Why see a loved one in a dream? Dream interpretation beloved, why does the beloved dream in a dream to see the Beloved in a dream

Sewerage 21.01.2021

Dream interpretation beloved

Often, girls believe that if they dreamed of a lover, then such a night vision will not predict positive changes in their lives. They are especially frightened by the vision, in which everything was not going in the best way.

Why is the beloved dreaming? Often, dream books suggest considering the dream in a literal sense. But at times there is an assumption that this dream should be interpreted in a completely opposite way.

See a beloved man

To understand what this vision promises you, it should be considered from different angles. First of all, dream books offer to find out the real state of affairs, what is happening in the dreamer's personal life.

Dream interpreters predictions

Dreamed of a beloved man

Still, the first thing you should do is find out the opinion of the interpreters of dreams. These are the basics with which to start considering any night vision.

Modern interpreter

The source considers why the beloved is dreaming in a dream. It is believed that when a girl appears before him in an unattractive form, he will be bitterly disappointed on the eve of the wedding.

A sick lover in a night dream is a sign that the couple's married life will be full of surprises.

Dreams, where the beloved woman looks attractive, smiles, means that the dreamer will invite her to marry. The girl will answer with consent.

Winter interpreter

According to this dream book, a beloved in a dream is a negative vision. Such a dream suggests that a person is unfaithful to you, he has secret addictions.

Autumn interpreter

An unkempt young man is dreaming

It is negative if the sleeping lady saw her beloved man in her night vision as ugly, unkempt. It is believed that such a vision is a sign that the sleeping girl will soon make a big mistake in her chosen one.

Summer interpreter

This dream book believes: when you observe your loved one in night vision, it means that in reality you will soon have to leave. The same prediction is given by dream books for the girl who was the boyfriend's lover in night visions.

Esoteric interpreter

To see people in love in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is in emotional stress. The interpreter advises not to throw out negativity on the household, on those who are weaker than you.

See lovers in a dream

A dreamed acquaintance in the role of a loved one - your subconscious mind will give you a clue what your ideal man is. You just don't notice these traits in a person you know.

In general, being close to a loved one in a dream, if he is in reality, is a vision, which shows that you have not fully understood yourself.

Interpreter of Catherine II

An unfamiliar guy is dreaming, and you understand that this is your beloved? Is the man handsome, young, stylishly dressed? Happiness in marriage, successful marriage.

He looks ugly, not very friendly towards you - you are making a mistake, there will be no happiness in family life.

And if he was sick, tired, in that case, why is the beloved dreaming? Your future life together cannot be called happy. Yes, at first you will experience joy, but then a routine will begin that will quickly bore you. This dream book says that falling in love will soon disappear.

The dream man was sick or weak

According to this dream book, a deceased lover or a girl who died in a dream suggests that for a long time you will doubt making a certain decision.

Interpreter from "A" to "Z"

This source contains the most complete information regarding any vision that you may have in a dream.

The most important thing that is required of you is to try to remember your dream in as much detail as possible:

Standing with your loved one on the porch - you have doubts about his honesty, which you are trying to suppress in yourself.

Dream man digs the ground

You see that you are with your beloved in a cave - you will do a bad deed, than deserve the censure of the people around you.

It's positive to see your beloved man digging the ground. Vision means that you will have a decent spouse, faithful and loving.

The dreamer's social status

The vision of a lover can be seen by both an unmarried young girl and a married woman. The prediction of dream books will depend on the status in which the dreamer is in reality.

If a young girl sees herself as the beloved of a certain person, then in reality she wants to be closer to him.

Why is a drunken, disheveled, disgusting-looking lover dreaming of a lady who is married? She will soon be disappointed in her husband's behavior. He will behave simply disgustingly, not only with the people around him, but also with you.

Dying young man dreaming

The threat of divorce hangs over such a couple, if, of course, the woman does not forgive her husband.

The death of a loved one

Seeing a loved one die is a vision, which means your relationship with him will change dramatically. But the changes will be for the better, since the interpreter believes that the guy will try to get rid of all the habits that you don't like.

Thus, you can rest assured that he really loves you and is determined.

Why is the deceased lover dreaming? It is believed that all the innuendo and grievances that were between you will remain in the past. The main thing is that in the end you do not experience disappointment.

Dreamed of a deceased man in reality

Also, a vision may indicate that your feelings have long outlived themselves, and you, out of habit, remain together. It is difficult for you to tell your soul mate that she is no longer such, you are afraid of offending him.

