Description and meaning of the tarot cards of rider waite. Tarot Ryder Waite: the interpretation and meaning of cards in different layouts Fortune telling on the tarot cards of Ryder Waite

Laminate 21.01.2021

Ryder Waite's Classic Tarot is one of the most famous decks that was developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite - was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The maps were drawn by an American artist named Pamela Coleman-Smith. The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. This is how the deck of cards got its double name.

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of Ryder White's Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcanum are reversed, that is, the "Justice" card is number 11, and the "Strength" Arcanum has a serial number 8. The reasons for this change were not properly explained by Waite.

German tarot scholar Hayo Banzhaf suggested that this change in numbering was due to the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigensians, Waldensians and Cathars. Despite all this, many occult and tarot scholars did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Tarot deck of Ryder White, the Arcana of Justice and Force were used with the same numbers.

In the decks that were created later, the Arcana of Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from others. If you look at other old decks, then this Arcana is called "Choice or Decision". These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcanum in Ryder White's Tarot deck is named "Lovers". The card depicts naked Adam and Eve in paradise. Image 6 of the Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or some kind of uncertainty is omitted here.

Card interpretation

I. Magician

Divine meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap entwined by enemies; confidence, willpower.
The card says that divine promptings have awakened in man, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is focused on the limit.
The possible meaning of the Magician card is the beginning of changes, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed card in Waite's Tarot: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, insecurity, indecision, lack of will.

II. High priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card tells about his wit and cunning. The good qualities of this person are that he easily adapts to various situations, he can be entrusted with any secret and be calm, because he will never give it to anyone.
In love affairs, the card advises to be careful, there is a possibility of being deceived by a loved one, it is worth taking a good look at him.

Inverted card: conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. The empress

The value of the Empress in the layouts promises family ladies happiness and large offspring, pregnant women - easy childbirth. But lonely people are promised non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of the inverted card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of celebration.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is the image of a father or a person for whom this status is very important.
The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him in his problems. If you look at it from the other side, then this person may be the one who brazenly uses the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: Compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of fortune-telling about this or that person in order to learn more about him, the meaning of "Hierophant" is the following: a person has good oratorical abilities, knows how to convince, attracts many people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The loss of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: mutual understanding, agreement, weakness, powerlessness.

Vi. Lovers

In divination, the Lovers Card means a choice or solution to problems. If they are guessing at a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: failure, divorce or collapse of the marriage union, contradictions in the relationship.

Vii. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card falls out during fortune-telling, then this says that the person has broken free from the circle of previous interests and is ready to go a new path. He has both confidence and courage, but there is also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage when solving new problems.
Reversed: mutiny, controversy, verbal clashes, lawsuits, loss.

VIII. Force

The card personifies soft, feminine strength. It is the woman who makes the lion feel her strength.

Courage and perseverance helps a person to cope with many problems. If this particular card falls out, then the questioner has coped with his fears and fears in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person is successful in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. The spiritual component of life is lost.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes the withdrawal of a person into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, the search for his self.

Falling out of the Hermit card means that the questioner will soon get acquainted with a person who will show the way to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. You shouldn't look at it as a break, perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help from management or close associates.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioning person is confident in his luck. The cards dropped next to each other will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what to carry.
The laws of fate are favorable during this period, everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships, it portends stagnation.

Inverted: means stagnation and bad luck in business, both professional and in love.

XI. Justice (fairness)

The value of this card is associated not only with court cases, but also with any area where any disputes arise. If the case concerns the court, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Tarot card Justice talks about the ability to talk with other people in serious matters, about a mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In cases, means long, boring trials. If the question is about a love relationship, then the card portends a break or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the scenario of the tarot, the Hanged Man means that the questioner goes on the path of spiritual life, abandoning everything material and physical. That is, a person leaves his old self and goes to spiritual enlightenment. Also, a map can mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly affairs come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations where others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

The death of the Tarot in the layout symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. We need to go forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about the possible breakup and end of any relationship.
In work, it means leaving the old place and opening up new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

Tarot meaning Moderation - balance, harmony with oneself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal matters and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or change.

Reversed: personal relationships interfere with work, and accordingly, work interferes with love affairs. Here it is necessary to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put all things in order. Allocate time for each side of life.

