What does it mean to sweep the floor in a dream. Sweep in a dream. Interpretation of dreams. A man dreams of sweeping

Colorful compositions 21.01.2021
Colorful compositions

If you have a night vision in which you were sweeping, be sure to ask for its interpretation in the dream book. Sweeping means standing on the cusp of something new, exciting.

Also, such dreams promise success and prosperity. To find out a more specific explanation of your dream, remember all its details.

Clean up your home

Sweeping garbage with a broom at home, according to the dream book, means that soon you will get rid of problems. And to do it with a big broom is to throw off a heavy moral burden.

If in a dream you sweep the garbage on a scoop, then in reality you cannot get rid of unnecessary, obsessive thoughts. And to sweep the dirty linen over the threshold is to say goodbye to the past without regret.

  • A dream in which you are forced to sweep - to disputes in the family.
  • Removing garbage from the carpet - to move to a new place of residence.
  • Cleaning with friends is fun.
  • A lot of dust in the air - to unexpected guests.
  • You sweep the garbage, but it remains in place - to waste work.

Big financial profit is what dreams of sweeping the floor on which paper money is scattered. But if instead of them you saw a trifle, then the dream book predicts unforeseen expenses or the loss of a large amount.

If in a dream you sweep with a broom, and it suddenly broke, then competitors will intrigue you. To complete cleaning with a broken broom, according to the dream book, means to bypass all obstacles and successfully finish the job.

If in a dream you are cleaning someone else's house, this means that you are paying too much attention to the problems of others. By pushing your own needs into the background, you run the risk of creating difficulties for yourself in the future. The dream book advises you to think about whether others are using your kindness.


To sweep your own yard in a dream, according to the dream book, means to feel your strength and be able to withstand danger. Sweep the garbage into a large pile with a broom - means to solve a lot of accumulated problems. And take revenge on a clean yard - work in vain.

Learning to defend your opinion and convince others that you are right is what you dream of sweeping the yard with a broom. If the pomelo consists of a large number of twigs, then you will be able to easily win the fight. And a flimsy, thin broom means that you will spend a lot of nerves and strength.

  • Cleaning someone else's yard in a dream is a misunderstanding.
  • Cleaning up with neighbors is a big event.
  • Someone constantly bothers you - to hard, but profitable work.
  • To sweep with someone else's broom - to pleasant communication.
  • To clean the entrance - to gossip or slander.

Sweeping the street in a dream, according to the dream book, means trying to improve relations with others, forget past grievances and make amends for your dishonest acts.

Sweeping the street in the warm season is to do something good for a loved one. And if you are sweeping with a broom not garbage, but snow, then wait for the renewal of relations that have cooled down long ago.

When you dreamed that you were sweeping a yard, street or apartment, try to remember the details of this dream. Only knowing all its nuances, you can determine exactly what you dream of sweeping. A dream book will help to do this, which will quickly answer all your questions. Author: Vera Fractional

Sweeping up with a broom is an annoying friend. To sweep with a broom - to expose fake friends. To sweep in your home means to streamline family affairs.

Sweep in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To sweep up with a broom - gossip. Noticing something is an annoying friend. Broom sweep - to expose fake friends. Have yourself swept - to streamline family affairs.

Sweep in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An annoying friend. With a broomstick - to expose fake friends. At home - to organize family affairs.

Dream Essence - Carpet

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The color of the carpet under your feet can characterize you. What color was the carpet in your dream? What did he look like? It was a flying carpet that could take you to magical lands, or a dirty, rat-eaten carpet that needs cleaning - this ...

What does the dream mean in which Trace (traces)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“To follow the right trail”, “to attack the right trail”, “to be hot on the trail”, “to cover up the tracks” (to hide), “to inherit” (to leave dirt, evidence). “To leave a deep mark on life, history, memory” - to accomplish something significant in life. "Hunt down" - find, discover. "Follow (hunt) someone." ...

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of Trace (traces)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Follow the right trail, attack the right trail, walk in hot pursuit, cover up your tracks (hide), inherit (leave dirt, evidence). To leave a deep mark on life, history, memory is to accomplish something significant in life. Hunt down - find, discover. Track (hunt) someone. ...