At the same time, the man thinks the same way and is afraid to hurt you. You should not postpone a sincere conversation and part with friends.

What else happened to your beloved in a dream?

Let's look at a few of the most common situations that you may dream about. Often a woman sees her lover drunk or cheating on her with another girl.

Such dreams are unpleasant, and often the dreamer, even waking up, experiences bitterness and resentment. But does a vision really bode well in your personal life?

Alcohol consumption

Why is a drunken lover dreaming? This person really loves you very much and loyally. This feeling is so strong that a man can do anything.

The interpreter after dreams about a drunken lover advises you not to contradict him, just enjoy a period of complete understanding and love.

Chill in a dream hugged another girl

The appearance of another woman

Loved one kissed, hugged another woman in your dream, was he married to another? Soon, unreasonable jealousy will appear in the couple, which will drive both of you crazy.

Listen to the advice of dream interpreters. As soon as you begin to feel that you are jealous of your soul mate, remember that you are simply afraid of losing him, on his part, the behavior is quite adequate. When you notice that you have become jealous, it is better to talk openly with your partner.

You are dreaming of your former soulmate

Often we have visions in which we see our former lover. What can they mean? According to the dream book, a former lover in a dream predicts to you that an old nuisance may emerge that you have not figured out.

Unfortunately, now you will spend more time and effort on solving this problem than you would have done it before.

The smile of a beloved man is dreaming

In a dream, indicates that the relationship with him is not over and soon the guy will remind of himself. But sometimes dreams with the appearance of a former young man dream of a change in your attitude to what happened.

Miller writes that this man suggests that the girl needs to change her view of the guys or reconsider the situation she lived through. The exact interpretation depends on why you broke up, how often the former groom began to dream, and what happened next.

There is an interpretation for the days of the week in which he comes to dreams. But if the ex-boyfriend dreams often, pay attention to the plot of the vision, which frightened, struck, caused positive or negative emotions. This is what it means to see your ex-betrothed in a dream most often.

Parting time

If the separation happened because he left you, then the dream with the appearance of a former young man does not always predict a meeting with him.

This can be a change in attitude to what happened, a change in love, or the news of a loved one.

The dream interpretation indicates that the frequent appearance of a former lover in a dream means that the relationship with him is not over yet and a new stage or a serious conversation will come.

Pay attention to how he is dressed, what he says in a dream, and what happens next.

E if you broke up a long time ago, and he continues to appear in a dream, especially on Tuesday night, in reality - he remembers you, gets angry, but will not do anything about it.

Those who recently broke up can dream with their ex because: - the girl has not resigned herself to parting and she again wants to experience pleasant moments in her life.

If there is not enough intimacy, you dream of having sex with a former man, a repetition of the brightest joint moments.

The dream interpretation does not interpret such dreams, since they compensate for the lack of impressions. But if something new and unusual appears, it predicts change; - you didn't tell each other everything.

For example, the girl herself wanted to confess her love to the guy, but did not have time, since he ended the relationship with her.

The first time the impressions will visit the girl in a dream, and in them she will try to tell the guy everything that she did not have time to do before.

Such dreams can also occur later, many months or years after the breakup. If you said to a guy in a dream what you think and there is nothing else left, then this is a dream of a complete breakdown in relations with him; - a dream predicts a meeting, news about a guy, if there is novelty in it.

For example, you met on the street, he came up again, although a lot of time has passed since the last meeting.

Usually in such dreams there is surprise, unusualness. Some people dream about restoring relationships.

Dreaming predicts a change in personal life if old plots and moments are new. For example, during a date in the park, instead of chocolate ice cream, he hands you a bouquet of roses or a ring with a proposal for a hand and heart.

Similar dreams are dreamed either before the final breakdown of a relationship or before changes in ties with a guy, if only he is alive.

If he's alive

The Islamic dream book writes that often seeing your ex-boyfriend in changed circumstances means that you want to know how his life turned out, if he is alive.

When he dreamed that there was a wife in his apartment, it means that in reality he is free. The appearance of this woman, her type may indicate the ideal of such a man and indirectly hint at the reason for your separation.

For example, to see that he is married to a beautiful slender blonde means that this particular woman will become a lovemaker or that you did not have enough tenderness, beauty, sophistication in order to impress this person.

If a guy actually has a family, then seeing another lady instead of his wife in a dream means that your feelings will change. Sometimes a vision indicates that you have a chance. To see that the ex has a lover - to the news. Sometimes the dream turns out to be prophetic.

