your chosen one.

The meaning of dreams

Sometimes the plot of dreams is striking in its uniqueness. And why is there a love spell in a dream? Often, a love spell promises a person an unexpected turn in business. He should be wary of the intrigues of enemies, which can take the client away from the dreamer or put a spoke in the wheel.

If a woman dreamed that she bewitched her husband in a dream, then in reality he can leave her. It's all the fault of the mistress, who in every way tries to bind him to herself. It will be very difficult for the dreamer to keep the family together. Perhaps it makes sense for her to turn to a magician who will help to reason with her husband. However, she will have to pay dearly for this, so she should think several times before resorting to this method.

According to the everyday dream book, a love spell suggests that a person is not all right in his personal life. He thinks that he was jinxed, so he is ready to turn to the witch. But the magician will not solve his problem, the dreamer must change himself, as soon as he does this, a white streak begins in his life. He can find a mate and move up the career ladder.

If a woman dreamed of a love spell, then she should be careful with new acquaintances. One gentleman will do anything to make her his mistress. But you shouldn't give himself up to him, otherwise the novel will not lead to good. It is better to try to come up with something that will alienate him from himself, otherwise the trouble will not escape.

According to the esoteric dream book, a love spell promises a girl an annoying gentleman. It will not be easy for the dreamer to get rid of him. However, one should not give in to him, since he will turn out to be not a very good person. A man should not make hasty decisions, otherwise he may find himself in a difficult position.

If you believe the female dream book, a love spell foreshadows a person's problems in his personal life. He should be more open, otherwise the dreamer will lose his beloved over a trifle.

To enchant a loved one in a dream is to part with him. You should not try to rebuild the relationship, as it is very difficult to do. But even a positive outcome of the event will not guarantee that the old feelings will return again.

Black Magic - conspiracies, ceremonies, rituals. Magical help

The customer always feels a change in his own state at the time of the love spell and after it. This is due to the very nature of any magical rite. The energy surge caused by magic amazes all participants in the ritual: the object, the customer and the magician. Therefore, the question of how the customer feels during a love spell is very relevant.

In practice, the situation regarding the distribution of the pullback wave is slightly different. If the ritual was carried out by a professional magician on request, then after the ritual by means known only to him, he wards off the retaliatory energy blow, transferring it to the customer.

The more powerful the love spell, the more powerful can be its negative consequences for the customer. Of course, he begins to feel their harbingers already in the process of the ceremony. Therefore, it is imperative to know what the customer of the love spell feels and how to behave afterwards, in order to make the right decision directly about the need for the ceremony.

If you are a customer of a love spell, then you should prepare for the fact that you will definitely feel the moment of the beginning of the ceremony. So, what does the customer of the love spell feel directly at the moment of the ceremony? First of all, physical discomfort will arise.

It can manifest itself in everyone in different ways, for example:

  • Chills;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Stomach problems;
  • Headache.

But at the same time, you can unequivocally answer the question of what the customer feels during a love spell on a subconscious level. At this moment, always and everyone has a feeling of increased anxiety. In addition, many have a strong desire for loneliness. I would like to hide from the whole world overnight. And even with close people and relatives, it is very difficult to be close at this moment.

Since the magic rite lasts no more than half an hour, then the sensations described above will be observed for approximately the same time. After that, physical and mental fatigue remains. Internally, it seems that you were engaged in long physical labor and did all the work under duress without any moral support.

When performing a ritual related to white magic, the customer has the following symptoms:

  • Prostration;
  • Psychological fatigue.

In this regard, knowing when the magician plans to carry out the ceremony, you need to foresee a day off for the next day. As a rule, one day of good rest in a positive mood and with good quality nutrition can be enough to fully recover. A love ritual related to black magic, causing severe harm to the victim, generates a powerful backward wave of negative energy directed at the customer.

In the future, his body adapts. In addition, dreams after a love spell become restless or turn into nightmares, less often pictures of a happy joint future are dreamed of. The existing chronic diseases are exacerbated almost immediately. On the other hand, after the ceremony is successful, the customer feels a surge of positive emotions in parallel.

The main ones are:

  • Light pleasant excitement from a premonition of positive changes;
  • The desire to be close to the bewitched person;
  • Joyful excitement from the ideas of future life together with the chosen one.