XV. Devil

This card interprets that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps it will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens parting and quarrels. The card warns that flirting is possible, meaningful promises, passion, which, in general, will not lead to anything, but will manage to ruin the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

XVI. Tower

If the Tarot Tower card fell out, it means that all plans and ideas are flying to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, promises overdue changes. This can be a release from a relationship with a partner that has long become obsolete. Or it may be such that the relationship was on the verge of breaking, and after a serious conversation with a loved one and discussion of all pressing issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card has opened will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones is possible, as well as other losses.


This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Do not be fooled about external manifestations. You have to accept that you have animal nature. You need to try to deal with the inner demons.

XIX. The sun

If the Sun falls out, then everything in the questioner will be on top. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.

There are many different tarot decks. Each deck has its own individual design, history and origin. Behind each deck is its creator, who put his experience, sensations, knowledge and faith into the image of each card.

Ryder-Waite deck of cards Is the work of several people at once. As the name of the deck suggests, it owes its origins to Arthur Edward Waite and William Ryder.

Actually this is not true. There was also a third person who took part in the creation of a deck of cards, moreover, an important and significant one.

Deck Description

The Ryder-Waite deck of cards is still very popular with both professionals and novice tarologists. The deck owes its origin order of the Golden Dawn, existed in Great Britain throughout the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Arthur Edward Waite held a high position in the order, he was a researcher and mystical scholar, had an extensive knowledge of Freemasonry. In 1910, he had the idea to create his own deck of Tarot cards, each card of which would be a kind of key to knowledge.

Under his leadership, artist Pamela Coleman-Smith took over the design of the deck, and William Ryder became the first publisher of the new tarot cards. The author himself called his deck “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot”.

Despite the fact that the deck was relatively close to the classic Tarot deck, it has its own important features. For example, Cards numbered eleven and eight are reversed. Waite thought it more correct to assign the Force number eight, and Justice takes its place in the deck at number eleven.

The creator did not comment on this kind of rearrangement, only clarified that he made such a decision, relying on important and reliable sources. The changes also affected the major arcana "Lovers". Traditionally, it was customary to portray this card as a kind of choice that a young man must make, being between two girls. One girl personified the mind, the other - the feelings.

Waite changed not only the image on the map, but its whole meaning. From now on, the map had nothing to do with choice and looked like an illustration to the biblical story. The card depicts naked Adam and Eve in Paradise. The card was interpreted as feelings, love, passion and nothing more.

To this day, even those who chose the Ryder-Waite deck over the rest can interpret the Lovers lasso the old fashioned way, as a fateful choice that must be made.

Important changes have also been made to the minor arcana. Now, on each card of all four suits, simple plots were also depicted, based on which it was easy to interpret the meaning of the card. Accompanying your deck Waite published a book. It contained a full description of the deck, the interpretation of each card, layouts and other information regarding the deck.

Tarot-Waite traits

The deck starts with the major arcana. Consider all major arcana:

Interpretation and description of the minor arcana

Interpretation of the minor arcana not as diverse as in the case of the older lasso. Most often, the minor lasso gives only one meaning or is corrected by neighboring cards and is understood quite simply.

In order to interpret the minor arcana from the Ryder-Waite deck, you will have to learn to understand the image on the card.

For example, ace of swords depicted as a sword raised upward, at the tip of which a golden crown hovers. The card predicts victory, achievement, success. A dozen swords depicts a man with ten swords stuck in him. The card can indicate betrayal, heavy losses, a heavy blow.

The two of cups depicts a woman and a man. They stand opposite each other with cups in their hands, ready to drink to luck, love and prosperity. This is the interpretation that the card should have.


The fastest alignment is alignment of the day, month, year. It is enough to pull out just one card from the deck to understand what awaits you in the future indicated at the beginning of the layout. The same alignment can be used for YES / NO divination. For more experienced tarot readers, a good option from quick layouts would be divination by three cards.

This layout is also universal. It can be used for fortune-telling for a situation, and for fortune-telling for the future, and for fortune-telling for love. The first card means the past or how it all began, the second card means the present and what you need to pay attention to now, and the third card will allow you to look into the future.

