"Dream Interpretation Holiday dreamed about what Holiday is dreaming of in a dream. Why see a holiday in a dream? I dreamed of preparing for the event se

Plaster 21.01.2021

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for the holiday - this is an unexpected receipt of big money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday portends confusion and disagreement on fundamental issues.

Spend all the holidays at a party - in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, they spoiled your mood so that they even brought you to tears, this is an annoying loss and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun on the holiday until you drop is a turnaround in your heart's affairs. A holiday darkened by a drunken brawl portends trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year is a wonderful prospect that will turn into a prosperous and happy family life. Shrovetide means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter is a spiritual blessing, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Holiday

A cheerful holiday in a dream portends personal happiness. To arrange a fun holiday in a dream portends happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream portends you happy love. The longer the procession is, the longer your happiness will last.

Interpretation of dreams from

A holiday seen in night dreams, according to the interpretation of various dream books, usually carries a positive message. Most often, such a plot predicts a meeting with best friends, the fulfillment of the wildest expectations, luck and idyll in family relationships. However, there are also less rosy prophecies. In order to determine exactly what the holiday is about and what to expect in the near future, you should take this issue seriously.

If the dreamer had to celebrate the holiday in a dream alone, then in real life he is excessively lacking in emotional communication and pure, sincere love. Most likely, the person himself made the decision to distance himself from people after experiencing disappointment or because of constant employment at work. Now he realized that he had no one to share his joy and victories with. The goals achieved for this reason do not bring joy.

Such a nightly plot should become a sign that it is time to start trusting and let those who are drawn to the sleeping person close to you. You just need to look around, there are many sincere and reliable people around. It is possible that someone from the inner circle has deep feelings, but does not dare to say about them. The same meaning has a dream, in which one had to celebrate a holiday with a large number of complete strangers or faceless people.


Seeing yourself having fun with a noisy company, in which there are so many people that the stream picks up the dreamer and carries him down the street, suggests that a person cannot influence the course of events in real life. It is possible that the sleeper himself is the culprit in a difficult situation.that got out of control. It is recommended to accept what is happening with dignity and try to make amends in advance to those whom it will harm.

If with a large number of people, while the room is clean, there are a lot of dishes on the table, then such a vision carries good omens... A person will receive the long-awaited fruits from long-term work.

However, to see empty tables, drunk guests and fights during the holiday - to obstacles on the way to the goal. Envious people will interfere.

Interpretation depending on the event

If you dreamed about a holiday, then you should clarify which one. This detail of the dream will help to decipher it more accurately:

  • To participate in a religious holiday is a great joy. The dreamed Easter prophesies the recovery and renewal of one's own strength. Celebrating Savior - to help in a difficult situation. Taking part in a church procession is an amazing turn of events that no one expected.
  • To dream of a children's holiday, which was attended by many children, means that, despite all the problems organized by the envious, the dreamer will be able to maintain and strengthen good relations with relatives. Having fun with the guys is a sign of a good time with your friends in real life.
  • Street festivities dream of a strong and successful marriage. The couple will harmoniously complement each other. Watching fireworks in a dream - a person will strengthen his own health. The riots on the street indicate dissatisfaction with the results of their own labor.
  • If you received an invitation to a corporate party, then you should prepare for a difficult relationship in the work team. Intemperance of the dreamer will lead to clashes and quarrels with colleagues. You need to moderate your ardor and become more tolerant of people.
  • A family celebration portends an improvement in family relationships. And also friends will never refuse help and will always be there.
  • - always a favorable sign. A similar plot usually visits a person to revive past significant ties. The dreamer is waiting for the beginning of a new period in his life, which will give him renewal of internal forces and will become fateful in his life. Watching a cake with candles and sparklers is a dream come true.
  • Attending a state event in a dream is a sign of success in public affairs, provided that everything is done according to a pre-planned plan.
  • New Year's celebration promises dramatic changes in the life of the sleeping person. He will be accompanied by good luck, which should certainly be used.
  • Attending the carnival speaks of imminent love affairs or a possible travel with a loved one.
  • Celebrating March 8 is a pleasant surprise from the second half.