Pay attention to the woman's appearance, how much she looks like you. If you are similar, then something did not suit him in your demeanor or character.

If a girl is the complete opposite of a dreamer, it means that she lacked some qualities to be in her place. Pay attention to the girl's appearance, her presentation of herself. Sometimes a new bride means another page in his life.

To fall in love with a former lover again - to reconciliation with him. Especially if you are kissing again. Sometimes a dream predicts reconciliation, but you will not accept his offer.

If you dreamed that the past is returning to your life again, this is in trouble. But when you suddenly dream that your former lover has returned, and everything has become the same again, you make peace with him.

Sometimes a girl dreams that she has a husband who will not let her ex-boyfriend. This dream means that you value yourself and do not want to put up only for the sake of love for the past with the return of your beloved.

If the man next to the girl did not give the guy a chance to win, in reality common sense will prevail. Most likely, the girl herself will not want to meet with her former lover.

The guy you saw in a dream, with whom you were friends before, symbolizes not only past relationships, but also the period of life when you were happy with him. And if he returns again, the dream book says that in reality he will remind again of himself.

If you dreamed about a guy during the day, it means that you will meet with him, learn the news from him or about him, or he will declare himself.

Interpretation by day of the week

It is only suitable if you recently broke up and the guy is alive. On Monday night predicts change, surprise, meeting. Sometimes he comes on this day of the week because he thinks about you, remembers, but does not dare to approach in person.

If you dreamed that he came and confessed his love, he regrets his mistakes, but because of his own weakness he cannot take a decisive step.

Just talking to him on the street - to news or changes, in general, business with you. For example, in this person's personal life or meeting a new guy.

If your ex-fiancé began to smile at you, then make up, but not right away. Perhaps the guy is afraid of harsh behavior, complications and troubles.

Seeing him on Tuesday night is a scandal, an annoying meeting or jealousy. If he decided to confess his love to you on this day, it means that in reality he is experiencing jealousy and passion.

Seeing him with another girl in a crowd - to a quarrel, disappointment and trouble. If he came to the house alone and asked for forgiveness, then he has a serious conversation with you.

The modern dream book predicts that you will be able to correctly navigate the situation. The interpretation depends on whose initiative you broke up.

If a man himself decided to leave, then on Tuesday night he predicts jealousy, trouble and scandals. After this dream, you will most likely part with him forever.

But if they themselves abandoned him, the dream book predicts that his feelings have not cooled down and he will try to return you and will be jealous.

On Wednesday night, he most often dreams of meeting, change, new love. If you dreamed in other clothes that you had never worn before, the dream book promises that in reality this person will change his attitude towards you. Pay attention to whether you like his new look or not.

Eating with him in a restaurant - for a business conversation, going to bed - for reconciliation. On Thursday, even the most beautiful dreams rarely come true. Most often, dreams mean that the relationship will gradually fade away.

On Friday night, the brightest dreams are dreaming, prophetic and very beautiful. Many of them are quite unexpected, predicting incredible changes.

Saturday foreshadows unpleasant events and scandals for you, and on Sunday night dreams come true only until lunchtime.

Sometimes a former man on this day of the week will return himself or remind of himself. If you began to kiss in a dream, then soon you yourself will fall in love with him. Sometimes a dream predicts the receipt of a keepsake or good news.

Deceased guy

It portends changes in your personal life or changes in general affairs that you have not completed before. Sometimes seeing him with another girl predicts trouble and even death for a person, especially if you know who she is.

Talking with the deceased in a dream - to the completion of the work begun. Sometimes a dream predicts news about your mutual friends or relatives.

Other meanings of sleep

If a former loved one came to make up, asks for forgiveness, dreams of returning the past, then soon he will again remind of himself.

Seeing that he cries, cuts his veins, drinks or injects - to suffering. Perhaps he will again try to attract attention to himself with another manipulation or cunning.

Seeing blood in him - to a quarrel or illness. Often a dream in which he began to cry like a child, beg to return and forgive him, indicates his love dependence on you.

To understand exactly the meaning of sleep, pay attention to what happened next. If you succumbed to pity and forgave a person, then in life you should not do this, since he can be a good manipulator.

If your loved one becomes your boss, you are emotionally dependent on him. To carry out his orders, even the most ridiculous ones, is a sign that the girl has completely lost her self-respect and is dancing to someone else's tune.