You should control your feelings, as they will be largely associated with sexual attraction to the chosen one. If changes are noticed on your part, then this may alert the close environment of the bewitched. In this case, the love spell can be removed, which will also entail unpleasant consequences for the customer.

When ordering a love spell, it should be understood that after a magical effect the customer is promised a variety of consequences. What will happen is very difficult to systematize, because it depends on a variety of factors. Health consequences can be very dangerous. Moreover, if after the ceremony, health problems begin directly with the victim of a love spell, then the customer's closest relatives suffer more. An energy strike can retain its strength for several generations and it is impossible to predict in what pattern it will be impossible.

We can say with certainty that the backward wave will hit one of the weak points in the near future after the love spell rite. Therefore, if you have sick elderly relatives, then it is better to refuse to bewitch a person. Almost always, the reverse energy blow affects the financial sector.

And this is felt in the first days after the ceremony, for example, troubles begin at work or problems with their own business. That is, the love spell scares off luck, and the customer of the ritual feels completely defenseless. In addition to the main consequences affecting the basic areas of life, after the love spell rite, the character of the customer changes as a whole.

It should be remembered that negative consequences cannot be prevented, but they can be minimized. Therefore, before ordering a ceremony, you must be confident not only in the professionalism of the magician, but also in his decency.

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Light love spell for sleep

A love spell for sleep is a very effective magical remedy that quite easily allows you to bewitch a loved one. This is due to the fact that you will simply appear every night to your chosen one in a dream and sooner or later he will come to you anyway.

In addition, a love spell for sleep is a relevant love spell if you are apart from your loved one and it is important for you that he always remembers you and misses you. It can also prevent accidental cheating.

This type of love spells does not differ in the duration of the action. The maximum exposure period is two weeks. But at the same time, after a while it is quite allowed to repeat the ceremony.

It is important that this type of ritual is a means of white magic, so they cannot harm either the victim or the performer. It is also noteworthy that sleep spells do not break the will, but, most likely, are a reminder of another person. After such a ceremony, it is not at all necessary that mutual strong feelings arise.

There are a lot of options for sleeping rituals. But the main condition for their effectiveness is that such impacts must be carried out in a good mood and a positive mood. If you are upset about something, then the ritual should be postponed for another time.

The phase of the moon for carrying out love spells for sleep does not matter. But at the same time, it is advisable to spend approximately at the time when your chosen one should go to bed. You can clarify it, for example, by calling. An unobtrusive question about when a loved one goes to bed is unlikely to alert him. But, nevertheless, it is important that your chosen one does not suspect anything, otherwise the impact will not be effective.

With a mirror and a candle

To carry out a strong impact, you need the following attributes:

  • Small round mirror;
  • A small candle made of white wax;
  • Red marker.

All items that will be used in the ritual must be new. Moreover, in order to remove extraneous energy from them, they should be purified with fire or holy water.

You also need to stock up on a photo of your loved one in advance, it is desirable that it be new and there are no strangers on it.

The ritual consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to put a photo of your loved one in the center of the table;
  • On top of the picture, put the mirror face up;
  • On the mirror, you need to write the full name of a loved one.
  • Take a lit candle in your right hand and, passing it over the mirror surface, whisper the following magic words:

Spend about ten minutes on these steps. Do not get distracted during this time, think about your chosen one. You need to fully focus on thoughts of your beloved. In the process of carrying out the ceremony, you should have a feeling that your positive emotions, filled with sincere love and longing, left you and reached your loved one.

At the end of the ceremony, the candle must be blown out and simply thrown away, and the mirror and a photo of a loved one should be put under your pillow and try to fall asleep as quickly as possible thinking about your chosen one. In the morning, the attributes should be hidden in a secluded place for two weeks.

Lunar rites

As you know, the night luminary is often used as an assistant in love magic. And love spells for sleep are no exception. In order to dream of a loved one, you can turn to the Moon for help.

The simplest way

A simple love spell ritual provides for very simple but effective actions. You need to cross your mouth and looking at the moon, say magic words.

Such a conspiracy must be repeated several times until a subconscious feeling arises that the words have reached the goal.

Addressing the moon

You can use another love spell, which contains a direct appeal to the moon. Before reading it, the magic words should be written on a piece of paper.