A more complex but universal layout is Celtic cross. This layout is very popular and has a lot of different options. A more complete layout consists of ten cards laid out in a certain order (depending on which version of the Celtic cross you have chosen). The layout gives a complete and understandable answer to any question asked.

In addition to universal layouts, there are those that are intended for fortune-telling exclusively for one thing, for example, love relationships or health.

All people interested in fortune-telling on tarot cards have heard the name of Ryder Waite (White), because the deck he created is recognized as a classic version, from which tarot readers start when making their predictions of the future. Waite Tarot: the interpretation and meaning of cards, as well as general information about the deck - that's what we will talk about in this material.

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The history of the creation of the Ryder Waite deck, its distinctive features

Quite a great interest is the personality of Waite himself - he was a comprehensively developed person, he was engaged in translating books, as well as writing his own works and research activities.

Ryder White had his own vision of using tarot cards. So, he called for using them exclusively as a mystical attribute and was against their magical use.

Waite was assisted in creating her Tarot deck by a woman with psychic abilities - Pamela Colman Street, an artist and member of the Order of the Golden Dawn. It was she who was engaged in the development of the graphic image of the arcana.

Perhaps her drawings at first glance seem rather primitive, but they will tell in detail about the small details of the design and faces of the characters, which indicates the deep sacred meaning of the cards.

Before embarking on the interpretation of Waite's Tarot, it is necessary to note the characteristic features of this deck:

  • There have been changes in the plot illustrations of each of the 78 arcana. Before that, Minor cards looked almost the same as playing cards - they contained information only about suit and dignity (with the exception of 4 "court cards"). And in his deck, Ryder White has developed an illustration for each of the minor arcana, personifying their deep meaning.
  • Changed order of cards. So in Tarot Waite fell into place.
  • Another meaning of the card "". Prior to that, the 6th Tarot card was called "Choice" and depicted an insecure young man who could not make a choice between two ladies. In White's deck, the meaning of the lasso has changed dramatically - now the card depicts a biblical scene with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and tells about original sin, love and passion.
  • The Real Tarot is very symbolic, and Waite's Tarot is more esoteric. All the arcana of the deck are described in a simple, understandable language. These cards may well be used by beginners.

Description of the meaning of the Tarot cards of Ryder White

Major arcana

. The card will tell about reckless behavior, stupidity of a young man, foolishness, extravagance. It will also indicate uncertainty, incomprehensibility. In the reverse position: it speaks of alertness, a waste of energy.

. A person strives for independent achievements, is distinguished by energy, strong will, skill, dexterity. Competent intentions to influence the world. The beginning of new projects, the birth of children. In the opposite position, it speaks of passivity, lack of will, conservatism, lack of experience. The reality is not what was expected. Inhibition of the process.

. It is a heavy card that speaks of obscurity, deception, withholding information. The person does not know who is really in control of the situation. It also tells about the intuitive perception of the world, the influence of the subconscious on our life. The opposite: secrets are revealed, the situation becomes clearer, negative changes, materialism.

. Speaks about actions, initiative, the implementation of something. This is a card of creativity, fertility, financial profit, stability. In the reverse position, he will talk about laziness, lack of action, creative unfulfillment, fear and addiction.

. Pointer of authority, father. The Emperor speaks of the fundamentality, solidity, material wealth, describes a person with a strong spirit. The mind prevails over the emotional sphere. A very good lasso for men. The opposite position: there is no father or his influence is very weak, the established order of life is violated. Subordination.

(also called Priest or Pope). Testifies to training, mentoring. Predicts contacts, communication, friendship, mercy, and spirituality. But at the same time, there are no finances, sex, household order. In reverse: a period of intrigue, conspiracies of dark deeds, doubts.

. You may need to make some kind of decision. The main meaning of the lasso is a love theme, and we are talking about true spiritual love, and not about sexual desire. In the opposite position: will tell about the unrealistic plans, broken harmony, the presence of internal personal conflicts.

. It will indicate a zealous defense of its position, a period of conflicts and disagreements (it can talk about military actions). A person will be able to cope with all trials. In the opposite position: not enough vitality, knowledge. Stagnation period.

. Finding a balance between fear and haste. Kindness and strong will help you achieve what you want. In the reverse position: intellect and instincts conflict with each other, your plans collapse, force is released, which is no longer realistic to hold.