If you dreamed that you did not obey your boss and did everything in your own way, then you will break out of dependence. If he marries you, expect a complete breakup. But for some people, such a dream predicts a desired marriage proposal.

Seeing that your boyfriend is naked in bed with another girl is a worry. Nudity alone or in a public place means his helplessness, helplessness.

If a loved one kisses with you and offers sex, then you will very soon make peace with him. But if this person's touch is unpleasant, expect trouble from him or because of him.

Crying because the guy is completely indifferent to you - the suffering will not pass soon. If he dreamed of being completely indifferent, then in reality you will lose hope of his return. However, if the girl managed to get him to talk, then she will be able to persuade her lover to her side.

If a former boyfriend prevents you from dating a new lover, expect a quarrel, a fit of jealousy or a love confession completely inappropriate.

But sometimes this is a sign that the feelings have not cooled down yet and the memories of past love prevent you from moving on. Therefore, do not rush to start a new romance until the relationship has cooled down.

If you dreamed that the former betrothed turned into a maniac and was chasing you with a knife or other sharp object, this is a sign of an imminent quarrel. The dream book warns that he can go crazy from his own jealousy and megalomania.

If a new love came to you in a dream and you began to hug your former lover just as a friend, this is a good sign. You will be able to regain your self-esteem and find someone who truly loves and values.

Occasionally, such a dream means that very soon you will meet a new love. Seeing a former man drunk is a sign of his illness or suffering. It happens that a dream means blind love.

If he drives drunk, smashes shop windows and behaves inappropriately, beware of his jealousy or anger. A dream in which the ex-fiance wants to rape you means that he does not lose hope for a relationship.

But sometimes a dream predicts gross interference in your life and unexpected troubles. Often, a vision predicts you the tyranny of a loved one and big problems due to your own frivolous behavior.

So try to talk to your ex and explain to him that it won't work. But some people dream of rape that they will be able to return a relationship and a loved one to themselves.

So do not worry if he quit: it is possible that he will return very soon, and you will be happy again. Such a dream is bad for a married woman, as it means that the former man will again remind of himself, but completely inappropriate. You yourself will begin to avoid him, since he will behave rudely and not at all the way you want.

Related entries:

Standing on the shore with a loved one

If in a dream you are standing on a high seashore with your loved one, then in reality your dreams will come true.

Lover's anguish

If a woman in a dream saw a lover who yearns for her, then in the near future he will make her a marriage proposal.

Late beloved

If a woman dreams of the deceased her lover, she will have a sad parting with him. The same dream may indicate that soon a streak of failures and doubts will come in her life, which will drag on for a long time.

Lover in black

If you saw in a dream your lover who walks by in a black robe, looking at you reproachfully and sadly, expect a cooling of friendly feelings.

Dance with your lover

If you dance in a dream with your beloved, in reality you will attract the attention of many men.

Ugly lover

If in a dream you saw your beloved ugly and unsightly, you will have a happy marriage.

Handsome lover

If you saw your beloved as a handsome man in a dream, in reality you will be disappointed in your choice before you tie yourself in marriage.

See off your beloved

A dream in which you accompany your beloved on a long journey, parting with him for a long time, and maybe forever, is a harbinger of sad events and decline in business.

Sick lover

If you saw your boyfriend in a dream sick in suffering, in your family life, joys and sorrows will replace each other in an endless succession.

Beloved prisoner

If you dreamed of a lover in the clothes of a prisoner, you will have reason to doubt the truth of his love for you. You will think that his intentions towards you are of selfish nature and ultimately pursue the goal of not taking over your heart, but your state.

The beloved looks unkindly

If in a dream your lover is somehow unkindly glances at you, be careful not to lose your reputation.

Sweet and gallant lover

A dream in which your boyfriend appears before you very sweet and gallant portends a quick and successful wedding.

Dine with your loved one

If a girl dreams that she is having dinner with her lover, she is in danger of a major quarrel, if not a complete break with him.

Lover's embrace

A dream in which a lover hugs you is a harbinger of a quarrel or illness. If you embrace him with a feeling of overwhelming joy, happiness awaits you.

The rival kisses her lover

If a rival kisses your boyfriend in a dream, you are in danger of losing the respect of your lover.

Dispute with a loved one

A dream in which you are arguing with a loved one portends an event that will jeopardize your relationship and serve as a test of their strength.

A slave to a lover

A dream in which you see yourself as a slave to your beloved portends harmony in relationships before and after the wedding.