Dream Essence - Home

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Moving to a new home is to die. A house without windows and doors - the coffin falls to this man. As you dream that a new house is being built, this is very bad. If beautiful houses dream - wealth. Whether a wall falls in a house in a barn, then ...

Dream interpretation: what is the Broom dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Broom dreams of a change in relationship with a loved one. Please note that now everything depends on you: how you show yourself, so events will develop. If you sweep the dirty linen out of hut with a broom, this is a breakdown in relations, conflicts with loved ones. Sweep ...

Sleep interpretation Broom

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Quarrel, gossip, sadness. The new one is false friends. Old - meeting with an old acquaintance. To put in a corner - to lose place. To cover it up is gossip.

Dream interpretation: what the broom is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Quarrel and disagreement. Making a broom is a scuffle. A witch on a broomstick is a disease. Broom in the corner - job loss. Cover up - costs, unnecessary costs.

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of the House for

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Moving to a new home is to die. A house without windows and doors - the coffin falls to this man. Dreaming that a new house is being built is very bad. If beautiful houses dream - wealth. Will the wall fall in the house or in the stable - ...

Swept with a broom in a dream? Depending on the details, a dream can either describe your positive sides, or portend certain difficulties.

Sweep the yard

Had to sweep the yard in a dream? This month you will find a lot of excitement and vain affairs in one of the spheres of life.

Sweeping the road in a dream

Why dream that you are sweeping the road? The dream testifies to your insensitivity to other people's boundaries. You unceremoniously interfere in matters that do not concern you, show an insatiable curiosity, tell how you think others should live.

Perhaps the meticulous attention to others is explained by the unsettledness of his personal life. Take care of your own well-being. And remember, unnecessary advice annoys people.

Why dream of sweeping the carpet

If you dream about sweeping the carpet, the dream indicates your desire to change your place of residence. You probably dream of moving to another city or to a more comfortable apartment.

In the near future, you will have a chance to fulfill your wish. Moving often begins significant changes. Maybe, deep down, you just want an update.

A dream about sweeping trash

The plot, where you sweep the trash, dreams on the eve of a fun and carefree period. A rich social life with many exciting activities, meetings and entertainment awaits you.

Exciting leisure will bring fresh emotions and vivid impressions, you will cheer up and take a good rest from the monotonous everyday life. But everything has its time - do not get carried away enough to forget about obligations.

If in a dream you watched someone sweep away the litter, then this month you will successfully complete a large project on which you have worked long and painstakingly. The return on it will exceed your expectations.

Although the dream book promises a happy ending, this is not a reason to prematurely rejoice and give up, letting things go on their own. Sleep is meant to inspire, not stop you. The main thing now is not to smear the finishing touches.

Sweeping the staircase according to the dream book

If you dream that you are sweeping an entrance, then in the real world your actions will become the subject of idle discussions and false interpretations. But gossips do not pose a threat to you, they are unlikely to turn to active sabotage.

Gossip often hides not only envy, but also a keen interest in an outstanding personality or atypical behavior. Maintain a respectful and friendly attitude towards others - and your reputation will remain impeccable.

Sweep the floor

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floor, remember in whose house you did it - yours or someone else's. Either pleasant transformations or disappointments await you.

Sweeping the street in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the street, the plot reflects your regret about what happened in the past conflict, which is why the connection with your good friend was cut off. You are probably looking for an excuse to renew your companionship right now.

The simplest, but not always the easiest way of reconciliation is to initiate contact with the person, apologize for the disagreement and offer to restore the relationship.

During sleep, a person not only rests, but also receives a signal about possible changes in life. The broom also predicts a series of different events. Which ones - you will find out if you remember a dream.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Wanga, Freud, Muslim and others

A dreaming broom is a symbol of liberation (from problems, fears, mental anguish, etc.), entering a new material and spiritual level. Such a dream promises an improvement in affairs, the beginning of a different stage of life. But a dream does not always speak of favorable events in the future.