. It tells about prudence, making informed decisions, but also about separation from the world, secret intentions, asceticism, perfectionism, loneliness. A person does not depend on society, he lives by himself. In the opposite position: an excess of perfectionism, a person demands too much of himself and others. Reckless behavior, dangerous for himself.

. It promises a rather dubious luck, which is better to be treated as a surprise. He talks about strange gifts of fate, unexpected acquaintances, proposals, changes. In the opposite form, it demonstrates the desire for change, but instead of receiving delays and interference.

(also called Justice). In this case, the truth will prevail in any of its concepts. Karma governs the fate of a person and decides when and to whom to reward. Perhaps the beginning of lawsuits, the conclusion of a marriage union. In the reverse position: negative karma is worked out, others are biased towards you.

. Arkan speaks of spirituality, the desire to comprehend the highest wisdom, harmony and humility. The verdict of fate begins to act, negative karma is worked out. A person suffers from voluntary torment and disease. The opposite position will tell about self-esteem, selfishness.

. Something new comes, often unexpectedly. The current situation is changing. A person gives up his will, gains inner freedom. In the opposite position, it speaks of stagnation, a dead end.

(also called Abstinence). The map exposes certain frames, modes, systems. You will have to make an effort to achieve what you want. Monotonous work, lack of creativity. In the opposite form: will tell about sharp disturbances of order, excessive emotionality, anxiety.

. It is a fatal lasso, the meaning of which is quite negative. Indicate karmic attachments, egoism, strong pride, increased aggressiveness. A person does not know how to love. In the opposite position: "insight", spiritual improvement is possible.

. Higher powers intervene in life, drastic changes. In the opposite form, it speaks of fear, internal tension.

. It is a karmic card, it promises the fulfillment of our plans, but not now. Inverted "Star" speaks of depressive states, insecurity, detachment from everything, laziness.

. Indicate danger, uncertainty, uncertainty, confusion in business. The person feels lonely, abandoned. In the opposite position, it speaks of mercy, clarification of the situation.

. The fortuneteller knows how to enjoy life, his desires will be fulfilled. It is a sign of triumph, reward, optimism. In the reverse position: the past interferes with the completion of the present. Increased egocentrism.

. Any restrictions are eliminated, a person re-opens himself, works off his bad karma. The reverse card will tell about a difficult period of life, resistance to change.

. A symbol of wisdom, knowledge, openness, the desire to change, improve. The reverse lasso speaks of a partial victory, an unpleasant limitation in development and spiritual growth is felt.

This was the abbreviated meaning of the Tarot cards of Ryder Waite (Major Arcana). Also, considering the meaning of the Tarot Waite, one must not forget about the group of minor arcana, which the following video will tell about:


In order to start working with a magic deck, first you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each card - without this full-fledged and reliable fortune-telling simply will not work. The interpretation of tarot cards is the most difficult, but at the same time, the most interesting process for a tarot reader. And today we will talk about how you can generally interpret cards, how to learn to understand classic and specialized decks.

Ways to interpret tarot cards

There are two main ways to interpret magic cards. The first is to study the basic meanings of each Arcana according to the instructions attached to the deck, specialized literature, various courses and master classes. The second is an independent study of the symbolic field of each card, when the tarot reader simply takes the deck and gradually, closely examining each Arcana, fixes his own associations associated with it.

It is difficult to say which method is better, since each master has his own opinion on this matter. So, for example, for a person with a rich imagination, the interpretation of the Arcana of the Tarot in an intuitive way may be more convenient than memorizing book interpretations. Someone generally prefers to combine both methods - acquaintance with the bookish, traditional meanings of the cards, as well as their own elaboration.

Much depends on the deck itself. So, for example, the interpretation of the Ryder-Waite Tarot cards usually does not cause any difficulties, since all Arcana, including the Minor ones, are depicted in the form of simple pictures, the meaning of which can be understood without even looking into the book. But Aleister Crowley's Tarot Thoth cannot be understood intuitively, since the Minor Arcana are not drawn, and the meanings themselves put into the cards by the author are very different from the classical interpretations. Of course, for a tarot reader with experience, this deck will not become particularly difficult, but it will be quite difficult for a beginner to work with it.