Words are read from the sheet three times and each time they should sound the same. After that, the leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered through an open window.

The main thing for any love spell is a belief in magic. If you are by nature a person with strong energy, then the success of the impact is guaranteed.


Today these will be the main topics of our conversation, instructions to the customer for a love spell on a guy's love, if you like, or instructions for someone who himself wants to try to bewitch someone for love. If you bewitch a man with long-term prospects in order to live with him and have children, this is real. You can create a strong union.

People tend to be proud of their achievements and successes. But, after all, life gives each of us the right not only to victories. We have the right to make mistakes and failures, but we don't want to admit our failures. However, this is a part of our life. Many newcomers to practical magic are worried why there is no result after a love spell?

So, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, can tell all beginners my magic practices, all this nonsense, all these stories about real magicians who do not know defeat. This is just one side of the coin. Only people who have not performed a single magic ritual to spell a loved one believe in miracles. There are, of course, in the practice of any black magician miracles and triumphs, but this does not mean that there are no failures. The main thing is more practice.

The action of certain love spells affects a guy in completely different ways. In one case, the ritual completely subordinates his will and makes him a zombie slave, while in the other it only helps to pay attention and kindles a spark in his heart. At a young age, the blood is hot and boils in the veins, you want everything at once, but think about whether you need to have a robot around without will.

Girl waiting for a call

It is worth starting a relationship with a small spark and helping her rekindle a big feeling that will arise on her own, without being forced. It's worth starting with signs of attention - calls, messages on social networks, and just communication.

Another option is also possible, you met, went on a date together and suddenly he disappeared. How do you get him to call? You can take the initiative and do everything yourself, or you can use the help of magic.

For a long time, magic rituals have helped to solve one or another human problem. Now in our modern world, magic experts adapt spells and rituals to our needs. If even in the distant past there was no question of phone calls, now you can find a rite, having made which to wait for the desired call from a loved one.

It is important to carry out a love spell according to all the rules

  • the ceremony must be performed on the growing moon, so the guy's feelings will grow with the moon;
  • you cannot tell anyone about carrying out magical manipulations;
  • hair should be loose, light loose clothing should be worn;
  • exclude distracting noises as much as possible, turn off your phone, computer, etc .;
  • if there are animals, during the ceremony, take them to another room;
  • words must be learned by heart;
  • while casting a spell, you need to clearly represent the image of the person on whom the love spell is being made;
  • follow other rules specified in the description of the ritual.

If you follow all the instructions during the ceremony, then your beloved guy will not keep you waiting long. You will receive his attention and a call within the first 5-7 days.

This is an effective love spell for a guy to call, you can do it yourself without special attributes at home. This love spell refers to white magic, so the consequences of its implementation will be minimal. For him you need:

  • know the guy's phone number;
  • know the guy personally;
  • the chosen one must have your phone number or he can easily find it through friends.

Without dialing the last digit, pronounce the conspiracy

“You do not hear me (name), but you will hear me. You do not see me (name), but you will see me. You live without me (name), but you will love me. If you don’t fall in love, you will miss it. Do not get bored, so call. Call! Call! Call! I pray! I conjure! I order! "

You need to say the words before you hear short beeps. Repeat the ritual three times. After it, you just have to wait for your loved one to dial your number, usually this happens within the first few days, sometimes even hours.

Love spell before bed

“The swallow flies south to find out what the dear friend wants! Returns home, says that he is with me! You fly, beauty! Let (name) not cope with longing! You instill in him a need, and deep sadness! Without my voice, let him not sleep! Let the telephone ringing disturb him in his dreams! And let him dream to talk to me! "

After casting the spell, put your phone under the pillow and go to bed. You need to pay attention to what images consciousness will throw you in a dream. If they are kind and bright, then they will call soon, and if they are gloomy, this means that the guy thinks badly of you. If you dreamed nothing, then you need to repeat the next evening and try to remember the dream.

Love spell before bed

“My clear falcon, servant of God (name), How good it was for you with the servant of God (name), remember, Open your heart to her, Remember the number of the servant of God (name) and invite you to a date as soon as possible. Amen!".