  1. Vanga's dream book interprets the symbol of a broom in a dream as cleansing, internal liberation, the release of shackles. The dreamer's subconscious suggests that he is on the right track and the problems will soon be solved.
  2. Miller's dream book: a broom dreams of prosperity, changes in fate. A man sweeps out garbage with a broom, puts things in order in the house. A broom in a dream symbolizes the change of an old life to a new one.
  3. The Apostle Simon the Canaanite: removing a broom - to joy, improvement of affairs, life change.
  4. Freud's Dream Interpretation: the dreamer is trying to understand the relationship with a partner, to color the routine with new impressions. Such a dream is a dream when a person is overcome by the routine.
  5. In the Muslim dream book, such a dream is interpreted as the end of a series of misfortunes and worries, the return of debt. An old and dirty broom has a negative meaning of sleep. In this state, he does not cope well with his destiny and, on the contrary, adds "rubbish" to the dreamer's life.
  6. Esoteric Tsvetkov believes that a broom is a dream for purchases and spending money. The same interpretation of sleep belongs to the small Veles dream book. Sometimes dreams are very symbolic and carry a direct meaning. A dreamed of an unusable broom may mean that the dreamer will soon have a purchase.
  7. An old Russian dream book: a broom in a dream of abuse and quarrel. To wash dirty linen in public, swear with family, spread gossip - all this leads to a deterioration in relations with loved ones. Such a dream advises the dreamer to be more tolerant of relatives.
  8. Magic dream book: sweeping in a dream with a broom - to a truce, to improve relations. By cleaning up, we make room for new things. Such a dream tells the dreamer that the quarrel will soon be forgotten.

The meaning of sleep for men and women

Taking into account all the moments of sleep, you can explain the meaning of the vision as accurately as possible. It is also important who dreamed about the broom:

  • man: to obstacles in business. If the broom stood in the corner with the handle up - there are chances to overcome difficulties, with the handle down - things are doomed to failure;

    If a man sees in a dream that they are sweeping a clean floor, it means that he will easily achieve the goal. At the same time, it is desirable for him to enlist the support of influential people. Dreamed of a dirty floor - to failure in business. A broom lying on the floor is a sign of quarrels, gossip and scandals.

  • a married woman: to see how a clean floor is swept - to gossip and slander, a dirty floor - to praise and respect. A broom lying on the floor means that you need to expand your horizons and keep an eye on your appearance. If a woman in a dream sweeps the floor herself, it is time to establish relations with loved ones;
  • an unmarried girl: if you dreamed that she was diligently sweeping in the house, then she would soon move to the chosen one. Small Veles dream book testifies that such a dream is for a trip, guests, and wealth.

The dreamer's actions

If you remember specific actions with a broom in a dream, pay attention to the following interpretations.

If you dream of sweeping the floor in the house, in the entrance, at work

Sweeping in the house (apartment): the dreamer has enough strength to find a way out of difficult life situations. The esoteric dream book interprets such a dream as follows: the problems will soon go away, the dreamer will be able to overcome obstacles on the path of life. For a married woman, such a vision promises a harmonious relationship with family members, a happy life in peace and harmony, and home comfort.

In a dream, sweeping the floor - to harmonious relationships with loved ones, a happy life in peace and harmony, home comfort

A dream in which the dreamer sweeps at the entrance is a harbinger of slander and gossip from enemies. For men, it means clashes with family, relatives, or colleagues.

The entrance is a public place, everything that you do in it is seen by the neighbors. To avoid gossip, be aware of what you say to whom. And turn a deaf ear to rumors and unpleasant conversations, because the opinion of other people should not affect your self-esteem.

A dream in which the dreamer sweeps someone else's house: it's time to devote more time to your business and family. Someone else's house - other people's problems and experiences. Give free time and care to your family and friends.

Sweeping at work - to an early dismissal. The subconscious mind tells the dreamer that you are clearing your place for another. Tip: carefully review your plans and actions.

Sweep leaves, sand, water, hair, debris, clean carpet

It should be clean both at home and around it. In a dream, we subconsciously perform the same actions that we consider necessary to do in reality.

  1. After a downpour, sometimes you have to sweep away puddles to keep the approach to the house clean. The dream in which the dreamer sweeps the water, the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century interprets as follows: to guests from afar. In such a dream, water can be associated with a huge ocean or something distant. A similar dream promises a dream in which the dreamer sweeps out the sand.
  2. If a girl sees in a dream how she sweeps the leaves: to the appearance of a persistent admirer. If you managed to sweep out the foliage, you can easily get rid of the intrusive gentleman.