Personally, I try to find an individual approach to each deck. I studied Tarot Thoth from the writings of Aleister Crowley himself, and only then worked through each card independently, adding my own associations to the traditional meaning, which I recorded in a notebook. I began to study the Wild Unknown Tarot intuitively, and only then, after writing down my own associations, I looked into the MBK - it turned out that my vision of the Arcana is very close to the meaning that the author put into them. The interpretation of Tarot cards in the layouts made on the deck of Nicoletta Ceccoli, I still change depending on the theme of fortune-telling: these cards are more reminiscent of metaphorical ones than traditional Tarot. MBK for this deck seemed to me not informative at all. But the Hermetic Tarot turned out to be difficult to study without the book attached to the deck.

As you can see, there is no single correct way - everything depends only on you. For example, I know one girl who, in principle, does not look into reference books at all and works exclusively with her own feelings - her layouts always hit the mark, despite the fact that some of her interpretations are very far from the classic ones. So the interpretation of Tarot layouts is a purely individual thing.

General interpretation of the Major Arcana Tarot

Despite the fact that in different decks the interpretation of the same card may be different, the Major Arcana usually retain a similar meaning. Now we will look at the interpretation of the Waite Tarot cards - beginners can rely on these values. However, do not forget that the final interpretation depends on your personal perception and the specifics of the deck.

Card number Name of the Major Arcana Brief interpretation
0 Start, spontaneity, stupidity, something new, take risks
1 Possibilities, action, concentration of will, awareness
2 Intuition, inner voice, mystery, potential, trust
3 Fertility, motherhood, abundance, harmony with nature, sensuality
4 Power, structure, strength, management, control
5 Commitment to tradition, compliance with the rules, spirituality, mentoring
6 Relationships, heart choices, love
7 Will, victory, self-affirmation
8 Inner strength, harnessing passions, patience, self-control
9 Loneliness, spiritual search, inner experiences, rethinking
10 Destiny, turning point in life, movement, change
11 Responsibility, decision, cause and effect
12 Suspended state, the role of the victim, letting it go, a radical change
13 Ending something, moving to a new level, unforgiving force
14 Harmony, balance, consistency, moderation
15 Attachment, bondage, materialism, harmful passions
16 Unexpected changes, getting rid of something, coup
17 Hopes, plans, self-realization, inspiration, appeasement
18 Illusions, fears, dark side, fantasy, imagination
19 Confidence, vitality, success, recognition, fame
20 Karma, rewards / punishments, inner challenge, rebirth
21 Unification, achievement, vision of the big picture, success, completion

As you can imagine, the full interpretation of the Tarot cards will be much broader than the values \u200b\u200bgiven in the table. But you need to expand the symbolic field of each Arcana on your own, relying on your feelings.

So, we talked about the main meaning of the Major Arcana, now it's worth moving on to the Younger. We will also take as a basis the interpretation of White's Tarot. Please note that the interpretation of the Minor Arcana and court cards in different decks can change, sometimes quite significantly.


  • : new beginnings, breakthrough energy
  • : Partnership, plans for the future
  • : Success, leadership
  • : Prosperity, harmony, enjoyment of the results of labor
  • : Unrest, problems
  • : Community recognition, success
  • : Competition, defending one's position, views
  • : Rapid change, communication
  • : Self-defense
  • : Success that brings difficulties
  • : News, new interests
  • : Travel, Action, Trip
  • : Business acumen, activity
  • : Activity, influence

Cups / Bowls

  • : Creative energy, love, romance beginning
  • : Happy relationship, successful partnership
  • : Holiday, party, celebration
  • : Apathy, boredom, sadness, satiety
  • : Depression, grief
  • : Simple joys, nostalgia, greetings from the past
  • : Confusion, multiple options, illusions, dreams
  • : Change your lifestyle, leave something behind
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • : Satisfaction, happiness, luck
  • : News that touches your heart
  • : Invitation, proposal
  • : Intuition, help
  • : Gentleness, advice, healing, kind soul