The emotional component of sleep

For an accurate interpretation of sleep, all the details are important, including its emotional component. Depending on the prevailing atmosphere, personal feelings and sensations, the vision will be interpreted in different ways:

  • Experiencing positive emotions in nighttime dreams is a good sign. The dreamer's business will significantly improve, his plans for the business sphere will come true.
  • Feelings of anxiety and anxiety indicate fatigue of the sleeper, about frequent stressful situations. It is recommended to relax and take a break from the routine life, to rethink your position and goals.

Dream Interpretations promise that even in an unfavorable scenario, such a plot carries a positive meaning. All the upcoming difficulties will eventually be resolved, the dreamer will cope with any difficult circumstances.

Miller's interpretation

According to Miller's dream book, the dreaming holiday foreshadows good events for the sleeper in the near future. The chaos and confusion at the celebration promise major quarrels and problems in reality, which will not depend on the sleeper. To be late for an event - to anxiety and concern.

Most often, if the dreamer has to observe a similar plot in a dream, then this means that the sleeper is trying to never depend on anyone. To see the celebration of the New Year is to soon joyful events and fun. If there are a lot of people at the holiday, then the dream book promises a fun pastime in reality.

Seeing a holiday in a dream most often means good news and incidents. But even if the interpretation turns out to be negative, a correctly built behavior strategy will help to avoid serious problems.

A holiday in a dream usually serves as a background for some important event. In children's dreams, the holiday is important in itself and as a starting point for time - birthday, New Year, May Day, November holidays - all this helps children navigate the seasons and somehow relate themselves to reality.

Cutting out snowflakes means that soon the New Year, gifts, a tree. Red balls and spring - May Day. For adults, weddings, corporate parties and, possibly, birthdays are relevant. Holidays in the dream of adults are impersonal, unless it is a carnival in Venice or some exotic ritual on the Borneo islands. Let's figure out why adults dream of a holiday.

Children dream of waiting for the holidays, gifts of delicious food, sweets, special delicacies. We will not consider these simple dreams now. The only thing I would like to remind parents: do not arrange a holiday for children every day. In this case, the holiday will become an ordinary everyday day, without any joy, regardless of the effort and money spent.

Basic meanings

  • Seeing a holiday in a dream means seeing a not quite ordinary day, some significant incident, a separation from everyday reality. People laugh and hug, behave like crazy, social norms of behavior collapse. You are probably confused in real life. The world turned out to be a little different from what you were taught in childhood. Not always intelligence and patience, hard work is rewarded, the prince chooses a beggar grubby, not the most competent person achieves success, and so on. You can do evil deeds and enjoy life to the fullest without a hint of suffering or remorse. The shock from reality and permissiveness can be expressed in the form of a holiday in a dream.
  • If you find yourself in a party attendant - serving drinks, mixing cocktails or sweeping confetti, see the meaning of sleep in the interpretation of cleaning and the work of a waiter. In such a dream, you will not see any abnormal emotions, you will not experience excitement, and you will not be surprised at the outfits. A dream about a good restaurant will be different for a dishwasher who goes to it every day, but from the back door, and a girl who only dreams of getting there, but from the front door. The same place, the same entourage can mean an inaccessible holiday, a dream or exhausting, hard, dirty daily work. Such moments must be taken into account when interpreting dreams. A holiday for one person may not be a holiday for another at all. The same images, the same words have different meanings, for example, for a football fan or a police officer in cordon.
  • Masquerade, carnival means a change in social role, false goals and not real relationships. It makes sense to take a closer look at the people around you.
  • Due to the many complex interpretations, it is logical to perceive a holiday in a dream as a change in rules, reality, a change in point of view. A holiday is not always fun.