    Leaves in a dream symbolize attention. Having swept away the foliage, the dreamer subconsciously wants to get rid of excessive care and close attention.

  3. Sweeping cut hair in a dream: change the established opinion, look at the situation in a different way. This is a symbolic dream. By changing the haircut, the person changes himself.
  4. If you dream that you are sweeping the fragments: you have to prove your point of view, defend your opinion.
  5. If a girl dreamed that she was sweeping the carpet at home with a broom, then it was a housewarming party, a change of residence. Such a dream also predicts the dreamer, regardless of age and gender, repair. The more garbage is swept from the carpet in a dream, the more ambitious the work will be.

Swept away the foliage, the dreamer subconsciously wants to get rid of excessive care and obsessive attention

Sweep the yard, street, sweep the cobwebs, sweep the seeds

If the dreamer holds a broom in his hands, it means that he is going to use it for its intended purpose. Maybe it's time to put things in order in the yard or on the street? Or just sweep away the annoying cobweb?

  • sweeping in the yard or on the street - to the loss of a friend or loved one. The main emphasis is on the possibility of a quarrel, due to which friendly contact will be lost;
  • a dream in which the dreamer sweeps the yard means a sense of security and the ability to withstand danger;
  • to sweep away the cobweb in a dream with a broom - to soon move to a new place, to a new house. The web is the house of the spider, having lost its home, he weaves the web again. Perhaps the dreamer has long been thinking about changing his place of residence. Such a dream speaks of the moral readiness to move.

    The cobweb is associated with restraints, restraints, and hopelessness. Removing the cobweb strings from the walls, cabinets, chandeliers in a dream, the dreamer throws off the shackles and fetters, cleans himself, finds new ways to overcome difficulties. Such a dream also means reconciliation, the establishment of broken contacts.

  • if you swept seeds, it is possible that your children do not have enough warmth and care.

Cleaning the yard - to a possible quarrel with a loved one

Hold a broom in your hands, drive or beat a person

A dream in which the dreamer holds a broom in his hands:

  • the modern dream book interprets it as aggression, hostility towards others. Subconsciously, the dreamer defends himself with all his might - even a broom becomes a weapon. You need to understand yourself, calm down and not worry about trifles;
  • tsvetkov's dream book: to unforeseen expenses. Check once again the serviceability of devices in the house, if necessary, fix it. The dream is just a hint. By correctly interpreting the received symbol, you can correct the situation in time;
  • the Wanderer's dream book warns a man about possible problems with his mother or domineering boss. Tip: Try to avoid unnecessary talk and direct criticism.

A man who dreamed of a broom in his hands, a dream warns of possible problems with his mother or domineering boss

Dreams in which you hit someone or drive away with a broom:

  • beat someone in a dream with a broom - transfer power to another person. A broom in such a dream is considered a conductor of energy;

    Sometimes such a dream can be an indication that there is an energy vampire nearby, which feeds on the dreamer's life forces.

  • if the boss dreams that he beats his subordinates with a broom - to obedience. The dreamer is an authority, easily controls people;
  • chasing someone away with a broom - in reality to part with him. Such a dream can occur after a quarrel, completing the dreamer's emotional stress;
  • beat yourself in a dream with a broom - for forgiveness, restoration of relationships. The dreamer subconsciously admits his guilt and is ready to apologize.


In dreams, the subconscious draws the most incredible pictures and plots. The dream of buying a new broom carries a hidden meaning that can be interpreted with the help of dream books.

  1. Autumn dream book: making a purchase of a broom in a dream - to gossip and condemnation. Do not listen to other people's gossip, do not pay attention to idle gossip.
  2. A broom bought in a dream falls apart - to problems in business. If, despite the poor quality of the broom, it is possible to clean the house, the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles and troubles. Tip: try to be more attentive.
  3. Miller's dream book says that buying a broom in a dream promises a rich life for the dreamer.
  4. I dreamed that they were buying a broom from gypsies - a deception by a business partner is possible.

What a broom looks like: old, new, broken, clean, dirty

Remember what the broom looked like in a dream - the successful interpretation of the dream depends on it:

Other interpretations of dreams: take a steam bath in a bath, fly, take from someone, lose, knit

Do not overlook the deciphering of dreams about bath brooms. What does the dream in which they saw:

Taking a broom from someone's hands in a dream is a promotion at work.