Love spell on food

“10 people will bite off a piece. My words will only affect you (name); If you don't take me, you won't call me yours. If you take it, you will bloom with love for me. Even if you eat a crumb, you will fall in love and become attached. You won't give up on me. You will call to yourself. You will call yours. "

After that, all that remains is to offer food to the guy, and if there are still people around who want to treat themselves, do not worry. This love spell targets only one person.

If after casting the spells the effect has not come, you should not despair. Maybe you have chosen a bad day, or a little time has passed and it is worth waiting, or you simply do not yet have enough energy to perform magical rites.

Just try to take the first step towards the guy, from this moment your love magic will begin.

What does the customer of the love spell feel during the ritual

Many are interested in the question of how dreams change when there is a magical effect on a love spell. Can there be prophetic dreams that tell about what is happening with the situation.

In this matter, from my own experience, I can tell you for sure that everything depends on how receptive a person is. Look, a love spell is done on a person. That is, it does not affect binary, but precisely on the one who needs to be bewitched. Therefore, the customer of the love spell is not involved in magical work in any way, the effect of magic does not occur on him.

On the other hand, if the customer is sensitive, he has a well-developed intuition, then he can unconsciously receive information about a loved one, know and feel what is happening to him. And since this sensitivity increases in a dream (consciousness does not interfere, the subconscious is actively working), so-called prophetic dreams may appear.

A prophetic dream is when in a dream you receive real information about what is happening in a relationship, with a person or in a situation that worries you the most.

A prophetic dream can be of direct meaning and vice versa.

A prophetic dream of direct meaning is when something is, that a person feels. That is, there is an intensification of a person's feelings, his love intensifies - you yourself feel and experience the same thing in a dream.

A prophetic dream of the opposite meaning is when information comes "upside down". That is, you see in a dream the opposite, you quarrel, swear, hate each other, disperse, and so on, but in reality, in reality, everything is the other way around. Such a dream can come in cases where you or the bewitched person experience extremely strong feelings, often changing, uncertain. Then the subconscious mind gets a little confused and confused, shows you your fears, reinforced by the energy coming from the love spell.

That is why you do not need to be upset immediately if you saw something bad in a dream, at the same time, very intensely, that even from this dream you suddenly woke up.

And the last moment. It happens immediately after the love spell (within a week after the ritual) that dreams come confused. Then you should not rely entirely on the data obtained from sleep. It just suggests that a person is sensitive to magic, can receive information during sleep. But during active magical work, the data may not always be accurate.

Conspiracy challenges

To the full moon

Love spell guy

Black magic is very strong

A love spell on a guy can be done both independently and you can turn to the dark forces of black magic, to sorcerers and witches for help, who have not yet died out in our time. However, turning to the black magic of sorcerers, you should know that both a guy's love spell and its consequences can have an irreversible process.

This is often noticeable in the changed behavior of the man who was under the spell: the person feels bad for a long time, health problems appear, begins to lose weight dramatically, does not sleep well or sleeps restlessly, is in a depressed state, is prone to frequent seizures and nervous breakdowns.

In most cases, the enchantment cannot be removed quickly or, even worse, it may not be removed from a particular person at all. Therefore, it is better to forget about a guy's love spell with the help of spells and not resort to such frank methods of divination. Otherwise, a spell will be imposed on the girl herself who wants to resort to the spell of dark magic, the consequences of which will also be irreversible. It is best to do a guy's love spell on your own, without the intervention of dark forces. Here are some examples of such love spells.

Love spell with apple

Some love spells are held at certain times of the year.

To carry out this harmless ceremony, you will need three hairs from the beloved's head and three of the girl's own hair. The love spell ritual must be carried out on a summer or autumn Friday early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen.

In the garden, you need to pick one apple, pick it, and not buy it in the store, so that it has the energy of only your hands. Carefully remove the core from the apple. Pierce your little finger with a needle, and write the name of your beloved and your own name on a separate clean and white sheet of paper with your own blood.

After the apple is dry, wrap it in a rag or paper, then put it unnoticed in the bed of your loved one, it is better to hide it under the mattress at the head of the bed. There remains a small matter - now you need to patiently wait for the effect of this love spell to begin.

Wait for the action of the love spell not long

You will need five church candles: three candles should be red, two candles should be white. You will also need a photo of the person they want to bewitch: it should be fresh, taken a couple of months ago, not torn. It, unlike many others, is held at dawn on Friday.