Interpretations of authoritative dream books

  • Almost all dream books associate a holiday in a dream with a quarrel, stormy proceedings, scandal. Perhaps consciousness is trying to hide the true meaning among the cheering figures and soften the inevitable unpleasant facts. The violent emotions associated with a scandal can also be related to fun. The scandal is associated with an attempt to return the elusive reality, to find common points in various truths and views of the world.
  • Miller's dream book warns that a holiday in a dream will be a violation of the sense of reality in ordinary life. You decide to arrange a small personal holiday for yourself, where you are allowed a little more than other people. Try to contain this impulse so as not to provoke the development of psychosis. Splitting consciousness is a clinical symptom of a number of complex conditions, and it is better to try to stay on the brink on your own.
  • Vanga's dream book warns of a lack of understanding with other people. You worry too much about your own pleasures and risk losing support.
  • Freud's dream book interprets celebration as a search for a suitable partner, a time for mating dances and unrestrained sex. In addition to fun, Freud promises quarrels and stormy showdowns.
  • The English dream book recommends taking a holiday in a dream or in life as an outpouring of your ego. The rules for the holiday are different than for life. What is possible on a holiday may be unacceptable in everyday life.
  • An exception from the general line of breakdowns is a traditional feast with a feast. No gaps in reality, no displacement of behavior patterns, everything is good, calm, nice. Such a dream with a traditional, a little boring, but dear and close to heart, a feast day - to a good family, prosperity, satiety, money. If there is a lot of tasty food on the table, the whole year will be full and joyful. Fights foreshadow small family fights. Ladies dream of gentlemen of dreams and vice versa.


Seeing a holiday in a dream means getting off the usual track. What will you choose? Move on, already with new knowledge and closing your eyes to the revealed truth, start looking for new ways, denying old connections, use what you already have for the launch pad? In any case, it is difficult to do without conflicts, quarrels, partings.

You will have to re-find your place in the world and choose a new role. New knowledge does not always contribute to career takeoff. The ability to play against the rules is not always appreciated. Be careful, attentive, don't talk about understanding the essence of things. There may always be someone who understands more or even sets the rules.

Dream interpretation holiday

Deciphering what the holiday is about, dreamers should understand that they have a positive symbol in front of them, which sometimes reveals its negative facets. Every detail affects the final result, and therefore it is necessary to approach the issue with all seriousness.

General information

As the dream book thinks, a holiday is a harbinger of pleasant meetings, the fulfillment of cherished dreams and the acquisition of family happiness, which was so lacking in everyday life. However, you always have to pay attention to the downside of interpretations concerning possible conflicts and scandals. A properly constructed behavior strategy will help to avoid such problems.

Let's turn to dream books

I dreamed of a festive action

Why is the holiday dreaming according to different dream interpreters? If you are really interested in the answer to this question, then you will have to analyze a considerable amount of literature. Your job is to define your context and not deviate from it.

Miller's dream book

The dreamer must remember the details of the night dream:

  • to see a holiday in a dream - to receive pleasant, but unexpected news;
  • to witness the disorder - to quarrels and misfortune associated with one's own negligence;
  • being late for the fun - to the beginning of hectic everyday life, which can hardly be prevented.

If the sleeper took part in a noisy celebration, then in reality he will be able to ignore the harsh realities of life. The dreamed dream is evidence that the dreamer will never depend on another person.

Such a position in life deserves respect, since it guarantees a bright and spontaneous life.

Dream interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Have fun and dance in your sleep

If in your dreams you managed to take part in organizing a holiday, then soon he expects to receive a solid monetary reward. Invite many people to a family celebration - to possible disagreements related to rejection of a certain point of view. The interpreter does not advise to enter into discussions, since they are unlikely to lead to a good result.

Going on a visit for the entire weekend is a service that should be appreciated. I dreamed of a holiday that upset me to tears - to an annoying misunderstanding and unpleasant proceedings that can cause a deep spiritual wound.

Having fun and dancing until you lose consciousness - to a favorable change in love affairs. The dream book advises you to learn how to take the first step, even in cases when no one expects it. Thus, it will be possible not only to preserve the relationship, but also to strengthen it.

Watching a lot of people fighting is the beginning of problems at work. Refuse any bickering with colleagues or superiors, as they may be misunderstood and used against you.

If you are charged with a festive mood in a dream, then try to remember memorable dates:

Celebrate New Year in a dream

  • New Year - to the beginning of a prosperous family life, which brings a large number of prospects;
  • Shrovetide - to receive forgiveness;
  • Easter - to improve relationships with other family members.