Losing a broom in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one. In Russia they believed that a brownie was connected with a broom. And in case of loss of the household assistant, the brownie was also lost. And without him, life in the house did not go well.

The broom is often credited with mystical properties. It used to be believed that witches and devils can fly on brooms and brooms. The 21st century dream book warns that flying on a broom in a dream is a sign of trouble.

I dreamed that the broom was sweeping by itself - to big trouble.

Knitting brooms - to a possible loss of connection with distant friends.

A dreamed broom is a signal for action. Try to memorize dreams in order to interpret the received sign from the subconscious in a timely manner. After all, even a seemingly insignificant thing in a dream is a symbol of changes in life.

Sweeping before sunset is a profit; after - to the disease; material loss.

Sweeping the dream book from A to Z

If in a dream you see a janitor sweeping the street, this portends that soon you will become the owner of a rich inheritance.

If you yourself are sweeping a broom yard completely covered with fallen leaves, it means that in reality you will not know how to get rid of an annoying admirer whom you hate.

Sweeping with a broom in the apartment while cleaning means ordering your relationships in the family, where a clear discord has recently emerged.

If, while sweeping, you find a long-lost gold earring or something like that, you will soon witness how your ill-wishers will expose themselves and put them in an absurd position.

Sweeping according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

Sweeping - to wealth; sweep the trash out of the house - sweep yourself.

Sweeping the healer Akulina's dream book

You dreamed of Sweeping with a broom - New broom - prosperity and positive changes in fate. Sweeping with a frayed broom is a loss. Imagine throwing out your old broom and buying a new one.

Sweep on the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya

Sweeping and, especially, washing floors - Here you need to pay attention to who and where washes the floors - to the bad

Sweeping according to the Everyday dream book

Sweeping in a dream is an auspicious sign that promises wealth and fame to the one who had this dream. If you dreamed that you were sweeping in an apartment or in a house, then in reality you will be able to get out of the most difficult tests without loss.

Sweeping - If you dreamed that someone else was sweeping, and you were looking at it, then in reality you will witness how a person close to you will be able to achieve unprecedented results only through their efforts, and you can be happy for him.

If you dreamed that dust was being swept at you in a dream, then in real life you can become an object of ridicule and gossip - you should not take it too close to your heart, only a sense of humor can help in this situation.

If you can laugh at yourself with others, very soon everyone will forget about this situation. Why dream of sweeping - If you had a dream in which you go to a store or the market to choose a broom, then in reality, with the help of friends, you can achieve the result you need. You can't do it alone.

If you dreamed that you were sweeping, but the garbage does not decrease, then such a dream suggests that you will be assigned many obligations that you will not want to fulfill at all, but you cannot refuse to fulfill them.

Sweeping the British Dream Book

Sweep with a broom, broom - They are used to sweep the floor, but they just move dust from place to place, not suck it up. Why the dream is: Are you sweeping something under the carpet? Perhaps your subconscious mind is warning you that it is better to bring everything into the light and figure it out.

Sweeping according to the Home Dream Book

You dreamed of Sweeping - lost desires.

Sweeping according to E. Erickson's dream book

What does Sweeping mean in a dream - to monetary profit.

Sweep on the dream book of winged phrases

REVENGE (sweep, broom) - “sweep the dirty linen in public” - announce family problems; "Ah, well get out of here!" - chase, expel someone. “A new broom sweeps in a new way” - changes, a new boss; "Panicles" - girls.

Sweep according to the Old Russian dream book

to wealth.

Sweep according to the dream book of the Pechora healer

Sweeping and, especially, washing floors - here you need to pay attention to who and where washes the floors - to the bad

Sweeping on the online dream book

Sweeping - you will be full of energy and determination to achieve maximum results, which you can easily manage.

Watching a cleaning lady do it - someone bequeaths his considerable fortune to you.

Sweeping according to the 21st century dream book

In a dream, sweeping floors, sweeping garbage means in reality to feel an unprecedented surge of strength, an upsurge in business or the opportunity to get rich soon.

For a girl, sweeping the floors in a hut means getting married and moving in with her husband from her father's house.

Sweep on the Gypsy dream book

Sweeping with a broom means that you need to get rid of all extraneous little things and concentrate on important things.

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