  • : A critical moment, success through difficulties, the triumph of intellect
  • : Neutral position, anticipation, balance
  • : Separation, unhappiness, anxiety
  • : Leaving the world, rest, sometimes - hospital
  • : Pointless struggle, restrictions
  • : Get away from difficulties, troubles
  • : Theft, deception, refusal to counter
  • : Fall into the trap
  • : Mental distress, worry, anxiety
  • : Failure, failure, failure
  • : Surveillance, obtaining information by phone or letter
  • : Argumenting, breaking changes
  • : Bad faith, bitter experience
  • : Authority, ambition

Pentacles / Coins / Denarius

  • : Material success, good health
  • : Money or time manipulation, frivolous attitude
  • : New business, success
  • : Success, but at the same time unwillingness to meet changes
  • : Material losses, deterioration of health
  • : Getting help
  • : Readiness for hard work
  • : New hobby, study, work
  • Novice tarot readers find it difficult to interpret a particular card when it falls out in a thematic layout. So, for example, what can the Ten of Pentacles mean if we ask about a person's feelings, if the main meaning of the card is money, property, inheritance? In fact, the interpretation of the Tarot on relationships is not as difficult as it sometimes seems. You don't have to memorize any lists of keywords and rewrite the meaning of each card in different spheres of life in a notebook - you just need to turn on your imagination and think about how the traditional interpretation can manifest itself in a narrower key.

    Let's take our example with the Ten of Pentacles: since the card speaks of property and money, then when asked about a person's attitude, it can answer as follows: he is more concerned with the material background of the relationship, some kind of personal benefit, rather than feelings. It may well be a marriage of convenience or a couple where one person has some material benefit. A girl who clings to a young man because of money or a man who is in love with a "good party" - this may be this interpretation of the Tarot card. Three of Cups in feelings will mean true joy from a relationship, a holiday of the soul, or a union in which lovers spend a lot of time in companies, parties, and lead an active lifestyle in society. The main thing here is to think a little and turn on your imagination - then you can intuitively choose the correct meaning of the card in any thematic scenario, not only in love.

    Separately, it should be said about the interpretation of cards in specialized decks, which differ from Ryder-Wyeth, which is considered a classic. So, for example, the interpretation of Crowley's Tarot is simply impossible without studying the works of the author himself. The Occultist's deck is based on Kabbalah and astrological correspondences. It is filled with esoteric symbols, including those from Egyptian and Celtic mythology, so it will not be possible to interpret it purely intuitively. More precisely, if you wish, of course, it will work out, but without understanding the full depth of symbolism put into these cards by the author, you will not be able to see the many subtle nuances of interpretation.

    The interpretation of the Tarot Decameron is based on the world of human passions. This deck is best suited for dealing with love affairs. It will not work to tie the interpretation of cards to the classics when working with it - you need to study the specifics of the deck and penetrate the meaning laid down by the author.

    The interpretation of the Tarot of Shadows by Vera Sklyarova is generally a topic for a separate conversation. Here you will not see the usual names of the Major and Minor Arcana, but instead, you will meet with dark angels, entities, phenomena and objects. So, for example, in the place of the usual Magician in this deck is Satan, and the fourth Arcanum is not the Emperor at all, but Lucifer. Among the Minor Arcana there are magical herbs and objects, human vices and tools of sorcerers - in a word, the deck is very far from the classics, and to understand it you need to be well-versed in the world of black magic.

    As you can see, there are many ways to interpret maps. And a lot depends on your personal perception and the meaning laid down by the author.

Quite often, people who are just starting their acquaintance with tarot cards and layouts do not know where to start. What prediction schemes to use and how to interpret them correctly, how to understand the interconnection of the cards and trace the chain of the situation development. To do this, consider the simplest and most universal layouts that can be used for fortune telling.

They can be used for any situation or question, as well as for any area of \u200b\u200bhuman life. For starters, you should learn to interpret simple layouts for a maximum of 5 cards. Do not chase the number of cards used in fortune telling.

On the one hand, it may seem that the more cards in the layout, the easier it is to answer the question, on the other hand, this is not so. Extensive layouts contain a large amount of information intended for analysis, and also, most often in large types of fortune telling, there is a complex diagram of the relationship or influence of one card on another.

Before proceeding with the layouts, you need to choose a deck. The Ryder-Waite tarot deck is considered a classic. Study her images and get acquainted with the interpretation of each card.