Women's dream book

If you see a holiday in a dream, you will witness the unexpected. If the fun abruptly stopped and aggressive proceedings began, then we can say about the misfortune associated with the ambiguous statements of other people. No matter how difficult it is, never try to prick your opponent in his weak point. The negative, like a boomerang, always comes back to the fact that one decided to send it.

The dreamer was late for the celebration - at the beginning of an anxious and hectic period in life, and therefore it is better to protect yourself from dubious adventures. Taking part in a noisy and fun event is a symbol of independence, which concerns not only personal finances, but also relationships with other people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dreaming of many dishes on the table

Seeing a holiday with a large number of interesting dishes and drinks is a positive symbol, foreshadowing possible luck and the beginning of good relationships with other people. When trying to make contact, never try to please, because sooner or later the veil falls from the eyes and the true essence appears.

Tasting holiday food is a sign that soon you will have to endure some kind of hardship. The main thing is not to give up and continue to follow your goals and views.

If the holiday you see does not relax - to disappointment and constant conflicts with your family and friends. Dream interpreters advise to reduce the emotional degree, trying to make more compromises. To meet festively dressed people - to the appearance of pleasant troubles in everyday life.

Why is the masquerade holiday dreaming? A night dream indicates that you tend to waste time on frivolous hobbies and make empty promises. However, such a behavior strategy will never lead to the standard of living that often appears in the imagination.

Brief interpretations

Dreamed of a masquerade ball

Getting an accurate interpretation is impossible without a short description of what the holiday was like:

  • in the family circle - to difficult relationships;
  • children's - the dreamer is often worried about trifles;
  • home banquet - to gain a favorable disposition of your friends;
  • a fun party - to pleasant life changes;
  • a masquerade ball - to receive false information that can be confusing;
  • someone else's fun - to the beginning of financial problems, which are not so easy to get rid of;
  • graduation at school - to the onset of an exciting moment in life.

A little about celebrations

Seeing a festive church service in a dream

If you often dream of holidays, then try to remember them. This detail of a night dream will shed light on further decoding.


To become a participant in a Christian church celebration is to receive great joy, which is not so easy to recognize due to your own fussiness. Interpreters advise more often to turn around and observe the events taking place around.

Easter, dreamed of in a night dream, indicates recovery. The dreamer will be able to renew his own strength and look at some information from a different angle.

Celebrating the Savior - to receive help in difficult life circumstances. However, you cannot rely only on the strengths of other people, because a lot depends on your own efforts and faith in yourself.

To participate in a church procession is an unexpected and surprising turn of events.


Seeing a children's event in a dream

Children's holiday, which brought together a large number of cheerful guys - despite all the problems organized by ill-wishers, you will be able not only to preserve, but also to strengthen relations with your loved ones. Singing and dancing with children is a symbol of a good time.

Why can you dream about holidays on the street? Interpreters believe that the sleeping person has every chance of making a strong and happy marriage. Oddly enough, but both partners can not only complement each other, but also reveal their potential. The procession, which lasted all day, is to improve well-being, but do not forget that any money must be used rationally, and then it will certainly return in greater quantities.

Watching the colorful fireworks - the sleeping person will be able to spend time with benefit and strengthen their own health. Perhaps he will be offered a trip to a wellness center or a foreign resort. The main thing is to make every effort so that the authorities can notice it.

Dreamed of fireworks

If riots began during street festivities, then in reality the dreamer is not entirely satisfied with the results of his own labor. Of course, this introduces him to a stupor, but the absence of any improvements only complicates the situation.


Getting an invitation to a corporate celebration in a night dream is the beginning of a difficult relationship in the team. Interpreters believe that possible disagreements will arise due to their own intemperance, from which it is high time to get rid of.

Participating in a corporate event is a negative symbol indicating a big scandal. You might be better off taking a vacation for a while to prevent potential problems.

The holiday, which happened to meet with the deceased leader or colleague, warns that difficulties may arise literally from scratch.


Seeing a home meal in a dream

Going to a home meal in a dream - to improve relations in marriage. The sleeper will be able to create a strong family, in which each member will be given special attention.

Go to the celebration, hand in hand - to fulfill a cherished desire or receive good news. Home party at a round table - your friends will always be able to help and support.