Bragging to a sweetheart or sweetheart

A dream in which a lover or beloved boasts portends great failures in business that will befall both of you.

The voice of the beloved or the beloved

To leave the beloved

If you leave your loved one in a dream, in reality you will not be able to return the lost values, and your friends will turn their backs on you.

Caress a lover or beloved

If in a dream you caress your beloved or beloved, in reality you will have peace and quiet in a relationship.

Lover in danger

If a girl sees her lover in danger in a dream, they will have a quarrel in reality.

Interpretation of the dream "beloved" according to Miller's dream book (1901)

Old lover

An aged lover dreams of his possible loss.

Glide with your beloved over the sea

If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her lover, in reality her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will guard the vows of fidelity.

Lover's embrace

If a woman is hugged by her lover in a dream, she should expect troubles and quarrels. A deterioration in well-being is also possible.

Lover in the dungeon

If a woman sees her lover in a dungeon in a dream, she will not without reason be disappointed in his decency.

Beloved marries another

If a girl dreams that her lover will marry another, she will face unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears.

Beloved liar

If a woman in a dream thinks that her lover is a liar, in reality her indecent behavior can contribute to the loss of a good friend.

Lover's jealousy

If a girl dreams that her lover is jealous, then she will be able to get the better of her rival.

"Beloved" in Morrison's dream book (XVIII century)

The flight of a lover or beloved

For a woman, a dream in which her beloved runs away from her is a sure sign that another chosen one already owns her heart. The same can be said about men's sleep on the same topic.

Trouble with a loved one

If a misfortune happened to your beloved in a dream, this means that the dream has the opposite meaning, and it must be interpreted in this way: the hero of your dream will be successful in business and make a happy choice.

Lover's wrath

If you dream that your beloved is angry with you, be sure that he truly loves you, and you were not mistaken in him.

Beloved gives jewelry

If in a dream your beloved gives you jewelry, then in reality his feelings are sincere, and he will undoubtedly marry you.

Lover shoots a bow

A girl's dream, in which her lover shoots a bow, warns of his inconstancy and imbalance. You cannot rely on this person, because of his carelessness, he will never learn how to make money.

Waiting for a lover

The dreamed lover, whose visit is so desired, will soon return to you from afar, and everything will end with a happy wedding.

A loved one has jaundice

If your loved one is sick with jaundice in a dream, then he or she will soon show his true disposition in an act that will cause a deterioration in your relationship. Alas, insincerity and pretense of the one (the one) whom you infinitely believed will be revealed.

The wedding of a loved one

A sad dream is in which you see your chosen one or chosen one who is not combined with you. This dream predicts your imminent breakup.

Society of the beloved or beloved

A dream in which you are in the company of a loved one suggests that you will soon marry your chosen one (chosen one), you will have many children, and they will become a true source of joy and comfort for you. For a pregnant woman, this dream portends a successful childbirth, she will have a charming child.

At a holiday with a loved one

If in a dream on a holiday you see yourself next to the one you love, then great marital happiness awaits you.

Lover kisses another

If in a dream your lover kisses another woman, then he is insincere, and he has a callous heart.

Lover kiss

If you see in a dream that your beloved gently and passionately kisses you several times, then he will always be faithful to you, and his intentions are pure.

Every person constantly dreams. Some of them can be remembered, some are erased from memory even before morning. Many girls and women are faced with a problem when a former lover dreams. What are they talking about? Do they have some kind of esoteric meaning, or are vivid dreams just the result of the activity of the subconscious?

Are prophetic dreams reality?

Today, there are many dream books, each of which offers different explanations for things seen in a dream. Of course, there are many esoteric teachings, legends, stories, religions that recognize the existence of prophetic dreams. Many women who have to see a former lover in a dream believe that this is evidence of hot feelings on the part of a man.

Is it true? There is hardly a definite answer to this question. After all, there are many facts that deny the presence of prophetic dreams. At the same time, thousands of people say that on the eve of certain important events, they see warning dreams. This is purely a matter of faith.

As for scientific research, their results indicate that sleep is a manifestation of the intense work of the subconscious.

A former lover is dreaming - why? Freud's meaning

Yes, Z. Freud agreed that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious. The founder of psychoanalysis paid much attention to the analysis of dreams. After all, the subconscious communicates with the consciousness through images and pictures. Naturally, the scientist more than once had to deal with patients who were dreaming of their former lover. Why such a dream?