You need to sit at a round table covered with a red tablecloth, put a photo in the middle of the table. Place the candles in the shape of a star: place two white candles on the sides of the photograph, one red candle at the head of the photograph, and two red candles at the foot of the photograph. The candles should be lit clockwise, starting with the red candle at the head.

“Heavenly powers! I ask you, help me, the servant of God (my own name), find my love with the servant of God (the name of my beloved). May it be mutual and long, like our whole life! Amen!"

After pronouncing the love spell, let the candles burn out, and after these candle stubs and the photograph itself should be placed in a linen bag and kept under your pillow, away from human eyes. And the powers of heaven are worth repaying. To do this, you need to take a bottle of wine and grapes, leave at sunset at the foot of some mountain or in the forest, mentally thanking the heavens for bringing it to life. Then it only remains to wait for the long-awaited execution of the love spell to begin.

A broom can become an attribute

“As I, the servant of God (proper name), knit these twigs, so I bind your love, the servant of God (the name of the beloved), to my love! As you step over them, you will find your way to my house! "

In the evening, imperceptibly you need to go to the house where the object of your adoration lives, and also imperceptibly put these twigs under the rug in front of the front door. You need to know in advance that the young man will be the first to leave the house in the morning and step over the rug with twigs. And already there the action of a love spell is not far off!

You can appear in a dream of a loved one

Among the people there is also such a conspiracy to dream of a guy. When the action of such a conspiracy begins, as the numerous reviews of the bewitched guys themselves show, a person loses sleep, begins to sleep anxiously, the person who made him will constantly dream.

“I will not give rest! I will dream at night! Sleep will become alarming, not like rest! You will think day and night, then you will come with your own eyes! "

Indeed, in a couple of days the love spell will already bear the first fruits.

Girl waiting for a call

Sometimes the plot of dreams is striking in its uniqueness. And why is there a love spell in a dream? Often a love spell promises a person an unexpected turn in business. He should be wary of the intrigues of enemies, which can take the client away from the dreamer or put a spoke in the wheel.

If a woman dreamed that she bewitched her husband in a dream, then in reality he can leave her. It's all the fault of the mistress, who in every way tries to bind him to herself. It will be very difficult for the dreamer to keep the family together. Perhaps it makes sense for her to turn to a magician who will help to reason with her husband. However, she will have to pay dearly for this, so she should think several times before resorting to this method.

What if a love spell is dreaming

According to the everyday dream book, a love spell suggests that a person is not all right in his personal life. He thinks that he was jinxed, so he is ready to turn to the witch. But the magician will not solve his problem, the dreamer must change himself, as soon as he does this, a white streak begins in his life. He can find a mate and move up the career ladder.

If a woman dreamed of a love spell, then she should be careful with new acquaintances. One gentleman will do anything to make her his mistress. But you shouldn't give himself up to him, otherwise the novel will not lead to good. It is better to try to come up with something that will alienate him from himself, otherwise the trouble will not escape.

What a love spell portends

According to the esoteric dream book, a love spell promises a girl an annoying gentleman. It will not be easy for the dreamer to get rid of him. However, one should not give in to him, since he will turn out to be not a very good person. A man should not make hasty decisions, otherwise he may find himself in a difficult position.

If you believe the female dream book, a love spell foreshadows a person's problems in his personal life. He should be more open, otherwise the dreamer will lose his beloved over a trifle.

To enchant a loved one in a dream is to part with him. You should not try to rebuild the relationship, as it is very difficult to do. But even a positive outcome of the event will not guarantee that the old feelings will return again.

A love spell for sleep is a very effective magical remedy that quite easily allows you to bewitch a loved one. This is due to the fact that you will simply appear every night to your chosen one in a dream and sooner or later he will come to you anyway.

In addition, a love spell for sleep is a relevant love spell if you are apart from your loved one and it is important for you that he always remembers you and misses you. It can also prevent accidental cheating.

Features of sleep spells

This type of love spells does not differ in the duration of the action. The maximum exposure period is two weeks. But at the same time, after a while it is quite allowed to repeat the ceremony.