After that, you can study the available layouts, write them out with a decoding of positions and the rules for laying out cards. The first time before the prediction, you can write down the position and position number of the card on a blank sheet of paper, on the contrary, write down the dropped card. It is better to write down the result of fortune-telling always - this helps to track the tendency of the development of the situation upon repeated appeal.

Most plain alignment

This is a classic 3 card

1 - description of the past.

2 - characteristic of the present.

3 - forecast for the future.

Option 2, 1, 3 can be used to view the pros and cons of the current situation, to choose one option out of two, to view the correct and incorrect decisions. Where position 1 is either a choice or a situation. 2 and 3 - pros and cons, choices.

For this scenario, a specific question is asked. Also, for such a position of the cards, you can choose a suitable interpretation of the cards, adapted to the situation or question. The most common topics are personal relationships, relationships in a couple and the relationship of one partner to another. With the help of this alignment, you can help choose a profession or make a choice between two options.

For example, there is a couple, She wants to know how the relationship with Him will develop in the next 3 months. She asks the question: "What kind of relationship awaits us for 3 months?"

The layout is according to the scheme 1,2,3, where 1 is a description of the relationship in the first month, 2 is the development of relationships in the second month, 3 is summing up what awaits the relationship in the third month. Let's say the following cards fell out:

  • - 1-10 Swords - 1 month, parting is possible, termination of relations in the form in which they were, the departure of something better.
  • - 2 - Mage Inverted - 2 months - nothing new to expect from the relationship, perhaps the relationship will end within the first month.
  • - 3 - 6 Pentacles Inverted - 3 months - one of the partners is not interested in the relationship, there is no contribution to the relationship, there is no support.

If we consider on this prediction just the current situation, with the same dropped cards, then the result will be as follows.

1,2,3 - 1 - present, 2 - past, 3 - future.

1 - 10 of Swords - the situation that has developed, the fortuneteller can no longer change. Perhaps your enemies are to blame. In this position, it remains only to gain courage and with a proudly held head to endure all the blows of fate. It remains for you to learn a lesson from this situation.

2 - Mage Inverted - your selfishness and self-confidence prevent you from making the right decisions. You may have made a mistake. You are not able to restrain the situation, it is beyond your control due to your lack of self-confidence in this particular issue. Find inner balance, learn to live in harmony with yourself.

3 - 6 Pentacles are inverted - you just have to wait until the difficult period passes. The future promises you spending money, and rash and unnecessary. Learn to be careful with money, plan your expenses. Be careful not to get caught in financial fraud.

If we consider this fortune-telling regarding the financial condition, then it can be done that a person has had some kind of financial loss or a difficult situation has occurred that required extra spending. Also, the Inverted Magician reports that in the past, a person did not have financial stability. Summing up - you need to learn how to handle money, otherwise everything will be very deplorable.


It consists of 4 cards. This layout can be used to obtain information about relationships, health, financial situation, professional activity. The layout can be performed both on the Major Arcana and on the minor ones. You can also use a full deck of 78 cards.

1 - a description of what is happening, the current situation, a transcript of the question.

2 - what not to do.

3 - ways of solving the situation.

4 - the development of the situation, if you use the recommendations of the cards.

Let's consider the interpretation of the "Cross" layout for different situations.

For example: a situation is a relationship. She wants to know how her relationship with Him is. Fortune-telling is done in the Major Arcana. Dropped Cards:

1 - Justice.

2 - The Hanged Man.

3 - Emperor.


1 - a description of the relationship - this is either an already registered marriage, or everything goes to this. The seriousness of the relationship and intentions. It is always worth remembering that everything secret sooner or later becomes apparent. Relationships can be more complicated than they first appear.

2 - what not to do - do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. The girl needs to find inner freedom.

3 - how the situation develops, what happens in the relationship - He is very significant for Her, influential, can serve as a patron. Stabilization of relations. You should not push such a person away. It's time to create something more.

4 - relations develop and have their logical continuation.

The result, which can be seen from the alignment: despite the presence of one negative card (the Hanged Man), the tendency in the relationship is positive, there is a development for the better, and there is stability in the situation.

For example: the situation of professional activity, how things are going at work. Fortune telling on the Major Arcana, the dropped cards are the same.