If you only recently broke up with your loved one, then it is quite normal to see your ex-boyfriend (or husband) in a dream, because you had to break your usual lifestyle, refuse communication and relationships that somehow influenced the development of your personality.

But what if you already have a new relationship that you are quite happy with? If you have a family and you haven't seen your ex-boyfriend for several years? In such cases, Freud advised paying attention to the little things. Perhaps in a past relationship you had something that is so lacking with your partner now? For example, then there was more romance, more passion, more sensuality, and now you just do not have such vivid emotions?

Sometimes the subconscious tries to warn a woman that in a new relationship she makes the same mistakes as in the past.

Why is the former lover dreaming? Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This dream book is considered the largest today, and many women use it to explain their dreams. So why do former lovers dream? If an unmarried girl saw in a dream, then this may portend some kind of frivolous act that will be done by her in the near future. Be careful, as seemingly harmless frivolity can lead to serious, even disastrous consequences.

A completely different interpretation of a dream seen by a divorced or married woman. In this case, the dream predicts the appearance of unpleasant troubles. Problems can be associated with forced long trips, illness of the husband (if any). Dreaming can signal that financial problems are worsening.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book also gives a very detailed explanation of such dreams. Seeing a former lover in a dream, while experiencing warm feelings for him, is a manifestation of the consequences of some events that happened long ago.

If in a dream you kiss your ex, then be prepared for events that will surprise you. If you are making love, then this may indicate an upcoming exacerbation of some old conflict. Sometimes women dream that a man still loves them - this is a pleasant surprise. If in a dream a former loved one marries someone, then in the near future you will be able to forgive someone. If you are acting as a bride, then get ready for trouble.

A strong quarrel with an ex-boyfriend predicts some pleasant changes in your personal life. If in a dream you are fighting, then be prepared for an authoritarian companion to appear in your life. Parting can portend a pleasant acquaintance or meeting.

What do modern dream books say?

There are many modern dream books that many women turn to if they dream of a former lover. Why such a dream?

What do modern psychologists think?

It should be noted right away that dream analysis is not an exact science. Modern psychologists consider the pictures seen in a dream as signals of the subconscious, which are trying to give answers to the questions of interest to you, suggest what exactly needs to be changed in your life.

If you are constantly tormented by dreams about your ex, try to distract yourself. Find yourself a new hobby or interesting activity that will give you such vivid emotions that it will overshadow your ex-boyfriend's image for a long time. If obsessive dreams do not disappear, then you should consult a psychologist. Still, the subconscious clues should not be ignored, and it is not always easy to decipher them yourself.

For example, if you separated from a young man or husband after a serious disagreement, then there is an unresolved conflict. Constant dreams about him may indicate that the subconscious mind is trying to solve it, playing various possible scenarios for the development of events. And, of course, don't forget that sometimes a dream is just a dream and nothing else.

interpretation of sleep sweetheart

If a young man sees a dream about his beloved, who is gloomy and ugly, then disappointment awaits him on the eve of marriage. A miserable and sick beloved promises him a life in which there will be more sadness than happiness.
A man who in a dream saw his future beloved beautiful and friendly means that he will marry her, and she will bring him a lot of joy and a noble dowry.

sweetheart in a dream

Whether you fall in love or work, you will also receive the help you have relied on. For a married man, such a dream will induce a meticulous assessment of his life.

interpretation of sleep sweetheart

To evil religions and serious illness, or a pleasant surprise awaits you. If a woman is ugly, sad, frightened - poverty and quarrel.

interpretation of sleep sweetheart

Former lover - longing for lost love. If at the moment everything is fine in your personal life, then your former lovers seem to warn you - everything is not as it seems. You may very soon stumble upon "skeletons in the closet" or you have unresolved problems in your life that you are determinedly trying to forget, not solve. Also, such a dream can speak of unexpected surprises or troubles.

dreamed of a sweetheart

To a one-time prosperity, fun or meeting a nice person. You may also be attracted to women who are not worthy of you.

why is the beloved dreaming

If a man sees a girl he knows, attractive appearance and good disposition and knows that she is his beloved - to a happy marriage. An ugly and evil lover means the man made a mistake with the choice, the girl will bore him before he legalizes the relationship. The beloved seemed to be seized by an illness: she is pale and with a painful expression on her face - an unhappy marriage, at first there will be happiness, but it will entail many years of melancholy, however, there will be no desire to dissolve the marriage.

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