It is important that this type of ritual is a means of white magic, so they cannot harm either the victim or the performer. It is also noteworthy that sleep spells do not break the will, but, most likely, are a reminder of another person. After such a ceremony, it is not at all necessary that mutual strong feelings arise.

There are a lot of options for sleeping rituals. But the main condition for their effectiveness is that such impacts must be carried out in a good mood and a positive mood. If you are upset about something, then the ritual should be postponed for another time.

The phase of the moon for carrying out love spells for sleep does not matter. But at the same time, it is advisable to spend approximately at the time when your chosen one should go to bed. You can clarify it, for example, by calling. An unobtrusive question about when a loved one goes to bed is unlikely to alert him. But, nevertheless, it is important that your chosen one does not suspect anything, otherwise the impact will not be effective.

With a mirror and a candle

To carry out a strong impact, you need the following attributes:

  • Small round mirror;
  • A small candle made of white wax;
  • Red marker.

All items that will be used in the ritual must be new. Moreover, in order to remove extraneous energy from them, they should be purified with fire or holy water.

You also need to stock up on a photo of your loved one in advance, it is desirable that it be new and there are no strangers on it.

The ritual consists in carrying out the following actions:

  • You need to put a photo of your loved one in the center of the table;
  • On top of the picture, put the mirror face up;
  • On the mirror, you need to write the full name of a loved one.
  • Take a lit candle in your right hand and, passing it over the mirror surface, whisper the following magic words:

    “I, the Servant of God, (my own name) will come to you in a dream, the Servant of God, (the name of my beloved), and I will bring a strong love longing to you. You will wake up in the early morning and you will remember me and yearn. You will never forget my image. Amen".

Spend about ten minutes on these steps. Do not get distracted during this time, think about your chosen one. You need to fully focus on thoughts of your beloved. In the process of carrying out the ceremony, you should have a feeling that your positive emotions, filled with sincere love and longing, left you and reached your loved one.

At the end of the ceremony, the candle must be blown out and simply thrown away, and the mirror and a photo of a loved one should be put under your pillow and try to fall asleep as quickly as possible thinking about your chosen one. In the morning, the attributes should be hidden in a secluded place for two weeks.

Lunar rites

As you know, the night luminary is often used as an assistant in love magic. And love spells for sleep are no exception. In order to dream of a loved one, you can turn to the Moon for help.

The simplest way

A simple love spell ritual provides for very simple but effective actions. You need to cross your mouth and looking at the moon, say magic words.

They sound like this:

“Transfer the dream about me, the Servant of God (proper name) to my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of a loved one). Amen".

Such a conspiracy must be repeated several times until a subconscious feeling arises that the words have reached the goal.

Addressing the moon

You can use another love spell, which contains a direct appeal to the moon. Before reading it, the magic words should be written on a piece of paper.

They should sound like this:

“Mother Luna! I am addressing you, the Servant of God (own name), send from me to my dear, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), hello. Make it so that he saw me in a dream, remembered me, missed me and quickly returned to me. Thank you, heart. Amen".

Words are read from the sheet three times and each time they should sound the same. After that, the leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered through an open window.

The main thing for any love spell is a belief in magic. If you are by nature a person with strong energy, then the success of the impact is guaranteed.

If you dreamed about a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see a stranger in a dream, this portends the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your long-cherished plans.

Seeing a man-actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in the dream was an obstetrician, this means an early illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communication with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or a fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are exchanging for trifles. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which a lot of joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Guy Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one visionary dream that predicted misfortune, Plutarch's story from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Guy Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up in sobs: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day.

If he had attached importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed with twenty-three knife wounds, in which all the senators took part), and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have developed differently.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for women

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Dream interpretation - Man

Peeing on your feet - portends great luck, success.

Uncovered head and loose hair - someone secretly conspires against you.

Uncovered hair and a covered face - there will be a litigation, a trial.

If you trim the ox of a wasp in front, there will be misfortune in the family associated with household members.

You see yourself with eyebrows on a par with another person - there will be a promotion.

Teeth fall out by themselves - misfortune with father or mother.

After bathing, they rise to the bed - unfortunately, misfortune.

Wash off dust and dirt - portends recovery.

Entering into sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of wealth.

A woman puts on the clothes of a man - indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - a misfortune.

The naked body of a man - portends good luck in fate.

Interpretation of dreams from

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