1 - description of the situation (Justice) - it is necessary to put things in order in their affairs, bring all documents to an appropriate state. Your professionalism, ability to negotiate and find a compromise with colleagues and partners, your responsibility and desire to do everything according to the rules can bring you a promotion. You are appreciated as a good employee.

2 - what not to do (The Hanged Man) - you should not put up with the circumstances, if you want to get a raise or increase in salary, it is worth taking action.

3 - how to solve the problem (Emperor) - you need to move forward, you may have to show firmness and authority.

4 - how everything will be resolved (Judgment) - you will find a way out of a difficult situation, get what you want. The main thing is to make an effort and not sit still.


There are some spreads that are used differently for women and men. This fortune-telling can be attributed to the prediction "Pyramid". For women, this is a layout for viewing the second half, viewing the likelihood of pregnancy or marriage. For men, such a scheme will tell about work, career and his professional activity in general.

That is, the same cards for a man and a woman will be interpreted in different ways. For a woman in terms of relationships, for a man in relation to work. There are 10 cards involved in the layout, which must be laid out according to the following scheme:

1 - a description of the current state of affairs that is now happening in a person's life.

2 - how events can develop.

3 - hints - what was hidden, left out, forgotten, not taken into account. All this can have a positive effect on the situation.

4 - the sphere of thoughts, what a person thinks, both about the current situation, and general thoughts that visit.

5 - the sphere of physical condition.

6 - the sphere of the emotional situation.

Positions 4, 5,6 are factors that can influence the situation.

7 and 8 - give advice on how to proceed, what actions to take in order to eliminate mistakes and misunderstandings.

9 and 10 - what should be avoided - these are your enemies and the negative component of the alignment.

A simpler version of the "Pyramid" layout, consisting of 4 cards. It can be used for any situation. Fortune-telling is mainly used to view personal relationships, or the relationship of two people (girlfriends, colleagues), or to view the relationship in a couple. Prediction can be carried out both on the selected Arcana and on a full deck.

1 - the general state of the fortuneteller, manners and behavior.

2 - features of behavior. The relation of the enigmatic person to the fortuneteller.

3 - the true state of the relationship. Matching comparison. This is what the fortuneteller wants, or the relationship has gone on an unplanned path.

4 - the perspective of the relationship, what is their future.

An example of the interpretation of the layout, the dropped cards:

1 - Jester (Fool).

2 - Knight of Cups.

3 - Empress.

4 - Justice.

1 - the state of the fortuneteller and his behavior - imprudence, doing stupid things, rash acts. Committing deeds or spoken phrases that the fortuneteller will later regret. Inconsistency of behavior between an adult and an adequate person, childishness, not taking what is happening seriously. A person can destroy existing relationships with his own hands. You should not place more responsibility on your partner than he can give, and more than you impose on yourself. Don't provoke your partner. Do not expect maturity and wisdom from a partner when you yourself are not able to give it. You should not demand seriousness if you are not ready for it or behave in an inappropriate manner.

2 - next to such a partner, you must always be on the lookout, be in good shape. The partner may have a desire to go to the left, so it is worthwhile to attract him to your side, to constantly interest and attract something like a magnet, you must have a riddle that he needs to solve. But, despite this, perhaps your partner is behaving towards you more dignified than you allow yourself. Why do you think that he should not flirt, but you can. Don't allow yourself more than your partner. Learn to be in equal positions.

3 - a description of a woman as a good housewife, mother and wife. A woman who is able to preserve the home, support and inspire her partner. But the romance is quietly leaving. But balanced feelings, love, stability come to this place. All this is more reliable and holds on more tightly than outbursts of emotions and violent manifestations of feelings. Perhaps a partner expects from his soul mate, maternal care and custody, is dependent on the home environment.

4 - restoration of justice and the search for who is right and who is wrong does not always end in peace. Perhaps all this can lead to collapse and division of property. This card suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems. Everything should be approached with rationality and prudence. Do not overdo it, you always need to look for that line and that moment at which you need to stop, so that you do not have to clean up the rubble later.

When interpreting the cards, it is necessary to look at their meaning for a specific situation, so that the forecast is more adequate and concerns only the question asked.

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