What does the birthday, which you managed to visit in a dream, tell about? As a rule, good news awaits the dreamer regarding the implementation of his life plans.

To see a cake on which festive candles and sparklers were shining is to fulfill a cherished desire, but one cannot rely only on chance.

Dreaming of New Year's masquerade


What is the dream of celebrating a state celebration? If the dreamer does everything according to the planned plan, then it will soon be possible to declare himself in social activities.

New Year promises cardinal life changes.To experience positive emotions when meeting the New Year is a symbol of good luck and happiness, which must be used in full.

The New Year's masquerade seen serves as a warning signaling that the dreamer has formed a wrong opinion about his immediate environment. In reality, it's time to take a closer look at those people who most often appear. Perhaps there will be traitors and liars among them, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to understand this immediately.

Sleeping during the New Year celebrations is a long time ago for you to rest, since traditional joys have ceased to bring pleasure. It cannot continue this way, otherwise burnout will become a natural consequence. The interpreter advises to start a long rest.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Tomorrow you will have a meeting with your beloved. Going to a party means that the next day you will meet your lover and have a good time.

Dreaming about a holiday

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A holiday in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant surprises. Disorder at the holiday - portends quarrels due to someone's negligence. If you are late for a holiday, in reality you will have to worry about something. The dream in which you participate in a noisy festival characterizes you as ...

Dreaming a Holiday

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A cheerful holiday in a dream portends personal happiness. To arrange a fun holiday in a dream portends happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream portends you happy love. The longer the procession is, the longer your happiness will last.

What does the dream in which the Holidays mean (new year, d. Rozhd.)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Improvement in life situation, joyful event. "Festive" mood. Congratulate in r. Relationship.

The meaning of a dream about Holidays, new year, birthday

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Improvement in life situation, joyful event. "Festive" mood. See Congratulate at p. Relationships.

If in a dream you see "Holiday, Banquet"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a holiday in a dream is a pleasant surprise. If the holiday ends in riots, it portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. To be late for the celebration - to anxious and hectic days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy ...

Dreaming of "Holiday" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a noisy, bright, cheerful holiday - such a dream portends prosperity in the near future. To participate in the holiday - sleep means joy and pleasure. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. Are you having fun ...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In any case, it indicates a situation that is beneficial and useful for the subject, which opens up a favorable opportunity for his personal development.

Why is the Holiday dreaming in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are joyfully and lively preparing for the holiday - this is an unexpected receipt of big money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday portends confusion and disagreement on fundamental issues. To spend all the holidays at a party - in reality they will render you a service, ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Holiday Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about a holiday foreshadows a quarrel between spouses or lovers.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Holidays are a remarkable event for a dream, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays cause both positive feelings - a sense of unity with the family, maintaining family traditions, and negative - unjustified hopes, loss or absence of a loved one. How …

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Holidays, event

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is a remarkable event for a dream, because they mean so much in our real life, and many dream of pleasant surprises. But the holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with the family, maintaining family traditions, and negative - unjustified hopes, ...

Dreaming - Holiday - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Prepare for the holiday joyfully and lively - you will unexpectedly receive a lot of money. To invite guests to a family holiday is a disagreement with friends. To spend the holidays at a party - you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If in the midst of a holiday you are spoiled ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Holiday Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself at a holiday at a rich table is a good sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others. At the same time, eating or drinking at a holiday is not a good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Holiday Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Celebrating a birthday is a joy.

Dream Interpretation: Why Holidays Dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Easter is the arrival of happiness. Christmas or New Year with Christmas trees and burning candles is a big surprise, joy. Another's anniversary in a dream is someone's unexpected help. Your anniversary - to get hope for a promotion. The grand opening of something - entering into something new, ...

If you had a dream - Holiday

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The action of the dream takes place on the day of the celebration of a state, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when you enter higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example, MGIMO. The same, but on a church holiday

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Seen Dream - Running

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How to interpret the dream "Turkey, peacock, pheasant"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The sacred bird of the Toltecs. "Precious Bird". Food for ritual ceremonies, thanksgiving and other holidays. The turkey, peacock, and pheasant are associated with thunder and rain as they become restless before the storm.

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